PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council Held Monday 16 November 2020 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm

PRESENT: Joanne Hodson, Jim Watson, Ashley Kenlock, Peter Brown, Trisha Walker, James Taylor, Cllr Jim Weir, Julie Betts (Clerk)

APOLOGIES: Esther Dickson ABSENT: This Parish Council meeting was held via Zoom online because of the implications of Coronavirus (Covid-19). The Government’s advice was for vulnerable people to self-isolate and for all other people to socially distance themselves. Stagsden Parish Council should not, therefore, be meeting formally or encouraging Councillors and members of the public to attend meetings. The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) () Regulations 2020 enables Parish Council to hold their meetings remotely.


No members of the public attended the meeting. The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended by s100, LGA 1972


Apologies for absence was received Esther Dickson. LGA 1972, Sch 12 para 40


The meeting acknowledged that the minutes of the meeting held on LGA 1972, Monday 21 September 2020 were a correct record. Sch 12, para 41


That the minutes of the meeting, held on 21 September 2020, were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Minutes Nov 20 1 Signed (Chairman) ………………

As previously declared and as recorded in the minutes.


(a) Borough Councillor’s Report, Cllr Jim Weir

Borough Cllr update Oct/Nov2020 Motion to save Golf Course and keep ‘urban gap’ Following a debate on the petition tabled at the previous Full Council which received full support a motion proposed by Cllr Jim Weir ( Rural Ward) was accepted at Full Council on Wednesday 14 October. This stated that the Council must endeavour to uphold and give full weight to policies and conditions that the Golf Course acts as an urban gap and that any development in the area must be made in connection with a golf course. The motion was passed unanimously. A proposal made by Cllr Weir and the Chair of the Save the Golf Course & Urban Gap Group (Brian Cox) was made on the 5th October. This suggested that a 9-hole golf course could be utilised, and the Greenkeepers Compound could be extended to accommodate a smaller clubhouse. The land could also be designated as a “public recreation area” and thus allow the landowner to claim under the “public money for public good” scheme. On the 27th October this was turned down. Village Medical Centre Both myself and Cllr Rigby (Bromham & ) have been in communication with the medical centre and also a number of residents who have outlined the continual failings – especially communications – like not being able to get appointments and the phone going unanswered. I was informed in an email exchange with Dr Prasannan that 60% of calls were diverting to “ghost lines”. A local resident who is also a Business Analyst offered help, for free, to look at the set up and see if a better working system could be attained. I have still to hear back if this is something they want to take forward. I have also written to the Clinical Commissioning Group (today 2nd Nov) to outline that things had not improved sufficiently and more needed to be done. I have asked that we meet as a matter of urgency. Maternity Services in A motion proposed by Cllr Phillippa Martin-Moran-Bryant ( Ward) was passed at Full Council on 14 October, asked the Mayor to write to the chief Executive of Bedford Hospital to ask them to increase the number of appointments a birth partner could attend during pregnancy. Though the Hospital have not come in line with national guidelines they have allowed partners at 11-14 wk as well as 20wk scans. They are also allowed to attend the delivery suite further than just the established labour. Whilst this is a good change we are hoping the Mayor’s letter can help bring them in line with national guidelines. Minutes Nov 20 2 Signed (Chairman) ………………

Veolia Awarded Waste Contracts for Bedford Borough and Central Councils Veolia have been given the Bedford Borough Council waste contracts which means the Covanta incinerator site in will begin taking in waste from both Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire too. We will continue to look for ways to mitigate the effect of this decision on those living in the vicinity of the Covanta plant and who are most likely to be concerned by the invisible particulate matter that the facility will emit. We continue to believe the Mayor and Borough Council should be looking for ways to destroy the business case for Covanta rather than using it to burn Borough waste and that of our neighbouring Council. Response to planning white paper The Conservative Group have submitted a response to the consultation “planning for the future”. In our letter the main points were:  Unhappy at proposals to give local democracy less say, feel that this is vitally important to planning process  Support the use of the neighbourhood plan as we believe the time put in by local residents led to plans that are beneficial to local communities.  Also agree with BBC submission that there needs to be a solid plan regarding affordable housing Boundary commission As I am sure you will be aware the boundary commission has made its proposals and we now have until 7 December to comment on them. In general there are a lot of improvements we feel need to be made and you can find out more the consultation here: reviews/eastern/bedfordshire/bedford It is worth remembering you need to follow 3 key factors for proposing new wards, there are as follows: 1. New wards should leave each councillor representing roughly the same number of voters as other councillors elsewhere in the authority. 2. New wards should – as far as possible – reflect community interests and identities, and boundaries should be identifiable. Consider transport links, community groups and facilities, natural or physical boundaries, parishes and shared interests. 3. New wards should promote effective and convenient local government. Consider the number of councillors for, the geographic size of, and the links between parts of the ward Please do submit a response at: say/20441?bbox=474108.5,235922,537332.5,275234

