SCA Conferences

The annual SCA conference is held on a rotational basis so that each member country/region Science Council of Asia (SCA) and Academy of Sciences Malaysia Declaration on Sustainable can actively participate in and contribute to the SCA DevelopmentTHE in Asia SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA

______Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. The Fourteenth Conference We, delegates of the 14th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Board and Assembly, and participants of the International Conference on Future Earth and a Holistic Understanding of Sustainable development in Asia, June 17-19, 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia PREAMBLE PREAMBLE held on June 18th and 19th 2014, resolve to work together towards a more integrated and holistic science Theme: Future Earth: Research for global sustainability and a holistic understanding of sustainable thatASIA provides HAS THE economic, ABILITY social TO and MAKE environmenta DEVELOPMENTl solutions towardsSUSTAINABLE. sustainability TO inMOVE Asia. FORWARD, WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE development in Asia MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC Organized by: The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) RecallingDEVELOPMENT, the theme IMPROVE of the Conference QUALITY Future OF LIFE Earth: AND Research ACHIEVE for GlAobal BALANCED Sustainability GROWTH and a HolisticWITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) UnderstandingSOCIAL EQUITY. of TOWARDSSustainable THISDevelopment END, IT inIS AsiIMPERATIVEa, and recognizin THAT gWE, the THEcritical MEMBERS need for OF a THEmore SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI) collaborative mode of research that integrates natural and social sciences, economics and humanities, the artsFUTURE and engine GENERATIONSering, in order BY AGREEING: to be able to fully understand sustainability and to promote its realization in FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: International Council for Science Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific(ICSU-ROAP) Asia,1. To the realize SCA declaresa common that: vision of sustainable development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable The 14th SCA Conference was held between 17 and 19 June 2014, at Istana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, 1. Sciencedevelopment is inherently at a regional global and globaland re level;gional collaboration and cooperation are essential to contribute to development at a regional and global level; Malaysia. 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout buildingAsia; blocks for the development of beneficial and inclusive knowledge in an interconnected world; Asia; 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and On 18 and 19 June, SCA International Symposium "Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability and a ecosystem goods and services ecosystem goods and services Holistic Understanding of Sustainable Development in Asia" was organized by Academy of Sciences 2. Science must be used for the benefit of society and all nations in Asia have the responsibility to contribute Malaysia (ASM), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), Institute for WE toNEED social Ainnovation SHARED that VISION will change OF BASICcurrent mindseVALUESts and TO behaviour PROVIDE and THE induce FOUNDATION academia in AsiaFOR to WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Environment and Development (LESTARI), and International Council for Science (ICSU) Regional Office EFFORTSbuild capacity TO ACHIEVE within local “A PROSPEROUS,communities th atHARMONIOUS would benefit society AND GREENERin general; ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE for Asia and the Pacific. The International Symposium was composed of a series of keynote lectures, parallel FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. symposia/sessions, poster sessions and a panel discussion. It was attended by more than 200 participants from 3. PRINCIPLESThe SCA will seek the support of key development assistance agencies to promote research and the PRINCIPLES about 20 countries. Sustained of economic information development, between scgreaterientific social communities equity and in maintenance Asia; of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three Before the International Conference, SCA Joint Project Workshops was held on 17 June, and three pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia.

ongoing research projects between Malaysia and Japan were presented with the cooperation of Singapore 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of Office of Japan Science Technology Agency (JST) and JICA Malaysia Office. 4. Thesustainable SCA willdevelopment promote regionally integrative as wellplanning as globally. and transformative thinking to promote collaboration sustainable development regionally as well as globally. between scientific groups and organizations, from different disciplines in science, among scientists from At SCA General Assemblies and Management Board Meetings convened during the three-day 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, differentas well as fields, develop and monitoring among scientistssystems to and assess the progress development towards and sustainable policy development.communities. This should be as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. Conference, statutes/by-laws were amended and new officers were elected. Furthermore, applications for implemented within the context of Asian culture, values and philosophy in order to generate innovative new SCA membership from and Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science were 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic solutionsand environmental that take theconcerns Asian ascountries well as ofto localthe next socio-cultural level of achievement; sensitivities. and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. unanimously approved. The total number of member organizations expanded to twenty nine. 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Theenvironment. scientific Ancommunity improved qualityshould ofbe life encouragedis a basic precondition to provide to sustainableeducationa development.l and capacity building environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development.

6.opportunities The economic, of social,the younger and environmental generation of objectives scientists of in development holistic systems will bethinkin pursuedg, where in a balanced issues need way tothat be 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and addressed in their totality and the systems approach to project planning and implementation utilized as a consumption. consumption. means to achieve this target; 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for 6. Athe community environment of willindustrial be taken scient togetherists needs with tothe bemore nurtured recent toideals provide expressed linkages in thebetween United basic Nations and the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations fundamentalprinciples on sciencessustainable that, development. in the final analysis should drive innovation and industrial creativity amongst principles on sustainable development.

all stakeholders;

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The annual SCA conference is held on a rotational basis so that each member country/region Science Council of Asia (SCA) and Academy of Sciences Malaysia Declaration on Sustainable can actively participate in and contribute to the SCA DevelopmentTHE in Asia SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA

______Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. The Fourteenth Conference We, delegates of the 14th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Board and Assembly, and participants of the International Conference on Future Earth and a Holistic Understanding of Sustainable development in Asia, June 17-19, 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia PREAMBLE PREAMBLE held on June 18th and 19th 2014, resolve to work together towards a more integrated and holistic science Theme: Future Earth: Research for global sustainability and a holistic understanding of sustainable thatASIA provides HAS THE economic, ABILITY social TO and MAKE environmenta DEVELOPMENTl solutions towardsSUSTAINABLE. sustainability TO inMOVE Asia. FORWARD, WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE development in Asia MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC Organized by: The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) RecallingDEVELOPMENT, the theme IMPROVE of the Conference QUALITY Future OF LIFE Earth: AND Research ACHIEVE for GlAobal BALANCED Sustainability GROWTH and a HolisticWITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) UnderstandingSOCIAL EQUITY. of TOWARDSSustainable THISDevelopment END, IT inIS AsiIMPERATIVEa, and recognizin THAT gWE, the THEcritical MEMBERS need for OF a THEmore SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI) collaborative mode of research that integrates natural and social sciences, economics and humanities, the artsFUTURE and engine GENERATIONSering, in order BY AGREEING: to be able to fully understand sustainability and to promote its realization in FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: International Council for Science Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific(ICSU-ROAP) Asia,1. To the realize SCA declaresa common that: vision of sustainable development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable The 14th SCA Conference was held between 17 and 19 June 2014, at Istana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, 1. Sciencedevelopment is inherently at a regional global and globaland re level;gional collaboration and cooperation are essential to contribute to development at a regional and global level; Malaysia. 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout buildingAsia; blocks for the development of beneficial and inclusive knowledge in an interconnected world; Asia; 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and On 18 and 19 June, SCA International Symposium "Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability and a ecosystem goods and services ecosystem goods and services Holistic Understanding of Sustainable Development in Asia" was organized by Academy of Sciences 2. Science must be used for the benefit of society and all nations in Asia have the responsibility to contribute Malaysia (ASM), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), Institute for WE toNEED social Ainnovation SHARED that VISION will change OF BASICcurrent mindseVALUESts and TO behaviour PROVIDE and THE induce FOUNDATION academia in AsiaFOR to WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Environment and Development (LESTARI), and International Council for Science (ICSU) Regional Office EFFORTSbuild capacity TO ACHIEVE within local “A PROSPEROUS,communities th atHARMONIOUS would benefit society AND GREENERin general; ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE for Asia and the Pacific. The International Symposium was composed of a series of keynote lectures, parallel FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. symposia/sessions, poster sessions and a panel discussion. It was attended by more than 200 participants from 3. PRINCIPLESThe SCA will seek the support of key development assistance agencies to promote research and the PRINCIPLES about 20 countries. Sustained of economic information development, between scgreaterientific social communities equity and in maintenance Asia; of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three Before the International Conference, SCA Joint Project Workshops was held on 17 June, and three pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. ongoing research projects between Malaysia and Japan were presented with the cooperation of Singapore 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of Office of Japan Science Technology Agency (JST) and JICA Malaysia Office. 4. Thesustainable SCA willdevelopment promote regionally integrative as wellplanning as globally. and transformative thinking to promote collaboration sustainable development regionally as well as globally. between scientific groups and organizations, from different disciplines in science, among scientists from At SCA General Assemblies and Management Board Meetings convened during the three-day 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, differentas well as fields, develop and monitoring among scientistssystems to and assess the progress development towards and sustainable policy development.communities. This should be as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. Conference, statutes/by-laws were amended and new officers were elected. Furthermore, applications for implemented within the context of Asian culture, values and philosophy in order to generate innovative new SCA membership from Academia Sinica and Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science were 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic solutionsand environmental that take theconcerns Asian ascountries well as ofto localthe next socio-cultural level of achievement; sensitivities. and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. unanimously approved. The total number of member organizations expanded to twenty nine. 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Theenvironment. scientific Ancommunity improved qualityshould ofbe life encouragedis a basic precondition to provide to sustainableeducationa development.l and capacity building environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development.

6.opportunities The economic, of social,the younger and environmental generation of objectives scientists of in development holistic systems will bethinkin pursuedg, where in a balanced issues need way tothat be 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and addressed in their totality and the systems approach to project planning and implementation utilized as a consumption. consumption. means to achieve this target; 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for 6. Athe community environment of willindustrial be taken scient togetherists needs with tothe bemore nurtured recent toideals provide expressed linkages in thebetween United basic Nations and the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations fundamentalprinciples on sciencessustainable that, development. in the final analysis should drive innovation and industrial creativity amongst principles on sustainable development.

all stakeholders;

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15 SCA Conferences

7. The SCA undertakes to play a key role in providing scientists in all fields in Asia with the platform for 15. Low Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD) is a very successful inexpensive technique to obtain collaboration and promotion of scientific exchange and cooperation; fresh water THEfrom SCAthe oceans, RESOLUTION particularly ON for SUST countrAINABLEies located DEVELOPMENT between 20 degrees IN ASIA North and 20 degrees THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA

South latitudes which are geographically favorably located for this purpose. SCA will promote the use of Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. LTTD among Asian countries; 8. The SCA will endeavour to work together with other stakeholders to enhance capacity in science, PREAMBLE PREAMBLE technology and innovation (STI). STI capacity and capability must be strengthened not only in terms of ASIA In HAS concluding THE ABILITY the Joint TODeclaration, MAKE DEVELOPMENT all member countries SUSTAINABLE. and organizations TOof SCA MOVE commit FORWARD, to actively promote WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE personnel and expertise, but also in terms of the institutions, mandates, funding and linkages between the SCA'sMUST declaration, VIEW mission,SUSTAINABLE objectives, plansDEVELOPMENT to their respective membersAS AN and colleaguesEFFORT inTO various REVIVE disciplines. ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH scientific, development, and policy communities and the general public; SOCIALThe Thirteenth EQUITY. TOWARDS Conference THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE MaySCIENCE 7-9, 2013COUNCIL Bangkok, OF ThailandASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: 9. In line with the ideals of Future Earth the SCA will seek to reinvigorate science so that it is ready and able Theme: Role of Science in Asia: Facing the Challenges of AEC 2015 Organized1. To realize by: aThe common Science vision Society of sustainable of Thailand development Under the forPatronage Asia; of His Majesty the King (SST) 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; to generate big new ideas and game changing strategies that will create wealth and jobs in Asia based on 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable Thailand Academy of Science and Technology (TAST) the principle of sustainability and equity; development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; 3. To achieve equitableNational distribution Research ofUniversity peace, health (NRU) and prosperity within and between generations throughout 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout Asia; Science Council of Japan (SCJ) Asia; 4. To thestablish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 10. The SCA will also encourage scientists to engage in multidisciplinary research that is solution-oriented, The 13ecosystem SCA Conferencegoods and services was held between 7 and 9 May at Grand Centre Point Hotel & Residence- ecosystem goods and services taking into account the real situation in a complex world, promoting the assembly and formation of Terminal 21 and Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference was attendedWE NEED by thirteenA SHARED member VISION countries, OF namely, BASIC Bangladesh, VALUES CambTO odia,PROVIDE China, THEIndonesia, FOUNDATION Japan, Republic FOR of WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR consortia to collaboratively conduct inter- and trans-disciplinary research; SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Korea,EFFORTS Malaysia, TO ACHIEVE Mongolia, “A Myanmar, PROSPEROUS, The Phi HARMONIOUSlippines, Sri Lanka, AND Thailand GREENER and Vietnam. ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. 11. All the SCA member countries are encouraged to play an active role in promoting cooperation between On 7 and 8 May, Management Board Meetings were held and operations and future activities of SCA were PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES government, research organizations and the business sector. The SCA will enhance its efforts to promote discussed. 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three the involvement of the private sector in research and research collaboration; pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. On 7 May, SCA Joint Project Workshop presented four ongoing research projects between Thailand and Japan.2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 12. Asia accounts for nearly 70% of the human lives lost through natural disasters. Earthquakes, tsunamis, sustainable development regionally as well as globally. sustainable development regionally as well as globally.

