ISPA INFORMATION SHEET Measure No 2000 SI 16 P PE 004 Measure title Sustainable Water Supply of Trnovsko- Banjška Plateau in Slovenia Authority responsible for implementation Name: Central Finance and Contracting Unit, Ministry of Finance Address: Beethovnova 11, 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA E-mail:
[email protected] Description The Trnovsko-Banjška Plateau, situated in Western Slovenia, is one of the largest karst water- bearing areas in Slovenia. Its large karst wellsprings provide drinking water for Nova Gorica, Gorizia (Italy), the central Soča Valley, the Vipava Valley and Idrija. The plateau is a protected water area and forms part of the municipality of Ajdovščina, which has a population of ca. 17 600 inhabitants. The present measure mainly addresses the non-serviced population, the major part of which lives in thinly populated settlements. The measure consists of two components: A. Water Supply System a. Construction of the Gora-Highland Water Supply System At present, the drinking water is supplied from rain- and snow-water tapped in wells, water for cattle being provided by loam pools. In dry periods the drinking water is delivered by tank cars from the valley. The new supply system is to serve some 2 300 inhabitants who raise 700 heads of cattle. b. Reconstruction of the Hubelj Water Supply System The new supply system and associated water storage facilities is to replace the existing supply network for the lower areas of the Ajdovščina municipality which suffers health-adverse effects from its asbestos-cement pipes as well as losses from its bad condition B. Draining and treatment of wastewater a.