THE POLYTECHNIC CALIFORNIAN ...... State Polytechnic College Volume II, Number 26 Z 57a San Luis Obispo, California Friday, April 26, 1940 Poly Royal, Homecoming Draw Crowds

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M cP hee Speech Program for PVzekend Celebration Given Here Poly Royal to Friday, April 26 Saturday, April 27 1:30 p. m.—Ladies nail-driving con­ Will Welcome 8 a. m.—Preliminary judging of live­ Continuation of livestock and poul­ test, main arena. Men’s tractor driv­ stock in respective departments and try shows. Continuation of depart­ ing contest, near main arena. Thrill Throngs of egg show in basement of Ag. Ed. mental exhibits and demonstrations. 2 p. m.—Presentation of judging Poly Graduates building. 9 a. m.—Plant identification contest awards. 9:30 a. m.—Tour and demonstra­ for women, propagation house. Com­ 2:30 p. m.—Parade of champions For Two Days tions for visiting Future Farmers. mercial plant identification contest, and rodeo contestants. Here to celebrate their annual home­ 10 a. m.—Grand opening assembly, near departmental exhibits. coming as well as enjoy Poly Royal, to be broadcast over radio station 3 p. m.—Poly Royal rodeo, collegi­ History is being made at California hundreds of former Cal Poly students KVEC, main arena. 10 a. m.—Adult farm organization ate rodeo grounds. State Polytechnic college, in this began gathering on the Polytechnic 10:45 a. m.—Continuation of FFA livestock judging contest, main arena. 4:30 p. m.—Meeting of the board of month of April. campus Saturday. tours. Young farmers associaiton livestock directors of the Poly Alumni associa­ Two weeks ago Cal Poly was made As a rule homecoming is a fall get- 1:30 p. m.—Judging of poultry judging contest, main arena. tion, Room 110, Ag. Ed. building. a four-year, degree-granting institu­ together that usually serves to punc­ show, basement of Ag. Ed. building. 11:30 a. m.—Service club milking 6 p. m.—Alumni association dines tion. Today and tomorrow the stu­ tuate one of Cal Poly’s football games. Project livestock judging continued. contest, main arena. Limited to repre­ at Gold Dragon in San Luis Obispo. dents of this college are presenting However, this year the grads have de­ All departments open for inspection. sentatives of San Luis Obispo service 8 p. m.—Alumni association meets their eighth annual Poly Royal which cided to visit the campus during its 2:30 p. m.—Baseball game,- Mus­ clubs: Rotary, Kiwanis, Exchange, 20- in room 109, Ag. Ed. building for elec­ they earnestly feel will be the biggest blossoming time. tangs vs. Bakersfield junior college, 30, Lions, Toastmasters. Sack-sewing tion of new officers and business meet­ and best show that their school has Several weeks ago cards were mail­ baseball diamond. contest, near main arena. ing. ever staged. ed to all Poly alumni in the state in 7:30 p. m.—Poly Royal relays on 12 noon—Poly Royal barbecue in 9 p. m.—Poly Royal’s coronation Series of Events Complete order to get their opinion as to the Poly field under the lights. Depart­ Poly grove, entertainment by musical ball in the gymnasium. Sandwiched between the grand open­ best time to hold homecoming in fu­ ments open for inspection. organizations. 10:30 p. m.—Coronation ceremony. ing assembly at 10 a. m. today and ture years. At a meeting of the spe­ 8:30 p. m.—Poly “P” lighting cere­ 1 p. m.—Judging of championship 12-12:15 a. m.—Special dance broad­ the culmination of the coronation ball cial committee in charge of the action mony, auspices Block “P” society. livestock classes, main arena. cast over KVEC. at midnight Saturday are a series of it was found that the vote in favor events that few collegiate programs of the fall homecoming stood 190 to 95. can compare with. X ‘‘This year’s program will honor the Among these are the rodeo at 3 class of ’30,” A1 Adams, secretary of Officers Who Will Direct Homecoming Queen Enthroned p. m. Saturday afternoon, the aero­ the organization said, “ it will be a nautics display that features John D. special 10th year celebration for that Saturday Night McKellar’s unique “flying wing” class.” which has been under construction in Saturday at 6 p. m. there will be a f the aero laboratory for the past few reception and meal at the Gold Dragon Ultimate climax of Poly Royal will months, several contests that will in San Luis Obispo. At that time there come at 10:30 p. m. Saturday when prove good fun for everyone, educa­ will be an informal social meeting at tional exhibits on air conditioning and which the grads will have a chance to lovely Jeanne Defosset is enthroned electricity, a stock show featuringjdie get together and talk over old times. as queen of Polydom during the coro­ finest types and breeds of farm ani­ In the social room of the Agricul­ nation ball in Crandall gymnasium. mals, a night track meet on Poly field, tural Education building at 8 p. m. Miss Defosset and her court of prin­ a parade of champions, and a host of there will be a short business meeting cesses, Betty Kaiser, Peggy Fisher, other interesting items for the pleas­ at which President Julian A. McPhee and Betty Jane Redfield, have been ure of the thousands of Cal Poly will speak. A discussion of the poll selected as feminine symbols of Cali­ visitors. taken concerning future homecomings fornia State Polytechnic by the spe­ All Visitors Participate will be in order. Mrs. Charlotte Smith, cial committee in charge. President of students, John Carri- state president, will preside over the Tireless efforts of those who have caburu, said, “ Poly Royal is called a meeting. been decorating the Poly rendezvous Country Fair on a College Campus. It until it has taken on the distinctive merits this name because, like the and delightful atmosphere of a Japa­ country fairs of old, its success de­ Print Shop Open for nese garden. pends upon the active participation of every individual who attends.” Inspection This Week Hailed as the only student body In speaking of Poly Royal, Julian A. dance of the year that is strictly for­ McPhee, president of State Polytech­ The California Polytechnic print mal, the coronation ball stands out nic college, said, “ This occasion af­ —hop, home of the Polytechnic Cali­ as the most colorful function in Cal fords both the students and faculty fornian, El Rodeo, and Future Farmer Poly’s social whirl. Long hours of an excellent chance to take note of the magazine, will be open for inspection preparation and carefully laid plans physical development of educational during the two days of Poly Royal. make its program and the music of facilities and opportunities.” Subscriptions for the student paper the Collegians sleekly entertaining. will be taken by the persons in charge. Directors of Polytechnic college Alumni Association’s annual Homecom­ A broadcast of the coronation will ing are Young Louis, secretary of the state organization; Charlotte Smith, There will be a special booth for the The shop entrance is in the north end be aired through radio station KVEC purpose of signing up all alumni pres­ of the Agricultural Education build­ president; and A1 Adams, vice-president who is directly in charge of the of the Mutual Don Lee Network from old grad gettogether. ent. This registration will go on all ing. 12 to 12:30 a. m. day Saturday in Poly Grove. Page Two POLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Friday, April 26, 1940

