convened by leading US and UK scientific soci- the door to modelling and potentially treating the , said the Royal eties concluded again that the technology is human diseases — Church says that this work of , which awards the prize. not ready for use in human embryos that are could be classified as engineering and inven- Astrophysicist Monica Colpi at the Univer- destined for implantation. tion, rather than scientific discovery. “I think sity of Milan Bicocca in Italy says the prizes are The work also sparked a fierce patent bat- it’s a great choice,” he says. highly deserved. “The observational data by tle — mainly between the Broad Institute and It is always difficult to single out a discov- Genzel and Ghez are splendid and truly unique Berkeley — that rumbles on to this day over who ery for a prize, says geneticist Francis Collins, in their ability to monitor star motions around owns the lucrative intellectual-property rights head of the US National Institutes of Health in this object.” to CRISPR–Cas9 genome editing. Bethesda, Maryland. But one unique aspect of Penrose, meanwhile, is “a giant in theoreti- Still, Church agrees with how the award was CRISPR–Cas9 genome editing has been the ease cal ”, who has influenced generations divvied up. Although he is proud of the work and versatility of the technique, he adds. “There of , says Carole Mundell, an astro- in his lab and in Zhang’s — which adapted the is no molecular-biology laboratory that I know at the University of Bath, UK. He is system to work in mammalian cells, opening of that hasn’t started to work with CRISPR–Cas.” “a genuinely creative thinker with immense imagination, of fun and a passion for curiosity in everything he does”, she adds.

General relativity to geometry In a seminal 1965 paper, Penrose demon- WIN NOBEL strated how, according to , black holes could form given the right condi- PRIZE FOR BLACK-HOLE tions — the formation of a surface that traps light (R. Penrose Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 57; 1965). DISCOVERIES Inside this surface, mass enters an irreversible gravitational collapse, producing a region of Mathematical physicist shares award infinitely dense energy called a singularity. Previous researchers had demonstrated this with astronomers Andrea Ghez and . inevitability only under conditions that were considered physically unrealistic. By Elizabeth Gibney & US astronomer Andrea Ghez and German Penrose’s contributions span many areas of Davide Castelvecchi astronomer Reinhard Genzel, share the mathematics and physics. He communicated other half of the 10-million-Swedish-kronor with the graphic artist M. C. Escher and inspired mathematical physicist and two (US$1.1-million) award for discovering the Uni- some of his drawings of impossible geometrical astronomers have won the 2020 verse’s most famous — the super- objects. In the 1970s, he developed a geomet- in Physics for discover- massive object at the centre of the Milky Way. rical theory: a non-repeating 2D pattern now ies relating to the most massive and Since the 1990s, Ghez and Genzel have each called Penrose tilings. These patterns occur in mysterious objects in the Universe led groups that have mapped the orbits of stars in ‘quasicrystals’, which were the subject A— black holes. close to the Galactic Centre. These studies led of the 2011 Nobel Prize in . British mathematical physicist Roger them to conclude that an extremely massive, Penrose introduced sophisticated math­ Penrose receives half the prize for theoret- invisible object must be dictating the stars’ ematical techniques into several branches of ical work that showed how ’s frantic movements. The object, known as physics, says Matilde Marcolli, a mathematical general theory of relativity should result in Sagittarius A*, is the most convincing evidence physicist at the California Institute of Technol- black holes. yet of a at the centre of ogy in Pasadena. “It was a completely new way of thinking,” she says. Whereas Penrose laid the theoretical founda- tions for the existence of black holes, Ghez and Genzel’s teams produced powerful evidence that such a void sits at our Galaxy’s heart. Since the 1960s, astronomers had suspected that a supermassive black hole — with a mass more than one million times that of the Sun — might lie at the centre of most galaxies. The Milky Way was a prime candidate: radio obser- vations had revealed energetic emissions from its centre. But peering closely was a challenge, because gas and dust obscured emissions from the stars. Beginning in the 1990s, rival teams led by Ghez and Genzel used some of the world’s biggest telescopes — the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the Very Large Telescope on Cerro Paranal, Chile, respectively — and cutting-edge observational

DAVID LEVENSON/GETTY, CHRISTOPHER DIBBLE, ESO/M. ZAMANI DIBBLE, ESO/M. CHRISTOPHER LEVENSON/GETTY, DAVID techniques, to overcome this challenge. Roger Penrose, Andrea Ghez and Reinhard Genzel (left to right) received the 2020 Nobel Crucial to their work was finding ways to physics prize for their research on black holes. boost resolution and sensitivity to the faint light, says Andreas Eckart, an astrophysicist at

Nature | Vol 586 | 15 October 2020 | 347 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved.

