September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1589 RECOGNIZING TERRE JONES ON He received the Distinguished Alumni 1915. Unfortunately, just two years later, in THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIRE- Achievement Award from his alma mater, the 1920, the Armenians were occupied by the MENT FROM THE WOLF TRAP University of Kansas, was named Washing- Soviet Union until they declared sovereignty in FOUNDATION FOR THE PER- tonian of the Year in 2006 by Washingtonian 1991. FORMING ARTS Magazine, and was recognized by his peers Cleveland is home to a strong Armenian with the Fan Taylor Distinguished Service community which has succeeded in preserving HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Award from the Association of Performing Arts their heritage while wholeheartedly supporting OF Presenters. During his tenure as Foundation American society, thereby contributing to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president, Wolf Trap also has received numer- unique richness and diversity of our national ous awards and accolades. culture. Thursday, September 20, 2012 Beyond these accomplishments, we want to Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I recognize Terre’s exemplary role not just as in honor and celebration of Armenian State- rise along with my colleagues, Rep. FRANK an arts advocate and executive, but also as hood Day. May every American of Armenian WOLF and Rep. JIM MORAN, to recognize and an individual. When asked in an interview heritage hold memories of their past forever in commend Terrence D. ‘‘Terre’’ Jones on the what he loves most about his job, he said: their hearts, remembering the day that their occasion of his after 17 years of ‘‘People—I don’t think you could do this job if forbears gained their freedom. distinguished service as President and CEO of you didn’t enjoy people and didn’t like being f the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing around people.’’ We can all recognize and ap- Arts. Terre’s career in the performing arts preciate Terre’s unequivocal commitment to RECOGNIZING MASTER SERGEANT spans more than 40 years, and he leaves a his craft and our community. MICHAEL HUNTER rich legacy both on and off the stage that will Mr. Speaker, Terre Jones has left a tan- benefit the arts community and Northern Vir- gible, lasting imprint on the rich history of our HON. ginia for years to come. National Park for the Performing Arts, and his OF During his tenure, Terre helped fulfill and legacy will continue to inspire a new genera- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES then expand Wolf Trap’s mission of providing tion of artists. We wish Terre, his wife, Polly, Thursday, September 20, 2012 a world-class platform for aspiring and accom- and their family the continued success as he plished artists alike at the majestic Filene Cen- enters this next act of his life, and we ask our Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I ter and the 18th century Barns at Wolf Trap. colleagues to join us in expressing our appre- rise to honor Master Sergeant Michael S. Hun- Thanks to his innovative spirit, the Foundation ciation for his tremendous contributions to the ter of the 1st Special Forces Group from Joint continues to set new attendance and fund- arts, our nation and the com- Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, who has raising records. As the guiding force behind munity. received the Silver Star and the Bronze Star America’s only National Park for the Per- f with Valor. These medals were awarded by forming Arts, Terre has positioned Wolf Trap Major General Jeffrey Buchanan, I Corps Dep- as a leader not only in the arts, but also in PERSONAL EXPLANATION uty Commanding General on September 12, connecting education, technology and environ- 2012. mental stewardship through the arts and in- HON. AL GREEN Master Sergeant Hunter performed many spiring passion for those pursuits in a new OF TEXAS heroic acts during his deployment to Afghani- generation. And though its artistic scope is on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stan in support of Operation Enduring Free- the national and global stages, Terre has dom. He helped execute a joint raid with 28 made sure that Wolf Trap also is a resource Thursday, September 20, 2012 Afghan commandos and three other American for our local communities. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, yes- special operators. Master Sergeant Hunter put In 2003, Terre helped lead the fund-raising terday I was unavoidably detained and missed himself in danger to protect others and led the effort to establish a National Center for Edu- the following votes: way for the U.S. and Afghan special opera- cation on the Wolf Trap campus. Wolf Trap’s 1. H.R. 5044, the Andrew Carpenter Tax tors. In June 2010, he delivered medical as- education programs focus on early childhood Act, as amended. Had I been present, I would sistance to two injured soldiers during a long arts education and also serve as a resource have voted ‘‘yes’’ on this bill. 16 hour firefight. for the entire community, particularly local 2. H.R. 5912, to amend the Internal Rev- His courageous actions earned him the Sil- school children. More recently, Wolf Trap re- enue Code of 1986 to prohibit the use of pub- ver Star and Bronze Star with Valor. The Sil- ceived a competitively awarded grant from the lic funds for political party conventions, and to ver Star is the Nation’s third highest medal for U.S. Department of Education to demonstrate provide for the return of previously distributed combat valor and ranked fifth in military the effectiveness of the arts in advancing funds for deficit reduction, as amended. Had I awards. Master Sergeant Hunter’s award is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and been present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on this also the highest for combat valor that is not Math) learning for young children. bill. unique to a specific service branch. Terre also has strengthened Wolf Trap’s f Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- connection to its environmental roots. In 2007, ognize Master Sergeant Hunter for receiving he launched the Foundation’s ‘‘Go Green’’ IN HONOR OF ARMENIAN the Silver Star and the Bronze Star. I ask my program with the stretch goal of making Wolf STATEHOOD DAY colleagues to join me in expressing our great Trap carbon neutral. To date, the program has appreciation for his dedication to protect and decreased the park’s carbon footprint by 20% HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH serve our country. and cut landfill waste in half. Wolf Trap has OF OHIO f been designated as a Climate Friendly Park IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by the EPA and National Park service. Terre IN CELEBRATION OF THE UNVEIL- Thursday, September 20, 2012 also led the effort to establish the National ING OF A STATUE OF FRED- Council on the Arts and Environment and a Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ERICK DOUGLAS IN THE UNITED partnership with the Aspen Institute on a na- honor of Armenian Statehood Day. As the Ar- STATES CAPITOL tionwide Summit on the Arts and the Environ- menian community in Greater Cleveland gath- ment. ers to celebrate, I join them in appreciation of HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Prior to taking the helm at Wolf Trap, Terre their rich history and culture. OF GEORGIA served as CEO and artistic Director of the September 21, 1991, marks the day that Ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Krannert Center for the Performing Arts at the menia restored its independence by becoming University of at Champaign-Urbana. He the first republic proclaiming independence Thursday, September 20, 2012 previously served as General Manager of from the Soviet Union. Armenia was originally Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Clowes Memorial Hall in Indianapolis, Assist- established by the Artashisian Dynasty in 189 today to honor an important milestone for our ant Dean of the College of Fine Arts at Butler BC. Following hundreds of years of invasions, nation’s Capitol. The statue of abolitionist University, and he also founded the Bradford the last Armenian kingdom fell at the onset of leader, Frederick Douglass, will soon grace Repertory Theater in Vermont. the 14th century. The first Armenian demo- the halls of the United States Capitol. This ef- Throughout his distinguished career, Terre cratic republic was not established until 1918, figy will serve as a reminder of the hard work has received local and national recognition. which followed the Armenian Genocide in of this great American and civil rights leader

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