1. Call 10 order 2. Minules, Regular Council Meeting February 26, 2001 3. Sylvan Lake Lions Club: Ken Van Dewark in attendance re: Lions Park 4. Sylvan Lake Parking Study: Friends of Sylvan Lake Provincial Park in attendance (separate package provided and additional infonnation to be available at meeting) 5. Sylvan Lake Heart ofTown Association: Appoinnnent ofBRZ Members for 2001 6. Donna Tims: correspondence received regarding "Cat Bylaw" 7. MPC Report to Council: Recreation Cabin Raftle building permit fees 8. National Kids Day: request for proclamation ofJune 9, 2001 as National Kids Day 9. Seniors Advisory Council: request for proclamation ofJune 3-9, 2001 as Senior Citizens Week; (full planning events booklet available in office); invitation to participate in "Creative Event Contest" 10. Public Library: "The Image ofthe Librarian in Contemporary Culture" questionairre 11. The Sun: invitation to participate in "Rural Alberta - Past, Present and Future" campaign Ie 12. Discover Sylvan Lake 2001 promotion 13. Information Items 14. Reports & Inquiries 15. Monthly Statement: month ending January 31, 2001 16. Town Accounts (cheque numbers 34701 - 34797) 17. Adjourn


March: 13 Recreation Board

14 Fox RunIMother Teresa School Grand Opening

19 Sylvan Lake Outreach School Open House

19 200I Budget Meeting

21 MPC

22 Subdivision and Development Appeal Board: Ross front yard relaxation REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY FEBRUARY 26,2001 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE 7:00P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS


Also Present: Town Manager L. Wack; Assistant Town Manager R. Maclntosh; Development Officer A. Gamble; Publio Works Superintendent J. MoAIister; Recording S_ J. Kurylo.

Call to order: Mayor D. Bell called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.rn.

Minutes: Regular Council meeting ofFebruary 12, 2001.

MOVED by Cir. G. Knutson that the minutes of Fei>nulry 12, 2001 be approved as preoemcd.


Sylvm Lake Municipal Librllry; Coffee Bar and L .... Agreement; File #0150-301LIB: Council received a request from Librarian Alice Swabcy for permisaion to enter into a Lease Agreement with Vicki Xokol to operate "Legends Coffi:c and Smo<>tbie B.r" on Library premises.

Cir. B. Lambertson .poke to this issue aod advised tba1 both the Library Board and Administration are satisfied with the proposal.

MOVED by Cle. B. Lambertson to approve the Lease Agreement with the coffee shop.


Community and Social Development Advisory Boud; Family WeIln... InitiJltive; File #02QO-20/CSD: Marlene Curtis, Director, and Richard Morrow, Chairman inatteodance to discuss the Family WeIln... hUtilllive and requOot additiocal Jimding in the amount of$53,075.oo.

Richard Morrow advised that there arc a number of programs that are in need of Jimding inoIuding:

1. Volunteer Center: the Center has Jimding ~ fur the past six months and there may be aneed to contiJwe,

2. FlIIDily Wellness Worker: implementing three workers would cost the Town :S21,074.00. Family We!lness Workers function primarily in preventative stag.. for cbildren and Dunilics. The focus is on early intervention. It W8l!I noted that there is currently only one worlo:r that is fimdcd _y by Chinooks Edge Scimol Division aod is being .bared between Steffie Wolma and CP Blakely ocitools. It was further noted that the Towns' needs have increased due primarily to population growth and three full time worlrcrs is reasonable.

It wu noted that the Town contributed 520,000.00 in last years' bud~ and received approximately $200,000.00 worth ofservices.

Discussion W8.l!I heard as to the 'role of the Province. It was IlCted that the Province does provide funding for social programs through Children's Services which includes Family and Community suppan Scrvlces and CbiId and Family ScrYi= Authorities.

MOVED by Cir. G. Knutson that thi. matter be reterred to 1Judllct deIiberotinns.


