The Tribune SPECIAL FEATURE 10th August, 2017 35 OFFALY EVENT GUIDE 36 10th August, 2017 SPECIAL FEATURE The Tribune Offaly Heritage Week • 19 - 27 AUGUST • Offaly Heritage Week ll events are 11.30am to 12.30pm. charge available for 4.30pm - A look at the rich and colourful her- free unless Book by Email: claral- the cycle. Meet at natural and man- itage of a village often otherwise
[email protected]. Lough Boora made landscape of associated only with stated. For more T elephone: Discovery Park Charleville Demesne its military past. details please see 0579331389. Visitor Centre. – from the 1500s to the Email: jimmy- A Tullamore Library. Booking required 20th century, with maryshortt www.heritageweek.i Saturday 19th August Email: info@lough- guides Richard Jack, e or contact the event 2.30pm to 3.30pm - Fergal McCabe and Tour of Birr Library organisers. Please Book by Email: tul- Telephone: 057 Michael Byrne. – Tuesday 22nd check if events need lamorelibrary@offaly- 9340010 or 087 Assemble at August at 11.00am: to be booked! Telephone: 057 9711658. Charleville Demesne Wednesday 23rd Wildlife Origami 9346832 Visit to Durrow gates. Email: 6.30pm: Friday 25th Workshop with Lough Boora Pond High Cross – info@offalyhistory 4.00pm. An hour’s George Dempsey at Dipping and Eco- Saturday 19th August .com. Telephone: 057 guided tour by the Clara and Tullamore Cycle - Saturday 19th at 2.00pm - A visit to 9321421 library staff of the his- Libraries. Try making August. The Bord na Durrow High Cross Revolutionary torical features, arti- an Origami bee, lady- Mona Ecology team and Monastic Site pre- Walking Tour - facts and displays to birds, butterflies to will take participants sented by Offaly Monday 21st August be seen in Birr Library.