The Polytechnic Californian Alumni News Air Conditioning Sweepin ’ U p By Charlotte Smith Published Weekly by Unit for Small The Chips That Fly Students of the Journalism Class of California Polytechnic College, Alumni friends of Frank Piper of San Luis Obispo, California. the class of ’32 will be surprised to By Don Carlson and Roy Brophy FDITOR ...... DON CARLSON learn of his recent marriage to Miss Homes Is Shown m a n a g i n g 1 ^ t 6 r 'ZZZZ:ZZYZ ...... b r u c e b r o e m s e r Leona Turner of San Luis Obispo. The Special Features E ditor...... -...... -...... - v ^ y Brophy Key Hole, wedding took .place Saturday, April On of the highlights of the Poly Take Peek. Production Manager...... :...... a ...... j Charles Boggs 13, at Gonzales. The young couple will Royal program will be the exhibit Reporters ... Lowell Lambert, David Carlin, Greg Spando, Jack Lange, Door Open, L make their home in San Luis Obispo, planned by the air conditioning de­ Bust Beak. Kinsey, Vincent Trozera, Harvey Wilkes, Wally Baldwin, Ray Ottman. where the groom is employed in the partment. A model unit for heating Wineroth, Charles Cook, Howard Brown, Bub Johnson, Jim White, A1 maintenance department at California and cooling of small homes will be the “Hey, Roy, take a look a^this! Oh Les Vanoncini, Takeshi Kubota, Roy Downing, Charles Crane, Harry Polytechnic. display of the largest general interest, boy, what a cat and canary look that Business Manager ...... ™...... ;-u M?urlc1f FrJ;idson * * * leaders of the department believe. Radnich is wearing. Wow, if his girl Francis Jes^ersen, ’36, son of Sena­ Featuring low cost of operation and only knew ...” tor Chris Jespersen, has been receiv­ exceptionally comfortable room con­ “ Lemme see. Gee, could we expose ing congratulations on the recent ditions, this unit will be shown in the that guy! Too bad we promised not to It’s a Pleasure to Have You Here birth.of a daughter, Beverly Ann. old air conditioning laboratory. breathe a word. It would sure make After weeks of preparation we of California State Polytechnic ❖ * * Whether the new air conditioning good copy.” Mrs. Ellsworth Anderson has re­ building will be completed in time for “ Move over. Take a gander at old college are ready to open our eighth annual Poly Royal to you, ihe signed _ her position as instructor in Poly Royal or not is doubtful. State Johnny now.” people of California. music in the Cambria school to join inspectors will not allow any persons “ Say it doesn’t look as though he her husband in San Luis Obispo. An­ to enter the new structure until they misses Pat much, does it?” Those of you who visited our school during last year’s Poly Royal derson is a member of the class of have accepted it as a part of the “It’s that Carricaburu way with the will doubtless notice a great many changes in appearance of the ’29. He is connected with the Shell Oil school. wimmen, I guess.” company. However, if the building is allowed “ Let’s give another look, Brophy.” campus. Several new units have been added this past year, notably * * * open, visitors will witness one of the “Just a second. Say is this Poly a new $10,000 sheep barn and the beautiful new $100,000 Air Con­ D. E. Pierce of Mt. Yernon, Wash., most unique class room buildings in Royal or a Boggs’ picnic?” who was enroute .to his home from the country. In fact this building is “ Why? . . . Oh! Gads, there’s grand­ ditioning building. Before the ninth Poly Royal rolls around a new Thomasville, Ga.,was renewing friend­ the only one in the world built for the ma, Aunt Susy, Cousin Herkimer, the Administration building will be under construction. ships on the campus recently. He has express purpose of training air condi­ whole darn clan . . . are my eyes de­ been traveling since Feb. 1 in the in­ tioning engineers. ceiving me? Isn’t that Ellen Becking Growth of Cal Poly is not limited to new buildings, however. Fun­ terests of a patent which he perfected. In the new laboratory a study of an driving the Caterpillar in the men’s damentally this institution has developed immensely. Recently we The patent is a thermos hood for ammonia refrigeration test plant will tractor driving contest?” keeping bottled milk cool during the be conducted. Plans are also under “Don, it is! Leave it to thec,'‘ were made a degree granting college and placed on the same high time of delivery. Pierce attended Poly­ way for construction of a quick-freez­ Boggses . . . Bob Mills looks a lit.og plane as other state colleges. Formerly Poly was of a status recog­ technic three years. During his stay ing plant in which experiments with bewildered. Looks like more than ofoaF in San Luis, he was a guest in the the processing of frozen foods will be of his axe handles from San Dimas nized as slightly above that of the average junior college. We, the home of Mrs. Palmer Nelson, ’29, and carried on. showed up. Say, that Doris Whey is a students of State Polytechnic, are extremely proud to be a part of the H. A. Truesdale home on Broad Room Seats 450 Persons neat number.” street. The large auditorium in the build­ “I don’t like the way ‘Fido’ Johnson a school that is able to show such marked advancement. ing will seat more than 450 persons is eyeing those prop trees in the gym. Nowhere in the country is there a collegiate program similar to Wilbur Russell, ’32, has accepted a and is completely air conditioned by a Roy, it looks dangerous!” position as aeroplane mechanic in the huge reverse cycle system. Reverse “ Brownlee isn’t as attentive as he Poly Royal. It is as unique as the school. Closest description of the new federal air depot at Sacramento. cycle systems are being brought more used to be is he? And look at Bill two-day affair is a “ Country Fair on a College Campus,” but even Prior to going north Russell was em­ into the limelight of the industry ev­ Bradley. He’s lost in a dream, Don.” ployed at the Lockheed factory in ery day, and this particular one is of “ Guess he should be. Patsy White is that falls short. What country fair is so intimate as Poly Royal or Burbank. the most modern design. It heats, a dream herself.” * ❖ * “ Ed Harris looks a little downcast. as broad? cools, and ventilates from one central Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slicton of San­ compact unit in the laboratory where You see, it’s this way, one of the local We cordially welcome you to Cal Poly and our Eighth Poly Royal. ta Barbara visited the campus this it was placed for student observation misses just can’t seem to . . . Halp! week. While in San Luis Obispo, they purposes. Run for your life! Here come those were guests in the home of Mrs. Slic- Adjacent to the research lab is -the cadets taking the Green Hornet ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rus­ sheet metal workshop. Many new and for its last ride! And Butch is at the New Opportunities Await California Youths sell on Mill street. Slicton is a Poly labor saving tools have been ordered wheel! Run, Don, run!” “ So long, Roy!” New opportunities in technical and vocational training in agri­ grad of ’37. for this department. Two new well ^ lighted drafting rooms have been built Mrs. Young Louis, wife of the state cultural and industrial fields have been opened to California’s young into the structure. One of these will Votes will son be cast for the “ Cam­ secretary of Cal Poly alumni associa­ serve the electrical department. men with the decision April 6 of the state board of education to tion, is convalescing at Mt. View hos­ pus King and Queen” at Arizona State authorize a four-year technical college at California State Poly­ pital in San Luis Obispo, where she college at Tempe. where he is employed by the Standard technic, terminating in the bachelor of science degree. underwent a major operation. Oil company. T. SEBASTIAN’S In accepting the authorization, the institution pledged itself to Eli Gregory, ’34, who is employed s * * by the Westco Pump company of Los Edmund Jauch, Poly grad of ’34, maintain the primary objective of training young men for specific Angeles has entered a display for has, according to word received by employment in agricultural and industrial occupations; to retain Alec Tornasini, of San Luis Obispo, friends, received several promotions, during Poly Royal. and at present is in charge of several Santa Rosa the training on the project basis, and to strengthen and give full sjc ' :jc 4s men at the California nursery at Niles, support and prestige to the present two-year and three-year curri­ Alumni friends have received news where he has been employed for three of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and years. Jauch is a former floriculture Market cula not leading to a degree. Mrs. Joe Giorgi of San Francisco. student of Cal Poly. His brother, Bill The resolution adopted by the board was supported by the con­ Giorgi is a member of the class of ’31. Jauch, ’36, is employed as clerk in the For Fancy Meats and ❖ ❖ ❖ California hotel at San Diego. tention that today a considerable number of technical occupations * * * Groceries Gardner P. Smith, ’34, visited the PHONE 326 require employes to have a bachelor of science degree, and this campus this week. He was enroute to Henry Vervais, Poly grad of ’32, is Los Angeles where he will spend his employed as deputy sheriff at Pleas­ Santa Rosa at Mill factor was uppermost in the decision of the administrative group vacation. Smith, who will be remem­ anton, , Calif. Vervais will be remem­ in favoring the proposal. bered as one of Poly’s former football bered for his splendid work in football during his years at Cal Poly. The expansion plan has been under board advisement for more stars, is living at Richmond, Calif., than two years. During this time, opponents and proponents have had several meetings with the board to give their opinions. In vot­ ing for the resolutions, board members stated that sufficient time FRANKLIN had been given to study all phases of the plan, and that further VACCINES AND SUPPLIES delay would only serve to handicap the program at the Polytechnic FOR school. The main campus of the state technical college is at San Luis Obispo, with a horticulture branch known as the Voorhis Unit, Cattle — Sheep — Horses — Hogs at San Dimas. —AT— Expansion into the fourth year of work will embrace few changes, LIVESTOCK PRICES President Julian A. McPhee said. Enrollment in the degree curri­ YOUR LOCAL AGENCY Are established under competi­ cula will be open to high school graduates whose records and tech­ tive bidding on the great central nical aptitude indicate an ability to take work typical of the many livestock markets, such as the agricultural and mechanics arts colleges in the United States. Most Los Angeles Union Stock Yards. The City Pharmacy At the stock yards, prices are students will continue to enroll in the two-year and three-year cur­ 842 Higuera St. determined by the old establish­ ricula, it is believed. ed laws of supply and demand. Phone 112 San Luis Obispo This means that when your stock The first graduation under degree status is planned for the is offered for sale, there are spring of 1942. Formal curricula announcement will be made avail­ many ready to bid, and the high­ est bidder becomes the buyer. able as soon as details can be worked out. You are certain to receive the full market value at the stock yards. The Los Angeles Union Stock Yards is operated under Govern­ ment supervision; all selling ag­ Austin’s encies are bonded to make cer­ 868 Monterey St. Buy The tain that you receive your full cash returns within 24 hours af­ We Make All Our Own Candy ter your livestock crosses the Dessert of The scales. You are fully protected and Ice Cream when you ship to the established ALSO market at the Los Angeles Un­ “ The best place in town to eat” Month ion Stock Yards.

FRESH STRAWBERRY NORWALK NORWALK LOS ANGELES Complete Line of ICE CREAM PIE Streamline Gasoline Tractor Lubricants for .** UNION THE Every Purpose STOCK YARDS Natural Hi-Octane The Finest in Gasoline Oil “The Great Western Market” i * • Hi-Octane Rating Created Distillate in the Refining Process Greases Jbiden State N onvalk COMPANY, LTD.


Volume II, Number 26 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA Friday, April 26, 1940

StgMd Annual Ttoty Rayat and Honteconving,

Qa£ T loty U/>eZcomeA you Hom e.

Upper left—Cal Poly’s 1400 acres furnish the locale for the Poly Royal—a portion of the fields and buildings is shown to the left.

Middle left—The new sheep unit, modern in every respect, will be open for inspection during your visit on the campus.

Bottom left—The new air conditioning unit, the only building of its kind in the United States devoted ex­ clusively to air conditioning engineering. See it on your trip around the campus.

(Pictures by Wally Baldwin, official photographer.)

Center—Jeanne Defosset, chosen by the Cal Poly students as Miss Poly Royal 1940. Miss Defosset will preside over the coronation ball in Crandall gymnasium Saturday night, being attended by Betty Lou Aleixo, Miss Poly Royal 1939; Betty Ann Kaiser; Betty Jane Redfield; and Peggy Fisher. Bottom right— Cal Poly’s All American Selection team composed of (left to right) Robert Bell, Robert Denby, Coach George M. Drumm, Danny Galatro, and James Pappas proudly display Sir Bess Gettie of Taylaker Second, Grand Champion bull at the 1939 California State Fair, third in his Holstein class ^~


Upper right—Sec the Hampshire flock near the new sheep unit.

Second from top right—Cal Poly’s deciduous orchard as seen from radio hill.

Top center—Wally Baldwin, Poly Royal’s official photog­ rapher, poses a Poland China hog.

Middle center—Part of the thousands of baby chicks that are hatched each year by poultry students.

•&***&'- ■ m

* Center—J. I. Thompson, Livestock Specialist with the Bureau of Agricultural Education of the State De­ partment of Education, welcomes his many friends to the Poly campus during Poly Royal.

Top left—Landscaping students putting the finish­ ing touches on their rock garden project.

Middle left—High producing hens will be on display in the poultry exhibit in the basement of the Agricul­ tural Education Building.

Bottom— Dams of future champion beef steers—all in the Poly herd.

Second from bottom right—Agricultural mechanics students become proficient in the use of tractors in their tractor skills classes. April 26, 1940—Follow Poly’s Progress THE POLYTECHNIC CALIFORNIAN Eighth Annual Poly Royal—Page Three % ------

9ndudOiiat ^em At Ttaly Rcu^ai

Upper left—Interior of the new air conditioning unit.

Second from top left—Electrical Industries students put the finishing touches on the broadcasting line to KVEC on radio hill.

Left third from top— Building a form to repair a damaged plane.

Left fourth from top— “Never buy a tool you can make” is the motto of machine shop.

Top right—Putting the “skin” on the flying wing, supervised by J. D. McKellar, its designer.

Diamond inset—Henry C. Figge, welding instructor, assists a student weld a joint.

Bottom left—Cal Poly’s CAA students spend many hours in study.

Bottom right—Electrical industry students working on motors and industrial control panels. Follow Poly’s Progress—April 26, 1940 Page Four—Eighth Annual Poly Royal THE POLYTECHNIC CALIFORNIAN

Yleju-eA a $)ul£ //lament at Qai Tlo-ty!