Sylvm Lake Aquatics CeIlIer; Design and Budget CommeiJls; F>1e#286D-20/AQU: Council received a memo from Mayor D. Bell addressing his concerns for the Aquatics Center. Of primary concern is the limited deck. space and the constroetion material of Page 2 of5 MONDAY FEBRUARY 26, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:00P.M TOWN OF SYLVANLAKE COUNCIL CHAMBERS

the exterior. Staled that he wooId like to see _tiona! fund, committed. Requested comment, from Council regarding the design and budget.

CJr. B. Stooe inquired ,boot the bouse located adjaoent to !he Aquatics Center Janda and expressed concern for public input and plamUng bssed o. that input. Questiooed whether or not the design of the 9001 will suit the marketplace. Suggested thet a questionnain: be smt.

elr. 1. W1lson--DoWD spoke to the issue of public input. Stated that the comments received from !he Open Hooses that have been held indlcate that people WIUlt the center buih now ("just do it and build it"). Furlher questioned _tional methods of receiving public input Stated that there have been DW1'letOW opportunities for the public to voice their opinions lIDd concerns.

CIr. I. Wilson-Down addressed the issue of budget. Staled that the Committee has presented • well thougln out plan fur the Center bssed o. the budget allotted. The design is based on current and prior Council direction and budgetary limitations. Further stated that the Committee and Administration is to be commended fur an excellent job.

It was agreed that. Council will receive pricing regarding optional features including alternative exterior construction material and increased deck. size.

MOVED by CIT. G. Knutson to refer this matter to the R.ecreaiion Board.


FoxRun Phases 11, 13A, 13B, 15; Street names; Fde # 2680-70/01 &/00: Council received a proposal for street names from Keith Bickerton, Director fur the Devdoper ofFox Run (715188 Alberta Ltd.).

Devdopment Ollicer A Gamble sdvised that 1008 tenn Fieldstooe Landin8 will progress toward, the tight. Ad~ that tl1is has been addressed by the Town', _. Recommooded that the lUlIllCS be forwarded to CsmuIe Post siler the Publio Hearings have been held fur appropriate rezoning.

MOVED by CJr. I. Wl!son-J)own to approve lbe Street ruunes in aooordaoce with staff recommendations.


Thevenaz lntIustriaI Subdivision; Cuendet Indostrial Way; File #3458-39-01: Council received a request from Spartek: Systems for Council to reconsider the street name "Cuendet Industrial Way". Of primary concern is the difficutty in pronouncing the current name. Proposing that the name be changed to "Spartek: Way".

Discussion was heard as to setting precedems for street naming. It was noted that street I18IIleS are not typically chosen by the businesses that operate on them... It was further noted that agreeing to the proposed would cause potential problems with competing businesaes on the same street.

MOVED by eIr. T. Parks to receive this as infotmation and recommeod that Spartek Systems discus, this matter directly with the Developer in !be hopes of llnding a compromise.



Public WQrks~ Transfer Site Contract; Fde #0150-601'I'RA Council received a request from Superintendent ofPublic Works 1. McAlister to renew the Transfer Site Contract for an additional two yeats. Advised that the revisions have not boon negotiated, they are changes allowed under the current contract.

Clr. T. Parks spoke to this issue. Advised that they arc looking toward lacs term .c.ianges. The committee recommends extending the wrrent contract.

MOVED by elr. B. Stone to extend the contract in accordance with the recommeodation> ofstaff.


Royal Canadian Legioo Branch 212; 1913 Days; Fl1e #018Q..20IROY: Council received a request to waive the rental fee of the ColIlIIlUIlity Cenr:er for the Talent Show to be held inJune 2001.

Discussion was heard as to jurtsdiction. The Facility Agreement Committee: has difficulty waiving the tee because doing so sets a precedent for other organizations. Historically, Council bas paid the reatal cost for this function.

MOVED by Or. T Parks tIlB1 Council pay the =uI cost oftbe Community C...... for the Talent Sbow.


Sylvan Lake Cbamber of Commen:e; 2001 Budget; File #0180-20/CHA: Couocil received a. copy ofthe Budget for 2001 and a request for additional funds.

