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The BG News September 11, 1992

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Friday, September 11, 1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 75, Issue 13

Weather Faculty take step nearer unionizing

would almost certainly create," "We were trying to avoid that. VOte expected "nils meeting was necessary to answer any questions that the statement read. "The questions [The Advocates we cou cl and maintain BOoa The paper also contained for Academic Independence] put lltor this fill ' " communication lines between an several questions aimed at facul- forward were Impossible to an- panties involved." ty members about the possible swer because they want us to ramifications of unionization, in- predict the future," Stoner said. by Cynthia Prada Ron Stoner, BG Faculty Association chairman The BC News cluding questions on a union's "I'm sure other faculty members position on salary criteria, mar- might have the same questions tion that the members of the as- sition to collective bargaining at ket adjustments, promotion and but many of them can't be an- A portion of the faculty met sociation support the decision to the University. tenure. swered until negotiations begin." Thursday to discuss the pros and go union," Stoner said. "But this The Advocates for Academic Ten university professors, in- The meeting was open to all cons of affiliating with a national meeting was necessary to answer Independence released a position cluding University historian faculty members. However, in collective-bargaining group. any questions that we could and paper titled "Key Questions: Is a Stuart Givens, signed the state- order for a faculty member to ac- The move took the The BG maintain good communication Faculty Union the Answer" ear- ment. tually vote in the process he or Faculty Association one step lines between all parties in- lier this week raising several Stoner said the anti-union she must join the BG Faculty As- closer to unionization. A vote on volved." questions about what benefits release was a topic of the meet- sociation and pay dues. the decision to unionize is ex- The informal meeting, which and costs a union would bring to ing. The association, a group which pected later this semester, asso- took place at the University the faculty. "We discussed the 'Key Ques- has gained strength over the past Crab a jacket: ciation Chairman Ron Stoner Union Thursday afternoon, came "We are concerned about the tion' flier and I was surprised at months as cuts in state aid to the said. on the heels of another faculty many negative effects that the the agreement that it was a con- Friday, partly cloudy. The "We basically have confirma- segment voicing strong oppo- formation of a faculty union frontational letter," Stoner said. See UNIONS, page page three. high In the upper 60s. North winds 5 to IS mph. The chance of rain Is 20 percent. Give A Push Friday night, mostly clear Bosnian factions and unseasonably cool. The low around 40. Saturday, sunny with the high in the lower 70s. reach agreement

On Campus to cease fighting Peace talks slated USG deadline set for to- "All the United Nations talks day: by John Pomlret are too slow and these days Students interested in The Associated Press running for senatorial posi- are too long for our people. tions in Undergraduate Stu- Alija Izetbegovic, dent Government this year SARAJEVO, Bosnia- Bosnia's Muslim president have until S p.m. today to Herzegovina - The chief i ^ apply. All petitions are due European and U.N. negotiators at that time in room 405 of reached a cease-fire agreement Vance and Owen said Karadzic the Student Services Build- Thursday with the three warring had agreed to place water and ing. factions in Bosnia, according to power supplies, frequently inter- the French Defense Ministry. rupted in recent weeks, under U.N. control. The Bosnian The communique, issued in government accuses the Serbs of Paris, gave no details on the cutting supply lines. Outside Campus cease-fire and did not say when it The Bosnian Health Ministry was to take effect. said 34 people died and 256 were 1 The Point to get new Earlier in the day, Lord Owen, wounded throughout the country water slide: the European Community's chief in the 24-hour period ending at peace negotiator, and Cyrus noon Thursday. That included 13 SANDUSKY -- What do Vance, the U.N.'s special envoy, dead and 95 wounded in Sar- you do for an encore when said the Muslim, Croat and Serb ajevo. you have one of the world's leaders had agreed to attend At least 9,000 people have died tallest and fastest wooden peace talks in Geneva next week. since majority Muslims and and steel roller coasters? Owen and Vance arrived in Croats voted Feb. 29 to secede You build the world's Sarajevo in an armored person- from Serb-dominated Yugosla- tallest and fastest water nel carrier wearing flak jackets via, sparking a Bosnian Serb re- ride. and helmets as fighting raged volt. Cedar Point announced across the capital. Vance and Owen traveled over- Thursday that it will build Vance said the most important land In an armored convoy from Snake River Falls. A similar achievement of a half day of the Croatian port of Split on -hiS ride will be built at Dorney talks in Sarajevo was agreement Thursday morning, and had Park in Allentown, Pa. Both from Bosnia's Muslim president, planned to fly out on a French air Alija Izetbegovic, to lead his force plane. ^H ^^r amusement parks are owned ■ ' ^j ^e 1 ^BLJHB^L^LWH^L^L^F by Minneapolis-based Cedar delegation to the Geneva talks Heavy fighting raged around Fair, L.P. Sept. 18. Izetbegovic has refused the airport just hours before they "Higher, steeper and fas- to attend most previous talks, were to leave, and it was unclear ter are terms normally used saying he would not negotiate whether the plane would be able to describe a roller coaster," with forces attacking his city. to land. It was to be the first said Richard Kinzel, presi- Bosnia's Serb leader, Radovan flight into the airport since the dent of Cedar Point. "Snake Karadzic, and Croatian leader Italian transport plane was River Falls will be to water Mate Boban already agreed to at- downed. The BC Ncw«/Lindo L*» rides what the Magnum tend the talks. In Geneva, the United Nations "Sadly, we are facing the fact proposed measures to allow the Accompanied by Pi Kappa Pbi members Thursday afternoon, former Bowling Green mayor Ed Miller XL-200 is to coasters." pushes a wheelchair around the Union Oval during the 100-hour push-a-thon. Pi Kappa Phi president Cedar Point has the most that the fighting will go on longer safe resumption of aid flights than we would have liked," Owen into Sarajevo, including the John Babel said the fraternity hopes to raise $5,000 for PUSH (People Understanding the Severely roller coasters in the world, Handicapped) this year. Donations may be dropped off at the Pi Kappa Phi house. according to the Guinness told reporters at Sarajevo air- Book of World Records. The port. See YUGOSLAVIA, page five. Magnum, traveling at speeds exceeding 70 mph, is one of the park's 10 coas- ters. 6 students chosen to attend Deputies arrest 3 Designed by Arrow Dy- namics of Clearf ield, Utah, Snake River Falls will cost Ohio Democratic gathering $3.5 million to build. Arrow in 1-75 drug bust also engineered the Mag- num and several other roller Group constitutes nearly half of county's representatives by Christopher Miller coasters at Cedar Point. courts reporter Snake River Falls will The Wood County Democratic Party has an- Baldwin said he believed the students were cho- take passenger boats to the nounced that six of their 14 representatives at Sat- sen because of strong student involvement in re- top of an 80-foot hill. There, urday's Ohio Democratic convention will be Uni- cent political activities and their enthusiasm Three suspected illegal aliens, two men and a woman, were the boats will drop at a versity students. toward attending the convention. arrested Wednesday night by Wood County Sheriff's deputies 50-degree angle reaching The students - two delegates and four alternates "Our executive committee tends to believe in after an undetermined amount of illegal drugs was found in a speeds topping 40 mph. - were elected by the Wood County Democrats' picking people who are interested," he said, "and car and van they were traveling in. executive committee at the group's Sept. 3 meet- they were definitely interested." A child accompanying the suspects was also detained. ing. "We have three Hispanic adults in jail and one child that's Student delegates said they hope to use the con- currently in custody with human services," Wood County Sher- They will travel to Columbus this weekend to vention to carry concerns about college budget iff Matthew Brichta said. Lottery meet candidates, participate In campaign coordi- cuts to state officials. The suspects were traveling south on I-7S in the two separate nation workshops and attend seminars on cam- "I would tell them, hey, if they want to get re- vehicles when they were pulled over near the 1-80 exit in Wood CLEVELAND - Here are paign issues. ' elected, they're going to have to put some pressure County. Thursday night's Ohio Lot- In addition, the delegation will vote on the adop- on Gov. Voinovich," said Sam Melendez, a junior Members of the Toledo Metro Task Force, Lucas County Sher- tery selections: tion of the state's party platform and party rules social studies education major. "I'm definitely go- iffs department. Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. Border for 1993. ing to stress higher education." Patrol were also involved. Pick 3 Numbers: 3-0-1 Brichta said the various agencies had been following the sus- Pick 4 Numbers: 5-6-2-7 Wood County Democrats Chairman Al Baldwin Tami Barack, a senior elementary education pects for most of the day. said the convention will also Include an appearance major, also said the college budget cuts should be "It started about mid-afternoon," he said. "Toledo Metro or The Super Lotto jackpot is by either Bill Clinton or Al Gore. of prime importance at the convention. the DEA initiated the surveillance." $8 million. Bowling Green College Democrats president "I was really affected by the budget cuts," she Brichta explained that while illegal drugs and money were Mike Cook said that to his knowledge, the 1992 said. "I'm not taking classes because of it now, and confiscated, little else was known. delegation included a higher percentage of stu- I'm angry." "We dont have any estimates yet as to how much or what the Compiled from staff and dents than ever. "If I could, I would get up In front of [state offi- content was," he said. wire reports. "I guess we made a really good Impression with [ cials at the convention] and tell them my story," Neither the DEA nor Toledo Metro could be reached for com- the Wood County Democrats]," he said. she said. ment Thursday afternoon. Opinion

page two The BG News Friday, September 11, 1992

The BG News JEREMY STONE WEBER AN INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF FOUNDED IN 1920. J.J. THOMPSON KIMBERLY LARSON PUBLISHED DAILY DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR NEWS EDITOR OPINION EDITOR AND WEDNESDAYS DURING THE SUMMER SESSION. KIRK PAVELICH CHRISTINA WISE CAMPUS EDITOR CITY EDITOR 214 WEST HALL BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY MATTHEW A. DANEMAN GLEN LUBBERT BOWLING GREEN, OHIO 43403-0276 INSIDER EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR Copyright 1992, The BG New! E.A.R. to the Ground No wonder the nation's unemploy- proved to be wearing support hose in- ment rate is steadily rising. stead of Cross Trainers in the race for Unbeknownst to everyone else, but the White House. knownst to us, E.A.R. to the Ground Did we get broad new plans or shock- sent two of its top agents to the Place- ing new allegations? Did we even get a ment Office's orientation meeting show of common sense? Nope, sorry. Tuesday evening. Instead we got... Harry Truman? The meeting was a introduction to the Trying to show their sense of plain University's fine placement and on- talk and innate leadership, both candi- campus interviewing process, and the dates took the step of comparing them- room was jam-packed with eager young selves to that greatest of American GOP abortion policy just job-seekers bursting with questions. leaders, Harry S. Truman. Dumb questions, that is. Now, what is worrying Americans The following is a reasonable approx- most this time around? The economy, imation of the transcript: jobs, our cities, education - domestic greed for more consumers PLACEMENT OFFICIAL: "Okay, now issues. Things that affect us directly are there any questions?" here at home. And both candidates have In recent years many political than one where our leaders im- STUDENT #1: "Uh, I'm a December been talking far and wide about the La- analysts have been lamenting the John Bernard periously dictate morality as it '93 graduate. Should I turn in my data loss of the substantive differ- applies to bearing children? I zarus-esque raising of the dead they ences which have historically think not. Pretty amusing stuff sheet now?" plan to accomplish on Hometown U.S.A. separated Republicans from from the party that exalts indi- PLACEMENT OFFICIAL: "Good So why the heck are they emulating a their Democratic rivals. These vidual liberty and decries federal question. I would advise that you go president noted solely for his foreign critics maintain that policy is regulations of any type. through everything in the process ex- successes? now made either by those who It is indisputable that Republi- cept turn in your data sheet, because we You don't see the Falcons canonizing favor business interests or by cans serve the interests of big will not download it into our computer. the Buckeyes for their stunning suc- those who are interested in business. Not only do they be- Any other questions?" cess rate in playing teams from Michi- favoring business. Perhaps lieve in the sanctity of the profit STUDENT #2: "Uh, I need a job. Can gan, do you? Maybe we'd be better off there's a good bit of truth to what motive and the desirability of placement services help me?" voting Gary Blackney for President. they say. However, I think that monopoly profits, they also think PLACEMENT OFFICIAL: "If anyone • ** it's still possible to distinguish that profits should increase each can, we can." between the party platforms on a year - every year - ad infinitum. STUDENT #3: "Umm, I'm a Decem- variety of issues. pie's activities - especially those Yet, in order for corporations Best of luck to Blackney's boys on One example is the environ- who are engaged in business en- to achieve this amazing feat of ber '93 graduate. Should I turn in my their journey to Columbus Saturday to ment. It's hard to imagine very terprises. ever-increasing profits, there data sheet now?" take on the mighty Buckeyes. If they many business-oriented Republi- Assuming that the basic phi- must be a growing pool of con- PLACEMENT OFFICIAL: "Okay, an- give Ohio State a tough fight, look for cans reading Albert Gore's book losophy of a political party sumers to absorb the productive other good question. But as I said be- BGSU to be that much closer to estab- and sympathizing with its de- should determine that party's po- output (the goods and services) fore, I would advise against it. Okay, lishing itself as a national football cidedly green conclusions. Edu- sition on any particular issue, the that, when purchased and con- time for one last question." powerhouse. cation and social spending are sumed, forms the basis of cor- STUDENT #4: "Uh, I'm a December Don't laugh. What better way to re- also areas of intense dis- porate profits. '93 graduate. Should I turn in my data cruit talented student-athletes than be- agreement. As we discovered re- "Ifs hard to imagine very Each time an abortion is per- sheet now?" ing able to offer them a NEW state- cently in Houston, the two par- many business-oriented formed there is one less potential ties can also be differentiated by consumer to purchase the largely ... and they wonder why they end up of-the-art fieldhouse or the NEW com- Republicans reading Albert working for EBSCO. fortable living arrangements being of- their stand on abortion. unneeded and shoddy merchan- Even if the Democrats and Re- Gore's book and dise with which domestic pro- • *• fered in the suites of Founders? publicans do upon occasion hold ducers seem so eager to flood the "This is the biggest game in the histo- similar positions on specific poli- sympathizing with its market. If Labor Day weekend is the tra- ry of the school" is often an overused cies, there still remains an un- decidedly green Fewer consumers translates ditional starting gun of fall presidential phrase. Never could it be more true bridgeable ideological gulf be- conclusions." into a smaller domestic market. campaigns, both Bush and Clinton than it is this weekend. tween the party philosophies. And a reduced domestic market The Republicans are virtually implies less demand for products of one mind when it comes to the and services. As we all know, subject of government interven- slack demand - otherwise known tion. They are unyielding in their Republicans appear to suffer as recession - causes the erosion Bush's ideas create jobs belief that government should from a major contradiction in of corporate profits. And that's refrain from infringing on the their party platform. Indeed, we precisely what the Republicans personal liberties of individuals caught glimpses of this problem Without a doubt, the deciding the top 2 percent of all wage ear- where they will receive their are sworn to prevent. and the profitability of busi- during the Republican conven- What at first sight appeared to issue of this presidential cam- ners (roughly, anyone making health care. This will keep health nesses through excessive regula- $200,000 plus a year). He would tion in Houston when conserva- be an inexplicable contradiction paign will be how each candidate care out of the hands of the tion. This official party line is tives and moderates locked horns proposes to handle our nation's then give the middle-income government and in the hands of in the Republican platform upon most eloquently expressed by the over the emotionally charged is- closer examination is seen to be economy. As the campaign rolls bracket a choice between a uns- the people receiving it, and will adage "That government which pecified tax break or income tax sue of abortion. an essential part of their econom- on, one thing becomes increas- effectively accomodate 20 mil- governs least, governs best." The contradiction is blatant. credits for child care. ic agenda. An agenda which is en- ingly clear, one candidate has lion of 36 million that have no In contrast, the Democrats be- The political party whose guiding proposed a platform that will President Bush wants to cut coverage. Under this plan, 90 tirely oriented toward serving lieve that while individual liberty principle is the non-intervention the interests of corporate clients. work, and the other has not. the tax on capital gains (a com- percent plus will have adequate and the profit motive are funda- of government in the private So which plan will work, you pany's profits), and extend fur- care, all without spending an- So the next time you encounter mentally desirable, these twin lives of its citizens amazingly a conservative who condemns ask? Let's first look at the num- ther tax Incentives to expanding other government dime. goals need to be balanced against does an about-face when it comes government intervention be- bers, then I'll let you decide. businesses. This will make it eas- the larger needs of the communi- ier for businesses to grow, which Clinton, once again, finds his to mandating morality in the cause it limits individual liberty Both candidates have stressed ty and the nation. Most liberals the importance of reducing the in turn creates more jobs. The answer in taxing businesses. He most personal of all areas - the yet advocates governmental con- would agree the proper way to decision whether to bear chil- federal deficit. idea is simple: we don't need plans to make it mandatory for trol of all uteruses, don't be con- ensure this balance of competing dren. President Bush has proposed a more TAXES, we need more businesses to finance their em- fused. It all makes perfect sense. needs is through some amount of Is it possible to imagine a more cap on all federal spending (ex- TAXPAYERS. Clinton's proposal ployees health care programs, or John Bernard is a columnist for government supervision of peo- intrusive role for government cluding the already underfunded will make it very difficult for be forced to pay a penalty tax to The News. . Social Security program) and a businesses to expand when faced cover those who are not part of a ; "check-box" program that allows with the prospect of watching program. Yes, you guessed it ... free Maiket DanDurica • taxpayers to appropriate 10 per- their profits go to Uncle Sam in- socialized medicine. It doesn't 1 cent of their tax payment solely stead of to their businesses. work; ask anyone who has expe- - to reducing the deficit. Let's expand on the issue of rienced it, namely a Canadian or it' me uu . . lh Arkansas has a balanced budget care. Bush wants to issue tax cit. amendment. credits and vouchers for health Where taxes are concerned, care, allowing those who do not Norman E. Van Ness is a Clinton wants to raise taxes on have coverage to choose from freshman journalism major. Local Friday, September 11, 1992 The BG News page three Festival to offer Sidewalk patching temporary sounds, flavors State-funded grant hoped to extend renovations in spring of Greek culture by Dorian Halkovlch vide traditional Greek music Insider reporter throughout the night, and a game tent and church tours will also be present. Mention the words Greek cul- ture to most University folks and "The festival is a good way to they think of rush. Beta 500 or learn about Greek culture," those books by dead guys like George Sarantou, organizer of Plato and Socrates. the festival, said. "People of all But for those looking to broad- ages usually enjoy seeing the en their horizons and snag some dancers." good eats, Toledo has the answer Never fear, for those who fear this weekend by way of the an- missing a drinking weekend in nual Greek-American Festival. Bowling Green, a bar tent offer- Hosted and sponsored by the ing ice-cold beer and an assort- Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox ment of Greek and American Church, the festival promises wines will be present to suit the something for everyone. Plenty needs of all. Well, almost all! of food, Including stuffed grape Sound like fun? Well, accord- leaves, Greek salad, chicken ore- ing to the festival organizers, gano and cheese and spinach pies you're not wrong if you thought will be part of the fare available so. to tantalize the taste buds. An as- "It's a very good time for sortment of Greek ethnic pas- everybody," Sarantou said. tries, such as baklava, will also The festival will be open today be offered for those with a sweet and Saturday from 4 p.m. until tooth. For the less adventurous, midnight and Sunday from noon the festival will offer American until 10 p.m. Tickets cost $2.50, The BG Newi/TIm Norman dishes as well. but discount tickets for 50 cents Scheduled entertainment con- off are available at local Food Soon, students traveling across campus will not have to dodge as are under way due to an Undergraduate Student Government bill sists of authentic Greek dances Towns. The Holy Trinity Church many sidewalk 'potholes' while cramming at the last minute for and a state-funded project. performed by both teens and is located at the Education Build- quizzes. Plans to fill potholes like this one near the Jerome Library children. A Greek band will pro- ing, 740 N. Superior St., Toledo. by Jennifer Bond and Julie Tag- much has been repaired. Ac- UNIONS llaferro "Thene's a lot of really bad sidewalks around. Two cording to Chad Luckner, USG staff reporters public relations chairman, the Continued from page page one. hundred thousand dollars doesn't take a big bite of [the improvements are necessary repairs] so we had to be very selective in which areas to ensure students' safety and University have forced faculty to by written ballot and the results Despite reductions to the promote the image of the Uni- go more than two years without are due later this month. Stoner University's operating budget, were repaired." versity. pay raises, uses the dues to pay said that by nature, faculty do not improvements to campus Jim McArthur, University architect "It is an important issue be- for mailings. Increasing health usually consider themselves a sidewalks are progressing. cause it reflects the pride peo- care burdens, larger classes and unified group. "The character of Karl Cogar, director of the ple have in the University," fear of layoffs have also been faculty is to generally pay lip physical plant, said repairs ministration, Education, and fees and other miscellaneous Luckner said. "If the campus cited as contributing to the service to their own profession were made during the summer Math Science buildings. These expenses. looks good, people will feel group's cause. and not to that of another de- to make sidewalks more acces- steps will be replaced when Although McArthur said the good about it." Stoner said the group is seri- partment. sible for wheelchair users. Co- renovations begin. project will benefit the Uni- One area USG wants re- ously considering affiliating with "They dont tend to think of gar said repairs were made to McArthur said the sidewalk versity, he said further repairs paired, and is seeking permis- the American Association of commonality, like police or fire- locations the physical plant and in front of the University will be necessary. sion to fix themselves, is the University Professors over three men do who depend on their co- Undergraduate Student Union will be redone, as will "There is a lot of really bad hole alongside the library fac- other possible groups. Not choos- workers for support," he said. Government had identified as the sidewalk leading from the sidewalks around," McArthur ing Fraternity Row. By repair- ing a representative was also an "That is why I'm excited to see problem areas. Education Building to Frater- said. "Two hundred thousand ing the hole, Luckner said, USG option presented to association the faculty exercise their right to Although some areas have nity Row. dollars doesn't take a big bite plans to show they "are doing members. collective bargaining and unite been repaired, Cogar said that Tunnel tops that have be- of [the repairs] so we had to be something concrete." The group also discussed when for the betterment of their work- more extensive reconstruction come "severely cracked and very selective in which areas to formally associate themselves ing conditions." will begin this spring as part of deteriorated" will also be re- were repaired." The temporary repairs made with the AAUP, since help from The association also chose Neil a state-funded project. placed, McArthur said. In addi- at Jerome Library, including the State Employees' Relations Browne as its vice chairman. tion, work will be continued to McArthur said planning of the planting of bushes, are Board to advise the association Browne, an economics professor, Jim McArthur, architect and make the sidewalks and build- the project began six months steps in the right direction, during negotiating team elec- was intrumental in maintaining overseer of the project, said ings accessible to wheelchair ago with surveys of which Luckner said. tions may be forthcoming. This the group's momentum during renovations will include re- users by fixing curbs and add- areas were most in need of re- issue is currently being voted on the summer months. pairing several steps to ing ramps, McArthur said. pairs. "I think [the University] has different buildings and sec- made a lot of good strides, but tions of the sidewalk. McArthur said the project's USG, which sponsored a bill not enough has been done," he Temporary repairs have budget is $200,000, which in- last year requesting improve- said. "I'm sure they are doing 1-800-332-AIDS been made to the steps of the cludes the cost of contractors, ments to University sidewalks, the best job they can, but it's Jerome Library and the Ad- architectural and advertising is concerned about exactly how not good enough."

