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M — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 23,1988 8 - M , 8 — M

4 ' 'X' ATTENTION: ALL NON-UNION EMPLOYEES ^ I ■ IKAA ( 1985- power OF MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Bipartisan House , wln- operation Richmond looking i con- CKs $ 1.1 trilllbn/7 itereo leads: to sdi|p.i8||orrtplicatioris/lS silent Have you heard this expression? fdr another upset . 648- 01 By Bo 9f0 Town “In division there Is w-e-a-k-n-e-s-s; 0 Mane agon, "^•rr. r. 649- 0*0 IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH.” A 1 1986. tfici/r cross, :ondl- As you know, the United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 919, AFL- week'i illes. about CIO, representing over 10,000 members In various establishments throughout •0 A « 1 » L size. ilesel. the State of Connecticut and a member of the United Food and Commercial He Itlon, Spend PPO. 1 Workers International Union with over ONE MILLION workers In the United U ieK i best C . I. O . A . F. L. iianrhpHipr Ipralb Richai States and Canada in all professions and walks of IlfeTbeautlclans, cosmetolo­ Con- gists, food workers, leather workers, bank workers. Including many hospital a call wlth roamii 16K workers, was called to try to organize the workers other than the RNs of Man­ there I lltlon. chester Memorial Hospital. Fort '-8997 Thursday, March 24, 1988 the ai M 6 0 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents Gastoi IN FACT, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union the pound mlted steer- largest Union In the AFL-CIO, numbers about 100,CX)0 professional workers Last I. Ste- among is 1.3 million members. Casey, i and dog, 1 con- Manchester hospital bucks state trend, shows a profit adopts Our agents and organizers have been in the area trying to contact you, hand­ Irish f Z-28. billing at the hospital In order to get signed cards. We will not go into the Bv Alex GIrelll is Lico lolne. 30, the hospital in Manchester gin from all sources was 5.33 Manchester Memorial is one of $8,998,920 was uncollectable, But the fiospital.s suffered a 1.66 columi 8, 000. Manchester Herald showed a surplus from patient percent. the hospitals operating without a do V- necessity for the signed cards; this has already been explained. leaving net patient revenue of percent loss in revenues on Othe care revenue of $823,024. permanent budget after getting a $47,011,984. When operating ex­ patient care. the poi 10$ 5- Manchester Memorial Hospital Overall the CHA says, the reprieve from an initial state penses of $46,188,960 are calcu­ The CHA report showed 20 of 36 A A few days ago an article appeared In a local newspaper stating, “A spokes­ fared better financially in the last The hospital’s total surplus for past ft the year was $2,985,273. That state’s acute care hospitals lost order requiring a 45 percent lated in. the hospital had a net hospitals losing money in the Runs fiscal year than many hospitals in locatet sage. man for Arnaldo Espinosa, president of the United Food and Commercial includes revenues from non­ more than $39.2 million in provid­ reduction in patient rates. The patient surplus of $823,024. patient care account but only the la 3 be- Connecticut, according to statis­ ing patient care services during hospital is operating under an Workers Union In Hartford, said today that the union had been asked to help patient operations such as park­ A hospital spokesman said the three showing overall losses. Street, tics compiled by the Connecticut the year. Dennis P. May, CHA interim agreement with the com­ ing and cafeteria fees and non­ financial results from the fiscal For eXqmple, Hartford Hospi­ weekd door organize the hospital’s 86 food-service employees." Hospital Association. president, said that if hospitals mission to reduce patient rates by operating revenue like donations year were similar to those for the tal lost $7frmillion in its patient The ph 15,000 continue to operate without per­ 5 percent. care accbuni but showed an .$300 Data released today by the and interest on investments. previous fiscal year when the is643-( We assure you that the above statement did not come from the Union. Perhaps manent budgets from the state’s overall surplus of $11.4 million. 1-5358 CHA indicates that while many overall profit margin was 5.58 call tl The profit percentage from Commission on Hospitals and The CHA figures indicate that Rockville General lost slightly once again, management is trying to destroy the UNITY of the workers bv olt- hospitals in Connecticut suffered percent. , 646-455 patient revenues was 1.47percent Health Care for the rest of this Manchester Memorial Hospital over $3,600 in its patient care atlon operating losses from patient on dut ting one group against the other. for Manchester. fiscal year, “ the loss could be at had a gross patient revenue of The overall profit percentage account but showed an overall ider. care in the year that ended Sept. Hon. The hospital’s total profit mar- least $75 million." $56,010,904 for fiscal 1987 of which for hospitals in the slate was 3.36 profit of almost $1.4 million. J;___ The above caption: "IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH" - means exactly that. jlser uto- A contract can be signed with general conditions for ALL employees; LPNs, Abo ‘rlng >olr, food workers, elevator operators, porters, janitors, etc. Then rates and classifi­ 729. cations are worked out by divisions and sections, but always the aim should be North, others Catho for UNITY so that you ALL can enjoy better working conditions, vacations, job The C( meet toi INC. security, sick leave with pay, pension, grievance procedure, rest periods with Sister M ON pay, holidays, weekly disability pay, life insurance, hospitalization insurance, on Africi 7095 deny charges 730S scholarship awards, and, of course, higher wages. But, remember, that a lot is Fly fifl 8995 8995 being said about wages. A contract is not only .wages. As stated above, there Whiter 3995 are many, many benefits that you can derive from being UNIONIZED. will pres 7995 of the C 9695 in Iran-Contra next Thi Do not allow the notion that If you wont to college, you should not be a Union ■fciSj 5995 registrat 5995 member with a person who did not go to college. Many famous people doing 9995 Bv Joan Mower last week that he would retire as a 1,795 outstanding jobs did not go to college. George Washington was President of The Associated Press lieutenant colonel from the Ma­ Music .296 rine Corps on May 1. The 10 !,595 the United States and did not go to college. This is a gimmick by management WASHINGTON - Oliver North had worn his uniform, 5995 W 1 held at t that is often used. UNITY gives you STRENGTH - do not forget that. Manage­ North, John Poindexter and two adorned with medals, during the Commun >996 businessmen pleaded innocent televised Iran-Contra hearings >995 ment does not want strength of the workers. The only thing you have now is Choirs fr today to charges of conspiring to before Congress last summer. Island wl what management wants to give you. And, what God gives, God takes. dStoud thegqvemmeptsnd steal Pbladexter sported a gray Powell. ( $17 million in the Iran-Contra mustache. students. The form at the bottom of this page should be mailed immediately. By doing affair. Before the arraignment began, The four, making their first Lawrence Walsh, the independ­ this, you will be helping yourself and others. Do not delay one more second. If court appearance since their ent counsel who investigated the Diabei indictment last week, each told case for 14 months, introduced ’The E£ you have signed please have someone who has not signed, fill out the form and David Kool/Martchattar Harald U.S. District Judge Gerhard lawyers on his team to the judge. April 12 mall it in. Forms are needed immediately to make management recognize the BOLTON BLAST — Owners of the Bolton Notch Quarry about 10:30 a.m., moved about 275 tons of rock that will Gesell they would plead “ not The prosecutors sat at one table; Manches Union. Without your support, wo cannot do it alone. We need you; you need on Notch Road moved about 800 tons of rock today with be cleared and used by the quarry owners, American guilty.” the defendants and their lawyers Fichmar two blasts this morning. The second, which occurred at Heritage Stone Inc. Gesell released them on their at another. Meeting! us; wo all need each other. One more time, do not permit management to break own recognizance and said they Then, each defendant, accom­ informal the UNITY. That is what we will give you — the STRENGTH that you need to would have to check in with a panied by his attorney, ap­ pre-trial agency each week by proached the Judge and a clerk Bands negotiate — from STRENGTH — not from w-e-a-k-n-o-s-s. Your family is a telephone. The men were not read the charges brought by the Warning whistles louder than blast required to surrender their federal grand Jury. One-by-one, Music! Union. The cities and towns make up the State of Connecticut - the states of passports. the defendants laid “ not guilty” enter ha April wii Bv Nanev Concelman and 2 p.m. at the quarry, but plans depend on Pleading innocent along with in a firm voice. The arraignment the nation make up the United States. And, that is whore the STRENGTH is - in In December, attorneys repre.senting the Help is Manchester Herald the weather, said Jud Corbit of R.J, Walker North and Poindexter were Ri­ took only a few minutes. Zoning Commission and the owners of the donation: the UNITY of the people. Do not delay another moment. Take this opportunity Inc., an explosives company from North chard V. Secord and Albert Walsh then agreed that “ each quarry agreed to have their appeals of a School 1 BOLTON — The Bolton Notch Quarry Branford. Hakim. be released on their own recogniz­ to sign this form and