Paul DeHaan was in attendance to speak: to this issue. They are requesting an increase in funds to $40,000.00 (from $20,000 1ast year). Stated tIlB1 they will be making a donation towards the Recreatioo Center in the amount ofSS,OOO.OO.. Gnmts may also include the "Light up the Park C_aign" and in addition, the Cbamber plans 00 iDaeasing advertising. Or. J. Woloon-Down advi!ed that the Province baa denied the Rotary Club their request for the "Light up tile Park Campoign".

Commeuta were hcm'd as to "overlapping" offimds in that the Town would be allotting money to the Chamber who would then grant a portion of it back to the Recreation Facilities. Mr. DeHaan advised that the donarion in question would demonstrate the "'Ppon ofthe Chamber fur the _ ...

MOVED by CJr. G. Knutson tbat this matter be _ to budget.


Alberta School Boards Association; evaIua1ion ofrole; File #0200·20IYOU; Council was presented with a request to evaluate the role of the School Board in

-MOVED by Clr. B. Dyrland to refer this matter to the Youth Support Services Advisory Board.


Infurmation Items: Mayor D. Bell asked ifthere were information items to be discussed.


sytvan I aM Qamber ofCommme; She and Shipe· Request for Town parking lot closure on Augusl26, 2001.

MOVED by Clr. T. parks to approve tho request.

Town ofLasombe; contnDqtiou8 to Red»eer coOm; It was noted that the Town of Laoombo bus dCIlleel the _ for fund. fur Rod Door College lnfunnatioo Commons.

Mapbo9k; Guide and BgUpm DIrectory; imilation to adyertjpe; It was noted that the Town does the Economic Development materials fur the Town while the Chamber ofCommercc is responsible for marketing.

¥CM; Member Adyjtory; Q.TC dM,ion op Rightt-of-Way; Discussion was hoard regarding the LeglII Defeore Fund (requesting 0.03 per capita).

Remaining Infonnation Items:

1. Public Works Foreman John Watson: wage discussions 2. Utility Committee Meeling Minutes ofFebruary 6, 2001 3. Sylvan Lake Fire Departmout: report fur JIIIWlrJ', 2001 4. Invitation to Sandalways CotnmUllities Open House February 28, 2001: Hewlett Park proposed Adult Mobile lfume rezoning 5. Invitation to Fox RunIMn!her Teresa School Grand OpeningMmcil14, 2001 6. Sylvan Bay Resort: correspondence from Boar Development Col]l. to Alberta Environment re: Erosion Protection &: Bank Stabilization 7. Alberta Senior CitiwIs' Housing Association: Sylvan Ulke Lodge Review 8. Telus Community Innovation Fund: Grant awarded to CAEP 9. Battle River Tourist Association: closure ofCamrose office 10. Alberta Municipol Affairs: _ gas rebates for nnmicipallties 11. AUMA: Survey ofPolitical PsrtI.. 12. CAEP: NewslcltOr Wmtor2oo1 13. AAMD&C: Contactl New~ottor ofFebruary 7, 2001 14. FCM: News Release: Throne Speech 15. Prime Minister: Throne Speech; full document available in office

MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson to accept the remaining infurmation items. as presented.



1. Polar Dip' great BUceess, very well run. Stated that thanks should be given to tbe Fke Department and Community and Social Programs for the bus.


1. -A!bena InfrllltrUctnre Goor Staft'bus applied for three project. onder tho Grant. A resolution of support is required from Council prior to the applicaticms being processed.

MOVED by Clr. T. Parks that CouncIl approve the tbree appucanono for the Infrastructure Canada-Alberta Grant as !OlIows:

1. Construction ofWest side collector road Total Cost $663, 400.00 2. Upgrading ofexisting arena Total Coat $42, 800.00 3. Upgr1lding ofexisting rink Total Cost $107, 000.00. CARRIED


2. Fox Run Rozoging Phase 13A & B' The Publli: hearing was set for March 12, 2001. Advertixmcnt ofthe bcoring will be in the March 7 & 14'", 2001 editions ofthe Sylvan Lake News.

