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8-18-1955 The ewN s, August 18, 1955 The ewN s

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -jottings from Jo's NEWS^ The Farm and Home Paper of the Ken-Tenn Territory Note Book Volume Twenty-Four Fulton, Fulton County, , Thursday August 18, 1965 Number Thirty-Three

Monday afternoon I took a little shopping to- journ around SOUTH FULTON IS Fulton. In every store I visited there was brisk trading and Survey -s Rote everybody looked mighty happy SURE Of FOOTBALL about the whole thing When 1 got tu the last store 1 com-i merited on the sir of activity THIS CONING YEAR Decrease Is Possible and it was a merchant who said: "Its railroad pay-day." Fans Raise $1500 To Defray Costs Instantly I thought thst, of For Gas Consumers course, it wss The fifteenth snd Of 1955 Games the twenth-ninth o f every A recent survey made by the City of Fulton showed month thousands of dollars in South Fulton High supporters that thirty more consumers would use natural gas if a payroll checks flow through the indicated Saturday that they rate decrease were effected. In the same survey is was cash registers of local stores are definitely interested in keep- Just as that same money comes ing football at the shown that 67 others would consider switching to through when the Siegel factory, school A total v' natural gas and 36 said that they were not interested in Browder Milling Co., the tele- raised and s good athletic assoc- that type of utility. A total of 610 cards was mailed to phone company and a score of iation is now functioning. non-users of natural gas and 133 cards were returned. other lot'al industries pay off. The grid sport appeared to I kept thinking what would be doomed at South Fulton after The survey was made in an rates of natural ga8 to local con- happen it by some chance we the Obion County Board of Ed- attempt to find the possible sumers. Facts and figures have At the special Illinois Central Night at the Ball Park last Saturday night Wayne number of gas consumers that been sent to the bonding corn- didn't h»ve these local indus- utstion announced last week Johnson, IC president seemed happy to be fceru. In the photo at left he enjoys a tries end those payrolls; the lo- that football could not be con- could be counted upon to in- pany regarding the possibility cal economy would certainly tinued unless the following re- good story with the other officials. Seated near him is J. F. Fitzpatrick, an official crease the volume of business, of a rate decrease for the bene- take something of s nose-drive quirements could be met An of the company. In the photo at right Mr. Johnson and Bob White, Chamber of making a,rate decrease feasible. Jit of the nearly 500 consumers individual or group of individ- Commerce president, extend greetings to the audience. For several months the City now using natural gas uals would underwrite the cost of Fulton has had under ad- The gas system is operating It was that railroad payroll of football and a qualified and visement decreasing the present at a good profit, figure, at the that I keep thinking of most certified football coach could be " ' ** —City Hall revealed For the first and just how much it is ap- hired at no additional cost to preciated by local business Little Interest, Slim Crowd Sees ytm toU1 the county. people If I were to jucW- this IT'S HERE AGAIN! penses totalled"IT $17.92939, 'show- appreciation by the absence of A meeting was held at the ing a net profit (or the period local citizens st .the ball Park school Friday night and the ol $18,528.79. The City Council Saturday night. I would say South Fulton Physical Educat- Appreciation Event For IC Folks TIME FOR THE BIG is anxious to' pass this profit right off hand thst there is no ion and Athletic Association was formed One of the first pro- on to the consumer, in the form appreciation whatsoever And On Saturday night- Fulton White, of the Chamber of Com- President, Purchasing and jects of the new groups, head- of a future rate decrease, pend- frankly there is no other con- was host to a number of offic- merce, who met the group at Stores; F K. Stanford, Supt., FARM BUREAU DAY ed by President Earl Thorpe, approval of the bonding clusion snybody can reach but ials of the Illinois Central Rail- Mississippi Division; D B. wss to sell enough season tickets the train. company. that one road. who came through Fulton Sweeney, Asst. Coal Traffic Calf Sale And at $10 each to underwrite the The officials who attended the from Madifcnville to visit at Manager. Since the bonding company cost of football this season, game were: W. A. Johnston, Beef Show Are It was a shame and a dis- the ball park. J R. Kunkel, Office Manager; set the rates for the gas con- which was estimated st $1,500 President of the IUinols Central grace to have the President of N. E White, Asst Freight Traf- sumption, it remains with Surprisingly, the group sold The "Illinois Central Nighl" Railroad; R. E. Bsrr. Consul- On The Program the Illinois Central Railroad fic Manager; Sebra Evans, them to pass on the decrease of enough tickets Saturday lo as- at the ballgame wss sponsored tant, a vice president retired; Company, with nearly every TranMnaslur, Memphis; John Its here again! For the twenty- rates. The system is operated sure s football program at South by the Chamber of Commerce, C J Fitzpatrick, Vice President one of the lop-rsnking officials Moran, Trainmaster, Fulton. second year the Fulton County with marked efficiency and Fulton High this year and invitations were issued to in charge of Operations; O. O. of the company on hsnd Satur- Unfortunately, neither the Farm Bureau is holding it, an- viewing the future with added all agents of the IC from Cairo Albntton, Vice President in day night and not enough people Of course the school still has citizens nor the IC employees nual barbecue and picnic. And consumers, even greater savings t<, Jackson A special section of charge of Purchase and Stores; there to form a corporal's gusrd. to secure a coach, but thst is attended the ballgame in suf- with that delicious meal there for the customers can be ef- the grandstand was reserved for B B Smith. General Coal Traf- Here this group comes to Ful- only" incidents!, ss the big job ficient force to show these of- will be actimy galore. For in- fected. the IC officials and also for the fic Manager. ton Take time off from their (Coo't On Page «> ficials the kind ot -w elcome we stance there will be: The profit is shown in spite env/.ovee, of the IC who' were many duties to pay us s vlTt E. H. Buelow, General Super- would like them'to receive in The 4-H Club and FFA beef ot the fact that less consumers invited to the game and I hey sre gieeted. not by intendent Transportation; C. G. Fulton. Several agents from out- show and sale; are using ga, than was needed as set forth in the original sur- the people who benefit from the The officials of the IC were Massoth. Editor of the IC Mag- of-town were in attendance with The 4-H Club and FHA girls MRS. JOHN WILKEY vey made by the engineering railroad. but by a sea ot empty introduced by President Bob azine; C. S. Burt, Asst to Vice their families. display exhibit; seats. firm. It was set out that 430 re- The 4-H Club electrical pro- sidential and 115 business firms WRITES GLOWING Little League Hleacher Col. J. M. Chambers ject exhibit. were needed to use gas the first The baseball game and the FREE CHEST X-RAYS And also in connection with year to bring about a profit. event had been hilled for sev- Fund Growing Very, To Celebrate 99th the picnic thirty fat calves will The City of Fulton has 382 re- eral weeks as Illinois Central LETTER OF TRAVELS Very Slouly Birthday Sunday be sold. The beef show starts sidential consumer, and 78 other Appreciation Nlljit". News- TO BE GIVEK HERE at 9:30 a. m. and dinner will be users at the present time. SSfsr •torlea. rm*to spots and Former Citizen Doesn't seem like the Ijttle A big dinner and family re- served beginning at 11:30 a. m. Officials of the bonding com- personal contacts were made to Now In India; I-eague Bleacher Fund i, Ihe union will be held Sunday. Au- It will be a big day aU around have a large representation of pany are expected in Fulton at most popular project in town 4 DAYS NEXT WEEK gust 21 in Russelville, Ky. hon- the Fairgrounds at Fulton. New an early date to review the people on hand to show these j In Travelogue At least it isn't if contributions oring beloved Col. J. M Cham- farm machinery will be on dis- operations here Meanwhile city railroad officials what we think The Wtlkey family are among to the fund are any indncation. Mobile Unit To bers who will be 99 years old play. latest farm practices will employees are happily working of them and how interested we ] America's most*- interesting let- 1-ast week it was reported that on that day. Colonel Chambers be discussed among all those at- in their offices, made possible are in having them locate more Be On Lake St. ter writers. Today we reprint a .1 total of $21 had been collect- is a former resident of Fulton tending and visitor, will come because of the accelerated bus- of their installations in Fulton. letter Mrs. John Wilkey wrote led and a total of $60 is needed Auo. 23-24-25-26 Ccunty. His forbear, were from from far and near to browse a- ness of the gas and water sys- At the moment there is a poss- to her friend Mrs. Horace Reams Thi, week a i«o dollar do- round and have a good time. tems. ibility that the dtesel shops England and came lo this coun- of her voyage to New Delhi, nation came in from J Porter Free chest x-ray, will be a- The beef calf sale w|l be might locate here and as a mat- try by way of Pasquotank, N. India where her husband is Hood of Frankfort making the I vailable to Fulton Countians, held at two in the afternoon. ter of fact our community 1s Aug 23-24-25-26, when the Tu- C. as early settlers of Ruthville, stationed Another letter was total $23 and $37 more needed Tenn. Farm Bureau members and their under serious consideration for bersulosis jc-ray Mobile Unit of children will be served for fifty FORMER FULTON sent lo Mrs Win Whitnel Part | Mr Hood may never sit on those Colonel Chambers has many that location But what do we the Kentucky St^tc Department cents a plate while all non- of the letter to Mrs Reams fol- bleac hers, but he Is 'Interested relative, in this country who no do about tl Nothing absolu- of Health visits Fulton. members wil be served at $1.00 lows Because of lack of space doubt v.V attend the birthday tely nothing i inyoung boys and their activ- The Unit will be parked on a plate. PUBLISHER IS wc will continue "the letter next : ities. celebration. week Lake St. from 9-12 a. m. to 1-3 Be on hand for the big picnic Saturday* night we looked a- Won't you, as a public-spirited p m, and all persons over and farm shows and most of all round to see if we could find 'citizen help a little? Send your fifteen years of age are urged join the Fulton County Farm AUTHOR OF BOOK Dear Elizabeth: Hearing Set For Taxi some of those chronic griper* contribution in to the News of- to make sure they do not have Bureau at your first opportun- who constantly complain that Gee, it seems so long since I fice. today tuberculosis by having a chest Purchase On Sept: 12 ity. Herbert Williams the local Chamber of Commerce left Fulton! I must confess al- XT»y. The service is being made thoush we had a most delight- The State Department of Writes Book As does nothing to get industry IN LOUISVll.l.F.! available through the cooper- VACATIONING! here They u ere not there We ful trip over and being in India Motor Transportation today set ation of Ihe Kentucky state. De- j James Meacham, . son of Mr. Guide To Trade looked around to sec if the is a wonderful experience, I Mrs Paul Westpheling and partment of Health, the Fulton for hearing September 12 the I avd Mrs 'James Meacham is people who constantly complain really miss Fulton, the ehurch Mrs C E Hughe, left Thursday County Health IVpartment and application of Richard and Vir- I having a 'wonderful vacation A new book "Newspaper Or- that several local people are and my fi lends there So do morning for Louisville where the Kentucky Tuberculosis As- giv Darnell, Route 1, Hickman, with his uncle and fjmtfy in ganization and Management'' it the obstsdles in getting industry C'arrtl and Sue, for thst mstter they will visit over the week sociation. for purchase of operating rights Trov, Ohio soon to be published by the here The folks who are ac- though I'm sure they dsill be end. Mrs Hughes joined Mr. All food handlers and school under two taxi certificates now Iowa State College press and cused ot being the "obstacles" much better satisfied once they Hughes who is attending a personnel are to have- an x-ray. owned and operated by ftoy BIG WELCOME! one of the author, of the book were there, blit were the ac- gel acquainted and settled down telephone meeting there, while Wainscott, Hickman, and auth- Dr and Mrs. Thomas Callihan is Herbert Lee Williams, form- e-users . . . they were not. So to W'ork. Mrs. Westpheling is visiting in Next orizing operations in that vic- arrived Tuesday for a two-week er co-pub|'sher of the Fujton pitiful wag the response to Mr. You know Elizabeth, when the home of Mr and Mrs. Fd When a cook applies for a job inity I visit with hi, mother Mrs. L. H. Daily Leader. Mr. Williams, Johnstons visit here that un- there t, so much to write about, Gi ego Fnrotite they attended and finds they've just hired one, Howard and other relatives in son of Mr and Mrs. W. Percy doubtedly all the officials felt I find it hard to write anything a Chamber of Commerce meet- the thing to do is call again the Friendships are usually built Fulton. The Callihans are from Williams of Paris, Tenn. is a it They left even before the (Continued on Page Hi ing in Madisonville next day - Columbia Record slowlv. I Washington. D. C. brother of Mrs. Vyron Mitchell game was over A pitiful ex- of Fulton. hibition ot local enthusiasm it Mr WiUiamJ, associate pro- was and as a citizen interested fessor of Journalism at Mich- In this community I was a- igan State College co-authored shamed and embarrassed not on- Bennett Drug Is 65 Years Old And Spry As Ever the book with Frank-W Ruckcr, ly lor my community, but for Co. associate professor of Journal- the IC officials as wei|. Early this month, on August ism at the University of Miss- 1 to be exact. Bennett Drug ouri. What', the matter with us Store, one of the oldest business Portions of the new book Why do we lean on that old firms in Fulton, celebrated its were reprinted In the current axiom, "let George do if' Sure- sixty-fifth birthday. It wa, ob- issue of Circulation Manage- ly many hundreds of citizens served quietly and sentiment- ment. a national! trade magazine thought Saturday night ally although the present own- •and are extremely helpful in George will go and 1 don't er of the store. Joe Bennett, Jr organizing an effective carrier have to." George didn't go either surely must have reflected back contract for newspaper delivery -as far as wc ran see. When I on the >wars when he and his look back on the condition of 1 Kiy s father the late Joe Bennett, The book is authoritative and things today, I am saddened by worked untiringly to make It the realization that wc are go- will be used as a national guide the fine, modern store that it in newspaper management. The ing backwards Instead of for- is today ward. News congratulates Mr. Wil- The spacious drug store on liams on his ability and effic- some renson lh-it I can- Main Street undoubtedly takes iency in his chosen profession. not analyze I tbt the many some kind of a local record too, worthwhile projects that we en- for it hns been In the same lo- Annual Revival