mall It in so we can begin to work together toward better ruling by the Zoning Board of Appeals heard Manches braced itself for a blast this morning, but the Bolton Fire Marshal Peter Massolini said The indictment accuses Poin­ ance.” He said he did not see any together in Rockville Superior Court. Manches working conditions and job security for you - the workers of Manchester whistles warning area residents about the today the company is blasting in an industrial They are appealing the ZBA’s October 1987 dexter; North, his former aide; benefit to removing the defend­ Memorial Hospital. blast were probably louder than the bla.st area of the quarry and is warning residents. decision that quarrying in Bolton Notch is a Secord, and Hakim of defrauding ants’ passports, as is typical for itself. legal, nonconforming use on a I-acre the government by diverting those charged in criminal cases. Artist “ It’s safe.” he said. money from the secret sale of Blasters at the Bolton Notch Quarry on residential-zoned portion of the 10.2-acre “ The passport restriction We look forward to serving you and remain The quarry has been the subject of legal weapons to Iran to the Nicara­ COVEN1 Notch Road set off two explosions, moving quarry, and also a 2-acre industrial-zoned would work a hardship” particu­ battles among the town Zoning Commission guan Contras at a time U.S. aid to larly on Hakim, an international water col Fraternally and Sincerely yours. about 800 tons of rock today. Two more blasts and town Zoning Board of Appeals and the the rebels was banned. businessman who lives in Califor­ Televisic are scheduled for tomorrow between 10 a.m. quarry owners for about a year. Please turn to page 8 The court appearance was the nia, but travels frequently to Asia comparii first time North and Poindexter and Europe. Cape Cot and the two businessmen who p.m. helped them run the Iran-Contra Outside the federal courthouse, TODAY where the arraignments took FBI views ‘interesting things’ effort had been together publicly Grand Arnaldo F. Espinosa since the affair was disclosed in place, some 30 supporters of the Bernard R. Magnant November 1986. defendants chanted as Poindex­ The Ar President Secretary Treasurer Before the hearing began, the ter, the last of the four to enter the St. Jame in try to profile Martin killer defendants chatted with each building, walked through the Patrick’! other and their lawyers inside the front door. prizes, s Bv Andrew Yurkovskv on March 7, 1987, in her Mayfair or killers can be developed, and packed courtroom. They were all “ God bless you, sir. God bless part of tl UNITED FOOD AND COMMERCIAL WORKERS UNION Manchester Herald Gardens apartment on North police can begin looking for dressed in conservative suits, John Poindexter,” shouted one Main Street. Manchester police people in the area matching such including North, who announced demonstrator. L O C A L 919 The Bernice B. Martin murder have sought a psychological a description, he said. D r . i case is a strong candidate for the profile of the case from the FBI “ It’s like a football coach has 264 FARMINGTON AVENUE. HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT 06106 development of a psychological because they have been unable to the ball on the goal line. He knows PHONE (209) 525-9333 profile of her killer or killers, an establish a motive or identify a the percentage plays that are Regional disputes AFL FBI agent said today. suspect. going to work.” Thiel said. 1. Whe OUTSIDE LOCAL DIALING AREA 1-60GS42-2215 CIO “ I think in this case there are Thiel said information from the “Psychological profiling” be­ suggests some very interesting things that Martin case has been sent to the gan in the late 1970s. when the AUTHORIZATION FOR REPRESENTATION would lead (investigators) to behavioral science unit of the FBI FBI began researching serial could cloud summit develop a pretty good profile.” in Quantico, Va. He said a profile killings in attempt to explain 2. Whit Max Thiel, a special agent in the may be completed within three violent crimes, Thiel said. By deposits I Dealring to enjoy the rights and benefits of collective bargaining, I the undersigned employee of FB I’s New Haven office, said. weeks. examining hundreds of cases, the Bv Barrv Schweld ROE Thiel, who is the FB I’s statewide Psychological profiles, Thiel FBI developed generalizations The Associated Press at coordinator for psycological pro­ said, are based on the idea that about different kinds of crimes. News Analysis 3. Whic COMPANY NAMS STORB ADORSOS' filing. declined to comment on “ behavior dictates personality.” Thiel emphasized that profiling WASHINGTON - Nagging dis­ HONE1 putes in Afghanistan, Central hereby authorized United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, or Its chart­ what those “ things” were. From the circumstances of a America and the Middle East are ered Local Union to represent me for purposes of collective bargaining, respecting rates of pay, Martin. 88. was found strangled case, a profile of the type of killer Please turn to page 8 summit. 4. Of m casting a long shadow over the Mobile missiles and sea- wages, hours of employment, or other conditions of employment. In accordance with applicable law. how man; Moscow summit only two months launched cruise missiles are hard all birds. NO INITIATtON FEE - NO 0UE8 UNTIL A CONTRACT IS 8I8NE0 before President Reagan sets out to spot. That makes verifying Bill would affect mall tax plan on his first trip to the Soviet compliance with the 30 percent to Union. SO percent arms reductions more 5. A CO Bv Alex GIrelll install public improvements in after a developer has made The outlook for a pact to difficult than last year’s treaty to professioi OATS sharply reduce long-range nu­ SIONATURB OF IMFLOYSS Manchester Herald the Buckland area, where Ho­ agreed-upon improvements, ban medium-range nuclear from him mart plans to build a giant DeMille said the agreement FASHION FOR SPRING clear weapons is not all that weapons. his ring bi bright either. The U.S. Strategic Please PRINT: A bill introduced into the shopping mall. between the town and Homart Experts on the two sides are a doctor, i Your Social Security Number . . . supplement inside Defense Initiative has not been General Assembly that would DeMille said the statute under permits Homart to select which still trying to mesh conflicting held no M swept away as an obstacle, and have a bearing on the the town’s which the agreement was method will be used. Homart has drafts. U.S. and Soviet negotia­ “ I nevei differences remain over how the tors in Geneva were directed by Your N am e. Your Addreaa. tax agreement with Homart reached clearly permits the town not made a selection, he said. Index Just said 1 bombers, submarines and mis­ Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minis­ Development Co. will the subject to collect less than the full amount DeMille described the bill being 20 pages, 2 sections, was his o< siles would be scrapped. cay______S tate. Zip C ode. Home Phone Number. of a hearing at the State Capitol of tax that would normally be considered as a technical one that 8-page t^lo ld aupplament ter Eduard A. Shevardnadze to Monday. collected on the property. makes it clear the Industrial “ I wouldn’t want to lay you keep working at the verification Your Dept. Name. Your Shift: DAY □ NIGHT □ Your Job Title______Dept. No. Attorney Thomas DeMille, who But. he said the statute. 12-65 B, Guidelines can be used. ButInM* _ 17-18 ObItuariM odds,” was Secretary of State problem and to report to them at George P. Shultz’s hesitant re­ F M to r b y represents Homart, said today does not make it clear that the But George Marlow, a Main CIntIflod . 19-20 Opinion _ their next meeting in Moscow Date H ired______sponse Wednesday night to Your Preaent Rale of Pay______(perMj Hours Worltad Per Week. R«MN am p lo y irt Union the bill is designed to make it town can use the Industrial Street merchant and a foe of the Comic* — IS P*opl* _ 13 April 21. whether the treaty would be A treaty signing is ndt a L o o a ie ie clear that the town can use either Guidelines system that has been tax relief, criticized the bill today Connocticut _4-5 Sport* _ 9-12 Lotte Your Days Off: MON. □ / TUE. D / WED. □ / THURS. □ / FRI. □ / SAT. □ / SUN. □ one of two mechanisms to grant in use for many years. Under that as “ another attack on demo­ Focu*— — 13 T*l*vl*lon _ _ 14 ready for Reagan and General prerequisite for a successful Homart tax relief in exchange for system, the town collects the full cracy” and said there will be Local______2-3 U.S./World__ 7-8 Secretary Mikhail S. Gorbachev the company’s agreement to tax and then rebates some of it opposition. Lottery _ _ _ _ _ 2 W**th*r______2 to sign during the May 29-June 2 Please turn to page 8 Connectici t — MANCHESTER HE31ALP. Thuraday, March 24. 1988 4 - »

MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, March 24. 1988 -

