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Proceedingsofi P R O C E E D I N G S O F I - I D E A I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C I E N C E S , T E C H N O L O G Y & E N G I N E E R I N G C O N F E R E N C E ( I S T E C ) A D V A N C E D G E O S P A T I A L A N D S U R V E Y I N G ( A G e o S ) 2 0 2 0 October, 7th 2020 | Virtual Conference “ E M P O W E R I N G G E O S P A T I A L S U R V E Y I N G T O W A R D S T H E 5 T H I N D U S T R I A L R E V O L U T I O N ” E X T E N D E D A B S T R A C T O R G A N I Z E D B Y R E S E A R C H , I N D U S T R Y , C O M M U N I T Y & A L U M N I N E T W O R K ( R I C A N ) U N I V E R S I T I T E K N O L O G I M A R A P E R L I S B R A N C H Available online: Proceedings of International Sciences, Technology and Engineering Conference (ISTEC): Advance Geospatial and Surveying (AGeoS) 2020 Extended Abstract Editors Dr. Rohayu Haron Narashid Siti Aminah Anshah Nursyahani Nasron &RS\ULJKW ([FOXVLYHULJKWVE\8QLYHUVLWL7HNQRORJL0$5$3HUOLV%UDQFK$UDX&DPSXV $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG1RSDUWRIWKLVERRNPD\EHVFDQQHGXSORDGHGUHSURGXFHGGLVWULEXWHGRU WUDQVPLWWHG LQ DQ\ IRUP E\ DQ\ PHDQV ZKHWKHU HOHFWURQLFDOO\ SKRWRFRS\LQJ PHFKDQLFV UHFRUGLQJRURWKHUVEHIRUHREWDLQLQJZULWWHQSHUPLVVLRQIURPWKHDXWKRURUSXEOLVKHU Email : DJHRVLVWHFLLGHD#JPDLOFRP Publication Date: 12 November 2020 Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Published by 8QLYHUVLWL7HNQRORJL0$5$3HUOLV%UDQFK $UDX&DPSXV $UDX 3HUOLV0DOD\VLD PREFACE ,WLVDJUHDWSULYLOHJHIRUXVWRSUHVHQWRQHRIWKHVSHFLDOVDWHOOLWHHYHQWVZKLFKEURXJKWWR\RX E\WKHWK,QWHUQDWLRQDO,QQRYDWLRQ'HVLJQDQG$UWLFXODWLRQ L,'H$ 7KHHYHQWQDPHG ,67(&$GYDQFHG*HRVSDWLDODQG6XUYH\LQJ $*HR6 &RQIHUHQFHVSHFLDOO\RUJDQL]HG E\WKH 5HVHDUFK,QGXVWU\&RPPXQLW\DQG$OXPQL1HWZRUN 5,&$1 RI 8QLYHUVLWL7HNQRORJL 0$5$3HUOLV%UDQFKZLWKWKHWKHPHRI³(PSRZHULQJ*HRVSDWLDO6XUYH\LQJ7RZDUGVWKHWK ,QGXVWULDO5HYROXWLRQ´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hese proceedings contain 21 extended abstracts and 3 full papers in field of Surveying and Geomatics, GPS and GNSS, UAV, GIS, Remote Sensing, and Sustainable Environment. We want to express our gratitudeto everyone involvedin AGeoS2020 including authors, reviewera, invited speakers, program committee, judges, local organization, and others. :HKRSH\RXHQMR\UHDGLQJWKHSURFHHGLQJV Publication Committee Editors 'U1D]LUDK0G7DUPL]L 'U5RKD\X+DURQ1DUDVKLG 1RRU]DOLDQHH*KD]DOL 6LWL$PLQDK$QVKDK 1RRUD]ZDQL0RKG5D]L 1XUV\DKDQL1DVURQ 1XUKDIL]D0G6DDG 1RRUIDWHNDK7DOLE International Science, Technology & Engineering Conference (ISTEC): Advanced Geospatial & Surveying (AGeoS) 2020 Virtual Conference Table of Contents AGeoS2020: Extended Abstract 3 1. Improvement of Power Transmission Line Location at Tropical Forest Area in Avoiding Endangered Tree Species 3 Sofiya Zulaikha Ruslan, Nurul Ain Mohd Zaki, Zulkiflee Abdul Latif , Mohd Nazip Suratman, Hamdan Omar, Mohd Zainee Zainal and Sharifah Norashikin Bohari 3 2. Determination of Possible Route for Invaders at Kota Putra, Padang Terap Using UAV Image 8 Ismail Ma’arof and Mohamad Arham Mahasan 8 3. Analysis of Ground Movements on the Steep Hillside Using the Geological Approach Method Study Case: Inhabited Resident of Bukit Kencana Jaya, Meteseh, Semarang, Central Java 13 Kartika Luthfia Ariwibowo, Miftahul Jannah, Adelia Gading Wanazizah, Kurnia Fadhli and Muhammad Nanda Nurhaqqy 13 4. A Case Study of Sentinel-2 Utilization for Harvest Activity Detection in a Sugarcane Industry Thailand18 Soravis Supavetch, Chayanut Kerenart and Teerawat Panchangchaiyasit 18 5. School Mapping System Using GIS in Kulim Bandar Baharu District 24 Norina Omar, Nur Hani Nasihah Hedzir and Nor Hidayah Hamdan 24 6. Plumb Bob 2.0 28 Norina Binti Omar, Bavithira A/P Ganesa and Maniarasiy A/P Revindran 28 7. Towards a 3D Cadastre Augmented Reality in Malaysia 33 Farah Ilyana Hairuddin, Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam, and Mohamad Hezri Razali 33 8. Basic Surv Comp Tool 40 Norul Huda binti Shamsudin, Azilawati Binti Harun, I’zzatul Fadzilah Binti Adam and Norhayati Binti Yusof 40 9. Dominant Tree Species Classification Using Remote Sensing Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) 46 Juhaida Jamal, Nurul Ain Mohd Zaki, Mohd Nazip Suratman, Zulkiflee Abd Latif, Hamdan Omar, Mohd Zainee Zainal and Sharifah Norashikin 46 10. Reliability Study of Solar Observation as Constraints in Cadastral Network Adjustment 55 M F M Zaim, M A Abbas, and N M Hashim 55 11. Numerical Simulation of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Signal for Laterite Soil Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) 64 Muhammad Aiman Safi’n and Mimi Diana Ghazali 64 1 Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia eISBN 987-967-17889-6-7 International Science, Technology & Engineering Conference (ISTEC): Advanced