"The government has successfully reduced current account deficit, increased exports, strengthened industry and agriculture and provided relief to the people in the time of Covid- 19 pandemic" Fedral Minister for Planing & Development (Pakistan) Thewww.theasiantelegraph.net AsianFriday, June 18, 2021 | Vol:Telegraph XII, Issue: 55 ABC CERTIFIED /asian_telegraph ASAD UMAR /asian_telegraph w us /theasiantelegraph

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F .theasiantelegraph.net Pakistan’s role for regional commends effort of Pak Navy regarding regional peace, stability EU and Pakistan reiterate their strong maritime security support for an Afghan-led and Afghan owned Air Chief lauds PN's valuable services to safeguard peace process maritime frontiers of country ISLAMABAD ISLAMABAD Chinese Ambassador Nong Rong called on Naval Chief Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi in Islamabad on Thursday. According Europeanrole for regional Union’s peace Special and Envoy stability, for Afghanistan,particularly to Spokesperson of Pakistan Navy, matters Tomasfor Afghanistan. Niklasson, Tomas has praised Niklasson, Pakistan’s in a statement proactive pertaining to mutual interest and regional issued by EU Pakistan, said the EU and Pakistan security situation came under discussion during reiterate their strong support for an Afghan-led the meeting. They also expressed commitment and Afghan owned peace process, involving all for further enhancement of relations between stakeholders to collectively work for achieving the two countries and maritime security lasting peace in the region and Afghanistan in forces in particular. The Naval Chief apprised particular. He said peace in Afghanistan was linked the Ambassador on the role of Pakistan Navy to socio-economic development of Afghanistan and regarding maritime security. The Chinese it would also strengthen regional integration and Ambassador acknowledged the efforts of Pakistan Navy regarding regional maritime security Chief connectivity. He said, “My meetings reaffirmed of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber the position of both the EU and Pakistan, that Sidhu says our Armed Forces remain poised to only a political settlement through inclusive defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty dialogue, offers hope for durable peace.” On several National Development of the nation. Addressing the course members occasions, he said, the EU and Pakistan have called and faculty of 50th Pakistan Navy Staff Course upon all parties to strive for the elimination of at Pakistan Navy War College in Lahore today violence as a genuine commitment to peace and (Thursday), he appreciated the quality academic reconciliation. “The European Union will make PM calls for completion of electoral reforms stimulus and level of training imparted at Pakistan every effort to support the peace process, which Navy War College. Chief of the Air Staff also should protect and strengthen progress on human commended Pakistan Navy's valuable services to PM directs strategy formulation for clean water supply to public, agriculture safeguard the maritime frontiers of the country. rights and fundamental freedoms of all Afghans, Speaking on prevailing security challenges and with special relevance to women and girls, laying technological advancements, the Chief of the the foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and ISLAMABAD requirements. contract next week. The process regarding approv- democratic Afghanistan,” he assured. He underlined Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday directed He said the government was committed to ensur- al of industrial zone will be completed by June to be potential of Pakistan Armed Forces. He appraised the authorities concerned to complete the process ing transparency in the electoral process of the followed by construction of the infrastructure. The Airthat Staff Pakistan expressed Air Forcehis confidence is a professional in the combat force continued engagement with regional partners as of electoral reforms and electronic voting system country. Prime Minister Imran Khan on the author- educational institutions including Iqra University, having capacity to timely respond to any nefarious thehe concluded EU’s efforts his tofirst the official Afghan visit Peace to Pakistan Process today. and for overseas Pakistanis at the earliest. Chairing a ities concerned to devise a comprehensive strategy University of Management and Technology and ISC design against the country. Earlier on his arrival During the three-day visit, Special Envoy meeting on the use of Electronic Voting Machines on wastewater treatment to ensure supply of clean will set up their campuses in Ravi City. Also, Iqra at PNWC, Chief of the Air Staff was received by (EVMs), the prime minsiter said overseas Paki- Niklasson held meetings with both civil and water to urban population and for agricultural pur- University has shown interest in building a hospital Commandant Pakistan Navy War College, Rear stanis were an asset of the country and must be poses. Chairing a meeting on the progress on Ravi besides its campus. The meeting was also briefed involved in the election process. The prime minis- Navy War College is a premier institute of Pakistan Representative for Afghanistan Mohammad Sadiq, Urban City and Central Business District projects, on the transfer of three water plants by Water and ter said the only option to ensure transparency in the prime minister stressed the need for installa- Sanitation Authority (WASA) plants to Ravi City AdmiralNavy imparting Muhammad professional Zubair Shafique.staff and Pakistanmilitary militaryMoFA Director leadership General including (Iran/Afghanistan/Turkey) Pakistan’s Special the election process was use of EVMs. The meeting tion of wastewater treatment plants especially in and the use of modern technology for wastewater Asif H. was attended by Minister for Science and Technol- major cities. The prime minister said in cities like treatment. The participants were also updated on and friendly countries for assuming future key ogy Shibli Faraz, Leader of the House in the Senate Lahore, the use of modern technology was impor- the directions issued by Environmental Protection trainingCommand to officersand Staff of appointments. Pakistan Navy, VoMSister Services Senator Dr. Shehzad Wasim, Minister for Railways tant to meet the shortage of water for growing pop- Agency by Judicial Water Commission to expedite Azam Khan Swati, Minister of State for Information ulation. The meeting was attended by Finance Min- the approval process of Ravi Urban City project. It and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib and Advisor to the ister Shaukat Tareen, Special Assistant Dr Shahbaz was highlighted that a quota for local populace had Prime Minister Babar Awan. The Prime Minister Gill, Chairman Naya Pakistan Housing Authority Lt been reserved for jobs under the Ravi City project Gen (retd) Anwar Ali Haider, CEO Ravi Urban De- so far in the use of electronic voting machine and velopment Authority Imran Amin, Vice Chairman from the opportunity. Also, the locals will get medi- legislation in electoral reforms. The prime minis- was given a detailed briefing on the progress made Lahore Development Authority S.M. Imran Amin and around 100,000 households would benefit- ter reiterated his commitment to ensure transpar- - tral Business District project, it was informed that ency in the use of electronic voting machines in the formed that the development work at Sapphire Bay electoral process, after meeting all constitutional cal treatment on fifty percent concession. On Cen and senior officials. The prime minister was in July 2021. VoM the auction process would start in the first week of would be initiated soon after the finalization of the FO Press Brief President calls for Pak- Sweden IT Collaboration Legislative measures by Pakistan aim at addressing ECP’s Swedish technology companies wanted giving full effect to ICJ judgment: FO reservations to invest in Pakistan, says Swedish WASHINGTON Pakistan takes India’s IIOJK move to UNSC It is noted that Pakistan has approached the UN Security President Dr Arif Alvi Thursday directed the authorities with Sweden as the collaboration between Council (UNSC), expressing grave concern on reports that Syed Amin Ul Haque said that Pakistan is ISLAMABAD concerned to address the reservations shown by the committed to end digital divide between suggest India may be contemplating the