Books for Adults with D/deaf characters

Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Normal: A Magdalena This book is the autobiography Autobiography 2020 Mother and Newman of the Mother of a teenage son Her Beautiful with severe treacher collins Son syndrome, a craniofacial condition which affects his ability to breath, hear or eat. In the book he has 67 surgeries and wears BAHA hearing aids.

Dark Pines Will Dean The central character Tuva Crime thriller 2018 (Tuva became deaf after having Moodyson meningitis as a child and now Mystery 1) an adult she wears hearing aids and uses lip-reading and speech to communicate.

Friend (With Laura Brown Both the main characters, Romance 2017 Benefits) Zone which are in a romantic relationship are deaf. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Diary of a Beautiful Kristin Bartzokis This book is the autobiography Autobiography 2017 Disaster of a lady with treacher collins syndrome, a craniofacial condition which can also cause . She wears a BAHA hearing aid and uses speech to communicate. In the book she some awful medical experiences following surgery.

Levi Justine Elvira A small character, a child, is 18 + yrs Erotic Fiction 2017 (Forbidden Deaf and uses ASL to Desires #2) communicate

Silent Fear Lance Morcan, This book is set in a fictional Horror 2017 James Morcan University for the Deaf - so most of the characters are Deaf or can use BSL to communicate.

And Fire Emma Viskic The central character Caleb is Australian Crime / 2017 Came Down Profoundly Deaf since being a Mystery (Caleb Zelic young child and uses lip- #2) reading and Auslan to communicate. There is also another character which uses some . Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Deafness Gain Michael Uniacke This second book in the Autobiography 2016 autobiography of Michael Uniacke tells how he as an adult explores his deaf identity and joins a deaf community of non-signers.[67]

The Silent Bernadette T Based on the true story of a Australian Deaf 2016 Book: A Deaf Wallis deaf family in Victoria, History Family and the Australia. Focusing on the Disappearing Australian-Irish Sign language Australian- that was used by the Catholic Irish Sign Deaf Community that is no Language longer taught in Schools.

Signs of Laura Brown The main character Carli has 18-25 yrs New Adult / 2016 Attraction hearing aids and uses speech Romance to communicate and learns ASL in the book, another character Reed is also deaf. [68] They meet whilst studying at university. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Kisses Addison Moore The central character Annie New Adult / Erotic 2015 (3:AM Kisses (19) was born Profoundly Deaf Romance #5) and uses lip-reading and ASL to communicate; during the book, her Mum encourages her to get a which she does and then rapidly develops very clear speech. Annie previously attended a school for the hearing impaired and is starting at Whitney Briggs University where she has an ASL interpreter in class. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Resurrection Emma Viskic The central character Caleb Australian Crime 2015 Bay (in his 50's) is a deaf private Thriller detective. He became deaf (Caleb Zelic aged 5 after having meningitis #1) and uses lip-reading with strangers and Auslan to communicate with his friends. The book includes times when he can't follow what is being said and reminding others to move to ensure there face is well lit. This book has won several the 2016 Ned Kelly Award for Best First Fiction, Davitt Awards for Best Novel, Best Debut and Reader's Choice, iBooks Australia's Crime Novel of the Year and shortlisted for the UK Gold Dagger and New Blood Awards. Nomationaed for Barry Award for Best paperback

Graeme Clark: Mark Worthing This book is a biography of Biography 2015 the man who Graeme Clark, the man who invented the invented cochlear implants, bionic ear although it is the story of his life there are deaf people in the book including his Father who had hearing loss. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Signs Anna Martin The central character Caleb 18 yrs + New Adult, Erotic, 2015 (18) wears hearing aids, has LGBTQ Romance social anxiety and doesn't feel part of the Deaf community. He uses a shorthand form of ASL to communicate at home with his parents. In the story, he's in a Gay relationship and the book includes explicit sex scenes.[69] He previously went to a special school but is now in a mainstream school.

