See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below.

Alliance for Arts and Culture AARP, 44 (), 171 Bacchus Lounge (Vancouver), Abbottsford International Air Ambleside Park (Vancouver), 177 Show, 29 136 Backcountry skiing, Whistler (Vancou- American Airlines, 37, 48 Blackcomb, 195 ver), 160 American Automobile Asso- Baisakhi Day Parade (Van- Abkhazi Garden (Victoria), 238 ciation (AAA), 292 couver), 27 Accessibility, 44–46 American Foundation for the Bakers Dozen Antiques (Van- Accessible Journeys, 45 Blind (AFB), 45 couver), 160 Accommodations. See also Amtrak, 38 Bald Eagle Count Accommodations Index Antiques Brackendale, 26 best, 4–6 Vancouver, 160 Goldstream Provincial Park, Tofino, 283–285 Victoria, 267–268 30 for 2010 Olympic Winter Aquabus (Vancouver), 65 Bald eagles, 143 Games, 33 Architectural highlights, Vic- Ballet (Van- Ucluelet, 282 toria, 245 couver), 173 Vancouver, 67–85 Architectural Institute of B.C. Barclay Square (Vancouver), Victoria, 209–225 (Vancouver), 135 146 Addresses, finding Architecture, 15–16 Bard on the Beach Shake- Vancouver, 61–62 Area codes, 292 speare Festival (Vancou- Victoria, 205 Art galleries ver), 28, 172 Adele Campbell Gallery Vancouver, 165, 166–167 Bars and pubs (Whistler), 200 Victoria, 268 Vancouver, 175–177 Afterglow (Vancouver), 177 Whistler Blackcomb, 200 Victoria, 276 Afternoon tea, Victoria, Art Gallery of Greater Victo- Bastion Square (Victoria), 232–233 ria, 238, 240 262 AirAmbulance, 45 Artina’s (Victoria), 271 The Bay (Hudson’s Bay Com- Air B.C., 38 Artisan Sake (Vancouver), pany), 163 Air Canada, 37, 38 122 The Bay Centre (Victoria), Air Canada Vacations, 48 Artist studios, Granville 269 Air tours, 133, 250 Island (Vancouver), 122 B.C. Ferries, 37, 39 Air travel Art of Man Gallery (Victoria), The B.C. Hydro Building Vancouver, 37, 58–59 270 (Vancouver), 148 Victoria, 38–39 The Arts Club Backstage BCMTA Kayak Marathon Whistler Blackcomb, 186 Lounge (Vancouver), 177 (Vancouver), 28 A La Mode (Vancouver), 157 Arts Club Theatre (Vancou- B.C. Museum of Mining (Van- Al’Arte Silk (Vancouver),COPYRIGHTED 122 ver), 122, 172 MATERIALcouver), 133 Alaska Airlines, 37 Asia West (Vancouver), 160 B.C. Parent, 60 Alcan Dragon Boat Festival The Atlantic Trap and Gill Beaches, 136, 251–252 (Vancouver), 27 (Vancouver), 175 Beacon Hill Children’s Farm Alcan OMNIMAX (Vancou- ATMs (automated-teller (Victoria), 249 ver), 131, 180 machines), 41–42 Beacon Hill Park (Victoria), Alcheringa Gallery (Victoria), Au Bar (Vancouver), 178 244, 248, 265–266 270 Avalon Metaphysical Centre Bear-watching trips (Tofino), The Alibi Room (Vancouver), (Victoria), 268 290 175 Beaver Lake, 249, 255 Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), British Columbia Automobile Capilano River Regional Park 299 Vancouver, 68 Association (BCAA), 292 (Vancouver), 128 Belfry Theatre Society (Victo- British Columbia Aviation Capilano Salmon Hatchery ria), 273 Museum (Victoria), 240 (Vancouver), 128–129 Bengal Lounge (Victoria), British Importers (Victoria), Capilano Suspension Bridge 276 270 & Park (Vancouver), Big Bad John’s (Victoria), 276 Buddha Supply Centre (Van- 125–126 Big Bus (Vancouver), 134 couver), 168 Caprice (Vancouver), 178 Big Cedar Trail, 288–289 Buffalo Bills (Whistler), 202 Cardero’s Marine Pub (Van- Biking and mountain biking 8 Rinks Ice Sports couver), 176 Vancouver, 64–65, 137–138 Centre (Vancouver), 140 Caribbean Days Festival Victoria, 207, 252, 265–266 Burnaby Village Museum (Vancouver), 28 Whistler Blackcomb, 198 (Vancouver), 131 Carnival, 37 Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Burrard Bridge (Vancouver), Carol Ship Parade of Lights Coast Art (Vancouver), 116 157 Festival (Vancouver), 30 Bird-watching Buschlen Mowatt (Vancou- Carr, Emily, 16–17 Tofino, 287–288 ver), 167 Vancouver Art Gallery, 120 Vancouver area, 142 Business hours, 65, 207 Car rentals, 59 Victoria, 252 Bus tours for disabled travelers, 45 Birkenhead Lake Provincial Vancouver, 134 Vancouver, 64 Park, 196 Victoria, 249 Victoria, 207 Black Ball Transport, 39 Bus travel Whistler Blackcomb, 187 Blackberry Books (Vancou- Vancouver, 38, 63 Car travel ver), 160 Victoria, 40, 206 Vancouver, 38, 64 Blackcomb Mountain, 194 Whistler, 186, 187 Victoria, 206 Blackfish Wilderness Expedi- Butchart Gardens (Victoria), Whistler Blackcomb, 186 tions (Victoria), 252 240 Carving center (Vancouver), Bloedel Conservatory (Van- 126 couver), 128 Carvings, First Nations, 18 Blue Grouse Vineyards (Dun- Calendar of events, 26–34 Cathedral Place (Vancouver), can), 247 Campgrounds 149 Blues Bash (Victoria), 275 Tofino, 285 The Cellar (Vancouver), 178 Boating (boat rentals). See Whistler Blackcomb, 192 Cellphones, 49 also Canoeing; Kayaking; Canada Day, 28, 31 CelticFest (Vancouver), 27 White-water rafting Canada Line SkyTrain, 58 Cemeteries, Victoria, 245, Vancouver, 136–137 Canada Pass, 38 251 Victoria, 252 Canada Place (Vancouver), Chan Centre for the Perform- Boats, ferries, and cruises 112, 116, 127, 150 ing Arts (Vancouver), Great Bear Rainforest, 289 Canada-West Accommoda- 171–172 Vancouver, 134 tions, 68, 212 Chapters (Vancouver), 161 to Vancouver, 37 Canadian Automobile Associ- Chef and Chauffeur (Vancou- Victoria, 206, 250 ation (CAA), 64 ver), 135 Bonnie Lee Boat Rentals Canadian Pacific Railway Cherry Point Vineyards (Vancouver), 136 (CPR), 12 (Cowichan), 247 Books, recommended, 21 Canoe (Victoria), 261, 276 Chilcotin Plateau, 289 Bookstores Canoeing Child care, Vancouver, 65 Tofino, 291 Tofino, 288 Children, families with Vancouver, 160–161 Vancouver, 137 Children’s Farm, Stanley Victoria, 268 Victoria, 252 Park’s (Vancouver), 118, Botanical Beach Provincial Whistler, 196 132 Park (near Port Renfrew), Canrailpass, 38 China Beach, 249 249 Canton Alley (Vancouver), Chinatown Brackendale, 20, 26 153 Vancouver, 114, 120–121, Brant Wildlife Festival (Victo- CanWest Comedy Fest (Van- 150–154 ria), 31 couver), 29 Victoria, 205, 248, 261–265, Breeze (Victoria), 269 The Capers Building (Van- 263, 267 Bright Nights Christmas Train couver), 158 Chinatown Night Market, 162 (Vancouver), 118 300 Chinatown Trading Company Continental, 37, 48 Deluxe Junk Co. (Vancouver), (Victoria), 264, 269 Cook Street Village (Victoria), 164 Chinese Cultural Centre 266 Dentists, 65, 208 Museum and Archives Cookworks (Vancouver), 168 Diane Farris Gallery (Vancou- (Vancouver), 153 Costen Catbalue (Vancou- ver), 167 Chinese Freemason’s build- ver), 167 Dine Out Vancouver, 26 ing (Vancouver), 153 Cowichan Bay, 247, 252 Disabilities, travelers with, Chinese Imperial School (Vic- Cowichan Bay Maritime Cen- 44–46 toria), 264 tre, 247 Discovery Pass, 38 Chinese New Year Cowichan Trading Company The Dockside Brewing Com- Vancouver and Richmond, (Victoria), 270 pany (Vancouver), 176 26 Cowichan Valley wineries, Doctors Victoria, 31 247 Vancouver, 65 Chinese Settlement House Crab Park Overpass (Vancou- Victoria, 208 (Victoria), 264 ver), 154 DoDa Antiques (Vancouver), Chocolate Arts (Vancouver), Craigdarroch Castle (Victo- 160 166 ria), 240–241, 266 Dog sledding, Whistler Black- Chocolate Tofino, 285 Credit cards, 42 comb, 196 Christ Church Cathedral Cross-country skiing, Whis- Dominion Astrophysical (Vancouver), 149 tler Blackcomb, 195–196 Observatory (near Victo- Christian Science church (Vic- Crown Publications Inc. (Vic- ria), 244 toria), 266 toria), 268 Dorothy Grant (Vancouver), Christmas Craft and Gift Mar- Crystal Cruises, 37 164 ket (Vancouver), 30 Crystal Pool & Fitness Centre Douglas, Mount, 244 Cinemas, Vancouver, 180– (Victoria), 255 Downtown Vancouver 181 Currency and currency accommodations, 68–79 Classical music and opera exchange, 40–41 restaurants, 89–96 Vancouver, 172–173 Victoria, 207 sights and attractions, 112, Victoria, 274 Cypress Bowl (Vancouver), 116–120 Classic Boat Festival (Victo- 141 walking tour, 145–149 ria), 31 Cypress Provincial Park (Van- Downtown Victoria, 205 Cleveland Dam (Vancouver), couver), 129, 138 accommodations, 217–221 128 restaurants, 230–235 Cloud Nine (Vancouver), Dream 311 (Vancouver), 164 176 Dance at Dusk (Vancouver), Driving rules, 292 Cloverdale Rodeo, 27 118 Vancouver, 64 Clover Point (Victoria), 266 Dance clubs Victoria, 207 CN IMAX (Vancouver), 131, Vancouver, 178–179 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chi- 180 Victoria, 276 nese Garden (Vancouver), Coal Harbour (Vancouver), Dance performances 120, 121, 153 127 Vancouver, 173 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park (Van- Coastal Peoples Fine Arts Victoria, 274 couver), 128, 153 Gallery (Vancouver), 165 Dancing on the Edge Festival Dubh Linn Gate Irish Lounge/ Coast Hotel Docks (Victoria), (Vancouver), 28, 173 Pub (Whistler), 202 260 Darcy’s Wharf Street Pub Duncan-Cowichan Visitor Coffee houses. See also Res- (Victoria), 276 Info Centre, 247 taurants Index Dave Murray Summer Ski Dunne & Rundle (Vancou- Vancouver, 109–111 and Snowboard Camp ver), 161 Victoria, 234 (Blackcomb), 201 Duthie Books Fourth Avenue Commercial Drive (Vancou- David Gordon (Vancouver), (Vancouver), 161 ver), 115 168 The Commodore Ballroom DayPasses, 62 (Vancouver), 174 Debit cards, 42 Early Motion Tours (Vancou- Comor Sports (Vancouver), Delta Charters (Vancouver), ver), 135 169 137 The East Side (Vancouver), Congregation Emanu-El Syn- Delta Ocean Pointe Resort restaurants, 107–108 agogue (Victoria), 264 (Victoria), 244 East Sooke Regional Park Consulates, 292 (near Victoria), 248, 251, 254 Ecology Centre (Vancouver), First Nations, 13. See also 301 129 Totem poles Gabriola (Vancouver), The, Ecomarine Ocean Kayak arts and crafts, 17–18, 165, 148 Centre (Vancouver), 28, 270 Gallery of B.C. Ceramics 122, 137 , 288 (Vancouver), 161 Ecotours, 138, 251 National Aboriginal Day, 27 Galloping Goose Trail, 252 The Edinburgh Tartan Shop Vancouver tours, 135 The Games People (Vancou- (Victoria), 269 First Night (Vancouver), 30 ver), 170 Electricity, 292 First Peoples Festival (Victo- Garfinkel’s (Whistler), 201 Elk and Beaver Lake Regional ria), 31 Garibaldi Provincial