Bridges: UNESCO Regional

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Bridges: UNESCO Regional UVO/2013/PI/H/4 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER t JULY - SEPTEMBER 2013 Bridges UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe Issue 3 t2013 Calendar of events & Editorial page 2 Eastern Partnership Initiative & UN House in Sarajevo pages 3-4 Venice Office Regional Bureau for Science News and Highlights from Science & Culture pages 5-12 and Culture in Europe United Nations [ Back story & People page 13 Cultural Organization In memoriam & Post-2015 Development Agenda page 14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dear reader, JULY `@RQcX$`F=!^\HR H$$>XIV`$VJH7V`01HV11 .: VCC1 V I am pleased to invite you to discover this latest Q`@.Q]QJ:` .GV`0:Q`R`1@HVJ:`15 J:01$QJ:JRHQII%J1H:Q` :G$ 1%V Q` Q%` _ V`C7 VCVH `QJ1H JV15 !F F=HJ!`:JHVRL QQ`I:QJV`01HVH:C7 H G “Bridges”. @H:% VR%H:QJ:JR1J V`H%C %`:C%JRV` $ R`GQ%JR:`PJV`^RPJ_7RQ1:`R South-East Europe FQRL XcX$`.:`VRHQ7 VI Working in partnership with young people has :JR% :G\`P$ been a long-standing priority for UNESCO, one H$:Q`@VP@<V$1J:8 Territories” : H G .: .VVJ1HV HV1IQ0: VR L QHQJJ%V:1V:H0VC7VV@ Q1JHQ`]Q`: V R`$>R%H:` :G 7Q% .1JQ%`R:1C7:H01V8 R`$Q`@.Q]QJ :H:C%``H1VJHV \V^\_?: RH G RVH.JQCQ$H:QJTCG RL :]:H1 7RG$:1J$ Q`:Q` !`QIRV0VCQ]1J$1:JRV$$1J$J1:0V 0Q7%`$:$`Q` :1IVR: V:H.1J$1CR`VJ GV`:`$%:`R X$`$VJ `V:H` QI:JH%C %`:C.V`1 :$V1JQ% .R: %`Q]V 7;` intangible cultural heritage P$:`R L TCGH GRGV >$U@$Q% and protect our precious water resources ^] _Q]`Q01R1J$VJ:=G@1CC:JR AUGUST LX V`1:C``X V`` `:1J1$`Q`7Q%$V Q`V`:JRHQJV`0: Q` R%H:QJ:JRJ01`QJIVJ XH GV` ^]8_5Q1J01$.VI =1J%:1J V`J $$[TV`JVV:`H.5 2013 :JR0QC%J VV`1JQ%`^]8_5Q`@1J$ \VH:QJ :HV V`J 12 August : Each year, a theme is with and for this key group of stakeholders, Balkans H:C7 R T$% J!JRJGJV`$7RJ$ VCVH VR`Q` .VJ V`J:QJ:CQ% . JV`$7:JRHQJQI1H H1VJH1VJ!:QJ8 :78.17V:`1 1:Q% .1$`:QJ7 G:`1V:JR]:` JV`1`$J1<VR:@V7 SEPTEMBER 22-23 October 2013 Moving Development Forward’. `QG1CR1J$`%`>G$V?`Q`H1VJJR H%C %`:CHQQ]V`:QJ5R1:C$%V:6H.:$V ]$`6G>H:$$P:C@:J? J$VI1J:`QJ .V]`:HH:C1I]CVIVJ :QJ Young people today face pressing 11 .1J .VQ% .R: %`Q]V:J`$1QJ8 Belgrade V`G G `QJ0VJQJQFQJ:JR $QG:CH.:CCVJ$H.:.1$.CV0VC F`\0V`1 ` %`:C61QJ `5%CJV`G$ QC:JR::CCVRVc T0:JHVR%JRV`1: V`:`H.:VQCQ$7HQ%`V R @`:1JVR H G HQJR1QJ:JRI:`$<:Q``QI G RVH11QJRI$HVV8 Director, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science HJ V`J:QJ:C@JQ$GV`:$V1Q`@.Q]QJ and Culture in Europe R.PV@1 :$V RG :PV7QJRR>\F;: Q`H:C7 R H G XX%`QRX V``:JVX %IIV` NOVEMBER H.Q`H1VJHVQII%J1H:QJ]R VGV HQJ:C`JHVQJ: %`FR%H C1<QJP$:`R GV \R`:$`RV:H.V`G VGV UNESCO World Science Day for Peace and \VCQ]IVJ H:C7 GV H.QQCQJ% :GJV`$>Q`CR @ :$V1 VGRH G UNESCO World Science Day for Peace and \VCQ]IVJ X$GV OCTOBER :]:H1 7RG$.