Service joyed so much just falling by cation lor neoilv 62 years. When the wayside and nothing comes first organized in 1890 the drug At Harris Sta. Church along to rcplace it. Look st the business was known a, Ben- picture: nett Bros and wa., located on The Methodist Church of Lake Street in the vicinity of Harris Station, Tenn wjl hold Wc abandoned the county fair, Mrs. S. B. Rates, Hendon Wright and Mayne Bennett the horse show, the Community the present Forrester's Five and Joe Bennett, Mrs. Joe Bennett and Follis Bennett smile it's annual revival services cluh is on the brink of disast- Ten Cents Store Hie business make up the congenial sales force of Bennett Drug Co. happily at the progress made by the store in its 65 years. starting Sunday August 21st. er. the Chamber of Commerce •moved after three year, there Services will be held at 11 a. the late , worked him. He was a wonderful and with his customers than the eld- the tute Bennett manner. Also is at its lowest ebb. Armed and has been in its present lo- m. and 7:45 p. m each day kir.dly man, who loved his com- er Mr. Bennett, Fultpn has not seeing eye to eye with tho Ben- Force, Day celebrations have cation for all of that time. in ' the store for a number of The Rev Thomas E Smith- munity, his friends and the seen him. His son, joe is fol- nett policy is Hondon Wright meir pastor of the Ellendale, been abandoned, the Lion's Club Founded by the father of the years. grand associations he made lowing right is those foot-steps. and Mrs. S. B Esfes Mrs Joe Tenn. Methodist Church will minstrel has been abandoned, present owner and Sam Ben- Mr. Joe Bennett, Sr. put 'in Bennett puts in part-time hours bring the message. Authur Bar- Christmas parades have been a- nett, the latter continued as a full time at the store until his every day ot his life. Mr. Ben- The Bennett characteristic at the store ber of Memphis will lead the bandoned, the Community Youth partner for many years. He death. February 3, 1951. The nett treated his business on a hasn't much chance of fading a- song service. Center has been abandoned. later sold his in,terdst to his fact that he made a striking suc- personal friendship basis with way. In the store with Joe is In lime Fulton will see the And that's only half of the story brother Joe, several years be- cess of this busines, was not his customers and if ever there his sister Mayme, who see, the Bennett Drug Store record the Every one is cordially invit- (Continued on rage Eight) fore his death. Another brother, surprising to those who knew was a man who dealt more fairly continuation of that business in (Continued on Page Eight) ed. ture store on Lake Street . . guests ot Mr and Mrs. Verlle the new City Hall addition* Is By|l and Hoy Whatever May Happen In November.. Kentucky by McFeeHert completed und oocupiji Brenda Hale spent the week STRICTLY BUSINESS work is rolling right along on end with Marie Copelen. the new Kingsway Motel out Rev and Mrs Eldon Byrd Will Long Remembbr 1955 Democratic Primary in Highlands as well on Stan- and Jeanie visited his parents, ley Jones and Sonny Puckett's Mr. and Mrs. Verlie Byrd the swanky new motel out on the past week. Martin highway a new re- There wi|l be preaching at Rock Spring, Church next Sun- ftMO ©MBfiMfflJW staurant i, being built out on Central City Paper OKA the Martin highway across from day afternoon, at 2:30. Every- Hickman Gazette Says sioote the new motel Dairy Queen one iis welcome. is getting ready to expand, with Democrats Should Unite Says They Might Not year-round Agilities What all else, I don't know, but I'm sure How Christian The Democratic voters of Kentucky Saturday, Aug. 6 was primary I have missed' several that I'll Science Heals have spoken. A. B. "Happy" Chand- election day in Kentucky. Being pre- catch up on next week. ler of Versailles is their nominee for dominantly Democratic, most of the "SUFFERING NEED NOT governor in the general election in fire and brimstone in the plate's cur- BE ACCEPTED" November and Harry Lee Waterfield rent election was stirred up by the • News Around The "Y" WFUL (1270 Kc.) Sunday of Clinton is their nominee for lieu- two leading candidates, A. B. (Hap- Mrs. Filward Wolberton m tenant governor. py) Chandler and Judge Bert Combs. It was a hard, and often too bitter, As undoubtedly every man, woman We were sorry to hear of the fight - - as Democratic contests have and child in Kentucky knows the death of Mrs Emma Cole of AUTO PAINTING a way of being in Kentucky. At all Chandler forces fought mightily to Mayfield. mother of Mr Marvin times, in our support of Mr. Water- kick out the present state Democratic ll|ll Mrs Cole passed away administration. And, of course, the Thursday night We extend AND BODY WORK field and Mr. Chandler, we felt that sincere sympathy to the family. we were in the right and that our Combs backers were trying just as * Wreck repairing hard to elect Combs and keep Chand- Mr and Mrs Charlie Phillips faith in them would be justified by and Mrs. Daisy Bard visited in * Any make or model car the people of Kentucky. ler from winning and having a whole- the Wolberton home awhile or track At the same time, we realize that sale firing of present administration Saturday night. _ those who supported the Judge from personnel. — Mr. and Mrs Austin Conner of St. Louis visited Mr and Mrs. SUM OYERBY the mountains, in many instances, The 1965 Democratic primary has -Body Sho turned out to be one of the toughest Billy Slayden Saturday after- were sincere in their support. Many noon. located la Whltnel issues were magnified all out of pro- meanest and mud-slingingest political "Please hurry . . . emergency water • Mr Morgan Slayden of Detroit formerly Naah garage, on portion to their significance - - and fight in the history of Kentucky. Both up to glub-glub . , . ,:i spending his vacation with StaU liar human nature being what it is, many sides have accused the other of doing his brother Mr Billy Slayden TELEPHONE 10« harsh words were spoken. It became just about every low-down political and family a matter for the voters to decide. trick in the book with a few original FROM THE FILES: Mrs V L Dunning is ser- Now that the decision is made, it ones for good measure. iously ill in the Fulton Hospital. remains for good Democrats every- This extreme partisan feeling ap- Jimmy Preuett is a patient in Haws Memorial Hospital and where to join ranks once again and parently runs all the way from the TURNING BACK THE CLOCR Mr Bill Herring is in the Haws move on to the future - - sure and top candidates and supporters to the Hospital. We Wish for all of certain of victory again in November. ordinary voters all over Kejituiky. .. a m 1 which hardly any Republican candi- not only won .three prizes at start at Memphi, Sept 21 The and "Happy" Chandler, as a team railroads that enter Memphis the hineral of Mrs Emma C 30th until August 13th into the program with both feet. THE NEW MAGIC OF HOME HEATING SEE be proud of their choice. The victory will either vote the Republican ticket Our whole bunch were much (T HERE ALSO COLEMAN*WATER HEATERS. of Mr. Chandler and Mr. Waterfield or, else stay at home on election day. put out that this year's sum At camp, our training mostly mer camp was s e h e d u led —Sold on Very Easy Terms— was a victory of the people. Only time will tell whether or not concerned studying the special squarely astraddle the election, ired field thai our Company At the time Mr. Chandler and Mr. the losing Democratic candidates and but there w&.wit anything we Waterfield undertook to win the nom- their backers in ftie primary' on Aug. lias: Military Government. Out- GRAHAM FURNITURE COMPANY could do about it but go . . . side of a eouife of days or so inations, many political e x p e r ts 6 will be able to swallow their pride and read about the election in of firing the carbine on the 303 Walnut Street Teleohone 185 thought that it was an impossible and eat crow enough to snpport the the Wailing ton and Baltimore tange for familiarirallon and re- task they had set for themselves. side that has said such harsh things papers. viewing our knowledge of ex- They could recite a long list of un- about them. And only time will tell Up on the ea^t coast the wea- plosive. the rest of the two weeks surmountable obstacles ahead of how many ordinary Democrats who therman helped fill in by send- was divided into eight hour have stayed out of the bitter primary ing us a hurricane that kept uork day, on problems of Mil- them. About the only thing the ex- everyone worked up to high perts could agree on was that the fight will say "a plague on both your itary^ (iovernment with some SUPER KEM-TONE pitch, so we would feel right expert tutoring provided from two were endowed with all the cour- houses" to the two primary factions. at home. nearby Washington and its un- age in the world. Whatever may happen the people Things turned out the same its. Training was over al 4:11 adds so much to a room... Looking back at the campaign and of Kentucky will long remember the way al both places, loo: here p m. each day and one rould the election, it is apparent now that 1955 Democratic primary campaign we won the district but lost the then change into civilian clothes yet costs so little! the experts were leaving out of their as one of the worst in the history of election; at Ft. Meade we had and leave the post for the even- the commonwealth. a 36 hour detuge of rain but ing. calculations one important thing - - the high, damaging winds failed the most important thing. Elections, — Central City Messenger to get that far.' when properly conducted, are simple Washington i( in the throes of a transit strike that has stop- matters. Each citizen of the state is a semi-pagan way of life. Some men This summer camp activity is entitled to one vote. Elections are pri- a part of the training that one ped every streetcar and bus and would deny that two and two are has the place in an uproar. To marily held for citizens to vote. To four rather than change their lives. takes as a member ot the active miliitary reserve. We attend ease the resulting auto traffic, win, all that is necessary is to receive Is it any wonder that they refuse to diagonal parking iis permiitted the most votes. meetings every Thursday night affirm that Christ is God - for a Di- with our unit' in Paducah, and downtown across the street car The voters of Kentucky wanted vine Christ is One Whose command two weeks of 'active duty" in tracks on the wide streets, but Mr. Waterfield and Mr. Chandler. must be obeyed? the summer completes the pro- it wasn't until I got back to Fulton that I knew that they • The people of Kentucky - - as is usu- THE MIND is like water; it seeks gram. Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard . . . they all had also let parking meters go ally the case - - got what they want- its level. Therefore a right conscience free while the strike lasts. Read ed. — Hickman County Gazette have the same general training and a sound moral life are the first schedule of weekly ' meetings a story somewhere about all the necessity in the search for faith. If and summertime active duty. suckers who continued to feed Sermonette Of The Week a man does not want to believe, he the free meter, during the can always find excuses for not be- strike. I guess I contributed my Felix Gossum, Jr., Jack Moore share. lieving. But if he wants to believe, and I drove together this year; Faith Demands Sacrifice he must be prepared not only to Gene Hatfield ind wife Cissy Although we don't have- any know truth but to follow it. also drove up and made a little bf them this far west, most By Rev. Edmond Bernard, Catholic Eastern arterial highway, carry Faith is more that just a searching. vaeation trip out of it to boot; University of America Jim Hagan hustled bark from Ifromineiftly-displayed signs to MOST MEN will admit that two It is not a blind surge of emotion, Florida but was too late to ask the effect that, in case of enemy and two are four. It costs them noth- nor wishful thinking, nor is it a good foi private transportation and attack, that highway would be ing to admit it. But many men refuse feeling deep down inside. Faith is had to fly with the rest of the closed to civilian traffic and re- OAL. Deep colon >5 83 to see Christ as the Way, the Truth, a clear and free assent of our mind uait; Jack Snow»missed his served exclusively for the mil- to God's revealed truth. first camp in five years because itary use. Along this same and the Life. It's the wall paint value of the TODAY EVERYONE talks about he couldn't finish his course at thought noticed the following To believe in Christ means to fol- Murray in time. sign in a downtown Washington oenturyl Bupar Kem-Tone, the latea low His teachings, and His teachings, faith as the answer to our problems. restaurant: wall paint that flows on smoothly And they are right. But sometimes The trip was wonderful when frequently interfere with what a man we hit those 4-lane divided- with either brush or Roller-Roster they seem to think it doesn't matter "In Case of Atomic attack: considers pleasure and comfort. To pavement super highways of US (l! Keep oflm and remain and will give you a "new" room in lees than a day. A follow Christ often means to change what we believe just so long as we 40 extending from Indiana to seated; (2) get up slowly, put gallon will oover an average room and Super Kem Tone "believe." But we never just believe. Baltimore Driving was fast, on your eeat and hat and- walk drUa to a tough. supar-washabU finish that actually re- THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS We believe something. And if faith restful and most pleasant. No to the cashier; (3) Pay your slsts wear. Chooee today from more than a hundred Port Office Box 485 Fulton. Kentucky is important, then it is just as im- worry about the hot-rodders, bill; (4) Run like the devil lovvty decora tor-appro r»d aolors. Published Every Thursday Of The Tear. portant that we believe what God has the big trucks, the slow-pokes Thing, continue to keep roll- revealed to be believed. and the general hazards of 2- ing right along in Fulton and WINNER uF KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION lane driving For one, I'll be Ookors thai are also available In Kern Glo*— l«»T ALL-AROUND NEWSPAPER AWARD IIM What is it then that we believe by South Fulton. As far as modern- C"PAUL acid JOHANNA M WESTPHELING. jnost delighted t„ see the whole iization and construction il •tie tnamal. QIYM kitchens, Editors and Publishers. faith? It is the message sent to men country driss-cT^ssed with concerned, hardly a week goes , all woodwork a finish that looks & MCartfr of the Kentucky Press Association. by God. The object of our faith is super highways some day We by but what something new is also found the 40-mile Washing- 4 »e»b» ef the Fulton County Farm Bureau the doctrine brought to men by Christ started. A quick trip Our Lord during His life en earth - ton-to-Ballimore parkway com- around town Monday disclosed Subscription Rates: $2 00 per year in Fulton, plete^ and open to traffic and M leper Kem-Tone and Kem-Olo today Graves Counties, Ky., and Obion and the teachings that flow from it. that the Burks Pontiac Agency it was a real pleasure to drive had gone out of business and Counties, Tenn.; Elsewhere IT IS NOT EASY to accept these far fee —>le< fastest decorating possible. in via thiis fine super-highway Buck Bushart I, taking over and tturoughout the United Stafr-s 13 on per v-a- teachings. It costs the sacrifice of whenever we visited one city remodeling tne building at Entered »« second class matter 'une 28. 1933 things that God forbids. Faith de- or the other. All I can say is Fourth and Depot, next to his at the post office at FuK.