cyclones and floods are prominent among the natural disasters claiming human lives. Appropriate Then,3. Each on 8nation May, or SCA state International within a nation Symposium will formulate “Role individual of Scie ncepolicies in Asia: for making Facing development the Challenges sustainable, of AEC 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, scientific and technological interventions have been demonstrated to make a significant difference. SCA 2015”as waswell organizedas develop monitoringby The Science systems Society to assess of progressThailand towards Under sustainable the Patronage development. of His Majesty the King as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. (SST). The Symposium began with the keynote speech by Mr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice President, Asian will facilitate the identification and transfer of such interventions among Asian countries; 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic Developmentand environmental Bank titled concerns “Asia’s as Dewellvelopment as of local Challenges: socio-cultural Role sensitivities. of Science and Knowledge”. Then it was and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. followed by a series of lectures, presentations, parallel sessions. In Panel Discussion titled “Future Earth”, 13. Urbanization is increasing rapidly in Asia and by 2030 almost 55% of population would reside in urban importance5. Eradication of sustainable of poverty devel is a primaryopment concernwas activel in Asiay discussed. and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. areas. SCA will promote the mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction technology in urban Approximately 130 participants from academia, government and public attended the Symposium. development projects to insulate them from disasters; 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and consumption. consumption.

14. Gas hydrates are a key potential source of energy and the Exclusive Economic Zones of several Asian 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; countries contain large deposits. SCA will promote awareness of developments in this particular sector hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for among Asian countries. the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

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16 17

7. The SCA undertakes to play a key role in providing scientists in all fields in Asia with the platform for 15. Low Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD) is a very successful inexpensive technique to obtain collaboration and promotion of scientific exchange and cooperation; fresh water THEfrom SCAthe oceans, RESOLUTION particularly ON for SUST countrAINABLEies located DEVELOPMENT between 20 degrees IN ASIA North and 20 degrees THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA

South latitudes which are geographically favorably located for this purpose. SCA will promote the use of Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. LTTD among Asian countries; 8. The SCA will endeavour to work together with other stakeholders to enhance capacity in science, PREAMBLE PREAMBLE technology and innovation (STI). STI capacity and capability must be strengthened not only in terms of ASIA In HAS concluding THE ABILITY the Joint TODeclaration, MAKE DEVELOPMENT all member countries SUSTAINABLE. and organizations TOof SCA MOVE commit FORWARD, to actively promote WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE personnel and expertise, but also in terms of the institutions, mandates, funding and linkages between the SCA'sMUST declaration, VIEW mission,SUSTAINABLE objectives, plansDEVELOPMENT to their respective membersAS AN and colleaguesEFFORT inTO various REVIVE disciplines. ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH scientific, development, and policy communities and the general public; SOCIALThe Thirteenth EQUITY. TOWARDS Conference THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE MaySCIENCE 7-9, 2013COUNCIL Bangkok, OF ThailandASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: 9. In line with the ideals of Future Earth the SCA will seek to reinvigorate science so that it is ready and able Theme: Role of Science in Asia: Facing the Challenges of AEC 2015 Organized1. To realize by: aThe common Science vision Society of sustainable of Thailand development Under the forPatronage Asia; of His Majesty the King (SST) 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; to generate big new ideas and game changing strategies that will create wealth and jobs in Asia based on 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable Thailand Academy of Science and Technology (TAST) the principle of sustainability and equity; development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; 3. To achieve equitableNational distribution Research ofUniversity peace, health (NRU) and prosperity within and between generations throughout 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout Asia; Science Council of Japan (SCJ) Asia; 4. To thestablish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 10. The SCA will also encourage scientists to engage in multidisciplinary research that is solution-oriented, The 13ecosystem SCA Conferencegoods and services was held between 7 and 9 May at Grand Centre Point Hotel & Residence- ecosystem goods and services taking into account the real situation in a complex world, promoting the assembly and formation of Terminal 21 and Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference was attendedWE NEED by thirteenA SHARED member VISION countries, OF namely, BASIC Bangladesh, VALUES CambTO odia,PROVIDE China, THEIndonesia, FOUNDATION Japan, Republic FOR of WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR consortia to collaboratively conduct inter- and trans-disciplinary research; SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Korea,EFFORTS Malaysia, TO ACHIEVE Mongolia, “A Myanmar, PROSPEROUS, The Phi HARMONIOUSlippines, Sri Lanka, AND Thailand GREENER and Vietnam. ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. 11. All the SCA member countries are encouraged to play an active role in promoting cooperation between On 7 and 8 May, Management Board Meetings were held and operations and future activities of SCA were PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES government, research organizations and the business sector. The SCA will enhance its efforts to promote discussed. 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three the involvement of the private sector in research and research collaboration; pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. On 7 May, SCA Joint Project Workshop presented four ongoing research projects between Thailand and Japan.2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 12. Asia accounts for nearly 70% of the human lives lost through natural disasters. Earthquakes, tsunamis, sustainable development regionally as well as globally. sustainable development regionally as well as globally. cyclones and floods are prominent among the natural disasters claiming human lives. Appropriate Then,3. Each on 8nation May, or SCA state International within a nation Symposium will formulate “Role individual of Scie ncepolicies in Asia: for making Facing development the Challenges sustainable, of AEC 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, scientific and technological interventions have been demonstrated to make a significant difference. SCA 2015”as waswell organizedas develop monitoringby The Science systems Society to assess of progressThailand towards Under sustainable the Patronage development. of His Majesty the King as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. (SST). The Symposium began with the keynote speech by Mr. Bindu N. Lohani, Vice President, Asian will facilitate the identification and transfer of such interventions among Asian countries; 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic Developmentand environmental Bank titled concerns “Asia’s as Dewellvelopment as of local Challenges: socio-cultural Role sensitivities. of Science and Knowledge”. Then it was and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. followed by a series of lectures, presentations, parallel sessions. In Panel Discussion titled “Future Earth”, 13. Urbanization is increasing rapidly in Asia and by 2030 almost 55% of population would reside in urban importance5. Eradication of sustainable of poverty devel is a primaryopment concernwas activel in Asiay discussed. and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. areas. SCA will promote the mainstreaming of Disaster Risk Reduction technology in urban Approximately 130 participants from academia, government and public attended the Symposium. development projects to insulate them from disasters; 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and consumption. consumption.

14. Gas hydrates are a key potential source of energy and the Exclusive Economic Zones of several Asian 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; countries contain large deposits. SCA will promote awareness of developments in this particular sector hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for among Asian countries. the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

3 3 16 173 3

16 17 SCA Conferences

The SCA Declaration on Mobilizing Science toward Green Economy was adopted and released on May 9, 2013 7. Promote more inclusive approaches to research that will enhance the role of science in the Science Council of Asia (SCA) Declaration emerging “GreenTHE SCA Economy” RESOLUTION and ONin institutSUSTAINABLEional reforms DEVELOPMENT necessary IN for ASIA greening human THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA on Role of Science in Facing the Challenges of AEC2015 security. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002.