Park, Park, 252 Fisgard Lighthouse (Victo- 195 Emergencies, 292 ria), 241, 244 Garry Point Park (Steveston), Emergency numbers, Van- Fisherman’s Wharf (Victoria), 130 couver, 66 244, 260 Gasoline, 292 Emily Carr House (Victoria), Fishing Gastown (Vancouver), 112, 241 Tofino, 288 114, 159 Emily Carr Institute of Art + Ucluelet, 282 sights and attractions, Design (Vancouver), 122 Vancouver, 138 120–121 English Bay (Vancouver), 127 Victoria, 253 walking tour, 150–154 English Bay Beach (Vancou- Whistler area, 196–197 Gate of Harmonious Interest ver), 136 Floatplane Docks (Victoria), (Victoria), 264 English Sweet Shop (Victo- 261 Gay & Lesbian Ski Week ria), 270 Flower Count (Victoria), 31 (Whistler), 43 Entry requirements, 34–35 The Flying Beaver Bar (Van- Gay Lesbian Transgendered Escape Route (Whistler), couver), 177 Bisexual Community Cen- 200 Flying Geese & Shorebird tre (Vancouver), 43 Escents (Vancouver), 169 Festival (Tofino), 287 Gay Pride Parade (Vancou- Exchange rates, 40–41 Flying Wheels Travel, 45 ver), 29 Flying with Disability, 45 Gays and lesbians, 43 Folkfest (Victoria), 275 Vancouver bars, 179–180 Victoria bars, 277 abric Nightclub (Vancou- Food and cuisine, 22 F George C. Reifel Bird ver), 178 100-mile menus, 24 Sanctuary (Westham The Fairmont Empress Food stores and markets Island), 142 (Victoria), 245, 257–258, Vancouver, 166, 167–168 George Ultra Lounge (Van- 261 Victoria, 270–271 couver), 177 The Fairmont Hotel Vancou- Football, Vancouver, 144 Georgia Straight, 60 ver, 145–146 Forge & Form (Vancouver), 167 Ginger Sixty-Two (Vancou- Faith Grant’s Connoisseur Fort Langley National His- ver), 177 Shop Ltd. (Victoria), 268 toric Site (Vancouver), 131 Goat Mountain (Vancouver), False Creek North (Vancou- Fort Rodd Hill (Victoria), 241, 139 ver), 114 244 Gold Mine Trail, 246, 288 Families with children, 44 Fort Victoria, 245, 262 Gold Rush of 1861 and 1898, Vancouver, 131–133, 163, The Fountain Head Pub (Van- 11 170 couver), 179 Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria, 249 Francophone Summer Festi- 246, 249, 254 Whistler Blackcomb, 201 val, 27 Goldstream Trail, 246 Fan Tan Alley (Victoria), Fran Willis Gallery (Victoria), Golf 263–264 268 Tofino, 288 Farfalla (Vancouver), 167 Frederic Wood Theatre (Van- Vancouver, 138–139 Festival d’Eté Francophone couver), 172 Victoria, 253–254 de Vancouver, 27 Freeman King Visitor Centre Whistler Blackcomb, 197 Festival of Lights (Vancou- (Victoria), 246 Gotham Cocktail Bar (Van- ver), 30 Free activities, 7–8 couver), 177 Festivals and special events, French Beach, 249 Government Fish Dock (Van- 26–34 Fringe Festivals, 29, 31, 172 couver), 157 Films filmed in Vancouver,, 50 Government House (Victo- 22–23 Frontier Airlines, 37 ria), 248 Finlayson, Mount, 254 Frontier Cloth House (Van- couver), 116 302 Government Street prome- Heritage Harbour (Vancou- Inner Harbour (Victoria), 252 nade (Victoria), 267 ver), 157 accommodations, 211–217 (Vancouver), Hermann’s Jazz Club (Victo- restaurants, 228–230 114, 132, 159–160 ria), 275 walking tour, 257–262 attractions, 121–122 Hiking Insurance, 292–293 walking tour, 154–158 Tofino/Long Beach area, International Bhangra Cele- Granville Island Ferry Dock 288 bration (Vancouver), 27 (Vancouver), 156 Vancouver area, 139 International Children’s Fes- (Van- Victoria, 254 tival (Vancouver), 27 couver), 121 Whistler Blackcomb, 197 International Gay and Les- Granville Island Information Hill’s Native Art, 165, 270 bian Travel Association Centre (Vancouver), 156 Hills of Kerrisdale (Vancou- (IGLTA), 43 Granville Island Public Mar- ver), 163 International Student Iden- ket (Vancouver), 121, 156, Hockey, Vancouver, 144 tity Card (ISIC), 45 157, 167–168 Holidays, 26 International Student Travel Granville Island Stage (Van- Holland America Line, 37 Confederation (ISTC), 45, couver), 172 Hollyburn Mountain 131 Granville Square (Vancou- (Vancouver), 138 International Travel Maps ver), 150 Hong Kong Bank building and Books (Vancouver), Granville Street (Vancouver), (Vancouver), 149 161 112 Horizon Air, 38 International Youth Travel Great Bear Rainforest, 289 Horseback riding, Pember- Card (IYTC), 45 Great Canadian Beer Festival ton, 198 Internet access, 50 (Victoria), 34 Horse-drawn carriage rides Vancouver, 66 Greater Vancouver , 133 Vancouver, 118–119, 132 Victoria, 208 Public Victoria, 250 Intrepid Theatre Company Library, 265 Horse racing, Vancouver, (Victoria), 274 Greyhound Bus Lines, 38 144 Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Grouse Grind (Vancouver), Horse trekking, 289 (Vancouver), 165 139 Horstman Trading Company The Irish Heather (Vancou- Grouse Mountain (Vancou- (Whistler), 200 ver), 176 ver), 126–127, 139 Hospitals, 65–66, 208 Irish Linen Stores (Victoria), Grouse Mountain Resort Hostelling International, 46 269 (Vancouver), 140–141 Hot Springs Cove, 289–290 Isola Bella (Vancouver), 163 Gulf of Georgia Cannery H. R. MacMillan Space Centre Itineraries, suggested National Historic Site (Ste- (Vancouver), 