SPARTAN FOOTBALL NOTEBOOK 'BOO HOO CENTURY IN THE Students weigh options L21stDIGITAL BOY RED between studying or ., Poor technology in the ZONE trick-or-treating this Halloween ' 'Silicon Valley black hole' SPORTS 7 A&E 4 OPINION 2

VOLUME 119,NUMBER 45 SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPA TAN DAILY WWW.THESPARTANDAILY.COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2002 SJSU moms seek changes UPD radar picking up on false theft reports thefts, and they are taken seriously, he Higher demand leading said. to increase in reports "The students can expect some sort of sanction from the university via the ofpermit theft Office of Student Judicial Affairs," he said. If the criminal justice system does By Therese Bratberg not get involved, Lowe said the conse- Daily Staff Writer quences can be suspension, expulsion or community service through judicial When it comes to missing permits, affairs. theft is not the only parking problem "It can talce a number of different the University Police Department has ang,les," he said. to deal with. Anna Palileo, a freshman majoring UPD suspects some students have in nursing, said she thinlcs more per- falsely reported their permits stolen or mits are getting stolen because of lost in order to give them to a friend, increased prices. and then buying a replacement permit "We pay $115, and we're not even for only S10. guaranteed a spot," she said. Last weelc, seven parlcing permits Parking problems have been getting were reported lost or stolen, and five worse with more cars and perrrut reports were taken for people in pos- prices suddenly increasing from S81 session of a permit reported lost or to S115 without notice, some students stolen, according to UPD. said. Seven of last week's incidents "I come from work at 5:30 p.m., and occurred in the 10th Street garage, but I have to drive around for 15 minutes some were also just to find a reported from parking space or the Fourth and just to wait for Seventh Street "Permits ha- ve someone," garages. Pahleo said. 4. Capt. Bruce always been a hot "They shotdd Lowe said the lower the rite." PHOTOS BY RYAN BALBUENA DAILY STAFF police are not item. But this year, As of Friday Karen Unthank, a senior majoring in child development, plays with 11 -month-old Jaelle Fan before the start of the study break meeting always able to Oct. 25, 24 per- Wednesday with Mothers On a Mission and President Robert Caret. detect whether because it is more mits have been someone's permit reported "There are times when we hive to park on one stolen, WU actually stolen Parental organization of the top floors of the Seventh or Fourth Street expensive, it is a according to or if the permit UPD. garages, and as you lcnow there are no elevators or was falsely report- took case to Caret ramps," Jackson said. "Well, hotter item." Whether per- not only do we have ed stolen to give to get ourselves down the stairs, but we are carry- mits are stolen By Anne Ward ing our babies, a stroller, a diaper bag and a back- to someone else. Capt. Bruce Lowe, by forcible Dally Staff Writer pack." Lowe said the entries of cars or M.O.M. came prepared with suggestions to number of stolen UPD people forget to Mothers on a Mission met with President alleviate their obstacles. parking permits lock their vehi- Robert Caret Wednesday in a "Study Break" to "We realize you can't just throw up an elevator," has increased cles, students discuss their concems as parents. They addressed Jackson said. "But if we could have designated park- because they are in demand now more have reasons to be concerned about issues specific to SJSU mothers and fathers and ing spots on lower floors, it would be a huge help." than before. thefts of parlcing permits. looked to Caret for help. Attending the meeting to address the parking "Permits have always been a hot Lowe said the best advice UPD has The study brealc meeting was coordinated through issue was Ftic Abeyta, chief of police for item," he said. "But this year, because to the community is for everyone to student interns working in Caret's office, designed to University Police. Abeyta said he sympathized it is more expensive, it is a hotter lock their vehicles, and if someone get organizations such as M.O.M. in touch with the with the group and said he understands the issue item." talces a permit, report it to the police. President's office so their issues can be heard. is a major one for students with children. Matching up nvo permits being He said an arrest was made in Joe "We like these to be informal discussions," "We try to be receptive to needs. That's why we used simultaneously under the same West Caret said. Hall of someone who had stolen created the special parlcing for the day care cen- name is a way to identify the crime, he nearly 17 permits out of unloclutd cats M.O.M. was organized by sophomore Jasmon ter," Abeyta said. "This one has never come up. I said. Jacicson, a business marketing major, and junior in the parking garages and made prof- don't lounv if we can create special parlcing for "We can sometimes obtain it in the it off of them. Courniey Stansberry, a sociology major, in Spring this, but we will take a look at it." 2001. Jacicson said she came up with the idea process of investigation," he said. "We Miriam Thompson, a freshman M.O.M. is being mentored by Women's Chamber put it on a hot list and go looking for an organization made up of parents that would of Commerce, a local women's group which attend- biology major, said that although she work to try to make life easier on SJSU in her the permit." always locks her car, she takes precau- ed the meeting in support of their goals. When the police find the reported sleep one night. The WCC chaplain, the Rev. Aurea Luis Cames, tions. "I had a dream," Jackson said. "I know it sounds also offered a suggestion for M.O.M.'s parking stolen permit on another car, they cite "I stick (the permit) on the window lilce Martin Luther King Jr., but really, I did have woes. the vehicle and look for the person instead of the display thing because it a dream about it." "We understand that parking is expensive here, and who owns it, Lowe said. takes more time to peel it off the win-. The organization has 32 members, including maybe solution to that would be to offer M.O.M. They boot the vehicle, which means dow," she said. "People want to be five fathers. discounts at the various garages," Carnes said. San Jose State University President Robert they mobilize it by locicing a tire with quick about it." "We're open to everyone," Jackson said. "We're Abeyta said that was not an option at this point. Caret talks to Mothers On a Mission about an immobilization device so the driv- Lowe said the police are usually here to support parents, and we mainly want to "If vve started giving discounts for one groue, possible solutions to problems that student er cannot drive or move the vehicle, busy dealing with more serious deal with issues on campus." there would be no end to it," Abeyta said. "Wed mothers face on campus. Parking, student he said. issues than stolen parking permits, Parking is an issue some students would say have to give discounts to every group." housing and diaper-changing stations were Lowe said this procedure is followed but if UPD js notified of a stolen applies to all of them, but M.O.M. described a some of the topics that were discussed at by a report. permit, one of the parking officers situation unique to them. See M.O.M., page 6 There are penalties that sustain the will respond and follow up on it. . the meeting. Weaving through creativity Lesson in have used materials like plastic bags to Varin, who made a piece with random Textile class create woven art pieces. swirls of loose threads, said she liked the Bioterrorism "People always relate weaving, to a craft, historical aspect of the medium. enthralls students and in some ways it is a craft, Guerrero "Not only is there creative freedom, said. "But it's really a beautiful art." there's a renaissance feeling to going back By Sylvia Lim By Melinda Latham Guerrero said that it doesn't take long to fiber and sewing," she said. It's refin- Daily Staff- Writer Daily Ste- Writer to learn how to weave with the loom. ing your roots, going back to something Students also learn how to use dyes, cre- that probably wasn't cool." The biological sciences department organized a Looms and thread seem a remnant of the ate threads and weave the thread in Cool or not, Varin said she made this seminar at the auditorium on bioterrorism featuring pre-industrial past, but students in small, handmade tapestry looms, which course a priority. Stephen Morse, a San Jose State University alumnus Professor Consuelo Undenvood's textile resemble a wooden frame with nails "I knew I wasn't going to leave this who is now the associate director for science of the courses are thriving in a return to tradition. holding stretched thread across the school without taking this class," she said. bioterrorism preparedness and response program at Classes that combine woven structure frame. Holly Connor, a senior art major, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. and fiber concepts give students like Suzi Weaving and fabric work stretches back she enjoys the class enough to stay late. Morse, who graduated from SJSU with a microbi. Varin, a senior photography major, a in time and keeps people in touch with "It's one of the only classes I want to stxv ology degree in 1964, spoke on the topic of bioter- chance to work with the raw materials. their roots, Underwood said. at after it ends," she said. rorism in the United States. "les nice to rediscover thread and fab- "It's ancient knowledge," she said. "It More than 80 people attended the lecture about ric," Varin said. goes b*k at least IC43,000 years. It keeps biological weapons Wednesday afternoon behind Creations range from traditional tapes- us human." Sally Barger, a graduate student Morris Dailey Auditorium's closed doors. Susan Napper, 2 try pieces to more abstract art involving senior majoring in stu- majoring in art education, prepares The speech was about an hour long, and Morse, fabric, fiber and yarn. dio art, said the classes spur creativity. to thread some string for her woven who time he "She's teaching us to think outside of said it was the first has been back at Some students find ways to incorporate art project in a Woven Structure SJSU since he graduated, addressed various aspects nontraditional materials with traditional the box," Napper said of Underwood. As some snidents worked at the looms, class. Students are free to use any of bioterrorism. methods. Pam Guerrero, a senior in spa- He defined biological warfare and terrorism, how a tial art, made a rug with strips of old drawing them back and forth with rhyth- type of material to COnstruct their clothing woven together with thread in a mic efficiency to create rugs or woven art, projects. floor loom. She said that other students other students created freeform fabric rut. RYAN BALBUENA DAILY STAFF See BIOTERRORISM, page 6