We, delegates and participants of the 13th Science Council of Asia Management Board 8.PREAMBLE Encourage the development of the next generation of scientists through ensuring equitable access to PREAMBLE Meeting and International Symposium which was held between May 7th and 8th, have training and educational opportunities that enhance the participation of young scientists in research, ASIAnational HAS andTHE international ABILITY meetingsTO MAKE and DEVELOPMENT exchanges, and international SUSTAINABLE. collaboration TO MOVE in training FORWARD, and capacity- WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE affirmed with one voice, that it is time to work together towards the human, economic, social MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC and environmental sustainability of our nations. DEVELOPMENT,development programmes. IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO Recalling the theme of the Congress, “Role of Science in Asia: Facing the Challenges of 9. Advance the development of science and technology to enhance cooperation and mutual understanding AEC2015” and recognizing the critical role of science in addressing the challenges of a FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: between nations and regions as a tool of international diplomacy and policy to promote peace, sustainable common economic community in the ASEAN countries by 2015; 1.development, To realize a common and prosperity vision ofin sustainableAsia. development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable Acknowledging that science is inherently global, and regional and that international development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; collaboration and cooperation are essential to successful outcomes; and 10.3. Effectively To achieve equitablerecognize distribution that research of peace, is especially health and needed prosperity in climate within science,and between biodivers generationsity and throughout ecosystem 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout services,Asia; marine science and oceanography, earth system science and integrated disaster risk management, Asia; 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and Stressing that science must be used for the benefit of society and that all nations in Asia have populationecosystem and goods urbanizati and serviceson, agriculture and access to water resources, sustainable new energy ecosystem goods and services the responsibility to contribute to and benefit from science; technologies, sustainable resource use, and human health and well-being.

WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR This Conference outlined how this goal may be achieved through the involvement of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR 11. Develop science education that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, and science community of Asia, and as steps towards this end, the SCA declares that it will: EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE Mathematics and apply interdisciplinary and holistic education spanning the Social FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. Sciences and Natural Sciences. 1. Seek membership in international scientific organizations such as ICSU and ISSC so as to be able to PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES participate more fully in activities and programmes of the scientific community at the international level. Bangkok, 9 May, 2013 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three

pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. 2. Continue to recruit new members so that all countries in Asia become members actively involved in its The Twelfth Conference activities and programmes. Our target is to establish the largest community of scientists from of Asian July2. Stronger10-12, 2012 cooperation Bogor, and Indonesia networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of Region. Theme:sustainable Mobilizing development Science regionally toward asGreen well asEconomy globally. sustainable development regionally as well as globally.

Organized by: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) 3. Each nationMinistry or state within of Education a nation will and formulate Culture individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Cooperate with JICA/JST, ADB and other development assistance agencies in Asia and as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. Science Council of Japan (SCJ) promote the exchange of information between the scientific community and Development assistance agencies. 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic Theand 12th environmental SCA Conference concerns wasas well held as ofbetween local socio-cultural 10 and 12 sensitivities.July, 2012 at Hotel Santika Bogor and IPB and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. International Convention Center in Bogor, Indonesia. The conference was attended by eleven member 4. Promote an integrated approach to the generation and development of knowledge and 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the understanding needed to address the interconnected challenges of climate change, food, countriesenvironment. including those An improved of which quality obtained of life me is mbershipa basic precondition newly during to sustainable the conference, development. namely, Cambodia, environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. water and energy security, as well as the nexus of complex and wide-ranging obstacles to China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. growth and development in Asia. 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and Betweenconsumption. 11 and 12 July, SCA International Symposium "Mobilizing Science toward Green Economy" consumption. 5. Support equitable access to data, information and research opportunities and encourage the sharing of was organized by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). The symposium was composed of a series of facilities, expertise and know-how, and create opportunities critical to the further development of science in lectures,7. Incorporation presentations, of Asian parallel values se willssions be andan integral panel partdiscussions of the initiative addressing towards the sustainablefour sub-themes, development namely, in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; "Greenhard Policy", work; a"Food strong Safety/Security",social contract between "Green the Techno people logy"and the and State; "Eco moral Financing" wholesomeness;. It was andattended respect by for 232 hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for 6. Strive to ensure that sufficient resources are allocated by governments, business and participantsthe environment from academia, will be government taken together and public.with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations industry in the region to enable the conduct of much needed scientific research and principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

development activities towards the wellbeing, growth and development of Asia.

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18 19

The SCA Declaration on Mobilizing Science toward Green Economy was adopted and released on May 9, 2013 7. Promote more inclusive approaches to research that will enhance the role of science in the Science Council of Asia (SCA) Declaration emerging “GreenTHE SCA Economy” RESOLUTION and ONin institutSUSTAINABLEional reforms DEVELOPMENT necessary IN for ASIA greening human THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA on Role of Science in Facing the Challenges of AEC2015 security. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002.

We, delegates and participants of the 13th Science Council of Asia Management Board 8.PREAMBLE Encourage the development of the next generation of scientists through ensuring equitable access to PREAMBLE Meeting and International Symposium which was held between May 7th and 8th, have training and educational opportunities that enhance the participation of young scientists in research, ASIAnational HAS andTHE international ABILITY meetingsTO MAKE and DEVELOPMENT exchanges, and international SUSTAINABLE. collaboration TO MOVE in training FORWARD, and capacity- WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE affirmed with one voice, that it is time to work together towards the human, economic, social MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC and environmental sustainability of our nations. DEVELOPMENT,development programmes. IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO Recalling the theme of the Congress, “Role of Science in Asia: Facing the Challenges of 9. Advance the development of science and technology to enhance cooperation and mutual understanding AEC2015” and recognizing the critical role of science in addressing the challenges of a FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: between nations and regions as a tool of international diplomacy and policy to promote peace, sustainable common economic community in the ASEAN countries by 2015; 1.development, To realize a common and prosperity vision ofin sustainableAsia. development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable Acknowledging that science is inherently global, and regional and that international development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; collaboration and cooperation are essential to successful outcomes; and 10.3. Effectively To achieve equitablerecognize distribution that research of peace, is especially health and needed prosperity in climate within science,and between biodivers generationsity and throughout ecosystem 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout services,Asia; marine science and oceanography, earth system science and integrated disaster risk management, Asia; 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and Stressing that science must be used for the benefit of society and that all nations in Asia have populationecosystem and goods urbanizati and serviceson, agriculture and access to water resources, sustainable new energy ecosystem goods and services the responsibility to contribute to and benefit from science; technologies, sustainable resource use, and human health and well-being.

WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR This Conference outlined how this goal may be achieved through the involvement of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR 11. Develop science education that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, and science community of Asia, and as steps towards this end, the SCA declares that it will: EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE Mathematics and apply interdisciplinary and holistic education spanning the Social FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. Sciences and Natural Sciences. 1. Seek membership in international scientific organizations such as ICSU and ISSC so as to be able to PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES participate more fully in activities and programmes of the scientific community at the international level. Bangkok, 9 May, 2013 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three

pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. 2. Continue to recruit new members so that all countries in Asia become members actively involved in its The Twelfth Conference activities and programmes. Our target is to establish the largest community of scientists from of Asian July2. Stronger10-12, 2012 cooperation Bogor, and Indonesia networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of Region. Theme:sustainable Mobilizing development Science regionally toward asGreen well asEconomy globally. sustainable development regionally as well as globally.

Organized by: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) 3. Each nationMinistry or state within of Education a nation will and formulate Culture individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Cooperate with JICA/JST, ADB and other development assistance agencies in Asia and as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. Science Council of Japan (SCJ) promote the exchange of information between the scientific community and Development assistance agencies. 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic Theand 12th environmental SCA Conference concerns wasas well held as ofbetween local socio-cultural 10 and 12 sensitivities.July, 2012 at Hotel Santika Bogor and IPB and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. International Convention Center in Bogor, Indonesia. The conference was attended by eleven member 4. Promote an integrated approach to the generation and development of knowledge and 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the understanding needed to address the interconnected challenges of climate change, food, countriesenvironment. including those An improved of which quality obtained of life me is mbershipa basic precondition newly during to sustainable the conference, development. namely, Cambodia, environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. water and energy security, as well as the nexus of complex and wide-ranging obstacles to China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. growth and development in Asia. 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and Betweenconsumption. 11 and 12 July, SCA International Symposium "Mobilizing Science toward Green Economy" consumption. 5. Support equitable access to data, information and research opportunities and encourage the sharing of was organized by Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). The symposium was composed of a series of facilities, expertise and know-how, and create opportunities critical to the further development of science in lectures,7. Incorporation presentations, of Asian parallel values se willssions be andan integral panel partdiscussions of the initiative addressing towards the sustainablefour sub-themes, development namely, in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; "Greenhard Policy", work; a"Food strong Safety/Security",social contract between "Green the Techno people logy"and the and State; "Eco moral Financing" wholesomeness;. It was andattended respect by for 232 hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for 6. Strive to ensure that sufficient resources are allocated by governments, business and participantsthe environment from academia, will be government taken together and public.with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations industry in the region to enable the conduct of much needed scientific research and principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development. development activities towards the wellbeing, growth and development of Asia.

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18 19 SCA Conferences

Upon commencement, Professor Lukman Hakim, President of the SCA and H.E. Mr. Benyamin Lakitan, The conference was attended by eleven member countries, namely: Bangladesh (newly Deputy Minister for Science and Technology Institutional, State Ministry of Research and Technology obtained the THESCA SCAmembership RESOLUTION during ON this SUST SCAAINABLE Conference), DEVELOPMENT China, India, IN ASIA Indonesia, Japan, THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. delivered opening addresses. Following the opening addresses, Professor Emil Salim, a Former Government Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, gave a keynote lecture titled "Developing Green Economy in a Culture During the conference, SCA International Symposium “Combating Land Degradation in of Greed". Dr. Mamoru Mohri, Astronaut/Chief Executive Director, National Museum of Emerging Science Asia”PREAMBLE was organized by Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS). The symposium was PREAMBLE

and Innovation of Japan, then presented a lecture titled "A New Perspective from Space". Also, Mr. Sonam composedASIA HAS ofTHE a seriesABILITY of lectures,TO MAKE presentations DEVELOPMENT and discussionsSUSTAINABLE. addressing TO MOVE the landFORWARD, degradation WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE Bumdhen, Director of Library and Research division at the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan, delivered a andMUST desertification VIEW SUSTAINABLE issues across DEVELOPMENT the Asia from a wideAS varietyAN EFFORT of perspectives. TO REVIVE It was ECONOMIC attended by MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC a large number of audiences from academia, government and public. lecture titled "Finding Happiness in a Sea of Chaos: Perspectives from a Buddhist Monk". The keynote DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE presentations stimulated the audience as they included not only the economic and technological dimensions SCIENCEUpon COUNCILcommencement, OF ASIA, a keynoteDECLARE speech OUR wasRESPONSIBILITY made by His TO Excellency ONE ANOTHER Mr. Miyegombo AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO of development, but also included the more abstract and spiritual dimension of human happiness. Enkhbold,FUTURE GENERATIONS Deputy Prime BY AGREEING:Minister of Mongolia, about the land issues with focusing on FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: desertification that Mongolia is now addressing while viewing the issues relating to the land The symposium offered the total of thirty three oral presentations and thirty seven poster presentations 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; problems2. To enhance which theare contributionto be solved of with Asia the towards help ofthe scientific achievement breakthrough. of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable focusing on each sub-theme. The presentations had been selected from respondents to call for papers by the development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; Scientific Committee members. 3. ToIchiro achieve Kanazawa, equitable distribution Immediate-past of peace, President health and ofprosperity Science within Council and between of Japan, generations then delivered throughout a 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout specialAsia; message with the gratitude for the generous support that Japan had received from many Asia; The results of the symposium were gathered into "SCA Declaration on Mobilizing Science toward Green countries4. To establish for those environmental suffered fromconditions the Great in Asia East that Japan will secure Earthquake sustainability in March of its innatural 2011 resources followed and by 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and Economy" which was elaborated and adapted at the Management Board on 12 July. the reportecosystem on the goods course and servicesand development of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident. ecosystem goods and services