imposition of fur- Telecommunication is vital. He said that ther “illegal and unilateral measures” in the Indian Illegally Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) regarding the rural and urban areas of the country. categorically dispelled the impression that any legislation theIT and two telecom countries sector in theof Pakistan field of ITis rap and- Foreignhas been Office made Spokespersonto let Indian Spy Zahid Commander Hafeez Chaudhri Kulbhushan has occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). A letter addressed amendments in the electoral laws. Chairing a meeting of Strong measures are being taken to pro- idly growing and our IT exports are also Jadhav go. Responding to a question during his weekly news to the UNSC president, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood the sub-committee on Emerging Technologies in i-voting, vide telecom services through Universal increasing. The Federal Minister said that Service Fund (USF) across the country, while considering Sweden is one of the Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav has nothing to do with let- he added. leading technology developers in Big Data briefingting him in go. Islamabad He said Pakistan today, he abides said the by legislation all its international regarding Qureshidivision, conveyedbifurcation to theand worldadditional body’s demographic top decision-making changes implementation of the electoral processes would be & Analytical solutions, IoT solution and obligations and this legislation applies to the International organin the aboutoccupied Indian territory. government’s It is not clear possible nor plans,did the seeking letter takenthe president by the ECP. reiterated The meeting that was the attended final decision by Minister about ISLAMABAD Court of Justice judgment in the case of Commander Kulb- explain what new measures India is currently contemplat- Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser hushan Jadhav. He said the legislative measures taken by ing with regard to the disputed territory. India on August 5, for Information Technology and Telecommunication on Swedish delegation led by Ambassa- dor of Sweden in Pakistan Henrik Persson Artificial Intelligence, Pakistan wanted to Pakistan are aimed at giving full effect to the ICJ judgment. 2019, unilaterally revoked the special status of the disputed Syed Amin-ul-Haq, Minister for Railways, Azam Khan that the two countries devise mechanism called on Federal Minister for IT and Tele- get benefit from Sweden’s experiences in The Spokesperson said ICJ requires the Government of Paki- territory, invoking a strong reaction from Pakistan, which for offering access to Pakistani freelancers Swati, Secretary IT&T, Dr Muhammad Sohail Rajput, communication Syed Amin Ul Haque here the field of technology. He also aspired stan to provide an effective review and reconsideration to termed the changes as illegal and in violation of the UNSC on Swedish freelancing platforms on pref- Acting Chairman NADRA, Brig (R) Khalif Latif, DG (IT) on Thursday. Matters of mutual interests the decision in Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav case. resolutions. erential basis. Syed Amin Ul Haque said and related to IT and Telecommunica- Answering another question, he said Pakistan wants peace- that Pakistan is committed to end digital tion, connectivity and digitalization were ful relations with all its neighbours, including India, but we divide between rural and urban areas of president said the government organizations would discussed during the meeting. Federal also believe that this requires a meaningful engagement to ECP, Khizer Aziz, and other government officials. The the country. Strong measures are being facilitate the ECP in executing the reform process in a Secretary Ministry of IT & Telecom Dr. So- resolve all outstanding disputes including the issue of Jam- taken to provide telecom services through hail Rajput, Chairman PTA Maj Gen (Retd) mu and Kashmir. Replying to a question regarding illegal transparent manner. He emphasised that the right to Universal Service Fund (USF) across the Amir Azeem Bajwa, Executive Director sale of Uranium in India, the Spokesperson said New Delhi country, he added. He urged the Swed- vote was the fundamental right of every citizen of the Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) Brig ish tech companies to invest in Pakistan country which they could not be deprived of due to the (Retd) Muhammad Tahir Ahmed Khan the security of its nuclear materials. Regarding a question as the environment for investment in the mustabout take Financial effective Action and verifiableTask Force, measures Zahid Hafeez to strengthening Chaudhri weaknesses in our system. President Alvi underlined the country is conducive. The Swedish Am- were also present on the occasion. The need for improving the existing electoral laws to enable bassador lauded the Ministry of IT for its Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of andtwo sides senior agreed officers to ofincrease the Ministry cooperation of IT about nine million overseas Pakistanis to exercise their measures for the progress of IT and Tele- saidTerrorism reaffirmed regimes Pakistan's to align resolve it with to international further strengthen standards its com sector of Pakistan. He said that the Talking to Ambassador of Sweden, Feder- and obligations. The Spokesperson, while answering a ques- right to vote in line with the directions of the Supreme Swedish technology companies wanted to al Minister for IT Syed Amin Ul Haque said tion, said that Pakistan wants peace and stability in Afghani- Court of Pakistan. in the field of IT and Telecommunication. invest in Pakistan. stan for which reduction of violence is imperative. that Pakistan greatly values its relations

OIC Summit Energy Market OIC chief urges focus on education, food Crude oil prices drop, pressured by security at summit stronger U.S. dollar the summit, OIC Secretary-General Dr. and the digital economy. Al-Othaimeen Al-Othaimeen also drew attention to Yousef Al-Othaimeen said: “The OIC also drew attention to a space probe a space probe that the UAE developed member states have made positive that the UAE developed which is suc- Still, oil price losses were limited as which is successfully orbiting Mars, in progress in the recent period, as the cessfully orbiting Mars, in addition to data from the Energy Information addition to other pioneering technologi- number of scientific publications in- other pioneering technological projects Administration showed that U.S. crude cal projects across OIC member states. creased by 34 percent, and the value of across OIC member states. He called for oil stockpiles dropped sharply last week JEDDAH technology exports from OIC countries practical steps to confront challenges as refineries boosted operations to their The Organization of Islamic Cooperation increased by 32 percent.” He added that that hinder scientific development, and highest since January 2020, signaling (OIC) on Wednesday oversaw the major funds have invested in the field to make full use of all available capa- continued improvement in demand second Islamic Summit on Science of higher education in all OIC coun- bilities to achieve technological devel- LONDON and Technology virtually hosted by tries, and many member states have opment, and bring about social and Crude oil prices fell on Thursday pres- the UAE under the theme “Science, initiated large scientific projects, which economic progress in member states. sured by a stronger U.S. dollar, but losses Technology and Innovation: Opening involve artificial intelligence, green cit- The secretary-general highlighted the were limited by a big drop in crude oil in- New Horizons.” During a speech at ies in Saudi Arabia, renewable energy need for inter-Islamic cooperation and partnerships in education by increasing top oil consumer. Brent crude oil futures academic interaction and exchanging ventoriesdropped by in 36the cents, United or States, 0.5%, the to tradeworld’s at knowledge through scholarships and $74.03 per barrel after reaching its highest research visits. Speaking on sustainable since April 2019 in the previous session. food security, Al-Othaimeen said that U.S. crude oil futures fell by 30 cents, or OIC member states are facing challenges 0.4%, to $71.85 a barrel, after reaching its they sent a clear message they are ready oil priced in dollars more expensive in in the form of competing demands for highest since October 2018 the previous to start talking about tapering and that other currencies, potentially weighing on resources, climate change and low pro- day. “Energy markets became so fixated means the dollar is ripe for a rebound demand. Still, oil price losses were lim- ductivity due to lack of mechanization. over a robust summer travel season and which should be a headwind for all com- ited as data from the Energy Information As a result, there is an urgent need to Iran nuclear deal talks that they somewhat modities.” The U.S. dollar boasted its Administration showed that U.S. crude enhance investment in agricultural sci- - strongest single day gain in 15 months oil stockpiles dropped sharply last week ence and research, as well as seek in- prise,” said Edward Moya, senior market after the Federal Reserve signaled it might as refineries boosted operations to their novation in developing new types of gotanalyst blindsided at OANDA. by the“The Fed’s Fed washawkish expected sur raise interest rates at a much faster pace highest since January 2020, signaling con- crops, he added. to be on hold and punt this meeting, but than assumed. A firmer greenback makes tinued improvement in demand. Friday, June 18, 2021