01111.1,1...... . PAGE 2 OPINION THE SPARTAN DAILY I OCTOBER 31, 2002 21sT CENTURY DIGITAL BOY EDITORIAL Key technologies no good Exercise your right to in Japantown black hole Originally this column was going to be a weekly spot All of those other things make me crazy, but the one about technology, but as the semester progressedthere thing that really makes me nuts is my cell phone. were other things for me to write about. So here's my Why is it that in the 21st Century, in the capital of vote this Tuesday first real technology-driven column. Silicon Valley, in my own home I can't get a good signal, I live in Japantown here in San Jose. Actually it's more but in the middle of the Emigrant Wilderness on like Japan -block, but that's neither here nor there. Interstate 80 I had full signal, and my cell phone sound- I live in a brand new luxury apartment complex, a part ed better than it ever had? Democracy. of which the university was kind enough to lease for the I have to be at the front window, face pressed against It's a word that can mean everything or nothing. upper division students who were kicked out of the the pane, or outside in the freezing cold on the main bal- Many people choose the latter. dorms at the end of last year. cony. Two feet away from the balcony on my bed, my They don't bother to read the general election pamphlets. Don't get me wrong, I love my apartment, but it irks me phone cuts out. They pass by the voter registration booths in front of grocery stores, and to no end that in the heart of Silicon Valley there are key Same thing goes for the second balcony, some 12 feet they ignore the volunteers in front of the Student Union. technologies that are not available, or away (yes, I have two balconies). They shake heads at the mud-slinging politicians on TV and shrug their simply do not work where I live. I don't get it. shoulders when asked why they didn't vote. If I want to watch TV, I can't because It's just my luck that I would wind up liv- The statewide gubernatorial elections are this Tuesday and we, as students, AT&T's cable empire conveniently has ing in a technological black hole in San need to represent ourselves at the polls, which are going to see a record-low not conquered my neighborhood. Jose, the center of all things technological. I have a friend and fellow editor who Oh well. voter turnout. has digital cable at his house, and he is I'm temped to just give it all up and According a San Francisco Chronicle article, a measly 58 percent of regis- not even a mile away. become a caveman. Of course I'm so wired tered voters are expected to go to the polls on Nov. 5. So instead of cable, we're stuck with that two days without a computer and this The projection is only slightly better than the 38 DirecTV in my complex, which I don't 'Digital Boy' would go stir-craiy. percent voter turnout in the last statewide elections. mind teiling you is an utter rip-off This is kind of sad really. There is a huge Feel like you didn't have enough time to register You have to sign up for a year, and if Among the many things I find funny this year? you cancel early you have to pay extra. MIKE CORPOS about our technology-obsessed world is Well, the higher-ups are worried so much about This wouldn't be a problem except that that no matter how advanced technology gap between the the low-voter turnout, especially among the 18- to- our lease ends in eight months. Cable, even digital cable, becomes, or how fast or how efficient things are, it's 24-year-old bracket, that they've added a proposi- is a pay-by-the-month service. I can sign up this month, never quite good enough. few who solicit tion Prop. 52 that would, if passed, allow cancel in two months and not have to shell out almost I got a new computer last year, and ever since then I Election Day voter registration. The ballot initiative $200. have been hard at work upgrading and re-working it to was hyped in the Student Union last Monday with The unavailability of cable in my area also means that make it faster and cooler than it already was. voices and the a free surprise music performance of NOFX, a San my roommates and I are stuck with DS1.... I have heard This, mere months after I finished upgrading on my Francisco-based punk band. from some people that DSL is the way to go, and they previous system. masses of silent While students mainly went to watch the band, never have problems with it. Not so in our case. People laugh at me, but everyone knows what I'm talk- there was another, slightly subtler message to all DSL companies brag about how they don't make you ing about. those in the mosh pit: Rock the Vote. connect like a dial-up service and that their product is It doesn't just affect computers. It's also about the voices who do not Students out there who have not registered to vote more reliable. Don't believe it; it's a flat-out lie. We have blenders with six speeds instead of four. Or the toasters cannot vote in this year's election, but those who to connect every time we want to get online. with cancel buttons. At some point someone will realize Sometimes it cuts out mid-download, and sometimes it there are just too many options, but who knows when make the effort to are registered can vote to implement this proposi- just refuses to allow us tion. to connect. It's a pain. that will be. Are you worried that the current construction of On top of that, it's the same deal as DirecTV. We have In the meantime, I'll just continue to "make do" in my become active in to contract for a year's service or pay out the nose to get very own Silicon Valley black hole. the new library won't be completed on time? out of the contract early. If passed, another proposition Prop. 47 The building I live in is great, but I swear it is like a the political would improve public university facilities. lead shield. Mike Corpos is the According to a recent Spartan Daily article, an Even my brand nevi; cordless phone gets static when I Spartan Daily ()pinion Editor. extra $496 million would go to the deteriorating try to use it. 'Digital Boy' appearc Thurcdav, process. buildings of California State University campuses and, if passed, San Jose State University would receive about $34 million, $8 million of which must ANOTHER DIMENTIAN I JONAH PTAK go to the Martin Luther King Jr. Library. So if you don't think that voting in a state election has any effect on you as a .5Q N.WC AVM Diqrc.m. student or teacher, think again. AL4- 114,4,Th cr! \440.-r's Aw STuICT ram ceiswitusItts, so cquat.,-iirz:. AlbgaM-T varnk rLUIts sivr There is a huge gap between the few who solicit voices and the masses of Tosnelist EaLE_ FLUIr. VtA EAEARTTANC.7 silent voices who do not make the effort to become active in the political 1XE. IMAN.1 150C:7T DeE.S TS1E'T TH1rtIss 'NC VFLA-- process. P'RertiMCC A14Y A %-err Ict.0)--Pfts T=.4,4 In TsVsT MU- r anticipation of next week's state elections, information and political erop- IE:LAIE... wssi cys)1C.CALT:Rekr5 aganda has cluttered mailboxes, and it's hard to know where to find legitimate Utslez.R.5e.PnrATS, reading. Our mailboxes get stuffed with election clutter, and it's hard to separate the propaganda from the information. It s too easy to throw away the good stuff with the bad. It takes a little bit of time, but in the end, knowledge of candidates and issues is more important than recycling. So sift through the junk-mail pile and read.

Voter apathy now will affect your children's schools later. ea-u.or, CVAZL ot-A -rrw-41r-. Your participation now is what moves us as a free society. INkr..-t 440.4 -T SSiousl s bioNN TM% *Ka -TNCP And the "I have no time" excuse is running thin. rr covw\UCCIAL-S Dia.-TAE`t 1M8.4V.- So read your election guide. Get out and vote. NWX3CANS -Tho rIZV,51 'lb DEAL_ *Mk 111E4g. fUNCT1045.? 5,Nt.e-T CRAs-

CYNICALLY OPTIMISTIC Halloween can be a good time for us to act strange

Halloween peculiar holiday. Unlike other days when alive or ,onie kind of authority figure there t,, make sure the being their humdrum selves. we commemorate religious events, patriotic victories or sig- However, it's also a day when we assume the best of peo- kids don't get lost traipsing around the neighborhood. In fact, maybe it's every other day that we wear the cos- hificant people in our lives, Halloween exists for the pri- ple. We trust the streets won't be crawling with kidnappers, Let's not forget the fun for the big kids. It's pretty accept- tumes and masks, and Halloween is really the day when we .stnary purpose of dressing up, eating candy and going to par- and the candy will be safe. able to dress up a little bit, although being 21 years old and can live out a little bit of a fantasy life. Halloween gives : ties. Why isn't every day this way? dressing as Ariel from "The Little Mermaid" might be people freedom to step outside of their day-to-day roles. ’- It's also a day when we strangely throw caution to the It's refreshing to have a day when we questionable. But who's going to stop you? I'm not exactly advocating that everyone dress up and eat ::-wind. simply have fun. While Halloween does You can be whomever you want to be, act a lit- tons of candy every day. Some people do that anyway, and Think about it for a second. Do we accept grown adults have religious roots, stemming way back tle crazy, and it's perfectly within societal they end up on Jerry Springer. Wearing strange clothing and makeup on an everyday basis? to Druid harvest rituals and falling on parameters. For one precious day, it's OK to I lowever, what's nice about I lalloween is the level of trust Unless you're in San Francisco, it's generally perceived as the eve of All Saints' Day (also known as celebrate your closet obsession with we have in others and the acceptance of otherwise uncon- $veird, and chances are if you're wearing a mask, you're less Allhallows, therefore making it SpongeBob SquarePants or 1980s cartoons. ventional behavior. We come together in our mutual desire 'Intent on candy and more focused on robbing a bank. "Allhallows Eve" or "Halloween"), Perhaps, in our regimented society, with to break out from routine and skepticism. This camaraderie !: Do we let little kids gorge themselves on sweet LEWIS today's American celebration of the day restrictions on everything from mattress tags shouldn't be confined to one day a year. rely day? No, their teeth would rot and fall out before they is not generally loaded with spiritual to medicine, we yearn for a time when we can This isn't to say that we are all fearful robotic drones the ' Fould say their A -B -Cs. connotations. slough the shacldes of convention and just rest of the year, but when we have a special day with the Do we allow children and teenagers to wander the streets Halloween has the emotional sub- have a good time. purpose of being different, it makes a statement about the On weeknights in the dark? Not usually. But on Halloween, stance of cotton candy, and that's just Yes, some negative connotations exist with general American existence. htiot only do we accept this behavior, we encourage them to fine by me. With all the seriousness and MELINDA LATHAM the day. People vandalize, kids do get hurt and So let's celebrate the one simple day in our society where :4ravel in packs, prowling for tooth-rotting goodies. tragedy going on in the world today, it's some twisted sickos out there get a thrill out of children can wander at night, where adults can act silly and r; Moreover, aren't we taught at a very young age not to take nice to have some fluff for balance. putting sharp things in candy. Fornmately, these occur- when it's olcay to eat all the chocolate you want. r:tandy from strangers? Yet today, on this blessed holiday, we Plus, this is a time when parents and children come rences are relatively rare, considering all the candy and lcids I lappy Halloween. ;rod the youngsters to go up to people's doors, knock, solic- together. You can bet good money that any one of those lit- out there. it the home dwellers for goodies, grab the candy in the bag tle hooligans out there has a mommy or daddy not too far All of the rituals and traditions behind Halloween are Melinda Latham is a d run back to the sidewalk with their booty. behind them, a parent who probably helped get the cos- there for the purpose of liberation and safe rebellion. The Spartan Daily Staff Writer. On the surface, Halloween seems to be a day when we tume and will go through the candy when the night is done. kids can eat the forbidden candy, the adults can wear little 'Cynical& Optimistic' appears occasionally. hrow modem societal conventions aside and endanger the If not a parent, usually there's an older sibling, another rel- cat ears or wigs and everyone can simply take a break from