122–123 Vancouver, 51–55 veston), 130 HSBC Celebration of Light Victoria, 55–57 Gyro Beach Park, 251 (Vancouver), 29 Hughes Ltd. (Victoria), 269 Hush (Victoria), 277 Jade Victoria (Victoria), 271 Harbour Air (Vancouver), James Bay (Victoria), 248 133 JazzFest International (Victo- Harbour Cruises (Vancouver), Ice-skating, Vancouver, ria), 31, 275 134 139–140 Jericho Beach (Vancouver), Harmony Arts Festival (Van- Illuminares Lantern Festival 136 couver), 28 (Vancouver), 28 Jerry’s Boat Rentals (Vancou- Harrison Festival of the Arts, Images for a Canadian Heri- ver), 136–137 28 tage (Vancouver), 165 Jet boating, Whistler area, Hatley Park National Historic IMAX Theatre 198 Site (Victoria), 241–242 Vancouver, 116 Joffre Lakes Provincial Park, Health concerns, 42 Victoria, 243 197–198 Health insurance, 42, 292– In-Again Clothing (Vancou- Jogging, Vancouver, 140 293 ver), 163 John Fluevog Boots & Shoes Helijet Charters (Vancouver), Inform Interiors (Vancouver), Ltd. (Vancouver), 168 134 167 Johnson Street Bridge (Victo- Heli-Skiing, Whistler, 196 In-line skating, Vancouver, ria), 260 Helmcken House (Victoria), 140 Juan de Fuca Marine Trail, 254 245, 258 The Jupiter Cafe (Vancouver), 175 The Lobsterman (Vancouver), MARKET by Jean-Georges 303 Karl Stittgen and Gold- 166 (Vancouver), 177 smiths (Vancouver), 167 Locarno Beach (Vancouver), The Market Kitchen Store Kayaking 136 (Vancouver), 169 Clayoquot Sound, 290 Long Beach, 279, 288 Market Square (Victoria), Hot Springs Cove, 289–290 Long Beach Headlands Trail, 245, 262–263, 266, 272 Ucluelet, 283 288 Marquis Wine Cellars (Van- Vancouver, 137 Market (Van- couver), 170 Victoria, 252 couver), 168 Martha Sturdy Originals Whistler, 196 Lost Lagoon Nature House (Vancouver), 161 Keir Fine Jewellry (Whistler), (Vancouver), 118, 143 Maxine’s Hideaway (Vancou- 200 , 195 ver), 179 Khot-La-Cha Salish Handi- Lost Lake Trail, 197 Maxx Fish (Whistler), 201 crafts (Vancouver), 165 Lotus Hotel (Vancouver), 180 Med Grill@Mosaic (Victoria), Kidsbooks (Vancouver), 161 Lotus Land Tours (Vancou- 276 Kids’ Guide (Vancouver), 132 ver), 138 MedicAlert Identification Kids Only Market (Vancou- Lounges Tag, 42 ver), 122, 132, 170 Vancouver, 177 Medical insurance, 42, 292– Kites on Clouds (Vancouver), Victoria, 276 293 170 Lucky Bar (Victoria), 275 Merlin’s Bar (Blackcomb), 201 Kitsilano (Vancouver), 115 Luggage storage and lockers Merridale Cidery (near walking tour, 154–158 Vancouver, 66 Cowichan Bay), 247 Kitsilano Beach (Vancouver), Victoria, 208 Merrython Fun Run (Victo- 136, 158 Lush (Vancouver), 169 ria), 34 Kitsilano Beach Park (Van- Lynn Canyon Park (Vancou- Mid-Autumn Moon Festival couver), 142 ver), 129 (Vancouver), 29–30 Kitsilano Ice Rink (Vancou- Lynn Canyon Suspension Mihrab (Vancouver), 160 ver), 140 Bridge (Vancouver), 129 Miniature Railway (Vancou- Kitsilano Pool (Vancouver), Lynn Headwaters Regional ver), 118, 132 136 Park (Vancouver), 129 Miniature World (Victoria), Kuomintang Building (Van- 242, 249 couver), 153 Miniferries, Vancouver, 65 MacDonald Jewelry (Victo- Mocambo (Victoria), 274 ria), 271 Mole Hill (Vancouver), 148 La Casa del Habano (Van- Macleod’s Books (Vancou- Money and costs, 40–42 couver), 162 ver), 161 Monsoon Restaurant (Van- Langham Court Theatre (Vic- McPherson Playhouse (Victo- couver), 175 toria), 274 ria), 264, 273 Monte Clark Gallery (Vancou- Lattimer Gallery (Vancouver), Mail, 294 ver), 167 165 Main Street (Vancouver), 159 MossRehab, 45 Laundry and dry cleaning, The Mallard Lounge and Ter- Mountain Equipment Co-op Vancouver, 66 race (Whistler), 201 (Vancouver), 135, 170 Lay of the land, 19–20 Maple Tree Square (Vancou- Mount Douglas Park (Victo- Legacy Art Gallery and Cafe ver), 152 ria), 248, 249 (Victoria), 262 Maplewood Farm (Vancou- Mount Seymour Provincial Legends Retro-Fashion (Van- ver), 132 Park (Vancouver), 131, 141 couver), 164 Maps, 62, 205 Mount Washington Ski The Lennox Pub (Vancouver), Marathon Resort, 255 176 Royal Victoria, 34 Munro’s Books (Victoria), 268 Lens & Shutter (Vancouver), Vancouver International, Murchie’s (Victoria), 270 161 27 Murchie’s Tea & Coffee (Van- Leone (Vancouver), 164 Marion Scott Gallery (Van- couver), 166 Le Soleil Jewellers (Victoria), couver), 166 Museum of Anthropology 271 Maritime Museum (Vancou- (Vancouver), 123–124, 165, Library Square (Vancouver), ver), 157 166 127 Maritime Museum (Victoria), Music, 21–22 Lighthouse Park (Vancou- 262 Music festivals, Victoria, 275 ver), 129 Maritime Museum of British MusicFest Vancouver., 29 Liquor laws, 293 Columbia (Victoria), 242 304 Point Grey Beach (Vancou- Nairn Falls Provincial Park, Pacific Central Station (Van- ver), 136 197 couver), 59 Polar Bear Swim (Vancouver), National Aboriginal Day Pacific Cinematheque (Van- 26 Community Celebration, 27 couver), 180 Police, Vancouver, 66 Neighborhoods Pacific Coach Lines, 38–40 Post offices Vancouver, 112–116 Pacific National Exhibition Vancouver, 66 Victoria, 205, 248 (Vancouver), 29 Victoria, 208 Newspapers and magazines, Pacific