THAT ARE NOT COLULUITOUS009909404B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 909 ,404 B2 Hwang et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent : Mar . 6 , 2018

(54 ) METHOD TO CONSOLIDATE SOLID (58 ) Field of Classification Search MATERIALS DURING SUBTERRANEAN CPC . CO9K 8 / 56 ; CO9K 8 /506 ; CO9K 8 /68 ; COOK TREATMENT OPERATIONS 8 / 80 ; CO9K 8 /805 ; CO9K 2208 /08 ; E21B (71 ) Applicant: Lubrizol Oilfield Solutions, Inc ., 43/ 025 ; E21B 43/ 267 Wickliffe , OH (US ) (Continued ) (72 ) Inventors : Chih -Chau Hwang , Houston , TX (US ); (56 ) References Cited Rajesh K . Saini, Houston , TX (US ) ; Leonid Vigderman , Houston , TX (US ) ; U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS Duane Treybig , Houston , TX (US ) ; Clayton S . Smith , Houston , TX (US ) ; 2 , 196 ,042 A 4 /1940 Timpson ...... 23 / 11 Mathew M . Samuel, Houston , TX 2 , 390 , 153 A 12 / 1945 Kern ...... 260 / 72 (US ) ; Kern L . Smith , Houston , TX ( Continued ) ( US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS @( 73 ) Assignee : The Lubrizol Corporation , Wickliffe , CA 2125513 1 / 1995 OH (US ) DE 4027300 5 / 1992 ...... B01D 53/ 14 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this ( Continued ) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner — Aiqun Li U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 122 days. (74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Christopher P . Demas ; (21 ) Appl . No. : 14/ 546 , 288 Teresan W . Gilbert (22 ) Filed : Nov . 18 , 2014 (57 ) ABSTRACT Compositions include ( 1 ) aggregating compositions capable @(65 ) Prior Publication Data of forming deformable partial or complete coatings on US 2015 /0068747 A1 Mar. 12, 2015 formation surfaces , formation particle surfaces, downhole fluid solid surfaces, and /or proppant surfaces, where the Related U .S . Application Data coatings increase aggregation and /or agglomeration propen (63 ) Continuation - in -part of application No. 12 /690 ,292 , sities of the particles and surfaces to form particles clusters filed on Jan . 20 , 2010 , now Pat. No. 8 , 950 , 493, and a or pillars having deformable coatings, and (2 ) aggregation ( Continued ) stabilizing and / or strengthening compositions capable of altering properties of the coated clusters or pillars to form (51 ) Int. Cl. consolidated , stabilized , and / or strengthened clusters or pil C09K 8 /528 ( 2006 .01 ) lars . Methods for stabilizing aggregated particle clusters or E21B 43/ 267 ( 2006 .01 ) pillars include ( 1 ) treating the particles with an aggregating ( Continued ) composition to form aggregated clusters or pillars and ( 2 ) ( 52 ) U .S . CI. treating the aggregated particle clusters or pillars with a ??? ...... E21B 43/ 267 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C09K 8 /685 stabilizing or strengthening composition to form consoli (2013 .01 ) ; C09K 8 / 70 (2013 .01 ) ; COOK 8 /80 dated , stabilized , and /or strengthened clusters or pillars . ( 2013 .01 ) ; ( Continued ) 26 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets

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