FALCON SOCCER "KWIK GOAL CLASSIC" THIS WEEKEND! % SATURDAY: BGSU vs. Lafayette, 3 P.M. SUNDAY: BGSU vs. Western Kentucky, 3 P.M. Of @ COCHRANE FIELD - Fill the stands and support the Falcons! - FREE ADMISSION


Proudly Announces Our Fall 1992 Deans List

Karol Argo Lisa Monnin Karin Beil Robin Montri Marcy Collins Amy Palumbo Trese Derkacs 1 Lauren Pasquale Kristina Dobos Michelle Polomsky Tamara Eggert • Amy Prijatel Mandie Goldie Jennifer Rossetti Elyse Haggard Carrie Sampsel Karen Janos Amy Schermer Robbie Killius Traci Schlotterbeck Krista King Jennifer Seich Jackie Koesters Laurel Selden Katy Kostal Nicole St.Laurent Kellie Lamb Lisa Tootle Korie Minkus Sarah Wells Susan Mitchell Jill Wright Denotes 4.0

KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA page four The BG News Friday, September 11, 1992 Police Blotter O Roosevelt Chandler Jr., 24, ing from the goal post of the rug- Dance aims to 'smash racism 126 W. Reed St., was arrested for by field Sunday. Police said they by Matthew A. Daneman theft Tuesday. According to do not know "the significance of Insider editor favorites the Ark Band and BG's rap sensa- together." "We were trying to get something police. Chandler allegedly stole a this occurance." tion Black Mind of Musik promise to leave that would get together people of all cul- bra valued at $5 from Hills De- the crowd screaming for more. tures," said Dan Gray, senior English educa- partment Store, 1234 N. Main St. ~> Craig R. Hammond, 22, of Get ready to kick out the jams and pump Between live acts, the DJing skills of tion major and member of the Unified Com- O Todd C. May, 32, 400 Na- Rudolph, was arrested for DUI, up the volume this weekend as BG presents J-Rock will be put to the test, bringing some mittee. "What we're trying to do is promote poleon Road «325, was cited for driving under suspension, im- the Third Annual Smash Racism Dance this of your favorite dance tracks to the racial pride and cultural enlightenment so DUI and driving under suspen- proper display of registration Saturday night in the Northeast Commons. speakers. we can understand we can all come together. sion Wednesday on South Main and possesion of drug parapher- Organized by the Unified Committee, the Street. Police said May also had a nalia Wednesday on South Main yearly dance - long known as the Massacre "[The Smash Racism dance] really worked "We're trying to make people more aware warrant from Perrysburg Town- Street, police said. - has long been used as a way to bring well before. When you have a dance, people of the racism on campus. If we could not look ship for failure to appear in together the diverse groups of students can all come together and relax and have a at each other as races, but as people..." court. May was held in Wood O An employee of Tropical across campus for a night of unity ... and good time," said Todd Machuca, Delta Tau The dance is free. Get to the Northeast County Justice Center on $1,900 Heat Tanning and Surf Shop, 139 partying down. Delta and member of the Unified Commit- Commons early as the doors open and as the cash bond. W. Wooster St., reported that a The musical talents of both local reegae tee. "It's about having fun and feeling good volume gets cranked at 6 p.m. man who had been looking O A female resident of Rodgers around the store had allegedly Hall reported Saturday that an taken cash from the register and unknown person attempted to en- a small cash box when she briefly ter her locked room on two left the room. The man is de- Trip planned to see AIDS quilt different occasions, police said. scribed as a white male, 19-20 O University police reported years old, weighing about 170 that a two-foot-tall concrete stat- pounds, and with short sandy Size of quickly growing memorial may soon make display difficult ue of a gargoyle was found hang- blond hair. by Greg Guzman Toledo correspondent terested, to see the memorial in "It is really a great memorial thousands of people who have Washington, DC. to remember those we have lost," permanently bonded together in $30,000 bank gift "Anyone can go and is more she said. "The quilt brings up the an unconventional, compassion- On Oct. 9, 1992, the NAMES than welcome to come and re- issue to people and causes them ate manner to remember the Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, a member those lost to the deadly to stop and realize what is going people we have lost to AIDS." tribute to those who have died virus," said Charnell Newbern, a on." to art school will from AIDS/HIV, may be seen Red Cross representative. The Memorial Quilt is com- Chronowski said the quilt is for the last time in its entirety Mary Golier, Lesbian and Gay posed of panels from across the helping to make people aware because of its rapidly growing Alliance president, said she is in- country representing the diverse that AIDS, once believed to be a size. terested in making students geographic spread of individuals homosexual disease, is a human add gallery space aware of acquired immune defi- struck by the disease. disease. ciency syndrome, adding that Ken Chronowski of the Red by Jason Pesllkls The American Red Cross and "Through the quilt, the many people have expressed an city reporter ACTNOW (AIDS Coalition of Cross HIV/AIDS Education De- NAMES Project is instrumental "I think everybody has to be Toledo and Northwest Ohio) are interest in attending the trip to partment said, "The AIDS Me- in providing not only education, sponsoring a trip for anyone in- see the quilt. morial Quilt is the work of tens of but awareness," he said. A recent emphasis on universi- more aggressive [raising ty funding from the private sec- funds]. We have attempted tor has led to a $30,000 gift to the University's School of Art by So- to honor as many requests ciety Bank and Trust. for funds as we can." Rural area to get AIDS testing Society made the donation to the school for new gallery space, Robert Beach, Findlay said Marcia Latta, associate di- district president of Akron funds to provide mobile health unit for Wayne County rector of the development office. Society Bank and Trust "We have had the good fortune The Associated Press that alumni and friends of the first Monday of each month County, usually heading to Can- requests for AIDS tests in one University have recognized our Findlay district president of So- starting Oct. S. ton, Akron or Mansfield. month and another lost count of need ... especially since we are in ciety Bank and Trust. WOOSTER - Rural Wayne Health board member Virginia the number of requests. a recession," Latta said. County will get some big-city Marthey, a certified phleboto- She said many high-risk per- According to the Ohio Depart- Thomas Hilty, director of the He added that Society has help to provide AIDS testing one mist, volunteered to draw blood sons she sees are unable to find ment of Health, there have been School of Art, said the enhanced sponsored other projects on day each month. for the AIDS tests. transportation for the AIDS test- 11 reported cases of AIDS in gallery should bring more exhi- campus, establishing a long-term The county Board of Health According to department nurs- ing elsewhere. Wayne County since record- bits and more visitors than the relationship. agreed Wednesday to staff a mo- ing supervisor Robin Lewis, local keeping began in 1981. Of those school has seen in past years. He bile health unit that will be pro- residents who want an anony- Ms. Lewis said one local public cases, eight deaths have been re- said the school sponsors IS shows The University arts campaign vided by the city of Akron on the mous test must leave Wayne health nurse received 93 ported. a year and that more than 6,500 is a three-year effort to raise people visit shows at the school more than $1.8 million to benefit annually. the theatre and dance depart- foil !Hf If fS "Higher education is very im- ments, the School of Art, the Col- = CAU A CAB portant to us and we saw this as a lege of Musical Arts and the Arts Ever Get Somebody lotolty Wasted ? ltd A SUII good opportunity to get in- Unlimited program, a children's volved," said Robert Beach, outreach program, Latta said.