Opera Victoria, 274 Powell Street Festival (Van- Vancouver, 66 Pacific Rim National Park couver), 29 Quay Pub- Reserve of Canada, 253, Precipitation, total, 25 lic Market (Vancouver), 168 254, 278–280 Prescription medications, 42 Nightlife Pacific Rim Whale Festival, 31 Prince of Whales, 40 Vancouver, 171–181 Pacific Spirit Regional Park Princess Cruises, 37 Victoria, 273–277 (Endowment Lands; Van- Prism Lounge (Victoria), 277 Whistler, 201–202 couver), 128, 138, 143 Provincial Law Courts (Van- Nitobe Memorial Garden Pacific Trekking (Victoria), couver), 148–149 (Vancouver), 125 271 Provincial Legislature Build- The North Shore (North Van- ings (Victoria), 242, 245, couver and ) (Victoria), 242, 249 258–259 accommodations, 85 Paddlewheeler River Adven- Punjabi Market (Vancouver), restaurants, 108–109 tures (Vancouver), 134 115–116, 160 , sights and Pandora Street (Victoria), PuSh International Perform- attractions, 125–127 266 ing Arts Festival (Vancou- Northwest Airlines, 37 Parade of the Lost Souls ver), 26 Norwegian Cruise Line, 37 (Vancouver), 30 Numbers (Vancouver), 180 Paragliding, 140, 254 Parking, 64, 207 ueen Elizabeth Complex Parks and gardens Q (Vancouver), 171 Vancouver, 127–131 Obakki (Vancouver), 164 Queen Elizabeth Park (Van- Victoria, 248 Ocean Discovery Centre (Sid- couver), 128, 142 Parliament Buildings (Victo- ney), 243 Quw’utsun’ Cultural & Con- ria), 242, 245, 258–259 The Ocean Floor (Vancouver), ference Centre (Duncan), Passport cards, 35 169 246–247 Ocean River Sports (Victoria), The Patch (Victoria), 271 271 Peak to Peak Gondola (Whis- O’Doul’s Restaurant & Bar tler Blackcomb), 195 adisson Seven Seas (Vancouver), 174 Peddle-cabs (Victoria), 207 R Cruises, 37 The Odyssey (Vancouver), Pendrellis (Vancouver), 148 Raincoast Education Society 180 Pendrell Street (Vancouver), (Tofino), 287 The Okanagan Estate Wine 148 Rainforests, 138, 254 Cellar (Vancouver), 170 Performance Works (Vancou- Raja (Vancouver), 181 Old Morris Tobacconist Ltd. ver), 122 Rattenbury, Francis, 17, 120, (Victoria), 269 Performing arts 146, 149, 242, 243, 245, Old Town (Victoria) Vancouver, 171–173 258, 259, 261 accommodations, 217–221 Victoria, 273–274 The Raven and the Bear restaurants, 230–235 Petrol, 292 (Vancouver), 167 walking tour, 261–265 Pharmacies, 66, 208 The Red Jacket (Victoria), Olympic & Paralympic Winter Pioneer Square (Victoria), 276 Games (2010), 32–33 245 The Red Room (Vancouver), OMNIMAX (Vancouver), 131, Plaza of Nations (Vancouver), 179 180 27 The Reef (Victoria), 276 Open Space (Victoria), 268 Plazas, 127 Reid, Bill, 17–18, 124 Opus Bar (Vancouver), 177 Please Mum (Vancouver), Bill Reid Gallery of North- Orpheum Theatre (Vancou- 163 west Coast Art (Vancou- ver), 171 The Plum Clothing Co. (Victo- ver), 116 Outdoor activities ria), 269 Remembrance Day (Vancou- Vancouver, 135–143 Point Atkinson Lighthouse ver), 30 Victoria, 251–256 (Vancouver), 129 Restaurants. See also Restau- Savage Beagle (Whistler), Songhees Point (Victoria), 305 rants Index 202 260 best, 6–7 Scenic Marine Drive bike Sooke Potholes, 254 Tofino, 285–287 path (Victoria), 252 South Beach Trail, 288 Ucluelet, 282 Science World at TELUS South China Seas Trading Vancouver, 86–111 World of Science (Vancou- Company (Vancouver), 166 Victoria, 226–237 ver), 124, 132 South Granville (Vancouver), Richard’s on Richards (Van- Scotiabank Dance Centre 159 couver), 179 (Vancouver), 173 Spanish Banks (Vancouver), Richmond (Vancouver), 115 Scuba diving, Victoria, 253 136 Richmond Nature Park (Van- SeaBuses (Vancouver), 63 Spas, Whistler Blackcomb, couver), 143 Seafun Safaris Whale Watch- 200–201 Richmond Night Market, 162 ing (Victoria), 256 Spearhead Traverse (Whistler Robert Burns’s Birthday (Vic- Seasons, 25 Blackcomb), 195 toria and Vancouver), Sea-to-Sky Highway, 143 Special events and festivals, 30–31 Second Beach (Vancouver), 26–34 Robson Square (Vancouver), 118, 132, 136 Spectator sports, Vancouver, 127, 149 Second Suit for Men & 143–144 Robson Street (Vancouver), Women (Vancouver), 163 Spinnakers Brewpub (Victo- 146, 159 Senior travel, 43–44 ria), 260, 276–277 Rock climbing, Whistler Seymour, Mount, 138 Sporting goods, Vancouver, Blackcomb, 199 Shanghai Alley (Vancouver), 169 Roedde House (Vancouver), 153 Spray Park (Vancouver), 118, 146 The Shark Club Bar and Grill 132 Rogers’ Chocolates (Victoria), (Vancouver), 176 Squamish Lil’wat Cultural 271 Shaughnessy (Vancouver), Centre, 200 Roots Canada (Vancouver), 115 Stanley Industrial Alliance 164 Shine (Vancouver), 179 Theatre (Vancouver), 172 Ross Bay (Victoria), 248 Shopping, 159–170, 200, (Vancouver), Ross Bay Beaches, 251 267–272 116–119, 127, 132 Ross Bay Cemetery (Victoria), Silk Road Aromatherapy and biking, 137 245, 251, 266 Tea Company (Victoria), jogging, 140 The Roundhouse (Vancou- 271 tennis, 142 ver), 156 Silk Road Art Trading Co. wildlife viewing, 143 The Roxy (Vancouver), 174 (Vancouver), 161–162 Stanley Park Festival of Royal B.C. Museum (Victoria), Singing Pass Trail, 197 Lights (Vancouver), 30 243, 249 Sins of the City Walking Tour Stanley Park Ghost Train Royal Caribbean, 37 (Vancouver), 121 (Vancouver), 118 Royal London Wax Museum Skiing Stanley Park’s Children’s (Victoria), 243 near Victoria, 255 Farm (Vancouver), 118, 132 Royal Theatre (Victoria), 273 Vancouver area, 140–141 Stanley Park’s Miniature Rail- Royal Victoria Marathon, 34 Whistler Blackcomb, 195– way (Vancouver), 118, 132 Running, Vancouver, 144 196 STA Travel, 45 Russell Books (Victoria), 268 Skoah (Vancouver), 163 Steam Clock (Vancouver), SkyRide gondola (Vancou- 124, 151–152 ver), 126 Steamers (Victoria), 275 , 253 SkyTrain (Vancouver), 58, 63 Steamworks Pub & Brewery Safety concerns, 42 Sleighing, Whistler Black- (Vancouver), 178 St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic comb, 196 Steveston, 130 Cathedral (Victoria), 265 Smoking, 294 Steveston Salmon Festival, St. James Anglican Church Snowboarding, Vancouver, 28 (Vancouver), 154 141 The Sticky Wicket (Victoria), St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Snow Goose Festival (Van- 277 (Vancouver), 148 couver), 142–143 Still Life (Victoria), 269 Salmon runs (Victoria), 246 Snowmobiling, Whistler The Stone Temple (Vancou- Salmon Village (Vancouver), Blackcomb, 196 ver), 179 166 Snowshoeing, Whistler Black- Storm-watching, 290 Sam Kee Building (Vancou- comb, 196 Student travel, 46 ver), 152–153 Soccer, Vancouver, 144 Sugar (Victoria), 276 306 Summer Dancing in Robson Ticketmaster (Vancouver), Square (Vancouver), 29 171 Valley Trail System, 197 Summer in the Square (Victo- Time zone, 294 Vancouver Antique Centre, ria), 275 Tipping, 294 160 Summit Ski (Whistler), 195 Tla-ook Cultural Adventures, Marine Sun Run (Vancouver), 27, 288 Science Centre, 118, 119, 140, 144 Tofino, 279, 283–291 132 Sunset Beach (Vancouver), Tofino Botanical Gardens, Vancouver Aquatic Centre, 136 287 141 Sun Tower (Vancouver), 152 Tommy Africa’s (Whistler), Vancouver Art Gallery, 120, Surfing 201 149 Tofino, 290 Tonic (Vancouver), 179 Vancouver Bach Choir, 172 Victoria, 255 Totem poles Vancouver Cantata Singers, Sustainable tourism, 46–48 Vancouver, 118, 124, 132, 173 Swan Lake Christmas Hill 157–158, 165 Vancouver Centennial Police Nature Sanctuary, 249, 254 Victoria, 243, 258, 260 Museum, 120–121, 154 Swans Brewpub (Victoria), Tours, organized, 133–135 Vancouver Chamber Choir, 277 Victoria, 249–251 173 Swiftsure International Yacht Train travel, 37–38, 40, 186 Vancouver Cigar Company Race (Victoria), 31 Trans-Canada Hwy. 1, 38 (Vancouver), 162 Swimco (Vancouver), 164 Translink (B.C. Transit), 62 Vancouver East Cultural Cen- Swimming, Vancouver, 141 Transportation tre, 171 Sydney Reynolds (Victoria), 2010 Olympic Winter Vancouver Flea Market, 168 269 Games, 33 Vancouver Folk Music Festi- Vancouver, 62–65 val, 28, 174 Victoria, 204, 206–207 Vancouver Fringe Festival, 29 Vancouver International Air- akaya Tours (Vancouver), Travel CUTS, 45 T port, 58–59 135 Traveler’s checks, 41 Vancouver International Film Taman Sari Royal Heritage Trounce Alley, 262 Festival, 30, 180 Spa (Whistler), 200 True Value Vintage Clothing Vancouver International Jazz T&T Supermarket (Vancou- (Vancouver), 165 Festival, 28, 174 ver), 152, 162 Trumpeter Swan Festival Vancouver International Mar- Taxes, 294 (Comox Valley), 31 athon, 27, 140, 144 Taxis Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay Vancouver International Vancouver, 59, 63 ferry, 39 Writers and Readers Festi- Victoria, 207 Tung Fong Hung Foods Co. val, 30 Whistler Blackcomb, 187 (Vancouver), 162 Vancouver Lookout, 120 Telephones, 49 Vancouver Maritime Temperatures, average, 25 Museum, 125 Tennis, 141–142, 199 BC Aquatic Centre (Van- U Vancouver Museum, 125 Ten Ren Tea & Ginseng Co. couver), 141 Vancouver-Nanaimo ferry, 39 (Vancouver), 162 UBC Botanical Garden (Van- Vancouver Natural History Theater, 172, 273 couver), 125 Society, 143 Theater in the Sky (Vancou- UBC Coast Club (Vancouver), Vancouver Opera, 173 ver), 126–127 142 Vancouver Playhouse, 172 Theatre Inconnu (Victoria), Ucluelet, 278, 280–283 Vancouver Playhouse Inter- 274 Ucluelet Campground, 282 national Wine Festival, 27 Theatre Under the Stars The Umbrella Shop (Vancou- Vancouver Pride Society, 43 (Vancouver), 118, 172 ver), 169 Vancouver Public Library, Thetis Lake, 252 United Airlines, 37, 48 154 Third Beach (Vancouver), Uno Festival of Solo Perfor- Vancouver Queer Film Festi- 118, 136 mance (Victoria), 274 val, 43 Thomas Fee house (Vancou- Uno Langmann Limited (Van- Vancouver’s International ver), 148 couver), 160 Fringe Festival, 172 Three Dog Bakery (Vancou- The Upstairs Lounge (Victo- Vancouver Symphony, 173 ver), 169 ria), 275 Vancouver TheatreSports Thunderbird Park (Victoria), Urban Well (Vancouver), 176 League, 173–174 243, 258 Vancouver Touristinfo Cen- Waterfront Station (Vancou- special events, 187 307 tre, 59 ver), 151 traveling to, 182, 186 Vancouver Tours, 134 Waterfront Theatre (Vancou- visitor information, 186– Vancouver Trolley Company, ver), 122 187 132, 