XLIII Encontro da ANPAD - EnANPAD 2019 São Paulo/SP - 02 a 05 de outubro Foreign Market Selection: Reducing The Uncertainties Caused By Distance Dimensions Through Strategic Objectives Autoria Narayana de Oliveira -
[email protected] Prog de Pós-Grad em Admin/Cursos de Mestr Acad em Admin e Dout em Admin e Turismo/UNIVALI - Universidade do Vale do Itajaí Wouter Niels de Vries -
[email protected] Master in Strategic Entrepreneurship/Halmstad University Dinorá Eliete Floriani -
[email protected] Prog de Pós-Grad em Admin/Cursos de Mestr Acad em Admin e Dout em Admin e Turismo/UNIVALI - Universidade do Vale do Itajaí Svante Andersson -
[email protected] Master of Strategic Entrepreneurship/Halmstad University Resumo Organizations inserted on the international business automatically deal with the perceptions of distance that result in differences and similarities between countries. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the strategic objectives of a firm balancing the uncertainties caused by the perceived distances at the moment of foreign market selection. Through an in-depth cross-country single case study methodology, this study analyzed a Swedish company with subsidiaries in different countries and highlighted the distance symmetry mainly focused on the Swedish and German markets. This research contribute for the international business studies by presenting the importance of the distance dimensions aligned with strategic objectives for foreign market selection. Moreover, this research contributes by proposing that the (lower) level of both objective and subjective (cultural, administrative, geographic, economic, psychic) distances contribute for distance being symmetric. XLIII Encontro da ANPAD - EnANPAD 2019 São Paulo/SP - 02 a 05 de outubro Foreign Market Selection: Reducing The Uncertainties Caused By Distance Dimensions Through Strategic Objectives ABSTRACT Organizations inserted on the international business automatically deal with the perceptions of distance that result in differences and similarities between countries.