Top left—Capt. J. C. Deuel, baseball coach, plans the blitzkrieg' with his warriors against the Bakersfield junior college team Friday afternoon at 2:30.

Top right—Poly Grove in the foreground—the site of the Poly Royal barbecue.

Right center—Dance and sway the Collegian way at the coronation ball, Saturday evening.

Second from top right—.Training for the Poly Royal Relays at the Ag.-Industrial track meet.

Third from top right— Coaches Paul C. will display their wares at the Poly Royal Gifford (extreme left) and Don De Rosa Rodeo, Saturday afternoon. (extreme right) and their point winning track athletes who will perform at the Poly Second from bottom left—The Cal P°b Royal Relays, Friday evening “ under the band enlivens all Poly Royal activities. They lights.” will give a concert during the noon hour ^ the barbecue on Saturday. Bottom right—President Julian A. Me- Phee congratulating Jim Blake and the win- Bottom left—The pre-Poly Royal dance ning rodeo contestants at the intercollegiate where Miss Poly Royal 1940 was an rodeo at Victorville. These Cal Poly students nounced. Friday, April 26, 1940 PQLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Page Three Coach O Daniels Lists Library Has Two Students Rescue Four Home Games on Two Graduates Illuminated Display Damsel in Distress Valuable Sets 1 940 Football Schedule Aid Invention Shows Location of Two Cal Poly students, spreeing at Of Bulletins Four home games, climaxed by a Crops, Fruit Acres the beach last week, proved that the pShi qTo1 r Cfv!i^?rni,a A££ies, are on age of chivalry is not dead by rescu­ the 1940 football schedule announced Of New Device An illuminated map showing the ing a damsel in distress—at least that The California Poly library is one this week by Coach Howie O’Daniels. location and extent of the crops and is their story. tf^lat every student is proud of. This Opening the' season on Sept. 20 is Two former California Polytechnic fruit program on the California State Kenny Root and Jes Arnold, who BBorary is not the smallest or the larg­ a night game on the Cal Poly field students have assisted in the develop­ Polytechnic farm features the exhibit were enjoying the warm sun on the est of the state college collections, but against California Institute of Tech­ ment of a new electrical device de­ of the crops department at this year’s beach at Avila, were awakened from some of the information and periodi­ nology of Pasadena. Poly won this signed to speed up electrical impulses, Poly Royal. their day dreams by the calls of a per­ cals that are listed on file are of great opening game last fall by a 24-6 score. it was learned this week through an Located in the department’s booth, son in the surf calling for help. The importance because it is one of the r , Other .games to be played on the article in a recent issue of the Los the map shows by means of push but­ two young Lochinvars rushed out into few libraries that have this type of Oal Poly field include Santa Maria Angeles Examiner. tons and lights the location of acre­ the surf to the rescue. By-standers information. jumoi* college, a night game on Sept. The device was discovered by Rus­ age, and arrows along the roads direct who witnessed the daring rescue com­ The library has on file a complete 27; Chico State college, a night game sell Varian of Halcyon, a television spectators to the various crops or­ mented upon the courage of the Cal set of bulletins and circulars that have on Nov. 1; and the closing game of engineer, and his brother, Sigurd, for­ chards and demonstration trials. I’olyites who dashed out into the mer Pan-American airways pilot who been published by the United States the season with Cal Aggies on the af­ 50 Grains Represented shoulder deep water to assist the department of agriculture. Very few ternoon of Nov. 16. attended Cal Poly in 1920-21, together beautiful young girl to regain the schools in the country can boast of Games away from home include with William W. Hansen, young Stan­ The booth is decorated with sheaves shore. a complete set. The Polytechnic libra­ Humboldt State at Eureka on Oct. 5; ford university physician. A third Va­ of more than 50 grains represented Ann will be her name for this arti­ ry has a total of 8200 books on file, Santa Barbara State at Santa Bar­ rian brother, Eric, who graduated in the plant garden. These include all cle. Her real name, the initials of which are evenly distributed between bara on Oct. 11; LaVerne college at from Poly in 1927, assisted in the of commercial importance grown in which are C. L., is being withheld for agriculture and industry, with a large LaVerne on Oct. 19; San Francisco development work. California. obvious reasons. She was duly grate­ list of miscellaneous books such as tate in San Francisco on Oct. 25; and The inpention is a radio tube they A handbook describing the 34 prom­ ful for her rescue from the 10-foot English, fiction, and numerous science Sacramento J. C. in Sacramento on call a klystron. It generates radio ising range plants growing in the Cal waves that had tumbled her about. Poly range nursery and indicating books. Nov. 9. waves that are shorter than the av­ “I owe everything to my mother,” Has 100 Magazines erage ones and sends them out faster their origin and adaptations is being said the hero of this daring rescue, California Polytechnic subscribes to than heretofore had been believed pos­ distributed from the booth to those Kenny Root, “because she made me sible. who plan to visit the nursery. join the Boy Scouts where I learned more than 100 different magazines. Plant Identification Contest These are on file in the library, in­ Visitors at Poly The new type of tube may prove a always to be a gentleman and be pre­ great aid to both the aviation and the A commercial plant identification pared to rescue the weaker sex from cluding their back issues, which are contest, with suitable prizes offered,, ^ a c e d in the back room and are avail­ Fire Questions by television industries, according to the the difficulties they always seem to Examiner article. For television it is being conducted at the booth. It get themselves into.” a b le to the students who are looking may open up a large number of need­ features plants from the plant garden, information. These magazines are Scores at Clerks ed broadcast channels. For aviation it the department’s seed collection and also evenly distributed between agri­ may aid in improving the service of herbarium, and from commercial Not having parking facilities at Cal culture and industry, with a number Tech resulted in the jailing of one By A1 Kinsey radio directional beams. And for tele­ plants growing on the farm. of news, current and related maga­ phones it may make possible the han­ The department during the two-day sutdent and fines for others. zines placed in the reading room for “How many girls go here?” and “ Are all these men real cowboys?”— dling of simultaneous conversations program will demonstrate the various the students. over the same wire. types of orchard heaters used at the Complete sets of bulletins and cir­ these are some of the types of ques­ college citrus groves. culars put out by the different agri­ tions that are asked and answered by EXTRA HEAVY cultural stations of the United States the hundreds in the main office of Cal Cal Poly Dairy Students Plan During the program a sack-sewing are on file in steel cabinets, making it Poly during the Poly Royal. Full Two-Day Program of Events contest also will be held. Representa­ tives of the various Farm Centers, T SHIRTS very easy to obtain this information. Wide-eyed and eager, the spectators Tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock the Granges, and other agricultural organ­ These pamphlets are placed under the crowd the main office in search of in­ izations will participate. Plain White or White With headings of the state publishing them. formation as to where that prize bull dairy department will start its Poly The California pamphlets are also is, or “ Where can I find my cousin Royal program with the fitting and Colored Trim filed in the same manner. Oscar?” showing contest which will take place in the arena near the baseball field. the dairy industry will be on display. 39c Filing System Convenient Offices Open Both Days The dairy council of California has The system of filing bulletins in the Clarence Reid, manager of the Ran­ To handle this constant flow of cho San Carlos dairy of Santa Bar­ assisted the dairy department in se­ steel cases under their respective ti­ questions, the administrative offices lection of material and has provided tles makes it much easier to find the bara, will be the judge of the contest, posters showing the value of dairy remain open all day for both days of open to production students. material and also helps to prevent the the Poly Royal. products. Penneys loss or misplacing of information of Following the judging of the con­ All three of the departmental heads, test the dairy is sponsoring a cow this type. W. C. Patchett, C. E. Knott and O. F. milking contest which will be held Many sets of encyclopedias are found Lucksinger, will be in their respective near the arena at 11 a. m. Represent­ Telephone 1173 On 101 Hi-way in the library including those of in­ offices ready to answer any questions atives of local service clubs will take dustry and plant science and those ot whatsoever regarding the school and Distributor of Goodyear Tires part. and Batteries varied, subject matter. These are the courses offered. Also to aid them the A group of foundation animals from most widely-used books when mate­ full office force will be present and the school dairy herd will be on dis­ Complete Automotive Service rial of a general nature is_ desired. ready to answer any and all questions play all day Saturday adjoining the Day and Night Complete sets of Who’s Who in Amer­ about the school and Poly Royal. baseball field. ica and the United States department Offices Busiest Place The manufacturing students in the of agriculture yearbooks dating back The very heart of all activities will dairy department are sponsoring a JONES to 1880 are on file in the filing shelves center around these offices as they di­ milk can-rolling contest Saturday of the library. rect the colorful and fast moving 1940 which will be open to the general TRANSPORTATION Guilford Will Adds Books .. Poly Royal. Although they are not public. A local creamery has donated SERVICE Last year in the will of W. S. Guil­ presenting any exhibits they will be ice cream as prizes. ford, federal farm credits official who perhaps the busiest of all as their A booth representing progress in 406 Higuera San Lais Obispo died last year, his complete library job is to run the whole show and pre­ was given to Polytechnic. These books sent information to the some 10,000 number into the hundreds, and some expected visitors. Administrative officials claim that are priceless. IS AMERICA'S FINEST Among his donation are complete a large part of the following year’s The Only Home Owned records of the American sheep record, new students are first attracted to the American Berkshire record, American school through the activities of his Lumber & Millwork Dealer Smith AidoH adio Shorthorn herd books dating back to colorful two-day event. 1866 and the American Shetland Stud Opinion is widespread that the re­ in San Luis Obispo is the books. Various other types were also cently received degree granting privi­ Fruit Company included but are too numerous to men­ leges will attract even larger groups SAN LUIS MILL of visitors to the Poly Royal this year. tion. Wholesale Distributors Rinn Completes Sets Hawkins Scores Hole in One & In 1939 A. J. Rinn was promoted to Howard Hawkins, citrus production Fruits and Produce the position of supervisor in agricul­ instructor at the Voorhis unit of Cal LUMBER CO. tural education stationed at Cal Poiy Poly, scored a hole in one on_ a Po­ Phone 624 246 Higuera St. 1121 Higuera St. Phone 1381 and brought with him his library con­ mona course recently, according to San Luis Obispo sisting mainly of bulletins that he had word received by Weir Fetters. collected from every state. It was through his donation that the library was able to complete its files of cir­ culars and bulletins. More Students Are Capt. J. C. Deuel, chief librarian, M O R E m o n ." stated the filing method of books is SdiulzeBuffiev> Finding Out ^ • First W ith Famous Singer* one that is universally used throu h T h e C l o t h i e r s out the colleges and libraries of the • Now Beauty • Marvelow* Ton* state. Under this system a reader is SAM’S SAMBERGERS • 6 Tube* including Rectifier able to find material at will by using 782 HIGUERA STREET and 14 inch Dogs • Instrument Panel Controls to Match Yea* Car the instructions that are on the in­ • Large Self-Contained Speaker In Aoeesjc struction chart placed at the entrance FOR ROUGH RIDER CORDS AND TROUSERS Are a real treat Housing Provides Fine Tone Quality UseoRy of the book files. Found Only in Much Higher Priced Radios INTERWOVEN SOCKS - ARROW SHIRTS Why not arrange to meet at • AutomaticVolume Control Insure* Constant WANTED! COOPER’S JOCKEY SHORTS V o lu te Regardless of Signal Strength More freshmen to attend the meet­ • Bring* In Far Distant Station* ings in the future. Very important matters will be discussed. • Fit* and M atch** Your Car Exactly BIG VALUE BUY Since 1872 ------All Cargoes Insured------SAM’S ONLY Hacienda Fine Foods DANIELS & BOVEE Phone 19 For —At— LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING 1057 Monterey St. 998 Higuera St. Phone 1335 Your Independent Retail LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Next to Chevrolet Garage SAN LUIS OBISPO Grocer Juillaid Cockcroft Sandercock Transfer Co. We Made the Orchid Crown Corporation 737 Marsh St. for Betty Lou Aleixo, San Luis Obispo SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA the 1939 Poly Royal Queen.