At the General Assembly convened on 10 July, applications for new SCA membership from Cambodia, WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLEThe symposium DEVELOPMENT. was composed THEREFORE, of a number WE of HAVE scientific RESOLVED presentations TO CONSOLIDATE by experts under OUR the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka were unanimously approved. The total number of member countries relevantEFFORTS sub-themes TO ACHIEVE including “A PROSPEROUS, “Policy and HARMONIOUS Steps by the Mongolian AND GREENER Government ASIA” THROUGHto Combat THELand EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE expanded to sixteen. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) became the third member DegradationFOLLOWING PRINCIPLESand Desertification”, AND ACTIVITIES. “Current Status and Future Strategies Relating to FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. organization from Vietnam, which made the total number of member organizations expand to twenty six. Desertification and Land Degradation/Land Cover in Asian Countries” “Information, Assessment andPRINCIPLES Mapping of Land Degradation and Desertification” and “Land Cover Change and Urban PRINCIPLES Furthermore, SCA Joint Project Workshops, organized on 10 July, presented three ongoing research Land Planning”. projects between Indonesia and Japan, namely "Production of Chemicals and Fuels from Lignocellulosic 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. Biomass (Biorefineries)" by Associate Professor Chiaki Ogino, Kobe University of Japan and Professor A presentation on “Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Bambang Prasetya, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), "Project for Development of Internationally (SATREPS)”2. Stronger cooperationwas also delivered and networking by Cindy within Yoshiko Asia are Shirata,vital for theCouncil achievement Member of the of goalsScience and Councilaims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of of Japansustainable at Special development Information regionally Session. as well as globally. sustainable development regionally as well as globally. Standardized Microbial Resource Center to Promote Life Science Research and Biotechnology" by Dr. Heddy Julistiono, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and "The Project for Wild Fire and Carbon 3. FourEach nationSCA or Special state within Sessions, a nation will“Open formulate Data individual and Knowledge policies for makingEnvironment development for sustainable,Innovative 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, Management in Peat – Forest in Indonesia" by Professor Mitsuru Osaki, Hokkaido University of Japan. Research,as well Educationas develop monitoring and Society systems on Environmento assess progresst in towardsAsia (ODKE)”, sustainable “Monitoringdevelopment. and Prediction as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. for Early Warning against Water-Related Disasters in Asia-Towards Integrated Research”, “Pop 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic Cultureand environmentalin Asia: The concernsLandscape as wellof Mongolia as of local – socio-cultural the Formation sensitivities. of Its “Prairie Image” in East Asia” and and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. “Developing E-Science in Asia”, were also organized at Mongolian –Japan Center for Human Resources5. Eradication Development. of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the Furthermore,environment. Ana courtesyimproved qualitycall by of lifethe is SCA a basic Ma preconditionnagement to Boardsustainable Members development. to Mr. Ochirbat environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. Dagvadorj, Member of the State Great Hural (Parliament), Chair of Standing Committee on Social6. The Policy, economic, Education, social, and Culture environmental and Science objectives was of arranged. development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and consumption. consumption.

7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; The Eleventh Conference hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for July 4 – 6, 2011 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations Theme: Combating Land Degradation in Asia principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

Organized by: Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) Science Council of Japan (SCJ)

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Upon commencement, Professor Lukman Hakim, President of the SCA and H.E. Mr. Benyamin Lakitan, The conference was attended by eleven member countries, namely: Bangladesh (newly Deputy Minister for Science and Technology Institutional, State Ministry of Research and Technology obtained the THESCA SCAmembership RESOLUTION during ON this SUST SCAAINABLE Conference), DEVELOPMENT China, India, IN ASIA Indonesia, Japan, THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. delivered opening addresses. Following the opening addresses, Professor Emil Salim, a Former Government Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, gave a keynote lecture titled "Developing Green Economy in a Culture During the conference, SCA International Symposium “Combating Land Degradation in of Greed". Dr. Mamoru Mohri, Astronaut/Chief Executive Director, National Museum of Emerging Science Asia”PREAMBLE was organized by Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS). The symposium was PREAMBLE and Innovation of Japan, then presented a lecture titled "A New Perspective from Space". Also, Mr. Sonam composedASIA HAS ofTHE a seriesABILITY of lectures,TO MAKE presentations DEVELOPMENT and discussionsSUSTAINABLE. addressing TO MOVE the landFORWARD, degradation WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE Bumdhen, Director of Library and Research division at the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan, delivered a andMUST desertification VIEW SUSTAINABLE issues across DEVELOPMENT the Asia from a wideAS varietyAN EFFORT of perspectives. TO REVIVE It was ECONOMIC attended by MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC a large number of audiences from academia, government and public. lecture titled "Finding Happiness in a Sea of Chaos: Perspectives from a Buddhist Monk". The keynote DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE presentations stimulated the audience as they included not only the economic and technological dimensions SCIENCEUpon COUNCILcommencement, OF ASIA, a keynoteDECLARE speech OUR wasRESPONSIBILITY made by His TO Excellency ONE ANOTHER Mr. Miyegombo AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO of development, but also included the more abstract and spiritual dimension of human happiness. Enkhbold,FUTURE GENERATIONS Deputy Prime BY AGREEING:Minister of Mongolia, about the land issues with focusing on FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: desertification that Mongolia is now addressing while viewing the issues relating to the land The symposium offered the total of thirty three oral presentations and thirty seven poster presentations 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; problems2. To enhance which theare contributionto be solved of with Asia the towards help ofthe scientific achievement breakthrough. of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable focusing on each sub-theme. The presentations had been selected from respondents to call for papers by the development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; Scientific Committee members. 3. ToIchiro achieve Kanazawa, equitable distribution Immediate-past of peace, President health and ofprosperity Science within Council and between of Japan, generations then delivered throughout a 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout specialAsia; message with the gratitude for the generous support that Japan had received from many Asia; The results of the symposium were gathered into "SCA Declaration on Mobilizing Science toward Green countries4. To establish for those environmental suffered fromconditions the Great in Asia East that Japan will secure Earthquake sustainability in March of its innatural 2011 resources followed and by 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and Economy" which was elaborated and adapted at the Management Board on 12 July. the reportecosystem on the goods course and servicesand development of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident. ecosystem goods and services