Editor-in-Chief: Amna Malik ON TRUMPISM AND NETANYAHU-ISM: HOW BENJAMIN NETANYAHU Editor: Muhammad Hassam Assistant Editor:Syed Mushahid Naqvi WON AMERICA AND LOST ISRAEL Phone: + 92 51 2814017 Offce # 407/408, 4th Floor, Evacuee Things have changed in the following years, in Capitol Hill. Note how Tea-party conservatism, one Trust, Agha Khan Road, F-5/1 Islamabad which Netanyahu played a major role. Even in the of the early sparks of the chaotic Trumpism that last three decades when Netanyahu became more followed, was purportedly madly in love with Israel. committed to Israeli politics, he remained, at heart, The once marginal political camps, whose political American. His relationship with US elites was differ- discourses are driven by a strange amalgamation of ent from that of previous Israeli leaders. Not only prophecies and realpolitik, eventually became the Ramzy Baroud were his political ideas and intellect molded in the ‘base’ of US President Donald Trump. Trump had Pakistan's Diplomatic Efforts sraeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, US, he also managed to generate a unique political no other option but to make the support for Israel a is as much American as he is Israeli. While brand of pro-Israel solidarity among Americans. core value to his political campaign. His base would other Israeli leaders have made their strong In the US, Netanyahu is a household name. One of have never accepted any alternative. A prevailing for Kashmir relationship with Washington a cornerstone the successes attributed to Netanyahu’s approach argument often suggests that Netanyahu’s mortal in their politics, Netanyahu’s political style to American politics was the formation of deep error was making Israel a domestic American issue. was essentially American from the start. and permanent ties with the country’s burgeon- Whereas the Republicans support Israel - thanks akistan is pursuing effective diplomacy to highlight the Kashmir INetanyahu spent many of his formative years in ing Christian fundamentalist groups. These groups, to their massive evangelical constituency - the issue at every international forum. It is a diplomatic victory for the United States. He lived in Philadelphia as a such as John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel, Democrats have slowly turned against Israel, an un- Pakistan that international human rights organizations are criti- child, graduated from Cheltenham High School used the support for Israel - based on messianic precedented phenomenon that only existed under cizing India for violating human rights in IIOJ&K. Unfortunately, and earned a degree in Management from the and biblical prophecies - as a point of unity and a Netanyahu. While this is true, it is also misleading, the Western powers have failed to pressurize India to stop atroci- Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976. He stepping stone into the world of politics. Israel’s as it suggests that Netanyahu simply miscalculated. ties in IIOJK for their political and financial interests. The indige- then opted to live in the US, not Israel, when he Netanyahu used them as reliable allies who, even- But he did not. In fact, Netanyahu has fostered a Pnous freedom movement in Kashmir is led by the Kashmiri youth. The Indian joined the Boston Consulting Group. Presumably tually, made up for the growing lack of enthusiasm strong relationship with the various evangelical government is trying to change the demographic composition of Kashmir for familial reasons, namely the death of his brother for Israel among liberal and progressive circles groups, long before Trump pondered the possibil- through illegal settlements in the held valley. The Modi-led regime in India Yonatan, Netanyahu returned to Israel in 1978 to across the US. The Israel-evangelical connection ity of moving to the White House. Netanyahu simply is in hot waters due to internal crises and challenges. The Modi government head the ‘Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute’. may have seemed, at the time, a masterful stroke wanted to change the center of gravity of the US has failed to fulfill the expectations of the citizens. Indian Prime Minister This did not last for long. He returned to the US that could be attributed to the political ‘genius’ of relationship with Israel, which he accomplished. Narendra Modi can go to any extent to divert the attention of the world from to serve as Israel’s Permanent Representative to Netanyahu. Indeed, it looked as if Netanyahu had India's internal crises. Modi will continue its agenda on Kashmir as there is a the United Nations from 1984 to 1988. At the time, guaranteed American loyalty to Israel indefinitely. little resistance around him. Pakistan is trying to build up international and Israel was ruled by a coalition government, which This assertion was demonstrated repeatedly, espe- Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The diplomatic pressure on India by highlighting the worst human rights viola- saw the rotation of two different prime ministers, cially as the fundamentalists came to Israel’s res- Palestine Chronicle. He is the author of five books. His tion in IIOJ&K. Pakistan has always desired functional relations with India; Labor party leader, Shimon Peres and Likud leader, cue whenever the latter engaged in war or faced latest is “These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories however, we would never compromise on the Kashmir cause. Pakistan has Yitzhak Shamir. Then, terms like ‘Labor’ and ‘Likud’ any threat, whether imagined or fabricated. As of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons” (Clarity Press). pursued a very effective foreign policy to sensitize the international com- meant very little to most American politicians. The American politics shifted towards more populist, Dr. Baroud is a Non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the munity regarding the Kashmir issue. Pakistan's foreign policy is based on US Congress was, seemingly, in love with Israel. For demagogic and conservative ideologies, the evan- Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA) and also at the connectivity and balance. Narendra Modi regime has adopted an extremist them, Israeli politics was a mere internal matter. gelicals moved closer to the centers of power in Afro-Middle East Center (AMEC). policy, making enemies on all sides and comprehensively deteriorating its relations with its neighbors. India’s unilateral actions have seriously shaken the foundation for the settlement of the Kashmir issue. Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect The Asian Telegraph point-of-view Virtual Diplomacy during Today in History COVID-19