/ BARNEY M. ALISTIN The Fulton News Thurs., August 18, 1955 Page 3 Barney M Austin of 702 Ed- | COMMODORE'S CUP REGATTA FOR SAILING DEATHS dtmngs Street, Fulton, died was conducting a survey on Saturday moaning Aug. 13, at CRAFT TO BE AT KY. LAKE AUG. 27-28 TRUCK OPERATORS what effect, if any, the proposed MRS. NANNIE HOGG 12 30 at Haws Memorial Hos- rate increases would have on pital, where he had been a pat- i the class trophy and against all traffic movements in the State. Services (or Mrs. Nannie lent since Monday. He was 33. With hopes of a spanking Swlggart Hogg, widow of Char- breeze, the second annual Com- other boats on a corrected time SEEK INCREASE Delmer Ison, dfrector of the Mr. Austin wa< born Sept. 3. | les Hogg, were held Sunday modore's Cup Regatta sponsor- basis for the Commondore's Cup. DivMon, appealed to common 1901 near Austin Springs, Tenn. afternoon at 2 30, at the Whitnel ;ed jointly ty the Kentucky Lake The Commodore's Cup Is a carriers to reply to Department the son of the late Lee and Fan- IN RATE CHARGES Funeral Home chapel The Rev. Sailing Club, Inc and the Ken- traveling trophy that will be inquiries as soon as possible, as nie Evans Austin Ufe until his Henry E. Russell, pastor of the '.tucky Lake Yacht Club will be I kept by the winner for one year preliminary t0 a hearing on ill health Mr Austin was a far- Commissioner of Motor Trans- I held at Kentucky Lake State A small replica of the attractive portation Jcjjfk-M Kinnaird set the merits of the issue, First Methodist Church, assist- mer in the Austin Springs com- j ed by the Rev Keith Smith, WMh JIM PNYON Park Harbor at Eggner's Ferry, award will be presented the for hearing ptember 15 a pro- The Association represents munity His wife dieel in Octo- I Kentucky on August 27 and 28 winner to be kept permanently. posed increasSepe l in rates sought most of the common carrier pastor uf the Walnut Grove ber, 1930 Churdh, officiated. Burial was Sailing craft ranging from 14- Among the types of sailing by common carrier truck oper- tiuck operators in the State, He leaves two brothers, A. R. Thig is the time, of the year I foot Penguins to ^8-foot L-Class ators in the State - and suspend- —— in the Walnut Grove Cemetery. craft entered for the two day Austin, with whom he made his when you should be thinking I sloops from four states have She wi| 78 Kentucky Lake Regatta will be ed the proposed rates for not „ , . » , .. _ , j home in Fullon, and Leslie B. ' and planning to lime any field been entered in the fall classic. Snipes. Penguins. Nippers, to exceed six months pending , M" J.ohn A °w*n' ^ Mrs Hogg had been in poor Austin of St Louis; five sisters,'to be sown to alfalfa and other | The first of the three races Lightnings. Rebels. Stars, Ra final determination of the ques- ton Sunday Jn,«ht' 11th' " health for several years. Mrs Fundie Kemp, of Fulton, legumes that requires a .sweet (will be at 10 a. m. Saturday. The. vens, Li's, E. Scrows, Y Fliers, tjon visit Dr and Mrs. Fred Moenct „ She was bo ill in Gbiuii Coun- 1 Mi- 1 u-wev L»tii<.ns ••( Latham, | cndttiofl in the soil The ttmejsecond will get underway at"Highlanders and Comets. r. . , . _ .. ... of Sanford, Mich, for a twl ty in the Walnut Grove Com- Tenn , Mrs. Stanley Hall of Aus- I for seeding such crops is suf-'2:30 p. m. Saturday and the Thousands of racing enthus Central and Southern Motor ,week vislL Mrs. Moench • munity, on April 17, 1877, the Freight Tariff Association, Inc. Mrs sQw mece .tin Springs, Mrs Raymond ficiently ahead that the lime, if third will be run st 11 a. m. iasts from surrounding states daughtei of the late J. C. and Louisville, filed the proposed I 'Copelnnd of St Louis. Mo, and [applied within reasonable time Sunday All three events will are expected to line the shores Tennie Fields Swiggart. Mrs. II E. Delores of San Fran- w ill be able to place the soil sUrt in front of the Kentucky rate schedules which, gener- i Now Many Wear of Marshall and Trigg counties ally, provide: She was married to Charles Cisco, Calif.; and several nieces | in proper condition for growing Lake State Park Harbor, to watch the thrilling spectacle, An increase of 20 per cent on j Hogg in 1912. lie died in 193!) i.nd nephews. .such crops. 1 According to co-chairmen FALSE TEETH as well as vacationers apd tour- shipments of 2,000 pounds In 1940 Mrs. Hogg moved to Funeral services were held Of course you do not want to Jack Keiler ami Jack Piers, en- ists who normally are in the less, and a minimum fee of With More Comfort Fulton. Sunday afternoon at 2 at the apply agricultural limestone to Jtrles have bee" received from area which has become Mid $2 50 - instead of the now $21 PASTEETH. • |W"' Juckson Brothers Funeral Home vour fields until soil tests have Louisville, Nashville t hattano- America', new vacation land. (non-.cldl powder, hold. tjis. u»tb She leave, n brother, George minimum - on any shipment | moreflrmij. T o «t jnd MIX in man at Dukedom. The Rev. been made to determine the ex- , oga, Knoxville, St Louis, Kan- Swiggart of Fulton; five nieces, chopcl 1 comlcrt. Just .prinkl. . U«'« sa Meanwhil% Kinnaird a n- TKKTH on Tour pl.w.. No l»mm) Mrs Joe Muck Reed of Fulton, Mr Perry, pastor of the Salem act needs of your soil » City and Atlanta. The point RATES REDUCED nounced that the Department's toon, uw or Clwckj Mrs. J mi Juiiakin. of Memphis, Missionary Baptist Church, of- (Hlr rwartment offers soil V,tem Wl11 a«ain be used 1 pl.te odor" (dentur. br«.tnl. Acree . uepartmeni o»«-s son (jgurjng the winners of the Division of Rates and Services Mrs. Carlton Linton of Paducah, ficated Burial i testing service free to ill farm- * • FA5TEETH »t »ny dnis countM...... j , . i class trophies as well as the An overall reduction of 5.2 Mrs. Ralph llornbeak of Horn- : Cemetery • ers who desire it and dates are .,,„_„ , per cent in Kentucky Industrial . . , . ,, ,, i, winner for trie Commodore's beak. Tcnr», and Mrs W A now being made to hold soil ...... |Cup V- U. |> LasUUt L year Sa0(11m 1 Caldwel^dlUWCll l Workman', - Compensation rates, * Muas of Long Island, N Y ; and IIOMER L. BIGGS testing days in counties in this from Birmingham won the Cuplwhlch w,n result 'n a $500,000 two nephews. James Swiggart of aiea The county agent and So 1 sa||i Thistle. The winner of i annual savini »«•<•• n «« — ~ — »: • Services for Homer L. Biggs Conservation officer, will al- the Commodore's Cup will be,carrymg compensation insur- NOTICE Irvin of Fulton of Palmcrsville. who died sud- ' so be glad to advise you regard- decided by the one-of-a-kind'ance: was announced by Corn- denly at his home Monday ing such tests if you will con- racing rules and handicaps, and | ^,"s'oner of Insurance S. H. I will be out of my office from 6 p. m. August 8th morning at 8 30. were held tnct them If you plan to lime. Say I Saw It In the News the class prizes will be award- j Ge°bel. until 6 a. m. August 23rd attending a veterinary Wednesday afternoon at 2. at bo sure to contact someone and l g f<«jlows- Geobel said that the rates S the Trinity Baptist • Church In' have these tests made I . H"* ^ ^ in benefit^ paid under the act. I Dr. John Reed — Martin — Phone 380 t - • u... u/una <>'o- iK.!1"18, year navr ceriainfy u»en ^^ 5tarting. thers Funeral Home, was in the j Kood judgement by attempting, „ „ . .. . 4 . , Dr. A. M. Creswell — Union City, Phone 683.R Veterinary Service church cemetery. He was 73. 1)0813 start to save all of the straw, follow- . ««•* " Dr. John Miller — Clinton — Phone 3623 Mr. Biggs wss bom Sept. 4- ing combining of small grains. I '"ft ... . PHONE »07 K LATEST RECORDS 1881, the son of the late Dr R. We have made one of the finest' Class t>rlz". ^ «lven, l° Dr. L. L. Northington — Mayfield the er CALC 1* M and Maggie McWhcrter ! graln crops this year and boats atUimog the greatest fading Branas in Popular. Reli Biggs , I although there may not be any ' number of points for the three lous. Hillbilly, Rhythm. Blues. Thank You Graduate Veterinarian He was a farmer and a mem- immediate need in sight for us- ; ™c" " one 1Pom,t for • sealed oa Martin Fultea U*r of Trinity Baptut Church1 ing so much straw, it has many | f"d( one P°in» f0r each boat CITY ELECTRIC HO W. CONNAUGHTON at Palmersville. ! uses, one of which is that it hejton. M5 Commercial Phone 401 Highway.. Mr Blggs leave, his wife. Mrs Provide, the fines, de^islt f-'oth^^ Ix-wi, Biggs: three son, preserving fertilizer when used omCT po*" 01 "" »*mg c*"* lor George T Bigg, of St Louu. R. I '"r bedding It is widely used: _ M and I^wu A Biggs of Pal-.'or mulching strawberries and' mersville' a daughter, Mrs " usually in good demand dur- Accurate Wayne Davis of Ijnsing. Mich.;1the season when strawber- two brothers. Dr George Biggs r»es are to be mulched. WORKMANSHIP and C H Bigg, of Palmersville; I have known many livestock 1 WERE TRAD/NG two sisters. Mrs. Hugh Ather- farmers to use it a, a filler in At Low Cost ton of Mounds. 111., and Mrs. feeding concentrates to their | R'aUkn. Clocks and Tim* Collier Wiggin, of Fulton and livestock and of course when it Piece, of All Kinds Accurate eight granrtrliildrrn is used in the right proportion, ly Repaired al l.ow Cost by— no doubt beneficial results are I There i, but one way for a obtained. HIGH WIDE ANDREWS newspaper man to look at a Jewelry Company •politician and that is down.. — Frank H Simonda. Merit Clothing Factory Starts - and then Work In Martin