MOVED by Cir. B. Lambertson to change the Public Hcoring to March 26", 2001.


3. Budget Meeting· Previously scheduled for March OStll, 2001; requesting meeting be held March 19'".

MOVED by Clr. B. Stoneto approve the request.



1. ReDm:ts.: suggested that the "Reports" section of the agenda be amended to include "Inquiries".

Town Accounts: Council was presented with a list ofTown .Accounts payable and cheques to be issued (#34585 - 34700).

MOVED by Clr. J. Wuson-Down to approve the Town Aocowrts for payment as preoented. Ie CARRIED OtherAc<:ounts: Council was presented with the other accounts of Knutson'a Ambulance (#34648 $7,907.39) and Sylvan Lake Value Drug Man (#34691 $285.37).

MOVED by C1r. B. Lambertson that the Other Accowrt, be opproved for payment as preoented.

CARRIED Cir. G. Knut80D abstained Cir. T. Parl

Adjourn.: MOVED by Or. B. Stone that the meeting be adjourned. TIME: 8:20 p.rn.


Mayor Doug Boll

Town Manager L. Wack




MOVED by Cir. T. Parks that COIDlci! approve the three applications for the Infrastructure Canada-Alberta Grant as follows;

1. Construction ofWest side collector road

Total Cost $663, 400.00

2. Upgrading ofexisting arena

Total Cost $42, 800.00

3. Upgrading ofexisting curling rink

Total Cost $107,000.00


/// //e;t::::::./ . -

2 System: 01102122 1l:40:08 AM Town Of Sylvan Lake Page: 1 User Jate: 01102122 VENDOR C"EQUE REGISTER REPDRT User lD: CHERYL Payab 1es Management

Ranges: From: To: From: To: Cheaue~umber 34585 3mD Cheque Date ~irst Last Vendor lD ~irst Last F~ r~t Vendor ~ame First Last