gainst this backdrop, diplomats are facing multiple challenges, Jun 18, 1812 -War of 1812 begins which encompass a broad range of elements, including access to adequate technology, the re-shaping of communication pro- une 18, 1812: The day after French Empire collapsing, the British tocols, and the need to continue their work in virtual negotia- the Senate followed the House were able to allocate more military tion settings. The impossibility to meet face to face, given the Jof Representatives in voting to resources to the American war, and confinement, social-distancing, and other sanitary measures, has declare war against Great Britain, Washington, D.C., fell to the British Ademanded an overnight transformation of the diplomatic business as we President James Madison signs the in August. In Washington, British know it. There is no doubt that governments undertake a tremendous amount declaration into law—and the War troops burned the White House, of work in times of crisis. In this context, delegations in multilateral hubs of 1812 begins. The American war the Capitol, and other buildings in such as Geneva, New York, and Vienna, are responding to a more dynamic declaration, opposed by a sizable retaliation for the earlier burning environment, with their role becoming more salient as permanent missions minority in Congress, had been of government buildings in Canada are called to engage with specialised agencies in the search of solutions to called in response to the British by U.S. soldiers. In September, the health crisis, to further promote international co-operation, and to par- economic blockade of France, the the tide of the war turned when ticipate in the reactivation of commerce. In other words, there is a need to induction of American seaman into Thomas Macdonough’s American keep the momentum going for multilateralism, as we all have asserted that the British Royal Navy against their naval force won a decisive victory no country is safe until all countries are, and global responses must show will, and the British support of Indian at the Battle of Plattsburg Bay on us the way to recovery. On the other hand, and almost overnight, diplomats tribes along the Great Lakes frontier. Lake Champlain. The invading have been asked to become advanced users of virtual platforms. As stated A faction of Congress known as the British army was forced to retreat before, challenges such as the gap in digital skills, meaningful connectivity, “War Hawks” had been advocating back into Canada. The American and other matters pertaining to the digital divide, may have placed partici- war with Britain for several years victory on Lake Champlain led to pants from the Global South in a disadvantageous position. As the United and had not hidden their hopes the conclusion of U.S.-British peace Nations is looking for ways to increase the efficiency and optimization of that a U.S. invasion of Canada might negotiations in Belgium, and on regular procedures, while respecting established protocols and developing result in significant territorial land December 24, 1814, the Treaty of blended mechanisms in a sort of hybrid diplomacy, we shouldn't forget that gains for the United States. In the Ghent was signed, formally ending inclusiveness, transparency, and a broader participation of all states must months after President Madison the War of 1812. By the terms be guaranteed. Moreover, the multilateral system is debating over the iden- proclaimed the state of war to be in of the agreement, all conquered tification of situations in which virtual diplomacy mechanisms are feasible, effect, American forces launched a territory was to be returned, and a without losing sight of conferences and meetings where physical presence three-point invasion of Canada, all of commission would be established and human interaction remain irreplaceable. which were decisively unsuccessful. to settle the boundary of the United In 1814, with Napoleon Bonaparte’s States and Canada.

Apple is awarding $5 million 'Innovation The author is an independent researcher and Beijing exhibition dives into the animated world of Alumnus of Quaid-e-Azam University. His Grants' to 4 historically Black universities areas of interest are International Relations, Hayao Miyazaki Geo-politics and Maritime Affairs WASHINGTON and social Initiatives in a statement. Apple is awarding $5 million "We know many jobs of the future NEW YORK "Innovation Grants" to four historically will be in innovative areas like silicon Many Chinese have fond memories Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), engineering and we want to help of growing up watching the works the company announced Thursday. ensure the leaders of tomorrow have of famed Japanese animator Hayao Alabama A&M University, Howard access to transformational learning Miyazaki. Now a new exhibition at University, Morgan State University, opportunities." Gaming to reconnect at Beijing's Today Art Museum seeks to and Prairie View A&M University will home: Kids into Minecraft, Fortnite and ignite their nostalgia for the worlds get the grants, which are part of Apple's Roblox this summer? Get in the game created by the beloved animator. broader $100 million Racial Equity with them, parents Rural America's The Hayao Miyazaki & Ghibli World and Justice Initiative, the tech giant real need for broadband: Electricity exhibition takes visitors on an in- launched in June 2020. The three-year transformed rural America nearly a depth tour that reveals how Studio grants are part of the iPhone maker's century ago. Now, millions of people on Ghibli created fantastic animated New Silicon Initiative to help prepare farms and in small towns desperately classics like My Neighbor Totoro, students for careers in hardware need broadband. Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke technology and silicon chip design. and Howl's Moving Castle. Nearly Apple said the grants will support each 300 scripts and drafts are on display. university’s engineering school as well In a video address at the opening of as help expand emerging hardware the exhibition on Friday, co-founder technologies coursework and expertise, of Studio Ghibli Toshio Suzuki said particularly in computer architecture it was "a wonderful thing" to show- and silicon engineering. "The HBCU case the studio's animated works in community is home to incredible China. Also on display at the exhi- Black talent and we are thrilled to bition are some installation works work alongside these universities to that turn scenes from these fantastic enhance the opportunities for their worlds, such as the bus scene from students," said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s My Neighbor Totoro, into reality. vice president of environment, policy TAT Special Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad Celebrates 48th Foundation Day

ISLAMABAD praised leadership, research faculty and staff for their Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) cel- hard work and dedication. He encouraged fellows to ebrated its 48th Foundation Day with full zeal and continue their work with commitment and continue to zest on June 16, 2021 and renewed commitment to inform policy-making process through informed and further deepen its work of providing objective analyses objective analyses. He particularly, praised leadership on national and international issues and enhancing of the Institute for spearheading reform process to op- understanding of public on issues of peace and security timise performance of the Institute. At this occasion, in Pakistan. The event on the 48th Foundation Day of Foreign Minister also inaugurated newly renovated ISSI was held at the Library Hall in which leadership conference Room and Library Hall of the Institute of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, research faculty and which has been upgraded as part of ISSI Building staff of the Institute along with their spouses partici- renovation commenced in 2020. pated. Honorable Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi graced the occasion as Chief Guest, while Foreign Secretary Mr. Sohail Mahmood was Guest of Honor. Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry Director General ISSI briefed participants about the reforms undertaken at the Institute during past three years and provided overview of future plans. Five Centres of Excellence are now fully functional provid- ing focus research and convening forums for objectives analyes on issues of direct relevance to Pakistan. The Director General informed the Foreign Minister that the Institute was now moving from reforms to con- solidation phase. Foreign Minister during his address Friday, June 18, 2021