134–135 Waterpark (Vancouver), 122 weather reports, 66 Vancouver Whitecaps, 144 Water Park and Adventure Whistler Blackcomb Ski Vancouver Wooden Boat Fes- Playground (Vancouver), Resort, 140 tival, 29 132 Whistler BrewHouse, 202 VanDusen Botanical Gardens Watersports. See also specific Whistler Marketplace, 200 (Vancouver), 128 sports Whistler Mountain, 194 Vanity Fair Antiques & Col- Victoria, 255 Whistler Mountain Bike Park, lectibles (Victoria), 268 Water Street (Vancouver), 198 Venus & Mars (Vancouver), 159 Whistler Museum & Archives, 164 Weather, 25, 66 200 VIA Rail Canada, 37 Wedge Rafting (Whistler), Whistler Olympic and Para- Victoria Bug Zoo, 249 198 lympic Village, 32 Victoria Butterfly Gardens, West Bay (Victoria), 260 Whistler Physiotherapy, 201 244, 249 West Coast Air (Vancouver), Whistler River Adventures, Victoria Clipper, 39 133 197, 198 Victoria Fringe Festival, 274 West Coast Families, 60 Whistler Village Art Gallery, Victoria Harbour Ferries, West Coast Trail, 254 200 206, 250 The West End (Vancouver), White-water rafting Victoria International Air- 146 Vancouver, 142 port, 38 accommodations, 79–83 Whistler Blackcomb, 198– Victoria Jazz Society (Victo- restaurants, 98–102 199 ria), 275 sights and attractions, 112, Wickaninnish Interpretive Victoria Pride 116 Centre (Tofino), 280, 287 Celebration, 31 walking tour, 145–149 Wi-Fi access, 50 Victoria Pride Parade and West End Community Centre Wildlife viewing, 142, 288 Festival, 43 (Vancouver), 139–140 Wild Pacific Trail, 282–283 Victoria Regional Transit Western Canada Wilderness Wildside Booksellers, 291 System, 44 Committee (WCWC; Victo- Willows Beach, 251 Victoria San Juan Cruises, 39 ria), 268 Winchester Galleries (Victo- Victoria Star, 39 WestJet, 37, 38 ria), 268 Victoria Symphony Orches- The West Side (Vancouver) Windsor Hotel building (Vic- tra, 274 accommodations, 83–85 toria), 261 Victoria Visitor Centre, 257 restaurants, 102–107 Windsurfing Visitor information, 294 sights and attractions, Vancouver, 143 Vancouver, 59–60 121–125 Victoria, 255 Victoria, 204 West Vancouver, sights and The Wine Barrel (Victoria), Whistler Blackcomb, attractions, 125–127 271 186–187 Whales and whale-watching, Wines and wineries, 24 20, 40, 142 Vancouver, 170 Tofino, 290–291 The WISE Club (Vancouver), Walkabout Historic Van- Victoria, 255–256, 290 174 couver, 135 Wheelchair accessibility, Work, Mount, 244, 254 Walkers Shoes (Victoria), 44–46 Wreck Beach (Vancouver), 271 Where Vancouver, 60, 62 136 Walking tours Whistler Blackcomb, 182–202 guided accommodations, 187–192 Vancouver, 135 getting around, 187 Xtra! West, 60 Victoria, 250–251 indoor pursuits, 200–201 self-guided for kids, 201 Vancouver, 145–158 nightlife, 201–202 Yale Hotel (Vancouver), 174 Victoria, 257–265 Olympic & Paralympic Win- Yaletown (Vancouver), 114, Walk With the Dragon festi- ter Games (2010), 32–33 156 val (Vancouver), 118 outdoor activities, 194–201 accommodations, 69–79 W. & J. Wilson’s Clothiers restaurants, 192–194 restaurants, 89–96 (Victoria), 270 walking tour, 154–158 308 Yaletown Brewing Company Loden Vancouver, 73 The Gatsby Mansion Bou- (Vancouver), 178 Lonsdale Quay Hotel, 85 tique Hotel and Restau- Yaletown Landing (Vancou- Metropolitan Hotel Vancou- rant, 214 ver), 156 ver, 73–74 Harbour Towers Hotel & Yaohan Centre (Vancouver), Moda Hotel, 78 Suites, 216 160 Opus Hotel, 74 The Haterleigh Heritage Inn, YVR Airporter, 58–59 Pacific Palisades Hotel, 80 212 YWCA Fitness Centre (Van- Pan Pacific Vancouver, 74 Hostelling International Vic- couver), 141 Ramada Inn and Suites, 79 toria, 221 Rosedale on Robson Suite Hotel Grand Pacific, 212 Hotel, 76 Huntingdon Hotel and Zhongua Xuetang (Chinese St. Regis Hotel, 76 Suites, 216 Imperial School; Victoria), Shangri-La Hotel, 74 Inn at Laurel Point, 212, 214 264 Sheraton Vancouver Wall Isabella’s Guest Suites, 218 Ziptrek Ecotours (Whistler), Centre Hotel, 75 The James Bay Inn, 217 199 Sunset Inn & Suites, 82 The Magnolia, 218 Zonda Nellis Design Ltd. The Sutton Place Hotel, 75 Miraloma on the Cove, 222– (Vancouver), 164 , 83 223 Zulu Records (Vancouver), The University of British Ocean Island Backpackers 168 Columbia Conference Cen- Inn, 221 tre, 84–85 The Oswego Hotel, 214 Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Paul’s Motor Inn, 221 Hotel, 80 Poets Cove Resort & Spa, 223 Wedgewood Hotel, 75 Point-No-Point Resort, 224– ACCOMMODATIONS— West End Guest House, 82 225 VANCOUVER Westin Bayshore Resort & Royal Scot Hotel & Suites, Marina, 80–81 215 The Westin Grand, 75–76 Sidney Pier Hotel & Spa, 223 Barclay House Bed & Break- YWCA Hotel/Residence, 79 Sooke Harbour House, 223– fast, 81 224 Best Western Downtown Van- Spinnakers Guest House, 215 couver, 76–77 Swans Suite Hotel, 218 Blue Horizon, 81 ACCOMMODATIONS— University of Victoria Hous- Buchan Hotel, 82–83 VICTORIA ing, Food, and Conference Chocolate Lily, 84 Abbeymoore Manor Inn, 219 Services, 225 Coast Plaza Hotel & Suites, Abigail’s Hotel, 217 Victoria Marriott Inner Har- 81–82 