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080057-10.012.Pdf 'eloohl .y,.qlueg .V,urlselN S slltulssD V puD q\.Jl[ uEeI T Ue,\\g Dw)Ka:pow qopaury pll&ldbssu .y ,,(1e1u1g T, up,{{oJ S d ({celg lN i rE^ s^(erpuv dd.J plltqdottstrun ry uepre141 .V:ex4 sllrqouo,r'mr' 3z1rg'ADllqdouao 3ur,ro11o;aql ro; peprocersr sod,{lotcelJo uoDceles Jlaslr 'zlrrd .y) gltslaT y ol uoqrppEur (urlsehtrry uu,roJ S U Dsaqo V pve :.Jllsel/d, up,4ioJ S.U pa^i! ,,(lpurC .y serceds,,trreu o,r1 sesudruoc .,dnorg lrsJalp y,, eql qluego aucun pue ,(1eryygry uaprelrl '(,rou 'urlsur{ .dsqns .dsqns) st113otl y dsqns dl ue,roC S.U srpti!^oJto pue ,flllut?s,r, sercedsqns 'S .y o,rt qlr^r aJool I sllrutssp y ol uourppz ur (urls€trAl? uB,roJ 9.6 ocu4uottldo pue ullsuw 'urlsEl .S.d .y) ? uu/(oC g A oaum8uosuoc y I ? u"^\oC pll(qdocqno seDeds,reu eeJqlsepnlcur .S.d ,dnotg u7r3o$'y,, eqJ (urlssl ? u€^\oC slwtoluoc.dsqns pue euo 1ecrd,{1eql) sercedsqns 'V .lEts .quJoc,urlsEl,,{ o^! r0!!\ urruo(I r2noacut pue ( ^ou le T uE,roC (3z1tg. o1oau11y7nw 'dsqns S.d 1,4) pue euo pcrd.{1eqg) sercedsqns o,rl qlr^\ 'qlueg rryploauy.y ,(ur1suyr1ryuuit:oJ.S.dotor!1tu(a 'dsqns .y pue sercedsqnspcrd.{1 aqt) sercedsqnsom1 q1r,tr,(1e1e1g 4 ueplalNowlaua Jo dn epuru sr .S.d .lN.i .^ou .r€^ ,urlssl^I ,dnotpmttaua y,, eqJ (ullsDl I ? up/t\oC ({cplg oll(qdossn m^ pu? T, ue/r\oJ's dotDnctotad te|'Aterre^ pcld,t1eq1)5sps1js,q aerql7o Surlsrsuocs? eJaqpalBeJl sr qcrq,r '(urlsst\ smarpuv d U C I21lttldortslJug V ot uonrppEur ? uB^ro) S'd ouo(alqq$ y puB urls?tr^I 'S'd .V,, .ullsul ? uB,roC orltrKaD y) sarceds^\eu o^! sesuduroc,drot} olltqdottspuD eqJ- I T .S.6stsua11too71o1.y u?^\oC S U rsopur? ypuu urlsutrAl? ue^ioa g aosolndod y.urlsehtr? uu,roJ 'ulls€I 'ullsuw .S.d .m^ .y ,ulls€I I ? ue^\oC S U o &ldorporl y T, u€^loC Dlrotopu! Duosslp I 'v ? u?.toJ s'u ?Uos,flp y:uxe1 rrrauSur,trolloJ eql ol uoplpp? ur ellqid ueel T, upwaouoK lcDw '11, 'y 'uosurol4l .y .y,, pu? SzlrC oylrldowata onlnsuap sepnlcur ,dnotg otoy[tsuap eq1 'uoxq qceoJo suo[ducsap-u ro suolldrrcseppue dno.6 qcee;o uxul aql o1,{a1 e Surpnlcur,pe^\arlal .G66D ete sorcedspaqrrcsep ,(lsnor,rord pup ^\eu Jo s8urdnorEpurloJur e^rC VgZ-g1Z t(t) Ol elsl^nN Ellelsnv ure1se16uro:g,{psour ,(saNaulnld \onces :eEeprosorurhtr:aesourun8el) zl.racy .g1 .utlsEIN .u€,4\oC ;o sercedssnoJneuoJcnu Jo sdno:E e,rrg ,{uellacsrp1plJoJV U.g puB S.U frBJfsqv zsl9Brle4snvuelss/A'oruoc1t0l xogod 'lueutogeu!W puBl puDuoqeAlosuoCJo tueullftde( ,uJnuvqJoHue[ellsnV uJolsel\A uJlsuy{u g PUDue.{loJ s.d al|ErNnv urelsell uro{ ,{Dsoru '(sa^raulJnld uolpes :euap.rosour!tr1 :a€soulum?e-I) DlcDcvlo sepedssnoJneuoJrrru Jo sdnoJSolrl.{ .sI ,{ue11acqtr41r.lezay (966I) tSZ-902r(Z)0telsl,{nN G( NuytsiaVol. 10,No. 2 (1995) Introduction ,,Flora The principal aims of this paperare to describenew taxa aheadof their inclusion in the of Australia' lxeatmeotof Acaci4, and to presentre-descriptions of some previously described taxa related to the new ones; we have also lectotypified nameswhere necessary. Methods Arrangement of the text. The taxa included here are all refenable to Acacia secttonplurinerves (Benth.) ,,A. Maiden & Betche and are treated in five groups, the densiflora Group,,, the "A. ,'A. ,A. ancistrophyLlaGroup",the"A. enenra Group',,the fragitis Group" andthe dielsil Group,,. Apart from their globular heads