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tv'sUrf*-"•*"* ■ FREE MOVIE POSTERS Huntington's Passes Available At University Sunday, Sept. 13 University Activities Organization Account 7:00 PM & 9:00 PM Hunhngton Presented By Rates An A+ Gish Film Theater Banks 9 • Hunmgcn Rmorw Bar*** and ttrtnpor* an f *»«, nj—a larNct marks of rhxargton Bvcstam mcopaaM •ma *jr*ngaar> lane* Elsewhere Friday, September 11, 1992 The BG News page five Bush implies tax cut possible Phar-Mor calls by Jill Lawrence The Associated Press mate and renounced his earlier "I went along with one Democratic tax increase and I'm not description of Reagan's supply- side beliefs as "voodoo econom- for investigation going to do it again. Ever. Ever." ics." DETROIT - President Bush President George Bush declared today that Americans Bush said in a campaign ap- could get a 1 percent across-the- pearance Wednesday that the of alleged fraud board cut in tax Bush, in an address to the De- Two years after his famous country had been through "econ- rates if Con- troit Economic Club that aides 1988 campaign pledge of "read omic hell." But he also asserted gress would billed as a major statement of ec- my lips - no new taxes," Bush that "we're an economic super- The Associated Press agree to about onomic philosophy, outlined an signed a deficit-reduction power in spite of the lousiness of $130 billion in "agenda for American renewal" agreement that included multiple our economy" and insisted, as he YOUNGSTOWN - Phar-Mor Inc. said Thursday it wants a spending cuts. that added several new items to a tax increases. He now says that has for months, that the country was a mistake and claims he was court to investigate an alleged $350 million insider fraud it The White wrap-up of his previous revitali- is poised for a strong recovery. blames for its financial problems. forced into a comer by the Dem- House uneasily ze ion proposals. "As one of the victims of this fraud and embezzlement backed away In a surprise statement, Bush ocratic-controlled Congress. The president's campaign team Yet, Bush's comment had been scheme, we have taken this additional action as part of our con- from his fresh on Thursday appeared to renew acknowledged that the recession tinuing efforts to uncover and expose the facts surrounding the widely interpreted as a no-tax no-new-taxes his 1988 no-new-taxes pledge, can't end fast enough to help fraud," said company President David S. Shapira. promise, and the White House Bush at the polls Nov. 3. The pledge of a day Bush which he later broke in 1990. "I "As our reorganization proceeds, we believe the court ap- earlier. went along with one Democratic had made no effort to dispel that speech today was designed to pointment of an examiner will serve the best interests of all In a noontime speech. Bush tax increase and I'm not going to idea on Thursday. convince voters he is the right concerned parties, who deserve to have all the facts revealed," sought to gain the upper hand in do it again. Ever. Ever." Aides said Bush would outline man to lead them into a more he said. his view of America's role in the prosperous future. the election-year tax debate after Nevertheless, White House The company, which is operating under bankruptcy court a 24-hour political debacle. He press secretary Marlin Fitzwater world economy and fold in pro- protection, filed a request with the office of bankruptcy Judge posals he has made on taxes, ed- emphatically said Wednesday he said today that Bush's anti-tax To reinforce the message, the William T. Bodoh late Wednesday to appoint an independent ex- would never repeat his 1990 remark was not a promise never ucation, welfare, legal reform campaign bought television time aminer to investigate alleged fraud by Phar-Mor's former "mistake" of going along with a to raise taxes. and health-care reform. tonight on NBC, CBS, ABC and president and chief financial officer. Democratic tax increase; then, "It wasn't a pledge, no. He was CNN for a five-minute taped Last month, the company made a similar request to the U.S. at- speech in which Bush was to hit his spokesman said today that saying as he's said before that he Cobo Hall, site of today's torney's office and the FBI and hired a law firm to conduct an that was no new pledge not to wouldn't make that mistake speech, was where Bush in 1980 the highlights of his Detroit internal probe. became Ronald Reagan's running speech. raise taxes. again," Fitzwater told reporters. The request to Bodoh is a common practice in bankruptcy court proceedings in which insider fraud is suspected, Phar-Mor YUGOSLAVIA spokeswoman Carol Robinson said. The judge is on vacation and isn't likely to see the request un- Continued from page page one. Cell growth factor may aid til Monday, his court staff said Thursday. After that, the judge will give other interested parties a chance to comment on the withdrawal of anti-aircraft guns request. within the range of relief flight The company has charged that former president Michael I. routes. Monus and its former chief financial officer, Patrick Finn, em- Vance and Owen have given cancer therapy, study says bezzled money from the company and misrepresented the com- Bosnian Serbs until Saturday to pany's worth. submit tanks, rocket launchers by John Nolan No criminal charges have been filed. Monus and Finn have and other heavy guns to U.N. su- The Associated Press growth factors, which can act on the cells in which hired attorneys but have declined any detailed comment on pervision. Serb leaders pledged they are produced and on nearby cells, said Dr. Phar-Mor's charges. to have artillery collected at 11 James Lemons, director of Indiana University Renewed requests for comment were left Thursday at the of- monitoring points in and around CINCINNATI - Regulating the chemical mes- School of Medicine's section on neonatal-perinatal fices of their attorneys, Gerald Gold of Cleveland, representing the city by Thursday. sengers in the body that carry instructions for cell medicine. Monus, and Richard D. Goldberg in Youngstown for Finn. Brig. Gen. Hussein Aly Abdul- growth and development could help in the treat- Cells called oncogenes produce the growth fac- Phar-Mor filed for protection from creditors on Aug. 17. The razek, U.N. commander in Sar- ment of cancer and other diseases, researchers tors, which carry biological growth instructions deep-discount drugstore chain based in Youngstown has 309 ajevo, said he was not optimistic said Thursday. between cells and tissues. They vary with each in- stores in 33 states and $3.1 billion in annual sales. that deadline would be met. "Scientists are rapidly developing growth factor dividual's genetic makeup. The same growth fac- The filing resulted from "a fraud and embezzlement scheme He said one of the problems therapies to treat a wide range of diseases and to tor can have a different effect on various tissues, perpetrated by former executives," a representative from Phar- was differences over the types of promote healing. This research is also critical in either stimulating or inhibiting cell growth. Mor said in announcing the appeal for an outside examiner. weapons to be turned over. The its application to diseases that involve abnormal Some growth factors are known to activate cells A representative from Phar-Mor said the request was made United Nations wants supervi- cell proliferation, like cancer," said Dr. Reginald important in the body's immune system. Others after consulting with its senior secured creditors and unsecured sion of mortars and artillery with Tsang, director of the Perinatal Research Institute stimulate the production of red blood cells, while creditors committee. calibers 82mm and above, while at Children's Hospital Medical Center in Cincin- still others trigger the production and release of Phar-Mor's ousted auditor, Coopers & Lybrand, accused of the Serbs want the minimum cu- nati. infection-righting white blood cells from bone shoddy auditing work by the drugstore chain, declined comment toff point at 105mm. He said the study of how growth factors work marrow. This could help cancer patients whose on the request for an examiner, spokeswoman Amy Goldberger Bosnia's Muslim-led govern- also could aid in treatment of problems that cause bone marrow has been depressed by chemother- said. ment claimed Serb troops were some babies to be born at unusually low weights. apy drugs. Phar-Mor and Coopers & Lybrand have sued each other over moving artillery back from Ilidza "Embryonic and fetal growth are associated One type of growth factor is produced at high the issue of the accounting firm's auditing work and Phar-Mor and Lukavlca barracks in with rapid cell division," he said. "Cancer is basi- levels by certain cancer cells and can be detected management's responsibility to prevent fraud by its executives. western Sarajevo toward their cally unregulated growth, or growth gone haywire. in the patient's urine. This could help doctors A request for comment on the status of the federal in- base at Pale, 12 miles east of the Once you understand how growth is regulated or monitor a patient's response to cancer therapy. vestigation was left with the Cleveland office of Assistant U.S. city, in an effort to conceal them. not regulated, you can approach at a basic level "Future dividends of this research are countless Attorney Jack Sammon, who is handling the matter. Government forces were try- how to change that." and are the source of tremendous excitement in ing to intercept the weaponry as Advances in biotechnology since the 1970s led to the scientific community," Lemons said. it moved over Trebevic moun- the manufacture of chemical growth factors for The Perinatal Research Institute and Lemons' tain, south of the city, an official laboratory experiments. Researchers are develop- unit at the Indiana University medical school are SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE statement said. ing growth factor therapies for cancer, bum hosts for the conference, which ends Friday. Bris- FALCON TEAM! In addition to fighting around wounds, rheumatoid arthritis and abnormalities tol-Myers Squibb and Mead Johnson, the phar- the airport, Bosnian state radio that affect fetal growth. maceutical and consumer products companies, are reported heavy shelling in var- Scientists are learning how to manipulate the conference sponsors. ious parts of the capital, and street fighting in the suburbs of YOU'LL SEE CLEARLY... Hrasno and Nedzarici, near the route reportedly being taken by the Serb guns. "We will push until we get some movement, but the most important thing is that all the parties talk," Vance said. See the future. "All the United Nations talks are too slow and these days are too long for our people," Izetbe- govic said. Use a ronebm. 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SOTVAtQWm«HPWOI10TlONjOR»Pf;cUU.S. eiW3BjSnaK.iOplttMltia87.a2 "■ * Sports page six The BG News Friday, September 11, 1992 BG-OSU is Wild West shootout Confidence the With the surprise visit from have to leave because we have "Do they have any battering former University of Michigan business to attend to," were rams to bust down our defense?" football coach Glenn "Bo" Erik Pupillo Blackney's last words as he left "They've got 67", 290-pound Schembechler yesterday, I found the office. Alan Kline. He's been known to key for Falcons myself snooping around the sta- I moved over to where Crock- batter defenses. He's an Outland dium trying to find one final ett was sitting and turned on my Trophy Candidate." by Glen lubbert and do the things that we're scoop before the BGSU-Ohio tape recorder. First, I wanted to "What about artillery? Do they sports editor capable of doing, we can be in State game this Saturday. get some background informa- have much of that? Pwwett!" the game also." Never in my life did I think I tion about his qualifications. Crockett pried. While Blackney considers would find the secret weapon "What type of defensive expe- "Watch where you're spitting, It's the game all Bowling the Falcons serious conten- BG's coaching staff has been hid- rience do you have when it comes you fool. Here's a cup. Spit in Green fans have been antic- ders in the matchup, OSU ing for the past couple of weeks. to handling a team that's sup- this." I handed him Blackney's pating since January. It's the head coach John Cooper con- I'll probably get in trouble for posedly outmatched against a coffee cup. "Their frontline can- game the Falcon football siders BG and the entire Mid- blowing the Falcons' cover about superior opponent?" nons are defensive end/outside team has spent nights dream- American Conference on a their secret weapon the day be- "Leave him alone, guys. He's linebacker Jason Simmons and ing of. It's the game of re- different level than the Big fore the game, but my journalis- already seen him , so I guess we "Alamo," was all he repied. nosetackle Greg Smith. They spect, Bowling Green vs. Ohio 10. tic ethics require me to. can't cover it up." "What do you mean. Alamo? both can penetrate an offensive State. "I think it's in the shadow The "Ugly Ones," who seemed You're not implying you're backfields and leave some The defending Mid- of the Big 10," Cooper said. It all started when I approa- like they were just getting used DavvCrockett are you? That's craters. American champions take on "But I have great respect for ched Coach Gary Blackney's of- to using my head as a crowbar impossible. He was killed at the "And if we can get by those the the perennial Big 10-con- the conference. I coached at fice. The secretary was out and against the door frame, weren't Alamo over a ISO years ago!" two, we'll have to deal with But- tending Ohio State University that level of football for eight the door was slightly open. I ready to stop. But luckily for me, "That's what them nutty histo- kus Award candidate Steve To- Saturday. Both teams are years, so I know what kind of heard Blackney and another they followed Blackney's orders ry professors would like you to var and Thorpe candidate Roger coming off opening day wins, football is played at that level. grizzled voice talking, so I de- and left me lying in a heap at the believe," he snapped at me. He Harper," I added. with the Falcons defeating It's a heck of a lot better and a lot more competitive than cided to let myself in. doorway. opened a leather pouch and "Hmm?" Crockett mumbled as Western Michigan 29-19, and I saw Blackney sitting behind "I'm sorry If they hurt you," grabbed some dried-up tobacco his gnarled fingers ran through the Buckeyes edging Louis- most people realize or most his desk listening Intently to a Blackney said as he helped me to and shoved it in his mouth. his beard. ville 20-19. people want to admit. Most stranger seated across from him. my feet. "You want some?" he asked as "Hmm? What the hell does The Buckeyes' close vic- people don't give that league The stranger was dressed in a he reached out and put the pouch 'hmm' mean?" tory over the underdog Car- or that team enough credit." buckskin suit topped off with a "Don't worry about it, coach. I under my nose. dinals has given Falcon head Blackney has no doubts raccoon cap. was going to get those teeth re- "Well, I have a confession to coach Gary Blackney a about the ability of his Big 10 moved anyway. I never really "No thanks. I'm trying to quit." make. Don't tell 'Buckshot' unique opportunity, the final foe, but says his team wil be Blackney jumped up with a like them anyhow." My mind raced about the possibi- Blackney, but I don't know any- edge the players need to be- ready. In prep Thursday, the surprised look on his visage as he lities of this really being Davy thing about football. I only know lieve they can beat Ohio State. Falcons pumped crowd noise saw me enter the room. "Well, Erik, I bet you're won- Crockett, but I wasn't going to fighting and war - in that order." "I am going to try and build over the public address "What are you doing here?" he dering who the guy sitting in argue with the old geezer, so I on it," Blackney said. "I've system during practice to cried. front of my desk is?" Blackney decided to play along with his I sat there dumbstruck. This been telling our kids about prepare for the tremendous Instantly noticing I wasn't said as he redirected his atten- charade. senile football impersonator is the parity and equity in major sound coming from the Ohio overly welcome there, I turned to tion over to the man in front of "How do you plan to stop the our defensive savior? Are the college football. I'm going to State Stadium. dart out the door when I was con- his desk. Buckeyes?" Falcons just going to be led into try and use that as a positive. "They've got great size and fronted with a very ugly sight. I nodded dumbly. "I dunno. I've never seen them Ohio Stadium like lambs to the I'm happy Ohio State won. I great speed and quickness," "His name is ... er ... uh ... fight. Do they have a good cava- slaughter? mean that with all sincerity. Blackney said. "They've got a The "Big Ugly Ones," dressed Coach Crockett from Texas. Bo lry?" "Crockett, come down to the "But, I'm also going to try lot of experience. They've got in yellow security jackets, sung- dropped him off when he stopped film room. I want you to look at and convince our team that a tremendous amount of tal- lasses and purple berets, stood by this afternoon. He's a defen- "What?"I asked. something," Blackney's voice we're as good as Louisville. If ent especially at the skilled here blocking my path as I tried sive specialist. He, along with "You know, horses." boomed down the hallway. Louisville can play close to > charge out of the office. Coach Ferraro, are going to help "Yeah they've got horses," I "I'll be there in a second Ohio State, then if we go down See CONFIDENCE, page eight. Mark Ross, Paul Harris and us stop Ohio Stale. said, thinking that I better put 'Buckshot,' " Crockett yelled Steve Wllbourne then proceeded "I'll let you and him get to this in terms he'll understand. back. take turns throttling me when know each other. I have some "They have Butler By'not'e, lackney yelled at them to cease film to look at, but I should be Robert Smith, Raymont Harris Crockett, noticing my open dis- the brutalization. back in 10 minutes. Then you'll and Jeff Cothran." tress, walked over to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoul- Teams are ready der and looked down at me and said, "Don't lose all hope, son. Anything can happen Saturday. Coaches are optimistic ^Gj^V/ Look at what happened at the Alamo." by Andy Dugan sports reporter He walked out the door and down the hall. His last words soothed my disheartened spirits The men's and women's Cross Country teams will run their first a bit, but I was still left with meet of the year, the Jeff Drenth Memorial Invitational, on Saturday three questions to be answered. in Mt. Pleasant, MI. "I feel very positive,"said women's coach Steve Price of the meet. I ran to the doorway and stuck "We have a chance to win."According to Price, the women's competi- my head out to yell down the tion will be Western Michigan, Central Michigan, and Western On- hallway after Crockett. "I want tario. Running for the women will be: Cheri Triner, Tracey Losi, Jill you to answer three questions Strawser, Jen Frahn, Kristin Gaddis, Suzanne Isco, Becky Striet, and before you leave: Didnt we lose Jennifer Wheeler. at the Alamo, why the hell are The men will have a greater challenge with two top runners tempo- you calling Blackney 'Buckshot' rarily unable to compete. According to men's coach Sid Sink, the and could I bum a chew?" competition will be Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and Western Michigan, who have been picked by the coaches poll to finish Erik Pupillo is a junior journal- first, second, and third in the conference."It's hard to tell what's go- ism major who's gonna whup it ing to happen,"Sink said."It'll be tough, but I'm optimistic."Running up with Davy Crockett after the for the men are: Tim Arndt, Chad Brookschmidt, Brian Butler, Shawn Falcons upset Ohio State 17-13 Howard, Scott Kelly, Deric Kenne, Dave Lincicome, Eddie Nicholson, this weekend. Brad Schaser, and Aaron Staczak. WINTHROP TERRACE APARTMENTS GO FALCONS! O 352-9135 400 E. Napoleon Rd.

