Sustainable wellbeing and Inclusion Social resource management Visionary infrastructure Visionary Good Governance Economic vitality Cultural Vibrancy Tablelands Community Plan 2021 Unique Communities Working Together “Valuing our natural and cultural heritage the unique communities of the Tablelands work together to create a vibrant, sustainable, inclusive and prosperous region” This document was developed by the Tablelands Regional Council. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, and the rights explicitly granted below, all rights are reserved. You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, as long as you attribute the authors. Except where otherwise noted, any reference to, reuse or distribution of all or part of this work must include the following attribution: Tablelands Community Plan 2021. Licence: This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 2.5 Australia licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get our permission. Requests for permission should be addressed in the first instance to the Corporate and Community Planning Section: Glenys Pilat T: 4043 4110 E:
[email protected] Joy Wii T: 4043 4115 E:
[email protected] Anne Cunningham-Reid T: 4043 4118 E:
[email protected] Cover photos from the community Some images used in this document were selected from the TRC Faces and Places competitions (2010 and 2011) to reflect our communities. Acknowledgement of Traditional Owner Groups We acknowledge the Traditional Owner groups of country across the Tablelands Regional Council area.