on axillary peduncles these taxa have rn common onlv their microneurousphyllodes (cl Maslin & Pedtey 1988for definition), having usually numerous,closely parallel, longitudinal neryeswith anastomosesabsent or rare. It should be noted that these,,GrouDs', are simply mnemonic devices adoptedto bring togethertaxa that are consideredto be most closelv related to one anotherfor purposesof communication. Theseare informal groupingsand not all thl taxa which could be referredto them are necessarilyincluded herein. Furthermore,the,,Grouos', are sometimesseparated by only small differences,especially in the case of the firsr thre€, and future classiticationsmay well combine theseinto a single infragenerictaxon. Teenomic rank. orr approachto the application of rank is briefly discussedin cowan & Maslin (l995). Typncafion. Our approachto typification is discussedin Maslin & Cowan (l994b). Conservationstatus. We have assessedconservation status of eachtaxon included in this treatment. In the caseof western Australiantaxa we have usedthe conservation codes for western Austalian Flora (seeend of this issue). For taxa occuning elsewherein Australia we haveused the conservation codingsof Briggs andLeigh ( t988.). Measurements. All measurementsand observationswere made from dried specimensunless stated otherwlse. The ..Acacia densiflora Group', Although they have no unique distinguishing characters,the speciesof this,,GrouD" can be recognizedin sectionPlurtnemes by acombination oftheir tomentulosebranchlets (excepi glabrous rn A. papulosa and appressed-puberulousin A. tlissona and somematerial ofA. erenophiial-with the indumentum often extendingto the adaxialsurface ofthe pulvinus, cucullatebasal peduncular bracts and their small headson short peduncles. The taxa refened to this Group include the following: A. densiflora Morrison, A. drssora R.S. cowan & Maslin sp. nov. (including var. dissona andv;r. indoloria R S. cowan & Masrin var. nov.), A. eremoph aw. Fitzg. (including var. eremoph a and var. variablis Maid'en& Blakely), A. hadrophyua R.s. cowan & Maslin sp. nov., A. kargoorriensis R.S. cowan & Maslin sp. nov.,A. mackeyanaEwart& Ieanwhlte, A. papuiosaR.s.cowan & Maslin sp. nov. and A. undosa R.S. Cowan & Maslin sp. nov. " psopun v'8 ruult-I x st-02 tt ,zttrqdolwq.v.b ....................... ::]::::::*::::I :] ::::::::::llff H-: 'ctdl I::Tl o-Suotqosopo ,4qd:eplnpun lou spod €I snorq"ltssepunped zl orclnsuap y I"""" ,(Ir?qselcunped'Zl leu sapoll^rld 'l ' ouosstp're|Duossrp V UZ 3uo1urur g-7 selcunped:sdg tueSund oqsol pelc?Iluocxade oql qlr,$Buol wx V-Zsapo11,{q6 11 'V nsuagtooS\o>19""""""""""" 3uo1ruur g I-90.{lprurousalcunpad :slurod esourds Suololur potrsrlordxedu eqt qlr,,n3uo1 ruc 1-g sepolli(qd'tt 'lq8rcrls pere/olJ-ZZ-gI speaq :3uol uul 0r-02 'xede lo/puvsnur,rlnd o1 peredel ,{lpnper8 sepo11,tq4 91 "" ouot lJDw V 9""""""" pete/holJ-Zl-LspEeq 'pe^JnooJ 'xode :3uoluruJ 0g-, ,{luoururoc pu? snunlndqloq luo{ peluredasd11dn.rqu sopulq opoll,{qd 0I lue8undfld.mqs sepolli(q4 1 'lr-n 'i(rrcq flUqollD^ olltqdowatay qg" Euo1ruc 11-9sepol.tqd :etelnpun spo4 6 'll't "' Dllqdotuata o1lqdowatay E€ Suoyuc 9-g sepollfqd:e1e1npun 1ou'snorqelE spo4 6 Jnolocur urroJrunsecuds o,rreu-ro1ur pue selteu 'posseJdop 'aleJel + se^JeuiEuol uJur €-I snur^lnd 8 'JcA 'qZ ollqopu! DuosslpV sacudse,uau-lalur ueq