SALADS THE WORD. "The new word at Pisanello's is salad"

Urge Chef Salad S3.S0 Large Taco Salad $3.50 Breadsncks w/ Pizza Sauce or Ranch $2.00 So loci «»««>»« «••« 203 N. Main St. • BG LARGE SALAD r SPECIAL Open 4 p.m. weekdays I Large Salad w/ Breadsricks | Fri • Sat • Sun - Lunch N $3.00 Fr«« Delivery Free Delivwy FREE DELIVERY 352-5166 I nOCrP&8**» 352-5166 I Expire«_SepL_30, ]W2_ _Exj>ire«SepL30. _1992_ 352-5166 Friday, September 11, 1992 The BG News page seven Team to test endurance Yount reaches 3000 hits MILWAUKEE (AP) There the plateau with a seventh-inning . get back in the game."' was Robin Yount, perched atop single off Cleveland's Jose Mesa, Yount is the first since Rod the shoulders of his Milwaukee there was a joy he could never Carew in 1985 to reach 3,000. in Kwik Goal Classic teammates, while nearly 50,000 have envisioned, even though the Every player on the list, except fans screamed in celebration of feat was tempered a bit by a 5-4 career-hit leader Pete Rose, is in by Randy Setter his 3,000th hit. loss to the Indians. the Hall of Fame. Rose is banned sports writer that level." He believes the team is a little short Never one to show emotions or "I never really gave it that from baseball and has not been on depth and lacks focus in key positions. respond to personal achieve- much thought, what it was going eligible for election. Senior leadership is not a problem, but a grow- ments, this time on this night, to be like. All along I said it was Yount, 37 next week, is the ing positive. As the weekend progressed, the Yount simply had no choice. no big deal. It's just going to be third-youngest to reach 3,000. The Falcon soccer team battled its way to seniors took control and salvaged the tie last His friends, his teammates and another hit. Well, obviously, it Only Ty Cobb, who was 34, and 1-0-1 record in humid weather against two re- Saturday and set the tone for the Sunday his family were there and so turned out not to be Just another Hank Aaron, who was 36 years, 4 gionally-ranked teams and now faces the chal- contest. were his fans, all forcing the rev- hit," he said. months, got there at an earlier lenge of another pair of ranked opponents. elry to surround and engulf Hitless in his first three at-bats age. Can the team maintain its current pace? "They played to an experience level that we Yount. with a pair of frustrating Yount, a career .288 hitter, be- It is too early to tell, but this weekend's home were searching for all preseason," Palmisano There were hugs and high fives strikeouts, Yount hit a 0-1 pitch gan the season needing 122 hits tournament, the BGSU Kwix said. Palmisano was also impressed with the and ovations and even a retro- from Mesa for the single. His to reach 3,000. He was batting Goal Classic at the Cochrane play of freshman midfielder Ryan McCue and spective on his career flashing longtime teammates Paul Molitor .291 on June 16, but went into a Soccer Field, should provide a goaltender Dan Traver. across the large scoreboard at and Jim Gantner led a charge to two-month slump and has hit just preview of what is to come. County Stadium. first base and the beginning of a .224 since then. With the Brewers The Classic kicks off Satur- "Ryan McCue played with a great deal of "It's hard to describe. Ob- nine-minute celebration. back in a race for the AL East ti- day at 1 p.m. with Ohio State composure and poise last weekend," Palmisano viously, it's as exciting a moment "The tears were flowing. I was tle, Yount has recently found his facing Western Kentucky and said. "Dan didn't make a poor decision all week- as I've ever had," Yount said of pretty numb going up there. To stroke. the home Brown and Orange end; we learned a great deal from him." his achievement Wednesday see Robin respond, it was very Yount joined the exclusive hosting the Mid-Atlantic's Midfielder Tom Kinney provided offensive night. unexpected," Molitor said. 3,000 club along with Rose, Ty sixth-ranked Lafayette team spark, finishing the weekend with six shots, He's twice been a Most Valua- Yount was very aware that if Cobb, Hank Aaron, Stan Musial, at 3 p.m. Sunday's action sees scoring a goal and an assist. He emphasized the ble Player, known for his quiet he hadn't picked up a hit Tris Speaker, Honus Wagner, Lafayette playing the Buck- TomKlnney need for team focus and working hard as the consistency since breaking in as Wednesday, his 3,000th would Carl Yastrzemski, Eddie Collins, eyes and BG playing sixth-ranked [in the MASC] main keys to success. an 18-year old kid shorstop with probably have come on the road Willie Mays, Nap Lajoie, Paul Western Kentucky. "Basically, it will take hard work and prac- the Brewers way back in 1974. in Baltimore, where the Brewers Waner, Cap Anson, Lou Brock, Al Sorry, no Buckeye vs. BG match-up will be tice," Kinney said. "We need to stay together as He'd long ago established the re- begin a series Friday. Kaline, Roberto Clemente and served up with this Saturday's football "Battle a unit to keep on the pace we're going." spect of his peers with an all-out "I really, really wanted it to Carew. of Ohio." "Hopefully we can all stay healthy and main- approach to the game he plays so happen here, maybe a little too "He'll never forget it now, his Head coach Gary Palmlsano sees the past tain our strong backf ield," Pepe Aragon added. gracefully. much so. I got caught up in the children will never forget it now, weekend victory against Wisconsin and tie Palmisano summed up this weekend's objec- Now he'd joined one of base- ordeal in my first three at-bats. I people that were her will never against Milwaukee as a test to their ability. This tive bluntly. ball's most elite lists, one whose was really disgusted with myself forget it," Brewers president weekend will provide the team with a test to "There are three things you do not lose: You membership numbers just 17. after the last one," Yount said. Bud Selig said. "It's a wonderful their endurance. don't lose your homecoming, you don't lose dur- And when he finally reached "I said to myself, "It's time to moment." "We had to, literally, almost play at our best ing Parent's and Alumni Day, and you don't lose soccer to beat two quality teams," Palmisano your own classic. We will do whatever it takes to said. "Now comes the difficult part of sustaining be successful." becomes Accused Bengals named a Brave Falcon in Atlanta SUWANEE, Ga (AP) Two-s- is a "voidable" option year in nounced Aug. 27 that he intended port star Deion Sanders agreed 1993, worth $1 million. to stay with Braves indefinitely. in Washington rape case today to a new contract with the Under the contract, he would Sanders, who pulled a muscle Atlanta Falcons. be allowed to play in the Falcons' in his right side while batting in CINCINNATI (AP) The "This is a very serious matter was dropped from the list as a Sanders, also an outfielder for four games, take a two-week an Aug. 31 game against the New names are out. The reporters for the entire organization and clerical error, but he's accused of the Atlanta Braves, reported to break to play in baseball's post- York Mets, has made only two have come and gone. A resolution the football team," Shula said. rape, too. the Falcons camp north of At- season with the Braves, and then appearances for the Braves since to the rape allegations is still "The best thing they can do now The other eight current and lanta to begin physical exams. return to the NFL. the injury. probably months away. is come in and focus on practice former players accused of The All-Pro cornerback was ex- But he still would be fined for Now, the and play as hard as they can on watching the rape are Harold pected to join the team's 1 p.m. missing NFL games. If the He has taken no batting prac- try to focus on football. Sunday." Green, Eric Ball, Leo Barker, practice and could play against Braves advance to the World Se- tice and has had daily treat- "Outside of you guys, nothing The Bengals went to Seattle, Craig Taylor, Solomon Wilcots, the Washington Redskins on ries, Sanders would miss the Oct. ments. has changed in this locker room," where the lawsuit was filed, and Mitchell Price, Eddie Brown and Sunday. 11 game in Miami and the Oct. 18 "I'm going to assume that if he receiver Tim McGee told a pack beat the Seahawks 21-3 Sunday, Carl Carter. The one-year contract propos- game in San Francisco. is not healthy, common sense will of reporters Wednesday. giving Shula his first head coach- All the defendants are black. al, worth an estimated $2 million, An agreement would bring to a take over and he is not going to The Bengals spent the day ing victory. They play the Los Victoria C. is white. McGee and was made Wednesday to Sanders' close nearly two months of nego- play football," said Braves gen- dealing with the fallout from a Angeles Raiders at home this others said Wednesday they attorney, Eugene Parker. tiations that started when the eral manager John Schuerholz civil lawsuit accusing 20 current Sunday. thought their names were in- Under his original contract Falcons offered Sanders a $1 mil- Wednesday. "He can't play base- and former players of either rap- "We've got to get on with our cluded in the lawsuit because of signed in 1989 Sanders would lion bonus to report to training ball, so you can't figure he could ing a Spokane, Wash., woman or work," said quarterback Boomer their color. earn $750,000 this season. There camp. He said 'no' and an- do much in football." watching. Esiason, who wasn't named in the "I don't know who was in the The names were released lawsuit. room," McGee said. "I only know Tuesday, five months after the Attention Wednesday focused who wasn't in the room. I don't lawsuit was filed. About 40 re- on the players accused of either know what went on in the room. I When you party porters and photographers four raping the woman, identified don't care what went on in the CRIME STOPPERS 352-0077 times the usual complement only as Victoria G, or of watch- room. I wasn't involved. remember to... showed up to question players ing the alleged rape. "It's upsetting. It's dishearten- Wednesday, the first time they The lawsuit said the alleged ing in every aspect of the word." were available since the names rape occurred in the team hotel "Man, it hurts like hell," Ball OX 0X (-)X (->X OX ©X ©X ©X ox ox came out. in October 1990, when the Ben- said. "It hurts your family. The Some were mum, others angry gals were on the West Coast to damage is already done." to be included in the list. Every- play Seattle and the Los Angeles one realized they'll have to live Rams. with it for a while. The woman claims she went to "The damage is done. The hard the Bengals' hotel in suburban tfcaatfA (scan part is over, as far as I'm con- Seattle for consensual sex with PLEASE cerned," McGee said. one team member, and others "If you're guilty, you're guilty. raped her for more than two The Brothers of Theta Chi If you're not, you're not. It will hours. No criminal charges have Don'l g« wrecked. If \uure IK>I proudly announce their New all come out," defensive back been filed. Her civil lawsuit in sober-or you're not sure- Rickey Dixon said. "That's what federal court is scheduled for RECYCLE lei someone else do (he driving Initiates and Spring Dean's List Members the courts are for." trial next June. It's going to take a while for Accused of rape are current the lawsuit to work its way players Rickey Dixon, Rodney FALL INITIATES through the legal system. In the Holman, Thomas, Barney Bus- Attention meantime, team leaders don't sey, McGee, David Fulcher and Pete Brent Mike Mathews want it wrecking the Bengals' James Francis, and former Ben- Faculty/Staff football season. gals Lewis Billups, Ickey Woods, ICENTER FOR CHOICE Steve Conti Don Nemitz Coach Dave Shula talked about Bernard Clark and Craig Ogle- We have a special Todd Eltschlager Brian Poth it with the team before practice tree. Victoria C's lawyer said e Abortion through Wednesday. receiver Reggie Rembert's name 17 weeks program for all of your Tony Falcone Todd Riecks e Morning after photofinishing needs. Jason Ford Matt Robinson aswwwvwwwwwwwwwwsst treatment Please stop by our location Judd Gallus Yasir Sitabkhan Attention All Patients! in the University Union Chris Glasgow Shawn Smith Dr. Roberts will be in the Bowling Green office on Tuesdays PROUD TO for details. Mike Hart Sean Williams from now on, storting Tuesday, September 15. BE PRO-CHOICE $ We will no longer have office hours on Mondays. Be sure and 16 N. Huron make a note on your calendars for shots and appointments to Toledo, Oh. 43604 Phone IHetuifc be given at the same location on Tuesdays. (419) 255-7769 or James C. Roberts, Sr. M.D. 1-800-589-6005 Place 3949 SuniorMl Court #203 960 Wt* Woo»l«r U. 103 r. ToWo.OH 43606 Bowling &»n, OH 43402 (419)472 0759 (4l9)354-|i BE A PART OF BOWLING GREEN'S PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE MMMMMMMMM

BE A PART OF: • HOMECOMING ACTIVITIES St. Alovsiiis Harvest Fest • MUD VOLLEYBALL DEAN'S LIST • EXTERN EXPERIENCE • MASTER TEACHER AWARD y Chicago • FINALS WEEK SURVIVAL KITS Tony Falcone Mark Mackay 2-night • COMMUNITY AND CAMPUS . Judd Gallus ' Bill Noonan get-away ACTIVITIES Jeremy Hench * Dave Norris His & Her Mike Hernendez Todd Riecks * LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES BRING A FRIEND AND Bob Lewis * Lee VanSyckle Bicycles WORK WITH PROFESSIONALS FIND OUT MOREI AND ALUMNI INFORMATION NIGHT Sot. Sept. 12-Mexl-fest (12-9) Dinner (4-8) NETWORKING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Denotes 4.0 FUN AND FRIENDS Sun. Sept. 13-Chlchen Dinner (12-8) Dinner (2-7) 8:15 PM Corner of Clough & S. Summit 110 BUSINESS Bowling Green, Ohio Noon ADMINISTRATION FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT UAA AT 372-6849 ox ex o\ ex ©x ©x o\ ©x <>\ n\ page eight The BG News Friday, September 11, 1992 CONFIDENCE Continued from page fix. leys in my life. The Ohio State positions. Their running backs community and the Columbus Who will win, BG or OSU? are simply outstanding. Their community were so supportive of quarterback [Kirk Herbstreit] myself and my family, including f Mike Miller, Junior, Physical dldnt surprise me with his out- John Coooper and Earle Bruce, Therapy standing performance, because I that there's a lot of fun and a lot Dave Carlson, Junior, Envi- "Hopefully, the offense will know how competitive a kid he is. of meaning and there's a lot of ronmental Science come up with a few big plays, and It's going to be a tremendous loyalty to me as far as I'm con- "OSU barely beat Louisville we can bring a winner home to challenge for our ball club." cerned towards Ohio State. after being favored by 17 points. Bowling Green." This game will also have spe- "This is an opportunity of a If BG plays to its MAC Cham- cial meaning for Blackney, who lifetime for BGSU and all players pionship form, they'll keep it Audrey Gboney, Freshman, M coached at OSU for seven years. and our coaching staff. I'd like to close. OSU 28, BG 20." Nursing "I think there's some mixed go down and beat Ohio State be- "I think OSU will win, about emotions on my part," Blackney cause of what it means to the 35-20." said. "During those seven years school and the conference and there were some peaks and val- the community." Classified The BG News