Cllr Weir told the meeting that there was a probability that the boundary would be changed for Stagsden, he anticipated that Stagsden would be included with Bromham and Turvey in a new cluster. Minutes Nov 20 3 Signed (Chairman) ………………

Marking Remembrance and Armistice Days In 2020 Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, and the importance of slowing the spread and keeping our communities safe, Remembrance and Armistice Days will be marked very differently in Bedford this year. Remembrance Sunday falls on Sunday 8th November. Normally this would see crowds of people join an event on Bedford’s Embankment, but this year, organisers at the Bedford Branch of the Royal British Legion are asking people to stay away to avoid the spread of COVID-19. A socially distanced service for members of the Royal British Legion and local representatives will take place and the Royal British Legion and Bedford Borough Council are looking at plans for this to be broadcast online. Lane Closure into Bedford Started on Monday 19 October Cadent Gas are carrying out essential works to divert gas services that will see a lane closure from the A6 Paula Radcliffe Way roundabout to Clapham Road. This will see one lane closed travelling southeast into Bedford past Sainsbury’s from 10am. This lane will be reopened by the middle of December, at the latest. This is part of wider works to make improvements to these roundabouts and help ease congestion as part of the A6 Northern Gateway. As part of the wider Transporting Bedford project, road and junction improvements have been carried out across the town which will improve congestion and road safety. School Admissions Bedford Borough Council’s online admissions system is now open to all parents and carers whose children are due to transfer to secondary or upper school in September 2021. Parents who live within the Borough who have a child in year 6 at primary school or year 8 at a middle school will need to transfer their child to a secondary school or upper school in September 2021. The transfer to Secondary 2021 round and the transfer to Upper 2021 round is available from 12 September 2020 via the Council website, closing 31 October 2020. For parents who have a child due to transfer to middle school in September 2021, the transfer to middle school application form will go live from 26 September 2020 until 15 January 2021. For children starting school in September 2021 (date of birth between 1 September 2016 – 31 August 2017), applications will open 26 September 2020 and will close 15 January 2021. For further information go to COVID-19 update Bedford is borough currently at medium local COVID alert level (tier 1) Latest COVID stats: 0Care%20Health%20and%20Community/Covid19/covid19- weekly-statistics-28Oct.pdf

Minutes Nov 20 4 Signed (Chairman) ………………

More information available at: care-health-and-community/public-health/coronavirus/ Track and Trace App The government has released new legislation as part of its efforts to drive down the rate of coronavirus infection and support the test and trace system. On Friday 18th September it became law for hospitality venues to enforce the rule of 6 or face a fine of up to £4,000 and to log contact details for customer, visitors and staff as part of NHS Test and Trace. From Thursday 24th September, this has been extended so that it will be a legal requirement to display an official NHS QR code poster to help people check in to venues. The NHS COVID-19 App also launched today across the country. It can downloaded via New COVID-19 Marshals Operating In Bedford Borough In October we saw the first COVID-19 marshals take to the streets in Bedford town centre, providing advice and information about how to stay safe and slow the spread of coronavirus locally. Funding has been provided by the Government to support and encourage the public and businesses to follow coronavirus measures to keep themselves and our communities safe. The marshals will be working with the public, shops, businesses and partners to provide advice and information about the situation locally and action to take to tackle the virus.


(a) Vicar of St Leonards

Defer to next meeting.

(b) Christmas

The Christmas celebration for older members of the community would not go ahead this year due to COVID 19. Councillors agreed a celebration could be considered for the summer.

(c) Village Hall

The Village Hall was closed as instructed by Government because of COVID 19. Cllr Weir told the meeting that the Village Hall Committee would be receiving a further business grant to help through the crisis.

(d) Allotments

Minutes Nov 20 5 Signed (Chairman) ………………

Peter Brown declared an interest in the Allotments.

Report from SAALA Chair, Shane Hodson

Although things have quietened down at the allotments, due to the time of year & the weather.

Despite what has been a difficult year for a lot of people, the allotments have had a successful year.

Members have been able to come & go on their plots, whilst still being able to stick to government guidelines.

Membership has increased this year & we have a number of new people interested in taking on a plot for next year.

We are all looking forward to next year, with a new lease signed, hopefully the social side being able to restart & members being able to access all the club facilities.

Allotment Lease

The renewed lease had been signed and taken back to the solicitors to be finalised.

(e) Management of Roadside Verges

No update.

(f) Royal George

No update.


(a) Report of Planning Applications

Bedford Borough Council approved:

20/02102/FUL 2 Bury End Cottages

(b) To Consider Planning Applications Town & Country Planning Act 1990

20/02437/FUL 14a Bedford Road, Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension. Minutes Nov 20 6 Signed (Chairman) ………………


No Objections.

20/02634/FUL High View Wick End, One and two storey side extension with link to existing dwelling with three bay carport/garage and pool house.

James Taylor declared an interest and did not take part in considering this application.