end of the session.The session kicked off on a negative note, however, resorted to cherry-picking of stocks, which lifted the KSE-100 index upwards Alyana Shamsi Is in early trading. Selling pressure gathered pace Rising Up The Ranks towards midday, erased all the gains and dragged the market down.Late-session buying helped Of Social Media In- wipe off some of the losses, but still market closed fluencers in the red.At close, the benchmark KSE-100 index recorded a decrease of 323.27 points, or 0.67%, to settle at 48,157.63.A report of Arif Habib Limited stated that the market tumbled again on Thursday with a drop of 365 points during the session. It closed down by 323 points.Refinery, oil and gas marketing companies, cement, engineering, bank, fertiliser and technology stocks faced persistent selling pressure despite budget incentives announced on Friday last week.Exploration and production sector companies were relatively unscathed on the back of stable oil prices, which hovered around $74 per barrel, the report said. Overall trading volumes soared to 1.12 billion Bureaau Report of industries following persistent depreciation shares compared with Wednesday’s tally of 936.7 NEW YORK KARACHI of the rupee against the US dollar.Across-the- million. The value of shares traded during the day Alyana Shamsi is rising up the ranks of social media The Pakistan Stock Exchange extended the board selling was witnessed at the bourse with was Rs19.6 billion.Shares of 413 companies were influencers and is one half of the blog she runs bearish spell for a third day on Thursday and index-heavy automobile, cement, financial and oil traded. At the end of the day, 116 stocks closed with her sister, The Aly Sisters. From immaculate the KSE-100 index slid 323 points, driven down sectors falling to close in the red.The exploration higher, 283 declined and 14 remained unchanged. transition videos, to perfectly poised shots and by the weakening rupee, which may trigger and production sector received some respite WorldCall Telecom was the volume leader with perfectly put together outfits, Alyana has fast be- a fresh wave of inflation across the country. from the uptick in global oil prices and half of 243.2 million shares, gaining Rs0.17 to close at come a style inspiration for many. This week, we Market participants feared a spike in input costs the stocks in the sector registered a rise by the Rs4.01. chat with her about how their blog came about, her favourite trends, go-to make-up products and Saudi B2B platform Sary facilitated more!Understanding your body is the key to look- Investors eye Saudi inflation ing good and a trait found amongst all impeccably $267m of purchases in two years dressed fashionistas. While people shy away from plays as Fed turns hawkish talking about their bodies, these brave souls explain Bureaau Report and globally — but once that Bureau Report how they work their anatomies to their advantage RIYADH transitory spike abates and we JEDDAH So I’ve been wanting to start a blog for around Saudi investors should ensure see inflation come down again, Saudi-based B2B platform Sary three years. I remember talking about it with my Chinese astro- their portfolios include inflation we will see structural factors that enabled SR1 billion ($266.6 million of best friends and sister, telling them that I’ll start in exposure as global prices continue will help keep inflation higher purchases for more than 30,000 SMEs the summer but it just wouldn’t happen because I nauts board space to accelerate, said a Credit Suisse than we’ve been accustomed to in the past two years, Co-Founder wouldn’t feel like it was the right time. I’ve always station module in banker.The Federal Reserve on and that’s going to be the case for and CEO Mohammed Aldossary told loved fashion, I grew up with my mom designing historic mission Wednesday signaled it may act some time to come.” Al Arabiya on Thursday.“Sary works clothes and my sister also having the same interests sooner than previously planned to Saudi inflation rose for a second on facilitating more than 60,000 so I think it was just meant to be. My sister and I Bureaau Report start dialing back its low-interest- straight month in May as the shipments every month,” he added. he said.Sary is a B2B marketplace just came together, shared our ideas and thought JIUQUAN rate policy as inflation gathers consumer price index hit 5.7 The company has multiplied its market that connects small businesses with that it would be a great platform for us to just ex- Three Chinese astronauts on Thursday pace worldwide.Fed policymakers percent. share 10 times in 2020 compared to wholesalers and brands in one place press ourselves with our content and maybe use our flew to an unfinished space station forecast that they would raise 2019, he said. The company’s current to procure supply efficiently, according platform and our voice to influence people’s lives in China's first crewed mission since their benchmark short-term rate share of the public market is less than to the company’s website.It raised for the better. 2016, expanding the country's already twice by late 2023. They had 1 percent, but it constitutes 80 percent $30.5 million in Series B funding in growing near-Earth presence and earlier indicated rate hikes would in the modern wholesale market for May, leading Saudi Arabia’s total of Amina Khalil An- challenging US leadership in orbital not happen before 2024.“Certainly the e-commerce business sector in $46.6 million and the MENA region’s nounced As United space.The astronauts rode to Tianhe - the inflation and inflationary exposure the Kingdom, he said.The company $110 million, according to data from module that will be the living quarters is the name of the game now, Fahd aims to expand in the Kingdom and the Wamda entrepreneurship platform. Nations Population of China's completed space station - on Iqbal, Credit Suisse head of private the Middle East and expects to reach Property sales by floor area rose Shenzhou-12, or "Divine Vessel". The bank Middle East research, told profitability in 2022, Aldossary said. 9.2 per cent in May from a year Fund Honorary Am- crew boarded the module, where they Bloomberg TV on Thursday.“There Sary also plans to extend its business earlier, slower than April's growth bassador will live for three months, the longest are transitory aspects of inflation, to categories beyond the consumer of 19.2 per cent, Reuters calculations stay in low-Earth orbit by any Chinese not just in Saudi but in the US goods that it currently focuses on, showed. national.China's space station, due to be finished by end-2022, will be the only alternative to the two-decade-old, US- China state planner to issue new rules on commodity led International Space Station (ISS), which may be retired in 2024. "I'm aware price indexes for key commodities and services that many countries have expressed their wish in this regard," Mr Zhou told Bureaau Report foreign reporters at the Shenzhou launch BEIJING site in northwestern Gansu province. China’s state planner said on Thursday it would issue Shenzhou-12 is the third of 11 missions new rules on the management of price indexes for - four of which will be crewed - needed to key commodities and services, a move which comes as the government steps up scrutiny of the country’s complete China's first full-fledged space DUBAI station. Construction began in April with huge commodity markets. The measures, effective Egyptian actress Amina Khalil has been the launch of Tianhe, a cylinder-like from Aug 1, will standardise how price indexes are named an honorary goodwill ambassador by module slightly bigger than a city bus.The compiled and will improve transparency around how the United Nations Population Fund, the star Shenzhou-12 astronauts Nie Haisheng, information is released, the National Development announced on Wednesday. Khalil gave an ac- 56, Liu Boming, 54, and Tang Hongbo, and Reform Commission said on its official WeChat ceptance speech at an an event that took place 45, will test out technologies on Tianhe account. Under the new rules, price index providers this week in Cairo, saying: “Now it is time to including its life-support system. They will need to be independent of direct stakeholders act for women and girls everywhere.