Not Fade Rebecca A. This autobiography is written Autobiography 2015 Away: A Alexander, by Rebecca. She has Usher Memoir of Sascha Alper syndrome type III which has Senses Lost caused her to have and Found progressive hearing and sight loss from childhood, she uses Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Different ways Alan Balter The book starts with Willa and Deaf , 2015 of being Robert, a couple deaf from LGBTQ+ birth that are culturally Deaf couple have a child called Seth who then goes to and has a Deaf boyfriend called Jacob. The Deaf characters and Seth ASL to communicate. As the book is set in the Deaf community there are other Deaf characters in the book.

Deafness Michael This autobiography tells the Autobiography 2015 Down Uniacke, Rachel story of Michael Uniacke's 1960's Australia Burt (6+) childhood, whilst deaf in a catholic mainstream school.[70] He also has three deaf siblings and one hearing sister.

Maybe Colleen Hoover One of the main characters New Adult 2014 Someday Ridge (24) is Deaf and uses Romance ASL to communicate. (Maybe #1) Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

What Is Visible Kimberly Elkins This book is based on the true Historical 2014 story of Laura Bridgman who Biography set in became deaf-blind and lost America 1829 – her sense of smell/taste aged 1889 2 after an illness (possibly scarlet fever.) She could read Braille and used tactile sign language to communicate. She spent most of her school and adult life at the Perkins Institution for the Blind. She was born fifty years before Helen Keller. The book includes her periods of unhappiness, self-harm and anorexia. This book has won the David J. Langum Sr. Prize for American Historical Fiction (2014). Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Finding Zoe: A Brandi Rarus, This is the true story of a Deaf Deaf Culture/ 2014 Deaf Woman's Gail Harris couple where the Brandi was Adoption / Journey of raised orally after becoming Autobiography Love, Identity, Deaf aged 6 and then later and Adoption joined the Deaf community and her husband Tim was from a Deaf multigenerational family which used ASL to communicate. They had three hearing Sons before they adopted Zoe, a baby with progressive hearing loss.

The Art of Donna In this autobiography, Donna Autobiography 2014 Being Deaf: A McDonald tells how she went to an oral Memoir deaf school aged five then onto mainstream schools where she used lip-reading and speech to communicate and then spent her adult life in the 'hearing world'. This book is published by the Gallaudet University Press.

Smart, Sexy Tammy Falkner One of the two main 18 + Romance 2013 and Secretive characters, Logan became deaf after a childhood illness (The Reed and uses speech to Brothers #2) communicate. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Song Without Gerald Shea This autobiography is by Autobiography 2013 Words: Gerald Shea who went deaf Discovering after an illness aged six went My Deafness through his childhood and Halfway young adult years with through Life undiagnosed until his hearing status was discovered when he went to a mandatory hearing test for a new job aged 34. He now wears hearing aids and uses lip- reading and speech to communicate

Tall, Tatted Tammy Falkner One of the two main 18 + Romance 2013 and Tempting characters, Logan became deaf after a childhood illness (The Reed and initially chooses not to talk Brothers #1) but later uses speech to communicate. ’

What Did You Monique E. 2012 Say? An Hammond Unexpected Journey Into the World of Hearing Loss Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Listening Arlene Romoff The author started to become Autobiography 2011 Closely: A deaf in her teenage years and Journey to had much later had bilateral Bilateral cochlear implant surgery. Hearing

Kicking Up Ashley Fiolek, This book is an autobiography 2011 Dirt: A True Caroline Ryder of Ashley Fiolek's life and Story of career, she was born Deaf Determination, and uses ASL to Deafness, and communicate. Daring

Deaf in DC: A Madan Vasishta This autobiography by Madan Autobiography 2011 Memoir tells how he became deaf (Gallaudet aged 11 and later went on to New Deaf learn Indan sign language and Lives Book 9) ASL and become an Associate Professor at Gallaudet University.