May W e Place the Best Cor­ sage in the City at Reasonable Anderson Hotel Prices on Your Queen? MODERN FIREPROOF When in San Luis Obispo for the Eighth Annual Poly Royal, Plan to Stay at the Anderson and Be Assured of Real Comfort. Wilson’s Flower Shop JEFF L. ANDERSON SAN LUIS OBISPO 1110 Garden S t r e e t ...... Phone 622 Managing Owner CALIFORNIA Bonded Member Florist Delivery Association, San Luis Obispo Friday, April 26, 1940 Page Four POLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Rapid Progress What’s This? Sterilized FFA To Hold Flag Rules Over Dormitory Row Cat Gives Birth to Six Noted in Poly Kittens! Page McCapes State Confab A short time ago this paper report­ Building Plan ed the successful operation upon a Here May 2-3 helpless little cat by Dr. A. M. Mc­ Capes in which its life was saved only Future Farmers of America why, During the past year progress has after emergency artificial respiration. hold their 12th annual state convs3g been rapid in the building program at It sees that Doc’s assistant, Harry tion on the campus of California StallF Cal Poly. Wineroth, gave the animal too much Polytechnic in San Luis Obispo May 2 One major permanent industrial gas, and that was the time for Doc and 3, it was announced this week by building is practically completed, the McCapes to apply his knowledge of State President Henry House, a Poly new sheep unit is almost finished and “conserving the soul.” student. ready for use by the meat animals de­ The first operation was to remove partment, and the six small dormitor­ Many new features are planned for a few vital organs of reproduction. the conference. Regular celluloid ies have been occupied since school Your reporter wishes to report that began in September. badges will be given all delegates to this same animal gave birth to six replace the informal badges previous­ The new air conditioning building little kittens last Thursday morning! ly used. Mounted stands with the containing 14,000 square feet of floor Gosh, Doc. Maybe something went chapter name will be placed among space will fill a long-felt need in the wrong! the delegates’ seats in the assembly industrial department. It will provide classrooms, drafting rooms, and labor­ chamber. atory space for the air Conditioning All livestock for judging on May 3 department; classrooms and drafting Editors Announce will be assembled on one of the new rooms for the electrical department, barns, while the remainder of the and an auditorium with a seating ca­ campus will be thrown open to dele­ pacity of 450 students. Yearbook Contents; gates and judging team members. All dairy barns, the beef barn, and the Cottages House 72 To Use Old Photos swine unit7 poultry houses, and other The six new dormitories serve a vi­ units will be open for inspection. tal need in providing lodging for 72 Content of the El Rodeo for 1940 The annual fun night will be chang­ students near their animal project ed to give more time for scheduled work, which in many instances in­ was announced this week by Charles events among California Poly stu- volves extremely early and late hours Boggs and Wayne Lowe, editors for of work. This added space helped but this year. by no means solved the housing short­ “ The theme for this year has been age expei’ienced during the first quar­ decided as “ 30 Years of Progress,” ter of the present school year. Lowe .Said. “ The staff has obtained a Shops Carry Out The new sheep unit will, when com­ number of old pictures depicting ev­ plete, give the meat animals depai't- ents since 1901. Seven old-time car­ Active Program 2pent for the first time adequate hous­ toons have been drawn. A number of ing space for the schol breeding flock these pictures will be used to carry ad student feeder projects. out the theme.” One of the least publicized depart­ Snapshot Section Enlarged Road Jobs Completed ments of the campus is the mainte­ The snapshot section for this year nance and construction department. A contract for $14,255 was entered has been enlarged to 12 pages. Organ­ into with the state division of high­ Yet this department, under the guid­ ization pictures will be taken during ance of L. E. McFarland and M. B. ways to build new roads on the cam­ the week of April 8. The schedule for pus and farm. In this contract also taking of organizaiton pictures has Smith is directly responsible for all were provisions to resurface existing been arranged by Editor Lowe and maintenance and repair work done on roads and construct parking areas is announced in this issue of the school the campus. near the dormitories and classrooms. Cafeteria Serves 132,405 Meals paper. Among their many recent activities These jobs have been finished and im­ A different layout is being followed is the renovation of old poultry houses proved the appearance of the campus this year. In addition to the group and the construction of new ones. The a great deal. In 8 Months at 30 Cents Each pictures of organizations, pictures of latest additions to the poultry unit In addition, a number of additions outstanding activities held will be in­ are three small laying houses, three and betterments projects have been cluded in the organization section. pedigree houses, one big double brood­ completed during the past year. In­ Meals served by the California State for clerical and office work. Organizations Have Write-ups er house, 16 by 36 feet, and one laying house. These are all in the last stages cluded in the list are fencing the feed Polytechnic cafeteria during the past Costs of the food consumed was Last year there was no write-up of lots around the Parker barn, landscap­ activities in the annual, but this year of construction at present. The last ing the west entrance to the campus, eight months have totaled 132,405, it broken down into the following classi­ there will be one. two houses mentioned are to have ce­ the six new dormitories, and the area was announced this week by the ad­ fications: fruits, vegetables, $4661.63; The El Rodeo will contain 172 pages ment floors, and when completed will west of the Administration building; ministrative council. groceries, $3509.90; meat and fish, and will be divided into eight sections. be fully equipped with tne latest and building a sawdust house at the hog Income during the period amounted $7141.96; butter, eggs, and cheese, Last year’s book only had 160 pages. most modern poultry devices . The unit; constructing two permanent lay­ to $40,037 and and expenses amounted $4206.49; milk and cream, $4756.66; The eight sections will include title construction alone for the t\|o big ing houses for the poultry department, to $40,548, representing a net loss of and bread, $1372.12. and theme pages, faculty student houses cost approximately $1000 each. and building a new lath house and $511. Approximately 25 per cent of February Cost Rises government, organizations, snapshots, This department also made up sev­ storage space for the landscape de­ the cost was for labor, 63 per cent for athletics, San Dimas, advertisements. eral display boards for the recent partment. food, and 12 per cent for overhead and Miscellaneous expenses included the Assisting Lowe and Boggs are Vin­ Poly Vue at the San Dimas branch miscellaneous expenses. sum of $1645.75 for supplies and cent Trozera and Ed Manasse in writ­ which were sent down along with breakage; $1600 for reserve for break­ ing copy. Herb Brownlee is business other material for use down there. The Alhambra Moor, weekly paper Average Cost 30.6 Cents age and repairs; $670.33 for gas and The average cost of each meal was manager and Wally Baldwin is a pho­ Besides the actual building they are at Alhambra high, was forced to apol­ electricity; and $674.71 for laundry. tographer. responsible for the painting of all the ogize and run an explanation recently 30.6 cents during the eight months, During the month of February in­ the report said. The yearbook was dedicated to Miss school property not including those for an April Fool editorial telling of come came to $6463.72 and expenses Margaret Chase whose length of ser­ buildings being constructed under con­ the demise of sports at the school. Among the expenses during this to $6670.95, representing a net loss vice as a Cal Poly teacher is longest. tract to outside companies. This in­ The editor forgot to label it as a joke, eight months were $5588.32 for man­ of $207.23. The cost per meal during She has been here since 1908, and re­ cludes the recent painting of the cor­ and many students regarded it seri­ agers and cooks, $4220.65 for approxi­ that month rose to 31.4 cents for the calls many old time pictures to be rals at Parker’s barn and repainting ously. mately 335 student workers, and $480 21,247 meals served. used in the annual. of most of Chase hall. Only At Sears Are The Values So Great! DELUXE EQUIPPED COLDSPOT DIG OVER 6 CUDIC FT. MODEL

Actual $139 Value Sensationally Priced for Last 3 Days!

Check every one of the 18 deluxe -features listed below! Shop! Com­ pare — $108 NEVER bought an $ electric refrigerator like this! Re­ member too, this is a big family size over 6 cubic-foot model at the price others ask for a small stripped 4 or 5. Quantity is limited; no need to urge you to be prompt! *5 DOWNEftSSK

1. Smart Streamlined 1-Pc. 7. 1-pc. Porcelain Enameled 13. Freezes 96 Ics Cubes, 7 Floor-to-Top Construction! Interior, Acid Resisting! lbs., 10-oz. ice. 3 Trays! 2. All Corners Rounded Inside 8. Removable Fly Shelf De­ 14. Finger-Tip Ice Cube Re­ and Out... Easy to Clean! taches for Tall Bottles! lease, No Fuss, No Waste! 3. All - Steel Construction to 9. Autom. Light Floodlights 15. Big 6.2 Cu. Ft. Capacity, Assure Years of Service! Lntire Interior of Box! 11.9 Sq. Ft. Shelf Area! 4. One Sliding Fruit Basket 10. Best Type Cabinet Con­ 16. Equipped Famous Coldspot Provides Handy Storage! struction, Bakelite Strip! Current - Cutter Rotorite! 5. t Sliding Vegetable Fresh­ 11. Extra Space Under Coil, 17. 9 - Point Cold Control, ener, Porcelain Lined! Storage of Steaks, Chops! with Defrosting Cycle I 6. White Smooth Baked 12. Tip-Proof Rustless Shelves 18. Five-Year Protection Plan Enamel Finish Outside! — containers won’t tip! at NO EXTRA COST!