'THE HOME OF CHEMICAL SPRAYS" The new Martin plant of Mer- it Clothing Co opened Monday Qo -ycxy get W tr/p/e bonc/Q at 8 a m. Ray Keisey, vice- We have a few TRICO TRACTOR SPRAY- president of the company an- : nounced. in toc/eyS top-Qe///hg Sa/ck ERS Left ... at Bargain prlcer 1 ' Preliminary work of cutting 'material was done chiefly by ex" Chlordane, Lindane, Toxaphene, DDT, Arsenic of perienced cutters in the com- lead; tractor sprays, weed killers, etc. We can pany's employ this week, with fill your needs. some lew new employe, being i called in Wednesday, but plant 25% S-D's concentrate or 10% Rothane dust for operations were scheduled for tobacco, tomatoes, fruit worms, etc. 6 lbs. 10%, 85c Monday morning at 8 a. m , and employe, are being notified by FLOWER DUST, NEWEST CHEMICAL FLY KILL- mail when to report. ER KILL YOUR COCKLEBURRSt Mr Keisey stated that the company is taking no more ap- your corn will be worth more! CSC (Cucumber, plication, at present, since they Squash, Cantaloupe, etc) DUST with sodium alum- ;nave ample applicants for their requirements. inum floride and copper sulphate lb. 45c You'll B« Proud To Use Hanna Paints HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I&Hpp y Birthday: Aug 15: Terry Smith. Roy Parhill, Glenn .Worley, Jimmy Hancock, Daisy (Terry; Aug 18: Billy Gregory; K-kmmi Sons 'Aug. 17: Sam Short, Harold I Weldon, Hflen Strange, Mrs C. Phone 202 East State Line I Williams Jr.; Aug 18; Lawan Rozzell, Win Whitnel James Mc Daniel, Mrs. Sallie Rice; Aug 19: Bobby Cursey, Mrs. J. "\/"OU can come in right now on a Buick M Johnson. Mrs. John Bowers, 1 dividend distribution that's like money Even the new hit in hardtop^—the 4-Door Riviera— Gene Vancil; Aug 20: American in the hank for you. And a look at the nation's i, included in our profit-sharing bonus deals today. Legion, Ward Bushart II. Mrs. Shown hare is the low-price Buick SPECIAL, 6-POS- Ray Graham, Mrs. W D. new-ear sales figures will tell you why. senger, 4-Door Riviera, Model 43. Also available in Hughes; Aug 21: Mrs Trevor the supremely powered Series as Model 63. Whayne, Freddy Harper, Lorene This year, Buick is doing far better than just CENTURY Mays. Anna Hitchcock and El- outselling all cars in A merica except the two eanor King." most widely known smaller ones. This year, styling, Buick's mightiest V8 power, Buick's I Support The Local Merchants) Buick sales are soaring past every high- highly envied all-coil-spring ride, Buick's water mark in the book—past 600,000 cars— extra size and room and comfort and solidity and we're still going strong. of structure. And you'll be getting the per- So we're declaring an extra dividend — for formance thrill of the year—Variable Pitch you. On top of the long trade-in allowances Dynaflow*—the switch-pitch transmission "Tops-in we have been making all year, we're adding that's taken the country by storm. Laundry and a profit-sharing bonus allowance. Come in today and see for yourself that ' cleaning" But you'll be getting a lot more than a great there's never been a car like this before — deal, "^bu'll be getting a great car —the and never a deal so easy to make. hottest-selling Buick in history. • Variable Pitch Dvntflou- ii the only DynsHou B*ttk buiUi SoJsv. lt ii tltnJs'd on ROADMASTER, optwnsl mt muJtst txtrs cott on You'll be getting Buick's far-in-advance other Se'tel


