For immediate release from the Greek Anti‐Hazing Hotline

Contact Norval Stephens, (847‐382‐1588) or Dan McCarthy, Manley Burke LPA, 513‐721‐ 5525 for more information


The Greek Anti‐Hazing Hotline is now entering its fifth academic year. Established in 2007 by a consortium of national collegiate fraternities and sororities, the Hotline had 95 calls in the academic year concluded in June, 2011. This compares with approximately the same number of calls a year ago. On average in recent years, more than two‐thirds of the calls appeared to be valid.

The Hotline provides an anonymous telephone line for anyone to report a suspected or recent hazing incident to one number 1‐888‐NOT‐HAZE (1‐888‐668‐4293) that accepts calls 24 hours a day. Those audio reports are transmitted by e‐mail to the fraternities or sororities about whose chapters the complaints are made. This is true whether or not the reports are about one of the sponsors or another organization. In some instances, reports are about athletic teams, bands or clubs. When those calls are received, the institution where the organization is located is contacted. Fraternities and sororities receive an audio clip of the phone call and a copy of the hazing law of the state involved. Forty‐six states now have specific laws making hazing a crime.

The Greek Anti‐Hazing Hotline has 32 sponsors, including 18 men’s groups and 14 women’s groups. Approximately 75% of the calls concerned sponsor organizations; the other 25% were divided among non‐sponsor national Greek organizations and local fraternal organizations or school clubs.

Steven Priepke, of fraternity, said “The Hazing Hotline is one of the most valuable tools to make it possible for anyone to report hazing at anytime in a safe way and know that someone is going to do something.” Bonnie Wunsch, Executive Director of sorority, added “While we've found some of the calls to be baseless, it is the real call that allows us to work with our chapter and the host institution in a pro‐active manner that makes the hotline so valuable.” “We have a strict zero‐tolerance policy on hazing,” said Linda Ablard, Executive Director of sorority. “That policy is reinforced by our sponsorship of the hotline, which provides a means for anyone to report even the suspicion of unacceptable behavior.” Even if the organization receives no call, there is a continuing value, and Deb Ensor, Executive Director of sorority observed: “While we are proud to say that we have had a quiet year with the Hazing Hotline, our sponsorship and use of this resource provide us a great source of comfort. Through the hotline, we are able to create safe, meaningful college experiences within our chapters and on their campuses.”

Delta Zeta sorority joins the Hotline for the forthcoming year.

The sustaining men’s group sponsors are Alpha , , , , Delta Tau Delta, , , , , , Phi , , , Sigma Alpha Epsilon, , , , and . The sustaining women’s group sponsors are Alpha , Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, , , , Chi Omega, , , , , , , and Zeta Tau Alpha. These groups represent approximately 35% of national undergraduate fraternity and sorority members.
