The World Bank Report No: ISR6227

Implementation Status & Results Pastoral Community Development Project II (P108932)

Operation Name: Pastoral Community Development Project II (P108932) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 7 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 27-Aug-2011 Country: Ethiopia Approval FY: 2008

Public Disclosure Authorized Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Adaptable Program Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Federal Affairs Key Dates Board Approval Date 29-May-2008 Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2013 Planned Mid Term Review Date 12-Apr-2011 Last Archived ISR Date 27-Aug-2011 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 09-Oct-2008 Revised Closing Date 31-Dec-2013 Actual Mid Term Review Date 01-Jun-2011

Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project objective is to increase the resilience of Ethiopian pastoralists to external shocks and to improve the livelihoods of targeted communities.

Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

Yes No Public Disclosure Authorized Component(s)

Component Name Component Cost Sustainable Livelihoods Enhancement (SLE) 93.40 Pastoral Risk Management (PRM) 29.00 Participatory Learning and Knowledge Management (PLKM) 1.80 Project Management 8.90

Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Public Disclosure Authorized Overall Risk Rating Low

Implementation Status Overview Please note that this is an interim ISR and will be updated as soon as the Aidememoire from the current mission is cleared with the Government

Public Disclosure Copy • PCDP II continues to register tangible results in its intervention areas and is moving in the right direction to fulfill its development objectives. Ownership of the project by target communities and commitment of the administrative structures at federal, regional, woreda and kebele levels to the project objectives and its demanding implementation arrangements

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has been exemplary. Almost all the agreed actions of the June 2011 MTR mission have been effectively fulfilled well before the due dates. • The project managed to mobilize and consult close to 700,000 beneficiary communities or 39 % of the target population over the last seven months as part of the awareness creation and sensitization process during the 2004 EC (2011/12) Community Action Plan (CAP) preparation process. While 45% of participants are women, 23% are reported as youth. This is an important activity that ensures ownership and sustainability of development interventions in pastoral areas. • Implementation of the 631community sub-projects approved during FY 2003 (2010/11) is encouraging and at the end of the second quarters beneficiary communities were able to complete 234 sub-projects, of which 76% are education, 40% water development and 40 % animal health posts. • Beneficiary communities are effectively fulfilling their commitment to implement the FY 2004 EC (2011/12) new sub-projects. Accordingly, Br. 10.6 million or 82% of the plan was collected from beneficiary communities as part of the 5% cash contribution to implement the 489 new sub-projects. • During the reporting period, a total of 509 (67% of the plan) sub-projects were made fully functional through the provisions of equipment, furniture and trained manpower; including 144 schools, 133 water development, 77 health posts, 68 vet posts, and 29 small scale irrigation schemes. • A total of 28 Pastoral Saving and Credit Coops (PaSACCOs) were established over the last six months with a total membership of 1,287 (76% female members). The members mobilized Br 67,219 as paid share capital and Br 158, 704 as saving. Most of these groups have already started the inter-loaning for income generation and livelihood diversification activities. To date, the project has managed to establish 346 PaSACCOs in the project Regions, of which 329 have been registered as legal entities. The project has Public Disclosure Copy also disbursed Br. 7.15 million as seed capital for 133 PaSACCOs that fulfilled the required criteria. This was made possible after the required training and capacity building efforts. • Under the Pastoral Risk Management component of the project, the Pastoral Early Warning System has been effective in collecting, analyzing and interpretation early warning data for informed decision making purposes. Accordingly, during the reporting period, 24 weekly and 6 monthly early warning information were produced by the four major pastoral regions of the country. The Early Warning and Response Directorate of MoA has been disseminating the monthly early warning reports to all concerned stakeholders. • The Disaster Preparedness Strategic Investment Program (DPSIP), with longer term disaster preparedness, reduction and mitigation objectives, has also been active in supporting the beneficiary regions to design and implement strategic investments to complement the pastoral livelihoods resilience building efforts. During the reporting period and following the recommendations of the MTR mission in June 2011, a total of Birr 23 million has been transferred to Somali, Oromiya and SNNP regions to implement DPSIP sub- projects that obtained the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment clearances. Accordingly, activities in areas of range management, water development, small scale irrigation works, livestock market development, forage production and road construction are underway in various pastoral areas of the country. • Implementation progress of the Knowledge Management and Networking component of the project is also progressing very well. The mission noted with satisfaction that the dynamic web site of the project, which is being used as one of its communication strategies, has been visited by more than 10,410 users since its launch. Experience sharing visits among communities were conducted in Berahle, Gulina, Awra, Dawe, , Chifera, Dalifagi, Argoba, Gewane, Dalol, and Kuneba woredas of . Under the knowledge management sub-component, encouraging activities are underway, including establishment of pastoral resource centers, production of newsletters, brochures and posters, documentary film production and community radio programs. • Under the Policy Implementation Studies, all regions have established PLKM review committees. The mission is please to note that these committees are now functional in assessing policy implementation issues. During the reporting period, policy implementation constraints were identified by Oromia, SNNP, Afar and Somali regions and submitted to their respective Regional Steering Committees for comment and approval. Oromia region prioritized a study on implications of Pastoral Sedenteralization, while the Afar region prioritized a study on Livestock Crop production Systems and Livestock Market Management issues. • The project management at Federal and Regional levels are functioning well and all the key vacancies are filled up. The revised salary and perdiem allowances are encouraging and have addressed most of the issues associated with field visits and associated operational support trips to project sites.

Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Ethiopia Afar Regional State Afar Kilil

Ethiopia The State of Benshangul/Gumuz Binshangul Gumuz Kilil

Ethiopia Gambela Gambela Regional State

Ethiopia Oromia Regional State Oromiya Kilil Public Disclosure Copy Ethiopia Somalia Regional State Sumale Kilil

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Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Ethiopia SSNPR Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Regional State


Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Community members satisfied with timeliness, Percentage Value 47.10 70.00 quantity and quality of disaster early response Date 30-Jan-2009 10-Feb-2012 31-Dec-2013

Public Disclosure Copy Comments The data is from an MTR survey conducted by an independent consultant. Community members satisfied with service Percentage Value 95.40 70.00 delivery through PCDP II-financed social Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 infrastructure Comments The data is from an MTR survey conducted by an independent consultant. Income of pastoral saving and credit loan Percentage Value 0.00 40.00 100.00 beneficiaries Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Baseline for average income Out of the 1006 credit of pastoral saving & credit beneficiary HHs, the income loan beneficiaries will be of 407 has increased. determined once beneficairy communities of savings & credit loans are determined by the project. Early warning information on disaster risks Number Value 52.00 122.00 129.00 available for all pastoral and agro-pastoral Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 woredas Comments Both the regional and federal Due to the addition of three level Early Warning and new woredas, which have Response Departments have also started producing EWI, successfully collected, the total number has jumped analyzed and interpreted to 129 from the palnned 126 48weekly and 12 monthly EWI by pastoral woredas. early warning information cycles from 122 pastoral and agro-pastoral woredas. Public Disclosure Copy

Intermediate Results Indicators

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Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Savings and credit beneficiaries whose HH Percentage Value 0.00 40.00 80.00 income has increased (Comp 1b.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Out of the 1006 credit beneficiary HHs, 407 HHs have increased thier income. Early warning monthly and quarterly reports Percentage Value 10.00 100.00 80.00 produced and disseminated (national and Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 regional) (Comp 2a.) Comments The project has been successful in this area.

Public Disclosure Copy Pastoral and agro-pastoral Project prepare and Percentage Value 18.00 0.00 70.00 review DPCPs (Comp 2a.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2012 Comments Since this would be part of the Woreda Vulnerability Profiling work, the information will be available during the third quarter of 2012. DER Grants-financed early response activities Percentage Value 0.00 93.00 80.00 within one month of pastoral area EWS Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2012 identifying change from 'normal' conditions (Comp 2a.) Comments Out of the 41 woredas (24 in Oromiya and 17 in Somali) with drought emergencies, 38 woredas (21 in Oromiya and 17 in Somali) received DER grant with in one month. Available DPSIP resources expended on Percentage Value 30.00 prioritized strategic investments by region Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 (Comp 2a.) Comments The budget extended to the Regions is part of the annual allocation. Regions prepare comprehensive strategic Number Value 0.00 4.00 5.00 disaster preparedness investment plans (Comp Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 2b.) Comments All the four beneficiary regions have prepared thier DPSIPs. Public Disclosure Copy

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Community based disaster preparedness Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 85.00 infrastructure investments that are operational Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 and have maintenance plans (Comp 2b.) Comments Since implementation of DPISP projects has not yet commenced, the operational and maintenance plans are not prepared. Website visits per month (Comp 3) Number Value 0.00 243.00 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments A total of 6379 visitors have accessed the project Public Disclosure Copy webpage. PAL groups that have completed research Number Value 0.00 0.00 64.00 activities (Comp 3) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments 20 PAL groups have been established and research ideas being finalized. Quarterly regional EPADGON meetings held Number Value 4.00 8.00 20.00 and recorded (Comp 3.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments no minutes Instead of the EPADGON, with minutes regions have established Pastoral stakeholders Development Network (R- PSDN) and this group have met 8 timesso far. Policy implementation studies completed Number Value 0.00 0.00 5.00 (Comp 3.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Six policy issues have been identified for further study. Decisions legislated in support of policy Number Value 0.00 0.00 2.00 recommendations (Comp 3.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Since the policy studies are not yet completed, no legislations issued. Semi-annual project progress reports Percentage Value 30.00 100.00 100.00 submitted at federal (4 weeks), regional (3 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 weeks) and woredu (2 weeks) level after end of Comments

