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Download Catalog Dematerialization of Beality by Kazi Salahuililin Ahmed nige.ithe.i) 6 r6 .m m€!reoa l0 0 Solo painting Exhibicion Kazi Salahuddin Ahmed 29 October- I I November, 2010 lageofihe.ltl 6 r;.n nxedmel. 100 !a.l .o!e inge 5 r 6 .n, r €d ned a l0 0 maee.fthe.t/ 6 t6 .n mxedmedr l0 0 [, mageofthe.l/ 6 t6 .n mxe,l edr 20 0 mageofthe.l/ 6 r6l .m mredmeda 20 0 mage.fthe.ty 6 x6 .m mxedmeda 20 0 mage 6lr6 .m mxedmeda 2010 (li 1001 : ll ton Ue I n3 !i.,1 er! lle I 8. ii AnA$o. aton orllatr shurg D,ll5^ l!01 : u,r.g rle+ Nalidtl 1u\cLm Dha[i 1002 : (hlri () erf (, nia, Lklo.lrpif rLrol ' s.i! Ar sr, ,lrtr in,l Crl e . A.lela de Aunral a La Ca hr r. 2001 A lan.e han.h sc, Drikr B r J Aciiem,v oiArts and CL turc, Ko kila nd r .1000 Art Konr! 1, New Lle h , n.l 3 So o Niinraturc Pr rt nt Fih,h, .i, A I a re rra..ane, Dhalta 1999 : Crllery2 , ll rak3 (azi Salahuddin Ahmed 1998 : To!r n Servr e Ce.lerr Katnnandu, Ncpa lL)(,1. Dhaka 8ar8 ddesh u.rn r Shajahan Art Li erf Nes l)e r , nd a 1197 , lid ai CulturalCcnlc Ci ler!,l)hdli 1986 : M55 ftrrratronalRel,rtrons, A I Jnce rranga se Dhrka Lrnivcrity o Dhaka, 8.rnB rdesh 1995 Za,ru Cr lery, nn lrne oiF ne Afts. Un lcE t.! oi Dhak.l solo Exhibilions 199.1 : La Gr lery, Dhaka 20r0 r La Calcry. Allan(e Frrnch \ede Dhaka 199.1 r\ ra..e FGn.hne. Dhaka 5h pangon Art ca cry, Dhrk. l98i : T5C. Un vels ty oi D raka, Bang adesh r B,r J A.a.lem).fArls and C!hure. Kolk.r1i, lnd. Nomad Art Callery. ls arnabad Piktrtan Lentre & Major Croup txhibilions 1009 : \atofa An Crllery, Colontro, Sr Lanka 2010 r 4thBeling lnt.rnatofi Artlienrrl,(hinn : Bcnga CalcryoihneArts, l)hrka, 8an8adesh l9!3 08:6lh lthAs anAn Biefnral BifS adcsh, 200/ Batrgladesh Callcry. Dcpuly H Bh Comm $ on or organ zed by Einghdesh Sr lpJkahA.adem!, Dha[a Bangladesh. Kolkata. lnd a l9r)l 05 : loth & l6lhNalori An r-xh,b,t.i, oGan 7ed, 2006 Nonad Centre & Ad Ga cry slamabad. Prk n.rn by Ba.g adenr Shipakala Acadcnr,v. Dhaka Canvrs Cr lery, Kara.rl, Pak stan Now 2005 : JchangrAdCal eryMlmbai. lnil a Ham a 2004 : 5$ An Asli) Aft Ca cry Lihore, Paknrn Las Vegas Ad Nlusc!m. Las !tgas, U5A 20i)1 r 5p la Iields Cal cry, London, UK 2001 01 r 8tr & 9th Arr M E lnternatofa An trh brlof, , La Callery. A I an.e Franch sc, Dhaka Nletropo,lan Arl ML,se!m, Tol.!., Japan 2001 r Orient Color and S )e n lakarta 0000 0 o.L|I i.,,. o,dB",,"Ll 2010 : n(ra Bang adesh An Canrp, /vliii.rtlrc A t lugo! i, l Or8aflzed by Bengal Fourdat f, Dhaka 25lh 2lth & lrtr r\nr \etrrr,v ntenrational 1999 : ndra Bafgladesh A tCdmp, orgafized by Ko kata Nardan hxlja Nln atureArt Sro$t NlASt. USA ., l9q5 :N1era Wo sho), Conducred by Suzaffe Benlof 2002 : 2nd Ei,"nn i olCoftempo a y Pa iing oithe at lf(itute ol i le Arts r anrc \ /or d.lehran, ran (pr-"sent y Fa.u ty olFineAftsl Un !e sity otDhaka I tr97-02 : 6-rth, 65tr & 661h N1 nlature Palnt€6 Scu ptures 1989 r A( Hislo v and AtApprec aton Course, . J1,,,. 6. o' .d.1 'o 'qr,.-' '\A Bang adesh shr pakala Academy Dhaki 1996 0l : l2th, l/th, 9th&2OthAnfuallu edMinlaturc Art Exh b tron, Loit 5 afd, UsA 2008 : Hoforab e Menaon ABard, l00l !2 : .llh & 5th lnternat ona EihlhtionolNlinat!,r l llh As an Art Ereina e, Dhaka, Eangladesh ,uxl5mal Picture5, S.\MAr France 2002 : -lonorable Mentior Ayr d,69tlr M n ature 2002 : l9th Annua Lake Os$eso lest va the Als Pa nters, ScL, plu es and Crover s Soc ety of .ter,ral,onal N,1ln ature An Show, USA Wash igton DC, LISA 2!01 : hL Contemporary You.g Anists Exh bilron, from 2000 : .iml Prize n Abstract and Suftea hm, .l5tr Ar i verary Bangladesh, Chuwa Cal ery, Crnza,Tokyo, lapa. lnernal ofa Miiiature A Show HASF USA Paper l\4l P ayhoLrse lnt€rnatofa MiniatreArt 1998 r Hororab e Nienilof Alvard, E\h bilion, Ny UsA 65tlr Nl niature Pa nleR, .1000 Conlemporary Aft irom Bangladesr i ScrJ ptures Ard Groverts Saciety ol Was Ingron Exh b rion if Ch na D', U5A o,'.ordB..8lalF...' ! o., \"r Del. t_ol 2r( Prze if Abfia.tA t and suirea rm, lStT(n,e l9'lll r IST Tone lnrFrnar ona nternatronalM n alureArt Exhibirron, EaiB ade5lr ilrifiarure An Eihiblrion, Dlraka 1997 : l5l Prize in AbstractArt, 12th C€oB a M nialure Ar1 fc, USA l0dr Painters Exh b rron fron Bafgladesh, 996 :4thPrze,l2thAni!a J!ried Miiiatlre A( osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoro,lapan tih b tion, Long h and, UsA 199t97, l(llh & l2th Ceo€la luinlatureArt nc, USA 995 I o rorable Me.t of Award, I l]th Ceorgia 1995 i 2rd Tone National r\4iniatLre ArtSoc ely ln., USA Mln aturcArt Conpet rron Dhaka Pres€nt position rFree anceA d c rr... \,1. I ,'oBor.,4o) UJiq idesh Sripakala A!ademy, Dlraka Studio | 42 Rrr La Das Lane,sham Bazaf, Dhaka ll00 r9E7 : V.lorl, Da! vl E\i h t or, organ zed hy Phone 88 02 7115126. Cel :0r552143583 Bafg a.esr Shr pakala A.adrmy, Dhaka ernii ksa@bo onlif€ .onr '( deDhaka 26 l.l lP!. Road Dhaimond Dhaka 205 BaiEadesh Ter +88 02 06 15 57 967 5219 Fa* +Sg 02 36 (,4 62.
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