879 lligucra St.9 San Luis Ohispo — Phone 760 — ?til 9 P . M . - Park FULL Friday, April 26, 1940 POLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Page Five 30 Tons of Milk Are Produced by Poly’s Harry Wineroth Acts More Than 4000 Copies of First Issue Student-Operated Dairy Herd; Payroll Adds As Official Announcer Of Special Poly Royal Edition of Weekly Up to $400 for Each Month of Operation Paper Are Mailed Throughout California

M n qa +. • - ... Have Carlin ^POver 30 tons of milk were produced by the dairy students at Cali More than 4000 copies of the first special Poly Royal edition of lorma State Polytechnic during the month of March in their lean “ the Polytechnic Californian were mailed out to alumni, friends and mg by doing program of education. V parents, it was revealed this week by Carl G. Beck, Poly Royal faculty representative. includesincTudesTmod^sh^r1 a modern shelter and T? feed ^ ° storageC+k USed barn, by the a dairybull barn students with The other 1000 copies of the special 12-page edition were dis­ tributed to students at both the San ------safety bull pens, and a sanitary calf Luis Obispo and the San Dimas cam­ barn, and a milking barn of unique puses, to local luncheon clubs and oth­ and Don Carlson. Actual Operation design. The dairy herd of 100 head er organizations, and to visitors to the “I wish also to thank Charles Boggs valued at $10,000 is made up of three campus, Beck said. Included in the 12 and Roy Brophy for the many hours of th£ leading breeds, Jerseys, Guern­ spent in printing the paper, and Carl Of Farm Machines seys and Holsteins. pages of the paper published on April 5 were four pages of pictures of the G. Beck and Ernest Foster for their Herd on Cooperation Basis 1939 Poly Royal. parts as advisers in making the un­ Features dertaking so successful. Exhibit The dairy herd is operated on a co­ Distribution Is Widespread operative basis. The products from “ Thanks, fellows. With this type of the school herd and from project ani­ The papers were distributed to most cooperation, there is no doubt that Presenting a program both colorful of the states of the Union and to sev­ and interesting and claimed to be the mals are marketed together. Some of this year’s Poly Royal will be the big­ the student employes who share in the eral foreign countries, Beck said, and gest and best ever held.” most complete this side of the state aroused considerable favorable com­ fair, the agricultural mechanics de­ profits of the herd are the milkers who receive $2.50 per dow a month ment, both oral and in the form of partment students of Cal Poly have letters. Test Plots of Field worked hard on their Poly Royal ex­ and in addition five cents a pound for hibit. each pound of butterfat that the cows The special edition was published by And Truck Crops Are students of the journalism class under A department devoted to the actual they milk produce. The dairy herd is maintained as a the supervision of Editor Don Carlson Displayed by Students down-to-earth work to be done on the and Adviser Ernest Foster. The pic­ iA n , the ag mechanics students are project and has made a small profit for the last five years. The dairy de­ torial section was printed at the Offerings in the crops department '^■Kting on a show full of action and Preuss Press in San Luis Obispo and at California State Polytechnic have scientific interest. To help pack the partment has the largest pay-roll of any department on campus, amount­ the news section in the California been improved by the work done in two days of celebration full of inter­ ing to more than $400 a month. Poly Student Has Hobby Poly print shop under the supervision the fruit production, field crops, and est, they have arranged a long series of the Student Production Manager truck crops under the direction of of shows and contests. 60 Students in Department Of Carving Leather Belts Paul Daugherty, new instructor who There are 60 students in the dairy Charles Boggs and Assistant Roy Self-Feeders on Display Brophy. came to Poly to have charge of the department, of whom 15 are manufac­ One Cal Poly student has an inter­ work last fall. For those interested in the general turing students and the rest produc­ Large Crew Folds, Wraps shop work and materials used, there tion students. The dairy department esting and unique hobby here at the Folding, stuffing, wrapping, and Many students at Poly have not is an open house with all student- has the record of having every gradu­ school. stanmping the 4000 copies took the been aware of the work going on in made equipment. To make this even ating student last year placed in a job. He is Wes Mittelstead, and his hob­ services of a large crew of students the crops department. There are many test plots on the campus. One of these more interesting and self-explana­ A judging team from the dairy de­ by or part-time avocation is that of working under the direction of Herb tory, the exhibits will be divided into test plots included the cover crops partment won first place in a national carving leather belts, billfolds, and Brownlee, general superintendent of departments. the Poly Royal. Brownlee this week which were plowed under about three collegiate judging contest in selecting other leather goods. weeks ago. Hog self-feeders and concrete water­ all-American Holstein cattle. Last issued a statement thanking his as­ ing troughs are part of the hog de­ year the school herd was represented Wes has turned out many fine belts, sistants. At present there are test plots of 30 partment’s display while creep feeders in cattle shows at Sacramento in the and samples may be seen where he “ I want to take this opportunity to varieties of grain, oats, and wheat and feed troughs for calves are shown State fair, at Pomona in the Los An­ stays at the implement shed near the express my sincere gratitude to those placed on three different sections of in the beef animals display. In charge geles County fair, and at Treasure upper units. Some of the owners of fellows who pitched in and worked so the campus. In the truck crops at of this group of housed displays will Island in the National Dairy show, his hand carved belts, which are sin­ diligently in order that our first edi­ present are planted 16 varieties of to­ be Serein Ikeda. where they won many awards includ­ gle or two-toned in color, are Henry tion of the Poly Royal supplement matoes, peas, corn, beans, onions and For those seeking outside displays, ing two grand championship bulls at House, state Future Farmer presi­ could reach the Associated Students others. there will be such things as the large the State fair, one of which was dent, Elbert Hopkins, Wayne Long, and friends of the college in time,” pump exhibit in front of the Ag Me­ placed third in its class at the Na­ Bill Penturf, John Shea, Bob Walker, Brownlee said. and Vincent Trozera. Clarence Brown Bring? You chanics building. Some 20 to 30 differ­ tional and on the official vote tied for Assistants Are Praised ent types, makes and models of reserve all-American honors. Animals a New Outstanding pumps are on active display here. from the Poly herd made up one-half “ The fellows who assisted in the Table Model To prevent mep students from gain­ work included Bob Livingston, Char­ ^Vater Guessing Contest of the California state Jersey herd at GILFILLAN 6-TUBE the National Dairy show. ing all the attention in a whisker­ ley Crane, Frank Jacinto, Bud Ran­ A water guessing contest under the growing contest, girls of Hollister jun­ Herd Makes Many Records kin, Dave Tompkins, Jerry Didier,Vin­ RADIO. $19.95 supervision of Paul Jones will be_ held ior college voted to wear large bows 50c Down—50c a Weak here with prizes for all and it will be The dairy herd which is on herd im­ in their hair rather than wear black cent Trozera, Ken Onstott, Fred Lo­ provement tests, has made a number pez, John Reagan, Jim McLanahan, open to all. of records in production including a cotton stockings. Those interested in tractors and record of over 800 pounds of butterfat farm machinery can go to the great made by the Holstein Wayside Piebe tractor display, also held by this de­ Abbekerk, four cows with records partment. Here for inspection will be over 700 pounds, nine cows with rec­ a large number of makes of tractors ords over 600 pounds, and 10 cows of all sizes, varying from the smallest with records over 500 pounds. Union Hardware garden types to the gigantic bull-doz­ The average production in the ing diesels. school herd is 444 pounds of butterfat New Developments Shown while the average butterfat produc­ and Implement Co. Along with these there will be an tion for cows in the state of California exhibition of the latest developments is 250 pounds. in farm machinery and equipment. A CLARENCE BROWN Buy Cattle With Loans 1119 The Recollection of Quality 725 YOUR CREDIT JEWELER plot of ground has been set aside for Students who plan to go into dairy­ Remains Long After the Price 862 Higuera 121 S. Broadway the special tractor and equipment ing for themselves can start their Garden St. Is Forgotten Higuera St. demonstrations and contests through­ S. L. O. Santa Maria herds while at Cal Poly by buying Phone 164 Phone 43 out the two days. animals while going to school. An ar­ The tractor driving contest will be rangement has been worked out by open to one contestant from each which students can Tray cattle on long Grange or Farm Center, and the term loans. All student projects are course has been made even toughe carried on in a business like manner this year than last. Robertson Coit with the profit for each cow about $6 EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING "DON'T FORGET A will be in charge of this conteslt,whiLie to $10. the ladies will be entertained with a RAPID SHOE REPAIR SHOP SHOT OF CUTTER'S nail driving contest under the P 1036 Chorro St., San Luis Obispo, Calif. BLACKLEGOL. vision of Don Hartman. Lester McKay Obtains Chris Burnett, Prop. THAT’S JUST AS Dealers Have Exhibits Position in Oxnard SHOES SHINED At the booth exhibit for the ag me­ IMPORTANT AS chanics department, yutaka lto wi Lester McRay, agricultural mechan­ BRANDING!* be in charge of the more condensed ics major scheduled to_ graduate in June, has obtained a position with the 6riT ad“ ti the things shown by Baron Farm Implements Manufactur­ O’REILLY’S the Poly students, dealers from both ing company of Oxnard, Instructor • GOLDEN RULE AUTO COURTS San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria w James Merson revealed this week. and SERVICE STATION have a varied assortment of farm ma Merson said it was the type of job chinery on display. that McRay had been training for. Taking charge of the whole ag me­ chanics department group of displays Radio Gas 15 1-2 c will be Paul Jones, who will be pres NORTH MONTEREY ST. HI-WAY 101 ent to direct all proceedings and M swer any questions about the displays. --- ...... ------Wholesale Meats and (•Bottle Fresh Frozen Foods Carton Pep Creamery