“Bold will also be monitored for how they fare in the commodity and service markets covered by steps to improve the lives of women mean a in space physically and psychologically. the index. Information about the providers and the better future for children and families,” she An upcoming mission to the space methods used to develop and formulate the indexes added. In a lengthy Instagram post, which station will last six months.Barred by will also need to be fully disclosed. The commission she shared alongside images from the event, US law from working with Nasa and by added that authorities will have the right to review Khalil wrote: “It is truly an honor to be a extension on the ISS, China has spent the compliance with the rules and take disciplinary UNFPA Honorary Goodwill Ambassador. I past decade developing technologies to measures for non-compliance. The measures, hope I make my family proud. I hope I make build its own space station, in addition effective from Aug 1, will standardise how price my loved ones and friends proud. And I hope to planning missions to the moon, Mars indexes are compiled and will improve transparency to make my country proud.”The actress has and other planets. around how information is released, the National been an active advocate of women and their Development and Reform Commission said on its health in Egypt. “I promise to do all I can on official WeChat account. this journey to bring positive change to my country,” her post read. “I promise to whole- heartedly put all the effort I can to show women and girls, that yes we have a voice, yes we have rights, and yes we all stand united.” knock Quetta UEFA asks Euro 2020 teams to The announcement came after UNFPA’s open- air ceremony held on Monday. The event was stop removing sponsor bottles attended by international co-operation minis- Gladiators ter Rania Al-Mashat, president of the National out of HBL PSL 6 Bureau Report The beer is marketed as zero Council for Women Maya Morsy and more. Multan Sultans Registered A the middle led to the departure of man and departed for 13, with Quetta PARIS per cent alcohol.Kallen said Comprehensive 110-Run Victory Usman Khan for 12.Azam Khan also reeling at 59-5.After enforcing a run out Reacting to a bottle-snatching tournament rules require Sonia Ben Ammar To Knock Out Quetta Gladiators failed to impress as he edged a wide of Mohammad Nawaz unintentionally, trend at the European compliance with UEFA’s Poised To Make Her From Hbl Psl 6 from Blessing Muzarabani to Tahir dismissed Hassan Khan and Championship started by promises to sponsors, Bureau Report wicketkeeper Rizwan.Quetta needed Khurram Shehzad on consecutive Cristiano Ronaldo, players on though players with religious Hollywood Debut ABU DHABI their to step up to stay alive in deliveries to leave Quetta in massive the 24 teams have been asked objections “don’t need to have Multan Sultans registered a the tournament, but Sarfaraz top edged trouble at 59-8. Khurram Shehzad was to stop removing strategically a bottle there”.Pogba had to Sooner comprehensive 110-run victory to a delivery from , straight the pick of the bowlers for Quetta as he placed sponsor drinks take questions in the interview knock out Quetta Gladiators from HBL into the hands of Imran Tahir at third finished with two . from the news conference room after being named the PSL 6 on Wednesday.Chasing a target platforms, UEFA said on best player in France’s 1-0 win of 184-runs, Jake Weatherald made his Thursday.Ronaldo, Paul over Germany on Tuesday. The intentions clear as he smashed Sohail Pogba and Manuel Locatelli all player awards are sponsored Tanvir for a six and boundary in his removed sponsor bottles away by the brewer.Ronaldo first over. The Australian batsman from the view of cameras started the trend on Monday also welcomed Imran Khan into the when taking their seats at this at a mandatory pre-game attack with a six over cover. However, week.Euro 2020 tournament news conference by hiding the right-arm pacer had the last laugh director Martin Kallen said two Coca-Cola bottles and as Weatherald was caught behind for UEFA has “communicated replacing them with a water 19 on the next ball.Imran wasn’t done with the teams regarding bottle, which was also one of LONDON as he also dismissed Cameron Delport this matter”.“It is important the drink maker’s brands.A It appears that Sonia Ben Ammar is almost for a in the same over.Following because the revenues of the drop in Coca-Cola’s share ready to make her Hollywood debut. “Scream Imran’s over, a horrible mix-up in sponsors are important for the price this week was attributed 5,” starring the part-Tunisian actress, model tournament and for European by some to Ronaldo’s snub, and singer, has completely finished production, football,” Kallen said in a but without any evidence meaning that the hotly-anticipated sequel in the Dynamic Italy blazing a trail from ashes of World Cup failure briefing.Pogba, who is Muslim that the two things were beloved horror franchise is one step closer to hit- and does not drink alcohol, connected.Locatelli copied the ting the big screen. This week, co-director Tyler Bureau Report after their miserable failure to qualify for the last but who has often been criticised for being too objected to the distinctive Portugal great on Wednesday Gillett took to Instagram to reveal that the film TOKYO World Cup.Italy's limp playoff defeat to Sweden defensive, was an unlikely figure to lead the revo- green bottle of official Euro after helping Italy beat is “picture locked.” To the film uninitiated, this Roberto Mancini has said it took "the end of in November 2017 ensured they failed to reach lution the country was crying out for, but he has 2020 beer sponsor Heineken. Switzerland. means that the edit of the movie is now set as it the world" for him to become Italy coach but a World Cup for the first time since 1958 and proved an inspired choice.Italy may have shed moves into other stages of post-production. The his side now appear to be in a brave new world prompted much soul-searching, with coach their old defence-first persona under previous post included a photo of Fox’s famed Newman following a classy 3-0 win over Switzerland on Gian Piero Ventura painted as the scapegoat and coaches such as Antonio Conte, but Mancini has Scoring Stage, where the movie’s score was being Wednesday that propelled them into the Euro booted out.Mancini, a Premier League and Serie taken them to the next level, building a hyper- recorded, prompting Ben Ammar to comment: 2020 knockouts.After laying down a marker A winner with Manchester City and Inter Milan pressing team that suffocate opponents in their “All the feeeels right now (sic),” alongside the with a stunning second-half display in their own half.Mancini may have kept faith with sea- pleading face emoji.In a similar post, the film’s opener to beat Turkey 3-0, Italy matched that soned gladiators such as Giorgio Chiellini and other co-director, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, an- scoreline but produced an even more assured Leonardo Bonucci, who have a combined age of nounced that the score is also complete, showing performance.Manuel Locatelli was an unlikely 70 and were the only survivors of the defeat to a closeup of sheet music. “Picture is locked and figure to give Italy the lead in the first half when Sweden who played against Switzerland, along we just finished scoring on the Newman Stage! he started then finished off a sweeping attack with Immobile and Jorginho.But his side also Thank you so much to all of the amazing artists down the right wing and then scored again after sparkles with players boasting courage and ath- who have worked so tirelessly on this movie,” the the break before striker Ciro Immobile adorned leticism.Their opening goal against Switzerland filmmaker captioned the post. The posts offer another magical night at the Stadio Olimpico by was made by a combination of skill, pace and a rare glimpse behind the scenes of a project netting late on.Locatelli, who had never scored quick-thinking from Domenico Berardi down whose details have been kept under lock and twice in a game before, was the symbol of a side the right flank, beating a Swiss defender by the key. In fact, the co-directors worked on multiple short on household names but bursting with byline before arrowing a low pass at the feet of cuts of the film simultaneously to prevent leaks. talent which is making its mark at Euro 2020 Sassuolo team mate . The Asian Telegraph Friday, June 18, 2021 www.theasiantelegraph.net Gov’t efficaciously ICCI inks MoU with reduced current account hospital and lab to get deficit, increased discounts for members exports: says Asad ICCI is making all possible efforts to provide value added services to its members SBP Governor updates Finance Minister on ISLAMABAD progress of different policy initiatives The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry ISLAMABAD (ICCI) has inked Memorandums of Understanding Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad (MoUs) with Chohan Eye Hospital and Advanced Diag- Sarwar has said the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan is development of the under- nostic Lab, G-8 Markaz, Islamabad to get discounts for privileged segment of the society.He said its members, staff and their dependents. Sardar Yasir Rs 256 billion had been earmarked for the Ilyas Khan, President ICCI signed the MoU on behalf of poor under the Ehsas Programme in the Chamber while Dr. Atif Bashir Chohah, CEO, Chohan Eye Hospital and Ali Raza, CEO, Advanced Diagnostic Centre poverty. He was talking to the media after signed MoUs on behalf of their respective institutions in fiscalinaugurating budget ‘Panagah’2020-21 whichat the willcity helpterminal end a ceremony held at ICCI. Fatma Azim Senior Vice Presi- bus stand near GTS Chowk here on Wednes- dent, Abdul Rehman Khan Vice President ICCI, Abdul day. He said the PTI government had put the Rehman Siddiqui Convener ICCI Healthcare Committee, country on the path to progress and pros- perity, adding that the government was also Khalid Chaudhry, Zareef Khan and others were present focusing on promoting all sectors, including at the occasion. By signing MoU, Chohan Eye Hospital health and education. He highlighted efforts will provide discounts ranging from 10 percent to 25 of President Sarwar Foundation Faisalabad percent on its various services including consultation, division Asgar Mirza who had installed 26 diagnostic tests and surgical procedures to ICCI mem- - bers, staff and their dependents. Similarly, Advanced agah. Provincial Minister for Culture & Colo- Diagnostic Centre will provide discounts ranging from filtrationnies Khayal plants Ahmed in the Kastro, district Provincial besides MinPan- 5 percent to 35 percent on its various services includ- ister for CM Inspection team Muhammad ing lab tests, CT Scan/MRI, OPD/consultation and phar- Ajmal Cheema, Chairman Standing Com- mittee for Finance Faizullah Kamoka and macy to ICCI members, staff and their dependents. The others were also present. Punjab Governor Antalya Diplomacy Chohan Eye Hospital and Advanced Diagnostic Centre Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar on Wednes- will provide their services on production of ICCI Mem- day said that Punjab Ab-e-Pak Authority bership Card or referral letter. The ICCI members, staff would provide clean drinking water to 7.6 Vowing multilateral diplomacy, FM and their dependents would honor the policies, rules million people by end of the current year and procedures of the hospital and diagnostic centre. at a cost of Rs 5 billion. The clean drink- Speaking at the occasion, Sardar Yasir Ilyas Khan, Presi- ing water will also be available to about reaches Turkey dent, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry said 15 million people in the province by end that ICCI is making all possible efforts to provide value of the next calendar year for which 1,538 FM calls for increased economic cooperation with partner countries added services to its members and obtaining discount- - ed services from Chohan Eye Hospital & Advanced Di- ISTANBUL eign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood tourism and technology transfer. He further agnostic Centre was another positive step in that direc- waterline for filtration approval. plants He was would addressing be installed. a press Federal Minister for Foreign affairs Makh- Qureshi chaired a virtual meeting on Eco- emphasized the need to constructively en- tion. He said that ICCI has already obtained discounts The PC-I of 525 filtration plants is in pipe doom Shah Mehmood Qureshi reached plants under Punjab Ab-e-Pak Authority at nomic Diplomacy with participation from gage with Parliamentarians in Europe with for its members from various institutions including at Turkey. The Foreign Minister will also Pakistan’s Envoys to Serbia, Spain, Sweden, a view to maximizing avenues of economic conferencethe Circuit House after here. inaugurating Chairman filtrationStanding be participating in a panel discussion on schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, pharmacies, Committee for Finance Faizullah Kamoka, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ukraine and outreach and collaboration. Foreign Minis- ‘Regional Cooperation in Asia’ along with the United Kingdom. Earlier before leav- ter Qureshi also instructed the Envoys to Provincial Minister for Culture & Colonies other Foreign Ministers from the region, would continue to get more discounts from other insti- Khayal Ahmed Kastro, Provincial Minister ing, while underscoring the growing sig- work on removing bottlenecks that hinder where he will highlight Pakistan’s vision for nificance of geo-economics in international expansion of economic collaboration with tutionslabs, airline, as well IT in service order providers,to make association fitness clubs of andmem it- for CM Inspection Team Muhammad Ajmal regional cooperation, economic develop- Cheema, MPAs Ch Latif Nazar, Shakeel Sha- politics, the Foreign Minister stated that host countries and identifying new sectors bers with ICCI more valuable and attractive. He lauded ment and connectivity. On the sidelines of Economic Diplomacy had assumed cen- for promotion of economic cooperation with the efforts of Abdul Rahman Siddiqui, Convener, ICCI hid and Chairman Punjab Ab-e-Pak Authorit the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, the Foreign Dr Shakeel were also present. VoM ter stage in modern diplomatic practice. Europe. In order to expand Pakistan’s eco- Healthcare Committee for playing a key role in arrang- Minister will be holding bilateral meetings Highlighting the valuable role played by nomic outreach to Europe and to maximize ing MoUs with hospital and lab. VoM with his counterparts and key regional and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Missions trade gains under the GSP Plus Scheme, the international partners. Antalya Diplomacy abroad in safeguarding Pakistan’s econom- Foreign Minister emphasized the need for Forum will feature high-level participation ic interests, he stated that the Ministry and diversification of exports. While expressing of political leaders, diplomats, thinkers, the Missions were pivotal in the successful satisfaction with increased inflow of remit- and academia for discussion on important implementation of the Government’s initia- tances/investment, the Foreign Minister thematic and international issues. The tives/programmes like the Prime Minister’s asked Envoys to showcase the investment theme of the Forum is ‘Innovative Diplo- ‘Global Initiative on Debt Relief’ for devel- potential of the country. Highlighting the macy: New Era, New Approaches’. Pakistan oping countries, Economic Outreach Initia- Government’s robust reform measures for supports partnership in trade, connectiv- tive (EOI), and the Roshan Digital Account improvement of business climate in Paki- ity and economic development, based on Initiative. Foreign Minister Qureshi asked stan, he shared that Pakistan’s ranking in mutual trust and shared agenda, through Envoys to cultivate and broaden mutually Ease of Doing Business had significantly regional collaboration and multilateral beneficial trade and economic partnerships improved. Pakistan had secured 6th place cooperation. As part of Government’s ef- with Europe, focusing on trade promotion, among the world’s top 10 business climate forts to promote Economic Diplomacy, For- financial inflows, investments, remittances, improvers. VoM SCO 20th Anniversary Chinese and Pakistani Ehsaas Program 20 years on, Pakistan and other SCO’s members people have always Steering Committee for Ehsaas CCTs went through productive journey: Spokesperson stood together in face of endorses scale-up of stipends disaster: CPAFFC It was fully ratified that secondary Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir All sides make full use of venues like the SCO Summit to came up with an up-to-date vision on cooperation. Following education CCT, when launched under came to the table to endorse the scale-up of BEIJING engage intensively in high-level exchange, conduct close the trend for peace and development, it put forward the in- The Chinese people’s Association for Friendship with the umbrella of Ehsaas will reduce dis- Ehsaas stipends for secondary education. It communication and coordination on major international novative Shanghai Spirit featuring mutual trust, mutual ben- Foreign Countries (APCFA) has sent a letter to All parities in secondary schooling oppor- was fully ratified that secondary education and regional issues, and render each other support on