Page U NITED STATES: (Contd. ): Largest U. S. Vessel Christened in Bure au of Con;me r cial Fi~her~es Pr01rams: Baltimore 25 Thread Hernng R ear ed In Mlami La U. S. Vessels Make Good Tuna Catches in E. 25 Ge netic Variants P oint to Isolated Popula- Atlantic tions of Pacific Hake EDA Aids 26 55, 000 Fur Seals Harvested on Pribilofs 1968 Import Quota for Tuna Canned in Brine 26 Harve sting Catfish in Hot Weather Pair on George s Bank Presents 26 BCF's Fast-Sinking Tuna Purse Seine Catchef Hazard Elusive School I ' Fur Seals Discovered Off California 26 'He ro' Conduc ts Fis hi ng Gear Trials I ' Acoustical Workshop Slated for Seattle in 26 Vac uum-St e rn T hawing of Frozen Fish Is November T est ed I . AEC Aids in Columbia River Thermal Study 27 Controlled Atmosphere Shipment of Fresh \,. Biologists and Engineers Discuss Thermal F ish Studie d Pollution 27 Fresh Coastal Fishe r y Products F l own to U. S. Families Asked About Their Midwes t T astes 27 Plankton Workshop Held at La J olla Shad's Return to Susquehanna Is Assessed 27 Miami Lab R e l eases More Drift Bottles : Its Status and Its Potential 28 Lobster Tagging Study Off New England Oceanography: 28 'National Geographic ' Features R esearch of 11. Bathymetric Map of Sea Bottom Off New Auke Bay Lab England Being Prepared 28 Attraction of Herring to Artificial Lights l i, Seek Underwater Obstructions to De lawa re Studie d Bay 29 'De law a re's' Gl ou cester Trawl Catches 11. Search for Navigational Hazards Off Maine, E x ceed Commercial Catches N. J., Maryland 30 'Ro rqual' Studies P ost-Metamorphosed Her­ Su rvey Alaska's Lower Cook Inle t r in g a nd Their Environment Internal Waves Under Study 30 'Ro rqua l' Ch ecks Dist ribution of Larval Navy Flyers Watch Sharks in Gulf Stre am L obs t ers Off New England New Drift Chart 31 ' Cobb ' T ests Shrimp T rawl Separator Ocean Geophysicists to Measure Movement 32 'Commando ' Evaluates Mark II Universal of Magnetic Poles Trawl Barbados Project Studies Tropic al Ocean's 33 'Gilbert' Finds Threadfin Shad & Nehu About Top Layers E qual Tuna Bait ESSA Laboratory in Miami 34 ' Cromwell' Studies Ultrasonic Tags in Sonar Underwater Camera Takes Circ ular Pic ture s T racking of Tunas New Diving Techniques Used in Cobb Sea- 35 ' Oregont Conducts Midwater Schoolfish Sur- mount Operation vey Off East Coast C&GS Research Vessel Christen ed 35 'Oregon' Explores Florida's Scallop Grounds Foreign Fishing Off U. S. in August 38 'Miss Behavior' Collects Anchovy Eggs States: 39 New Shrimp Trawl Sorts Out Unwanted Fish Alaska: and Debris 1968 Salmon Pack Double s 1967's ARTICLES: : 40 • "No Contest" on the Fishing Grounds, by New Boston Fish Pier Complex Propos ed Commander Adrian L . Lonsdale, U. S. Coast by Port Authority Guard Biologists Breed Lobste rs Se lec tive ly, by 44 Progress of Fishing Industry and Soviet ~V o rld John T. Hughes Rol e Outlined Florida: 46 T h e Role of International Agreements in Alas­ Acoustic Signals Attrac t Fish kan , by Ronald C . Naab Builds 'Window on the Sea' 57 B ottom Longline Explorations in the Gulf of Virginia: Mexico--A Report on "Oregon II's" First How to Grow Oysters in MSX A r eas Cruise, by Walter R. Nelson and James S. Michigan: Carpenter Conservation Commission Acts on Salmon INTERNATIONAL: Oregon: 63 ICNAF Holds 1968 Annual Meeting in London Diseases Hit Spring Chinook 63 Indo-Norwegian Project Spurs Investment in Opens New Spawning Area Fishing California: 64 FPC Market Survey Set for Chile and S. Korea Acts to Protect King Salmon 64 U. S. Helps Thailand Develop Fish Protein 1968/69 Anchovy Reduc tion Fishe r y Quota Supplements Set 65 European - Caught Fish Transshipped from St. Texas: Pierre & Miquelon Islands Toxic Algae Kills Hatc hery Catfi s h 65 FAO Caribbean ProJect Issues First-Half 1968 Commonwealth of Puerto Ric o R eceives Report Former BCF Lab 66 Soviets Seize 4 Norwegian Vessels Index continued page 98. 98


