Questionnaire for pilot sites

Collection of facts and information of pilot sites for building a comparative, transnational typology of alpine territories

For project partners: Please fill in the predefined gaps and boxes and try to answer all the questions clearly and completely. Use the predefined boxes and stick to the space limitations. If space isn’t enough, please use the attached document to add more information. The questionnaire will be

transferred directly into a kind of factsheet of your pilot site. Therefor please try to give clear information and formulate it well, so that it can be used for presenting your pilot site. If you have questions concerning the filling in, the meaning of a question or anything else, do not hesitate to contact us (iSpace – Dagmar Lahnsteiner, [email protected], CEREMA – David Caubel, [email protected])

Name and type of the territory: Pays Ledonien : group of the 9 following intermunicipalities:

 Communauté d'agglomération Espace Communautaire Lons Agglomération (32 municipalities),  Communauté de Communes -Revermont (37 municipalities),  Communauté de Communes de la Haute (22 municipalities),  Communauté de communes du Pays des Saint-Amour (12 municipalities),  Communauté de Communes du Pays des Lacs (30 municipalities),  Communauté de Communes de la Petite Montagne (28 municipalities),  Communauté de Communes de la Région d' (24 municipalities),  Communauté de communes Sud-Revermont (18 municipalities),  Communauté de communes du Val de Sorne (8 municipalities)

Location (political district / region, federal province, country, other relevant position information):

The Pays Ledonien pilote site is located in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region, in department. It is considered as being a territorial and rural balance territory grouping 9 intermunicipalities. It borders with Saône-et-Loire department (south –West) and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region (South). The Pays Ledonien includes 221 municipalities in which the major centre is Lons-le-Saunier (the main Jura city). The territory covers an area of 170 500 ha, with a great diversity of landscapes: Jurassic Bresse, Revermont hillsides, the Jura's first plateau with its remote regions of the Lakes and Petite Montagne.


The 9 intermunicipalities

Altimetry map and the main circulation networks of the Lédonien Country


Factor Description Please fill in… Population Number of inhabitants (main residence) and year 82 263 inhab (2014) 2

- shares by age groups 12 towns > 1 000 inhab 37 700 main residences (household) (ménages) (2013) - share of working population - 22,2 % of the population 65 years old and +

- 37 299 workers (active population 15-64 years old) Area Total area of the municipality in km² 1 684 km2 Pop. density Number of inhabitants per km² (year) 49 inhab / km2 (2014) Settlement Number of inhabitants per km² settlement area/ Communauty space of Lons density theoretically inhabitable area (year) Agglomeration (ECLA) : 182 inhab/ km2 (2014) Elevation Height above mean sea level in m Minimale point = 184 m (municipality of Chapelle- Voland - West) Highest point = 1129 m (municipality of St Maurice- Crillat- Est) Settlement Sprawled settlements or mainly compact? Satellite A very large area with structure areas around a centre or more disconnected predominantly rural, low centres/settlements? Physical barriers? density characteristics, with urban sprawl in rural municipalities (excluding poles) for the development of housing and in the urban pole for economic development. 1. Urban pole, composed: Lons-le- Saunier (city center), (pole of equilibrium), Perrigny (pole of equilibrium) and Messia-sur-Sorne (pole of proximity services).

2. Cillage-centers : , Saint- Amour, Orgelet and Clairvaux-les- Lacs.

3. Townships namely, , Beaufort, , , Pont- de-Poitte, Sellieres and 3

4. Proximity hubs: (Arlay and Saint-Germain-les- Arlay), , , Conliège, Courlouis, , , Hauteroche, Crançot, Granges- sur-Baume and Mirebel. , Ruffey- sur-Seille and Thoirette-Coisia (Thoirette and Coisia) and (Bourcia, Louvenne, Saint- Julien and Villechantria)

5. Residential municipalities equipped : , Chilly-le-Vignoble, Courbouzon, L'Etoile, , , Val Sonnette (Saint- Agnès and Chapelle-Voland