At the General Assembly convened on 10 July, applications for new SCA membership from Cambodia, WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLEThe symposium DEVELOPMENT. was composed THEREFORE, of a number WE of HAVE scientific RESOLVED presentations TO CONSOLIDATE by experts under OUR the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka were unanimously approved. The total number of member countries relevantEFFORTS sub-themes TO ACHIEVE including “A PROSPEROUS, “Policy and HARMONIOUS Steps by the Mongolian AND GREENER Government ASIA” THROUGHto Combat THELand EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE expanded to sixteen. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) became the third member DegradationFOLLOWING PRINCIPLESand Desertification”, AND ACTIVITIES. “Current Status and Future Strategies Relating to FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. organization from Vietnam, which made the total number of member organizations expand to twenty six. Desertification and Land Degradation/Land Cover in Asian Countries” “Information, Assessment andPRINCIPLES Mapping of Land Degradation and Desertification” and “Land Cover Change and Urban PRINCIPLES Furthermore, SCA Joint Project Workshops, organized on 10 July, presented three ongoing research Land Planning”. projects between Indonesia and Japan, namely "Production of Chemicals and Fuels from Lignocellulosic 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. Biomass (Biorefineries)" by Associate Professor Chiaki Ogino, Kobe University of Japan and Professor A presentation on “Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Bambang Prasetya, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), "Project for Development of Internationally (SATREPS)”2. Stronger cooperationwas also delivered and networking by Cindy within Yoshiko Asia are Shirata,vital for theCouncil achievement Member of the of goalsScience and Councilaims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of of Japansustainable at Special development Information regionally Session. as well as globally. sustainable development regionally as well as globally. Standardized Microbial Resource Center to Promote Life Science Research and Biotechnology" by Dr. Heddy Julistiono, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and "The Project for Wild Fire and Carbon 3. FourEach nationSCA or Special state within Sessions, a nation will“Open formulate Data individual and Knowledge policies for makingEnvironment development for sustainable,Innovative 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, Management in Peat – Forest in Indonesia" by Professor Mitsuru Osaki, Hokkaido University of Japan. Research,as well Educationas develop monitoring and Society systems on Environmento assess progresst in towardsAsia (ODKE)”, sustainable “Monitoringdevelopment. and Prediction as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. for Early Warning against Water-Related Disasters in Asia-Towards Integrated Research”, “Pop 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic Cultureand environmentalin Asia: The concernsLandscape as wellof Mongolia as of local – socio-cultural the Formation sensitivities. of Its “Prairie Image” in East Asia” and and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. “Developing E-Science in Asia”, were also organized at Mongolian –Japan Center for Human Resources5. Eradication Development. of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the Furthermore,environment. Ana courtesyimproved qualitycall by of lifethe is SCA a basic Ma preconditionnagement to Boardsustainable Members development. to Mr. Ochirbat environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. Dagvadorj, Member of the State Great Hural (Parliament), Chair of Standing Committee on Social6. The Policy, economic, Education, social, and Culture environmental and Science objectives was of arranged. development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and consumption. consumption.

7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; The Eleventh Conference hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for July 4 – 6, 2011 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations Theme: Combating Land Degradation in Asia principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

Organized by: Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) Science Council of Japan (SCJ)

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Observers (in alphabetical order) Observers (in alphabetical order) ICSU Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific (ICSU-RCAP) All EuropeanTHE Academies SCA RESOLUTION (ALLEA) ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (ITC) Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Agreed ICSU by Regional the Management Committee Board and for Endorsed Asia and by thePacific General (ICSU-ROAP) Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. of Sciences Sri Lanka (NASSL) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Philippine Office PREAMBLENagoya University PREAMBLE

The Tenth Conference ASIAPacific HAS Science THE ABILITYAssociation TO (PSA) MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE June 14-16, 2010 The Philippines MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC Theme: Meeting the Health Challenges in the Asia Pacific Region: “Responding through an DEVELOPMENT,The Ninth Conference IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH Integrated and Multidisciplinary Approach in Science and Technology” SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE Organized by: National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) SCIENCEJune 17-19, COUNCIL 2009 Singapore OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO Science Council of Japan (SCJ) FUTURETheme: Grooming GENERATIONS Scientific BY AGREEING: Talent in Asia FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: Organized by: Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; The conference was attended by nine member countries: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines and Thailand. development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; 3. ToThe achieve conference equitable was distribution attended of by peace, all elevenhealth and member prosperity countries: within and China, between India, generations Indonesia, throughout Japan, 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout The conference was held in parallel with the four Cluster Sessions organized by NRCP. The RepublicAsia; of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Asia; sessions were composed of a series of presentations addressing the health issues from such variety 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and of perspectives as Culture, Climate Change, Technology and Environment. Uponecosystem commencement goods and services of the conference, a keynote speech on the subject of “Grooming ecosystem goods and services Scientific Talent in Asia” was presented by Mr. Lim Chuan Poh, Chairman of A*STAR. WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR Upon commencement of the conference, welcome remarks were delivered by Dr. Alvin B. SUSTAINABLEAt the General DEVELOPMENT. Assembly I onTHEREFORE, 17 June, two WE progress HAVE reportsRESOLVED of the TO SCA CONSOLIDATE Joint Projects OUR were SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Culaba, President of NRCP followed by the opening remarks of Dr. Jaime C. Montoya and EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE messages delivered by Dr. Estrella F. Alabastro, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology FOLLOWINGpresented; “Open PRINCIPLES Data and AND Knowledge ACTIVITIES. Environmen t for Innovative Research on Poverty Free and FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. (DOST) Philippines and Prof. Ichiro Kanazawa, President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ). Ecosystem Protection in Asia (ODKE)” by Prof. Liu Chuang, China Association for Science and TechnologyPRINCIPLES (CAST), China and “Sustainability Science for Sustainability Governance: A Study on PRINCIPLES On 15 June, the Second New Framework Examination Committee Meeting (NFEC) was science – governance symbioses” by Ms. Sarah Aziz Abdul Ghani Aziz, Institute of Environment and1. DevelopmentSustained economic (LESTARI), development, Malaysia. greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three convened and chaired by Prof. Yoichi Muraoka, Secretary General/Treasurer of SCA. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia.

On 18 June, The First Meeting of New Framework Examination Committee (NFEC), which Of the SCA Joint Projects, two (2) projects, “Sustainable Water Resources Management in Asia” 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of and “Action Plans for Natural Disaster Mitigation” organized individual sessions on 15 June. SCA was sustainablederived from development the approval regionally of the as well First as Strategiglobally.c Plan of the Science Council of Asia in 2008, sustainable development regionally as well as globally. Special Sessions, namely “Pop Culture in Asia: Memories of the Past and the Present in the Films of was convened and chaired by Prof. Hong Wanjin, Deputy Director of Institute of Molecular and Cell Asia”, “The Opportunities and Challenges of Energy Investments in the Philippines” and “Today’s Biology3. Each (IMCB) nation or of state A*STAR, within a Singapore.nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, Realities Through the Lens of Social Sciences”, were organized on the same day. as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. Of the SCA Joint Projects, six projects, namely, “Water”, “Natural Disasters”, “Gender”, 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic The Progress Report of the SCA Joint Project “Open Data and Knowledge Environment for “Ocean Security in Asia”, “Honeybees” and “Space and Lithosphere Environment” held individual sessionsand environmentalon 18 June. The concerns SCA as Special well as ofSessions, local socio-cultural “Pop Culture sensitivities. in Asia: Families in the Films of Asia” and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. Innovative Research on Poverty Free and Ecosystem Protection in Asia (ODKE)” was presented by Prof. Liu Chuang, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), China. and5. “GroomingEradication of Science poverty andis a primaryTechnology concern Talent”, in Asia were and will held be in addressed parallel togetheron the samewith the day. concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development.

6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and consumption. consumption.