Page P age INTERNATIONAL (Contd.): FOREIG ( ontd. ): 66 USSR Seizes Japanese Vessels L atin America: 67 High-Seas Salmon Fishing Off Norway Is Good vn zuela: 67 Seminar on Marine Radioecology in December 82 .. Claims 3- 12-Mlle Ter ritorial ea Of! 67 Spain Delivers Vessel to Cuba Guyana 67 Japanese Seek Consulate in Alaska Colombia: FOREIGN: 82 ew Firm I lans to Fl h Sh rimp : Ecuador: 69 AsSISts Indian Fishermen 82 U . S. - n d Tuna reezing Plant Opens 69 Agreement Reached on Floor-Price Plan 83 Ruhng Cr at s Favorable Marke t for FIS. 69 Grants Fisheries Development Loan to Oil Trinidad and Tobago Peru: 69 Quebec Plans Special SubSidy 83 Anchovy Fishing ason Opens Europe: 83 Tidal Wav Damages Fishing F le et USSR: 83 D·v lopm nts 71 Large Purse Seines Slated for :v1urmansk Chil : Fleet 84 Report on Anchovy Catch. FlSh , teal and 71 Murmansk Fisheries Beset by Problems Oil Production 71 Kaliningrad-Based Fleets Are iQ the At­ Mex1co: lantic 84 .• France Gives Technical A sistanc e 72 To Study Pacific Fur Seals Asia: 72 Orders 12 Refrigerated Fish Transports Japan: from France 85 Cut in Frozen Fish ProductIon 15 Propose 72 Caspian Has Conservation Problems 85 Frozen Tuna Export P. Prices Down 73 Survey Spiny Dogfish Off Oregon 86 Export:> of Canned Tuna In Brine to U. S. 73 Scientists Says Fishery Statistics Are Slov. Poor 86 Exports Extra-Large Can of B rine-Pach 73 Starts 'Man in the Sea' Program Tuna 73 Studies Effects of Hot Water Dlscharges on 86 Canned Tuna Pet Food Export Dec line Inland Waters 86 Frozen homp Imports Decline 73 Discovers 'E ho-Sounder' in Sturgeons 87 Tanner Crab Production to Reach 7,000 74 'Air Cushion' Devised to Control Ice Thick­ Tons ness on Lakes 87 Bostol Bay King-Crab Fleets Report {a Denmark: Tanner Crab 74 Guarantees Minimum Price for Plaice 87 Salmon 10therships Retu rn With Low Ca 74 Danes Build Large Fishing Port of Reds 74 Ceases Irradiation Research 87 Fishing Poor f U. . Eas t Coast 74 'Liquidity' Loan to Fishermen Is Extended 88 hnmp Fishing Off Guianas 77 Trawler is Equipped With Trawl Block and 88 Surveys hrimp in Southeast Asia Fish Pump 88 New Trawl sed in B erin g Sea Norway: 89 L ong-L iners Report Gear Thefts Off ~tex i 77 Increas es Subsidies 89 T rawlers Licensed for No rthwest Atlanti Iceland: 89 Signs Fishing Agr eement With Indonesia 77 Herring Fishery Strike Settled 89 T o Send T una Mis sion to Italy France: Malays ia : 78 Fish Inspection 89 E x panded T rawling Boosts Catch Italy: South Korea: 78 Motherships Built 90 B ering Sea Operations United Kingdom: 90 Buys F i s hing Vessels from Japan 78 New Vessel Built in Pola nd Co m m unist China : 79 White Fish Authority Lowe r s Inte rest 91 Reac ts to Japane s e Fishing VlOlations Ra tes Pakistan: East Germany: 9 1 Firm Buys 6 Danish-Built Trawlers 79 Fishery Trends Indi a: West Germany: 9 1 Exports Shrimp to U. S. 80 Industry Consider ing On - Board Irradiation Soyth Pacific : Poland: New Zealand : 80 Plans Fishery Expa nsion 92 Increases Financial Aid to Fishing Indus C z echoslovakia: American Samoa: 81 Acclimatizati on of F i sh in Fish Culture 92 Tuna Landings Leveling Off Studied Australia: Romania: 92 Tasmania Abalone Culture 81 B uys Trawlers from Poland 94 . . BOOKS Greece : 81 F ishing Industry Has Problems