No Objections.

20/02520/MAR Land at Stagsden Road, Application for approval of Reserved Matters for 80 dwellings pursuant to outline approval, including appearance, landscaping, scale and layout with access agreed during outline applications.


Objection: Concerns with poor infrastructure, impact on A422/A428 roundabout and bypass peak times.

20/2115/FUL, Erection of detached dwelling, Cornfields West End, Stagsden

Objection: Outside the SPA, loss of biodiversity and woodland.


(a) Schedule of Receipts and Payments – Oct/Nov 2020, Appendix C

The Council received the schedule of receipts and payments LGA 1972, made during Oct/Nov 2020. s150 (6)

Prop: Jim Watson, Sec: Ashley Kenlock, All in favour


That the schedule of receipts and payments made during Oct/November 2020, and as circulated, be approved.

Minutes Nov 20 7 Signed (Chairman) ………………

(b) Bedford Borough Council Cessation of Payroll Service 31.3.21

Bedford Borough Council will be ceasing their payroll services on 31 March 2021. Therefore another supplier needs to be identified.

(c) Budget 2021/2022

The meeting considered the proposed budget attached, Appendix C. Councillors agreed there should be no increase in the precept demand for 2021/2022.


(i) That the detailed 2021/2022 Budget, summarised at Appendix D, be approved..

(ii) To approve the Precept of £10,000 for 2021/2022.

52/20 Amenities

(a) Play Areas

No update.

(b) Rights of Way/Footpaths

Dog poo bag dispenser to be added to Oakcroft.

(c) Highways

Hay Lane, temporary change of speed. Cllr Weir to question length of works.




See Correspondence List attached.

Minutes Nov 20 8 Signed (Chairman) ………………


Meeting closed at 20.28pm The next meeting will be held on Monday 17 January 2021 (7.30pm).


Date: ______2020

Minutes Nov 20 9 Signed (Chairman) ………………



b/f 23540.39 130.02 Glasdon dog sack dispenser 360.00 Stagsden PCC Grass cutting 110.40 Bromham PC dog signage 95.98 Domain renewal 17.31 Came & Company insurance Bedford Borough 5000.00 Council precept payment 2 0.24 Nat WEst interest Bedford Borough 235.94 Council Salaries Oct 0.24 Nat West interest 5000.48 949.65 c/f 27591.22



Received Type From Subject 23.9.20 email Beds Police intro new Inspector 30.9.20 email Beds Police Crime Stats 6.10.20 email Beds Police policing priorities: Burglaries 7.10.20 email BATPC Louise Ashmore Allotment training

12.10.20 email BBC Pitch/outdoor play consultation 29.10.20 email Neil Burdett update on solar farm project

Minutes Nov 20 10 Signed (Chairman) ………………

APPENDIX C 2020-2021 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 Comments 2021-2022 Receipts Budget Actual Nov-Mar Total Proposed Interest 10 8.58 1 9.58 10 Precept 9500 10000 10000 10000 Grants 0 Councillor funding 0 Allotments 600 1200 1200 600 Total Receipts 10110 11208.58 11209.58 10610 Payments Election Costs 300 0 300 increase if salary is Staff costs processed by new 1167 3050.73 (Salary/Expenses) provider £50 per 3250 1883.73 month? 3580 Admin (Stationery & Postage) 210 60 60 210 Councillor expenses 100 0 100 Training 50 0 50 Subscriptions 100 213 213 250 Hall Hire 100 100 100 100 Village Hall 750 750 750 750 Grass Cut 500 360 360 500 S137/Community Action 250 0 250 Allotments 600 1200 1200 600 Bank Charges 50 0 50 Legal Fees 50 40 40 120 Audit 400 135 135 400 Insurance 600 670.89 670.89 700 Play Areas 0 outdoor table tennis 850 1000 Open Space 356.15 356.15 400 Maintenance of village furniture 200 0 200 Defibrillator 150 81 81 150 Xmas lunch 400 400 400 400 Stagsden Historical Society 200 200 200 200 Neighbourhood Planning 1000 0 remove 0 year 1 £180 year 2 Website/hosting/domain 80 £270 300 Total Payments 10110 4999.77 2617 7616.77 10610

Notes: Clerk Salary 2647 Salary provision 12 x 600 £50??

Minutes Nov 20 11 Signed (Chairman) ………………

Agreed Gratuity March 84.55 never paid 2011 Allowance for office 250 Total salary 3581.55 9x 84.55 = Gratuity unpaid 760.95 760.95

Explanation of Balances

Bank account balance 28,000 20/21 expenses to be paid:

salaries to be paid 1,200 Clerk gratuity/pension 761 outstanding

Village Hall 100 Village Hall insurance 750

Xmas lunch 400 Historical Society 200 Outdoor table tennis table 5500 POS fund to contribute to new open space 9000 General reserve 10000 27,911

Minutes Nov 20 12 Signed (Chairman) ………………