Admiral Inn, 215 bour, 220 Days Inn Downtown, 77 The Aerie, 221–222 The Victoria Regent Hotel, Delta Vancouver Suites, 72 Andersen House Bed & 218–219 Empire Landmark, 82 Breakfast, 214 Westin Bear Mountain Victo- The Fairmont Hotel Vancou- The Beaconsfield Inn, 217 ria Golf Resort & Spa, 224 ver, 72 The Bedford Regency Hotel, The Fairmont Waterfront, 72 220 Four Seasons Hotel, 72–73 Best Western Carlton Plaza, Georgian Court Hotel, 77 219 ACCOMMODATIONS— Granville Island Hotel, 83 Birds of a Feather Oceanfront OTHER AREAS Hostelling International Van- Bed & Breakfast, 224 Adara Whistler Hotel, 188 couver Downtown Hostel, The Boathouse, 222 Alpine Chalet Whistler, 190 78 Brentwood Bay Lodge & Spa, Black Rock Oceanfront Hostelling International Van- 222 Resort (Ucluelet), 282 couver Jericho Beach Hos- Chateau Victoria Hotel, 219 Brimar Bed and Breakfast tel, 84 Coast Victoria Harbourside (Tofino), 284 Howard Johnson Hotel, 78 Hotel & Marina, 215–216 Cedar Springs Bed & Break- The Inn at False Creek, 77 Dashwood Manor, 219–220 fast Lodge (Whistler), 191 Kenya Court Ocean Front Days Inn on the Harbour, 216 Chalet Beau Sejour (Whis- Guest House, 84 Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe tler), 191 The Kingston Hotel, 78–79 Resort and Spa, 211 Chilcotin Holidays Guest Le Soleil Hotel & Suites, 73 Executive House Hotel, 220 Ranch (Gold Bridge), 289 The Listel Hotel, 79–80 The Fairmont Empress, 211 Delta Whistler Village Suites, 189 Durlacher Hof Pension Inn Gusto di Quattro, 108–109 RESTAURANTS— 309 (Whistler), 190–191 Gyoza King, 102 The Fairmont Chateau Whis- Hapa Izakaya, 100–101 VICTORIA tler, 188 Ichiban-ya, 101 Abkhazi Garden, 233 Four Seasons Resort Whis- Il Giardino di Umberto Ris- The Aerie, 236 tler, 188–189 torante, 94 Barb’s Place, 230 Hostelling International Incendio West, 106 The Blue Crab Bar and Grill, Whistler, 191 Italian Kitchen, 95 228 The Inn at Tough City Joe Fortes Seafood and Chop Brasserie L’Ecole, 230–231 (Tofino), 284 House, 92 Butchart Gardens Dining Long Beach Lodge Resort Joe’s Cafe, 110 Room Restaurant, 233 (Tofino), 283 Jules, 97–98 Café Brio, 231 Middle Beach Lodge (Tofino), La Casa Gelato, 110 Caffè Artigiano, 234 284–285 Le Gavroche, 99 Camille’s, 231 Pacific Rim Motel (Ucluelet), Lift, 99 Canoe, 229–230 282 The Locus Café, 108 Fairfield Fish and Chips, 236 Pan Pacific Whistler Moun- MARKET by Jean-Georges, 94 Fairmont Empress, 232 tainside, 189 Memphis Blues Barbeque Green Cuisine, 234 Summit Lodge & Spa (Whis- House, 103 Il Terrazzo Ristorante, 231 tler), 189–190 Mink, 111 J&J Wonton Noodle House, Ucluelet Oceanfront Hostel, The Naam Restaurant, 106 234–235 282 Nu, 94 The Local Kitchen, 230 The Westin Resort & Spa Old Spaghetti Factory, 98 The Mark, 228–229 Whistler, 190 Pajo’s (Steveston), 130 Ottavio, 234 Whalers on the Point Guest- Park Lock Seafood Restau- Pagliacci’s, 232–233 house (Tofino), 285 rant, 97 Paprika Bistro, 235 The Wickaninnish Inn Phnom Penh Restaurant, 98 Point Ellice House, 232 (Tofino), 284 Pink Pearl, 97 Prime Steakhouse & Lounge, Raincity Grill, 99–100 232 Rangoli, 106–107 Q V Bakery & Café, 235 RESTAURANTS— The Reef, 108 rebar, 235, 262 Red Fish/Blue Fish, 230 VANCOUVER Romano’s Macaroni Grill, 101 The Salmon House on the Sam’s Deli, 235 Agro Café, 122 Hill, 109 SeaGrille, 236 Amarcord, 92 Salt, 98 Siam Thai Restaurant, 235 Annapurna, 106 Sanafir, 96 Six Mile Pub, 237 Banana Leaf, 102 The SandBar, 103–104 Sooke Harbour House, 237 The Beach House at Dundar- Sciué, 96–97 Spinnakers Brewpub, 230 ave Pier, 108 Sha-Lin Noodle House, 107 Stage, 236 Bin 941 Tapas Parlour, 95 Simply Thai, 96 The Tapa Bar, 233 Blue Water Cafe and Raw Bar, The Smoking Dog, 104 White Heather Tea Room, 93 Sophie’s Cosmic Café, 107 233 C, 89, 92 Stephos, 102 Willie’s, 234 Café Zen, 103 Sun Sui Wah, 107 Zambri’s, 233–234 Caffe Amici, 115 Tanpopo, 101 Caffè Artigiano, 109 The Teahouse in Stanley Calabria, 115 Park, 100 RESTAURANTS— Chambar Belgian Restaurant, Tojo’s Restaurant, 102–103 93 OTHER AREAS The Tomahawk Restaurant, Cin Cin, 98–99 Araxi (Whistler), 193 109 Coast, 93 Bearfoot Bistro (Whistler), Trattoria Italian Kitchen, 105 Delaney’s on Denman, 146 192–193 Urban Rush, 146 Diva at the Met, 92 Caramba! Restaurante (Whis- Vij, 105–106 Elixir, 93–94 tler), 194 Voya, 100 Epicurean Caffè Bistro, 110 Ciao-Thyme Bistro and Fitz West, 103 The Fish House in Stanley Pub (Whistler), 194 Yew, 94–95 Park, 99 Citta Bistro (Whistler), 192 Zin, 101 glowbal grill & satay bar, 95 Common Loaf Bakeshop (Tofino), 287 310 Dubh Linn Gate Irish Lounge/ Irish Heather, 152 The Schooner (Tofino), 286 Pub (Whistler), 192 Matterson Teahouse and Gar- Shelter (Tofino), 286 Floata Seafood Restaurant, den (Ucluelet), 282 SOBO (Tofino), 286 153 The Pointe Restaurant Tuff Beans (Tofino), 287 Hy’s Steakhouse (Whistler), (Tofino), 285–286 Whistler Brew-House, 192 193 Quattro (Whistler), 193 Wickaninnish Restaurant Ingrid’s Village Cafe (Whis- Rimrock Cafe and Oyster Bar (Tofino), 287 tler), 192 (Whistler), 193