reled,{poruruoc se^Jau pesluJ qtla sepolt,(qd 'esuq eJ$erx:Euol urur Z-9 0 lu pepuedxesnur^lnd 8 lue8und,{1d.mqstou sepollfqd , os rsolup.ro a:r; spda5 g 'y """ """'ser\Jeu (luau€^pe^Jeu-snoJplu',nru) Dllqdouala € uBr{tJopri\i ,{lacrecssacuds e,r:eu-relur 'snoreurnu seAJeN 'g """ ',{rl€q s !qD!.tD^'lr-rollrqdowata y qg 3uo1urc 11-gsepollfqd ielulnpun spod 9 ,(J 'V '"€ """" " " ollrldowatan^ Dlllldouah Euo1ruc 9-7 sepo[,(qdlelBlnpun lou 'snorqElSspod '9 ,(t, '(se^reu secudss,ueu-:elur pesrcr Jo qlpr,r sarup peorq^roleq pesserdep'01 r saAJeN'g ,,,, lae^es) eqt ,(rnq ro snorqelEselcunped :sd! (lq8tets seruneuos) gaA apurcun-qnsol opurcunluo8und-uou qlr,r sopollrqd t otoyfisuap'V I eleFpunlou'.&leq spod:^Ir€q salcunpad :sdnlq8rcr1s + lua8und,(lasreoc o1 fldreqs qr,,n sopoy1,4g4 y 43ue1rraqt V lseel$ roJpelrun spdeg g frmq slelqcuerg g nso|ndod'y 7""" sno;qe16slalqcuerg 6 ")rui elaJet-qnsol eleJelsepo[fqd 'I Joe ,dnotg uoufisuap'y,,;o exel o1,(ay 9I ^wllecslwrrrrry'ullset{ u gpuv us.roJ s d G66r 208 Nuytsiavol. 10,No. 2 (1995) L. Acacia densiflora Morrison, Scott.Bot. Rev. 1: 96 (1912): Trans.& Proc. Bot. Soc.Edinbureh 26: 51 0917) II tl Typas: Kellerbenin, E Avon district, Westem Australia,September 1897,R.8. Iea,te (iso: K, NSW, d PERTH 01017489fragment ex E). al p Dense,rounded or obconic s/irubs (0.2)0.5-I.Z(1.7) m tall, few- to many-sternmedfrom ground Ievel. Bark grey, smooth, sometimesfissured basally. Branchlets tomentulosewith short, dense, crisped white hairs, sometimesreddish resin-hairs intermixed. New shoots with grey, a matted pubescenceand with many rust-coloured resin-hairs. Stlprles persistent,subulate to triangular, 0.5-2.5 mm long, t puberulous. Phyllodes terete, sub-tercteor compressedto flat and linear, 25-50(60) mm long, l-2 mm wide, rigid, inclined to ascending,straight, glabrous except tomentulose on pulvinus and baseof phyllodes, sometimessparingly appressed-puberulous but glabrescent,dark tr green; apexending in a straightor slightly curved,sharply to coanely pungentpoint;t 16 neruesplane p to slightly raised, closely parallel, sometimesinegularly venuculose, stomataraised; gland small, 1 located on adaxial margin near the middle of blade, occasionally a second gland on upper a 1/2 of blade. Peduncles2 per axil,0.5-1.5 mm long, crisped-tomenttiose; basal peduncular bract T caducous,cucullate, 1.5-3mm long,villose; heads globular, 4-5 mm diam.,(l l ) l5- l8(25)-flowered: I bracteoles oblanceolateto obovate,arcuate, puberulous and ciliolate, Flowers 5-merous.Sepals less I than half petals, pods as long as l/2-3/4 ufited. Petals 112united. linear, raised over and slightly r constricted between seeds, to 4.5 cm long and 2.5 mm wide, thin-crustaceous,slightly curved, sometimes slightly tlexuose, tomentulose and with many red resin hairs. ,Seedslongitudinally anangedin pods,efliptic, c. 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, I mm thick, glossyblack pleurogramlJ-shaped; areole smalli arll terminal, short-tubularwith scallopedmargin, 2 mm long, white. Selectedspecimens examined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 30 km W of90 mile Tank, Frank Hann National Park, T.E.H. Aplin andM.E. Trudgen5918 (K, MO, NY, PERTH); about0.5 miles [0.8 km] N of Bendering on road to Narembeen,B.R.
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