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Ann OCTOBER 31, 2002 THE SPARTAN DAILY OPINION PAGE 3 Letters & Viewpoints

Questions of Zionism Reader questions safety on campus after speaker's words Dear Editor, be a Zionist Jew. I've lived in the expressed my opinion. He told me from me because now I know that I United States my whole life and am there was nothing he could do, cannot feel safe on this calm. Dear Editor, South African racism and Zionism. "There are three types of Jews: proud to be in a country where tliere because of the freedom of speech. What if Hitler would be alive to ay? How Zionism discriminates ulti- those who understand Islam, those are so many freedoms that my par- Malik could say whatever he wanted. Would Hitler be allowed to speak, It is possible for a nation to be a mately depends on who is a Jew. who don't say anything and the ent's couldn't even dream of in He told me that he couldn't take no, would Hitler also have been co- democracy if it demands that one What is more upsetting than the Zionist Jews. We don't have a prob- Russia. But yesterday, far the first action because he didn't make a spe- sponsored to speak in the Student specific group of people always be in Zionism question is how successfully lem with the Jews in the first two time, I felt threatened. This school cific comment towards me. So if he Union? the majority? How would people feel this topic has been silenced. categories, but the Zionist Jews are co-sponsored speaker stood up in the would've instead said that it's OK to For those of you who aren't Zionist if it were demanded in the United Qaestioning the policies and prac- oppressors, and it's okay to kill Student Union and said that it is not kill me personally, it would've been a Jews, replace the words Zionist Jew States that the majority always be tices of Israel is NOT anti- oppressors." Those are just a few of only OK to kill Zionist Jews, but it is different issue, but since he said ALL with whatever your race is. San Jose white and Catholic? Semitism. And those who threaten the words spoken by the Muslim an act of martyrdom, a holy death in Zionist jews, that's OK. But it's not State University would co-sponsor Zionism, founded by Theodore free thinkers and speakers with that Student Association's speaker Amir the name of god. People applauded. OK. with full approval of campus climate, Herzl, has four pillars: a Jewish label should be exposed. With the Abdul Malik. As he spoke those So now I have to go to class knowing What about my right to be able to a speaker who would incite genocide majority in the state of Israel, a numbers of non-Jews in Israel and words, members of the audience that there are people on campus who go to class and not feel threatened? of anyone of you. San Jose State democracy, a land undivided, and the occupied territories reaching applauded. It's not surprising what wouldn't be more than happy to see What about my right to weu a Star University is saying that they will not peace. A survey done in 1992 by PS critical mass, the Zionism question is he said. We hear sick extremists me dead. What Amir Abdul Malik of David around my neck, or a shirt do anything to prevent violence and Magazine: An intelligent guide to not going away Failing to deal with everyday. The appalling factor is that said went way beyond freedom of from Israel without feeling like hate speech, in fact, they co-sponsor Jewish Affairi, showed that approxi- this "underlying cause" will this speaker with his incitement to speech, right into incitement to mur- Malik's moving target and wonder- it. mately 80 percent of the Jews sur- inevitably end in disaster. genocide was school-funded. der in the name of their god. ing if the people around me are veyed believed these four goals are But. before I continue, let's review I approached Gabe Reyes, assistant among those who applauded my Leya Babchin impossible to achieve. U.N. Bill Flemming what a Zionist Jew is. A Zionist is to the president of campus climate, death on campus? Yesterday my junior Resolution 3379 declares a parallel graduate student someone who believes that the state who was sitting in the audience the freedom to go to a public school and marketing between Zionism and racism; physics of Israel should exist. I'm proud to whole time listening to this, and get an education was taken away Resolution 3151 a parallel between SPARTA GUIDE House of parta Guide is provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff members. The deadline for entries is noon three worlcing days before the desired publication date. Entry forms are available in the Spartan Daily office in Dwight Bente! Hall, Room 209. Space restrictions may require editing of submissions. Entries are printed in the order in which they are received. Humor TODAY MOSAIC credit, priority registration for information contact Stephanie Ministry Center. For more infor- Open Forum on Measure V. get classes, and much more. Burns at 924-5910. mation contact Ben at 938-1610. SjS1U Catholic Campus Ministry all your questions answered on Applications are now available in Daily Mass will be held at the how your vote on Measure V will the Student Life Center in the Golden Key International Honour SUNDAY SJSU CCM Chapel located at affect the Student Union. Reps Old Cafeteria building. Deadline Society 10th and San Carlos streets next from A.S., Student Union and is Nov. 1. For more information There will be a planning meeting SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times other concerned students will be call 924-5972 or e-mail for the induction ceremony at 2:30 Daily Mass will be held at the are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday there to answer questions. From [email protected]. p.m. in the Career Center Open SJSU CCM Chapel located at and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on noon to 1 p.m. in the Costonoan to members and non-members. 10th and San Carlos streets next Sunday. For more information Room in the Student Union. For School of Art and Design ' For more information contact to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times contact Sister Marcia at 938- more information contact Dawn The School of Art and Design Stacie Haro at 924-6041. are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday 1610. Lee at 924-6562. will be havin& student galleries and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on and art exhibitions. The exhibition Chicano Commencement Sunday. For more information Masks Orientation Leader Recruitment FRIDAY will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Committee contact Sister Marcia at 938-1610. Wigs We're loolcing for SJSU the Art and Industrial Studies Join us for an important meeting Hats Orientition Leaders. Paid leader- SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry buildings. For more information concerning upcoming events and MONDAY Theatrical Makeup Iship position, extensive leadership Daily Mass will be held at the contact Bill or Nicole at 924- to continue the process of plan- Magic SJSU CCM Chapel located at SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry ! training, three units academic 4330. ning a tradition. Meeting is at Adult Novelties 10th and San Carlos streets next 6:15 p.m. in the Pacifica room in Daily Mass will be held at the credit, priority registration for Gag Jokes 'classes, and much more. to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times the Student Union. For more SJSU CCM Chapel located at , Applications are now available in are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday Go take a hike from 10 a.m. to 3 information contact Natalia or 10th and San Carlos streets next Infants to Adults the Student Life Center in the and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on p.m. call for location and to car Adrian at to Robert's Bookstore. Mass times Sizes XS - XXL Old Cafeteria building. Deadline Sunday. For more information pool. For more information con- [email protected]. are 12:10 p.m. Monday-Friday is Nov. 1. For more information contact Sister Marcia at 938-1610. tact Chaplain Roger at 605-1687. and at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on 842 W El Camino Real call 924-5972 or e-mail SPU Catholic Campus Ministry Sunday. For more information Sunnyvale, CA 94087 [email protected]. Orientation Leader Recruitment Counseling Services . First Friday Fiesta begins at 8 contact Sister Marcia at 938-1610. Phone (408) 616-0016 We're looking for SJSU Getting along: Communicating p.m. in the Omega Lounge down- Fax (408) 616-0017 Counseling Services Orientation Leaders. Paid leader- in relationships. From 1 p.m. to stairs at the Catholic Campus SJSU Counseling service is hav- ship position, extensive leadership 2:30 p.m. in the Administration ing a general process group from training, three units academic building, Room 201. For more 3 p.m. to 4:30-p.m. in the Administration buildi% Room 201. For more information con- tact Kell Fujimoto at 924-5910. STUDENT UNION, INC Counselin& Services Overcoming the Doormat 1-1111140IMI:M7/ Syndrome. From 2.p.m. to 3:30 MODERNIZATION p.m. in the Administration build- ing, Room 201. For more infor- mation contact Susan VerHalen at & EXPANSION 924-5910. roc14 PROJECT Career Center The Career Center will be tak- ing drop-in appointments from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Career Center Building F. For more information contact the Career Resource Center at 924- ..gpiremorwerem 6031. Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (Pind your rhythm. ABSK is having a Bible study at 7 p.m. in the Guadalupe room tn the Student Union. For more information contact Bryan at 255-7701. 290 South ith MOSAIC Event Centei There will be a forum on Room 1014 Measure V from noon to 1 p.m. cos 01,58040 on Thursday in the Costonoan room and again on Monday in STA TRAVEL the Guadalupe room in the oniinc on Ise neon( on carnnu, on TH, ITI1E11 Student Union. For more infor- What Students Asked For: mation contact Huy Tran at (510) 734-3431. In fall of 2001, SJSU students were given a web-based survey to find out SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry There will be an All Hallows what they needed and expected Eve Candlelight Vigil mass for from their Student Union. Peace at 7 p.m. in the Campus i\IJJ-ri1J1))],ii-11 Students asked for ministry chapel at 10th and San Carlos streets. For more informa- Additional Study Lounges Father Charlie at vira tion contact (474-7.1 4674k4.-Fir. Additional Student 938-1610. Organization OCTOBER SALES EVENT Meeting Space SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS Increased Square Footage of Sport Alpha 0 Halloween Party Club begins at 8 p.m. in the Omega UNTIL 2004 24 Hour Accessible Facility Lounge dcnvnstairs at the If you re currently a college senior. a graduate student. or have graduated Retail Stores Catholic Campus Ministry within the last two yeaus, you may be able to drive off with ncw 2002 & More Center. For more information and 2uoi mitsubtslu and a S500 rebate. We call it the Mitsubishi contact Elizabeth at 938-1610. Education Edge Program. You can call it Heaven. More than just a college graduation program, it gives you the chance to qualify for great Hour Concert This project will create active public The Listening rates. Drive ofT in a nevi Mitsubishi (Montero. MOnterd Sport, Galant, Series Diamante, Lancer. or F.climet with 0 down, 0 interest and() payment for spaces on the campus by providing Dance showcase: Gary Masters, a focal point for a variety of student director. Guest Artist: an entire you. Hurry in to cAPrrot. mrrsueistu today. It s not like artistic activities and modernization of Maria Basile. Runs from 12:30 you need to stop by the bank. For additional information. details, and a p.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Music pre-qualification please see our website current facilities Building Concert Hall. For more WWW.('APMIT.('ON1 or call MRS) 6149-16/16. information Contact Joan Stubbe at 924-4631. Sporral finance APR and 000 Program is in lieu nt rebates and denim- incentives on approved credlt thru MMCA rya ICO over 700 No payments until 7004 vett, approved Credit Own MMCA Then 48 months al 5 gtk Anti Prices do noi include any 61111100 Installed options 06. APR tor Customers must lake retail stocii arid cooties! must Oil BUY 1 GET 1 for 59¢ signed by program end dale re October 31st. 2002 Canoot be combined %WM any Other financing progiam A0011.9 to new 2002 and 2003 0110(iftt8 I- xckitles 2003 Student Union, Inc. Fee Referendum r 59S Outlander Fcfrpse Spyder qualifies for 210 days No Interest Sf111, 11% br UM, Subioct to prior sale Plus government fees and taxes any finance Cuss's, and duller wvvw dOcument preparation charge arid any emissiins testing charge paid advertisement Try our party p a ono tt Rightr s,, across from camp's. empires 11'01102 IF-- A