(AMP SESSION OF Page 4 The Fulton News Thurs., August 18, 1956 in the local church." I was the largest number attend- Howard Farta of Gleason was ing from any one church in the WEST KENTUCKY in charge of the recreation hour Martin Sub-District. after which the host church wived ice cold waterinellon. Sense shines witb a double BAPTISTS TO MEET Thirty one attended the meet- lustre when set in 'humility. ThP first camp session of the ing from Walnut Grove, which -William Penn West Kentucky Bapist Church- es will be held on their newly acquired property on Jonthan Creek. Kentucky Lake, Aug. 8 MIDWAY DRIVE-IN THEATRE through the 19th. Recently West Union Associa- Tues. Nite—Hickman Co. Drivers Adm FREE tion of Bapists bought 95 acres of land on Jonathan Crevk, one Wednesday Nite—Tenn. Drivers Adm. FREE mile from Righway 68. The land Thurs. Nite—Fulton Co. Drivers Adm. FREE is being develop*>d into a Camp as fast as possible. Boys Camp Week will begin Ends Thursday Aug 8, Monday, and end Aug -11th "THE MARAUDERS" Girls Camp Week will being Dan Duryfea Keenan Wynn Mondav. Aug. 15 and end Aug. 19th Young Women's Auxiliary Friday and Saturday Week-End will be eld Aug. 13 and 14th. THE SIEGE AT RED RIVER Women's Day is Friday, Aug. Van Johnson Joanne Dru 19. Th-re will be plenty of PLUS room for everyone s0 that you may come Monday morning YUKON GOLD without having made previous Kirby Grant And Chinook reservations. The camp leaders include the following: Sunday — Monday — Tuesday Camp Director, Rev. Harry FULTON COUNTTANS ENJOY A BREAK at 439th Government Company's Bth annual summer camp at Ft. Harp Meade, Maryland. From left are Capt. Felix Gossum, Jr., Capt. Paul Westpheling, Lt. James Hagan, Lt Gene BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK Camp Pastor, Rev. Harold Skaggs Hatfield and Lt. Jack Moore, all of Fulton. The 439th, with headquarters at the Paducah armory, returned Spencer Trmcy Robert Ryan Camp Musician, Charles Mar- home last Saturday after two weeks at Ft. Meade. U. S. Army photo khem Life Guard, Rev Hubert Sen- STARTS SUNDAY ORPHEUM Wednesday and Thursday der son. Licensed Life Guard reation, lunch ret period, swim-, Methodist Sub-District - Camp Doctor, Dr Robert ming handwork, vespers, din- Ifc- FORT VENGEANCE Hahs ner. free time, evangelistic ser- MYF Aears Program James Craig In Color Dieticians and Cooks. Mrs. ice, devotions go-to-bed, lights out. Over a hundred young people Adr-ms, Mrs Sanderson, Miss and a large number of adult Perry Water, sanitation, and cooking workers attended the Sub-Dis- Cabbin Counselors, Rev. O. C. facilities have been approved by trict meeting of the Methodist Markham. Rev. D. F Wigginton, the Health Department. Each Youth Fellowship at Olivet and Mr. Mitchell. doctor and hospital bills from Methodist Church near Dres- Girl's Week personnel will be th" lime he leaves home untill den. am unced later. he returns Sub-Dislrict President, Jim- The camp program will in- my Stanford of Martin, presid- clude the following: rising bell, The humility of hypocrites is, ed over the business sesaon. wak • up exercises, moring de- of all pride, the greatest and assisted by the secretary, Sandra votions, breakfast, room inspec- Beard, of Sharon. RELAX IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT tion. study period, sing spirati- most haughty. The program which followed on, missionary message,y rec- --Martin Luther was presented by the Inter- FRIDAY — SATURDAY mediate girls of Fulton MYF as- sisted by Mrs Nelson Tripp, RIP THE SCREEN Sub-District Counselor The GUY MADISON as WILD BILL HICKOK Scripture was read by Jerry LIKE A TOMMY- Hall of Walnut Grove. The ANDY DEVINE as theme for the program was "A JINGLES GUN BLAST FULTON DRIVE IN MOVIE Christ Visitation Week end Marshals In Disguise I COVER THE See Cinemascope on the largest Screen in North- west Tennessee or Southwest Kentucky 1 STARLITE DRIVE-IN 3 - CARTOONS - 3 UNDERWORLD Located 1 */4 miles South of Fulton on the Martin THEATRE SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY Highway. Boxoffice opens at 7:00 p. m. SHAREE (OOMPH) NORTH is about to show those FULTON-UNION CITY IIIM AY two comedians, ORSON BEAN and TOMMY NOONAN, | THURSDAY — FRIDAY how to shake, rattle'n'roll in the new laugh filled MEET ME AT THE FAIR FIRST FULTON SHOWING! musical that seperate the men from the boys, HOW TO | Starring Dan Datley 3 BIG DAYS: Wed-Thurs-Fri AUG. 17-18-19 BE VERY,VERY POPULAR playing Sun. Mon., Tues. PLUS at the ORPHEUM. BETTY GRABLE also stars Admission 60c ' HELL FIRE Starring Wm Elliott Seldon Reeds Hosts ; The bountiful supper was served Requested by n .ed couples who feel on the spacious lawn of the Reed SATURDAY ONLY that they should see this important To Methodist MYF hohie in Country 'Club Courts. WAR AKROWl A short business meeting fol- Starring .- Jeff Chandler The members *of the Inter-/ presentation together. lowed with President Joe J»hn- — -ptos--- mediate MYF of the Methodist ' son. presiding SLAVES OF BABYLON Church enjoyed a picnic supper Starring Richard Cante Sunday, .evening as guests of The in-piraWinC outdoor SUNDAY — MONDAY— "Mr and Mr*. Seldon J. Reed. worship service was under .the direction of -Jean Covington, THE COUNTRY GIRL program Chairman the theme Starling Grace Kelly It's Hie being "Discovering God Through PUTS —- ' ALL ROADS LEAD TO thc Be.iuty Around Us." Those GORIIJ.A AT LARGE participating were: Ruth Louise Starring A*ine Bancroft picture that Butts, Joe Johnson, James Reed, Mary Ann llennetl and Susan — TUESDAY-WF.DS'ESDAY — fii|-Biiriiii)iiir.


Inquire At Our Boxoffice For The Simple Details ture of 1965 I Pio4v«4. Dirxtod ond nor by NUNNAllY JOHNSON Don't Delay Start Today 1 PLUS 2nd FEATURE la H* -.-d,- «f JTMfOfMOMK SOUND ~ JAMES STFWART FEATURES "Blackboard Jungle" SUNDAY 1:30-3:80-5:35-7:85-9:40 MON & TUES 2:36 & 7:20 - 9:20 j NORTHSIDE starring GLENN FORD - ANNE FRANCIS - LOUIS CALHERN with MARGARET HAYES WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY ADDED Latest News & Pest For Guest (Cartoon) SUN-MON-TUES-WED —WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY—


J r The Fulton News Thurs., August 18, 1955 Page 7 BATON TWIRLERS DR* FRANK KRAUS TO COMPETE FOR NAMED 1956 POLIO PRIZES AT FAIR CHAIRMAN FOR KY. Baton Twirlers from all over Dr. Frank Kraus, Bards town thc nation will compete for the has accepted appointment * largest set of tropies ever a- chairman of the 1956 March of warded in a national contest, st Dimes in Kentucky, it was an the Kentucky State Fair, Thurs- nounced today by the National day, September 15, according to Foundation for Infantile Paraly- L. Doc Cassidy, director of sis. Special Events. The second highest gross total Every known twirler in the March of bimes in Kentucky- United States has received an $805,000—was achieved undo Be-bop, mambo, samba, jitterbug . . . that's what the entry blank for the competition. Dr Krau, as State Chairmar young folks dance these days. At the Country Club lant After the Kentucky Champions of the 1955 campaign last Jan- week A1 Bushart and Susan Hale of Hickman entertain- and the out-of-state champions uary These funds are now be- ed at a dance and all the dance numbers got a good have been selected, they will ing used to finance the polic work-out. At left Susan McDaniel and Max McDade compete for the 37 inch Grand patient care program in each do a combination be-bop and jitterbug. Above A1 and Championship Trophy of the county in Kentucky, as well as fair. to help in purchasing Salk vac Susan be-bop it all the way. In the right photo part of cine for the National Founds Three tropies will also be a- the guests do a little gabbing while the othens trip the tion's program of inoculation; warded to the highest placing light fantastic. They are clockwise Diane Bennett, Lucy for all first and second grade contestants in both classes. In Anderson, Charles Wade Andrews, Tommy Bogle of children and those that took Susan and Max ...... The Gang addition to trophies, there will part in the 1954 vaccine field Clinton and Paula Demyer and the hosts standing. be gold, silver and bronze med- trufl. als awarded to the best perfor- less at a personal shower and of Winkle Veogen. moved to East Fulton and Deb- MISS MATLOCK IS mers in three age groups; up to He is a past lieutenant gov- ernor in Kentucky of Kiwanis bridge party honoring Winkle j bie and Susan Laida left Mon- HONORED AT INFORMAL and including 10 years of age, International and a past pre- Kay Cherry's Voegeli bride-elect of Glyn Kay day with their parents for a 11 to and including 15 years, I hear that things were really GIFT TEA TUESDAY sident of the Bartstown Kiwan Powell Tuesday afternoon A1 vacation in New York. and 16 years of age and over. jumping at the Country Club is Club. *7

—SEE THIS GROUP IN WADE'S WINDOW ! ! ! — We took a magic wand and created this magnificent man- made fur for you -sensuously silken wonderfully warm CHURCH OF CHRIST' — rivaling nature itself - unlike nature s fur, however, the magic it man-bred-OLLEGRO—moth proof - mildew Second and Carr Streets proof you'll love it more each time you wear OLLEGRO From August 22 through August 30 —artfully priced at proven savings.