* V"de1 Cheques

Cheque Nurmer Vendor lD Vendor Cheque Name (,eque Dote Amount ------~ ------~. ------~ ------_. ------_. ------_.. ~ ..------~ ------_.. ~. ---- 34585 DD09 3LUE CROSS Dl/D2/14 11.716.34 34586 1D46 CANWES, PROPANE DlID1/14 1367.91 34587 0767 EPCOR ENERGY SERVICES (IIBI INC 01/01/14 $5.133.83 34588 0118 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CINADA Dl/D2/14 110.370.96 34589 0573 RCW. KELLY 01/01/14 125.50 34590 1042 SYLVAN LAKE BAKERY 01102114 167. 80 34591 1734 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 01101/14 l1367B 34592 1748 TELUS MOBILITY INC. 01101/14 170112 34593 0121 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE . PAYROLL 01102/14 141.086.34 34594 0063 A.E. PLUMBING 01101/17 13D9.92 34595 1060 ACKLANOS . GRAUIiER iNC. 01101/27 120.78 34596 0679 AIR LIOUIOE CANACA INC. 01102/27 $l0.61 34597 0122 ALBERTA ATTORNEY GENERAL 01101/27 123.00 3459B 0450 ALBERTA ONE-CALL CORPORATION 01102/27 14815 34599 145B ALSCO LINEV & UNIFORM SERVICE 01102/17 130.88 34600 0322 ANDERSON PREECE & ASSOC. INC. 01102/27 1240.75 34601 0109 ANDERSON. OOIlG 01102/27 157.09 34601 0189 ARLEY'S/ROCKY TRANSPORT 01102/17 1528.05 34603 2335 B& B TIRE & EXHAUST 01/02/17 1172.81 34604 1841 BADGER. ALlAN 01102/27 181.46 34605 2074 8ASIIAi NEIGCBORIl:JOO PLACE 01/02/27 190.00 34606 0018 8LI NKHORN. WES 01/02/27 140.00 34607 0416 BLUE SMOKE fIREIKJRKS LTD. 01/02/27 13.702 60 3460B 2137 BOLT SUPPLY HOUSE LTD.. THE 01/02/27 1134.95 34609 0539 8OWERS, KEN 01/02/27 181.66 34610 1747 8RANOT TRACTOR LTD. 01102/27 $310.39 34611 2048 8RINKHURS'. KEN 01/02/27 171.71 34612 2915 BURNT LAKE GAS CO·OP LTD. 01/02/27 197.85 34613 l1B5 CALGARY HERALD 01102/27 11.353.59 34614 0129 CANADIAN LINEN & UNIFORM SERV. 01101/27 1379.41 34615 0068 CANACIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CO. 01101/27 1208.13 34616 0293 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE 01/01/27 1438.01 34617 :971 CANADIAN WASTE SERV ICES INC. 01101/27 1292.62 34618 :396 CAP iTAL ENVIRONMENTAL AB INC. 01101/27 15.914.39 34619 1489 CELLULAR CENTRAL Lm. Di/D1/27 117548 34610 1867 AWARDS 01/02/27 117334 34611 0159 C~I\FMAN mBEEK 01/02/17 15D95D 34621 1009 COMMUNICATIONS GROUP RED om 01/02/27 $83.46 34613 1448 CRYSTAL CLEAN LAUNOROMAT 01/02/27 130.75 34614 1841 DAHL. BONNIE 01101127 140.96 34615 'l5D6 DIGITEK ClID1/27 11.309.56 34626 mo ORAIN DOCTOR INC. 01102/27 1337.05 34627 3465 ORANSflELD iNSPECTION SERVICES 01102/17 11.996.00 34628 0390 EBSCO CANADA LTD. 01/02/17 11.339.73 34619 1413 m'lllNTON 2001 WORLO CHAMPION. 01/02/27 S230. DO 34630 1186 EIlMONTON JOURNAL 01/02/27 1795.44 34631 0942 ELHAC AUTO ELECnUC LTD. 01/02/27 1133.21 34631 0845 FASTEMAL CANADA COMPANY 01102/27 168 .81 34633 0731 FINN HOLDINGS (19B51 LTD. 01/01/27 12.023.59 34634 2860 FLETC,ER PRINTING CD. LTO. 01101/17 $251.45 34635 1477 FLIKKEMA. TRAVIS 01101/17 $200.00 34636 1809 G& C ENSMINGER 01/01/17 184 .50 34637 0840 GAILLOUX. STEVE 01102/17 lIDD.OO 34638 3179 GREAT CMADLIN DOLcAR STORE 01/02/27 190.68 34639 3114 GREYHOUNO COURIER EXPRESS 01/02/17 139.63 34640 2012 HI>IIILTON. SCOTT 01102/27 1100. DO 3464i 0222 HI>IIMER EQUiPMENT SALES LTD. 01102/27 12.080.35 34641 2148 HART. GORDON 01102/27 149.40 34643 0406 :TT FLYGT 01101/27 11.812.48 34644 0026 ;OHWS LOCK & KEY 01101/17 154.57 34645 2208 KAL nRE 01101/17 179.81 34646 1596 OIIiSTON .CMBERLEY 01102/27 130.52 34647 0640 KIP' SCOTT PCNnC BUI« LTD Oli02/27 l81.49 _.-34648 0082 KNU'SON 'S .I>IIBULINCE 01/02/27 17.90739 "'!< ·'34649--· 1974 KYLLO. DAVE O~i02/27 151.03 • .2 System: 01102/21 11:40:08 AM To", Of Sylvan Lake Page: 2 User Date: 01102122 VENDOR cr.EQUE REGiSTER REPORT User ID: CHERYL Payab 1es Mana9ement