PAGE 4 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT THE SPARTAN DAILY OCTOBER 31, 2002 Students prepare for Halloween By Lea Blevins "Last year I W26 a prom queen," Ahn can collect stuff for poor people and and Allison M. Foley said. "I wore my prom dress. I didn't hungry people, then it would look bet- Daily Staff Writeri want to buy anything." ter." Instead of using something they Despite all the Halloween hoopla, This Halloween, some studentN already own, some students said they some students unfamiliar with the they are letting their everyday responsi- would rather buy a new costume but American culture said they were aware bilities get in the way of otherwise are unable to afford it. of the holiday and didn't understand fun holiday. "When I see the costume, I really why it is celebrated. The attitudes ranged from apathetic want to buy it," said Anna Ng, an SJSU "All I know is people put on a cos- to unaware. Those who were interested student. "But they are so expensive, I tume they like and hang out in a party," in the holiday said they weren't pre- like to (do) window shop= said Bilal Hasan, who is an SJSU inter- pared for it. Strange ideas and bif play 2 national student from Pakistan. "I have "I'll probably end up at some role in other students costume deci- no idea about the background it came Halloween party," said Kelly Levers, a sions. from and where it started." San Jose State University student. "I'm "I want to be a hot dog, but I don't Some people said they celebrate winging it. I really don't make plans thinlc I can do it," said Henry Moraga, Halloween without knowing its ori- that far in advance. That night I find an SJSU student. gins. out what I'm doing." Wearing matching costumes with a Jonathan Roth, an associate history Other students said they had an idea group of friends is another option, professor at SJSU, said there are vari- of what they would like to do, but they some students said. Levers said she and ous elements to Halloween's begin- were not able to because of prior com- a group of her sisters from Delta nings. mitments. Gamma Sorority are planning to wear Halloween is also known as All "If I didn't have to work the next day, Hooters girl outfits. Hallow's Eve, which got its name from I'd probably want to go up to San Delta Gamma held a sisterhood the Old English word for "saint," .and Francisco to the Castro," said Nancy event where they carved pumpkins November 1 is All Saints Day. Roth Alin, an SJSU student. "I'm just going with members of a fraternity, Levers said Europeans traditionally believed to be relaxing." said. Other Greek houses are getting saints gathered on All Saints Day, and When it comes to dressing up for the into the Halloween spirit, Moraga said. devils and witches gathered on All LORETTA GIBSON / DAILY STAFF holiday, students said picking out cos- "We're gotng around die neighbor- Hallow's Eve. Kim Ortiz loves Halloween and decorates her house on 12th and San Carlos streets with plastic tumes is a matter of personal prefer- hood and trick-or-treating, collecting Trick-or-treating for Halloween orig- Frankenstein, cloth goblins and other ornaments every year. Kim and husband David have two daughters inally began when the poor would dress ence. canned goods," Moraga said. 'We get Matilda, 2, and Libby, 4, who attends preschool on campus at San Jose State. Although Ahn said she was not sure to know our neighborhood because the up and go to rich families' homes and if she would wear a costume this year, neighbors don't really like us. If we go ask for food. The custom changed in Ilalloween is now known as a holiday up and do whatever they want," Ahn she favors malting the holiday a bit eas- out there and meet them and greet the 19th century when the rich began where everyone can have fim, Ahn said. said. "No one gets really criticized for ier by using clothing she already owns. them and have a good event where we to give gifts to children instead. "It's a good day for everyone to dress it. It's just a day to be a kid again." THIS IS NIT YON HALLOWEEN LISTINGS 173 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose (888) 315-4695 ParrY. S200 for best costume (408) 278-1400 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. $9.95 for one Castro St. at Market St. in San 201 S. B St., San Mateo Spy nightclub maze, S16.95 for both Francisco. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Free (650) 323-1226 DAD'S RC CAR. The Wave Magazine and House of Halloween with Karen Soo Hoo 8 p.m. S20, 21 and up Flava dance party with costume con- and Kim 8c Amp KSJO Halloween Super Bash The Vampire Tour of San test featuring Henvis. Costume contest for Rocktoberfest Featuring tribute bands: Francisco with live bands, DJ dancing and open Heartbreaker (Led Zeppelin), Rocks "There will be lots of prizes so look 400 S. First St., San Jose Fore more listings, please visit (408) 282-2200 mic. (Aerosmith) and Hot for Teacher your worst," said tour leader Mina 8 p.m. SIO, 21 and over 3546 Flora Vista Ave., Santa Clara (Van Haien). I larker. (408) 244-6909 S500 prize for best costume California and Taylor streets 9 p.m. to 2 2.111. No cover charge Icon Nightclub (650) 279-1840 Nib, Aar, Britannia Arms -44 ;is Halloween costume contest 260 S. California Ave., Palo Alto 8 p.m. S20 general, S15 students Featuring Roshambo GYRO's 3-D Fear Factory (650) 289-0222 um! 5027 Almaden Ave., San Jose Two haunted houses using 30,000 8 p.m. S10 in advance, 21 and up Semi-Erotic Halloween Ball MICRO R'C CARS square feet inside a mall. Featuring live 70s tiink music by (408) 266-0550 IMPORT TOYS Featuring Smurfy Brown Sunnyvale Town Center Castro Halloween Street Party One Nation Underground and DJ 2502Town Center Lane, Sunnyvale San Francisco's largest Halloween Dominic Tracey. PA=1 ANIME GOODS SPECIAL EVENTS nd other ghouls Native ericans in the Arts Afternoon party in Hugh Gillis Hall for punks a Art Exhibit GRAND OPENING By Karen imamura Show" that broadcasts Friday morn- break some of the conventions," be the missing link." OCTOBER 16. 1001 Daily Staff Writer ings on the station. Johnson explained. "Electronic is more Johnson would like the atmosphere Art Mpoir --/Aenter- "I don't know how many people we glamorous. of the Halloween party to be casual. 1350 EL CAMINO REAL, Saturda November 2'd, 2002 Creeps, spirits, ghouls and students can fit in here, but we're about to find Peggy Sue's, a downtown San Jose "It's like you're going over to a sl:ntennsitatoe- u9.:00prn are invited to dance the monster mash out," quipped Ramon Johnson enthu- diner, has offered to bring food and buddy's house to dance around and Ai MILLBRAE CA 94030 and swap Halloween stories today at a siastically, talking about KSJS's brand drinks, but people are invited to bring have fun," Ramon said. Todd thealer,HughlaCtil (650)8714910 special live broadcast featuring punk new lounge. their own eats and treats as well. Danny Riechers, a senior majoring in and electronic music. Quite posh, the lounge has several Costumes are also encouraged but not psychology, said this event is some- Sposanid SJSU Chapter the Arta WO !lbw! DETAILS AT: The party is being given by 90.5 cushy leather seats, blue walls, track required. thing he'd attend. end Engineering Society end Fuododby dr Assoceed lighting, conference tables and 11111CIO- "I'm dressing up as an androgynous "Yeah, that sounds cool. I like punk Students The views eipressed herein ore those of the KSJS, the on-campus radio station, campus organization and are net necessarily thnse of and Ramon Jolvison, a senior majoring phones. cave person; we're not sure what sex it See PARTY, 5 Associated Students f or more information contact irrsociology and host of the "It's Fried "With punk music, you're trying to is," Johnson said, smiling. "I'm going to page AISES 408 3561696 or aisesepufttmait com WWIN.TOKYOTEKKI.COM