7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

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Observers (in alphabetical order) Observers (in alphabetical order) ICSU Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific (ICSU-RCAP) All EuropeanTHE Academies SCA RESOLUTION (ALLEA) ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA THE SCA RESOLUTION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (ITC) Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) Agreed ICSU by Regional the Management Committee Board and for Endorsed Asia and by thePacific General (ICSU-ROAP) Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. Agreed by the Management Board and Endorsed by the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on May 15, 2002. National Academy of Sciences Sri Lanka (NASSL) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Philippine Office PREAMBLENagoya University PREAMBLE

The Tenth Conference ASIAPacific HAS Science THE ABILITYAssociation TO (PSA) MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE ASIA HAS THE ABILITY TO MAKE DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE. TO MOVE FORWARD, WE June 14-16, 2010 The Philippines MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC MUST VIEW SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS AN EFFORT TO REVIVE ECONOMIC Theme: Meeting the Health Challenges in the Asia Pacific Region: “Responding through an DEVELOPMENT,The Ninth Conference IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH DEVELOPMENT, IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE AND ACHIEVE A BALANCED GROWTH WITH Integrated and Multidisciplinary Approach in Science and Technology” SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIAL EQUITY. TOWARDS THIS END, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE, THE MEMBERS OF THE Organized by: National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) SCIENCEJune 17-19, COUNCIL 2009 Singapore OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO SCIENCE COUNCIL OF ASIA, DECLARE OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO Science Council of Japan (SCJ) FUTURETheme: Grooming GENERATIONS Scientific BY AGREEING: Talent in Asia FUTURE GENERATIONS BY AGREEING: Organized by: Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; 1. To realize a common vision of sustainable development for Asia; The conference was attended by nine member countries: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable 2. To enhance the contribution of Asia towards the achievement of economic growth and sustainable Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines and Thailand. development at a regional and global level; development at a regional and global level; 3. ToThe achieve conference equitable was distribution attended of by peace, all elevenhealth and member prosperity countries: within and China, between India, generations Indonesia, throughout Japan, 3. To achieve equitable distribution of peace, health and prosperity within and between generations throughout The conference was held in parallel with the four Cluster Sessions organized by NRCP. The RepublicAsia; of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Asia; sessions were composed of a series of presentations addressing the health issues from such variety 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and 4. To establish environmental conditions in Asia that will secure sustainability of its natural resources and of perspectives as Culture, Climate Change, Technology and Environment. Uponecosystem commencement goods and services of the conference, a keynote speech on the subject of “Grooming ecosystem goods and services Scientific Talent in Asia” was presented by Mr. Lim Chuan Poh, Chairman of A*STAR. WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR WE NEED A SHARED VISION OF BASIC VALUES TO PROVIDE THE FOUNDATION FOR Upon commencement of the conference, welcome remarks were delivered by Dr. Alvin B. SUSTAINABLEAt the General DEVELOPMENT. Assembly I onTHEREFORE, 17 June, two WE progress HAVE reportsRESOLVED of the TO SCA CONSOLIDATE Joint Projects OUR were SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. THEREFORE, WE HAVE RESOLVED TO CONSOLIDATE OUR Culaba, President of NRCP followed by the opening remarks of Dr. Jaime C. Montoya and EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE “A PROSPEROUS, HARMONIOUS AND GREENER ASIA” THROUGH THE messages delivered by Dr. Estrella F. Alabastro, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology FOLLOWINGpresented; “Open PRINCIPLES Data and AND Knowledge ACTIVITIES. Environmen t for Innovative Research on Poverty Free and FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES AND ACTIVITIES. (DOST) Philippines and Prof. Ichiro Kanazawa, President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ). Ecosystem Protection in Asia (ODKE)” by Prof. Liu Chuang, China Association for Science and TechnologyPRINCIPLES (CAST), China and “Sustainability Science for Sustainability Governance: A Study on PRINCIPLES On 15 June, the Second New Framework Examination Committee Meeting (NFEC) was science – governance symbioses” by Ms. Sarah Aziz Abdul Ghani Aziz, Institute of Environment and1. DevelopmentSustained economic (LESTARI), development, Malaysia. greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three 1. Sustained economic development, greater social equity and maintenance of ecological balance are the three convened and chaired by Prof. Yoichi Muraoka, Secretary General/Treasurer of SCA. pillars for sustainable development in Asia. pillars for sustainable development in Asia.

On 18 June, The First Meeting of New Framework Examination Committee (NFEC), which Of the SCA Joint Projects, two (2) projects, “Sustainable Water Resources Management in Asia” 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of 2. Stronger cooperation and networking within Asia are vital for the achievement of the goals and aims of and “Action Plans for Natural Disaster Mitigation” organized individual sessions on 15 June. SCA was sustainablederived from development the approval regionally of the as well First as Strategiglobally.c Plan of the Science Council of Asia in 2008, sustainable development regionally as well as globally. Special Sessions, namely “Pop Culture in Asia: Memories of the Past and the Present in the Films of was convened and chaired by Prof. Hong Wanjin, Deputy Director of Institute of Molecular and Cell Asia”, “The Opportunities and Challenges of Energy Investments in the Philippines” and “Today’s Biology3. Each (IMCB) nation or of state A*STAR, within a Singapore.nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, 3. Each nation or state within a nation will formulate individual policies for making development sustainable, Realities Through the Lens of Social Sciences”, were organized on the same day. as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. as well as develop monitoring systems to assess progress towards sustainable development. Of the SCA Joint Projects, six projects, namely, “Water”, “Natural Disasters”, “Gender”, 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic 4. Planning for sustainable development in Asia will take into account the primacy of the region’s economic The Progress Report of the SCA Joint Project “Open Data and Knowledge Environment for “Ocean Security in Asia”, “Honeybees” and “Space and Lithosphere Environment” held individual sessionsand environmentalon 18 June. The concerns SCA as Special well as ofSessions, local socio-cultural “Pop Culture sensitivities. in Asia: Families in the Films of Asia” and environmental concerns as well as of local socio-cultural sensitivities. Innovative Research on Poverty Free and Ecosystem Protection in Asia (ODKE)” was presented by Prof. Liu Chuang, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), China. and5. “GroomingEradication of Science poverty andis a primaryTechnology concern Talent”, in Asia were and will held be in addressed parallel togetheron the samewith the day. concern for the 5. Eradication of poverty is a primary concern in Asia and will be addressed together with the concern for the environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development. environment. An improved quality of life is a basic precondition to sustainable development.

6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that 6. The economic, social, and environmental objectives of development will be pursued in a balanced way that will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and will involve new ways of thinking about and undertaking development as well as production and consumption. consumption.

7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in 7. Incorporation of Asian values will be an integral part of the initiative towards sustainable development in Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; Asia. Absence of extreme individualism; a belief in strong family ties; a reverence for education; frugality; hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for hard work; a strong social contract between the people and the State; moral wholesomeness; and respect for the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations the environment will be taken together with the more recent ideals expressed in the United Nations principles on sustainable development. principles on sustainable development.

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