5 RECORD >1 Self-insurance program, ' - 7 f 6 9 Adopt a O bitu aries not budget, causes wony Tom Pli Bv Andrew YurkoVskv self-insurance program actually didn’t hear it, I have no response, Bv Barbara Richmond Margaret Fowler officiating. Burial will be in Damsitsi of Vernon and Maria MarKhester Herald has decreased in the last two Manchester Herald Mount Zion Cemetery, Webster, I don’t know what he’s talking H/ Margaret (Chambers) Fowler, Mieezynski of the South Windham years since 198,5-86, dropping about.” play M, of Webster, Mass., died Mass. Robert J. Miller Funeral The first of the directors’ T section of Windham; two broth­ ■ & from $1.035..508 to an estimated Planning Director Mark Pelle­ dign A little off-white poodle Sunday in Lanessa Extended Home, 366 School St., Webster, ers in Czechoslovakia; a sister in workshops on the manager’s balance this year of $1,014.7.53. cross, named Gaston, is this Mass., has charge of grini said the new secretarial fronl ^ r e Facility, Webster, Mass. Canada; five grandchildren; and proposed 864 million budget gen­ Director Stephen T. Cassano position was needed because of week's featured pet. Gaston is arrangements. barg She was the widow of Arthur several nieces and nephews. erated little controversy Wednes­ asked whether another insurance the increasing workload in his about 1 year old and is at his full Memorial donations may be “ li Fowler and mother of Arthur J. The funeral is Friday at 10:30 day night but elicited some carrier was being considered for department. He said that the size. made to the Church of the Rob( Fowler of Manchester. a.m. from the Potter Funeral concerns about the town’s self- workers’ compensation, and Spi­ Planning Department received He was found roaming on said She is also survived by two Reconciliation Memorial Fund. Home, 456 Jackson St., Williman- insurance program. nelli sa'd all alternatives were 156 applications in all of 1987 and Spencer Street in the area of other sons, James C. Fowler of tic, followed by a Mass of Director James F. “ Dutch” being investigated. cont! the K mart Plaza. Dog Warden had received 47 in the first Dudley. Mass., and Elmer C. Christian burial at 11 a.m. at St. Fogarty also took the opportunity In a worksheet he handed out to quarter of this year. Ja Richard Rand said he received Fowler of Avalon, N.J.; a dtefan dumsky Joseph’s Church, Willimantic. to criticize the town’s zoning directors, Spinelli suggested the recq a call that the little dog was The workload has been a brother, John Chambers in Stefan Sumsky, 79, of Williman- Burial will follow in St. Joseph’s enforcement officer. hiring of a full-time risk manager Th roaming alone. When he got problem since 1984, Pellegrini Northern Ireland; five grand­ tic, died Wednesday at his home. Cemetery. Calling hours are Budgets reviewed during Wed­ in the 1989-90 fiscal year, an idea said. In 1986. the Board of howt there the dog had disappeared. children; and a great-grandson. He was the husband of Olena today from 7 to 9 p.m. nesday’s workshop were those for for which Fogarty expressed Directors recommended that tlic no-St Fortunately, some woman in I f The funeral was held in the (Cap) Sumsky and father of Louis Memorial donations may b e ' the town attorney’s office, the support. workload be handled by tempor­ the area was able to pick general manager’s office and the nts Church of the Reconciliation. 5 Sumsky of Manchester. made to St. Joseph’s (%urch Included in the proposed ary staff, but Pellegrini and Ml Gaston up and bring him to the North Main St., Webster, Mass., personnel, finance, and planning budget for the Planning Depart­ pound. Besides his wife and son. he is Renovation Fund, 99 Jackson St., A.ssi.stant Town Manager Steven with the Rev. Thomas E. Chase survived by two daughters, Anna Willimantic 06226. departments. ment is a proposal to hire an R. Werbner said that such El Last week's featured pet, Gaston Tom Finance Director Boyce Spi- additional secretary at ct cost of workers were expensive and hard whe Casey, the St. Patrick's Day nelli told the board that the $20,447 to serve that department to find. a pa dog, is still waiting to be through Friday from 6 to 9p.m. veterinary clinics. Among the carrier of the town’s umbrella and the zoning enforcement of­ auth adopted — maybe by a nice The Town Attorney’s Offie»> There is a $5 fee to adopt a many is a spayed female, about Deaths Elsewhere policy no longer takes over ficer and the Zoning Board of TI Irish family. Also still waiting payments once the town has paid also is .seeking more help. The dog and the new owner must I'A years old. Her name is' Appeals. The Zoning Enforce­ PuU is Licorice who appeared in the out a total of $200,000 in insurance manager’s proposed budget in­ see that the dog has its rabies Sara. Her elderly owner had to ment Office would be relocated to Lon) 1.66 column a couple of weeks ago. shots and is licensed. Alma Archer Fox Reginald Plnto/Manchester Herald claims in a given year. Under the the Planning Department Offices cludes funding for a half-time move and was unable to take pneumonia at age 58. sored a successful initiative mea­ secretary, at a total cost of Lc on Other than these two dogs, Aid to Heipless Animals Inc. TEAM WORKOUT — A team from the revised insurance policy, as long if this item were approved. the cat with her. She has GALESBURG, 111. (AP) - Jacobs co-managed Tyson with sure that cut the state sales tax Sion on Jewish Education of the Greater $15,390. to serve the attorney’s with the pound has been quiet these has many cats and kittens that as no one insurance award Fogarty asked whether the updated shots and is very quiet Alma Archer Fox, an authority on Bill Cayton. Tyson’s successful from 4 percent to 3 percent. Two Rabbi Leon Wind Religious School of Hartford Jewish Federation. In rear row oyice and the PersoniK'l )f36 past few weeks. The pound is are in need of good homes. This exceeds $500,000, the town has to physical transfer would mean true the and gentle. fashion, style and taste as a defense of his championship years later, he sponsored a Temple Beth Sholom work with their are Jessica Goldwasser, left, Smadahl Department. A to ta located on town property near pay that award out of its own week’s featured cat is an All of the cats put up for syndicated columnist with the against Tony Tubbs in Tokyo was that the zoning enforcement aniy the landfill area off Olcott measure that cut state income teacher, Lisa Plavin, in the school's Morra and Dan Stoppelman. In front row self-insurance fund. Only an aval orange tiger named Tom. He adoption have been neutered or New York Mirror, died of pneu­ the first of Tyson’s 34 pro bouts officer. Thomas R. O’Marra, William Shea, the full-time Street. Rand is at the pound taxes by a third. media center recently. The youths individual claim in excess of has been neutered and has had spayed and have had their monia Tuesday, she was 89. that Jacobs did not attend. are Larry Norman, left, Shira Springer would be supervised by the assistant town attorney, told the ispi- weekdays from noon to 1 p.m. $500,000 would be covered by the his shots. shots unless a kitten was too After designing custom-made Jacobs was a 9.8-second 100- recently took top honors at a regional and Melissa Rattet. Ariel Plavin also is a Planning Department, but directors that the attorneys work­ ient The phone number at the pound Bessie Heard umbrella policy. Pal There are many other cats young when taken. Anyone' Cadillacs in Los Angeles, she yard dash runner, a champion­ Bible quiz, conducted by the Commis- Werbner said that that would not ing for the town have occasionally an member of the team. "Obviously it is not a good had to have secretaries from is 643-6642. If there is no answer and kittens in need of perman­ wishing to adopt an animal moved to New York in 1924, where ship skeet shot and a basketball McKin n e y , Texas (AP) - be the case. H/ )n. call the police department. change,” Spinelli said. their private offices prepare ent homes, now being kept by should call any of the following she ran a Fifth Avenue charm player good enough to be invited Bessie Heard, who endowed her "That’s too bad,” Fogarty invei htly 646-4555. There is also someone Spinelli added that the town is court documents because of tlie members of Aid to Helpless numbers: 666-7000. 623-0489 school and became a columnist. to an Olympic tryout. hometown with a wildlife sanctu­ replied. “ Because I would like to were •are on duty at the pound Monday having the self-in.surance pro­ increased workload. Animals and at some area 242-2156, or 693-6138. The Galesburg native reached Jacobs became one of the ary and natural science museum, see somebody do that.” whili Tall died Tuesday at age 101. Town ‘credibility’ at stake gram evaluated by an outside Fogarty said later that he had Shea added that the legal case.s the height of her career in the greatest handball players in Th More than 40,000 visitors each consultant. Tillinghest Inc. of heard from residents who said faced by the town have become ’30s, interviewing Hitler, drink­ history, winning six U.S. Hand­ Simsbury, in order to determine Wadi ing with Hemingway in Paris and ball Association singles cham­ year come to the non-profit Heard that O’Marra was not responding more involved and that more the adequacy of the town's promptly to their complaints, offici A b o u t T ow n College Notes sailing with James Joyce. pionship and being part of the Natural Science Museum and Committee would solve revaluation flap clerical assistance would help Th coverage. O'Marra, interviewed today, attorneys in the office put to­ She was editor of the women’s USHA championship doubles Wildlife Sanctuary, which Miss Anto Heard endowed in 1964. The fund balance for the said, "Since I wasn’t there and I gether more complete cases. section of the New York Mirror. team four times. Bv Andrew Yurkovsky conflicting accounts of the fair Wednesday morning that the Wedi Manchester Herald Catholic women meet On honor list at Grinnell Her column on fashion and style market values on Which the 1977 cards on which assessments for Sgt.l was syndicated by the United revaluation was based. The the last revaluation were re­ The Connecticut Councii of Catholic Women will William Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Press Association to more than Robert McCamey L Mlchaol Gray Mayor Peter P. DiRosa Jr., former town assessor has said corded indicated the year 1976. meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at St. James Church. Thompson of Manchester has been named to the 1,100 newspapers. BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - LOS ANGELES (AP) - L. citing his concern about the that the 1977 revaluation was Sei Sister Marie Alice LaGace