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LIKE A G(X)D NEIGHBOR sIATE FARM IS THERE.'" U.S. AIR FORCE 11.46WIANC6 CROSS INTO THE BLUE sicarjarm cone Stair Farm Fire and ( awalty Company - Bloomington, P112111e 1 07/02 OCTOBER 31, 2002 THE SPARTAN DAILY ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 5; Unsatisfactory 'Frida' shows more life and less art By Fernando F. Croce To get the obvious out of the way, immediately convincing. Senior el&E Writer the film is visually dazzling. Director Why, then, does the film fail? For Julie Taymor, whose last fdm was the all the dedication and care lavished Frida Kahlo did not truly become bloody, gaudy Shakespeare spectacle on it, the movie remains a meticulous an icon until almost five decades "Titus," is not afraid to show off blur - the many screenwriters credit- , style. ed may have something to do with : Particular attention was given to the story's disjointed aspect. the reproduction of Frida's paintings The events in Frida's life are allud- REVIEW on the screen and, more importantly, ed to, but the film is too busy to , to blurring the borders between her explore them. The time frame ia works and her life. The film is bathed shaky and vague. World history fig- ; after her death. The Mexican in warm, dark hues contrasted ures pop up in cameos (Geoffrey painter, as famous for her work as for sharply, sometimes blindingly, with as Trotsky, Edward Norton as ; her tumultuous personal life, has the strong colors from, say, a bright Nelson Rockefeller, Antonio emerged posthumously as the image red dress suspended over the New Banderas as left-wing muralist David of the quintessential artist whose York skyline. Alfaro Siqueros) more distracting passions spill over the edges of her And Taymor takes some lively than enlightening. art. detours into the hallucinogenic. More than anything, however, the Not only was she a distinguished Following Frida's accident, the hos- film is never more than an engaging painter in a male-dominated area, pitalized girl fantasizes her surgical diversion because the crucial spint of she had been disabled in a trolley ordeal as a grotesque stop-animation Frida Khalo's art is never really accident, lived openly with legendary show acted out by Dia de los evoked. In fact, less time is spent on muralist Diego Rivera, was brazenly Muertos skeletons. When she and the development of her art than on bisexual and even had a fling with Rivera take their notorious trip to her torrid tango vvith Italian photog- - Leo Trotsky. Oh, and that unibrow, America, their whole experience is rapher Tina Modotti (Ashley Judd). ' too. funneled into 2 mix of cheerz news- The best films about painters ' STA FF That's juicy movie material. Not reel footage and "ICing Kong histri- (Vincente Minnelli's "Lust for Life," surprisingly, a film biography on her onics. Robert Altman's "Vincent 8c Theo," 'ter had been in the works 10 years ago Hayek is vivid enough, from boun- Maurice Pialat's "Van Gogh"). but fell through when the lead could cy schoolgirl to bedridden recluse. achieved greatness only when their not be adequately cast. Now comes She knows this is a plum role and directors found personal affinities "Frida." It has a lot to offer, but it is savors it exuberantly - her Frida with their subject's aesthetic, when, ultimately a disappointment. paints, screws, sings and suffers with an artist connected with another., Frida (played by Salma Hayek) is gusto. It's the kind of role that needs artist. first spotted spying on Rivera (Alfred not great acting but vibrant hopping Taymor, still a purely decorative IR Molina) painting a characteristically PHOTO COURTESY OF MIRAMAX FILMS around, and she supplies it. filmmaker, never connects and, as a brilliant mural and, even more char- Frida Kahlo, played by Salma Hayek, sits on Diego Rivera's lap, played by Alfred Molina, during their Molina, in a slightly less flashy role, result, cannot break past the surface acteristically, coming on to his young wedding celebration in the film "Fride walks a fine line between Rivera's of Frida's canvases. The film Is far model. They don't meet again until irresponsible appetites and his true from a disgrace, but the MiX of beau- after her accident, once she has Rivera is impressed with her work, It's not long before she starts sharing adventurous, accepts his proposal, love for Frida. -His performance is ty, pain and horror that characterized developed a taste in painting from and Frida is quicldy admitted into his bed, even after Rivera's warning fully knowing the turmoil that waits zesty, likably slobby and, especially her work should have made a much the pain of the operations. his circle of friends and fellow artists. of future , liaisons. Frida, equally ahead. coming from a London-born actor, darker, more fascinating fihr. Horror film 'Ghost Ship sinks and stinks NEXT THURSDAY: THE NIGHTLIFE ISSUE By Melinda Latham pro, isilurphy kGabriel Byrne), but a period ot time that proves deadly.. these unlikable idiots are worth hero Dai ly Staff Writer Epps ( Juhanna Margulies), a charac- The crew is stuck on the ghost ship status. ter reminiscent of Sigourney Weaver's and forced to repair it or else the cur- Most notably, this film commits the "Ghost Ship" is a 90-minute journey Ripley from "Alien," is the hero. She's rent will carry the ship into some cardinal sin of any horror flick: It's not into the grotesque and bizarre. one of the guys, and she doesn't talce rocky islands and sink their fortune, scary. The jump-out-at-you scary Authentic Mexican Food It's a blessedly short and ultimately any crap. That doesn't preclude her and possibly, their futures. moments are few, and any other sup- pointless joumey. from having per- It's from here posedly frightening moments are Come On In & The opening sequence brings the fectly plucked eye- on where the sadly predictable. Virtually any time audience back to 1962 aboard the brows and flawless movie deterio- someone is in jeopardy, you can see the Try Something Antonia Graza, a European lwcury skin. "Ghost Ship" commits practically rates from a camera zooming in on the character, *Tortas The other char- every deadly sin of horror movies. cliche -ridden hear the music quieting, all in antici- Healthy acters are tokenis- The psychological terror is sparse, honor film tO pation of something terrible and & Fresh... ***4 * Juices tic: the wise-crack- truly awful shocicing, and when it happens, it's a REVIEW ing jerk, the lusty and when the audience is truly slasher flick. letdown. Surely, some decaying bodies at Our New 0,) 0 * Breakfast black man, the frightened, the film quickly reverts The evil or dismembered limbs might be Location! white guy who to blood-and-guts gore rather behind this involved, but all the blood simply Tort,15(r" liner with the finest of society gracing secretly adores haunted ship of serves to induce a gag reflex. And it its decks. The carefree splendor of Epps (female char- than perpetuaiN a good, death is gets old. Fast. dancing under the stars at sea is acters have to be disturbing vibe. revealed in a "Ghost Ship" is a festival of stupidi- 505 E. San Carlos St. (408) 974568 abruptly cut short sliced, to be pre- sexualized some- bizarre and ty, a collection of characters merrily cise by an incredibly gory incident how, right?) and gory flashback, pulled down in the undertow of horror (Corner of 11 St. Close to San Jose State) that sets up. the sinister secrets this the Hispanic provided to movie cliches. vessel will eventually reveal. machinist who talks to a picture of his Epps courtesy of a sweet little girl Flash forward to modem times, and vintage Cadillac. They aJso take the ghost, complete with a strange rock- a seemingly timid Coast Guard heli- tamest pilot (Desmond Harrington) techno soundtrack. It's bad enough copter pilot approaches a tough-as- for the ride after he cajoles them into when movies try to be edgy with mod- nails salvage crew with a picture of an letting him tag along. em music, and it's even worse when , old ocean liner adrift in the Bering When they run into the ship in the they use it in noncontemporary time Sea. Having recently returned from stormy cold of night, Murphy is settings. sea and anticipating a return to amazed to discover that the monstrous "Ghost Ship" commits practically Anchorage, Alaska, in a month's time, dead vessel is none other than the every deadly sin of horror movies. The the crew begrudgingly accepts the Antonia Graza, which mysteriously psychological terror is sparse, and Pay by the month, challenge of finding the old ship, driv- disappeared nearly 40 years ago. when the audience is truly frightened, en by the prospect of a few more dol- The crew splits up (again, bad idea) the film quicldy reverts to blood-and- not by the minute. lars. and investigates the Antonia Graza, guts gore rather than perpetuating a Stupid, stupid, stupid, we think, finding that the slowly sinking ship good, disturbing vibe. because anyone lcnows that a trip to carriss a healthy dose of creepiness. Like any good death-centric film, Arctic waters to find old abandoned Things start happening strange, this movie has its share of disposable ships is nothing but trouble. However, gory, supernatural things that would people, whom you know are simply since our intrepid crew has never scare the living crap out of most nor- there to meet a grisly demise. Yet watched horror movies and possesses mal people and inspire a quick trip another sin is that the characters we're the collective I.Q, of a barnacle, they home. However, greed is a greater supposed to care about are so shallow, unwittingly head toward their immi- motivator than common sense, and both in development and personality, nent doom. when the crew finds a sizable amount that it doesn't really matter to us if The crew is headed bv the tacinirn of gold, they decide to stick around for they die. In fact, it's hard to see why $35 a month, talk all you want

YOU don't pay for rent by the hour. Why should you pay for wireless by the minute? With , "I'd love to hear my voice on radio" MetroPCS you pay a flat monthly rate, and you can talk all you want. That's all your PARTY I wireless calls. all over the Bay Area. For Just $35 a month. How could you not switch? a lot of continuedfrom page 4 in biology. "I've never called into a Having fun and meeting radio show before, so I have no idea people is part of being at a college You can use your phone 24/7 for one flat rate all over the Bay Area. and electronic music," he said. what I sound like. I hope I don't sound radio station, Johnson said. Feeling that the campus radio sta- nasally." "How would I know that this event Talk whenever you want for as long as you want. tion, which estimates has 20,000 to Music, dancing and pagying is a way is a success? If we caused enough trou- 25,000 listeners, is underutilized, to release pent-up anxieties, Johnson ble if that many people come Johnson hopes that the Halloween said. know we did good, said Johnson jok- party will showcase some of what the "Sometimes you just have to get your ingly. station can do. inner punk out. This is a chance for Halloween Piink/Electmnic Dance "We're offering an open invitation to people to get that stuff out in a posi- Party is slated for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the campus and communi7 to use tive way," he said. today in Hugh Gillis Hall, Room 132 their station for promotion, Johnson said. "We're student run and are here to help promote events. That's what we do at no cost, so why not give us a 8 of the event, however, metroPCS trChe time www.metropcs.corn Permission te speak freely:- 111111.11reelrell which is 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., might prevent one student from showing up. MetroPCS Stores "There's no way I'd be able to get up for that," said Anthony Alvernaz, a San Francisco Dublin Rodwood City Los Altos junior psychology major. 1698 Bryant St 7172 Amador Plaza Road 1015 E 9 Camno Rea 4700 EJ Camino Real sounds Kaplan California Nursing 14 15) 252-2880 (925)551-7111 Sute B-6 (650) 940-9150 For others, being on the radio (650) 298-0404 like fun. "I'd love to hear my voice on radio," Career Fair Also available at over 150 authorized dealer locations including: said Melody Anne, a junior majoring Friday, November 8 San Jose Santa Clara * Callfree One 408-246-0040 * Moblemax Communication 408-246-7202 I Valley Fine 10am - 3pm * Mforce 877 84 metro * The Cell Gallery 408-244-5239 * Cellulares Sol 408-937-6550 * Signals Wirelecs 408-727-7060 Nails Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center * FuturePaging & Cellular 408-238-8833 Intouch Systems 408-248-8066 SUperior Quality Silk A 4 rvti, 10 Tenth Street * Mobilemax Communication 408-238-2668 Cellular Connection 408-556-0900 .?Gel Manicures Pedu ures * Wireless World 408-241-4300 Callfree One 408-260-1111 Airbrush Nail Oesign Breakout Sessions 10am 10:50am Strateg,w, 1. Pass the Nai * CitiNnk Wireless 408-238-3800 We Use Real Gel Not Powder tarn 11:50arn Finding Your Ideal Position * Global Arr Comm. 408-298-9199 Campbell M-F: 10.7 SAT: 9-5 12prn - 12:50pm Further Your Career with Nurse *St2r Cellular of San Jose 408-288-8500 * Cantrell One 408-379-0120 Practamer & Masters Programs * RadinActive/BayArea Winaless 408-295- tit, * IPK 408-370-6891 4082419575 Masters Programs We look forward to seeing you. ipm 1:50pm Strategies to Pass the NCLEX P3yrriont CAntOt Location: 1910 STEVENS CREEK BLIT R1(18 2pm - 2:50pm Finding Your Ideal Position (arms 'wan Wok al America at Volley 1001 To find a store near you, call us at 888.8metro8 or visit us online at

