$IWn'tten Answers AUGUST 9, 1991 Written ~ns&rs '92 THE MINISTER OF STATE OF Government of Orissa for conversion THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE of State Highways into National High- (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM) : (a) All ways; and provisions of Labour Act, Gratuity Act, Provident Fund Act, and other similar (b) if so, the details thereof and the Acts which are applicable and bene- action taken in this regard? ficial to tea workers of tea gardens arc implemented by Tea Trading Cor- poration of India Ltd. in respect of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF its tea estates after nationalisation THE MINISTRY OF SURFACE with efftct from 5-4-1985. TRANSPORT (SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER): (a) and (b) The Government (b) and (c) Do not arise. of Orissa has forwarded the following roads for inclusion in the National [Translarions] - f Highway Grid during the 8th Five j: ic yci 1- Year Plan, viz. Compensation for lhd acquired for Hema nage in Mahu Cantonment SI Name of the Road Lcngth No. (in Kms)

Wc'ESbt pleased to state : (a) whether compensation has been paid for the land acquired for army 2. Panikoili-Keonjhar-Barbil- for Hema Rang in Mahu Canton- Koira-Rajamunda . . 220 ment ; (b) if so. when ;and (c) if not, the reasons for the delay? However, a decision about declaring THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE new National Hishways in various (SHRI SHARAD PAWAR) : (a) to States including Orissa can be taken (c) The Land Acquisition proceedings only after finalisation of the 8th Five in respect of Hema Range, Mhow Year Plan. Cantonment, could not be completed as the Award given by the Collector, in December 1988, fixing Rs. 15,97,92, Varieties of cloth reserved in Handloom Sector 267.50 as cornpens-tion an& Rs. 3.1926 crores as rehabilitation grant, 2387. PROF. UMMAREDDY respectively, was considered excessive. YENKAmARLU : Will the Minis- Constqumtly, no land has bzn taken ter or 'f!!mpleased to state : over for establishing the proposed Hema Range. (a) whether the Government have reserved manufacturing of 22 varieties of cloth to handloom sector; and (b) if so, the details thereof?

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF 2386. w -. THE MINISTRY OF TEXTILES GMHI : Will (SHRI ASHOK GEHLOT) : (a) Yes, F~~XE-TRANSPORTbe pleased to Sir. !date: -$a) wherbes tbe Union Govcmmt (b) List of 22 res-d items is at- Mve & any proposal from the tacbsd as statrment, Statement

S1. ITEM Range of Items Reserved for Reduction by No. Handlooms 1 2 3

Sarees with woven borders or headings and with extra warpor extra weft anywhere in the fabric (except those made from 100% synthetic fibres and those made with more than 45% by weight of man-made fibres). Kotah Doria Saree . These sarees having corded effect in stripe of check pattern made of or with wtton as one of the major wmponent in the blend/un ion. Tie & Dye Saree and All tie & Dye Saree and material. Material. Dhoti . . . Dhoties with woven borders with mtra warp in the border (ex- those made from 100% synthetic fibres and those made with more than 45% by weight of man-made fibres). Gamcha & Angavns (a) Only wtton Gamchas produced in a loose weave. tram (b) Plain wovan Angavas trams with border and with extra warp in the border made of any fibre except spunsill. Lungi . . . Plain woven check lungies made of any fibre except spunsilk. Shirtings . . Only 100% cotton check shirtings. Crepe fabria . . Only 100% cotton crepe fabric produced using highly twisted yarn. Towels . . . Towels with borders or headings made of cotton or blends of cotton (except terry towels). (a) Khes . . Cotton or art khes fabrics in double cloth weave using counts ranging from 21 17s to 2/23 in warp and 8s to 12s in weft. (b) Bed Sheet . . Cotton or art silk bed sheets with coloured woven borders or headings. (c) Bed Cover . . Cotton or art silk bed covers with decorative or coloured woven borders or headings. (d) Counter Pane . Cotton or art silk counter panes with woven borders or headings woven in raised figures. (e) Furnishing . Cotton or art silk furnishings (including tapestry) woven in double cloth or pique weave. Table Cloth Table Cotton or art silk items having woven borders on all the four Mat & Napkins . sides. Duster & Basta . Cotton Duster and Bastas woven in plain or twill weave oing yam of counts not exceeding 10s. Chaddar . . Chaddars with check or stripd pattern woven using cotton or blends of cotton. Jamakkalrm Durry Mono coloured fabrics produced using coarse yarn ranging or Durret from 4s to 13in warn .and weft, made of cotton or art silk or con~binationwith woollen yarn. Bukram Cloth! . Bukram cloth made hmwtton. , or in blends produad using counts of 8s to 12s in warp and weft. Madm Cloth . . Mashru cloth in satin weave having colourcd stripes with silk or art silk in warp and cotton in weft. Low iwd pick cloth (i) Cotton cloth with 20s yam in warp and weft with reah picks less than 36 and 32 r~~pectively. 95 Written Answers AUGUST 9, 1991 Written Answers 96

(ii) Cotton cloth with 22s to 40s yarn in warp and weft with ruds and picks less than 40 and 36 respectively. (iii) Cotton cloth with 40s and above an=&e%%Fd with reeds and pasless than 44 an=&e%%Fd

Norp :-NO- in this direction shall apply to- (a) Dhoties and Sarees. (b) Such (c) Mwui o netting cloth (d) Leno cloth (e) Mesh c 0th (f) Dyed and Printed cloth; and (g) Coated fabrics. IF. Silk . . (i) All silk sarees having more than 25% of pure silk by wi~kt in combination with other fibres with woven borderlPallav except Georgette, Chiffon and Crepe. (ii) +I1 silk dhoties haying more than 25 %.or pure silk by weight 1n combination mth other fibres wth woven borders. 19. Kambal or Kamblies Kambals produced using the wool of average 34 micron (fibre fineness) and coarser with a finished weight in range 300-450 gmslsq. mtrs. with fibrous surface imparted by milling and raising (except those made of shoddy woollen yarn.) 20. Barrack Blankets . Barrack blankets produced using natural grey/black wool of average 34 micron and cow with fibrous surface imported by milling and raising (except those made of shoddy woollen yam). 21. Shawl, Loi, Mufflers. All such material woven in designs using woollen yarn alone or Pankhi etc. in combination with other fibres. 22. Woollen Tweed . 100% pure woollen tweeds in check or stripe designs and in tw:ll weave woven using 7Nm to 9Nm yarn in warp and weft. - OECF Lour to OrisSe THE MlNISTER OF STATE 1N THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE DR. KARTIK-R]- 2308. (SHRI DALBIR SINGH) : (a) and ! (b) Government of Orissa submitted the following three proposals for assis- tance from Japan in the 1991-92 OECF Will - Loan package : (i) Upper Kolab hi- the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state : gation Project (2nd Loan), (ii) Upper Indravati Irrigation Project (right (a) whether the Government of canal) and (iii) Rengali Irrigation CMssa has submitted any revised pro- Project. after consulting Ministry of posals in response to the Union water Resourcc s proposals relating to Government's proposal for external Upper Indravati (right canal) and assistance from Japan with special Rengali Irrigation projects. were Overseas Economic Co-operation-Fund posed to OECF for Loan ass~stance. Loan; (b) if so, tbc Wls tbercof; and (c) Government of Japan has not picked u any of the above projects (c) the progms made so far to secure for OEC B loan assistance during 1991- the loan? 92.