* Voided Cheques

Cheque Numb~r Vendor ID Vendor Cheque Name Cheque Date /lmaunt ------.--_. ---" ------_. - _. -_. - _...---.------_. ------_. --- - -_ ..------_..- --- _.------.-_ ..------34650 0315 LAKE cm SERVICES liMITED 01/02127 S10.70 34651 0657 lJIII8ERTSON. BRYAN 01/02127 1888.10 34652 2034 LEnR. KENNETH 01/02127 ll08.40 34653 1047 LONDON DRL~S il24 01/01/17 132.06 34654 ,332 MAc:NTOSH. RAY 01/02127 19.99 34655 2958 MACTAVISH PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 01/02127 11.214.99 34656 010B MAACHANO. RHCNDA 01/02127 144.51 3'657 1784 MAYO'S DRi\lALL Lm. 01/02127 19.89750 34656 2064 Ml-KELL HctlES 01/02127 5802.50 34659 0091 NORTIj wEST MCT~S (RED DEER) L 01/02127 540.96 34660 1008 PARKL'IlD COMMUNiTY PL'IlNING SE 01/02127 12.691.52 34661 2714 PARKL'IlD LINEN 01/02127 125.68 34662 0655 PARKL'IlO REGIONAL LI3RARY 01/02/17 1193.64 34663 2223 PATTE

2 September 25, 2000

Mayor Doug Bell

Town ofSylvan Lake 4926-50"'. Ave., Sylvan Lake, Alberta, T4S IAI

Re Lions Park and it's condition:

Dear Mayor Bell:

In the spring ofthis year, the Lions club of Sylvan Lake made protested to the town regarding the state ofthe cleanliness ofthe Lion's park, an agreement the town undertook when the park was built. Very little was done over the summer IIlOnths and we are in a position ofgreat concern over the image this mess is portraying to the Lions' name.

The Lions did a great deal of painting, installing benches and repairing equipment in the spring only to see the cleanliness ofthe park and toilets left in a terrible state throughout the summer.

Lion Cannan Grayson ofthe Sylvan Lake Lions Club is prepared to attend one of your council meetings to discuss this issue further to see ifthere is not some understanding that can be reached. At your convenience, you can reach Carman at 887-4098.

The general feeling as I expressed in my last letter is that the Lions name cannot be associated with a public disgrace. Ifthe matter cannot be corrected, we would be forced to withdraw our support and name from this project. That would be a big loss to both the town ofSylvan Lake and the Lions as this has been a worthwhile venture over many years. Yours,sin~er~ I .. -,/ if ,.;<".,.cA'I'J .1£'.1,. L.A' ,. h ," ji£'"]1/' # ~.i-~ :;.<:·"v~· (,.J' .,.'J ...... Ken Van Dewark Secretary, Sylvan Lake and District Lions Club Page 2 of4 MONDAY JUNE 26, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:00PM. TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE COUNCIL CHAMBERS J. Wilson-Down Sponsorsbip Prognm: Town Manager Lyle Wack advised thatthe Recreation Department is not prepared to make the: application for the Sponsorship Grant. The Town is-able to make two applications UDder this grant: I. RegiDnal Sower Study (,"",lldy approved by cDllDcil); and 2. Local

The grant docs not require any marching dollars and the Town can obtain up to $80,000.00 to put towards an ambulance as a: back up Wlit I MOVED by elr. J. Wilson-Down that the Town apply for the grant CARRIED

Knwson's Ambulance Financial Statements: GIr. G. Knutson pointed outthat the bad debt is down to 200;;. (ftom 25% last y~). .

Infonnation .Items Alice Ross & Donna Lawrence -letters regarding proposed railway crossing PCPS Aooual Report Volunteer Association Minutes June 14.2000 BP Amoco Open Howe FCM Technology in Government Week Alberta Uberal CaUCllg - Protect Alberta's Drinking Water David Thompson Health Region. Newslecrer AUMA Worksbop -Information feedback VoId Audio - Letter ofThanks ChiefDepartment ofEmergency Medicine -.Ambulance Diversion Volunteer Association, Minutes ofMay la, 2000 Meeting TnmsAlta Utilities, Newsletter

MOVED by Clr. B. Lambertson that the Infonnation Items be accepted.


REPORTS GIr. T. Parks reported: Stop sign at 47lb Avenue and Westview Drivo ne