News in focus the University of Cologne in and for- “He’s very concise, and a very good ,” he The prize is well deserved, says Ellie Barnes, mer member of Genzel’s team at the says. Ghez, he adds, is “a very focused person who studies liver and immunology at Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garch- who goes at the problems in a very direct way”. the University of Oxford, UK. “It stands out as an ing. Using a technique known as speckle imag- Ghez, now at the , emblem of great ,” she says. “We’ve got to ing, the groups took data in snapshots to avoid Los Angeles, is just the fourth woman to win a point where we can cure most people who are blurring caused by the turbulence in Earth’s the physics prize — the Nobel award with the infected.” The prizewinners will share an award atmosphere. Later, both teams used adaptive fewest female winners. In 2018, laser physi- of 10 million Swedish kronor (US$1.1 million). optics, which uses a mirror to correct for the cist ended a 55-year drought distortion. This allowed for longer exposures, when she became the third woman to win it. Blood-borne pathogen to capture more light and boost sensitivity, also “I take very seriously the responsibility asso- In the 1970s, Alter studied the transmission of allowing them to track the motion of stars in ciated with being the fourth woman to win the hepatitis, or liver inflammation, as a result of three dimensions. The conclusion that there Nobel [physics] prize,” Ghez said at a press con- blood transfusions. Earlier work had identified is a supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s ference following the announcement. “I hope I the hepatitis A and B viruses, but Alter showed centre was the culmination of team efforts and can inspire other young women into the field.” that a third, blood-borne viral pathogen could “many papers and many projects”, says Eckart. transmit the disease to chimpanzees. Genzel is known for being a hard worker, says Additional reporting by Nisha Gaind and Houghton, then working at Chiron Cor- Eckart, who still collaborates with the laureate. Holly Else. poration in Emeryville, California, and his colleagues identified the virus on the basis of genetic material from infected chimpanzees, showing that it was a new kind of RNA virus that belonged to the Flaviviridae family. They named it hepatitis C virus. VIROLOGISTS WHO A team led by Rice, then based at Wash- ington University in St. Louis, Missouri, used DISCOVERED HEPATITIS C genetic-engineering techniques to character- ize a portion of the hepatitis C genome that is WIN MEDICINE NOBEL responsible for viral replication, demonstrat- ing its role in causing liver disease. Harvey Alter, Charles Rice and Michael Houghton At a press conference, Alter noted that it took researchers at Chiron six years to clone share the award for research on a deadly virus. a tiny fragment of the hepatitis C viral genome, and expressed doubt that such painstaking By Ewen Callaway & Heidi Ledford of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada; and Charles research would be carried out today. “Nowa- Rice, now at the in New days, if you don’t have an immediate endpoint trio of scientists who identified the York City. Their work on the hepatitis C virus it’s hard to get funding,” he said. “It’s much virus responsible for many cases paved the way for effective treatments for the more difficult for people now — especially of hepatitis and liver disease — infection that are now available. young people — to pursue research.” hepatitis C — have won the 2020 Nobel The World Health Organization (WHO) esti- The results of research by the prizewinners Prize in or Medicine. mates that 71 million people worldwide are and others has led to significant improvements AThe winners are Harvey Alter at the US chronically infected with hepatitis C, which in hepatitis testing and treatment. In the past National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Mary- causes nearly 400,000 deaths per year, mostly decade, harsh and poorly effective treatments land; Michael Houghton, now at the University from cirrhosis and liver cancer. for the infection have been replaced by drugs that directly block the virus. These have the potential to cure the vast majority of hepatitis C infections, but their high cost has limited access in many countries. The WHO has set a goal of eradicating the hepatitis C virus by 2030, which Barnes says could be achievable. But to do so, she adds, might require a vaccine. Progress on develop- ing such a vaccine has been slow, owing in part to the wily nature of the virus. The genetics of each strain of hepatitis C virus differ drasti- cally: Barnes estimates that hepatitis C is ten times more diverse than is HIV, and “infinitely” more so than the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. And it is difficult to conduct clini- cal trials in the populations most vulnerable to the hepatitis C virus. None of these problems is insurmounta- ble, Barnes says. “The virus was discovered

30 years ago and we still don’t have a vaccine,” UNIV.; OFFICE; JOHN ABBOTT/ROCKEFELLER NIH HISTORY ALBERTA RICHARD SIEMENS/UNIV. Harvey Alter, Charles Rice and Michael Houghton (left to right) won the 2020 Nobel prize in she adds. “We still have people infected and medicine for their research on the hepatitis C virus. dying of hepatitis C. From that point of view, the story’s not over.”

348 | Nature | Vol 586 | 15 October 2020 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved.