Teachers College –

Applications are available online in mid-September and due by early December www.ouac.on.ca/teas

Brock Faculty of Education Faculty of Education www.brocku.ca/fed www.education.uottawa.ca

Lakehead University University of Faculty of Education Ontario Institute for Studies in Education http://education.lakeheadu.ca/ www.oise.utoronto.ca Note: This is a graduate level teacher education program

Laurentian University University of Western Ontario School of Education Faculty of Education https://laurentian.ca/program/education www.edu.uwo.ca

Nipissing University Faculty of Education Faculty of Education www.nipissingu.ca/education http://www.uwindsor.ca/education/

Queen’s University Wilfred Laurier University Faculty of Education Faculty of Education www.educ.queensu.ca https://www.wlu.ca/academics/faculties/faculty-of- education/index.html

Trent University School of Education Faculty of Education www.trentu.ca/education www.edu.yorku.ca

University of Ontario Institute of Technology School of Education www.education.uoit.ca

Private Colleges

Tyndale University College Redeemer University College www.tyndale.ca/education https://www.redeemer.ca/programs/education/

Relevant Websites

 Canadian Teachers’ Federation: www.ctf-fce.ca  Education : www.educationcanada.com  Ontario College of Teachers: www.oct.ca  Ontario Ministry of Training & Education: www.edu.gov.on.ca  Apply to Education: http://www.applytoeducation.com/

FAQ – Teacher’s College

Below is some general information to help you with your applications for Teachers College. You should contact the Teacher’s College directly if you have specific questions regarding the application process.

What grade do I want to teach?  Primary/Junior (Junior Kindergarten-Grade 6) o You are not required to select a specific teaching subject  Junior/Intermediate (Grade 4-10) o You are required to select 1 teaching subject  Intermediate/Senior (Grade 7-12) o You are required to select 2 teaching subjects *Please note that not all teachers colleges offer the same teachable subjects or grade level qualifications

How many units do I need for a teachable subject?  At the Junior/Intermediate level, you will generally need 18-24 units in 1 teaching subject (generally a minimum of 6 units being level 2 or above)  At the Intermediate/Senior level, you will generally need 30-36 units in 1 teaching subject (generally a minimum of 6 units being level 2 or above), and 18-24 units in a second teaching subject (generally a minimum of 3 units being level 2 or above)  For specific requirements please refer to http://www.ouac.on.ca/teas/teas-schools/

When should I apply?  Applications open in mid-September and the last day to apply is near the end of November

What do I need to do to be a competitive candidate?

 Complete all required courses to achieve your teachable subjects  Maintain an overall average above the minimum B+  Junior/Intermediate: Gain volunteer or work experience with the age group you want to teach  Intermediate/Senior: Gain experience in your teaching subjects  Effectively convey your experiences/ skills through your Experience Profile

What if I have a Life Science Degree?

 Consult each school’s section in the TEAS information handbook for a list of teachable subjects offered and the requirements to qualify  You will be required to complete a concentration of courses in one or two disciplines to teach at the Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior level

NEW: September 2015

There are changes coming to Teacher Education Programs in September 2015. These changes include:  Cutting number of students allowed to enroll from 9000 to 4500  Increasing the length of the degree from one year to two years  Increasing the length of classroom placements from a min of 40 days, to a min of 80 days including an enhanced focus in areas such as, special education, how to teach using technology, and diversity