1955. —Boy for nest winter C M A QO FURN. IRA A. DOUTH1TT —A small deposit will /1 w* U will do the hold coat In Will Call * PREACHING and FULTON PARNELL ROARK, Song Leader LAKE STREET Other OLLEGRO COATS . .. 59.98 to 85.00 Services Sunday 11 A. M. Week Days SIZES FOR JUNIORS - SIZES FOR MISSES "TRADE WITH WADE AND SAVE 3:00 and 7:30 P. M. Come. Let Us Reason Together • • • • Shop In Cool-Cool Dottv's • • • OP PRICES PA-ID for country WILLS DRILLED for industry tjp. Smith's Cafe snd homes Mod 2 m equip- Relatives and Friends ment, experienced workmen. Write or caU Watson Co., are invited to attend Hearing Aid Batteries Phone Ml, Fulton, Ky. r Family gathering and Complete Line OK REN'i: Floor sanding ma chine and electric floor polish- For all makes of hearing aids! dinner Visit our Hearing Aid Depart- FARM LOANS er and electric vacuum clean- ment at your first opportunity. ers. Exchange Furniture Co Sunday1. August 21 Long Terms— Phons JS. Church Street. CITY DRUG CO. Russellville, Kentucky -Easy Payments 108 Lake Street Phone 7«l to celebrate my 99th RCA-Victor Television ATKINS, HOLMAN birthday King Television Service AND FIELDS 277-239 "So. 2nd Street -Insurance— Union City.Tenn. Phone 61) 208 M&in St. Phone 5

To all who were so nice to the before the election FOR SALE: New three-quarter ton Servel air conditioner, $21193 BurneUe Tractor Company, 4th Street, Fulton.

PROMPT, ACCURATE motor service, wheel balancing, gen- announces the opening of their To all who voted for me and helped me to get eral engine and body work on any make car. Trained, ex- elected pert mechanics assure your satisfaction. Bob White Motor Company.

SURE INSURANCE AT To all who have been so lovely since the SEPTEMBER 12, 1955 LOW COST election

THANK YOU! WHY PAY MORE? TO "EVERYONE — I intend to be the same in the future as I have tried to be in the past: Wick Smith Agency courteous and helpful at all times. 456 Lake Street Kindergarten will be under the direction of Mrs. -Phones 62 or MOW— ^^ RUTH JOHNSON William Sloan, a qualified teacher. Applications are being accepted until September 1, 1956 for 4 and Circuit Court Clerk ^ 6-years-olds.

Limited enrollment

bargains. MRS. DON SENSING EARLE and TAYLOR Registrar Chevrolet Company Telephone 1635 FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES HEET METAL

(Made only by General ETAL SINKS Motors) AUTHORIZED ir conditioning for home and office SALES AND SERVICE KING ENNOX CAS FURNACES TELEVISION SERVICE 227-9 South Second Stree ENNOX OIL FURNACES Union City, Tenn. ETAL CANOPIES CLASSIFIED ADS Martin-Senour FAINTS" u<. ..I & 0I. f Pamta LUMINUM AND GALVANIZED GUTTERS ALL KINDS OF KEYS made Vnlita S In.-.H I \ while you wait -Forrester's I^JIGHT CALLS, 249 Shoe.Shop, 204 Msin. AND SUPER YE3r KEM-TONE -mtmr RENT A NEV,' TYPEWRITER or Adding Machine. Rental spplies SUPER KEM-TONE Is the Na- IN ROOF REPAIR m purchase. Harvey Caldwell tion's choice for washsble in- Co, Drive-In Office Outfitters, terior finishes. We hsve a com- Corner Walnut & Plsin Streets, plete stock for you; all colors. INSTALL and REPAIR STOKERS _Phose 674 sU sizes. NOW YOU CAM Lime m Park Exchange Furn. Co. ATIONALLY-ADV. EQUIPMENT and Buy your office supplies 207 Church St. Phone 35 and equipment Msrvey Cald- well Co., Drive-In Office Out- TAINLESS STEEL WORK litters, New Location, corna Walnut Si Plain Streets Phone 674. • Gates V-Beks |JOT ASPHALT ROOFS INSTALLED 9 WANTED We pay CASH for standing white oak timber. /""VLD FURNACES CLEANED A REPAIRED REG. 28 ETHYL 30 We buy stave bolts. Paducah Stave Mill, Paducah, Ky. PHONE 502 CLEAN t'SF.D CABS traded In BENNETT ELECTRIC by owners who have given PHONE Ml FULTON them the best of care: plenty / PIPELINE of trouble free miles still left. Dodges, Fords, Olds, Buicks, No. 1 Lake St. No. 2 Highlands etc, and clean trucks. See Bob White Motor Company. Phone 9188 Phone 91St GET YOUR NEW washer at 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE WE NEVER CLOSE Gambles Five-year transmis- sion warranty; pay only $10 00 down and $10 00 month. WANTED: RADIOS and tele- vision that "caa'f be fixed. On,, day service. Wade Tele- vision Service 206 Main. Phene 126 I wish to thank you for your vote in the recent HOUSE TRAILERS, Also camp- i- ing and fishing trailers. Terms if desired U-Haul-It trailers. Democratic Primary. Modem Tourist Court, Union City, ph. 866. MAYTAG WA6HERS. standard snd automatic models, $129.85, snd up Sales and service I am grateful for your support and appreciate the Bennett Electric. Phone 201, kindness extended to me bv everyone. SINGER SEWING MACHINES Sincerely, WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS New and used machinea For sales, service and re pairs, see or( call] JOE FLY Frank A. Stubbiefield SAWYER'S MARKET Phone 1361-J Fulton, K. 234 East Fourth Si. FULTON Phone 75