Public Disclosure Copy each semester (Comp 4)

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Quarterly financial reports submitted at federal Percentage Value 60.00 100.00 100.00 (4 weeks), regional (3 weeks) and woredu (2 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 week) level after end o f each quarter(Comp 4) Comments External audit report submitted within six Number Value 0.00 1.00 1.00 months of end of financial year (number per Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 year) (Comp 4.) Comments External audit report was submitted on the agreed due date. Consolidated annual work plan and budget Number Value 0.00 1.00 1.00 prepared in accordance with government fiscal Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013

Public Disclosure Copy planning cycle (number per year) Comments Agreed training plans completed each year Percentage Value 100.00 0.00 (gender, communications, social accountability, Date 20-Jun-2011 conflict, MIS, M&E and IT) (Comp 4.) Comments The planned training and capacity building activities were accomplished. Men and women participating in consultation Number Value 0.00 681216.00 activities that take place as part of project Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 implementation (Comp 1a) Comments 0 This represents 36% of the total population in targeted areas. of which female Number Value 0.00 306716.00 Sub Type Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Breakdown Comments 0 This represents 34% of the 50% total participants of which youth Number Value 150157.00 0.00 Sub Type Date 20-Jun-2011 Breakdown Comments This represents 18% of the 20% beneficiaries. Community sub-projects (approved) completed Percentage Value 30.00 34.00 80.00 each year (Comp 1a.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Out of the planned 1412 subprojects for the fiscal year, 479 were completed during the 2010/11 FY Public Disclosure Copy

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Sub-projects completed that receive recurrent Percentage Value 93.00 100.00 costs associated with PCDP CIF social Date 20-Jun-2011 investments Comments Out of the 699 completed CIF sub-projects some 652 are fully functional due to the provision of recurrent costs. First and second cycle education net enrolment Percentage Value 34684.00 rate for Grade 1-8 (Comp 1a.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Gross enrollment of students in PCDP constructed schools is 40,311 (15033 girls and Public Disclosure Copy 24968 boys). Number of people in rural areas provided with Number Value 102316.00 0.00 access to Improved Water Sources under the Date 20-Jun-2011 project Comments The 83 functional water supply sub-projects are serving 102,316 people and 308,470 livestock Sub-projects for which arrangements for O&M Percentage Value 0.00 93.00 80.00 are established (Comp 1a.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Out of the completed 699 community subprojects, 652 are fully functional due to the O&M arrangements provided. Woredas posting woreda CIF plans, budgets Percentage Value 0.00 100.00 90.00 and service performance at public centers Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 (Comp 1a.) Comments All project woredas have established complaint addressing system Woredas with a complaint redressal system for Percentage Value 0.00 100.00 90.00 CIF (Comp 1a.) Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments All project woredas have established complaint addressing system. Credit beneficaries (Comp 1b.) Number Value 0.00 10407.00 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments 300 PA-SACCOs have been Public Disclosure Copy established with a total of 18,800 members with Br. 6.0

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million capital. Enterloaning activity is not yet atfull swing, but a credit of Br. 125,000 has been given to 40 members so far. No of active loan accounts -Microfinance Number Value 0.00 195.00 300.00 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Out of the 300 PaSACCOs 195 have active bank accounts. However, all the 300 are providing loans to their members. Public Disclosure Copy % active loans to women - Microfinance Percentage Value 0.00 63.00 80.00 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Out of the current 10407 loan beneficiaries 6572 are women. Percentage of project-supported institutions Percentage Value 0.00 25.00 75.00 that are reporting on this indicator Sub Type Supplemental Number of active micro-savings accounts Number Value 0.00 195.00 300.00 Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments Out of the 300 PA-SACCOs 195 have opened bank accounts. % active micro-savings accounts held by Percentage Value 0.00 63.00 80.00 women Date 30-Jan-2009 20-Jun-2011 31-Dec-2013 Comments The number of active accounts held by women is similar to the actual number of beneficiaries.

Data on Financial Performance (as of 24-Jan-2012)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Loan No. Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Closing Date P108932 IDA-44580 Effective 29-May-2008 13-Jun-2008 09-Oct-2008 31-Dec-2013

Public Disclosure Copy P108932 IDA-H3950 Effective 29-May-2008 13-Jun-2008 09-Oct-2008 31-Dec-2013

Disbursements (in Millions)

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Project Loan No. Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P108932 IDA-44580 Effective XDR 14.20 14.20 0.00 9.85 4.35 69.00 P108932 IDA-H3950 Effective XDR 34.40 34.40 0.00 18.57 15.83 54.00

Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy

Key Decisions Regarding Implementation Implementation progress of the project and related implementation issues could be disclosed to ensure accountability and smoother implementation processes.

Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date.

Related Projects There are no related projects. Public Disclosure Copy

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