Salar Jung Museum,

5.1 Do You Know

Description Image Source

Salar Jung Museum is biggest one - man (Salar Jung III) collections of antiques in the world

5.2 Timeline

Timelines Image Description

Salar Jung I Prime Minister of Hyderabad during this 1853–1883 period

On October 31, Mir Laiq Ali Khan was bestowed with the title of Salar 1883 Jung II.

February 5, Salar Jung was appointed the Prime Minister. 1884

1889 To 1949 Nawab Mir Yousuf Ali Khan Bahadur Salar Jung III

16th December, Salar Jung Museum was opened to the public by 1951 Pandit , Prime Minister of .

The Museum continued to be administered directly by 1958-1961 the The Museum along with the library was declared as 1961 an Institution of National importance and was

transferred to the Government of India

5.3 Web links

Web links

5.4 Bibliography


Karl Khandelwala & Rahmat Ali Khan., GULSHAN-E-MUSSAWWARI( 1986. Hyderabad )

Kotaiah, B., A Hand Book of Western Arts in Salar Jung Museum

Nigam, M.L., Fundamentals of Museology. (1985.Hyderabad )

Nigam, M.L., Jude collections in Salar Jung Museum (1966.Hyderabad)

Pant, G.N., Catalogue of Edged Arms and Armour in the Salar Jung Museum (1989 New Delhi)

Reddy, A.K.V.S., A Guide book to Salar Jung Museum (1998.Hyderabad) Sarma, I.K., SJM-BI A.R.J. Vol .No XXIV,XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXIV (1992 to 1997, Hyderabad.)

SatyaPrakash, Journey in art through the Salar Jung Museum, ( (1971 Hyderabad )

SatyaPrakash,(Ed ), Salar Jung Museum- B.1 Annual Research Journal (1974. Hyderabad )

SJM Board- A brief Guide to the Salar Jung Museum (1066.Hyderabad)