6. Rural municipalities

- Highly structuring north- south road axis (A39, RD 1083) - East-west crossing more constrained (topography, crossing of boroughs) Topography of Is it flat land / hilly terrain/ alpine valley and basin Increasing western settlement area landscape? Other? elevations (vast plain of Bresse) in east (Little Mountain, 1st and 2d mountainous plateaus) Functional Are there any characteristics describing special - Areas of activities greater characteristics functions of the municipality (e.g.: popular tourist than 40 ha in the main destination, concentration of jobs, school centre, 4

regional centre, winter sport resort, economically poles and close to the attractive, isolated/ central/ interconnected to,..) communication axes - a certain autonomy in commercial offer with little competition from neighboring regional clusters (Dijon, Besançon, Lyon). Concentration of businesses in the poles especially urban pole - a tourist territory that is based on the natural landscape (lakes, rivers, waterfalls, caves ...) and built (classified towns and villages, Unesco sites)- - Structuring facilities: hospitals, lycées, higher education institutions (agriculture, environment and education), cinemas, theaters in Lons-le-Saunier - Organization in Intercommunal Pedagogical Grouping (RPI) for an offer in local school equipment Jobs Number of workplaces and employees within the 1 area of employment = municipality (year) Lons-le-Saunier 33,784 jobs (2013) Coverage rate = 101 (as many jobs as employed) Commuter Number of working population commuting to outside Number of workers balance the municipality (year) working outside the Number of people commuting from outside into the territory: 5,768 workers municipality (year) (2012) Number of workers residing outside the territory and working in a municipality of the pilot site: 5,447 workers (2012).



1. Modal split: Please insert the smallest-scale modal split values of traffic volume available for the municipality/territory adding also the scale, source, and year (= percentage of travellers using a particular type of transportation).

Scale, source, year Scale, source, year Share by foot value in % by foot 20,4% Share bicycle value in % bicycle 3,7% Share MIV value in % motorized individual transport 63,9% (driver & passenger) Share PT value in % public transport 10,4% Share other/n.s. value in % other / not specified 1,6%

2. Public transport - Existing offer: Please describe the existing mobility offer in the municipality/ territory. - Which means of transport do exist? ☒ ☒ ☒ Local bus Regional bus Local train ☐ ☒ ☐ Long-distance train Urban railways (S-Bahn) Tramway ☐ ☐ Metro Other: Details of the public transport offer: - Urban bus: Tallis network with 4 bus lines serving Lons-le-Saunier, Montmorot and Perrigny (Lons- le-Saunier urban center) + Tallis service (TAD) serving ECLA - organized free bus (Flixbus): 4 destinations departing from Lons-le-Saunier (Auxerre, Dijon, Geneva and Paris) - County Bus (JuraGo): serves all the communes of the Lédonien country except 3 communes - mainly school public + 1 express line Lons-le-Saunier / Dole - Regional trains (TER): Revermont line connecting Besançon to Bourg-en-Bresse. Besançon: 12 AR / day in 1 hour; Bourg-en-Bresse: 5AR / day in 40 minutes

- Frequency of public transport services: what is the shortest interval?

Frequency of major lines - urban bus: 30 min minimum frequency on line B Lons-le-Saunier / Marjorie (the busiest line of the Tallis urban network) - organized free bus: at least 3 hours 20 minutes on the Lons-le-Saunier / Dijon line and Lons-le- Saunier / Paris, - County buses: at least 35 minutes for the Lons-le-Saunier / Dole line - regional trains: at least every 2 hours in the direction of Lyon from Lons-le-Saunier, frequency of at least 1/2 hour in the direction of Besançon ☐ ☐ ☒ ☒ ☐ < 5 minutes 5 - 15 min. 15 - 30 min. 30 – 60 min. > 60 minutes

- How long is the travel time to the next regional/national centre? ☒ ☐ < 15 min OR the next centre is within the pilot site /municipality 15 – 30 minutes ☐ ☐ 30 – 60 minutes > 60 minutes

- Is there a multi/intermodal hub? If yes, of which services does it consist (in the case of several hubs, choose a representative/ the best developed one)?