is- efit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and Pakistan China Friendship Association (APCFA) to tunities by raising school attendance, CCT, when launched under the umbrella of sues concerning respective core interests and major con- pursuit of common development and fostered a brand new express condolences to the people of Pakistan over the enrollment, and the school progression Ehsaas will reduce disparities in secondary cerns, translating the profound connotation of a shared cooperation model of harmonious co-existence of countries tragic collision of two trains in Sindh province causing among out of school children particu- schooling opportunities by raising school at- future through weal and woe into concrete actions. with different social systems and development paths. Second, 62 deaths. According to CPAFFC, in the face of whatever larly girls. tendance, enrollment, and the school progres- BEIJING it strengthened bilateral relations. Member states of SCO, up- disaster, the people of Pakistan and China have always ISLAMABAD sion among out of school children particularly “Over the past two decades, SCO has navigated the evolving holding the principle of no alliance, no confrontation and no stood together, hearts linked and hand in hand. Chinese Steering Committee for Ehsaas’ educa- girls. “Coming under the umbrella of Ehsaas, international landscape, successfully blazed a path of coopera- targeting any third party, continuously enhanced political people are ready to offer their full support to help tion Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) in the secondary education CCT will help poor- tion and development under a new type of regional organi- mutual trust, good neighborliness and friendship. the Pakistani people overcome the disaster. The two a meeting held under the chairmanship of est families to overcome financial difficulties countries should further deepen non-governmental zation, played an important constructive role in promoting cooperation and jointly strengthen the mechanism of the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister to access secondary education. regional security, through practice for the building of a new emergency prevention and handling, China Economic on Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection, The secondary level CCT programme is being type of international relations with a shared future for man- Net (CEN) reported on Thursday. In the letter to APCFA Dr. Sania Nishtar endorsed scale-up of sti- structured in line with Ehsaas Stipends policy kind,” Chinese spokesperson Zhao lijian said at a press confer- President Mohammad Usmani, Chairman of CPAFFC, pends for secondary education. The steering which allows higher stipend amount for girls ence. He stated this while responding to a question about the Lin Songtian said he was shocked and grieved to learn committee was briefed on the up scaling of as compared to boys”, remarked Dr. Nishtar. 20th anniversary of the establishment of SCO, which was just the sad news of the train collision in Ghotki district of primary education conditional cash transfer “The opportunity costs of schooling continue celebrated on June 15. While hinting that a series of events Sindh on June 7th, which resulted in heavy casualties. (CCT) programme, Waseela-e-Taleem Digital to rise with age and are much higher after on the topics of state governance, digital economy, traditional “On behalf of CPAFFC, I wish to express deepest lament to the secondary level. The programme is all 10 years of age. In rural areas declining trend medicine, women, education and poverty reduction will be to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured and set to be rolled out across all districts of the increases after grade 5 and in urban areas held to commemorate the anniversary, Zhao reviewed the the bereaved families. May the dead rest in peace and country in the first quarter of the next finan- dropout rises after grade 10 but with differ- the injured recover soon,” he wrote in the letter. achievements SCO has made in the past two decades: First, it cial year. In the meeting, all four provinces, ent reasons”, she said. Iranian Elections Global Market Former Iranian president lashes out over election Dollar holds below one-month high; process, demands U.S. stops ‘meddling’ in Middle East currency markets quiet before Fed in the past,” Ahmadinejad said about the in the 2017 election. Ahmadinejad’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s comments decision to exclude him. A field of more two terms between 2005 and 2013 come after his was rejected by Iran’s than 600 candidates was narrowed to were marked by fiery exchanges, with A majority of 11 Fed officials penciled in Guardian Council, the vetting body just five on Thursday. The presidential him lashing out repeatedly against U.S. at least two quarter-point interest rate of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali race is now seen as a contest between policy and Israel and pursuing Iran’s nu- increases for 2023, even as officials in Khamenei. the moderate former central bank chief, clear ambitions. The former leader their statement pledged to keep policy TEHRAN Abdolnasser Hemmati, and the hardline told CNBC that any change in leader- supportive for now to encourage an ongo- As Iran prepares to head to the polls on judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi. Analysts ship will have implications for already- ing jobs recovery. Friday, the country’s hardline former say Raisi is the clear frontrunner, with strained relations between the United LONDON president has called out the U.S. for the highest name recognition among States and Iran, which are negotiating The dollar rose to its highest level in meddling in the Middle East. Ahead of the candidates. Raisi served four dec- to free a crippled Iranian economy from almost two months versus major peers the vote, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said ades in Iran’s judiciary and ran but lost sanctions in exchange for new limits on on Thursday after the Federal Reserve the 2015 nuclear deal caused “more to moderate President Hassan Rouhani its nuclear program. brought forward its projections for problems than it resolved” and cast the first post-pandemic interest rate doubt on the legitimacy of his country’s hikes into 2023, citing an improved election. “Any decision that prevents the health situation and dropping a long- people from influencing the outcome is standing reference that the crisis was than 1% on Wednesday. reinforce the lows and offer further against the spirit of the revolution and weighing on the economy. The dol- A majority of 11 Fed officials penciled near-term USD support,” TD Securities the constitution. The comments came lar index, which tracks the currency in at least two quarter-point inter- analysts wrote in a research note. “A after Ahmadinejad’s candidacy was against six rivals, ticked up to 91.459 est rate increases for 2023, even as double-whammy of higher rates and rejected by Iran’s Guardian Council, in Asia, building on its nearly 1% surge officials in their statement pledged wobbly risk sentiment would result the vetting body of supreme leader overnight, the biggest gain since March to keep policy supportive for now in positioning squeeze and the start Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The move es- of last year. Only New Zealand’s kiwi to encourage an ongoing jobs recov- of a new narrative,” possibly resulting sentially barred him from running in the made any meaningful headway against ery. The projections showed the out- in “a 2% broad USD rally through the 2021 election. “I made it clear on the the dollar among major currencies on look for inflation jumping this year, summer months,” the note said. The day that I announced my candidacy that Thursday, climbing 0.4% after data though the price increases were still benchmark 10-year Treasury yield I will not participate in the elections if showed New Zealand’s economy grew described as “transitory.” Overall eco- was at 1.5890% in Asia, after rallying the will of millions of people is denied much faster than expected in the first nomic growth is expected to hit 7%. to as high as 1.5940% from as low as for no legitimate reason, like it has been quarter. The kiwi had tumbled more “The Fed’s super hawkish pivot should 1.4820% on Wednesday.

Printed at Rouhani Art Press, Published by Amna Malik for Melange Media Group from office # 407/408, 4th Floor, Evacuee Trust, Agha Khan Road, F-5/1 Islamabad