`<QJ:JR !J$H1VJHFQJ`V`GR 1I]CVIVJ :Q`X$F` October 2013 @ :$V1 V :`JQ]QH:J1VG RGV ]$$^1`@ Q`1H:RQ1J7 :GJV`$7 RH G HQJ:CH.QQQ`@.Q]1JQJC1JV:` XHF71H:JR: %`@<:`RP$:`1:8 Q% .R: %`Q]V:JH1LJ:C1IH.QQCVG T GV 3-5 October 2013 DECEMBER R.VQJ `G`R01%:C]`QR%HQJ Q .V safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage V`G $FH1`V V`P:C@:J October 2013 R\GV ©Youth - iStockphoto >> all events Bridges Issue 3 [ 2013 [ page 2 First-ever Eastern Partnership Ministerial Conference on Culture .1.1$.RCV0VCV0V& V':` JV`.]0V.VCR on 27-28 June 2013 in Tbilisi, Georgia, was organised by the &%])IIT Q`: /&R%H:QJ5)5 I55] :JR .V1J1 `) ©Eastern Partnership - !Q`%I I'`Q VH/$1:8.VG1G7 .V1J1 V`9]H])QJ`V`VJHV8 TRJFTJRJ@HF The conference represented a :VIVJ` F:` JV`.1] What happens in the countries in I1CV QJV1J .VH%C %`:CR1IVJ1QJ F$:IIV:JR c Eastern Europe and the Southern ` F JV`.1]5$ 1J`G`:0V ©Eastern Partnership :%H:%:cVH .V%`Q]V:J- $$``Q`@ %F$:IIV8 H0R!FQ 1QJ8 %HHV10V VJC:`$VIVJ $HH` G .:0VG`$ .VVHQ%J `1V- I1RR V`I:VIVJ` V`J R.`VVV1QJ1V`VH.VR%CVR7 er to the EU and their security, sta- We, the Ministers and Heads of delega- VHQJQI1HRV0VCQ]IVJ5VCC:1J]QC1- H%C %`5 GV bility and prosperity increasingly F JV`.1]%CF$`:IIV8 RVH Q`:C ]]&: ':` - H:C`V`6 $6 1I]:H QJ .V;8R]Q VJ:C `H1:CRV0VCQ]IVJ 6 nership Ministerial Conference on Culture, R`Q V`1J V`R V`1:CHQQ]V`:QJQJ .VVHQ%J `1VcV``Q`R10V``7- QC:JR::CCVRc5\ Q` R:0VH Q`1H held on 28 June 2013, in Tbilisi, Georgia: T$$7 cultural issues, in the spirit of acknowl- ing the EU’s energy supplies is one J$:P:`H1VJHV $1=G:QJ65 $$:J0V`:CJ: %``V V6:I]CV8 :JR%C %`V1J%`Q]V5^H:C7_5 R1J `%IVJ :JR1J V`J:QJ:C JVH$7 R:C``: F:` JV`- `$QJG$QV8$7 $:- `V]`VVJ VR R R]VH0` F> G 1F? 5$5:QJ:JR T .VVHQ%J5 Q0$- V0V`: V`F JV`X V`1:C `% %`V8 - the principles underpinning the Eastern 1J]`$`:IV1`Q`:]QC1H7 1J V`H%C %`$6 $5 :`V H$ Q% ]QC1H5 QJ`V`VJHVQJ%C %`V8 R.VV0VJ HCQVR11 . .V`VCV:` QH1:C:JRVHQJQI1H`V`5:JR F:` JV`5$VRHQII1 - dialogue on culture between the EU and RQRV0VCQ]H%C %`:C]QC1H1V1JHCQV RG1C11RVHC:`:QJ8 IVJ ` :C05 : VF:` JV`6 HQQ]V`:QJ11 .H101CQH1V 75Q .1 .:0V : VR .V1` 11. 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PQ@<$Q01J:8 JV$P:`H1VJHV `P@5FV V`Q`VJVJ5@` @G and Culture in Europe, Venice \$P@ `Q%J `7 V:PQJ1: ^H :C7_55` JV]`VVJ :0`:JRQ .V` @<$Q01J:5$QC:JR: .VT VJJ: HV1J ©UNDP Bosnia and VJ1Q`Q H1:C:JRR1]CQI: 1J :CCVRc5\ Q` :`:=V0Q8>>full story UN House in Sarajevo inaugurated @<$Q01J: < ?5 H5@ `$ $RQ]V`:QJ Following through on 91 ]VJVR1J %JRV`HQ`VR .VHQII1 IVJ` G1P@>0V`JIVJ :JR HQII1 IVJ I:RV: 1 Sarajevo by Helen Clark, United .VJ1 T$VJH1V = .Vc 1V:CQ11.
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