Progressive Student Organization AOTT ' DELTS • AOTT ■ DELTS KELLY ARMSTEA0 So Much Fun We Couldn't Wait For Spring! Certified Drivers Ed. Teacher - must have good CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS meals 8:00p.m. Tuesdays Get psyched tor the AOTT Happy Binhdayllll Undergraduate Alumni Association presents: communication skills, wining lo leach class- at United Christian Felowship and Delta Tau Delta Friends Forever. Brenda Mud Volleyball room & car instruction. II not certified, wiling lo All Are Welcome lo Attend "THE MASTERS" Sunday, September 27 put bme into getting certified. 10-30 hrs. par week. Weeknights and Sat. $S7hr. Must be al " SK3MA DELTA PI " STUDY AND STRUGGLE Sunday. September 13thll KKG-KKG-KKG-KKO'KKG Pick up an application at the least 21.352-7820. Spanish Honor Society AOTT • DELTS • AOTT • DELTS Congratulations to Robin Montn on receiving Mleti Alumni Canter • Thar* will be a meeting Wed.. Sept. 16 al 8 SKYDIVING Now available locally. the $1,000 Kappa Kappa Gamma Undergrad- EARN SI,500 WEEKLY mailing our circu- $35 per coed team. • p.m in the conference room of Shatzel Hall All 10 mms from BGSU. Visa & MC honored. ATTENTION OFF-CAMPUS FRESHMAN" uate Scholarship. All ol your hard work has fi- lars!.. Begin NOW!... FREE packet! SEYS, Applications are due September 18. ■ members MUST attend. SkydrveBG Inc. 352-5200 nally paid off i Dept. 23S, Box 4000. Cordova. TN 'Anyone interested m joining please comer Contact the UAA office al 372-6849 Freshmen Oil-Campus Univ. Students KKO'KKG'KKG'KKG■KKO 38018-4000. " r»-Call Tina 352-0402 or Jen 372-5245 lor more information. Work and Play in the Nation's Capital (FOCUS) Earn $1000 per week at home stuffing enve- Earn Organizational Meeting KKO'KKG'KKG'KKG'KKO lopes! For Information, please send long sell The American Marketing Association member- Aitenl Ion Starving Orad studa nta College Credit A Professional Expenence Congratulations to Kappa Kappa Gamma tor addressed stamped envelope 10 CJ Enter- ship drive is on in the B.A. budding Irom Sept. 8 " Remember every Wednesday night is grad The Washington Canter Internship Monday, September 14 at 11:30a.m. being awarded The Most Outstanding Chapter, prises. Box 87068C, Cuyahoga Fans. OH - night at Uptown from 9 to closing. Free pizza Info Session: 407Moseley and tor having the number one pledge program -18. 44222. • (while it lasts) and drink specials. Sponsored Thursday. September 17|H. 230 p.m. in the Nation! THERE CAN BE Hot TJ. Now. a new quick-service restaurant, is - by Grad Student Senate and Uptown. Taft Room - Union ATTENTION OFF-CAMPUS FRESH MENU KKO•KKO'KKG•KKO'KKO ONLY ONE I looking lor TEAM MEMBERS who are good. ATTENTION JEWISH STUDENTS Call Co-op at 2-2451 tor details. •RUSH' Freshmen Oil-Campus Univ. Students last and enthusiastic workers. ThisPapalCo. - -DoyouwanltogaininsightintoJewish SIGMA CHI (FOCUS) KKO•KKO'KKO•KKO'KKO oham offers a competitive wage and an en- ■ lilealBG.SU ? Organizational Meeting joyabkt atmosphere. Applications are available '_ - Learn how you can get involved in Hillel Only 1 more week until INITIATION" SERVICES OFFERED Monday, September 14 at 11:30am. al the Career Resources Center. Please leave . activities? applications at the Career Resources Center 407Mosoley THERE CAN BE . -Find out about local arrangements tor KKO•KKO'KKO■KKO'KKO desk. Interviews will be conducted next week ONLY ONE - High Holidays? ATTENTION ALL OMICRON DELTA KAPPA so get your applications in. 'RUSH' 1 Than come to the welcome back brunch on Financial Aid' Free into, on how you can MEMBERS! Hoi "N Now is an Equal Opportunity Employer ] Sunday. Sept. 13th at 2:00 in the Tatt Room. receive money for college. Write to: SRC Dept. LIL' SARA LIGHTHILL SIGMA CHI I am so excited to have you as my lute Gel ' For more info, call Barry 2-190S or Andrea A. 3410 La Sierra Set F-214. Riverside. CA Our next meeting is'Sep. 15, Tues. psyched for an awesome year and Iniation in 1.0. CHECKERS . 2-8253. 92503 9pm-102 BA January. You are awesome1 BOUNCERS ; ATTENTIONOFFCAMPUSFRESHMANI! GUITAR LESSONS ILOVEMYLL'II BARTENDERS Check your COMB lor meeting minutes! THERE CAN BE RocWBIuesiFolk/AcoustRvElectric. You pick KD love and mine, ONLY ONE APPLY IN PERSON •', Freshman Off-Campus Univ. Students the songs and techniques you learn. 353-1130 Big Sue •RUSH' SOP/CASSDY-S (FOCUS) OMICRON DELTA KAPPA Pregnant? We can help. SIGMA CHI 8:00-10:00 P.M. Organizational Meeting 178E.WCOSTER Free pregnancy tests & supportive services. M.T. MUGGS ATTENTION! 353-3030 Call 354-4673 BG Prognancy Center. Home of the 1992 Cal Bowl Goal Post Monday. September 14 at 11:30am APPLICATIONS FOR THE 1993 LEADER- ThetaChl'OX-rhetaChl B.G.S.U. vs. Ohio State 407Moseley TYPIST - any typing |ob accepted from 1 - 20 SHIP CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE BOARD Brother ol the Week: Erik Tollerup Maintenance positions available: lawn mowing, Happy Hour Drmk Pricesl pages Call 1 837-6570. ask lor Debbie ARE AVAILABLE IN 425 STUDENT SER Cabinet Member of the Week: Bevin Baddorf cleaning, painting etc. Mornings Irom 8 to 12. Sloppy Joe's ft Fries only $2,501 Theta Chi "OX 'That a Chi ATTN ALL SPEC ED MAJORS' VICES. BE A PART OF A GREAT EXPERI- Call 352-5822 , The Student Council for Exceptional Children ENCEI APPLICATIONS DUE SEPT 16 NEEDED: Sales position on campus. Win PERSONALS M.T MUGGS HAPPY HOURS I will be having a membership drive in the Educ. BGSU vs OSU. yes Spring Break FREE in Florida. S Carolina or Daily un III 8:00 JBIdg. Sept. 1 e a 17 Slop by and see what we'- BGSU vs. OSU UNIVERSITY REDCROSS New York OR 33% commission. For more info Specials on Pitchers A Bottled Beer 1 re about! Sat. at Brathaus. Open 3 p.m. How can you help hurricane victims cal Julie 1-881-4841. 'ALL INTERIOR DESIGN MAJORS' Thurs. ft Fn. Food Special Happy Hours bit 9 p.m. in southern Florida and Louisiana? FirstASIO meeting of the year wi be held on 50 cent Hotdogs. Pizza. Tacos ft more PICTURE PERFECT We serve Myles pizza. 8.7S per slice. Find out at an important meeting ol the BGSU Libraries 4 Learning Resources Tuei . Sept. 15 at 8:30 p.m. in the McFall PHOTO CLIPPERS 2 CM Idogs $1.00-12 Wings for $2.50 UNIVERSITY RED CROSS ! Invites you to attend a reception to welcome Center Assembly Room. Earn S75 lo $125 per day. Work without pres- the Minority & International Students of BGSU. Be there to learn about internships' Brathaus-Monday Nile Football TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15 sure Call anytime 1-800-843-1345 M.T. Muggs Sunday Football Thurs., Sept 17,4 005:30pm Jerome Library Join the fun A the specials. 7 p.m. ALPHA PHI - ALPHA PHI Sleak Dinner Special $6.00. Van driver. Part-time position to provide trans. Conference Room. Refreshments will be Myles Pizza by the slice BA112 to A from Social Service Agency. Must be be- ' setvod RSVP BY TUES. SEPT. 15. 372-2362. JENNY FOWLER A football giveaway every Monday. A Red Cross official who has just Congratulations on your pre-engagement tween 21-65. have a valid dnvers license A Monday Night Football relumed Irom Florida will be there! CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATION SUPPORTS pearling to Mark Szwabinski! I'm so happy tor excellent driving record. Submit resume to Cleveland vs. Miami UNFED COMMITTEE'S SMASH RACISM youl Bud Lite Pool League P.O. Box 738. BG. OH 43402. E.O.E. at Brathaus - Happy Hours all night. All majors are encouraged to attendi DANCE ON SAT. SEPT. 12 WITH THE ARK Love. Big Anne Now forming at Rail Billiards (REGGAE AND SOCA/CALYPSO). BLACK Myles Pizza - $.75 per slice. ALPHA PHI -• ALPHA PHI 145N.Main St. '353-7665 UNIVERSITY RED CROSS MINDS OF MUSIC AND J-ROCK FIELD BE- FOR SALE HIND BA BLDG, OR RAIN SITE (INFO. 1 Nails-Fiber glass. $35 00 Fill. $17.00. Acrylic, ■DANNY352 2596) Alpha Phi - Alpha Phi - Alpha Phi Condoms By Mall Protect your health ft priv- $25.00: Fill, $15.00 Nail piercing, $5 00 Cam- Congratulations Sandy Geringer on making the acy with name brand condoms. Call 24 hours pus Headquarters' 364-2244. WE WANT TO BE PARENTS . Hear everyone cheer on BG m Columbus on Tennis Team. Your Sisters are really proud of lor tree price list. 1 ■800-292-7274. Sat. then hear what Friends of the Deaf has to Wishing to adopt a baby through independent youll One ol the oldest men's organizations at BG is •offer on Sun. 202 Ed. 9:00 p.m. DELTA SIGMA PI adoption. II you can help cal! Barbe and Craig Alpha Phi - Alpha Phi - Alpha Phi looking tor new blood. Oflenng opportunities in 1989 Tracer Victory is tor everyone, loud or silent. Professional Fraternity (419)893-1277. 2 door with hatch -RUSH- the areas ol leadership. Inendship and schoi JEN Welcome Back Ladies! 36.000 miles, all highway Phi Sigma E pel ton Open Chapter Meeting arship. II interested call 372-6186 or 352 3725 Happy 211 3-MAN NEXT WEEKEND! NO For all your Mary Kay needs, lei me be a ser- Great condition National Sales 5 Marketing Fraternity Sunday. Sept. 13 Pam Kopina BACKING OUt! Also, good luck on your en- vico to you Call anytime1 Pam. 35? 4915 $3,600 Orientation Night trance exam. After Saturday the party can be- 112 ISC Call Trevor Call 352-8816 830pm .RmBA 115 oxnl 'We Mean Business" 354-7774 • Tuesday, Sept. 15 HAPPY 21! WHAT IS CO-OP? Career-Related Experience! Eric. 193 Plymouth Tuns mo KAPPA DELTA Find out how to gat Involved al PRESIDE NTS AND ADVISORS OF During the past 8 months that we've been PHOTO ID WILL BE OPEN ••CO-OP KICK-OFF" $550. Good cond.. reliable STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS... together I have changed I have changed the Call 353-5114 Sara Ligh thill SEPT. 15,17,21*23 sn Info eeaalon for Froeh.Soph.A Jre. "Mark your calendars for Thursday, September way I think and feel, the way I live and the way I From 5:00pm • 7:00pm WeloveourV.I.P.I .17,1992 from 7 00 - 8.30 p.m. lor the President love. Thank you tor giving so much of yourself Fil., Sept. 18,3:30pm, 1007 BAA 1878 VW but Good condition. Call 354-8202. Appointments are necessary DON'T MISS IT!'! • and Advisors Reception. This reception will We are all behind you 100%' in order that these changes could occur. Please call 372-6081 belore 2:00pm 372-2451 tordetalla 1880 Ford Mustang AM-FM cass. Auto., sun- -take place in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom. Per- Happy Anniversary! KAPPA DELTA ON THE DAY YOU WOULD LIKE TO roof. good runner. $600 OBO. 352-3803. -tinent information regarding organizational pol- Ithiryl GET YOUR NEW ID *ioes as well as speoftc information regarding Love, Suzi-O YOUNG UFE 1987 Red Ford Escort, 59K. $2550.00 'your position wsi be dispersed. For reserva- KD' KD MK»I Reynolds KD • KD YoungLife It a ron-denominaDorial Christian 1882 Olds Firenza looks S runs good. $1500. tions, please call the SAO Office at 372-2843 You're the best Little ever! Outreach to high school kids. If you are inter- Call 353-8877. Fridays - Brathaus - Fndays Progressive Student Organization • This is an excellent opportunity to meet other Get psyched for Initiation I ested in becoming a leader please contact Great Happy Hours. 4-9 PM meats 8:00pm, Tuesdays 1888 Ford Ranger XLT, AMrFM cass.. AC. •campus leaders and a fun way lo start the year I Love in KD-Big Trine Todd at 352-2650 or Kris ten at 353-6005 or the Kamikazi. Oualude Melon Ball-t 50 plus at United Christian Fellowship Area Director. J.m Hudson at 1 -641 -8044. 5-spd.. looks great. $6500 OBO. Call Myles Pizza by the slice. All Are Welcome to Attend 352-3803. STUDY AND STRUGGLE 3 pc. living room aet. Hey Alpha Gams and Gamma Phis- WANTED Brown Good condition. $150.00 Can't wait to see you at the Syracuse T'iad in SIGMA KAPPA'SIG EP Call 872-8073. two weeks' The Sisters ol Sigma Kappa would like to con- Love. The Alpha Phis gratulate Cara Nudi on her recent lavaliering to Need one female roommate ASAP. Fender acoustic guitar with case. Sig Ep Chad Allison. Best wishes! $130 00. mo A very close to campus. $ 100.00. Call Dave at 883-4510. S^Ep Call 353-5826. The Brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon whole heartedty tiank everyone who offered their Sigma Phi Epsilon IBM Compatible 488-33Mhz fully loaded with support and understanding in our time of loss. Brother ol the Week: Matt Kennedy Roommate lor 2 bedroom apt. Very close to 15" monitor, $2000 tul slop, w/ mulo madia We appreciate ill Sig Ep Sam Sez: Go Falcons! Beat the Bucks! campus, ntorvsmoker. Male pre!.. $17S/mo. , kil-$2300 (spks. $ 16 board) 372-3350. Sigma Phi Epsilon plusulil 352-270

3:30 p.m. CINEMA 5 MSU Female roomaie needed lo ahare apt. only 2 "Specials on Beer & Hot Dogs" 1234N. Maklt blocks from campus. Only $132 per month. SJFTEMeU 11-17 Please call 353-3623 Mon. Fri. 1 el show starts oH:30 pm Male student needed Sat. A Sun. I u show itorts of lpm lo fil apartment near campus 104 S. MAIN 353-0988 SWCLI, WHITI FIMAIi Phone 352-7385. SHJgol Fada, MnnAv Jottm taiga > 100,300, 500,7:15, »:2S • Own room across from Oflonhaur. $B2.50/mo. TWIN PEAKS: F1KE WALK WITH Mi plus ml. Available sTtrnodsassry. Cal 352-2474. Iran Oindor DovW Lyadi. Kyla ModacMon "JJflS"/ ■ I JO. 4J0.700. e-,40 j Free Can of Pop' SNEAKMS ItoUrt l«*ord, Siddxy Po*«. Do. Avkn>,d with purchase of »o-n MO.aiM.roo.f-.a Large Sub or UNFO*GIViN

Ueflf t OSaWCsOaj t MOfQQfl f rfJea*TeOf11 LA*OT# I IseaJjfeeW* Pasta Platter ■ 1:10, 4*i. 7:10, M0. * HOfKYMOON M VfCAS JM Coon A racokn Case Free Can of Pop ■ PO-ll IO5,2J5,4J0.7»,»J0* with purchase of Coming In September - CAPTAIN KON Large Sub or wiaS Kurt Rueul & Martin Short i 352-4663 p CALL DAY DELIVERY asta Platter ■ Shows will chance Friday • M CASSIS late snows In & Sal. Dnlv IITHE Sept. 11, 1992 NSIDER Volume 5, Issue 2 SUPERMAN Deader'n a doornail. Find out why! ]M..SQM1. mi lh« laildr MoflQ«lii«1

za sauce is homemade with fresh A thriving BG business, many by Georgia Morgan oregano and garlic. It's a good and pizza establishments have been special culinary correspondent inexpensive pizza." here for a long time. When the Olivarez added that the specialty "One of the great things about Is Spicy Pizza, made with chopped our establishment is the fact that Pizza - nectar of the Gods lor onions, sausage, pepperoni and Ja- we have been here a long time, we some. It's what students crave dur- la penos. are locally owned and we have ing late night cramming sessions. Quality is important, but many good customer relations," said moon hits Cold, it's what students want (or college students take price into Pisanellos manager Hob Zephier. Editor-in-Chief breakfast. More so than classes or consideration when ordering pizza. ' 'We try to personalize our busi- Matthew A. beer, pizza Is probably what makes For a large, one Item pizza in BG, ness." a student go round. So where bet- prices can range anywhere from Daneman ter to find a plethora of pizza estab- $5.95 at Marcos to $12.75 at On the other hand, there is a your eye lishments than in a college town Little Caesars. But for the cost- new competitor in town, a pizza like Bowling Green? conscious, there are always a slew place with a gourmet twist. Gour- When a student has the mun- of coupons floating around to help met Pizza Chef is the most recent Managing Editor chies for Italian pie, there are al- lessen the cost. establishment in BG and Is getting Karen Koster most a dozen local pizza places from which to choose, all constant- like a big ly striving to beat out its competi- tors by offering bigger selections Art Director and better values to the communi- Laurel Pajer ty. Although each establishment pizza pie has something unique about It, all of them share some commonali- ties. For instance, most of the store StaffWriters managers said business wouldn't Lisa Gallagher be half what It is without the stu- dents. They also pointed out that Each business has between 12 off the ground slowly but surely. Ryan Honeyman most of their business occurs on and 25 ingredients from which to Abud AlJIboury, Pizza Chef weekends. choose. A student can get the manager, is optimistic: "Business Dorian Halkovich However, each manager had standard pepperoni or something a is starting pretty good. I think once That's BG something diffemt to add about bit more esoteric, like anchovies, students try our pizza, I'm sure Linda Lenc why their pizza is the best in town. pineapple or even buffalo meat. they'll love it." Brett Roberts, swing manager of Tired of pizza? (Heaven forbid!) Dave Baskind Marcos Pizza: "Clearly, I think our Most of the establishments offer Pizza Chef offers about five sales are what make us the best in other Items, including Italian subs, different specialty pi rats from Melinda Monhart BG." chef salads and breadsticks. Vegetarian to a Hawaiian version. Jackie Panning, Polleyes man- The pizza places are open from All of their dough is made fresh Dave Huffman ager: "I think our fresh dough, early afternoon to as late as 3:30 daily, he said. Chef also offers Ross Weitzner made daily, makes us unique." a.m. for your ordering conven- subs, salads and bread, but expect Marc 'Tico' Olivarez, kitchen ience. Free delivery is almost a uni- to pay a little more., it is gourmet, Marion Schloemer manager of M.T. Muggs: "The piz- versal as well. after all. Jason Hunt k MttSit Huh! Foster than an Insider... Staff Photographers "Iam, lam, lam Superman/And Ican do anything" Tim Norman Dave's As you know by now, Superman's gonna die soon.. and we don't feel so well ourselves. For delicate constitutions like those at Insider, this Linda Lenc rain/sun one-two-punch has made us all feel about as good as ole' Clark gotta Kent eating a Kryptonlte Rainforest Nut Crunch cone at Ben and Jer- ry's. Production Brand Anyway, let's take a look inside, shall we? Hmmm? Assistants Page seven, editor Matthew "Kal-EI Jr." Daneman hits the mean streets to answer the question 'Who rubbed out the super guy?' The an- Kathy Gaitan new bag swer will startle us all. It startled Daneman so much that he's still crying inside the file cabinet. Bill Burgess

by Dave Baskind \ tant, it's time for me to ask you a question. This week, 'B' stands Back home at page two, Dr. Dave, physician, scientist, uses gamma Michael Hunt The Incredible College of radiation to create the raging beast that Is the Incredible Dr. Dave's Mu- Musical Knowledge for Bowling Green, bee stings, barbecues and brown, as in sic Quiz Hulk. Grrrrr!! And special BG News foreign correspondant James. What was James Georgia Morgan brings us a big slab of pizza (for you, the reader, she Just Brown's Top Five hit from brings a story about pizza. Tough day for you. Munch munch.) 1986? The Insider Magazine OK, so your third week of Due to shorter deadlines this Rumor has it page three is all about the myths and folklore hittin' BG is published every Friday classes has ended. So far, you've semester, Dr. Dave is now giv- like a storm. Insider Linda Lenc would tell us more but she's In Jail right during the academic year seen: the Falcons win, the ing its students an extra week to now, busted for offing her roommate. "Where's my 4.0," she screams by the Board of Student Browns get crushed like a bunch turn in answers. So, for your from cell block C. Publications of Bowling of grapes during wine season, chance to win a FREE promo Green State University. the MTV Video Awards, more cassette from Finder's Records Opinions expressed syllabi then you care about, un- and Tapes at 128 N. Main AND Pages four and five. Can you hear them? More reviews of the latest by columnists do not bearingly long bookstore lines, a FREE! three-item medium pizza releases than you can shake your Galactic Power Ring at. Take that, necessarily reflect the and a weekend of go-karts, from Carly Cheena's at Conant evildoers. bowling, ghosts In the graveyard and Dudley in Maumee, do as 1 opinions of The Insider and U.S. Open tennis. Maybe command: Send your name, ad- Magazine. not. dress, phone number, answer, Mild-mannered roving film critic Dave Huffman clucked into a phone The Insider Magazine and the name of your favorite booth and came out with a glowing review of 'Single White Female' and Bowling Green State Well, Just like the Otters and Brady to "Dr. Dave s Quiz," c/o (glowing like a searing hot energy blast from the Electro Power Whip of University are equal that semi-nauseous feeling due 210 West Hall or stuff it into the our arch-nemesis Lex BG News, that Is.) opportunity employers to classes beginning, "Dr. babe-o-rific wooden box in 210 and do not discriminate In Dave's Incredible College of Mu- West Hall before Tuesday, Sept. Page eight. Pull the Insider-mobile up to the local filling station. hiring practices. sical Knowledge" has returned. 22. Remember, winning Isn't And, Just like a Jeopardy contes- everything; it's the only thing! Whatever octane shall you choose? Hmmm? Speed racer and auto ex- pert Ross Weitzner'll tell ya. Meanwhile, sidekick Lisa Gallagher gets the scoopon Indian culture and crafls coming to Northwest Ohio. > fti,S*>f>M.. im Th« l»ild«r MogoaliMi]