Flying to the Elyse Salpeter One of the two main Fantasy / Thriller 2011 Light characters, Danny (6), is Deaf and uses ASL to communicate (Flying #1) combined with some lip- reading and speech. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Breaking the Julie Postance Nine true stories, five parents Biographies 2009 Sound of deaf children and four from Barriers: 9 deaf adults and the variety of Deaf Success paths they took in life. The Stories stories include different communication choices including speech, Auslan and bilingual upbringings.

St. Nacho's Z.A. Maxfield One of this books two main 18 + LGBTQ / Romance 2008 characters is deaf. Shawn is (St. Nacho's part of a Deaf there group as #1) is Kevin also Deaf. Shawn is also gay and uses lip-reading, written English and ASL to communicate. This book is very sexually explicit.

Echo Clint Kelly One of the main characters 18 yrs 2007 (Sensations Cody (13) is deaf, wears #2) hearing aids and uses speech to communicate. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Whitethorn Maeve Binchy Melanie is the Deaf Character Irish Family Saga / 2007 Woods in the story and she appears Romance towards the end of the book. She is Profoundly deaf, attended a school for the deaf (all girls) as a child and communicates in sign language and speech and enrols in a training program to later teach deaf children.

Teaching from Harry G. Lang This biography is about Robert Biography 2007 the Heart and who became deaf aged 10 Soul: The after having meningitis. He Robert F. used ASL to communicate. Panara Story (Deaf Lives Series, Vol. 6) ither–Nor: A Young Paul Jacobs This biography of Jason who Biography, 2007 Australian's became deaf aged 5, who Australia Experience uses speech and lip-reading to with Deafness communicate. He attends (The Fifth university and plays in the Deaf Lives Deaf Australian World Cup Series) cricket team but never learns to sign. Published by the Gallaudet University Press. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Frances Itani The main character in this Set in WW1 (1915- 2007 book, Grania O'Neill becomes 19) Canada, Deaf after having Scarlet fever aged five. She initially lives at home, then attends Ontario School for the Deaf where she learns sign language and speech. This book won the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best Book in Caribbean and Canada (2004). This book starts in Canada but follows characters to the , England, Belgium and .

Buy a Watch, Rachel Brown The main character, Rachel Romance, 2006 Get a Wife! has a masters degree in Deaf Husband in US Education and is an Army goes to "elementary school hearing impaired teacher," her role includes ASL interpreting for deaf and hard of hearing students across the school. Her students and her relationship with them are included in the book. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Isles of view C.F. Brunner One of the two main Love story, 2006 characters is Dan (Adult) he relationship conflict has been Profoundly deaf since he was a toddler and uses speech, lip-reading and sign language to communicate. The book focuses on the couple's relationship dynamics, as a deaf/hearing couple, which the author has first-hand experience of.

Girl in the V.C. Andrews The central character comes Horror / Family 2006 Shadow to live with Echo (14) who is saga deaf and uses ASL to communicate and her elderly Grandmother.

Deaf in Delhi: Madan Vasishta This autobiography tells the Autobiography 2006 A Memoir story of Madan's life, how he (Deaf Lives went deaf at 11 after being ill Series, Vol. 4) with typhoid fever and the mumps. He starts life in India, aged 20 learns Indian Sign Language and later gains a Degree from Gallaudet college where he learnt ASL. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Silent Ears, Blair LaCrosse, The main character Deaf culture and 2003 Silent Heart: A Michelle Christopher was born into a identity Deaf Man's LaCrosse hearing family and the book Journey documents follows his journey Through Two navigating the Deaf and Worlds hearing worlds.

Hear Again: Arlene Romoff The author's experience of Autobiography 2002 Back to Life having a cochlear implant. with a Cochlear Implant Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Havana Heat: Darryl Brock The central character in this Baseball Historical 2000 A novel book is Luther "Dummy" Fiction Taylor was born deaf and used ASL to communicate. He was a successful baseball pitcher in the early 1900s. This semi-fictional account of his life includes a trip to Cuba where he meets children from the deaf School, La Escuela delOrejas and specifically forms a friendship with another deaf character called Luis (19) who also used ASL to communicate. The book is set in 1911 America. Later in the book he teaches and coaches at the, Illinois School for the Deaf and shortly before his death is honoured by Kansa School for the Deaf where he attended as a child. The book was awarded the Dave Moore Award in 2000. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Talk Talk T.C. Boyle Dana now in her 30's became Suspense & 2000 deaf aged 4 after an infection. Thriller / Crime She is now a fiercely independent strong woman, who is an English teacher at a school for the deaf in San Roque. Her voice gives away that she is deaf and she also uses ASL to communicate. This book won the California Book Award for Fiction (Silver) (2006).