uirl 10% Discount Future Office Cantos Ow t? ) or One Free Gift 41:113) Call 1800-KAP-TEST 0 =POT 1.4.1 for more Information! (please bring toupon) www /Tenor,. 0%. lei onlonnation on specific terms snel awsStions of wvics wd local coverag re** PAGE 6 NEWS THE SPARTAN DAILY OCTOBER 31E_;002 M.0 .M . I Parking, BIOTERRORISM I Biological weapons inexpensive -answer ses- continuedfrom page 1 or bacillus anthracis, in the ground, and capable of making rational decisions opened up a question-and this particular bacterium assumes the when they are presented with the sion with the audience. changing stations of issue biological terrorist attack could unfold shape of a spore. It is usually found in facts," he said. "When the information Mahtab Shahkarami, a micro and arid public health issues including soil, and it usually affects animals rather that they need are being sensational- molecular biology graduate student, anthrax. continuedfrom page 1 already in the works to increase the than humans. the anthrax bacterium ized, that is not a public service. That said she attended the seminar because number of diaper-changing tables "A biological warfare is a specialized does not naturally occur in humans. causes people to overreact." she wanted to learn more about Concerns of M.O.M. reach out to in both women's and men's rest- type of warfare conducted by a gov- However, Morse added that the bac- He also said the media are some- bioterrorism. ernment against a target, and bioter- women who are pregnant as well. MOMS. terium could occur in a human. Since times irresponsible in the information "I leamed a lot about the science One former student, Romielle Jackson said it is difficult to find an rorism is the use of biological agents the national anthrax cases last year, they disseminate. behind it. It scared me; he uncovered a Aquino-Fan, who graduated with a appropriate location on campus to by certain people to further political or Morse said the CDC has been "learn- "Papers published (articles on) how few truths I didn't know," she said. bachelor's degree in philosophy and breast-feed. social causes," he said. ing more about the postal system than to weaponize anthrax spores. Why, I George Berlin, a visiting epidemiol- religious studies, said when she was Carnes suggested any corner where He went on to list the advantages of they wanted to." don't know," he said. ogy professor from University of pregnant she experienced swollen privacy can be created would be better a biological weapon being able to He said the CDC has been receiving He added that the government is try- California, Los Angeles, said the feet, making it difficult to traverse than no place at all. cause more casualties and an econom- many phone calls from concerned cit- ing its best to be prepared to respond speech was informative. stairs in the parking garages. She "Some women need to pump their ic impact compared to chemical izens about possible anthrax infec- to any national health emergency by "We are living in a society where any- said she sought help from the breasts, and there just is no place to do weapons. Biological weapons are tions, but so far most of the follow-up having packages of antibiotics and thing is possible because of the techn& Disability Resource Center in that," she said. "People have said, 'Well, cheap, easy to produce and unde- investigations turned up negative in other medical supplies set aside. logical and medical advancement and obtaining a temporary permit for just use the bathroom.' But you can't do tectable, he said. tests. He said that some of the calls There are currently eight "push molecular biology. We can modify a handicapped parlcing. that. It's just not comfortable plus some Morse then showed the audience a they received were just funny. packages" ready to arrive anywhere bug any way we want," he said. "When I finally found the right peo- women use electronic pumps, and the table comparing the effects of nuclear, "Powdered sugar on doughnut within the country within 12 hours of Morse said he tried to malce his ple to talk to about getting a handi- bathrooms don't have outlets." chemical and biological weapons. boxes, that is ridiculous. Why people deployment. Morse said these pack- speech more positive. capped permit, I was told I had to "What you are asking for is fairly "Biological weapons could kill more would think that is anthrax is beyond ages contain 100 cargo containers and "I tend not to say things that make come back with a doctor's note," simple," Caret said. "I'll look into it. or the same amount of people than me," he said. "The chances of getting weigh 94,424 pounds, and are at people scared," he said."' think people Aquino-Fan said. "I went in to my Stansberry, co-founder and vice nuclear weapons," he said. anthrax now is zero." undisclosed locations near major air- need to know what the impacts of doctor's office begging for a note. I got president of M.O.M., asked Caret The ratio of dollars spent to produce Popular presses and inaccurate ports. these agents are, but at the same time the note and the permit, but when I about family housing. these duce types of weapon is millions reporting in the media have skewed He added that there is a national lab- they need to be aware that we can got to campus, there was no parlcing. Caret outlined plans for Campus for nuclear, to thousands for chemical, the public's perception towards oratory response network in every city handle natural or intentional diseases. It's not like we're trying to get better Village, scheduled to break ground in to one for biological, he added. anthrax, Morse said, adding that there to handle bioterrorist attacks, and the Panicking isn't going to help." parlcing spots." January 2003. He said plans for the Another table was shown about the is now a need to educate the public goal of his particular department in the Abeyta said UPD is worlcing with a new housing units are all apartments chronological bioterrorist attacks and policy makers. CDC is to integrate these networks. consultant to analyze the parking and would appeal to family hying. The within the past 20 years. One of the "A large segment of the public is He then concluded his speech and Ca:Mere& needs and the impact on the neigh- first phase of Campus Village is examples given was the 1995 sarin gas Niro c nemas borhood and students. He also asked expected to be complete in two years attack in Tokyo by the Aum Shinrilcyo 1.-12=E25 288 S 2nd SI 998-3300 for a volunteer from M.O.M. to be a and will provide about 2,200 beds. cult in Japan. nis WEIGHT WMER IRI 553/5 Sew Pea, After showing this, Morse then Dry 4 35. 8 50 9 15 pluSSaTSon 11.53 2 15 contact person and work with a trpre- When the entire village is complete, it MAVEN IR) A Tom Tyke, 77.6 Lola RUM PerT, sentative went on to explain the modes of deliv- Daily 5 20 7 20 9 2C p Sun 1 10 3 15 from his office on solving will hold about 6,600 beds and be MT MS FAT OREM WEDDING PC-L1 Heid Over the goup's problems. priced at about 80 percent of market ery of these biological agents. He said "The person who will be working value, he said. that one of the most common ways of el=71:2,36 364 S. First St. 994-3300 infection is contaminating food, phar- Friday's Alive on this for me is Marianne Alvarez, "We think that will help it vvill BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE the captain of the UPD, and she will maceuticals and water, and that the 2002 oncert Series provide a lot more availability," he said. (112=2119 1433 Tho Alameda 287 1433 be a kindred spirit for you," Abeyta M.O.M. approached Associated goal of the bioterrorist may determine the methods of delivery. at Bay Meadows TNE GREY ZONE said. "She just had a baby six weeks Students for funding assistance for All TNE QUEEN'S MEN In an attempt to explain the serious- pios TNE CHATEAU ago." their organization and playdate pro- ' MERU POUR If CHOCOLAT Another issue key to the group is a gram, but it was turned down, Jackson ness of a certain biological agent, Morse said that the CDC categorizes IRONER ' lack of diaper-changing tables and said. 4 41 various biological agents according to oncerri Schedulle breast-feeding locations, The group "A.S., they're here to support stu- SI N. Santo Cruz 3.40203 wants to increase the nutnber of rest- dents, but we have different needs the damages they may cause. Category November 1st TIE LAST KISS A, the most dangerous microbes, con- plus - mostly MARTHA rooms that have tables and improve than some organizations," Jackson 7$ $. .1, '. 1 the safety of the tables. said. "'They said they only fund events, sists of anthrax, ebola and small pox. TAINTED LOVE MY BID EAT GREEK WEDDING Tony Valenzuela, associate vice and they said that playdates weren't an Morse went on to talk about Presented S7AR 101.3 anthrax, which he said is one of the OEM Pruneywd/Campbell 561F4000 president of Facilities Development event. How can A.S. fund us in the GP CAMERA 1 TS OW LI most recent scares. and Operations, said plans are way that we need?" S2 BIG Beers AIN RIM (131 - Greg knnedr s 1 He said that one could find anthrax, p_aq 11 50' 2 15 4 45 7 15 9 .3 SI Hot Dogs nM NMI 1PG-1 31 SI Sodas itaTciL4 ;,6-.7.1(,) ". Dry It 55' 21, ,5 9 ;' WISK EVEMASTIsi CORRECTION SI Admission with Student iD WAKING UP IN RE Nu WAITE OLEANDER In an Oct. 29 article titled OPSYCHIC0 RANGER SISTERS "Muslim speaker met with First Race 7:15 PM Concert Tirne 7:45 PM TRANSPORTER rends ,,,n1 PALM & TAROT CARD READING SECRETARY PU Dry (ands 11/5j. , 1 protest," it was said that Sami Craniisforirl Mezzanine REAL WOMEN NAVE 0. IRG. I3) . , No ,) Balbaky left the Barrett Ballroom Unfold the PAST as it was, the PRESENT as it is )),) r. 7 '10 so, 0, , holding a handmade sign that had The FUTURE AS IT WILL BE two symbols, including the Jewish And things that may have a hold on you ;. Star of David and a swastika. 1 /8 CALL FOR ONE FREE QUESTION! c .... at FRIDA Although Balbalcy explained the Localed oil Hklywayr 101 end 92 in San Mateo Doiowara R. Wit. GrWIMMEM . C2111 7 open at 9-10 a m all other gem 1103 Am. Feat Wain* race IMO e reendstand E iero BR, 8 MILE contents of the handmade sign, he 408-279-9071 acirnourrn 11. Club Haase $6 Trer nil 110. inday - Sundae Tare cetrein or Sam Tram =NB A . , FEMME FATALE lor Irdermarion, Lai OLSO) 57441ACE or log onto did not exit with the sign. Available for Private Parties and gatherings EntembarMontiounsooft NOTHING The Daily regrets the error. EUMEIFITSIo: F.,/ ALL OS BY APPT.ONLY $10.00 SPECIAL WWW.0 ARAI- ItALINFEAnS.0011/1