DlH If! hpfl r flhoilt^* When rumors fly, roommates die, a whole lotto folklore found at the University just a big, fat lie by Linda Lcnc Insider

If your roommate dies, you get an automatic 4.0 for the semester. Everybody knows that. But wait! Before you hire a hit- man to kill your roommate, con- sider the fact that many of the ru- mors on campus that are just that - rumors. Gardner McLean, supervisor of Fact Line, said they get calls every year regarding the room- mate/gradepoint connection. "It's not true. We save a number of people's lives, I believe," said McLean. Jill Carr, director of On-Campus Housing, said if a student's room- mate should die, the University would deal with each case on an individual basis. "We have no set policy (to deal with the situation)," Can- said. But the dead roommate tale is not the only offspring of loose talk. Several rumors on campus con- cern the University Seal, outside of McFall Center. According to The History of Bowling Green State University by James Robert Jim Norman/The Insider Overman, if you stand on the seal at midnight and kiss your sweeth- HEY DUDE PUT DOWN THAT AXE!...Who knows how many roommates have close housing companion (or an Insufferable slob you loathe, for that matter), eart, you'll soon be married. But if ended up here, all because someone wanted that 4.0? Perhaps U*someone had absolutely nothing happens. Nads. So put back that revolver, pilgrim, and hit you and your lover walk on warned them. For as Gardner McLean, supervisor of Fact Line, said about the the books Instead. different sides of the seal, you'll dead roomle/4.0 g.p M. myth. 'It's not true." Period. Matter of (act. If you lose a soon break up. Two rumors deal with passing "Other calls to Fact Line ques- that her spirit continues to haunt pipes and beams backstage where "In the late '60s to early 70s, the seal on the right hand side. One tioned the rumor that Bowling the Chi Omega house. no humans could reach. there were rumors of the University says you will marry a fellow Falcon. Green was ranked as one of the McLean said Amanda is not a "He also tries to relieve tension shutting down due to the Kent The other says you will receive a top 10 party schools In the nation violent ghost, but does seem to In rehearsals. If there is too much State deaths. That was why Fact passing grade In your classes. by Playboy. We have never found want to make her presence known. tension, he will make a ladder fall Line was formed," Decrane said. McLean said one decidedly more Bowling Green mentioned," or things like that," McLean said. Some of the most popular ru- chilling campus rumor started In McLean said. "lAmandal gets upset If the sis- Decrane said he bellves the most mors last year concerned cuts in 1978 around Halloween time. In a However, University Archivist ters do not leave a place for her in substantiated rumor Is about staff due to the budget crisis. psychic prediction, Jean Dixon Anne Bowers said the rumor which the group picture each year. She Amanda. "Those are not fun rumors, but said a mass murder would happen has stayed though the years con- will knock the photo off the wall "House members have seen they are the most common," De- on a campus with a cemetary In the cerns a ghost named Amanda. until the glass breaks," said things move," Decrane said. crane said. center or containing residence halls McLean. In the shape of an V or a swastika. According to legend, Amanda is Another ghost on campus is said Although all of these rumors are one knows where they originate or Fact Line received calls regarding a former student who died the to reside in the Eva Marie Saint basically harmless, others are not whether they are true, but Decrane this prediction since the description night before she could pledge Chi Theatre. McLean said the ghost so fun, according to Greg Decrane, said one thing Is true for all rumors: of the campus matched Bowling Omega sorority. Amanda wanted writes messages of good luck to assistant vice president of Student "Once one (rumor) starts, It real- Green. to be part of the sorority so much long time cast members on the Affairs. ly travels," said Decrane.

CLA-2BLTI-1TJATKE WE NEED PHOTOGRAPHERS! "TWO ENTHUSIASTIC THUMBS UP DOWI.ING DIM • j».|y.i bf WHITE MEN CANT JUMP.- J very lunny. wry Miurl S*W UMInV M« GIBSON SftkM htlWKI OAKIIW BLOVBI —I <>*fW^ The BG News needs photographers. WHITE MEN LETHAL WEAPON. You must have your own SLR 35mm camera, . IB: black and white darkroom experience, and time to CANT JUMP Nightly 7:15, 9:30 spare. Sat Sun Mat 2:00, 4:15 wnwucBinM'ta

FrM Snow Friday Sal M*»n>ghil Anyone interested should go to the BG News office in 214 West Hall and fill out an employment Tonight and Saturday FrM Popcorn A Pop 210MSC $1.50Admission\ll with this ad application form. Valid Thru 9/17/92 7:00 - 9:30 - Midnight \ftUUpt\1.111t 1h« laiMw Mogo»ln«

Hey Hey My My rock 'n roll'll never die

Graham Parker Burning Questions Capitol Records "Dammit, It's Bvis Costelo," my roommate fumed. "No It's not," I Insisted. "It's the new Graham Parker. Look, I have the disc case and..." He Interrupted: "Listen to the throaty, slightly nasal British and howling when a subdued ap- twang. Pure Costelo. And the proach is called for. Historically, masterful pop lyrics. Coslello. Bone is a gem for the way they in- Listen to the current radio hit, the fluenced others In the Seattle excellent 'Release Me.' Sounds just scene. But just 'cause It was a like any good Costello track. And groundbreaker doesn't make it those klnda bitter, kinda funny lyr- good. ics of wry sarcasm? Like 'Then it - Matthew A. Daneman hits you she was Just the dregs/All you wanna do now is break her Tom Waits legs/Kick that brunette into a Bone Machine pond/Replace her with a platinum Island Records blonde platinum blonde' off of 'Pla- Imagine a blind Mississippi Delta tinum Blonde'? That, my friend, Is blues musician singing his god- pure Elvis, and I don't mean the damn soul out about the misery King. Got It?" that is his life. With a backing band So I kept quiet and let him wal- of bagpipes players. Doing a fu- low in his ignorance. I'll just use his neral dirge. For the ones they loved laundry detergent without asking. the most. Killed by the tornado Jerk. they are now standing in the eye - Matthew A. Daneman of, which is now headed towards them, meaning certain death for Mother Love Bone everyone. And everybody is in a Mother Love Bone MOTHER LOVE BONE really foul mood, too. St ardog Records Welcome to Tom Walts on a In the beginning, there was an good day. Isolated, rainy city in the Pacific Chains, and of course current radio EP, following quickly with 1990's Jam and the rest is history. It's one of the liveliest albums Northwest called Seattle. Being so play superstars Pearl Jam. Pearl Apple. Then tragedy struck the "Nice history lesson," you say that'll ever make you close to suici- far away from anything else on the Jam, however, was not always group as lead singer Andrew Wood impatiently, "but what about this dal In depression. But it's not some map, the musicicans on tour would Pearl Jam. "No," I hear you gasp died of a heroin overdose. The re- new Mother Love Bone release?'' Cure-esque, Smiths-like drippy, pass It on by. But the hearty resi- in shock. "Say It ain't so!" Truth Is maining members teamed up with Ummm, it's a mixed bag. Musically whiny crud. Waits is pissed and sad dents of Seattle cared not, as they painful, Isn't it? Soundgarden in a tribute album to and lyrically, Mother Love Bone as only a rock/blues genius can be. made their own music by them- One of the bands on the fore- Wood called Temple of the Dog are a delight. They're as at home The roWcklng-est tune on Bone selves, locally. And it was good. front of influence in the Seattle (see how confusing and inter- with an acoustic ballad as with an Machine is the bouncy, rocking From those humble settings came scene was the little-known Mother related this all gets?) So then two of electric rockfest. The problem is look ahead to growing old 'I Don't such notables as Soundgarden, and Love Bone. They made their re- the former members of Mother vocally. Wood comes across as Wanna Grow Up,' which has such Nirvana, Mudhoney and Alice In cord debut in 1989 with the Shine Love Bone went on to form Pearl soem glam metal slob, screeching joy-killing lyrics as "Well when I see

The Undergraduate Alumni Association A!' Al" AI Al Al AI Al At Al AI Al" A! Al Al Al~ AI AP AI' AI' A! AI AI' AI Al AI VI Al presents to on,. #»«„, Lyric McCandless Melissa McKirnan * $. ^ Pledge Sara Nightingale Sue Lacroix Class Allison Awbrey Kelly Hunt Amy Benedict Monica Insana Kristen Carpenter Kristen Rider V O L L ~E Y'B A L L Dina Dieglio Jennifer Ross So Much Fun, We Couldn't Caroline Ebert Robin Sandlin Wait For Spring Heather Flockerzie Hilary Tarkington Nicole Gmerek Carey Kohn SEPTEMBER 27, 1992 Elizabeth Guckenberger Denae McGormley Meredith Haft Stephanie JarJabka PICK UP AN APPLICATION FOR YOUR Maura Hassay Catherine Miltner Linda Mangan TEAM STARTING ON AUGUST 31 Jaime Hessman Stacy Procopio Tricia Profit AT THE MILETI ALUMNI CENTER Callie Howison Stacey Lavelle Stacey Pamell $35 PER TEAM Terra Proctor SPACE IS LIMITED TO 24 COED TEAMS Stephanie Olson APPLICATIONS ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 18 FOOD, MUSIC, T-SHIRTS, e FUN, AND LOTS OF MUD! glad to have you & CONTACT UAA AT 372-6849 FOR MORE INFO. AI Af Al \l \l Al Al \l Al \l M M M Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al At Al AI AI \l Al Frt.fept 11. Ifft Th« Utldtr Magorine

My My Hey Hey rock and roll is here to stay...

my parents fight/I don't wanna - Matthew A. Daneman sound of 'Urban Psycho' made my grow up/They all go out and drink- frontal lobes bleed. ing all night/And I don't wanna Terminal Power Company - Matthew A. Daneman grow up." 'Shiny Happy People' Run Silent, Run Deep It's not. Beggars Banquet Records Mark Curry Bummed, drunk and lonely? Pop Run Silent, Run Deep would It's Only Time on Walts. Real depression for real be the perfect soundtrack for Virgin people. something like Blade Runner. It's For those who are into neo- - Matthew A. Daneman gritty and aggressive, yet weirdly hlppy acoustic rock Mark Curry is cold and mechanical, too. for you. For those who am't, well, Naked Soul It's not rock. It's not industrial. too bad. Seed It's not dance. It's somewhere be- Curry uses too much flange ef- Scot t i Bros Records tween all those. It's a little too fect with his Ovation six string and Ouch! Rock so hard it hearts. much unruly rock to dance to. It's a his singing style Is a cross between But It's a good pain, like an ice cold little too electronic dance beat- J.C. Mellencamp and Springsteen shower on a hot summer day. Not oriented to air guitar and head bob except the man has no soul and the songs have no social relevance whatsoever. A few words of wisdom for Mark Curry: First, go live life. Secondly, go back to the studio and record something that makes sense and people will want to listen to. For those who are looking for the musical path of enlightenment and righteousness, stick with Mel- lencamp and Springsteen. Please. - Michael Zawacki

Killers Murder One Zoo In high school, I was a metalhead to the extreme. It couldn't be hard or heavy or fast enough for me. And when I first popped In the freshman release from these boys, the misty waves of nostalgia grip- ped me by my black Anthrax T-shirt and threw me back into the mosh pit of yesteryear. Until the second track. 'Impaler' opens up the album with a thrash-o-rama of frantic guitars and drums Balls to the wall hardcore metal action galore. But after 'Impaler,' things get...ponderous. Weighteddown by drawn out bass and what're supposed to be powerful (but be- comes dull and trite) lyrics, Killers becomes a parody of every pomp- TOM WAITS ous metal act, with songs like 'Mar- no tight leather, Dep-ed up hair to. And It's too watered down by shall Lockjaw' and 'The Beast and women as meat imagery hard the rock and dance to be pogo and Arises.' Thinking they're full of rock, either. Just three guys with spln-in-a-clrcle industrial. I listened their own power and importance, guitars and drums, Making their to it washing my dishes and they're really just full of shit. debut making music made for driv- thought It was OK because I - Matthew A. Daneman ing fast and playing hard. 'Inside couldn't do any of those things. Ohio... Out,' the first song on the six-track to EP, will Jerk you out of your La-Z- Standouts Include 'Salvation' woi'Kin" loiicincr Prevent! Boy. 'Lonely Me Without You' will and 'Getting the Fear.' And the AIDS A throw you to the ground. Good, weird studio work, vocal feedbacks 1 BOO !.::_' VIlJs hard fun. Not for wimps. and all-around Dahmer-esque Ohio Ua.»t-*nl ol ■■1th MARKCURRY

|BGSU WOOSTER SECOND SIGHT Give Don't miss out on: another chance. MINI • Vintage jewelryjewelry anaand clothclothing in MALL &c? • Records • Books • Beads Give blood. E) Hours: • Hats • Art work Monday - Saturday D.v«l AConl TETHRA'S WELL • Other Curious Items 12-6 Calbhai stP Hi. T. W 9 5 Cuftlom Mide )ewrlry, ClfU, IHychic KMdcn • Wt.tlll, I... TM-tS W, . . .'. . JaMfephyiulNndi. .Av«iUW«W«l-. FWkrjppo"- 126 West .Waostw. |Fri.,S«pMI. mi Th« Iniidtr Mogoxta* |

ROCK GOSSIP FROM Tapes recommends the Pearl TONIGHT AND SATURDAY: Jam/Soundgarden supergroup Blitzen at Howard's, Love Zombies Wanted: SWF Who Won't THE BLACK SWAMP self-titled Temple of the Dog at Mark's, Redcliff at EasyStreet (A&M). MadHatter Music Co.'s Cafe SATURDAY: 100 Proof at own Jim Cummer selects the Ger- Good Tymes Pub, Loudhouse at Find'Single White...'Dumb man ImportFalth by Big Chief on Frankie's, Tom Gorman at Cam- pus Polleyes TUESDAY: Jerry drugged not to realize that Allie is Sub Pop/Repulsion Records. Jeft by David Huffman Northup at Mark's WEDNESDAY: following her to the S&Nf-like sex DeWitt of Record Den chooses the Insider film critic new Tom Waits album Bone Chris Otto at Downtown, the bar. Even more bewildering is the Machine (Island Records). Rlvermen at Frankle's, Identity at presence of the cat resting on Al- EasyStreet, Kenny Reeves at Club lie's friend as he lies unconscious in S.O.P. The Edge at Howard's Poor Allie Jones (Bridget a bath tub. Didn't Schroeder realize BABY WHY DON'T WE...: THURSDAY: Rlzzo at Howard's, Fonda). She has to dump her boy- how silly that looked? RUSH OUT AND SNAG...: TONIGHT: Ton at Good Tymes Gone Daddy Finch at Good Tymes friend because he's still paying con- Schoeder directed Jeremy Irons Guy Wilcox of Finders Records and Pub, Middlemarch at Frankle's Pub jugal visits to his ex-wife. Then to an Oscar for Reversal of For- every loon in New York replies to tune. It's highly unlikely that will her roommate ad, from which Allie happen to Fonda as her totem pole selects Heddy (Jennifer Jason of a performance is the most con- Leigh) for her knowledge of plumb- ing and apparent normality. Nat- urally, Heddy has more than a few screws loose and soon destroys Al- lle's once-peaceful life.