will give a presentation dean’s list at Grinnell College. Grinnell. Iowa, for Ms. Fox was married to Broad­ Robert P. McCamey, an anti­ Michael Gray, a gospel singer credibility of the town admini.s- based on 1977 fair market values ‘T m obviou.sly not happy to Standing still for charity on Africa. All women are invited. the fall semester. He is a graduate of Manchester way composer Harry Archer and establishment conservative who who appeared in Broadway musi­ tration and the Board of Direc­ while current Town Assessor J. learn about something in the H/1 High School. newspaper that this board should Fly fishing tips later to T. Edward Fox. She led several successful drives to cals and performed with Stevie tors, announced Wednesday that Richard Vincent says the 1977 Bv Nancy Concelman “ He said he really wanted to do it.” Garfield unan returned to Galesburg in 1959 cut state taxes, died Wednesday Wonder, Phoebe Snow and Billy he would appoint three members revaluation was based on 1976 have known about in the first Manchester Herald said. L.Tl place,” DiRosa said before the Whiton Memorial Library on North Main Street Castagna on honors list following her second husband’s of pneumonia and heart failure. Preston, died Saturday of a of the board to determine if the market values. “ I’m still interested in being part of it,” presi will present a program on fly fishing with members death, and wrote a weekly He was 76. pulmonary embolism. He was 35. town’s revaluation was incor­ Vincent said the 1987 revalua­ workshop. the si Robert J. Castagna. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pat J. On Saturday, area residents and officials will Meisner said, ” It .seemed tobe a reasonable thing of the Connecticut Fiy Fisherman’s Association column for the Galesburg Post McCamey made his first cam­ Gray began singing gospel rectly handled. tion was based on 1986 market Werbner said that the adminis­ raise money for local and .state charities without to do for the community. Quite honestly, it was a Tis a Castagna of 54 Lamplighter Drive has been named ” I think we’re in a situation next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free but until her retirement in 1983. paign in 1964, when he ran songs in Los Angeles church values partly to maintain consis­ moving a muscle. to the dean’s list at Bentley College. Waltham. tration had also learned about fairly painless way to get money for the students Jose] registration is required. Call 64.3-6892 unsuccessfully for the GOP gub­ choirs as a boy. He was the where the credibility of the board tency with the 1977 revaluation. Belleville’s statement only Wed­ From 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Tri City Plaza at Bennet.” yean Mass. He is a finance-economics major and a junior ernatorial nomination. He won singing voice for the cartoon and the administration may be in asa at Bentley. Jimmy Jacobs But Manchester's previous asses­ nesday morning. in Vernon, six people, including Tom Meisner, Robertts will model clothing from Action Wear the 1968 GOP primary but lost in character "Fat Albert." jeopardy,” DiRosa said before a sor. Edgar Belleville, said Wed­ Bennet Junior High School principal, Vernon Ma- Music festival NEW YORK (AP) - Jimmy DiR osa as ked that the in the window of Parade of Shoes for Newington the general election. Gray appeared on Broadway in directors’ budget workshop in the nesday that 1976 market values Mayor Steven Marcham, Manchester Herald Children’s Hospital. The 10th annual Gospel Music Festival will be Jacobs, a handball great, boxing McCarney led referendum ' ’Your Arms Too Short to Box Lincoln Center hearing room. members of the committee report rm, Desautels on dean’s list were updated to 1977 values for Advertising Director Denise Roberts, Vernon Other models who will be in windows are held at the Lowe Program Center of Manchester historian and a central figure in drives that overturned tax pack­ With God" and “ The Wlz.” He An official from the state Office the 1977 revaluation. back to the board at its April 5 the meeting. principals and a local radio personality will stand Donald Elwood, principal of Lake Street School Community College next Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Michael Desautels of 160 Parker St. has been heavyweight champion Mike Ty­ ages passed by the Legislature in also whs a backup singer to Eddie of Policy and Management has Assistant Town Manager in the windows of plaza stores, modeling spring Lit ngs named to the dean’s list at Eastern Connecticut son’s career, died Wednesday of in Vernon, David Engelson. principal of Center Choirs from Connecticut. Massachusetts and Rhode 1963 and 1965. In 1976, he spon- Kendricks and Connie Stevens. questioned the town’s use of 1986 Steven R. Werbner said Wednes­ Named to the committee were fashions and accessories for charity. Road School in Vernon and Chris Walsh from 2 ler. State University for the fall semester. He is a Island will perform with gue.st singer Sarah Jordan fair market values to conduct the day night that the As.sessor’s Republican Director Geoffrey The only stipulation is that thev .stand perfectly WKSS radio. HART ray member of the class of 1988 and has a double major, Powell. General admission is $5 and $2 .30 for MCC 19^87 revaluation. Office had been unable to find any Naab and Democratic Directors still. In addition to the hospital and the discretionary winning students. business and economics. He is the son of Mrs Current Quotations DiRosa said afterward that his information to back up Belle­ Barbara B. Weinberg and Ken­ The participants will act as live mannequins fund, the Tri City merchants will donate money the Hoi (an, Patricia De.sautels of 160 Parker St. T houghts move also was prompted by snd- ville’s as.sertion. Vincent said neth N. Tedford. for two 15-minute sessions, and fortheirservices, to Visiting Nurse and Community Care Inc, of open-eni the Diabetes club the Tri City Merchants Association will contrib­ Vernon. Tri Town Shelter, Center Road School const ru( On Russell Sage list "I think, I hope and I believe that we have made a As a child did you ever open a book to read it and ute $50 to the charity of the model’s choice, said PTO and the Foster Parents Plan. used wl iced ’The East of the River Diabetes Club will meet on start, a firm start to end this war that is kiiling ... Ige. April 12. at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of find yourself immediately turning to the last page to Sandi Garfield, marketing consultant forTri City The money comes from the monthly donations ment coi Kristen Spear, daughter of Mrs. Judy Mullowney sons of the same country, sons of the same see what happened? I have especially when it came ‘Miracle’ contract approved Merchants. Tri City Plaza is located in Vernon at by the 34 stores in the plaza. The money goes to a is on its t)le; Manchester Memorial Hospital. Dr. Richard of 228 Kennedy Road and David Spear of Bolton, has mothers.” — Contra leader Adolfo Calero, after the rers Fichman will speak on eye problems in the diabetic. to book report time. Open up your Bible. Read the Exit 64 off Interstate 84, just over the Manchester fund for advertising and promotion, Garfield Senate been named to the dean’s list at Rus.sell Sage Contra rebels and Nicaragua’s government agreed first page then read the last. Now begin reading in town line. said. all but c Meetings are free and open to the public. For College. Troy. N.Y.. for the fall semester. She is a 4 to a 60-day cease-fire to negotiate an end to their between. It would appear that the devil has total Meisner will model clothing from D & L Stores “ We’re the regional shopping center right The hi om- information, call 63.3-2419. senior ma.joring in psychology. six-year war. by Stop & Shop employees ap- control at times and there is no hope in this valley for for the Bennet Junior High School’s Student now.” she said. “ We really want to get involved day on a the Christian. But remember the last page — there Discretionary Fund, which provides money to in the community.” rejected lerk Over 2,300 Stop & Shop em­ in hourly wages. Bands compete “ I wouldn’t want to lay you odds.” — Secretary of is no devil there. Thank God for a Book that disposes maintains the same conditions needy students at the school, he said. Before modeling, participants will get a would hi the Duffield on dean’s list State George P. Shultz, on the.chances for the Soviet ployees have unanimously ap­ Espinosa said the main issue in contained in the old one which >ne, Music students from Manchester High School will of the devil! A slight adjustment in clothing and props for half-hour lesson in freeze modeling from the li Union and the United States agreeing on a treaty to In this valley of the shadow of death it looks so proved a three-year contract that negotiations was job security in expired Feb. 6. These include construe Ity” enter band, orchestra and choir competitions in James Duffield. son of Mr. and Mrs. James a union official says is "nothing Meisner may be necessary, Garfield said. professionals, Garfield said. sharply reduce long-range nuclear weapons before hopeless sometimes, but take heart. God will set all view of the company’s proposed conditions for overtime pay on Twent lent April with other schools throughout the country Duffield of 78 Hawthorne St. was named to the short of a npracle.” Meisner said about three weeks ago, he broke his Beginning at noon Saturday, Tri City Plaza President Reagan’s May journey to Moscow. things right in his time. We have redd the last page. sale at the end of the month. He holidays and Sundays. leg and dislocated his ankle playing basketball. 23. 