Political Advertisement College of Humanities and the Arts WHY YOU SHOULD Center for Literary Arts VOTE AGAINST MEASURE V

Student Linton Foe Increase BILLY COLLINS

To the Students of San Jose State University United States Poet Laureate

We, the elected members of the SJSU Associated Students Board of Directors have passed resolution 02/03-05 formally opposing Measure V, the Student Union fee increase for the following reasons Author of 1. Mph Fee Burden on Studenta: Sailing Alone Around the Room: Student Union (SU) is proposing a fee increase of 5196/year on top of the 5162/year fee it currently charges students to bring the total SU fee to 5356/year and as high as 5466/year Nine Horses: (including summer session). The CSU Board of Trustees is also considering a 5/0 to 20% annual tuition increase (slated for Fall 2003 or Spring 2003) in response to a possible 5% to 10% cut in Questions About Angels: the CSU budget. The Art of Drowning: 2. The Fee increase will mostly be used to Bail Out the Student Union: Picnic, Lightning The first few years of c,ollected funds would go to bail the Student Union out of a financial crisis (Spartan Daily, 15 May 2000)

1 Fair and balanced infonnation on the Fee has not been provided: The Student Union has failed to present both sides of this referendum to the students so that THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2002 students can make an inforrned decision based on the facts "A Reading with Billy Collins" 4. Proposed Services and ImProvements notouarantwekand students Spica/Inds not met. The SU is not obligated to provide the service mentioned in the fee increase The proposed fee School of Music and Dance Concert Hall increase and construction plans calls for renovation of current facilities while not meeting the 7:30 p.m. space needs of the various campus entities, including the Computer Service Center, Spartan Shops Inc., Associated Students General Services Center and Pnnt Shop. S. Failure to consult with A.S, end the Campus Fee Advisory Committee : FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2002 The Student Union has failed to follow due process involved in putting through a Category 1 fee "A Conversation with Billy Collins" referendum as detailed in Executive Order 740 (The CSU Student Fee Policy) by not consulting with students. The Student Union has not consulted Associated Students or the Campus Fee Spartan Memorial Chapel Advisory Committee phor to introducing this referendum. 1 2 noon 6. Ability to continually Increase student fees: The referendum gives the Student Union the power to increase fees in the future without approval of the student body Admission to both events is Free. 7. Possibility of another Student Union financial crisis: Book signing to follow both events. The Student Union has failed to reassure the students that another financial crisis will not occur again with this fee increase since it hasn t taken any measures in realigning its management, vision, or mission to get out of its current deficit. Books by Billy Collins are available at 6 Double charaina of Students: Besides charging this additional fee, the Student Union will continue to collect rent from other Spartan Bookstore student services like Campus Recreation, the Computer Lab, Print Shop etc

9 No aareemonts in place for Retail: The Student Union has proposed adding retail outlets and dining services without getting an approvai from Spartan ShOPs All events are wheelchair accessible. If you would like more information regarding a specific event, 10. No other options explored other than raising Student Fees: please call (408) 924-4600. Insufficient resources have been allocated to find a more economical route and explore other options that will get the Student Union out of debt The programs of the Center for Literary Arts are made possible in part by funding from the Patrons of 11. §tudents are not responsible for bailing out Campus Entities: the College of Humanities and the Arts at San Jose State University and by grants from the City of The students should not be resporisible for bailing the Student Union out without it first San Jose Arts Commission, the Arts Council of Silicon Valley, and the California Arts Council, The CLA addressing the reasons why it is in a financial crisis would also like to thank Stratta Grill and Bar and J. Lohr Winery for sponsoring events,

Therefore. The Associated Students Board of Directors, the representative body of the students of San Jose State University, recommends that you, the student, vote against this measure

Paid by A S N&


San Jose State University (4-5) at the University of Hawai'i (6-2) 8 p.m, 'ef Sea- Saturday at Aloha Stadium, , Hawai'i o and udent, ecause Spartans a bout hoping light practices pay off at Hawai'i By icience Chris Giovannetti and was recovered by the Broncos' Hawaii is third nationally in total feted a Dai6, Sports Editor Brad Allen at the SJSU 17-yard line. offense with 515.9 yards per game and The book on ... Hawai'i aid. "That's what I'm talking about. seventh nationally at 40.5 points per emiol- Do calmer heads really prevail? (Ficldin) does his job, and the ball still game. Nickname: Rainbow Warriors The San Jose State University foot- goes off kri;LZ ity of him. It s all about mental That offensive prowess descend, Location: Manoa, Hawai'i ball team will find out on Id the Saturday. alertness. Those were two 14-point directly from Colors: Green and White The Spartans play at the University swings," Hill said. "(During a 34-10 arm ot the Series versus S3SU: SJSU leads 15-9-1 STANDINGS re any- of Hawail and head coach Fitz Hill is loss at the University of Washington Chanf, thr Home field: FocrniALL ,tchno banking that toned-down practice this on Sept. 7) we were a fresh team, and WAC s reigning Aloha Stadium, 50,000, astroturf nt aml week will provide SJSU with the men- we made the plays we needed to. Now Offense Player 2002 record: 6-2 overall, 5-1 WAC (second place). TEAM W L Au tal clarity it needs to compete with the we got to make elays, and we stumble of the Week. 2001 record: 9-3 overall, 5-3 WAC (fourth place tie). BOISE ST. 4 0 7 - 1 Rainbow Warriors. or HAWAII 5 1 6-2 drop the ball. Chang was Head coach: ; New York State Regents (21-16, three Freshman STSU 2 2 4-5 ke his defensive end Larnell 36-for-61 pass- seasons). Ransom thinks the scaled-back prac- ing for 462 FRESNO ST. 2 2 4-5 - SPARTAN FOOTBALL Players Tecn make yards in helping to watch (2002 statistics listed): So. LA. 2 2 3-5 people IN THF Hawail to a 31- Timmy Chang (323.5 passing yards per game - fifth in nation, NEVADA 2 2 3-5 icts of 2i come-from - 14 passing ); Sr. Justin Colbert (89.5 RICE 2 3 3-5 "We're going to Chang UTEP 1 3 2-6 e time behind victory. receiving yards per game, four touchdowns); So. wide receiver RED ZONE over Fresno TULSA 3 1-7 ve can take an Britton Komine (76 receiving yards per game, six touchdowns); seases. NOTEBOOK exuberant State University SMU 1 4 1-8 So. wide receiver (76 receiving yards per game). on Oct. 25. Through Oct. 30 Spartan team Chang is fifth So. kicker Justin Ayat (38-38 extra points, 10 field goals, 8.5 Kickoff at Aloha Stadium is slated to Honolulu." in the nation in points per game); Jr. defensive back Hyrum Peters (57 tackles, The Week in the WAC for 8:05 p.m. total offense at four ). "Physically we're OK, it's just a men - - Fitz Hill 326.8 yards per Offense: Run and Saturday tal fatigue. We're taking a new fifth shoot SJSU football head coach game and S.ISU at Hawai'i, 4:05 p.m. on, approach to practice this week," Hill nationally in Defense: 4-3 15 said. "We're not working out in pads, passing yards Nevada at SMU, noon t5 and we're not hitting. We're going to tices will benefit the Spartans. Colbert with 2,588 run. They find a way to malce big Running back Ezekiel Staples and noon 3ve Rice at Tulsa, 3 t take an exuberant Spartan team to "We're paying great, but we do need yards, two sta- plays," Hill said. "You can't put 11 guys safety Skyler McKnight suffered con- Boise St. at UTEP, noon Honolulu." the rest, said Ransom, who has 11 tistics that don't bode well for a back there cause then they'll scoot it cussions in the loss to the Broncos. Fresno St, Tedu BYE too/ Hill pointed out two instances in the tacldes on the season. "We're going to Spartan defense that allows 501 yards up on you." They weren't cleared to play the rest of 15 last rivo games where mental clarity have a great practice this week, and per game, 114th best. Despite what the Hawai'i offense the game but will be suited up at was a determining factor in a loss: we'll be fresh. Our bodies will be ready "He's the best pure passer in the has done against other teams this sea- Aloha Stadium.2' game with his 31.3 yard average. 1. On Oct. 19 at the University of to go." WAC. He has a great release, and he's son, Ransom is confident he and his Tailback Lance Martin suffered a Pauley is third in the nation in all- Nevada-Reno, Mike Liranzo went to If there was any week to go through quick," Hill said of Chang. "They uti- line will have success on Saturday. sprained right anlde in Saturday's loss, purpose yards with 170.2 yards per cover a Wolf Pack punt and the errant low-key practices, this might be it for lize his ann. There's no secret to what "I'll do what I do best - stop the and while he has been limited in prac- game. He leads the WAC in that cat- ball brushed him and bounced SJSU. they lilce to run. If we can stop the run, that will tice this weelc,he will be suited up. egory ... SJSU had six WAC Player of past do." him. Jorge Cordova recovered the ball Led by sophomore quarterback Chang's favorite target is senior melte them pass more, and we've got a OF NOTE: The Spartans remain the Week award winners in the first for Nevada on the Spartans 7-yard Timmy Chang, Hawai'i features one Justin Colbert, who has done an couple of plans for that," Ransom said. second nationally to Tulane six weeks of the season but none in line and, three plays later, the of the most potent offenses in the admirable job replacing the departed "We've got to be smart and get off and University in total takeaways and the last three weeks ... Hawai'i leads Wolf the WAC in total defense but is only Pack scored on B.J. Mitchell's 3-yard nation as evidenced by the 42 first Ashley Lelie, a first-round selection of make rod _plays. I'm not scared or interceptions gained. SJSU is tied run. quarter points they tacked on Nevada the Denver Broncos. worried at all." with Arizona State University with 55th nationally ... SJSU leads series 15-9-1. Hawai'i won the 2001 meeting 2. In Saturday's 52-24 during the Warriors 59-34 victory on Colbert is averaging 89.5 receiving 28 takeaways (Tulane 29) and also :cc loss to Boise 34-10, but SJSU took the 2000 contest State University, Oct. 12. yards per Injury update tied with the Sun Devils with 16 Broncos kicker Nick game. in Honolulu, 57-48 ... There is no tel- Calaycay's kickoff hit the left shoulder "They scored a lot of points in a When asked why opponents can't interceptions (Tulane 17) ... SJSU is of SJSU short amount of time," Nevada head stop the Hawai'i The Spartans suffered a handful of 12th in the nation with 12 fumble evision for the game. The SJSU SJSU- linebacker Tony Ficldin, who offense even when Hawaii matchup can be heard live on had his back to the block for kick coach Chris Tormey was quoted in an they lcnow what its attack features, Hill injuries against Boise State, but recoveries ... Spartan Charles Pauley Oct. 17 Spartan Daily according to Hill, those KLIV 1590-AM with the pre-game returner Charles Pauley. article. "I've said, 'They back everyone up with the players should has regained the national lead in kick- show beginning at 7:30 p.m. The ball bounced wildly off Ficldin never seen anything like that before." pass, and then they hit it up with the be on the field on Saturday. off returns heading into the Hawai'i

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PAGE 8 SPORTS THE SPARTAN DAILY L OCTOBER 31, 2002 Williams' world of Judo been an intricate part of organizing the ters Andre-a, 10, and Amanda, 7, in the SISU instructor takes Olympic bid and setting the t'oundation prognun as a way to teach them self- for Training for 2012. defense. Sandoval said she is SUM they love of sport from local "He motivates children exceptionally could defend themselves after being well," Raybould said. " He has 110 per- trained by Williams for less than a year. to international level . cent energy all the time." "He's low key," she said. "He keeps it Williams has incorporated students fim and light, so they aren't stressed out." By Justine DaCosta from Training for 2012 into a class he Leony Parkhurst said she and her hus- Daily Stag-Writer teaches for the Inner City Games, a band are impressed with the way program designed to promote physical Williams is teaching their 7-year-old With an alternate position on the activity among children. daughter, Hannah. 1996 Olympic judo team and more John Poch, the executive director of "He sticks to the rules," she said. 'He medals under his black belt than he can the program and former SJSU soccer treats everyone equally." count, Dave Williams has enjoyed a 33- Poch said Williams teaches his stu- year competitive career that has taken dents respect, responsibility and disci- him to all but two continents. been working pline, and he requires his students submit Williams, a judo Uistructor at San Jose "I've parenral reviews and academic records State University, is sharing his expertise tirelessly to get before they can receive their merits. and enthusiasm for judo by serving as a "He's the real deal," Poch said. "He sports matter expert for the San people in the realizes how special these kids are and Francisco Bay Area Sports Organizing understands what it's like to be in the Committee, where he helped create the community to see inner city" blueprint for the wrestling and judo Williams said working with children venue that will be used by athletes if the the Bay Area as has been the most satisfying part of his Bay Area is chosen to host the 2012 career, and he said he finds joy in know- 0 pic Garnes. the place where ing he has instilled in them values that e Bay Area and New York City will last a lifetime. were picked ahead of Houston and the Olympics "Judo will leave children with life KRIS HOLLAND / DAILY STAFF Washington, D.C., as the U.S. finalists. slcills," he said. "To know to never give Cassandra Guevara in his beginning and intermediate judo The U.S. city to challenge for the inter- should be held." up you start what you finish." Dave Williams demonstrated a new technique for class Tuesday afternoon in the Spartan Complex. Some of his students are training for the 2012 Olympics. national bid will be named on Saturday. Dave Williams, Williams said that he doesn't Icnow "I've been working tirelessly to get where he would be without the lessons people in the community to see the Bay SJSU judo instructor he learned from judo. with his father's support he was able to sists of three levels, the highest being methods," she said. "It's not a matter of Arca as the place where the Olympics Growing up in Minnesota in the adjust to the transition, and he graduat- qualification to referee in the Olympics. 'do this' or 'do that.'"Jley come to him should be held," he said. instructor, said he met Williams in 1960s, Williams said there were few ed with a degree in intemational busi- "I want to be the best," he said. "I'm an with the results they want, and he helps If the Bay Area is granted the games, 1996 when Williams was a judo opportunities for black males. ness in 1990. A level athlete, an A level executive in a them get there." Williams said the benefits would be far- instructor on campus. When Williams was 4 years old, his He went on to earn a master's degree committee I want to be an A level While Williams admits that marriage reaching. Showing the art ofjudo to the In 2000, Poch left SJSU and began father began coaching him in judo in intercultural communication and coach and referee." and family have been Postponed world and creating opportunities for working with the Inner City Games an activity that Williams said gave his traveled duoughout Japan and Europe Williams said a referee's job is one that because of his drive to pursue judo, he child athletes through a program called and hired Williams in 2001 to organize life purpose and direction. from 1991 to 1996, visiting every conti- requires responsibility and objectivity. said he loves what he's doing novi and Training for 2012 are just two possibil- a judo program and serve as its lead "Judo saved me from a life of crime," nent except Africa and Antarctica, "If an athlete sacrifices his friends, would pay to be able to teach some- ities. instructor. he said. enjoying the world and competing in family and finances, he better have a fair thing Williams really means, according The program would train and moti- "He's perfect for the spot," Poch said. By the age of 13, Williams was win- tournaments before returning to SJSU chance of winning," he said. to John Poch. vate child athletes who are potential "He's one of the few that really get how ning state championships and was as an instructor. Williams said his goals have changed Poch said he pays Williams for eight candidates for the 2012 games, to work with kids." recruited to SJSU when he was 17 years Aside from coaching the Inner City from winning medals for himself, to weeks of training, but Williams teaches Williams said. When Williams began his work at the old, he said. Games and beginning and intermediate teaching children how to achieve their an additional 16 weeks free of charge. Although the program is contingent Inner City Games, 40 students were "I was the limelight of the Midwest," judo for SJSU and Training 2012, own goals. Williams said his goal is to "enlighten" upon the Bay Area's approval, Williams enrolled in the judo program. he said. " I was a big fish in a little, tiny Williams is a "B" level referee for the Octavia Hohny, an SJSU alumna, students and share with them everything has already begun training the more than According to Poch, that number has pond going to a big lake full of big fish, International Judo Federation. helps Williams coach athletes for the he can about how to be a champion. 20 young athletes who showed interest. jumped to 120 because of the impact and I didnt realize it." Williams said within the next year he Inner City Games. "I want to help them live their James R' aybould, a volunteer coordi- Williams has on his students. Williams said it took him a few will be eligible to talce a test that would "This yrograrn is great for the com- dreams," he said. "I will do everything nator for BASOC, said Williams has Tammy Sandoval enrolled her daugh- months to acclimate to California, but put him at "A" level, a stage which con- munity, she said. "I like (Williams) in my power to make that happen."

Former Spartan Suarez named to U.S. National soccer team Chinese Cuisine Daily Repoli played from 1997-2000 tor the Soccer SuperDratt. Eleven players, including Suarez, FOOD TO GO Spartans and was named a A finalist for the Kellogg's Rookie svill be in search of their first inter- Mandatin Crti Szoichuan Cuisine Box bind; to Go Ryan Suarez, a former defender for all-American in of the Year award in his first season national cap. Catering Available the San Jose State University soccer his senior season. He was an instru- with the Burn, Suarez, 25, registered The U.S. team hasn't played a 1.unth and Dinner team, was named was one of 23 play- mental figure on the 2000 SJSU that his first MLS point with a game- match since losing to Germany 1-0 Open Daily - closed Sunday deliver to "Esplanade" ers named to the United States men's went 20-1-1 and lost in the first winning goal against D.C. United on in the 2002 FIFA World Cup quar- We accept: VISA MC AMEX DIS national soccer team for the round of the NCAA tournament to July 9, 2001. terfinals. Americans friendly against El Indiana University. Qualifying for the 2006 World Cup The team begins training on Nov. 131 E. Jackson Street Salvador on Nov. 17 at FedEx Field The following spring he was draft- in Germany begins in 2004, and the 10 in Washington D.C. MCVQ13 6 Blocks North of Santa Clara "ftrWasfiington, D.C. ed by the Dallas Burn in the second average age of the 23 selected players The match will be televised live on Between 3rd and 4th Street Suarez, a native of Roseville, Calif., round of the 2001 Major League for the match is 24. ESPN at noon. 294-3303 or 998-9427 APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE NOW purpose: to empower students to positively and effectively build our community around issues of diversity

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