i son and dsughter Rita spent The Fulton News Thurs., August 18, 1955 Page 7 PALESTINE NEWJ the week end with her parents • Pleasant View News > Chestnut Glade News NEW HOPE NEWS MRS 1.K.NI.1E NUGENT •t Danville. Ky. Mrs George Elliott • (By Mrs. Harvey Vaughan) (Mrs. Elmer Walston) and daughter Wednesday after- George Browder returned to Jack Austin of Cayce and Mrs noon. Indianapolis Monday night after Luijy Ringo of Bardwell, Ky Mr and Mrs. James Browdsr Everyone i, enjoying this' Several visitors are in the Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Latta The Revival meeting at Mt. • few days visit with his par- visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis •pent the wek end in Nashville, nice cool weather. ' community at this tuns. Mr and Mrs Delia Nail spent last Vernon Methodist Church be- ents Mr and Mrs. Rupert Brow- Kim bro Sunday afternoon. Tenn. nd M Mi bur Tuck nd Sunday with their aunt and gins Sunday Aug. 21. There wiU der and brother Richard. Members from the church «n- |f , " ! " , * Mrs. Orvill Watson who took A. T. Thompson vl m d M family Mrs. T D. Smitlf of be t*„ services daily 11 a. m. Mr and Mrs. Rupert Browder, joyed a picnic Saturday at the "' | "" " seriou4y ill Friday night is a Atlanta, Ga. hsve returned B Kose md Sar,h Paris, Tenn. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. H. A. Smith George and Richard Browder Bob Noble Park in Paducah. » , ' t "r and patient at the Fulton Hospital. from a visit with his fat- Mr and Mrs. Paul Butler and is the pastor and Rev. Ralph spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Everyone expressed themselves j "•-»• J"™' «™» «>n from The last report we had she ler, Ed Thompson and brother sre v family of St. Louis are visiting Champion is the evangelist Herman Easley and family. a, having a wonderful time. J"»». "">"* ™laUvM wasn't any better. Thompson and family. Several had fun skating. Those "d her mother Mrs. Thelma And- Everyone is invited. Come and Miss Alice Watery who was a Mr and Mrs. Fred Hudson and Mrs. Mac Pewitt and son, r ,erber son. hear good preaching and sing- nusionarv in China 43 years, who attended the picnic were:i" » | * T*",7 »nd chU- Mrs. Nina Pressley attended the of New OrleanB are vis- dr ,ror lhe ing. now retired, living in Murray, Brother Robert Wall. Sara Wall. ™ " There will be preaching Sun- Armbruster family reunion Mr and Mrs. Harvey Pe- Mrs. Jim Ashley visited her Ky. visited Mrs Rupert Brow- Gail, Ronnie, and James Wall,'*"* end with her parents day, Aug 21st at 2:30 p. m. at Sunday. The reunion was held Mac will Join them this Margaret and Rhonda Holt, Fan- Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Har- parents Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Car- der and Mrs. Morgan Davidson. the Rock Spring's Primitive at the home of Mr. and Mrs end. nie Lou Elliott, Agnes, Royce wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilma ver Friday afternoon. These ladies were her pupils at Baptist Church. Brother James Rennick Armbruster. Jones from Paducah spent the Mr. and Mrs. Porter Lewis Mi ..",1 Mrs Robert Thomp Palestine School where she and Richard Wilkinson, Edna, Thetford is the pastor. The pub- week end with home-folks. visited Mr and Mrs Elmer taught over 69 years ago. She Charles and Sandra Holt, Lu- lic is invited. cille Melton, La Donna and Mr and Mrs. J. B. Nanney Walston Thursday night Don't let the calendar con- i, 87 now. Visitors in the home of Mr. Myra Gliqspn, Patsy Speights, visited relative, in Murray Sun- Mr and Mrs. Robert Bittner fu,e you. Summer is not yet HORSE RACING AT Mr and Mrs Austin Strout and Mrs. Earl Williams last Edna Earl McClain, Magdaline day. of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. half over. JAMES C. ELLIS PARK left Monday morning on a va- week were Mr and Mrs. J. Jackson and Freddie (Formerly Dade Park) cation. Brother George Tate from Killebrew of St Louis, Mrs. Mr and Mrs Lee Rucker vis- Eugene and Herbert Taylor Lexington, Ky. preached at Betty White of Memphi, and Meeting ited Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Brow- attended the funeral this week Sandy Qranch Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gore. and of Mrs. Addie Lyon in Col- Congratulations and best LAKE STREET LIQUOR STORE From der Sunday afternoon Friends regret thst Mrs. Ina itttibia, Ala. wishes are extended to Mr. and Across From The Lake Street Ext Aug. 3 to Sept. S Palestine Homemakers will Everett is a patient at the Clin- Mrs. Love Brown, who were (Inclusive) meet Friday afternoon at 3:00 Edna Earl McClain returned ton-Hickman Co. Hospital. Coca-Cola PI»nt All Favorite Brands o'clock for their August meet- t o Michigan Monday after married recently Mrs. Brown The New Hope Homemakers 7-Races Daily • 8 on Sat. ing Hostesses Mesdames Richard spending her vacation with re- wa, formerly Mrs Matronia time firfl race lilS McClure of Paducah. picnic ha, been postponed until Mobley, Howard Powell and latives here . a later date. CST (2;IS Daylight Clauds Freeman. Brother Walt preached Sun- Congratulations to Mr and Our sympathy goes out to the PLENTY FREE PARKING! W S. C. S met Tuesday after- day night at the Ruthville Mrs. Billy Strong Simpson and Saving) family of Wash Martin of Clin- noon at the church with 11 Church. A large number from Mr and Mrs. Buddy Clark, on located midway be- ton who passed away Thursday member, present. Pleasant View accompanied him the births of sons last week. Ind. and morning. Mr. Martin was one of there. Mr and Mrs. Paul Nanney the oldest member, of the Rock on High- Mrs Joe Brockwell and boys Mr. and Mrs "Red" Mansfield and Linda are vacationing in Springs Primitive Baptist have returwd from St. Louis and children have moved to the the Smokies this week. Church. The funeral was held after a visit with friend, and home of Mrs Jim Mansfield DADE PARK JOCKEY Mrs Lucy Jone, is some bet- Saturday afternoon at Rock they attended the Cardinals and Judy Morrison is visiting her ter and has been dismissed from Springs Church. Burial was In CLUB relatives while In St Louis sister Mrs. Jack Wilson and th" hospital. the church cemetery under the Incorporated Brooklyn Dodgers gsme. family in Union City. Mrs. Lucy Gibbs has returned direction of Hopkins, Hopkins Mrs Denni, Carr, Chester from a visit to relatives in and Brown Funeral Home. Carr and son attended Church Wayne, Michigan at Pleasant View Sunday. Sunday dinner guest, at the The Chestnut Glade Club will Mr. and Mrs Cecil Webb Jr. home of Mr., and Mrs Bervard have the annual picnic at the of Madison, Tenn. visited Mr. Bostick in Beelerton were Mr. DR. VIRGIL H. BARKER home of Mrtf. J. T. Simpson and Mrs. U. G Harris last week. and Mrs. Roy Howell and son, Thursday of thi, week. David. Chiropractic Nerve Specialist Lynn Bowlin was on the sick The sick of the commuity are list last week, but was able to about the same Mrs. Everett Mr and Mrs. Guy Latta and 804 Walnut St' Fulton, Ky. be at Church Sunday Chambers is itill suffering with son, Danny spent Sunday with the nerve in her face her father Mr B. F. Owen, near TELEPHONE 36S Mf and Mrs Dorrel Wright Water Valley, Ky. Other visit- ors were his sister Mrs. Fred • DUKEDOM RT. TWO have returned from Forrest City, Ark. to their home at E,''ott •«» Mr Elliott. Joyce Taylor • _ - . _ _ ME H1IM« ...I 1 Open Evening on Monday and Wednesday ] Martin. Mrs Wright will teach Mr and Mrs. Marshel Veatch in the Dresden school this year. and son of Pasadena, Calif, vis- ited_Mr and Mrs A. Hi Gwyn Had another nice rain last Most all the school children week and we are enjoying the are eagerly looking forward to cool weather now, especially Aug 29th the opening date of the nights. school. J. E. Finley is home from the htcipital and is getting along WHITNEL nicely. guest of Donald Cooley. FUNERAL HOME Mrs. Maude and Miss Con' Mr and Mrs Edward Hailey stance Jones visited the Oliver of Memphis visited Mr. and Mrs. is Air Conditioned Atrip William Earl Long Wednesday. rXX* Taylor's Friday and attended preaching service at Bethle- Mr. and Mrs Bill Rogers and for hem Frld.v n ,„ I^a I Linda and Libby (spent Wed- hem Friday p. m. and Friday nMday and Thursday of last YOUR COMFORT Sunday dinner guests of Mr W"k Ev»Mvi"e' Ind' Mr and Mrs. Virgil Green of and Mrs A. A McGuire were near Mayfield spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Louis Jones, Mr. with Mrs Green's mother, Mrs. Funeral Services In Every and Mrs. Eljon McGuire and Mattie Renfro boys and Mr and Mrs Hubert Price Range — Tou Wont Eudy and Ken Mrs Algie Hay. Miss Roberta Mr and Mrs. Harry . Yates Demyer and Mm Bob Demyer Find More Reasonable Prices Visited " IK I ' ' spent Thursday afternoon with Visited in the home of Mr and M7H Mary Holman. Anywhere. Mrs John Yates Sunday. Bro T Y Smithmier re- We are in favor. of the new Telephone 88 turned to his home near Mem- world calendar, if anyone is in- phis Saturday a m after preach- terested. | ing in a revival at Bethlehem | last week, Mr and Mrs. Bill- Matthews and Larry visited Mr and Mrs ' Carl; Kendall and family of Fulton Sunday Mr and Mrs Paul Cathey THE WILD FRONTIER HAS A NEW KING! have moved from Fulton to our vicinity. We give them a hearty I welcome. | Mr and Mrs T. C. House were the Sunday guests of Mr. and IMrs J E Finley Other visit- or! were Mr and Mrs Chester Murply and Judy of Mayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ifson McGuire, Danny and Johnny of Fulton Miss Constance Jones visited in Sedalia the first part of the | week. I.udara Rowland is doing I I nicely in the Haws Hospital j after an appendix operation last | week. She hopes to be home' soon. ^p Mr and Mrs. Norman Crit- tenden and girls of Mayfield were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Emerson. I Mr. and Mrs O. F. Tavlor and Joyce were afternoon visitors Mrs Thelma Puckett and Sue I of Lone Oak visited her dad and ! sister W L. Rowland and Allle 1 n few days last week