Sanlo San Luis Obispo BIRCKLEGOL * In its history only on* Io n Meat Company PLUS DEPOSIT on laboratory examination, following its use ha* provwt RESTAURANT to have been du* to black­ leg. No other vaccln* ap­ FOR ALL YOUR proaches this record. FOUNTAIN LUNCH Let us quote you on Black- PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS legol and your other dra? COME TO THE and vaccine needs. t Over 200 Good Things to CARPENTER’S Shadow Arts Studio REXALL DRUG Eat and Drink STORE 1036 Chorro St. Authorized Cutter Agency 839 Higuera St. CAMERA HEADQUARTERS SAN LUIS OBISPO U. S. Postal Station No. 1 Page Six POLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Friday, April 26, 1940 20 Varieties of Cartoon Drawn by Wes Claes Symbolizes Poly Royal 13 Holstein Cows Birds Entered in vl Produce Record Poultry, Egg Show Yield During Year

Twenty classes of birds, including California State Polytechnic hg.s white Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rhode just received a production certifidSl Island Reds, turkeys, buff Cochins, on their Holstein-Friesian herd is&r and brown Leghorn bantams, are en­ the past testing year from the Hol­ tered in the poultry department show stein-Friesian association of America. for Poly Royal, Leo Sankoff, student This announcement credits school chairman, announced. herd of 13 milking cows with an aver­ “ This is not a fitting show but a age production of 13,145 pounds of show based upon individual students milk and 465.4 pounds of butterfat ability to select and judge birds on a standard and utility basis,” Sankoff per cow. said. Dairy students at Polytechnic own 55 Entries in Egg Show five of these 13 cows. They help ma­ At least 55 entries are expected m terially in paying school expenses, the egg show, with six classes made provide valuable experience in their up of white and brown eggs. C. A. feeding and care, and later will form Wirth of the state department of ag­ valuable foundation animals. riculture will be the judge. Last year The Holstein herd at Polytechnic the winning high dozen of eggs made has been on continuous herd improve­ a score of 99% points. ment tests for eight years. The re­ Special sterling silver medals are cently completed average is the high­ awarded to students having the best est that has been obtained since this entries in the egg and poultry shows. work was started. They are awarded by the San Luis Last year, the average was 448 Feed company and Balck’s hatchery. pounds of butterfat per cow. The av­ A perpetual plaque was awarded by erage cow in California produces ap­ the Poultrymen’s Cooperative associ­ proximately 250 pounds of butterfat ation of Southern California for the per year. best bird in the poultry show. Last year this was won by Min Nitta, who is also competing again this year. 20 Different Water Outstanding Hens Shown Some of the department’s outstand­ Lilies Placed in Pond ing hens, such as D-429, which laid 318 eggs in her second year, and RB- 360, which has laid 1321 eggs or ap­ Twenty varieties of water lilies, both proximately 186 pounds. The latter hardy and tropical types, are planted hen weighs four pounds. in the fish pond in front of the Ad­ The system of records that poultry ministration building, Instructor W. students use for pedigree, breeding, B. Howes told Poly Royal visitors this and progeny testing, information week. about the school plant, and facts about In addition numerous aquatic plants the poultry industry, will be on dis­ have been placed in the pool, along play. with several goldfish. Students have been carrying on The pond, on a two-level basis with breeding work on white Leghorns, a natural rock setting, was construct­ Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth ed entirely by landscaping students. Rocks, and Mammoth bronze turkeys. Other landscape exhibits include a Brooding Work Under Way rose garden of 300 bushes, with all In the Poly plant now are approxi­ named, numbered, and catalogued. So mately 1900 Leghorns, 250 Rocks, 65 far this spring 500 ornamental trees Reds, and 46 turkey breeders. At the and 2000 pansies have been planted present time students are in the mid­ by landscape students. dle of the brooding schedule, with baby chicks and poults hatching every Women Invited to Take week. All the houses, equipment, and the Part in Plant Contest Block P >Plans Third Fun N ite MAGAZINES methods of management are open to Of Landscape Division public inspection during Poly Royal. BOOKS Last year the Poly trapnest pullets Women visitors to Poly Royal are In M ay; IVinners Get Gloves Buy ’em used and made a new high in average produc­ invited to take part in a plant identi­ save the difference tion. On an 800-hen flock with no cull­ fication contest sponsored by the land­ Block “ P,” the letterman’s society ing they laid an average of 225 eggs scape department of California Poly­ yet, they are asked to see him. It is per hen. technic. under the direction of Wes Bridston, not too late to try for those golden The department is under the direc­ is again planning its third Fun Night gloves. tion of Richard I. Leach. At the landscape booth there is a list of plants and seeds suitable for to be held as soon as the FFA boys So far the uncrowned champs are planting in May and June. A student leave for home on May 3. Tom Shirakawa 126, Joe Marshall 170, is in attendance at all times to offer Jessie James 155, Mort Lavers 160, Ted's Special Type of Tables The winners of the other two Fun George Radnich 175, and Carl Miller. advice on home landscaping problems. Nights have been advised to do a lot 1028 Morro, San Luis Obispo Another part of the booth display John Carricaburu is also in the money, Built for Celebration of training, because there are a few having won his last two fights. features books and magazines on gar­ fellows who have not participated as dening. yet and, according to Bridston, they To aid the Poly Royal the carpentry There is a list of shrubs and trees really have something on the ball. grown in the San Luis Obispo area shop and warehouses are sponsoring Winners of this final Fun Night are the construction of several specially- with their common and botanical Standard Auto Parts names, their height, and the best spots to receive the golden gloves to be built tables. These tables are all of given by the letterman’s society in welded pipe frames and set in con­ for their growth. The glass houses of the landscape token of appreciation to these fellows S W D House crete for permanence. They have who have helped put over this form wooded tops and seats made of 2 by department are open for inspection. . of entertainment. i f is Paint 10 planks. Included also are five double length, Peanuts Rogers is the match-maker 1940 Home Decorator Free permanent tables. These tables will Ag Inspection Graduate for this next time. If there are still some fellows who have not signed up 840 Monterey St. S. L. O. seat from 180 to 200 persons. All of Qualifies in Test these tables are situated in the barbe­ cue grove and will be in use during Poly Royal. James Brock, 1938 graduate in the Soon after Poly Royal M. B. Smith agricultural inspection course, receiv­ WELCOME POLY ROYAL VISITORS and the carpentry shop have the com­ ed work recently after qualifying GREEN plete overhaul of the old stock barn, through examinations to receive the which is at present the feed mixing certificate entitling him to work as a ------t h e ------and grinding room. This rebuilding deputy county agricultural commis­ BROS. is to convert the old bam into a new sioner in Los Angeles. granary. The grinder will be repaired His home is in Ventura county, and GOOD CLOTHES and the barn is to be completely reno­ he is now permanently employed as an vated and made rat proof and mois­ inspector. He is the first California Crosby Square Shoes ture proof. It is to be ready for use Poly graduate to succeed in earning Bee Hive Cafe at the end of this school year. this certificate. ’N Everything AND 871 Monterey - Phone 724 Hey Joe! Model “A ” Roadster United Cigar Store Is Ready to Serve You Good Food and Drinks Priced Right For Poly A Mission ------AT------MODERATE PRICES Laundry Across from the Anderson Hotel Thom as Can’t Stop Now M otor Co. Tin in a Hurry to get to the 331 Pacific St. WE WELCOME YOU TO POLY ROYAL Phone 1034 Sno-White San Luis Obispo, Calif. PHONE 1440 1330 Monterey St. Creamery For Chicken and Steak Dinners OFF TH E San Luis Obispo 888 Monterey St. W e have the QUALITY MOTOR LODGES W e give the DON’T buy tires UNTIL you see Heated, Clean and Quiet QUANTITY DALE CONNELL Just Off U. S. 101 Hi-way You get the SERVICE Lodges—Single and Double Trailer Parking T ire$fon e The White House C. E. Hackett & Look for Our Neon Sign Phones 52 and 53 G. H. Shadinger at South City Limits Corner Broad and Higuera St. Phone 791 San Luis Obispo, Calif. Friday, April 26, 1940 POLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Page Seven Alpha Gamma Epsilon ~ Entire Student Roto Tiller Arouses Members Serve as Advertisers Supporting Chairman Lists Interest of Guests Guides for Visitors Body Works on Poly Royal Editions At Landscape Exhibit Alpha Gamma Epsilon, air condi­ Contest Prizes tioners’ fraternity, has laid definite Backed by Students To those with a flare for the" me­ ** u Annual Program plans for the assistance of visitors chanical aspects in landscaping, the Listed here are the advertisers who For Poly Royal here during Poly Royal the organiza­ roto tiller should prove of an absorb­ M. Poetically all students at Cal Polv tion announced recently. have made this special pre-Poly Royal edition of the Polytechnic Californian ing interest to Poly Royal visitors. sffi&ye had a share in working out r>lanq Offering services as guides to groups a possibility. According to Charles Solomon, the I » e eighth annual Poly^Royal w of visitors unfamiliar with the cam­ This clever little cultivating ma­ chairman of the special events com­ pus, giving- out information concern­ They have stood behind the paper chine originated in Switzerland—at B S ’tfThe fen „„y She'S* and receive student support in ex­ mittee of the Poly Royal, the follow­ ing the days’ activities from one cen­ least the patent on it is still held in trally located booth, and offering the change. Sixty San Luis Obispo mer­ ing prizes will be awarded to contes­ chants have bought advertising space that country, and because of royalties transportation in shiny new automo­ tants in the various contests: to be paid its cost is $600. This parti­ has acte^as biles will all be part of the fratern­ to help the Poly Royal go over with a bang. Montgomery Ward, three appropri­ cular machine was manufactured in ity’s service during Poly Royal. ate prizes for the ladies nail driving Wisconsin. Alert members of the Gamma frat Advertisers Are Listed contest; Sears Roebuck, three prizes have secured from local distributors The roto tiller will do a day’s work Hotels and auto courts advertising for the water guessing contest; San of a man in half an hour, so its labor rublidtevSfr reri J?A es McLanahan, of automobiles several demonstrators are Anderson hotel, Andrews hotel, I.uis Meat company, a ham for the rroi-rar? d],T,ecto^ Wayne P. Misemer, for the purpose of transporting infor­ displacement is comparatively high. It program editor; Charles C. Ball alum- Golden Rule auto courts, and Sleep- hog estimating contest; Safeway will be demonstrated at work. The mal groups around the campus. Presi­ Off-the-Highways motor lodges. Stores, a side of bacon for the hog • “ representative; Carl G. Beck^acSl- dent Phil York is in charge of making school has used it now for the last 12 ty representative; and John Carrica- The restaurants and drug stores are guessing contest; Standard Auto months and it seems to have its defi­ arrangements. Austin’s confectionery, Bee Hive cafe, Parts, three appropriate prizes for dents PreSldent of the Associated Stu- nite place in the scheme of landscap­ Gold Dragon, Pep creamery, Sno- the sack sewing contest. ing. According to Ted Howes the head White creamery, Tower cafe, Sam’s Prizes For Rodeo Carpenter’s Rexall, City pharmacy, of the landscaping department the low-irect°rS var*ous shows fol- Jumping Coil Part Universal Auto Parts, two merchan­ roto tiller is the best piece of equip­ and United Drugs. ment it has. Lester Brown, agricultural shows; Department stores and clothiers ad­ dise orders for the commercial plant Richard Whitney and Henry House., Of Electrical Show vertising are J. C. Penney and com­ identification contest; Holt Bros., a P,ed Sankoff, poultry; Robert pany, Sears, Roebuck and company, large trophy for the winner of the inomsen, landscaping; Rodman Dan- tractor driving contest; O. M. Frank­ The jumping coil, consisting of a Green Brothers, Genardini’s, Schulze ley^ fruits and crops; Lester McCray, Brothers,* and Wickenden’s. lin company, assorted prizes for win­ agricultural mechanics; George S. brass ring that jumps from one mag­ ning students in the livestock exhibits; netic post to another when a change Grocery Firms Given Clute,_ industrial; Leonard Hobby, aer- Wholesale and retail grocers adver­ Marshall Jewelry, trophy to the indus­ Tower Cafe is made in magnetic flux or attraction o^uutics; Welles Gibson, air condition- tising are Charles Sigbee, Juillaid trial department having the best ex­ i^BkWilliam Schmid, electrical. will be a feature of the electrical in­ hibit; Visalia Stock Saddle company, dustries department exhibit at Poly Cookroft corporation, Bay’s, Santa Chicken in the Rush 50c ^Wlarles Solomon, special events; Rosa market, and the White House. spur straps for the rodeo; Hanley Royal. Gasoline and service stations that company of Pendleton, Ore., merchan­ William Bradley, arrangements; John In charge of arrangements for the dise prize for rodeo. Carricaburu, entertainment; Floyd contributed are Norwalk, Jones Tran­ Sizzling Steaks display is William Schmid, working in Rodrigues and Van Wormer, San Spessard, safety; James Blake, rodeo; cooperation with Instructors J. J. Hy- sportation company, O’Reilly’s Golden Lloyd Dille, adult farm organizataion Rule, Maddalena’s . service, and Roy Francisco, trophy for high team in Dinners and Sandwiches er and Dr. B. G. Eaton. Another unus­ the Poly Royal Relays; Black’s hatch­ livestock judging contest; Robert ual device to be shown is the strabo- Vaudoit Associated service. Dove, barbecue; Wesley Bridston, ath­ The creameries and wholesale meat ery, medal to the student exhibiting HIGUERA AT MARSH scope, an electrical insrtument that the best bird in the poultry show; letic events; Kenneth Onstott, depart­ creates an optical illusion when rotat­ companies are Challenge and Golden mental exhibis; Harry Wineroth, of- State creameries, and Sanlo Meat Loomis and Sons, a medal for the ing at high speed. poultry student exhibiting the best ' ficial commentator, in charge of pub- The power plant, operated as a stu­ company. ff lie address system. Hardware, Auto Parts dozen eggs; landscaping department, dent instruction project, will be open­ Advertisers in the hardware and a variety of plants in the plant iden­ Finance , committee—Jack Nolan, ed for inspection, and an attendant tification contest for women. chairman; James McLanahan, Wayne will explain its operation to visitors. auto parts department are Union Misemer, Robert Dove, John Carrica­ Hardware and Plumbing Co., Fire­ Service Club Awards The plant last year produced more stone, Standard, and Universal auto buru. than 400,000 kilowatt hours of energy. Local creameries will donate prizes parts. Publicity—James McLanahan, chair­ All motors and generator sets of for the service club milking contest| X t t t c r Studios, Theater Advertise The San Luis Obispo Rotary club has man; Joel Cohen, newspapers and pe­ the department will be on display, The paint and dairy department riodicals; Michael Libonati, Jr., radio; along with the automatic industrial provided a plaque for the high team dealers are Universal Auto Parts and in the adult farm organization live­ Lloyd Dille, farm organizations; Fran­ control board. the DeLaval Dairy Equipment com­ ■ cis Daugherty, service clubs. Instruction methods are replicas of stock judging contest; besides this pany. . plaque there is a cup offered by Swift REG U. S. PAT. OFF Agricultural shows—Lester Brown, industry itself insofar as possible. Ad­ Photographic studios and movie the­ vanced students assume the duties of and company for the high team in chairman; Tom Mathews, meat ani­ aters are Aston’s Photo shop, Shadow dairying. mals; George Barnett, beef; Wilbur making estimates of materials and la­ Arts studio, and the Obispo theater. Davis, sheep; Jerry Didier, hogs; bor on all new projects; prepare plans, The radio stores, jewelers, and type­ The Poly Royal executive commit­ . Henry House, dairy; Leo Sank off, specificatiosn, and estimate sheets; writer shops are Daniels_ and Bovee, tee furnishes awards for the high poultry; Robert Thomsen, landscap­ and make requisitions. Then they as­ Clarence Brown, and Remington Rand team outside of San Luis Obispo coun­ sume leadership on the job by acting ty and for the high Grange team, ing; Rodman Danley, crops and fruits. Inc. Agricultural mechanics—Lester Mc­ as foremen. Advertising under the headings of while the San Luis Obispo Telegram- Cray, chairman; Wayne Lowe, tractor printing, flowers, shoes and shoe re­ Tribune provides the award for the high team in San Luis Obispo county. and machinery exhibit; Robertson Departmental exhibits — . Kenneth pair are Preuss Press, Wilson’s Flow­ Coit, tractor driving; Paul Jones, Onstott, chairman; Roy Lantz, meat er shop, Karl’s Shoe store, and Rapid pumps. animals; Andy Bowman, poultry; Shoe Repair shop. The cleaning, used book, and lumber Industrial shows—George S. Clute, Marshall Fischer, dairy; Richard Tout, Other Advertisers Aid Event establishments in San Luis Obispo are chairman; Leonard Hobby, aeronaut­ landscaping; Henry Warren, fruits Power, bread, stockyards, and auto­ Strong’s Cleaners, Ted’s Used Book ics; Welles Gibson, air conditioning; and crops; Paul Jones, agricultural mobile dealers are San Joaquin Light store, and the San Luis Mill and Lum­ William Schmid, electricity. mechanics; Philip York, air_ condition­ and Power, Peerless Bread, Los An­ ber company. Special events—Charles Solomon, ing; John Eagan, aeronautics; Harry geles Union Stockyards, and Thomas The laundry and feed dealers aiding chairman; Charles Trigg, cow milk­ Rush, electrical. Motor company. in putting over Poly Royal are Mis­ ing; Kenneth Barnes, Robert Walker, sion laundry, and E. C. Loomis and weight estimating; Dan Hartman, nail Sons Feed. driving; Marvin Friis^ egg guessing; Paul Jones, water estimating. The Only Complete One Stop Market The transfer and telegraph compan­ Arrangements — William Bradley, In San Luis Obispo ies advertising are Sandercock Trans­ chairman; Robert Livingston, cleanup, fer and Postal Telegraph. David Tompkins, arena and chutes; Frederick Lopez, bleachers; James Groceries, Meats, Bakery, Fruits, Vegetables, Delicatessen, "Pappas, signs. . Entertainment—John Carricaburu, Frosted Foods and Dairy Products STILL THE BEST chairman; John Stutzman, dance, John Reagan, Philip York, John Bu­ ASSOCIATED cher, Miss Poly Royal. . Safety—Floyd Spessard, chairman; AVIATION ETHYL Lee Paine, parking; Clinton St. John, rest rooms; Edward Trafton, first aid. Rodeo and horse show James Blake, chairman; Richard Dowd akin, MARSH AND BROAD—SAN LUIS OBISPO Ray Vaudoit stock horses; Craig Tebbe, roping; Benjamin Collins, riding; Emil Premo, Monterey and Santa Rosa draft horse display. # . , . Adult farm organization judging— San Luis Obispo Lloyd Dille, chairman; Bob Livings- WELCOME TO POLY ROYAL ton, beef; Marcel De Brish, sheep; Kenneth Root, dairy cattle; Dan We’ve “Roped” Childs, hogs; Lloyd Dille, trophies and another winner awards; Cadet Teachers, tabulating. .. “Lariat Ribs** Barbecue—Robert. Dove, chairman; George Mishey, serving; Chester Cash, Universal . . . a new fancy cooking; Herbert Fischer, wood arm Ribbed Sock for fire; Charles Crane, collections; Gni- Spring. ford Brown, guest welfare. Athletic events—Wesley Bridston, A 20 Per Cent Saving in California chairman; Les Vanoncim, baseball; Call 314 For Postal Telegraph and Charges can be A u t o P a rts Bruce Ponton, relays. Wickenden’s Placed on Your Phone Bill Replacement Parts and , TYPEWRITERS ACCURACY—SPEED—COURTESY Supplies Men’s Outfitters from Head to Foot 969 Monterey St. Phone 1418 New, Rebuilt, Reconditioned SAN LUIS OBISPO 837 Monterey St., S. L. O. Special Rental Rates to Students DE LAVAL The General Dueal 10 CREAM SEPARATORS and MILKERS THE ONE AND ONLY TIRE The De Laval Separa­ tor has been the world’s with the QUICK-STOP REMINGTON RAND INC. standard for 60 years. Re­ cent improvements have 1028 Chorro St., Phone 11 further increased its skimming efficiency and durability. Made in a wide range of types and sizes to meet any skimming re­ quirements. GUILD RECAPS De Laval Separators increase profits and as- “ Guaranteed 15000 Miles” PREUSS PRESS steady income throughout the year. Wheel Alignment