1987, Help is needed to rai.se funds. A tax-deductible dean’s list at the University of Hartford. S.I. Ward Robert A. Petronella, president merchants will give away free T-shirts and a Now let us live for that last page. That is our hope said the unions will continue to Also contained in the contract is Garfield said since he's wearing a cast, he would Plaza a ach donations may be made to the Manchester High College of Technology for the fall semester. He is of Local 371 of the United Food slice of pizza with a $25 purchase. Customers “ I’m going to miss the birds on my balcony and who know how it ends. exist after the sale. an increase in the company’s have to model shorts, and may use a chair. lapsed ! niz- School Bands and sent to Bridget Gilchrist. also a member of the Tau Alpha Pi National Honor and Commercial Workers Union, must .show a sales receipt dated Saturday. Society. the crazy drivers going by down below. ” — Mellissa Stop & Shop, a supermarket monthly per employee contribu­ concrete any Manchester High School. 134 E. Middle Turnpike. praised a contract that was Manchester 06040 L. Sanders, on the end of her record 516-day stay Dr. Billy J. Scott and discount department store tion to the union’s health and Only fiv ind- ratified by 1,900 members oflocal atop in a shack atop two telephone poles to raise operator, said Feb. 29 it had welfare trust fund. The union uses lapse, tl for Pastor 919 and 425 members of local 371 Named on dean’s list money for cancer research. First Baptist Church of Manchester agreed to be acquired in a the trust fund to buy group morator ses. during separate meetings in Artist exhibits $44-a-share, $1.23 billion lever­ insurance for its members, Espi-. method. ion Lori A. Buteau of 27 Brookside Lane. Coventry Hartford and New Haven Wed­ aged buyout led by the invest­ nosa said. The monthly contribu­ A task icu- COVENTRY — Local artist Marilyn Richardson’s and Michelle D. Cote of 37 Academy St. have been nesday night. watercolors are on display at the Connecticut Public named to the dean’s list at Providence College for ment firm Kohlberg Kravis Ro­ tion for Local 919 members would W illi^ mal Public Meetings The new pact carries a $20 berts & Co. of New York. rise $52 to $172 per full-time Wallpaper Sale for- Television Gallery in Hartford. Her theme is the fall semester. Buteau hasn’t chosen a major. million or 15 percent increase comparing the waters of Greece with the waters of She is a member of the class of 1989. Cote is Stop & Shop owns 113 Stop & employee after three years. The Lsia Public meetings scheduled tonight: over three years and grants Shop supermarkets and 169 Brad- figure would be about $240 a Cape Cod. The gallery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 majoring in humanities and elem ental special Coventry workers the job security that was p.m. education. She is also a member of the class of 1989. Manchester lees discount department stores. month for full-time employees in Save Up To 1 / 3 OFF ise, at the center of a one-day strike “ What this means is whoever Local 371. ook Democratic Town Committee. Lincoln Center Board of Education. Coventry High School. 7:30 that closed 55 stores in Connecti­ succeeds the business must take Meanwhile, Stop & Shop em­ Manufacturers List Price the Grandparents honored Two on dean’s list hearing room. 7 p.m. p.m. cut and western Massachusetts the union and the union contract Tuesday, including the Super ployees in Rhode Island and lex- The Annual Grandparent’s Day was celebrated at David Martinez and Alpa R. Mehta, both of with it,” Petronella said. the Stop & Shop on Broad Street as southeastern Massachusetts St. James School on March 12 during the school’s St. Manchester, have been named to the dean’s list at Aileen Gorman, Stop & Shop the well as outlets in East Hartford have rejected the supermarket Patrick’s Day festivities. Entertainment, door the University of Hartford for the fall semester. Honor Rolls and Vernon. vice president for public affairs, chain’s latest offer and could SAVE A MINIMUM OF I prizes, snacks and a tour of the classrooms were Employees reported for work said the company was satisified strike within a week, said Louis less part of the event. Three In co-op program Wednesday morning after a ten­ with a settlement. Spetrini, president of Local 328, one St. Bridget Rebekah Dzen, Jennifer Klem, Tommy have been named to the first tative contract proposal was “ We are very pleased with the Members of the loqpl, which Two Manchester students and a Bolton student Morchond, Ann Paradis. fact employees approved the semester honor roll at reached. They walked out at represents 4,500 workers at 25 new have started a six-month paid, on-the-job work Named to the second semester contract,” Gorman said. “ It will ORAOe 7 mid-morning Tuesday. markets, agreed to continue 30% OFF Dr. Crane’s Quiz assignment. They are students at Central Connecti­ Kingswood-Oxford Middle School honor roll at St. Bridget School Hlflli honors "This contract is the best retail be good for the employees and it working until Sunday, but only if cut State University. in West Hartford. are: Elizobeth Dolan. food contract in the United States will be good for the company.” contract talks resume in the SUGGESTED LIST PRICE ON ALL They are: Michael Michaud, 26 Arcellia Drive, Honors today,” said Petronella, whose Espinosa said the new contract interim. Spetrini said. 1. When pronounced aloud, which set of letters who will work asa programmer at General Electric GRADE 5 Eric Carpenter, Terri Martin, They are: WALLCOVERING Honors lanie MIddlekauff, Heidi Walsh. union represents butchers and 9 suggests the Bible’s champion weight lifter? in Plainville; Ruth Santa-Cruz. 8 Tracy Drive, Patricia Cafarella, Susan Connors, EIGHTH GRADE deli workers. “ The contract is W o o d I BBB CCC JJJ UUU Corlsso Field, Joseph Prytko. student loan coordinator for the Board of Trustees of High Honor nothing short of a miracle.” A u b u r Connecticut State University, New Britain; and L. Alex Maderazo. GRADE « Arnaldo Espinosa, president of NO FANCY SALES GIMMICKS A v o n d 2. Which fowl is most careless about where she Michelle Daly, 11 Shady Lane, Bolton, accounting HIsh honors Local 919, said the contract R o b in deposits her eggs? assistant, G. F Furniture Systems, Inc., East Charity Tobol, Nancy Wengertsman. Kingswood-Oxford SEVENTH GRADE Honors Honors covers 7,500 cashiers, butchers, ROBIN DUCK WREN CHICKEN HEN Hartford. Carolyn Abell, Heleno Chaponis, Nicole Chorches and Scott Vanek. JUST GOOD HONEST VALUE A d e la l Three Manchester residents grocery clerks and baggers. The east of the river J e a n F average increase for full-time S te e p ) 3. Which one of the.se is not an insect? employees is about $100 per week 647-1419 HONEYBEE SPIDER ANT GRASSHOPPER Sale Ends April 9^^ W eath er over thrge years. Part-time em­ J e a n F Manchester Herald ployees will receive an increase W a r a n 4. Of over 100 chemical elements on this planet, how many are water soluble and thus in the blood of USPS 327-SIX) VOL. evil. No. 149 Proudly announces the association of A rd m c all birds, animals and mankind? Light rain Q o o d w 100 86 58 49 Published dslly except Suggested carrier rates Voter making Rosalie Brunetti M a rs h i Sunday end certain holi­ are 81.60 weakly. 67.70 for A RE/MAX Super Star E a s t C days 1^ the Manchester one month, 123.10 for Manchester and vicinity: To­ RoM lIe Z. Brunotti, Realtor-Aeeocl- 5. A college coed fell in love with a handsome Publishing Co., 16 Bral- three months. 846.20 tor time is tonight night and Friday, mostly cloudy ets, with RE/MAX sett of the rtver, lee R a c h e l professional man and received an engagement ring nard Place. Manchester. six months and 802.40 tor with thechance of some light rain resident of SouthOekl Green. Stw erxl T u d o r from him. But a few weeks later she angrily threw Conn. 06040.' Second one year. Senior citizon Voter registration sessions will her husband Germ have called Marv or drizzle. Lows tonight 40 to 45. class postage paid at and mall rates are availa­ his ring back to him claiming he had told her he was chaeter horns for almost 20 years. H Ig h w i Highs Friday in the low to upper Manchester, Conn. Post­ ble on request. be held tonight from 6:30 to 8:30 a doctor, so he had lied to her, for she had learned he Roaalle was formerly em p lo y \ 50s. master: Sand address To place an advorlis*- and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 Praesurs Bleat...... Mfg. Co.,"Id., Inc., for Qalwav held no M.D. degree. changes to the Manches­ mant, or to report a news p.m. at the Mall at the Parkade. many years. For the past two years K e r r y « "I never told you I was a doctor.” he protested. ” I ter Herald. P.O. Box 501, Item or picture Mae. call The last day on which people can West Coastal, East Coastal: aha has bean In real astarts localty. N o r th ! just said I followed the medical profession.” What Manchester, Conn. 06040. 643-2711. Office hours are become Voters in time to vote in Tonight and Friday, mostly She has bean afflllotad with RE/MAX N o r th : was his occupation? 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday the statewide presidential prim­ alnoa the 6rst of the year. She le a cloudy with the chance of some If you don't receive your through Frld^. member of the S t Jamas Parish and Herald by 5 p.m. weekdays ary is Monday, from 8:30 to noon Answers in Classified seeiion. light rain or drizzle. Lows tonight The Mancheeter Herald in the office of the registrars of hat been very acUve In a number of CA 40 to 45. Highs Friday 45 to 50. or 7:30 a.m. Saturdays, Is a member of The volunfeer cMc actMUee. Rosalie Is a MANCHESTER WALLPAPER & PAINT please telephone your car­ Associated Press, the voters in the Municipal Building. member of the Manchester Boanf of rier. If you’re unable to Audit Bureau of Clrcula- Registration will be accepted Realtote end the Womens Council of Northwest Hills: 185 West Middle Tpke, Manchester Tonight and reach your carder, call tlorts. the New Englaitd for residents of any town in R a a llo rt. L o tte ry Friday, mostly cloudy with the subscriber service at 647- Newspaper Association Connecticut. For Manchester res­ Roaalle la very enthused about the 646-0143 chance of some light rain or 0046 by 6 p.m. weekdays and the Now Englattd RE/MAX conoept ITa a plan tor Call Rosalie for that Today’s weather picture was drawn by Pilar Castillo, who Press Aaeodatlon. idents. changes of address and drizzle. Lows tonight near 40. for delivery In Manchester. changes of party enrollment will 'Wliineie..Cnd Roselle la certainty a Mon.,Tues.,Fri. & Sat. 8-5:30 Wed. 8-Noon Thurs. 8-9 ;e 8 Connecticut daily Wednesday : 692. Play Four: 1184. lives on Jordt Street and attends Bowers School. Highs Friday 55 to 60. adnnlng aw f— professional touch! also be taken. 4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuradav. March 24. 19S8