Allie is the title Single White Female in the new "thriller" from Don't Reversal of Fortune director Barbet Schroeder, and I might have sympathized with her if I could have stopped laughing long enough to care. Like last spring's Basic In- stinct, Single White Female is an Forget unintentionally!?) hilarious attempt sistently humorous part of the film. at suspense. The entire story is told Her deadpan delivery of nearly in the film's minute and a half every line makes her seem like one trailer, which thanks to some fast of Allie's computer-animated fash- editing, is actually more intense ion plates. The fact that she has to than the full-length movie. All the act opposite of Leigh doesn't help feature does is fill in over-wrought her either. Your Time Seniors details without giving any depth to Leigh acts rings around her top- the material. billed co-star and is the best thing in Of course depth was probably the movie. Her confused and never a priority for the film's pro- frightening Heddy is just one more duction. Schroeder isn't trying to great performance she's given in Your pre-appointed senior deliver a message - he's trying to recent years. My only criticism of entertain. On that level, he suc- her Is that she's naked through so ceeds, but for all the wrong much of the film that I began to portrait time, that is! reasons. think her breasts were part of the set decorations. Single White Female is littered Single White Female is not a with scenes that were meant to be good thriller and It never develops provocative or tense, such as He- any suspense. It seems, rather, to ddy sniffing Allie as she wears her be an unknowing self-parody of the Carl Wolf Studio, Inc. is on campus for perfume, Heddy's mastubation film Schroeder thought he was scene, or the finale which has Allie making. To Its credit, though, It the next several days to photograph swinging from the rafters. tries to follow the current Holly- However, each is so bizarre that It's wood trend of giving stronger roles impossible not to laugh. to women. Unfortunately, in con- seniors. Please check the studio Other scenes made me laugh temporary America that means because of the shear Ineptness of that they get to be the killers with- information you received for your Schroeder's set-ups. Heddy would out the style of the classic forties have to be blind, stupid, and jemmes fatales scheduled day. Simply show up on that day at The KEY, 28 West Hall 10a.rn.-l p.m. or 2-6 p.m. for your portrait.

Questions? Call 372-8086

for more details FRIENDS DON'T lEl FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK FrL.S«pt 11. I*M Wi« lildw

Murder In Kryptonite Oreenw",°Pu7ec/,eac';nto, m " Metropolis 'Man of Steel?

So there's big bucks Involved in "There's this character Dooms- by Mmhew A. Dinomin Insider editor killing off Superman. Big bucks. day," she went on. "He Just ap- Like a competitor's cash flow. I de- pears, smashing his way out of the cided to swing on by the office of ground. We don't know a whole lot DC's biggest competition: the about about him - whether he's an It was a dark and stormy night. kingpin of comic books. Marvel alien or an automaton or what. He Thunder and wind whipped around Comics. Just walks In a straight line toward outside, making the neon sign out- I kicked In the door and went In Metropolis, destroying everything side my third-floor office window with my gun pulled. Nobody was In his path. The Justice League set buzz and pop louder than usual. I there except for a couple'a fat, pale out to stop him, but they can't do had Just finished wrapping up a interns reading over old Spider- anything. He's just too powerful. nasty murder/Insurance scam In mans. And Pam Rutt, vice presi- Once he gets to Metropolis, it's the East End and was gearing up dent of public relations for Marvel, one thing if he's gong to knock for another long, dry season out of of course. down trees; it's another thing if work. Being a private eye ain't all I decided to play it tough. he's going to knock down sky- that glamorous, especially between OK, Pam, I snarled. Marvel's scrapers. He and Superman fight it cases. gonna kill off the Man of Steel at out and both die." I was settling back into my office your Distinguished Competition, chair looking forward to a night of right? So Doomsday killed Superman, I cleaning my trusty .38 and tackling said. the bottle of bourbon In my desk "Marvel Comics has no com- drawer...and then she walked in. ment at this time," she said, calm "Doomsday," she confirmed. Two long legs running up Into a and cool as a Minnesota lake. skirt short enough to make a grown But Doomsday is Just some co- man weep. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Damn, she's one tough cookie. mic character. He does whatever Long lashes. And a body as taut So I looked around the office. The the writers tell him to do. Right? So and lean as all get out. I fumbled Incredible Hulk, the Punisher, Iron the real killers are Louise Simon- with my piece and nearly suffered a Man...all pretty tough cookies. But son, Jerry Ordway, Roger Stem nasty accident as it almost went off. none of 'em could hold a match to and Dan Jurgens, writers for the "I'm looking for the private in- my boy. I began to think Marvel four DC Superman titles, and Mike vestigator. Are you him?" Her couldn'a knocked him off, anyhow. Carlln, editor of the four books. voice, slightly breathless and pant- But maybe there'll be some money They're the ones who conspired to ing, had a tinge of a German ac- to make offa Marvel, too. dolt. cent. Is Marvel gonna kill off anyone in order to up the ante? "The way they originally " Yer lookin' at him, doll face. planned it a couple of years ago, Whatcha need?" I said, leaning "Huh-uh. Noway," Rutt said, when Clark Kent asked Lois Lane back in my chair and tipping my not even looking up from to marry him, was that Lois would hat. Dames love that stuff, 'cause It SUPERMAN'S gonna die tonight. Or actually In mid-November when herCapta/n America. I left, dis- say 'No.' But they realized that be- makes me look dangerous. Dames Superman #75 ships out. couraged. cause of who Lois was and what all love that, too. had gone on, Lois had to say 'Yes.' She shot a slightly disgusted Superman, never say we wouldn't while slippin' him a ten-spot. Screw this crap, I thought. Time This Is Just like a continuation of glance at my pot belly and bald bring him back," Carlln said to the "There's two reasons that DC to go to the source. Superman's that theme. They can't make the spot exposed by the hat, so I sat scoop in the November issue of the Comics would do this: DC's mar- home. DC Comics. characters do anything that would forward again. Madison, Wis -based magazine ketshare is not that big. Number be out of character for them," "I am looking for a killer. A man about the comic book Industry. two Is to create a new definition The high steel doors would be Thomases told me. "These charac- I love may be dead soon. I wish to Gawd, I thought. That was and direction Superman can go," daunting for anyone else, but not a ters are very real for them." stop that." A tear welled up In the maybe the easiest case I've ever Young told me. trained PI like myself. Hiding in a Oh yeah? Well, I say that he's comer of her eye and she looked done. Wrapped up nice and neat. "If you want to get to the bottom laundry truck, I slipped past the bein' killed by corporate suit-and- down at the floor. Carlln killed the Man of Steel. line, guys in DC are saying 'Our guards and made my way through tles trying to make a fast buck. "What's this guy's name?" I Real easy. Maybe too easy. I market share has dropped 30 per- the complex. The damp, dank asked. "Who'd wanna kill him?" read on further, and things got real cent. What do we do? stone hallways were lined with "He's not being killed by bad confusln'. '"Kill Superman!'" flickering torches, giving the whole sales or anything," Thomases re- "I do not know why anyone It said Superman was actually go- place a Scooby Doo/Haunted sponded. "This is just the direction would want to harm a hair on his ing to die fighting some super- My Jaw hit the counter top. What Castle feel. I was making my way In which the writers wanted to take head, he is so wonderful. But his powered nutball named Doomsday the heck? Death by sult-and-tie through one passage when I heard him." name Is Superman." who's trashing Metropolis. guy? Is this goin' all over the place? the sound of approaching boot- • • • • • "The fight will be taken to "It's all hype. Everybody does it. steps. Guards! I tried door after So Superman's kind of killing I hit the streets, looking for leads. Metropolis, during the course of What do you do with a product? door, but they were all locked. himself? What the heck, man? I couldn't believe it. Superman: de- the stories," Carlln told Advance You hype it. But he's dead. He's Then luck struck and one door What can I do to stop this whole fender of the oppressed, champion Comics. "There will be a lot of gone. What klnda product Is that to opened. I dashed in, slammed It thing? of Justice, rocketed orphan from death and destruction around hype? shut behind me and locked it. the dying planet Krypton, all that Metropolis as a result of the Panting, I turned and looked into "I don't know exactly at what crap.. .Who'd wanna off the Man of fight....Superman Is going to die at "He'll be gone for a couple of the room. There sat Martha Tho- point the editorial decision is at, but Steel? the end. But he Is going to die sav- months., .(but) you bet your bottom mases, publicity manager for DC it's pretty much set," she sympath- Sure, he fought crime and wore ing as many people on Earth and in dollar he'll come back," Young Comics, paused over her lettuce ized. "There's nothing reafiy the his underwear outside his pants, Metropolis as he can, which Is winked at me with confidence, like and peanut butter sandwich, star- readers can do." but that's no reason to Ice a guy. what he's all about." somebody had given me a hot lip ing at me In shock. Paydlrt! Things were gertin' as confusin' on a nag in the fifth. So Supes Is set for the big 50 I checked the newsstand first and as programming a VCR, so I de- I still don't understand. How OK, sister, I snapped. Who offed cent discount bin in the sky. Who's was knocked outta my socks. This cided to talk to one'a my sources - popular could something be that the big guy? Who Wiled Superman? responsible? I dunno. The writers. Joe reporter for the trade magazine Bryan Young, propriator of nibs out the be-all end-all of Super Doomsday. The corporate scum. Advance Comics had beaten It ou- Young's Newsstand, 178 S. Main folks? "It's the story they wanted told - In a chain of death reaching from tta Mike Carlln, the editor of all St. Young's always got his ear to "I plan on ordering hundreds of what it's like to live in a world with- the city streets of Metropolis to the four DC Comics Superman titles, the ground. Maybe he heard some copies," he said, wiping his out Superman for people who've corporate offices of New York City that Supes was set to go down in dirt. counter top. "There's already been gotten used to Superman," she and comlcdom, who's to blame? Issue "75 of Superman. So why'd somebody wanna kill lots of advance orders." said, talking around a mouthful of I trudged back to the office under "Never say we wouldn't kill off the Super guy, I whispered sandwich. Who? Who wanted told? a grey, grey sky. hi.*«pMi..m 8 Tfc« Uridw Woaa«la«l

87, 92, 91, 88! What No 'How' octane gets the best rate?! Indian crafts, traditions on the 'If I put Sunoco Ultra 94 in my to a higher octane fuel, but if it per- agenda for cultural gathering Hyundai Excel, It will make it run sists, it could be Indicative of a better. ..right?' This Is perhaps the more serious problem, and you biggest misconception among should probably stop by the dealer by Lisa Gallagher Insider economy car performance fanatics or service station to have it I've seen. While the car probably checked out. would run better, it probably Like the lower compression, wouldn't be to an extent that the lower performance engines, a average driver would notice. Simi- higher octane fuel usually is not by Ross Weitzncr larly, depending on the car, a necessary in most high perform- For decades, American Indians have been living in a culture not Speed Racer higher ocatne rating could make ance engines. For example, the their own - the culture of the American pioneers. Now, the cur- the engine run worse! This is not 1993 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 Is ious have a chance to learn about the Indian culture and beliefs. The American Indian Intertribal Association will sponsor an common but can occur In lower suggested to use a minimum oc- awareness gathering about native Indians at Woodland Park in So you're driving around town, horsepower, lower compression tane rating of 91. Because that en- Perrysbura on September 19. The theme for the event is '500 right? You look down, only to see engines. gine produces 405 horsepower, ii Years of Survival,' and will provide the audience with entertain- that you've got no gas. Bad News! might not be too much to ask; but if ment as well as education about the American Indian. But OK, no big deal, Just head over So for those of you driving any- necessary, most engines like that Set to begin at 5 p.m., the gathering will feature numerous In- to the gas station and fill 'er up. But thing like a Yugo, Hyundai Excel, can be successfully operated on dians in a talk about their experiences growing up in tribes such wait.. .there are so many choices, Nissan Sentra or Chevrolet Cava- fuels with octane numbers in the as the Chippewa and the Shawnee. A medicine man called Bear so many grades of gasoline! What lier, if you put in super unleaded, 87 range. Some detonation might Shognosh, from Walpole Island in Ontario, will also share his do I do?! you're really throwing your money occur, but only under intense memories and Ideas of the Indian ancestory. Calm down! It's really quite away. However, for those of you acceleration. Mr. Ohio State The Indian community strongly believes that it was the Indians, simple. lucky souls who park a stray Pors- Highway Patrolman wouldn't ap- not Columbus, who discovered America. Indian activist Richard Morrales will explain at the gathering why they are lead to believe che 944,5-liter Ford Mustang or a prove of such behavior, anyway. this, in hopes of educating others about the Indian perspective. First of all, what makes regular Chevrolet Beretta GTZ in Lot 6, "(Indians) have been learning from a white man's history book gasoline regular, plus gas plus and hear this: YOU may not be throw- Really, the best way to tell which all their lives. We want people to know the truth: that the Indians super super? It's called octane. To ing it all away; YOU may actually fuel to use may not be by checking discovered America," said Joyce Mahaney, director of the event. the chemist, octane Is a lengthy se- need it. the owner's manual, but by trying a For those interested in Indian crafts, there will be Indian dan- ries of chemical chains and nu- few different grades on for size. If cers wearing the traditional beaded clothing. Arts and crafts will merous elements and compounds. In a higher compression or you want to do it by the book, be set up, allowing spectators to make their own beaded jewelry. To us, octane Is the percentage of higher pertormance engine, fuel however, the owner's manual There will also be a 16-foot teepee set up so people can walk in anti-knock compounds In the fuel. that is run through the engine Is won't steer you wrong. and look at Indian displays from the past. "People will be enlight- ened that there is an Indian side to history,"said Mahaney. This percentage is reflected on the burned at an exceptionally hot and Park admission is free, but donations of $1 for children, and $3 gas pump in the form of numbers fast rate. If the fuel is being burned Got a question about your for adults will be accepted. T-shirts and sweatshirts will also be on like 86,87,91,92 and in some too quickly, a condition known as own car? Ask the answer man sale, for $15 and $25 respectively, displaying the theme of the cases 94. While the higher- detonation, or pinging, can occur by writing On the Road, c/o In- event. numbered fuels are, In theory, (a metallic rattling under hard ac- sider magazine, 210 West Hall. No For more information on the gathering, contact Joyce Ma- more efficient, they are often just cleratlon or hill climbing). This situ- question too stupid. No horse- haney in the afternoons at 249-2601. unnecessary. ation is generally solved by moving power too big. SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE FALCON TEAM! Give another birthday Welcome Back B.G.S.U. Students! CLA-ZEL THEATRE Give blood. BOWLING GRI'JiN • MJ-I.V.1

MIKE I American Red Crow MYERS Monday Night Darts The B.G.D.A. is seeking 4-person teams for J. • i a - DANA the 1992-93 season. Season lasts 20+ weeks ICARVEY Cost: $50.00 per team (maximum ot 24 teams) Sign up: WAYNES Sept. 14: Downtown Athletic Club and Deli 6:30 -10:00 PM Sign Up for league Play 7:00 - Blind Draw Tournament rjjtT7j| Sept. 21: Downtown Athletic Club and Deli Take the short walk to downtown 6:00 - 7:00 PM Sign Up tor League Play Bowling Green. Enjoy a movie 7:00 - 8:00 Organizational League Meeting with us! Movie starts at midnight. 8:00 - Blind Draw Tournament Friday & Saturday only! 'Monday Sept. 28: First week ol League Play Play begins promptly at 7:00 PM VBtwIii FREE ADMISSION Questions: Steve Matzinger 381-8189 \Diri Midnight Movies Every Frl & Sat Night! Jenniter Kinney 372-2326 \Ajs|>cjati ■■■■*w**r*m^^^^^m^F^**m*+mm*m ■afrMri6b'ri6LA ftt.S«pt1l. 1991 9 The Insider Magazine