Geospatial & Surveying (AGeoS) 2020 Virtual Conference 12. Assessment of Automated Road Features Extraction Algorithm from UAV Images 75 Amirul Ahmad and Sharifah Norashikin Bohari 75 13. Seamless Vertical Datum Model over Sarawak Region using KTH Method 82 Nurfarhah Razali, Muhammad Faiz Pa’suya and Ami Hassan Md Din 82 14. Integration of Sirah and Geography Elements in Teaching and Learning using Multimedia Approach 93 Erna Nurfazana Nurizan, Ernieza Suhana Mokhtar, Siti Zulaiha Ahmad and Nur Hazwani Kasban 93 15. Effect of Partially Fix in the least Squares Adjustment 98 Mohamad Amirul Bin Rozali and Norshahrizan bin Mohd Hashim 98 16. Development of Android Application for Peninsular Malaysia Geoid Height Calculator 104 Mohamad Nazir Md Nazri and Muhammad Faiz Pa’suya 104 17. Reliability of Angular Adjustment Approach to Reduce Error In Cadastral Databased 111 M A H Kamaruzzaman, M A Abbas , and N M Hashim 111 18. Identifying Factor of Forest Fire Risk in Selangor using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) 116 Nur Amirah Mohammad Noor Azam, Nursyahani Nasron, Noorazwani Mohd Razi, Azlizan Adila Mohammad and Sazwan Ahmad Pugi 116 19. Affected Area Estimation using Calibrated Discharge at Ungauged Catchment 121 Mohamad Nur Syafiq Mohamad Faisa, Ernieza Suhana Mokhtar and Farah Hanani Amran 121 20. Reliability Study of UAV Photogrammetry for Slope Maintenance in Naka, Kedah 127 Mohamad Fadhilah Azri and Dr Ashraf Abdullah 127 21. Drone Applications for Sandy Beach Changes in Monsoon Environment 136 Adina Roslee, Effi Helmy Ariffin and Azam Yaakob 136 AGeoS2020: Full Paper 22. An Overview on Malay Reserve Enactment between States in Peninsular Malaysia 141 Siti Maryam Abdul Wahab and Nurul Atikah bt Rosli 141 23. Marine Spatial Alienation Perspective in Malaysia Towards Marine Cadastre Implementation 151 Ashraf Abdullah 151 24. Application of Thailand Realtime CORS GNSS Network for UAVs Photogrammetry 156 Torlap Kanplumjit, Rodjana Koonpoon and Somjai Muenjorn 156 2 Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia eISBN 987-967-17889-6-7 International Science, Technology & Engineering Conference (ISTEC): Advanced Geospatial & Surveying (AGeoS) 2020 Virtual Conference (Extended Abstract) AGeoS2020: Extended Abstract 1. Improvement of Power Transmission Line Location at Tropical Forest Area in Avoiding Endangered Tree Species Sofiya Zulaikha Ruslan1, Nurul Ain Mohd Zaki1, Zulkiflee Abdul Latif 2, Mohd Nazip Suratman3, Hamdan Omar4, Mohd Zainee Zainal1, Sharifah Norashikin Bohari1 1Environment and Climate Change Research Group, Centre for Surveying Science and Geomatics Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 02600, Arau,Perlis, Malaysia 2Applied Remote Sensing & Geospatial Research Group, Centre for Surveying Science and Geomatics Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 3Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40000, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 4Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), 52109, Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia e-mail : [email protected] Abstract In order to meet the demand for power supply, site exploration for a suitable transmission Right-Of-Way (ROW) using automated technology is in dire need. Unfortunately, suitable sites do at the time involved tropical forest area and cause forest degradation that could become a threat to endangered tree species.Therefore, this research conducted with Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies in optimizes Least-Cost Path (LCP) siting by considering multicriteria decision related which are feature classes, endangered tree species, slope, average wind speed, and human mask. Before, finding the best route for transmission siting required expert advice and opinion in investigated site location and drawn manually on the paper. With the innovation of GIS work as powerful tools in optimize power transmission line siting at tropical forest area. Reclassify algorithm used to weight the multi-criteria related to optimize power transmission line siting. The data processing procedure carried out on a model builder platform that customizes design in optimizing transmission line siting. The transmission line siting optimization has been conducted using the Reclassify algorithm and LCP tools that carried out processing on the Model Builder platform. Forest degradation and extinction of endangered tree species could be prevented in tropical forest areas for future development in utility industries. Keywords: Optimize route, Least-Cost Path (LCP), Reclassify algorithm, GIS Introduction transmission line sitting with a short distance and less cost involved with minimal environmental impact The power lines industry is increasing the (Zipf et al., 2019).
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