MANCHESTER HERALD.niLKALilJ. TtlUrsdaVThursday. March 24,1988 — 5 STATE Lawyers knock Lieberman pole shrugs off poll showing Bush leads In state - HARTFORD (AP) (A P) — RAmihii.Republi- said. ealH “ It’s the one AL-z. that -xA attracts _ dhn preaidenUal candidate Ro- as he left the Capitol, shrugged off was 5.5 percent. and called on him to go “ toe-to- the most people and it’s the one recent polls showing him far picking up the tab for 40 years. We & REGION JtBit Dole got a warm reception The Dole campaign suffered toe” in a debate. can’t do it forever.” that will get the most attention.” for suit against insurers 7 0 m Connecticut’! General As­ behind Vice President George another blow Wednesday when Dole repeated his call for a Dole, who got a standing y sembly, but wasn’t likely to pick Bush in Connecticut. Republican State Chairman Ro­ one-year budget freeze to reduce Dole also attacked Panaman­ ovation in both chambers and was Players look for dignity Bv Brent Laymen' up ihany votes there, given the 1} attention to bert S. Poliner endorsed Bush, the federal budget deficit, which ian leader, Gen. Manuel Noriega, )onso, The Associated Press rn n n n r interrupted twice by applause polls. They said I was going to win Democrats’ control of both * during his speech to Oie House of who also has the support of the he labelled “ public enemy No. 1.” who’s been indicted for alleged )lking HARTFORD — An attorney says Jai alai qfiombers. in New Hampshire,” Dole said as four members of Connecticut’s On another issuse, he said U.S. drug trafficking by a U.S. grand HAR’TFORD — The president Representatives, acknowleged he headed for a stairway and out players in Connecticut are looking for some -But the Kansas senator’s Con­ that his campaign is in trouble. congressional delegation. Bush is trading partners .should open jury and is being pressured by the Pelle- of the Connecticut Trial Lawyers the Capitol building after paying United States to step down. dignity not money as they threaten to strike if necticut campaign chairman, “ In politics, your fortunes go up due in the state today, when, he their markets to American goods tarial fronton owners don’t agree to collective Association says the a s s ^ a - Richard C. Bozzuto, said Dole a courtesy call on. Democratic will be accompanied by U.S. Sen. and that its allies should help the tion’s recent criticism of Attor­ and your fortunes go down,” Dole jse of bargaining. was looking for exposure more Gov. William A. O’Neill. Lowell P. Weicker Jr., R-Conn., United States pick up defense “ We’ve got to tell foreign in his ney General Joseph I. Lieberman told the legislators. “ Right now leaders like Noriega, ‘Go, we “ Money’s basically not the issue here,’’ than anything else when he chose A poll published Wednesday by once a political foe of Bush. costs in areas like the Persian I the has nothing to do with the fact I ’m needing a victory, so I ’m in The Hartford Courant showed don’t need you peddling drugs in Robert Cheverie, one of the players’ attorneys, to stop at the Capitol Wednesday, Connecticut today.” “ That’ s his decision, not Gulf. ■eived that its chief lobbyist is U.S. Sen. Bush favored by 64 percent of mine.” Dole said of Poliner’s America and inflicting harm on said Wednesday. “ They want a basic minimum loss than a week before Ck>nnecti- Among the legislature’s 71 “ They talk about the need for us 17 and Lowell P. Weicker Jr.’s cam­ likely GOP voters in Connecti­ Bush endorsement. our children and our grandchild­ contract with a base salary and some dignity.’’ ept’s primary next Tuesday. Republicans — 60 representa­ to deal with our deficit,” Dole first paign manager. cut’s primary. Dole was the Dole did not mention his rivals, ren,” Dole said. Jai alai players in Connecticut are fighting for • “ It’s the best means by which tives and 11 senators — just 20 said of America’s allies. “ They APphoJo Attorney Paul J. McQuillan choice of 20 percent. The margin unlike last week during a stop at are right and one way to help us a recognition of their newly organized union. he can get the message out, it’s representatives support Dole. Bozzuto conceded the poll could en a criticized Lieberman Wednesday of error for the random sampling the University of Hartford, when tbe clearest means,” Bozzuto Dole, trying to dodge reporters little bit is to have them start further erode Dole’s support in fgrini The owner of the fronton in Connecticut, DAY-CARE VISITOR — Tipper Gore for Connecticut’s failure to join of 432 likely Republican voters he questioned Bush’s leadership picking up the tab. We’ve been however, says the players’ contracts contain a Connecticut. •d of visits children at the Leila Day Care eight other states in suing major [/ at the no-strike clause. Center in New Haven Wednesday. She insurance companies, suggesting 'f Tipor- that Lieberman, a Democrat was visiting Connecticut to campaign Coalition■ .*'• • and Man crushed by cattle feed running against Weicker, is teven for her husband, Son. Albert Gore, who afraid to take on the powerful such ELLINGTON — An man was crushed to death is seeking the Democratic presidential industry. backing I hard when several tons of cattle feed fell on the cab of nomination. Lieberman, who says Connecti­ a payloader he was operating at a dairy farm, cut may eventually join the 3ffiee authorities said. lawsuit, called it “ interesting” Jackson . The The victim was identified as Gustave J. Regulators criticize CL&P that the trial lawyers’ chief I t ’s OSHKOSH B’GOSH! ?t in- Puiaski Jr., 30, of Enfieid, said Trooper Nicholas lobbyist at the state legislature is HARTFORD (AP) - The Con­ -tiine Longo. NEW BRITAIN — State utility regulators are Jay Malcynsky, Weicker’s cam­ necticut Coalition for Lesbian and St of Lo'ngo said Pulaski was using the equipment standing by their criticism of Connecticut Light paign manager. A P photo Gay Civil Rights is backing “ I think It’s a red herring,” ney’s with a scoop on the front to load the silage into a & Power Co. for a lack of corporate concern TRIAL LAWYERS — Attorneys Michael Jainchi, James Democrat Jesse Jackson for iniK 'l truck on Tuesday, when he apparently attemped McQuillan said during a news president and coalition leaders about a growing number of power outages. Bartolini and Paul McQuillan, from left, conduct a news A to take too much at once and the silage conference outside Lieberman’s say they created a political action A In a final decision, the Department of Public office. “ Our board of directors conference in Hartford Wednesday to criticize Attorney avalanched on the cab. Utility Control said Wednesday the reliability of committee aimed at electing -time makes policy, not Mr. Mal­ d the the state’s largest power company’s distribution General Joseph Lieberman’s lawsuit against insurance candidates committed to their cynsky. He works for us. not the cause. ivork- system deteriorated from 1982 to 1986. companies. Paintings returned other way around.” “We want to elect pro-gay mally As It had said in its February draft report, the The eight states are alleging United States and said an investi­ from Three Connecticut-based insur­ candidates,” John Bonelli, co- HARTFORD — Police are continuing DPUC said Wednesday that CL&P showed that dozens of major insurance gation of the insurance industry ?pare ers were named as defendants in chairman of the new PAC, said investigations into the theft of two paintings that “ little or no corporate concern” during the companies have conspired to merited Lieberman’s time. if the the suits, filed ’Tuesday in U.S. during a state Capitol news were returned three days after they disappeared period. It directed the company to make restrict or dry up coverage and “ This is probably the most District Court in San Francisco conference Wednesday. “ We be­ while on display at Bushneli Memorial Hall. improvements in specific areas. charge excessive prices. important political issue in the and in Texas state court: Aetna lieve that Connecticut can be eases The paintings were on display to promote the It also said the state’s second-largest electric The Trial Lawyers Association country today.” McQuillan said. Life & Casualty Co., Hartford better. There is a growing sensi­ come Wadsworth Athenium’s art rental program, company. United Illuminating, received good has been asking Lieberman’s “ We may hear about charity Fire Insurance Co., and The tivity in the state ... (toward the) more officials said. overall marks but noted a recent decline in UI’s office to investigate possible fraud up in Litchfield County ... Travelers Insurance Cos. need for equality and protection help The marine paintings, by American artist service. It concluded that UI “ cannot afford to unfair trade practices in the (but) Overy man, woman and for all citizens.” It lo- The suits charge that the rest on its laurels.” insurance industry in Connecti­ child in Connecticut is affected by He said the coalition would be s. Antonio Jacobsen, were turned into police defendants collaborated in a cut for two years without getting the insurance industry.” studying legislative races this Wednesday by an unidentified person, police global boycott of certain types of much of a response. McQuillan Robert Longer, Connecticut’s year to see where seats might be Sgt. Michael Juda said. Verdict reached In fire case general liability insurance said. assistant attorney general in targeted for electing candidates BRIDGEPORT — After nearly a month of “ I believe it’s difficult as we charge of antitrust and consumer through secret agreements and internal pressure. sympathetic to gay-rights issues. Senate confirms TiantI deliberations, a Superior Court jury has found stand here today and look at the protection, has said the state did One race already picked is that that the Protection Mutual Insurance Co. does mammoth monuments to the not want to duplicate what other “ We find the allegations that in the 80th House District, now HARTFORD — The state Senate has not have to pay a $65 million claim for a 1975 fire insurance industry for anybody to states, with more personnel, were were made yesterday and the represented by Republican Eu­ eld unanimousiy confirmed the nomination of Betty at the Sponge Rubber Products Co. plant in be in a political climate and stand doing. allegations that were made today gene A. Migliaro Jr. of Wolcott. L. Tianti, the iong-time iabor activist and Shelton. up against them.” McQuillan - Longer noted that Connecticut were nothing more than a politi­ Bonelli said. t.” president of the Connecticut State AFL-CIO, as Charles Moeller, president of Sponge Rubber said. has intervened in court cases to cal stage-managed effort to try to Migliaro was the target of an help ensure that private parties ng the state’s next labor commissioner. Co., charged that Protection Mutual Insurance Pressed on whether he was draw attention to a problem that unsuccessful censure movement s a Tianti, 58, of Newington, will succeed P. of Illinois improperly refused to honor the policy accusing Lieberman of refusing have the right to sue insurers for does not exist.” said Malcolm 0. in the House earlier this year for deceptive practices. Its Joseph Peraro, who is retiring April 1 after nine covering losses from the March 1,1975 fire. The to join the suit because of the Campbell Jr., Aetna’s counsel. his reference to homosexuals as years in the post. | lawsuit sought $65.5 million. monied insurance lobby’s politi­ “ lollipops.” The House instead ar cal clout in Connecticut. McQuil­ HI! WHY DON^CHA LIST YOUR PROPERTY voted to adopt a committee report on lan said; “ I obviously don’t know in which members said they that for a fact.” “ disassociated” themselves re Lieberman has said Connecti­ from his remark. lOl cut was not involved in the Shawn Lang, chairwoman of cr Lift-slab bill goes to Senate investigation and wasn’t asked to the coalition, said a candidate to im 2 join the lawsuit by the other oppose Migliaro was now being 2 HARTFORD (AP) - After states. collapse had recommended the proposed by Kep. Eugene A. soughL Migliaro, a popular con­ winning unanimous approval in ry moratorium earlier this year, Migliaro Jr,. R-Wolcott. who said “ Now we’re going to give it a servative in his district ran the House, a bill imposing an ey until the state adopts regulations lift-slab construction is inher­ full and thorough review, and if unopposed in 1986. open-ended moratorium on the of governing the use of lift-slab ently unsafe. we feel we can play a constructive “ I welcome the challenge from construction technique being )ol construction. The bill adopted “ It’s a killer and we should gel part for the people of Connecticut, them and anybody they bring up used when a Bridgeport apart­ Wednesday contains those rid of it.” Migliaro said. “ We then I ’ll get involved,” he said. against me,” Migliaro said. “ I ’ll ment complex collapsed last year ns provisions. have to have a ban. Don’t leave McQuillan, a prominent Con­ tell you right up front. I ’m going is on its way to the state Senate. la Rep. Lawrence Anastasia. D- the door upon even a little bit. necticut Democrat, said the asso­ to whip ’em and whip ’em so hard ■Id Senate approval is considered Norwalk, co-chairman of the ciation voted unanimously a they won’t know what hit them.” all but certain. “ We’ve had a lesson, we know Public Safety, told an unusually what can happen,” he added. month ago not to support Lieber­ Bonelli said the coalition would 4 The bill was approved Wednes­ ht hushed House chamber that the His amendment was rejected man if he failed to take a stand on work toward passage of a gay day ona 147-Ovoteafterthe House ed bill was among the most impor­ on 0 vote of 112-36 after about 10 the insurance-industry issue. But civil rights bill in the General re.1ected an amendment that tant ever considered by the minutes’ debate. he strenuously denied that the Assembly. Such a bill was killed would have permanently banned a chamber. The bill now goes to the state criticism was calculated to help on a tie vote in the state House of the lift-slab method of m “ Safety shall be our No. 1 Senate. Weicker. Representatives last year. construction. concern,” Anastasia said. “ In 14 Malcynsky also denied having The coalition also supports a za Twenty-eight men died on April years in this great House. I have The lift-slab method involves anything to do with the trial series of measures aimed at a 23. 1987, when the L ’Ambiance never been faced with an issue as pouring concrete floors for build­ lawyers’ criticism of Liberman. protecting those with AIDS or rs Plaza apartment complex col­ important as this one. I want to do ings at ground level and then McQuillan called Lieberman perceived to have AIDS. One lapsed as workers were lifting what’s right and I think this is the jacking them into place along “ the best consumer lawyer” measure would ban mandatory concrete floor slabs into place. right way to go.” steel columns. among attorneys general in the WITH JACK J. LAPPEN REALTY? 643-4263 AIDS testing for any group or Only five weeks after the col­ He also noted that after the individual. Another is aimed at lapse. the House had rejected a regulations are drafted, they ensuring the confidentiality of moratorium on the lift-slab must be approved by the attorney AIDS testing. method. general and a legislature’s Regu­ Bonelli and Lang noted that A task force empaneled by Gov. lations Review Committee. Jackson has spoken out in favor of W illi^ A. O’Neill after the The outright ban had been civil rights protections for homo­ sexuals and supports significant increases in funding for AIDS research and education. NEED SOME EXTRA IN STORE Budget called SPENDING MONEY!! FOR SPRING ‘time bomb’ NEW BRITAIN (AP) - Former President Gerald R. We may just have a See what’s In store for Spring In the store windows of TrI City Ford says he is very bullish about newspaper route available Plaza on Saturday, March 26 from 1 - 3. America’s future but also very •X'. worried about the federal budget in your area... See LIVE mannequins in these store windows: jdeficit, which he calls an “ eco­ (Manchester) nomic time bomb.” ' In a speech Wednesday night at V .7 i Actionwear Ltd., Before The Stork, Bernle's Newmark and Lewis, 9 7 . lOntral Connecticut State Uni­ 9 Blinding Light, Catherine's Uniforms, D&L, Diamond Showcase, Woodbridge St. ...286 & 302 omy •MAcntt versity, Ford said the actions Auburn...... all Family Haircut Store. 4 Easy Prices, Foxmoor, Parade of Shoes, taken since last October’s stock Avondale...... all Pragues Shoes, Radio Shack, and Thom McAn. Inarket crash have been con­ Robin Rd...... all structive and “ as a result. we look ^ tter and better.” Adelaide Rd...... all And look for our celebrity models who will model for charity including Jean Rd...... 6-30 Mix Master Chris Walsh, WKSS Saturday night personality, the '■ “ The shock of Black Monday Steephollow La...... all Mayor, the school Principals, and the Advertising Director. has been absorbed,” he said. ■: But the former president said All Osh Kosh B’Gosh Jean Rd...... 56-65 FREE TrI City Plaza T-Shirt and slice of Papa GIno’s pizza. continuing, massive federal Waranoke Rd...... all budget deficits and the “ intracta- Simply save $25 in sales receipts dated March 26 from any of 61e trade deficit” are both serious Ardmore Rd...... all Jefferson St...... all Tri City Plaza’s 34 stores and receive your free gift. problems which threaten the Qoodwin St...... all Kenwood Or...... all ijation in a number of ways. Fashion Overalls Marshall St...... all Tolland Tpke...... 472-525 Bring sales re;ceipts to the mall area Saturday March 26, beginning East Center St...... 276-333 !• “ Unless we have a healthy Union Place ...... all at noon, while supplies last. Quantities are limited. One per family. economic picture at home, we Union St...... 133-264 Rachel Rd...... all J - .k - Sorry no rainchecks. dannot afford to have the kind of Bob’s Reg. Tudor La...... all Union St...... 13-91 defense setup necessary to our Mayfair Gardens AJ All Seasons are Hot at Tri City Plaza. national security,” Ford said. B'S <12.99-*19.99 Highwood Dr...... all (No. M ain)...... 14-470 : At a news conference. Ford described the country’s fiscal Qalway St...... all Marble St...... all $12 policy as “ very bad” and “ irres­ S a le ! Kerry St...... all McCabe St...... all ponsible” and said both Republi­ North St...... all Stock PI...... all Infants’ • Toddlers’ • Girls’ 4-6X • Boys’ 4-7 North School St...... t-84 No. Main St...... 397-410 cans and Democrats alike share ^ R IA C ItU the blame. Choose from a great selection of colors, fabrics, prints and solids CALL NOW 647-9946 / 643-2711 p l r z r H ; “ This is a Frankenstein’s Exit 64 Off I-84, Vernon monster they better do something all at a price that can’t be beat! Th0 Maneh»»t0r Hmnid about,” he said. ; ’The United States has saved too 4 Days Only! Thurs., March 24 thru Sun., March 27 Sloro Hours: Monday thru Friday 9-9, Saturday 9-6, Sunday 10-6 ijttle. borrowed too much, and W . K c p I M u lw C w d , ViM, DtKOVM Card and Amarlcan Expraaa ‘’without a question of a doubt, Ibaned too much to the undeve- 343 Main St. 25 Hazard Ave. 1697 WhHney Ave. 200 Chase Ave. 260 North Main St. ip p ^ nations of the world,” he MIDDLETOWN ENFIELD HAMDEN WATERBURY MANCHESTER said. ^ MANCHESTKR HERALD, ThursdBy. Msrch 24!*'l988 8 - MAI MAN9 HESTER HERALD, Thursday, March 24, 1988 — 7 88 — 5 iii^ £ '

