
Eons ago, the alien race known as the experimented upon early man, imbuing some of them with the potential to manifest amazing abilities. These humans became THE .

In the modern day, the Inhumans—ruled by their king, , and queen, —used the mystery element TERRIGEN to unlock their abilities. But recently, after discovering it was poisoning the population, 0HGXVDPDGHWKHGLIğFXOWGHFLVLRQWRGHVWUR\WKH7HUULJHQPHDQLQJWKHUHZLOOQRZEHQRPRUHQHZ,QKXPDQV$VDUHVXOW she abdicated the throne—leaving the Inhumans without their Royals.

But if the Royal Family can no longer rule ...they can still save it. Boy, an explorer from another dimension, claims there is a secret buried in the remains of Hala, the Kree homeworld, that will provide a way forward for the race. So most of the Royal Family and a couple of new Inhumans have gone with Marvel Boy on a journey into space. But it has been foretold that seven will go on this quest and only six will return. And, with clumps of hair in her hands, Medusa just told everyone that she is dying…

ROYALS No. 2, June 2017. Published Monthly by MARVEL WORLDWIDE, INC., a subsidiary of , LLC. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 135 West 50th Street, New York, NY 10020. © 2017 MARVEL No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. $3.99 per copy in the U.S. (GST #R127032852) in the direct market; Canadian Agreement #40668537. Printed in the USA. DAN BUCKLEY, President, Marvel Entertainment; JOE QUESADA, Chief Creative Offi cer; TOM BREVOORT, SVP of Publishing; DAVID BOGART, SVP of Business Affairs & Operations, Publishing & Partnership; C.B. CEBULSKI, VP of Brand Management & Development, Asia; DAVID GABRIEL, SVP of Sales & Marketing, Publishing; JEFF YOUNGQUIST, VP of Production & Special Projects; DAN CARR, Executive Director of Publishing Technology; ALEX MORALES, Director of Publishing Operations; SUSAN CRESPI, Production Manager; , Chairman Emeritus. For information regarding advertising in or on Marvel.com, please contact Vit DeBellis, Integrated Sales Manager, at [email protected]. For Marvel subscription inquiries, please call 888-511-5480. Manufactured between 03/24/2017 and 04/04/2017 by LSC COMMUNICATIONS INC., GLASGOW, KY, USA. BLACK BOLT MEDUSA Husband of Medusa. Wife of Black Bolt. Her hair His slightest word will is stronger than steel—and shatter mountains. entirely under her control.

CRYSTAL SWAIN Sister of Medusa. She Cousin of Black Bolt. A new Inhuman. She has total control over air, One stomp of his hooves can push emotions and HDUWKğUHDQGZDWHU makes the earth tremble. opinions in her favor.

MARVEL BOY FLINT Kree explorer from another A new Inhuman. Rock and dimension. Engineered with insect stone obey his thoughts— traits for combat superiority. the bigger, the better.