☐ ☒ No Yes, consisting of: 6

☒ ☒ ☒ Bus/tram station Railway station ☐ Metro station Park & Ride area ☒ ☐ ☐ Bicycle parking E-bike charging E-car charging ☐ Car sharing ☐ ☒ ☒ Bike rental Taxi rank Other: Autres : Restauration rapide (MacDo, sandwicherie) + Bar/tabc + Hôtel/Restaurant, etc.

3. Public transport - incentives: What is done to make public transport attractive?

☒ Dedicated tariff system (discounted tickets, annual passes, combined/integrated tickets for different means of transport, special offers, etc.) ☐ Dedicated information (websites, smartphone apps, campaigns etc.) ☐ Other (max.150 characters):

4. Supplementary mobility offer and initiatives: Please give a brief description (+ year of implementation, owner/ operator) of supplementary public transport systems and innovative initiatives in the municipality/territory which assist the PT or help to reduce private car use (Park & Ride areas, Carpooling/ Carsharing initiatives, bus-on-demand / call bus, share taxi, Secure hitchhiking, etc.). (max. 5 listings with max. 300 characters each) Jurago : 304 County Jura Lines open to all and not only to schoolchildren at a very attractive price of € 2 per journey regardless of the distance ( Malis: Transport on Demand on ECLA (Community of Agglomeration of the city center) / 2,70 € per journey, then decreasing with card ( FlixBus : journey Lons  Paris from 24,99€ (in stead of ≈70€ in TGV) Development of carpooling: in 2012, the County Council of Jura carried out a County Carpooling Plan with the aim of developing around a hundred car-pooling areas in the Jura in partnership with the intermunicipal and municipal authorities, during the period 2014-2016 . 10 areas were set up in the territory of the Pays Lédonien in mid-2015 + a "JuraCovoit" internet platform was set up to identify these different car-pooling areas.

5. Conditions for non-motorized private transport:

How is the situation for biking and walking within the Are there additional offers like (free) (electric) bicycle municipality/territory?(max. 500 characters) rental, bike sharing or special measures/initiatives for pedestrians? (max. 500 characters) Favorable for any type of mobility motivation. No However, relief can cause problems for long distances.

Several bike trails (in own site) are being developed in the Pays Lédonien: - the route between Lons-le-Saunier / Chalain / , known as the "PLM" - the Jurassian Bresse route between Lons-le- Saunier and Dole, - the Bressan way between Lons-le-Saunier and the Saône-et-Loire.

In the long term, all intercommunities in the 7

Pays Lédonien will be covered by a Master Plan for alternatives to motorized means (6 completed and 3 to come). 417 km of cycling routes are already identified by the adopted patterns (routes shared by the road).

The itineraries for the alternative to motorized means (greenways and cycling routes) are mainly intended for tourism and leisure.

6. Local mobility knowledge:

Which kind of data or studies are used or gathered on local mobility knowledge? Is there any kind of observation system in place to enhance the information about current and forecast local mobility needs, practices and CO2 impacts? (max. 5 listings with max. 300 characters each) A diagnosis of mobility (transport infrastructure, transport services, habits and travel time) is carried out within the framework of the Territorial Cohesion Scheme (SCoT), which is currently being drawn up. The data provided in this questionnaire are based on this diagnosis. IINSEE

7. Mobility needs and demands:

Do inhabitants or local stakeholders express mobility needs or gaps with regard to the current situation and territorial issues? If yes, what are the major ones? (max. 5 listings with max. 200 characters each) Q1 : No available data. Q2 : The main difficulties encountered are the isolation of non-motorized populations (elderly and young people) in rural areas : access to facilities, shops and services make them dependent to other people, or make them completely isolated.


1. Planning authorities: Please give an overview of the responsibilities concerning mobility and spatial/housing planning in the municipality/territory. Are there also authorities combining the spatial and mobility planning aspect?

Mobility planning (max. 800 characters) Spatial/housing planning (max. 800 characters)

ECLA : Community of Agglomeration of the PETR (territorial and rural balance pole) of the Pays Community Area of Lons Agglomeration Lédonien has the SCoT skill (Territorial coherence ECLA is organizing authority of transports (OAT) but scheme) doesn’t have any urban travel plan (UTP) County Council of Jura has a school transport ECLA has the local habitat program skill. skill.

