United statesDepartment of the Interior Narrox¿l- P¿nx SBnvrcB CapeCod National Seashore 99 MarconiSite Road -Weiifleet, t{[At2667 i s08.349.3785 508.349.9052Fax IN REPLYREFERTO: toL I May 8, 2008 Dear ftrferestedParfY: electric optionsfor anupg3d9 of thepresent deteriorating underground we havebeen examining Assessment arH"*idtã;åil;;"h f*ifiiiei in Provincetown.An Environmental supptyline preparedin accordarrcewitLr înåñ"riåî"r Environmenturïãhrve"t NE?-{) hasbeen iË""tit.ñ Pres.ervatio" (l'{É{PA)to Há ñffi;;Ë;""fuenral policy Act anJtÉ NatiànalHístoric +"t includingnatural and cultural evaluatethe impacts of the project q; humanenvironment, 9" andcomment on theproject' resources,and provide an opporhrnityf"iïftt p"Ulic to review p,o19-rto. t{e document,there are three altematives for providingelectric As discussedin the 7'5 kW wind tfr, Ño Ã"i¡á altemative,u .àtnUi"t¿ small-icaleland-based beachfacilities: preferredArtemative}, or a 10kw a,,dz.64kw soiarphotovortai" ,yrå- turbine {riemali-ve.(tire electricline replacementwas solarphotovoltaic letteáative Two).Undèrground consiäeredbut rejected"tlt;lt;ativeas an altemative' Seashore'99 Marconi Site Commentscan be sentto the Superintendent,Cape Çg^dfational 349-3785,Fax:(508) 349-9052 or Road,Wellfleer, rur*ru"tt"r erc)ozsøLirr.prtoirr: (50s) park pllnmng.websiteat emaii at
[email protected],or directly oì,tftê periodbègms today' May 8' 2008' and hfip:llparþlanning.nps.gov.A 30-daypublic comment closeson June 7,2008. andyour interestin Thank you for yo'*r consideraticnof this en-''konmentalassessment' ;J r"ppíValternãtives for the Hening CoveBeach facilities' "l;;t Sincerely, rtt-" GeorgeIåE. Price,Jr. Superintendent Envi ron mental Assessment Electrical SUPPlY for Herring Cove Beach Facilities May2008 CapeCod NationalSeash ore 99 MarconiSite Rd.