LONG DISTANCE • PIERCE STATION Mr and Mrs. Almus Pols- grove took their little daughter Sandra to Memphis Wednesday add to your pleasure to the Baptist Hospital where she will undergo an operation Thursday morning All their friends wish the best for San- Groat Features back up Chevrolet Performance: j « — ——....., e Phone ahead dra. Rear Spring! -Ann-Owe Hrahing U-Voit Electrical 'System—Nine Engine-Drive Choice*. for Reservations Ishum Conner has been on the sick list the last week The new Chevrolet has proved itself all K-I-N-G in today's Mrs. Dorothy Young and chil- • Phone Friends along dren, Terry and Gale are spend- toughest driving competition! the way ing their vacation in Oak Ridge, Starting at the Daytona Beach NASCAR*-sponsored trials Tenn. with relatives. last winter, the new Chevrolet swept aside all competition in • Keep in touch Joe Royce Lowe spent part its class in acceleration tests. ^CHEVROLET /i of last we*k in St. Louis as the with home Since then what's happened: The latest figures on hand ahow that so far Chevrolet has piled up a big lead in NASCAR Before you go, call the Telephone Amerko's hottest performer becivse short track events against all comers in all price classes! Business Office and ask for a Long HORNBEAK Come on in and try America's real honest-Injun GO car it's goiTAmerica's most modern VII Dislance Credit Card. Then you csn FUNERAL HOME of the year! 'National AancfaNo* lor Stack Car Ma locbg charge calls from any telephone, anywhere, to your regular Drive with ear* , . . EVERYWHERE! telephone bill. Southern Bell EARLE & TAYLOR CHEVROLET CO.. INC. Lake Street Fulton, Ky. Telephone and Telegraph Company Page 8 The Fulton News Thurs., August 18, 1956 PULTON SCHOOLS FULTON SHOCKED SUCCESSFUL HOMEMAK1NG HOSPITAL NOTES by Marie Holland The following were patient* THOMAS RAY BRUCE GEORGE BURNETTE, TO OPEN SEPT. 6; AT TRAGIC DEATH in the local hospitals Home Demonstrator Kentucky Utilities Fulton Hospital: Mrs. Han- TAKES TOP HONORS OTHER FULTONIANS POSITIONS FILLED OF J. A. RUSSELL dell Brown, Dukedom; Mrs. Charles Bellew, Mrs Orval Wat- Directory Of IC Railroader Up to now we have been able a lid, which make it possible son, Mrs Ray Anders, Mrs. AT MAYFIELD FAIR WIN AT DRESDEN to get perfect baking and cook- to fry for long periods of time. Edmond Alexander. Crutchfidd; Faculty Released Killed Sunday At ing temperatures in the oven The skillets are not limited to Mrs. E. H Hendman. Clinton; Ten-Year Old B Young Farmer of the range because of automa- frying, however. An upside Tommy Provow, Hickman; I By Mr. Holland Cairo Station tic heat control, but when fry- Has Champion down cake wiU bake in 15 Dosie Jones, Wingo; Arista 4-H Winner In Fulton City Schools will open | An Illinois Central Railroad ing on top of the range we could minute, in this pan The frying Laffoon, Luther Pickens, L. L. not control the temperature of Jersey Division Of Big Show on Tuesday, September 6 at I brakeman from Fulton was kill- pan is also wonderful for bak- White, Water Valley, Mrs Lus- nine o'clock a. m., W L. Hoi- ed early Sunday morning while the unit. Now it 1, possible to ing apples, cooking' soups and lan Stanley, Wingo; Hirran Have controlled heat when fry- Four-H and FFA youngsters George Ely Burnett, 16. son litnd, superintendent announc-1 at work in Cairo. 111. Cor keeping foods warm. It Davis, Clift Wade. Mrs. George of Mr and Mrs W P Burnette ing. competed in the annual Jun- ed today A faculty meeting will I J A. Russell. 45, was run over friies, sauts, braises and bakes SpeigBts. Mrs Lawrence Clark We have been introduced now ior Dairy "Show in Mayfield of Fulton, won the grand cham- bo held on Friday, September 2|by a freight engine after step- what more could we ask for? and baby. Mrs Robert Maxey, to a new electric frying pan with Monday for the Purchase's share pionship at the Weakley Coun- , to ready the school for the P'ng back onto an adjoining Mrs. V L Dunning. B B Stev- automatic heat control. This if $10,000 to be sp)it between ty dairy show at Dresden. Tenn. 'opening the day after Labor.'rack from wheie he was work- enson. Mrs Raymond Graddy, makes frying possible at any CHRISTIAN SCIENCE eight district shows on the Friday The local boy_ als0 won Day | '"8 'n Cairo yards, according to Mrs. Albert McClain, George several other prizes in" the adult temperature, since the frying Huw understanding of divine oasis of the number of entries This week Mr. Holland re- , reports. No one saw the acci- Hall and Mrs. Fletcher Gattis show. pan turns itself off and on just Mind's government of man ind the ribbons won. leased a directory of the schools dent but Mr. Russell reportedly all of Fulton. The winning Jersey competed like the oven, to keep the de- brings health and harmony in- and all positions on the faculty I >'ved a few minutes and talked Jones Hospital: Mrs Charles Coming out on top in the against 198 of the top registered sired temperature. This frying to daily experience will be set ! have been filled. K. M Winston after the accident Pollard. Miss Lena French, Jersey division were Thomas Jerseys in West Tennessee and pan is sometimes referred to as forth at Christian Science ser- Say Biuc?, 10-year-old 4-H Club is principal of the high school; According to an Illinois Cen- the electric skillet Ralph Moore. Mrs E W Bethel. Western Kentucky as more than Ray Fleming is principal of «ral °«'c>al he was run over a- vices Sunday. -nember from Fulton County, Because it has thermostati- Mrs May Kyle. W W Marr, 1.000 interested spectators were Carr Institute; Mrs Jessie Lee bo"! » 30 a m. He was dead up- The Lesson-Sermon entitled ,nd Larry Sims, FFA member cally controlled heat, we do not and Mrs Carl Brand all of Ful- thronged in Maiden Park for Fleming is principal at Terry- «" val at the St Mary's ' Mind" includes the account rom Mayfiield Rt. 1. They had have t« watch the food ao close- ton. the Dresden show Norman and Mrs. A Z. Tucker : H<£P,,a> m Cairo from the King James Version of the Grand Champions for the ly Food will need to be turned Haws Hospital: Mrs. Ruthie Friday in the open registered inprincipal at the MiUon. 1. J»i »" em- the Bible of Christ Jesus' heal- 11! Ctub and the FFA entries »niy unee. instead of the con- Moore, J C Wilber, Crutchfield; Jersey Junior calves competition School I ploye of the railroad for 10 ing of (he man afflicted by Thomas Ray is the son of Mr. stant turning It usually gets to leprosy (LukeS). Mis Melvin Cooper, Cntvert Geiigre BJrnette of Fulton At the same time Mr. Hoi- >ears and was head brakeman ind Mrs. Thomas Bruce of Ful- prevent burning. Citv, Ky ; Marvin Hendricks, placed second and Don Burnet- land released a list of substitute the c»""o District out of Ful- The Golden Text is from I on, Route one. The frying pan can be pur- Jeffery Mos, Smith. Webster te of Fulton won thiird. teachers for all of the schools. ,{u" Corinthians (2:16); "Who hath Other local winners were: In the open registered Jersey chased in either square or known the mind of the Lord, Hartsfield, Mrs I'eagl Graham, Jr Calf Group: Don Burnette, senior calves class: Dickie Col- All is in readiness for the nine- ' He born in Union City, round shapes. Both pan, have thut he may instruct htm?" and W T. Elliott all of Fulton. Blue ribbon; Ward Burnette, lier of Fulton won first; C. N. month school year with a full Tenn, but lived most of his life Blue Robbon. schedule of activities planned, in Cayce. Burnette and son of Fulton sec- | Survivor, include his wife, Sr. Calf Group: George Bur- ond. C. N. Burnette and Son , . i Mrs. Jewell Russell; two sons. lette, 3rd place: Dickey Collier, took second in the open regis- Notebook Irli eight years old and John 4th ijlace: Tommy Powell 5th tered Jerseys (two yaar old (continues irom page 1) 15-FT CHEST TYPE FREEZER $275.00 David, four years old; mother, >lace: Ray Bruce, 6th place; cows) class. as I see it. Mrs. Irl Taylor of Crutchfield; .Bill Burnette, 7th place; Sher- George Burnette also won Since we have been here we and a R^lf-sistcr. Mrs. James .-01 Olive, 9th place. second in the open registered have seen many new people Boukon of Springfield, Ky Jr. Yearling Group Gerald Jerseys— three year old cows come to the city. Without ex-1 Funeral services were held at 17-FT UPRIGHT HOME FREEZER $299.95 Powell, 4th place class. C. N Burnette and Son of eeption they are dismayed at 4 p fr Monday at Paul Horn- George Sr. Yearling Group: Fulton pieced second in the o- the apathy and the complacency beak Funeral Home with Rev. Burnette, 1st place; Dickey pen registered Jerseys class, (they find here. They soon leave, J F. McMinn officiating Collier, 2nd place; Ray Bruce, and Gene Paul Bruce of Fulton | believe you me, they do. We Burial was in Greenlea Ceme- 5th place. took third. | just can't seem to put our fin- , ttry in Fulton. Jr. Champion shown b y • Sherill Olive of Fulton placed j ger on the core of the trouble. I leorge E Burnette. third in the open registered Jer- I But the situation is not good * Mrs. John Wilkey Two year old cow group: seys—four year old cows class. and that's bad. (continued from page one) Ward Burnette 2nd place; Bill B.F. G^oMc^ George Burnette placed first ! or at least to get started, don't Burnette, 7th place; Don Col- and second in the open regis- Frankly if the Illinois Cen- you? For that reason I believe ier 9th place. tered Jerseys—five year ous people we met 1 could 1953. "'• ~ . ' . • upport to the teapj this fall. I got the heck beat out of him, w"te a long letter just about | while his opponent's house was! them Such a variety of inter- i close-knit and harmonious and est and back grounds. The inter- all of them working to jur- esting Jewish lady from Israel mount what seemed to be, un- <*c had long discussion, on re- surmountable odds The well-1 liglon). the former princess running organization of the 'rom Austria (now teaching Chandler forces won out over mu»ic in the U. S.) The former the house divided , Army nurse who saV a WAC swept overboard by a powerful Look at the Fulton picture1 wave, and then rescued the and compare it to the political . voung woman who wore Wack Treated with Insect and Rodent Repellent! campaign We are headed forikld Rl°ves all the time, (no one annihilation and that s for sure, could learn vhy; we were all | while communities around us curious), ton* of high school Unico Premium BINDER TWINE are closing up the holes in their and college students -many CHICK t H I si low aaicis rot YOU. TUG tuts organizations and beating us to ' morc 1 haven't time to mention IrtT* nit rtwt* • IIOWtBll mi Made from carefully selected sisal fibres. the draw. We're living in al' especially enjoyed talking tin r~ ., to.w, ui a w Tested for freedom from thin spots and | highly competitive field of I w,,h a vuni. attractive German bunching. Treated with a special insect (ommunity development and ! exchange teacher who had been «40IJ 12103 1112 20 into ft "i 6 70-IJ ill! 117 SO U.00 »« .1 and rodent repellent. Has guaranteed | the town with the leaks in the teaching in I' S A. a year She i:» 19 40 17 SO i dike will soon be washed away w»< carried away with America 7.10-11 13 JJ to tensile strength of 90 pounds. Bale gross 76015 33 .3 into 72 00 ]« »» You just wait and see when the nnri "loved" the independent weighs 50 pounds, and contains 500 feet • 00 IJ 3 9AS 137 SO J4 00 13 41 'chips are down. spirit of American boys and • M-IJ MM 143 »0 24(10 34.71 for each pound of weight. —: • girls. 1 in >. r» I O' course the high point of $10.00 • • • Mr k»>. toll. I ,f ^r,Ug ' ur t, ,p ,v i-r was our Vxop off (continued from page one) I jn AS LOW AS 4.00 DOWN PUTS A SET OF 4 ON YOUR CAR TODAf $10.00 . , . pw M. «t ton J-lb Willi j one hundred year milestone of, (More about Italv next week) continuous .business. Follis Ben- > ______I nett, son of Mr and Mrs. Joe ' Humility like darkness, re- Bennett is at present a student j veal' the heavenly light B.F.Goodrich Unico Premium BALER TWINE in the school of -pharmacy at -Henry David Thoreau SAFETY-S Specially treated with insect and rodent the University of Mississippi. On j« »• popw'o» *ett9n HMl formerly MM en new MR*. U.t price wttfcewt *r+4^t> $17 JO. repellent. Strong and smooth running, can completion of his studuies he ! plans to come back to Fulton to j New from the Kraft Kitchen! law prktd, lolly guorc <4 be used in any pick-up baler. Made of take up his* duties at the store, ; "Superior" grade fibre. Contains 9,000 which then will see the third ! B.F.Goodrich feel per bale, tensile strength, 270 pounds. generation of Bennetts dispens- j EXPRESS TPUCK TIRE ing drugs to the patrons of West [ Kentucky. In writing this little history Si 0.00 | of Bennett's Di ug Store it | 6.00 16 Ufa would not be complete without •All prices plut t«» tow PATCIS ON OTH&M ill IS mentioning the faithful porter, Black Stalloin Baler Twin® Jim Hays who has been deliv- ering drugs and doing odd jobs around the store for nearly Treated with insect and rodent repellent. Strong forty-seven years. Jim, old and smooth running, can be used in any pick-up f yltfiful Jim, is as much a part baler. Made of "Standard" grade fibre. Contains of«Hhe store as the mortar and CHARLIE SCATES STORES pestle that stands on the pre- 8,000 feel per bole, tensile strength, 240 pounds. 315 UNDELL 216 CHURCH STREET j scription .counter in th£ back of I the store. MARTIN, TENN. FULTON, KY. $7.50 Bennett's Drug Store is an in- PHONE 404 PHONE ^89 Jstitution in Fulton and it is with j pride that we point! to their | SOUTHERN SIATES | sixty-five years of good and ' I faithful service to Fulton. SPOON IT into hot foods FULION COOPERATIVE Mrs. K. E. Koon and children B.F.Goodrich HEAT IT for cheese sauce South Falton 201 Central Ave. Kreg Lee and Claire arrived ' Wednesday afternoon for a vis- SPREAD IT for snacks YOUR SOUTHERN STATES COOPERATIVE SERVUE AGENCY it with her parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Lec B Rucker. A Psitsurtad Process CIMSM Spraa*