VVISISIONIONFallSS 2007 Annual Report COE-BROWN NORTHWOOD ACADEMY There Are 700 Good Reasons to Support Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s Annual Fund Here are some of them... Your gift to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s Annual Fund directly benefits the students at CBNA. This year’s Annual Fund will support the purchase of a mobile computer cart for the Academy. These carts are designed to bring technology right into the classroom with laptop computers that can be easily distributed then packed up again and moved on to the next classroom. Our fundraising goal for this year is $35,000 and the Annual Fund closes June 30, 2008. Your gift truly helps! Online Giving is Here! You can now make your tax deductible donation to CBNA via our secure web site using your MasterCard or Visa. Visit www.coebrownacademy.com and look for the Make a Donation button on the home page. Follow the easy-to-use instructions and even create a profile to make future donations a snap! Questions? E-mail
[email protected] or call You can make a difference! 603-942-5531, ext. 186. COE-BROWN NORTHWOOD ACADEMY 907 First New Hampshire Turnpike Northwood, New Hampshire 03261 603-942-5531 VISIONS VOL. 11 Vidimus, Videmus & Videbimus THE PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE www.coebrownacademy.com Headmaster: David S. Smith Assistant Headmaster: Paul W. Davis, Jr. Front row, left to right: Judith Sanderson, Duane Ford, President James Colburn, J.B. Cullen and B. Lee Mason. Back BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2007-2008: row, left to right: Bunny Behm, Robert Bailey, James Grant, Stuart Mitchell IV, Sheri DeTrude and Roberta Stearns.