Quiet World: Living with David Myres The author's experience of Biography 2000 Hearing Loss hearing loss later in life.

Living Darlene Toole Biographies of Danny Biography 1998 Legends Delcambre, Kathy Buckley, Ken Glickman, Bethany Stories about "Buffy" Hummel, Dr. Robert Successful Davila and Laurene Gallimore. Deaf People, Book 2 Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

Discoveries Anita Davis, Twenty Deaf people who have 1998 Katharine made significant contributions Significant Preston to their field of specialism. Contributions of Deaf Women and Men

Melody V.C. Andrews The main character moves in Family saga / 1996 with May (10) who's deaf and Horror uses ASL to communicate and her family.

Living Darlene Toole Biographies of six Deaf Biographies 1996 Legends people, Evelyn Glennie, Howie Seago, Dr. Shirley Allen, John Stories about Woo, Karen Meyer and Paul Successful Ogden. Deaf People, Book 1 Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

A Maiden's Grave Jeffery Deaver The main event in this book is 18 yrs + Suspense & 1995, republished in 2001. that a bus of eight deaf Thriller students (aged 8–17 years) are taken hostage with their teachers. Their children from the School for the Deaf all use ASL to communicate. This book was also made into a film called Dead Silence in 1997 and has sold

Silent Songs A.C. Crispin, One of the main characters Science Fiction 1994 Tesa is a Native American (StarBridge Kathleen woman that was born Deaf #5) O'Malley since birth, she uses sign language and sometimes communicates through a telepath. The is another deaf character with a different attitude to her deafness.

Silent Dances A.C. Crispin, The central character Tesa is Science Fiction 1994 Kathleen a Native American woman (StarBridge O'Malley who was born Deaf and uses #2) sign language to communicate. Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

My island: The Maggie Gordon, Autobiography of Hamish Autobiography 1991 True Story of a Rose who was profoundly Silent Hamish Rosie Deaf and lived on the island of Challenge Orkney in Scotland, landscape artist and graphic designer. His illustrations are used in the book.

What's That Henry Kisor This book is an autobiography Autobiography 1990 Pig by Henry Kisor. He became Outdoors?: A deaf aged three after having Memoir of meningitis and communicates Deafness by using lip-reading, written and spoken English.

Deaf Heritage Jack Gannon Detailed American Deaf 1981 republished in 2012 - a Narrative History History of Deaf America (Gallaudet Classics Deaf Studie) Title Author Deaf Characters / Awards Target Age Genre Year 1st Published Won

The Stand Stephen King One of the main characters 18 yrs + Postapocalyptic 1978 uncut version published in Nick was born profoundly deaf Horror/Fantasy 1991 and aged nine he was taught to lip-read, read and write by another "deaf-mute" called Rudy. Neither child uses sign language to communicate. The original 1978 book won several awards Locus Award Nominee for Best SF Novel (1979), World Fantasy Award Nominee for Best Novel (1979), Gandalf Award Nominee (1979), Balrog Award Nominee for Best Novel (1979) (1980).

In This Sign Joanne The central characters Abel Set in the 1920's ill 1970 republished in 1984 Greenberg and Janice are both Deaf and the 1960's, Deaf use ASL to communicate. Culture, They are both members of the Something of a Deaf community and met at a CODA child's school for the Deaf and Blind. perspective They have a daughter called Margret who is hearing, as a CODA she often interprets for them at the bank etc and she feels the weight of this responsibility. In 1985 this book was made into a film called Love Is Never Silent.