DAYTIMEMORNING SEPTEMBER 11,1992 • SEPTEMBER 17,1992 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 O CBS News CBS News News This Morning g Montel Williams Family Feud Challenge Pnce O Sign-Oil Cont'd CBC Morning News Earth Urban Peasant Mr. Dressup Sesame St. ID Home Shopping Spree CBS News News g This Morning g Cosby Show Amore Family Feud Challenge Price ID Varied News NBC News Newsg Todayg Sally Jessy Raphael Jerry Springer Doctor Dean m Sign-On Cont'd ABC News Good Morning America g Live - Regis & Kathie Lee Vickii Home m Sign-Oft Cont'd Homestretch Barney Sesame Street g Instructional Programming J m Sign-Oil Cont'd Homestretch Barney Station Mr Rogers Sesame Street g Instructional rog ramming m Movie OuckTales Stunt Dawgs Nin|a Turtles Menace Tale Spin Beetieiuice Chip-Dale Belvedere New Beaver 700 Club K Copeland © Family Ties News Casper Insp Gadget Bullwinkle G 1 Jo- Beetieiuice Dennis Sanford 3 s Co Family Ties Laverne Little House

ESPN Varied Jake In Motion Getting Fit Sporlscenter Sportscenter Sportscenter Sportscenter Training Bodyshape Sportscenter Sportscenter Jake

TMC Movie Varied Programs Movie

DAYTIMEAFTERNOON 11:30 12:00 12:30 | 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Pnce News Young and the Restless Bold Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Geraldo News Edition

O Sesame St Midday Emmerdale Varied Coronation Neighbours Wish Me Luck Video Hits Fame Raccoons g O Price News Young and the Restless Bold. Bea As the Work) Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey Golden Girls Golden Girls 0 Conoentr Newsg Closer Look Days of Our Lives g Another Work) Santa Barbara Maury Povich Donahue g

SB Home Cont'd Lovmg g All My Children One Lile to Live General Hospital Br Bunch Laverne M-A-S'H News

9 Instructional TBA Instructional Programming Varied Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Sandiego Reading

SD Instructional Programming ( lont'd Instructional Programming Movie Sesame Street Q Mr Rogers Sq 1 TV

m Varied Infatuation Rust) L Montel WiHiams Swans BondJr Darkwing Tom, Jerry Melodies Tiny Toon Goof Troop Batman g m Little House Andy Griffith Amore Vickii Bewitched Chipmunks Melodies Tom. Jerry Tiny Toon Batman g Saved-Bell Head Clss ESPN Getting Fit In Motion Bodyshape Varied Programs Global Wrestl Trucks Varied

TMC Movie Varied Progra ms [Movie Movie

Their senior portrait Sunday Special day, that is. 0« Senior portraits 0> are under way and TRY "Subway's 9® New Round Sandwiches." each senior has been given a preappointed I 1 day for their sitting. 1 Buy one 6" sub and get a 1 Simply come to 'FREE ROUND SANDWICH1 1 Sunday, Sept 13 only 28 West Hall I I 10:

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FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 11,1992 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News Vou Bet-lite Mermaid Major Oad Rescue 911 Top Cops News Newhart Arsento Hall O CBC News Degrassi J Geographic Major League Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Texas Rangers Journal 400 Blows a News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Mermaid Map' Dad Rescue 911 Top Cops News US Open Dark Justice e News NBC News Ent. Tonight Cur Allair Mattock I'll Fly Away News Tonight Snow 9 Love Con ABC News M'A-S'H Family Feud Famity Sat Preview Dinosaurs Strangers 20/20 Arsenlo Hal | Nightnne Used Cars © Previews Business MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Wash Week WalSt Served Piglet Files Blake's 7 Adam Smith Mystery!

60 Reading MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour McLaughlin Wash, week WalSt. Fmng Line Special Deoate: Industry No Protection Served Viewer's Choice e> Full House Mama Married... Major League Baseball Detroit Tigers al Boston Red Sox Married... America's Wosi Warned Sightings Suspects © Gro Pains Golden Gins Mampd You Bet-Lite 1 America s Most Wanted Sightings Suspects News M'A'S'H [Golden Girls Hunter

ESPN Moiowork) Up Close Sportscenter Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced

T¥C Movie. "Trust" Movie "Terminator 2; Judgment Day" Movie: "Logan's Run [Steel-Lace

SATURDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 12,1992 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O U.S. Open Tennis: Women s Final and Men s Semifinals o Real Fishing 1 Degrassi JHomeworks [Drivers Seat 1 Gardener JFish'n Driver's Seat Gardener Equestrian: Nations' Cup ID U.S. Open Tennis: Women's Final and Men's Semifinals IS Saved-Bell Adventure Piastre Double Up College Football Michigan at Notre Dame | Current Aflax Extra s> Bugs Bunny & Tweety Scooby Doo Weekend Emergency Starlight Scratch Beauty III Dehydralor College Football: Bowling Green State at Ohio State es Taste of La Cooking Cooking Garden Gourmet Old House Cars Hometime Collectors Sol. Model Austin City Limits Lonesome Pine Special o Wild Am Outdoors MotorWeek Streams* Old House Garden Workshop Hometime Gourmet Eating Well Collectors Alexander Woodwnght Set. Model o Super Dave Jungle College Football West Virginia at Pittsburgh WWF Wrestling Beauty and the Beast Baywatch 6D Super Dave Jungle WWF Wrestling International Star Search Movie: "Warrior ol the Lost World Star Search

ESPN Outdoors College Gameday [College Football: Iowa State at Iowa Scoreboard PGA Goil Canadian Open

TMC Movie: "Prayer ol the RoHerboys" Movie "Commando' [Movie "The Princess Bride |MOV* Deadly Surveillance

SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O US Open Tennis News Front Run. Brooklyn Bridge Jake and the Fatman Jake and the Fatman News Movie: "When a Stringer Calls" O CBC Saturday Report Goll Sketches Unexpected Major League Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Texas Rangers CBC News o U.S. Open Tennis News CashExp Brooklyn Bridge Jake and the Fatman Jake and the Fatman News Star Search Inventions 0 News NBC News Entertainment Tonight Golden Girls Empty Nest ] Nurses Sisters News Saturday Night Live 0 College Football American Gladiators Movie: "Ghostbusters" Commlsh Aisenio Hal Fn the 13th Series 0 Destinos Scenes Lawrence Welk Show Evening at Pops Lady Randolph Churchill Listen Up! Education Try Times Austin City Limits 0 European Tony Brown Lawrence Welk Show Wonderful World ot Disney Movie "Rhapsody in Blue" Dominoes: Decade 0 Stuntmasaars Missing Harry-Hendr. Cops Cops Code3 Trial-Error Comic Strip Live Star Trek Nightmare on Bm St. 3 0 Lilestyles-Rioh Star Trek: Next Gener Cops Cops Code3 Trial-Error News Emergency Star Trek American Gladiators esm Road Race |sportscenter Scoreboard jcoaege Football: Florida State at Clemson Scoreboard Baseball Sportscenter America's Horse

TMC Movie: "Masters ol Menace" |MCW "Commando" |Movie "Ski School'" Movie: "The Doors

Want to Wish Someone Happy Birthday? Anniversary ...Congratulations? Inde LabelV^^tK

Imports /* KrrVnis la',,*-. *\ Postcards Place a 1x3 ad in the BG News that: 12 ( ouip.u t l)is< 1 ~] m • Appears in Classified Section Rock & • Offers: Local MusicNk4.J-J ^ rr: .Jytw Dye Shirts t • Variety of Graphics to Choose From • Can be Billed to Bursar Account 'Weos/ $1.0ooff \stickers| w this AD Deadline: 2 days prior to publication date $6 OO or more No HmltH ^ Please call 372-2606 or stop by the BG News 214 W. Hall Expires 91792 \ h. / Sole specol order, consignment. •* nodes excluded X ^~wmmmimma^w^^^^^^ Vlll . . I I . . 1 I t * • I » I • I • • • « < I • ••••••••■•••■■••••••■a. 1 •iMIMI II I I • l4*t*j,.. ■ . . . /1*. i... Frl, S«pMl. Wl 11 TJw la«ld«r Mogozfo« |

SUNDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER 13,1992 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 :t::io 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Tomorrow Siskel Working NFL Today NFL Football Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants U.S. Open Tennis: Men's Final o Literale Life Best Years Meeting Place Hymn Sing JCFL Football Calgary Stampeders at Toronto Argos j Horse Racing Molson Mill QM €D Heal Estale Gary Pmkel J Cooper NFL Today NFL FootBan Chicago Bears at US Open Tennis: Men's Final

Sunglasses Paid Prog. This-NFL NFL Live NFL Football: Los Angeles Raiders at Cincinnati Bengals NFL Football: Buffalo Bins at San Francisco 49ers

% Liny Jones Week-David Brmkley Used Cars Close-up Home Again USA Direct Why Mil 1 Magic Chel Memories Starlight NewWKRP WKRP 51st Anniversary m Tony Brown Heritage Firing Line Contrary Firing Line Special Debate Industry No Protection Market Editors One on One McLaughlin Geographic GD Black Bty Club One on One Adam Smith Old House (Gourmet [Cooking (Gourmet Painting Sewing Lawrence Welk Show OED Scenes 03 Fitness Food De Browns Insider Maior League Baseball Detrort Tigers at Boston Red Sox Goof Troop

ffi) American Gladiators Star Trek Next Gener Movie; "Someone Is Watching Me Movie: "The Osterman Weekend" Boss? Family Ties

am Reporters Sportscenter NFL Gameday Auto Racing IndyCar -- Pioneer Electronics 200 American Muscle PGA Go" Canadian Open

TMC Pope Diet Movie Delta Force 2" Movie: "'Diner" |Mo.e Anothe' You |Movie: "Ring of Fire'"

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O U S. Open Tennis 60 Minutes Frannie Brooklyn Mov«: Grave Secrets: The Legacy of HWop Drtvt" News Siskel Aiserno Hall O Bonanza Country Gold | Venture CBCNews Auto Racing: Italian Grand Prix CD U.S. Open Tennis 60 Minutes Franme Brooklyn Movie: "Grave Secrets: The Legacy of Hiltop Drive News Golden Girls "Crime ol Innocence" «fi NFL Footba'l Secret Service I Witness Video Movie: Deadly Medicine News TBA Street Justice €D ABC News Roggms Life Goes On Videos Funniest A Murderous Affair: The Carofyn Warmus Story" Editors NewWKRP Sports Siske- m Lawrence Welk Show Backporch Sandiego Evening at Pops Masterpiece Theatre Backporch Why Kids Love School ea Cousteau's Rediscovery Austin City Limits Evening at Pops Chieftains in Concert Masterpiece Theatre Listening to America 89 Star Trek: Next Gener BUI 4 Ted Parker L In Color Roc Mamed... Herman Flying Blind Down Shore Inphomation Telecast Super Force Lightning

m Gro Pains Golden Girls Bui i Ted Parker L. In Cole Roc Mamed... Herman News Sports Xlra M-A-S-H Golden Girls Kenneth Copeiand ESPN Baseball Tonight NFL Primetime Major League Baseball: Chicago Cubs al St Lotas Cardinals Sportscenter NFL Pnmetime

TMC Ring ol Fire Cont'd Movie Romanong the Stone J Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare" | Movie: "Delta Force 2" First Power

MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 14,1992 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 1 12:30 O News CBS News You Bet-Life Hearts Afire Murphy B Murphy B Northern Exposure News Newhart ArsemoHea o CBC News Degrassi J. Ear-Gmd Northwood Road Mv Night Heat | Journal CBCNews Goll Secret Agent ID News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy! Hearts Afire Murphy B | Murphy B [Northern Exposure News Sweating Bullets Shopping CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Cur. Affair Fresh Prince [Blossom Movie: ...And Then She Was Gone News Tonight Show CD Slat Search ABC News M-A'S'H Family Feud Crossroads NFL Football: Miami Dolphins al Cleveland Browns ArsemoHal CD Ventured Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Metropolitan Opera Presents EastEnders Return to the Sea eo Reading MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am. Metropolitan Opera Presents Served Mystery1 €D Full House Mama Marred Night Court Movie: "The Best Little Wh xehouse m Texas" Star Trek: Next Gener Mama RushL Studs Rockford CD Gro. Pains Golden Girls MarnM... You Bet-Lite Star Trek Billy Graham Crusade News M'A'S-H Star Trek Star Search ESPN Ch. Flag Up Close Sportscenter Schaap Talk NFL Monday Mon Mag Pro Beach Volleyball Surfer Auto Racing Baseball Sportscenter Moments

TMC Rock n Ron High School Forever" Movie Class ol 1999 | Movie Pump Up the Volume Movie Navy SEALS '

WHERE THE PAHTY STARTS WHERE THE PARTY STARTS THIS WEEK'S "Careers " SOUTH SIDE SPECIALS This special supplement to the BG News Is targeted to discuss how to prepare Tor an Interview, a career, Pepsi 6 k$1.891 or explore employment P opportunities in the market place. Ice $ .99 | Careers Is published prior to the career expo each year. So If you are a business Interested In recruiting DG students, or a business that provides (he accessories for a successful Interview, advertise in Careers.


TUESDAY EVENING ' SEPTEMBER 15,1992 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News You Bel-Lite Rescue 911 Angel Street News Nawfiart Arsenio Ha» O CBC New, Degrassi J Land « Sea Witness Howie Journal CBC News Secret Agent ID News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' Rescue 911 Angel Street News Forever Knight Shopping ID News NBC News Ent Tonight Cur. Affair Quantum Leap Reasonable Doubts Dateline Newt Tonight Show €D Star Search ABC News M'A'S'H Family Feud Full House Family Roseanne Delta Going to Extiemes Arsenio Hall Nightline Used Cars QJ Ventured Business MacNei./Lerrer Newshour Nova Poetics-Latinos Journal Disasters EastEnders Russell To Sea SD Reading MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am Nova Politics Latinos Listening lo America Served Masterpiece Theatre © Full House Mama Married. Night Court Movie: Back to School Slar Trek: Next Gener Mama Rush L |studs Rocktord © Gro Pains Golden Girts Married You Bet-Lite Star Trek: The Next Generation News M'A'S'H Star Trek: Next Gener Slar Search

ESPN Running Up Dose Sport scenter Major League Basebat. Teams to Be Announced Manx League Baseball Teams to Be Announced

TMC Wall Street Mov* Another Woman Movie: Hartey Davidson and the Marlboro Man" Movie: Watchers" JMovie Body Chemistry

WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 16,1992 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News You Bet-Lile Hat Squad 48 Hours News Newhart Arsenio Han o CBC News Degrassi J. On Road Adrienne Ciaikson |Street Legal Journal CBC News Secret Agent ID News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy Hat Squad 48 Hours News Dangerous Curves Shopping ID News NBC News Ent. Tonight Cur. Affair Unsolved Mysteries Seinfeld Law S Order News Tonight Show ® Star Search ABC News M'A'S'H Family Feud Full House Home imp Home Imp Coach Crossroads Arsenio Hal N-ghtline Used Cars ffl Academic Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Live From Lincoln Center Jacksonville Jau XII Journal Russell TOSM 60 Reading MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am Lrve From Lincoln Center Than Music Opera Served Taping Time lor Teachers m Full House Mama Married... Nrgnt Court Beverly Hills. 90210 Metrose Place Star Trek Next Gener Mama RushL. Studs Rocktord © Gro Pains Golden Girls Married... You Bet-Lite Beverly Hills. 90210 Mekose Place News M-A'S-H Star Trek: Next Gener Star Search ESPN Inside PGA Up Close Sportscenter Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced Baseball Sportscenter Cycling: Mountain Biking

TMC Movie: "Logan's Run" JMovte: The Doctor" Teach 109 Movie: "Messenger of Death Movie The Unborn

THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 17,1992 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News You Bet-Life Top Cops Street Stories Middle Ages News Newhart Arsento Hall O CBC News DegrassiJ Our Town Movie Lost m the Barrens Journal CBC News Secret Agent a News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy1 Top Cops Street Stories Middle Ages News Silk Stalkmgs Shopping ID News NBC News Ent. Tonight Cur Aflair Cosby Show Cheers Night Court News Tonight Show S) Star Search ABC News M'A'S'H Family Feud Delta Room-Two Homelront Pnmetime Live Arsenio Hall NtghOine Used Cars s Sassafras Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour WrtdAm Russell Movie- "The )ark Angel Russell To Sea HO Readtng MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am Old House Don t Die Movie. "The )ark Angel Hawaiian Legacy ID FuH House Mama Married Night Court Simpsons Martin Heights Star Trek Ne«t Gener Mama RushL. Studs Rocktord © Gro Pains Golden Girls Married.. You Bet-Lrle Simpsons Martin Heights News M-A'S-H Star Trek Star Search

ESPN Senior Tour Up Close Sportscenter College Football: Pittsburgh at Rutgers Baseball Sportscenter Speedweek

TMC Pope D*i Movie "Crash and Burn" jMov* Return to the Blue Lagoon Movie Terminator 2 Judgment Day

When you party, remember to...