De Laval Industrial Brake Service Centrifugals are famous Autolite Batteries in the industrial field COMMERCIAL for high efficiency in the separation and purifica­ tion of most liquids. The De Laval does a t ^ PRINTERS better job of milking DE LAVAL MILKERS cows than any other M ADD ALENA' Q are used the world over method. i v x Tire servjce DE LAVAL PACIFIC COMPANY 981 Osos St. Phone 1176 San Francisco, California Phone 79 Higuera and Osos SAN LUIS OBISPO Page Eight POLY ROYAL EDITION, THE POLYTECHINC CALIFORNIAN Friday, April 26, 1940 Program Highlights Best Poly Riders Compete W ill Be Broadcast 100 Men from 6 Colleges In Rodeo Events Saturday From Station KVEC Enter Annual Poly Relays Many important activities of the 1940 Poly Royal will be broadcast Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock on the baseball field Poly holds through facilities of station KVEC of More than 100 college athletes from central and southern Cali­ San Luis Obispo, it was revealed by a rodeo which Manager Jim Blake says “ will be the best we have Publicity Chairman Jim McLanahan. fornia will take part in the annual Poly Royal Relays at C alifo»j..a ever held.” The corral built by the contestants consists of three The programs will open Friday at State Polytechnic in San Luis Obispo on Friday night, April 2 $ ^ chutes for the riding events and one roping chute. 10 a. m. with a 45-minute broadcast was announced this week by Track Coach Paul H. Gifford and Nearly 70 contestants have entered the rodeo.' They have all had of the opening dedication ceremony at Bruce Ponton, student chairman of the event. ______roping or riding experience and many the arena. From 8 to 9 p. m. Friday Six colleges will enter track and ------of them participated in the Poly Royal there will be a broadcast of events in field men in the 10 events, including the annual Poly Relays on the athletic Chapman college of Los Angeles, San­ Marks Poor Although Win M ustangs M eet competed in thc field. ta Barbara State, Santa Maria junior Although good enough to win first, The baseball game will be broadcast college, San Luis Obispo junior col­ the marks set by Yerxa and Santos R n l r A v c ^ i a l r l I C Victorville rodeo two weeks ago made at 2:30 p. m. were poor compared with previous D c U n J O lS i 1 6 1 0 . a good showing and brought back a lege, and the two units of California performances. Yerxa threw the jave­ p -a m i huge trophy for first place. They will Saturday Programs Poly at San Luis Obispo and San Di­ On Saturday the programs start at lin 147 feet 8 inches and Santos tossed take Part here Saturday. mas. r* or becond 1 line 9 a. m. with a 15-minute program de­ Medals To Be Awarded the discus 126 feet 1 inch. The four members of the winning scribing the exhibits in the aeronaut­ Davis of Salinas won the 100-yard team were Jime Blake, who won the Gold medals will be awarded mem­ One of Poly Royal’s biggest events ics shop. Other morning programs in­ bers of the first-place relay teams and dash in 9.6, tying the national junior steer roping event, Bill Gallagher,who clude a description of the agricultural college record. Fiedler of Poly, who will take place at 2:30 Friday after­ won the bull riding event, Carl Miller, first-place winners in all events. Sec­ noon when the Mustangs tangle with exhibits at 10 to 10:15 and a descrip­ ond-place winners will receive silver came second, was timed at 10.1, and who placed third in bareback riding tion of livestock at the arena from 11 L'oduca, fourth, at 10.4. Davis also Bakersfield J. C. in the annual Poly and steer roping, and Gordon Moore. medals, and ribbons will be given to Royal baseball game. to 11:15. third and fourth place winners. won the 220 in the record time of 20.9, Just last Saturday the locals trav­ All of Saturday’s events are subject At 12:30 there will be a half-Hour The Relays are scheduled to begin with Fiedler of Poly second in 22.4 eled to Bakersfield and defeated the to the regular professional rodeo broadcast of band music from the bar­ exactly at 8 p. m., after a traditional and Danley fourth. Jaysee nine, 7-1. rules. Here is the lineup: becue grounds. From 2 to 2:15 a ceremony of lighting the initial “ P” Ponton Loses in Hurdles Les Vanoncini once again led the Steer roping. Horn, half head, and broadcast from the arena will feature on Poly hill behind the school. A half Ponton, Mustangs’ fastest hurdler, hickory wielding for the Mustangs as neck catches count. Time is taken the presentation of prizes and awards. hour of the meet, between 8 and 8:30, bowed to Macauley of Salinas in the he rapped out three hits. In his trip when steer faces rider. Carl Miller, Rodeo To Be Broadcast will be broadcast over KVEC. 120-yard highs. to the platter he stepped into a fast Lester Brown, Harry Taylor, Jim At 2:30 a description of the “ parade The 10 events, in order of their run­ Other Poly point winners incht^ 1 ball and set out into the far regions Blake, Earl Vaughn, Jim Cochran, and of champions” will originate from the ning, are the pole vault, shot put, two- Gardner, third in the 880; Browl^y., of right field for a home run. Vic Tomei. arena with Dr. A. M. McCapes as an­ mile relay, high jump, 100-yard dash, fourth in the 880; Saunders, fourth m Milich Allows Six Hits Steer riding. Rider must use only nouncer. mile run, broad jump, 880-yard relay, the shot put, fourth in the discus, and Auggie Milich pitched his finest ball one hand with loose rope. Carl Miller, From 3 to 3:30 there will be a de­ 120-yard high hurdles, and mile relay. third in the javelin; McLanahan, tie of the year against the J. C. squad as Wes Middlestead, Rodney Clare, Bill scription of the rodeo events at the Mile JRun Is Highlight for third in the pole vault; Loduca, he allowed but six scattered hits. He Gallagher, Gordon Moore, Jim Coch­ arena. Tentatively scheduled to wind Harold Wilson is the clerk of the fourth in the 220-yard low hurdles; had the Bakersfield boys completely ran, Cal Ingersoll, Bob MacDonald,Vic up the Poly Royal broadcasts is a half course, Harry Wineroth the announ­ Bogner, tie for second in the high whitewashed up until the ninth inn­ Tomei, John Jarvis, Bob Livingston, hour of dance music from the gym­ cer, Frank Holt the starter, and J. A. jump. ing when he slipped and grooved a and Gilmore Ross. nasium at 8:30, preceding the corona­ McPhee, chief judge. fast ball which was given a ride out Calf roping. Rope must pass over tion ball. San Luis J. C. and Santa Barbara of the park by Nuff, J. C. backstop. calf’s head or the catch doesn’t count. State are expected to show strength Poly’s fielding was once again up Carl Miller, Harry Taylor, Jim Blake, in the weights, where Cal Poly is to par as they came through with two Earl Vaughn, Vic Tomei, and Gordon Carl Miller| weak. Tip McLanahan is expected to beautiful double plays. Moore. If enough steers are available Carl take the pole vault event. Poly prob­ On the Friday before, however, the Team roping. Each team is allowed Miller will put on a steer decorating ably will be unable to place first or Mustangs made nine bobbles and so four loops. Time is called when both exhibition. In this event the rider falls second in the broad jump. Bogner and See Us from the horse onto the running steer. dropped their tilt with the Taft J. C. ropes are tight and riders face each Yerxa will find strong competition in i for Cougars, 6-3. other. Vic Tomei and Jim Cochran, There will also be a saddle dogging the high jump from San Luis en­ Soroka Pitches Good Ball Earl Vaughn and Harry Taylor, Carl exhibition by Vic Tomei and Carl Mil­ trants. Joe Soroka pitched a fine game Miller and Jim Blake, and Les Brown ler. Tomei will ride a saddled steer Certified throughout and allowed but six blows. and Carl Miller. while Miller holding onto the steer’s However, all of the local errors came tail attempts to stop it. The object is Seed Stock horse class. Lester Brown, to remove the saddle and carry it in the tight places and so went the Earl Vaughn, Jim Blake, Bill Galla­ Yerxa, Santos Win i game. across the finish line in as short a gher, and Jackson Case. Some of the time as possible. This event is often Allye, who never had chucked be­ school horses will be shown. Events at Salinas CORN, VETCH, SUDAN fore, threw a fine game for the Oil eliminated from rodeos because of the ALFALFA Costume race. Each contestant rides danger to the contestants. City boys and let the Polymen down to the end of the field and chooses a Garden in Bulk with but four hits. package. He must wear the contents Max Yerxa in the javelin and Joe Soroka tried to pull the game out of the package across the finish line. Santos in the discus were California Remember Our Grain and Feed as he clouted a homer but the cause Vic Tomei, Bill Gallagher, Jackson EXTRA HEAVY State Polytechnic’s only first-place Mill for Mixing Your Own Grain was lost and the game ended with Case, Jim Blake, Earl Vaughn, and winners in a four-way track and field into a Practicable Feed Taft well out in front. meet at Salinas Saturday. Andy Bowman, speed ball artist, is T SHIRTS Salinas junior college won the meet scheduled to be on the mound when with 84 points. Poly was second with E. C. LOOMIS & SON the Bakersfield outfit takes their sec­ For the Best Values in Plain White or White With 35%, San Jose State Frosh third ond crack at Poly. with 27%, and San Luis junior college Arroyo Grande San Luis Obispo Dress, Sport and Colored Trim fourth with 1. Nelson Crow Acts as Judge Work Shoes Nelson R. Crow, editor of the West­ 39c ern Livestock Journal has consented to act as one of the judges of the la­ ALU M N I and students of Cal Poly find that a fre­ dies’ nail driving contest again this Karl’s kbuT Shoes quent visit to the year. 790 Higuera St. Penneys To Take Movies of Poly Royal Through the cooperation of Robert L. Bird, County Superintendent of GOLD KttGON Schools, A1 Rhodes of the county super­ THE POLY R O YA L ranks at the top among college intendent’s office will again take mov­ “the magic sign of excellent food” ing pictures of the Poly Royal. student shows will recall fond memories. Quality Phone 236 Service CR EAM ER Y PACK AG E’S complete line of supplies and equipment serving the dairy industry ranks at the Established 1902 top of the field Alumni and former students: meet me at the “House of Friendship” in the Gold Dragon during Homecom­ ing— Poly Royal!! Strongs Cleaning Creamery Package Manufacturing Co. Works 2905 East 11th St. Los Angeles H. M. FRIESEN, Prop. 659 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, Calf. ASTON PHOTO SHOP Ph. 251 A COMPLETE PHOTO SERVICE Obispo Theater 733 Higuera Street

Starts Sunday, April 28th Hotel Andrews JOHMMY.ARDI San Luis Obispo Opposite Court House Wed.-Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Rooms Without Private Bath Single $1.25 Double $1.75 Rooms With Private Bath Single $2.00 Double $2.50

Dining Room Adjoining Wholesome Country Food Served