2. Planning instruments: Which planning instruments and strategic documents influence /control spatial/housing and mobility planning in the municipality/territory THE MOST? In which way, at what time and territorial scale do they act? Are they 8

obligatory? Think of any programmes, concepts, regulation, strategic processes etc. (max. 5 listings with max 400 characters each)

The tool is the Territorial coherence scheme (SCoT) The scope of the SCoT covers the PETR Le SCoT of the Pays Lédonien is planned for 18 years. It is actually 3 successive periods of 6 years, because every 6 years this document is subject to a mandatory evaluation. Yes, thanks to a compatibility report with lower-ranking documents. Even if federating to carry a project of territory, the SCoT remains a document of objectives. On the other hand, not having the transport skill, the operational declination remains difficult. Q6 et 7 : Not defined yet.


3. Main objectives: What are current and forecast main objectives and guiding principles for the municipality/territory, linked with mobility issues(+ sources)? Think of local, regional and national scale. (max. 5 listings with max 200 characters each)

The isolation of non-motorized populations (elderly and young people) in rural areas : access to facilities, shops and services make them dependent. The improvement of the living environment thanks to the development of alternative to motorized means of 10

mobility. The introduction of innovative services enabling a development of proximity (the proposal of new forms of organization of services for the territory). The access to neighboring metropolitan centers (Lyon, Bourg, Besançon) is made to foster the Strasbourg / Lyon axis.

4. Planning measures: What are concrete planning measures already in use within the municipality/ territory, helping to reduce CO2 and foster/push the usage and implementation of public transport and other low CO2 mobility options? E.g. car- reduced building projects, precautionary land use (saving areas next to public transport infrastructure for building compact settlements), subsidy for compact settlements, strengthening of town centres, regulation of residential densities next to public transport stops (max. 5 listings with max.300 characters each)

Not defined yet.


In conclusion, regarding requirements, offer, planning and implementation of low CO2 mobility and related issues, what are: (max. 800 charcters each)

- strengths & benefits of the municipality/territory? - weaknesses & problems of the municip./ territory? On the Strasbourg / Lyon axis The isolation of non-motorized populations (elderly Preserved environment and young people) in rural areas : access to facilities, Territory that allows the development of cyclotourism shops and services make them dependent. (in particular for touristic development) The « Always car using » culture.

The low demographic dynamics and the aging of the population. - opportunities & challenges of the municip./territory? - threats & restrictions of the municipality/territory? To propose innovative services The main structuring poles are declining and weakening (declining population and employment) Developing the territorial network: covering and organizing the territory thanks to the main structuring centers.


Are there best practices or experiences examples (maybe yet mentioned) of reduced CO2 mobility offers / projects or initiatives:

- WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY/TERRITORY OR THE REGION which work very well and can be recommended to other municipalities with similar conditions?

Examples with short explanations (max. 5 listings with Weblink or contact for further information max.300 characters each) Nothing to mention


- from OTHER MUNICIPALITIES/TERRITORIES which would be a good solution for the municipality/territory under review?

Examples with short explanations (max. 5 listings with Weblink or contact for further information max.300 characters) Expectations concerning ASTUS deliverables.

Are there lessons learned from less successful or failed experiences that could be shared in order to improve forthcoming actions in municipalities with similar conditions? (max. 500 characters)


Are there any tools/ software products your local authority uses to model effects on land-use and/or transport (e.g. low carbon scenarios) within the process of mobility or spatial planning? Please name them (+ Link and contact Person if available).

No specific software or local tools available.

Do you make any tools for estimating effects of individual mobility behaviour and/or location choice available to your citizens? Or do you provide any information or links about such tools on your homepage? Please name them (+ Link and contact Person if available).

No local tools.

If you could wish for a (software) tool for sustainable land-use and/or transport decision making, what would it be like? Please name important characteristics, input, output, geographical scale and target groups.

Expectations concerning ASTUS deliverables.