i f Summit yields OK Helicopters on patrol )■- NA'nON MOSCOW — Witnesses in the Armenian capital of Yerevan today said Red Army ars. We for speiiding plad helicopters circled the skies to guard Openness & W O R L D against unrest after the government laman- described Armenian claims to an area in oriega, Noriega seeks pistols neighboring Azerbaijan as intolerable. alleged Jack 1 in bipartisan vote Moscow dissident Valery Senderov said grand is welcome WASHINGTON — Panamanian strong­ a correspondent for an unofficial human J by the Bv Alan From man Manuel Antonio Noriega is trying to rights journal had called from Yerevan to n. Anderson ^ The pact they emerged with on Ths Associated Press arrange through a U.S. arms dealer for the say that helicopters were patrolling the S3' Nov. 20 set broad outlines for immediate delivery of 5,000 semi­ city, but that there was no widespread foreign federal budgets for fiscal 1 9 8 8 , automatic pistols to his military forces, disorder reported. 3o, we WASHINGTON — Lawmakers at hospital which ends Sept. 30, and for fiscal according to a secret document. Regyen Sarkisyan, a senior editor of the rugs in are crediting the budget summit 1 9 8 0 . Coupled with the reported acquisition of Communist Party newspaper Kommunist arm on accord between congressional Their agreement settled in large quantities of weapons from Cuba in In Yerevan, confirmed in a telephone idchild- Manchester Memorial Hospital is gradually leaders and the White House for advance many of the disputes I the bipartisan ease with which recent days, the proposed purchase of the interview with The Associated Press that opening the curtain it drew around itself after that typically spawn bitter. long- tte House sent a $l.i trillion pistols indicates that Noriega may be there were helicopters overhead, but il could the sudden resignation of its president, Ex-Navy chief running debates among lawmak­ described the city as calm. budget for fiscal 1989 to the ers, such as over how much intent on using force to remain in power, port in Warren Prelesnik, in November. Senate. money the government should U.S. officials said Wednesday. i n When that happened the hospital, which had The spending plan, which alters spend for defense, domestic and A proposal by the U.S. dealer promises sees ‘moles’ in some------of -- the — domestic wivsBiv3ou%; p priorities iiu iiu e if delivery of an additional 25,000 pistols at Vanunu convicted always been closely identified with the foreign assistance programs, and President Reagan had Included in whether new taxes are the rate of 2,000 a month. community it serves, began to isolate itself hl| ownt proposed package last JERUSALEM — An Israeli court today from that community by keeping a tight lid on necessary. the iiMnth, whs approved 319-102 on The 1989 budget resolution convicted former nuclear technician information about its problems and Mass arrests continue Wednesday by the Democratic- approved by the House precisely ANNOUh^ING SUMMIT - Soviet Mordechai Vanunu of treason and processes. controlled House. In contrast to HEBRON, Occupied West Bank — met those summit targets, ac­ Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard­ espionage for telling a British newspaper Questions about what was going on at the last year, when budget writers cording to budget committee Israeli soldiers swept through the occupied his country possessed nuclear weapons. He 1 Wa s h in g t o n — Former Secretary of the Navy nadze iistens as President Reagan f hospital normally brought some partial tolled several weeks longer amid numbers. territories through the night in a mass could receive a life prison term. John Lehman, now a national security adviser to staunch opposition by Republi­ announced Wednesday that he wiii response that included the catchwords Thus,' the package provides arrest of Palestinians, and Arab reports The verdict, read behind closed doors in w orge Bush, believes there are high-level Soviet cans, GOP lawmakers this time $299.5 billion for the Pentagon in said four Palestinians were wounded in go to Moscow May 29. It wiii be his a courtroom with boarded-up windows, '^'Si!^“intemal matter,” strongly implying that moles in the U.S. government today. voted 92-78 for the resolution. budget authority, the amount up scattered clashes today. fourth summit meeting with Soviet climaxed the saga of the 34-year-old Israeli Lehman speaks from an unsettling personal “ I think it would have been hospital business is not public business. to which the military can commit The Arab reports said Israeli soldiers ieader Mikhaii Gorbachev. who said he revealed his country's nuclear In recent weeks, however, the hospital has brush with the spy business. A friend of his, whom ■ impossible without the summit," itself in new contracts, and $294 were using several West Bank schools as secrets for the good of mankind. tDlJCAnON BILL, ITS TOO C0MPL|CAT£P4 WD CONTROVERSIAL - PUT HON THE BACK-BURNER Rep. Delbert Latta of Ohio, been far more willing to be frank about ^ h m a n cam e close to placing in a job that would billion in outlays, or money to detention centers. “ Mordechai is not desperate. He still A nave given him access to nuclear secrets, turned ranking Republican on the House actually be spent next year. it, Burnley accused the FAA of frequently The army said it was checking the wants to fight," said defense attorney A changes that are being made or studied. The out to be a spy, paid and trained by the East Budget Committee, said In addition, it provides $148.1 harboring “ institutional resistance” when GETT change is welcome. afterward. reports of the woundings. According to the Avigdor Feldman as he emerged from the Walke Germans and working for the Soviets. billion in budget authority and Arab-run Palestine Press Service and an the time comes to move harshly against five-minute session. He said Vanunu sat Open Forum "Democrats and Republicans Stories about the hospital that have The spy was American-born James Frederick $169.2 billion in outlays for Arab reporter, they occurred in scattered the nation’s aviation industrv. silently as the verdict was announced, North appeared in the newspapers most recently do Sattler, who, during the 1960s, attended the In the House are trying to work domestic programs that are not cap to together,” said Rep. William H. clashes from Hebron to Nablus in the West showing little emotion. not and should not — reveal every detail of University of California at Berkeley and then controlled by automatic formu­ Bank. The army declined comment on groun studied in Poland and East Germany, where he Gray III, D-Pa., chairman of the las. And it allows $18.1 billion in Opposition caiis for heip labor negotiations or every administrative cancer insurance. Cancer ac­ should not use that example as budget panel. whether schools were being used as Cancer insurance was converted to the Ideology of the Eastern Bloc budget authority and $16.1 billion PANAMA CITY, Panama — Although strategy, but the words “ internal matter” are counts for only about 10 percent of criteria here. Rather, we should The spending plan would pro­ detention centers. At the request of the KGB, Sattler was trained In in outlays for foreign aid. U.S. sanctions and a general strike have Law ‘a blow to families’ E l no longer an inevitable part of every story. cashes in on fear all medical costs.” follow New York and New Jersey, duce a deficit of $134 billion. It intelligence by the East Germans and then came The $14 billion in new 1989 taxes devastated Panama’s economy, opposition E The specific-illness policy does which refuse to license the would thus avoid spending cuts WASHINGTON — United Auto Workers If the attitude of openness continues, the To the Editor: back fo the United States, where he made friends called for by the summit have leaders said it may take another mutiny in not cover complications arising American Family Insurance that would be required under the already been enacted Into law. Rule improvements slow President Owen Bieber says the Supreme discomfort the public has felt about the from cancer. Winklevoss said, with a group of defense intellectuals, including Gramm-Rudman balanced- the military to drive Gen. Manuel Antonio Court dealt a “ blow to working families hospital will disappear. Corp. because the aggressive Lehman. Lawmakers envision no addi­ WASHINGTON — Transportation Noriega from power. The state Legislature is now “ Cancer insurance is close to sales force of that company is so budget law should the deficit miss tional taxes for the year. throughout America” by upholding a law The early 1970s were the seedling years for these Secretary James H. Burnley IV says the As the strike entered its fourth day considering a bill to allow the sale being as worthless a product as the 1989 deficit target of $136 The budget would grant a hefty limiting food-stamp eligibility for striking Conlinw well paid and rewarded that they conservatives, several of whom rose to top Federal Aviation Administration some­ of a cancer insurance policy in you can find. It’s really am billion by more than $10 billion. increase to space and science today, a prominent opposition leader was workers. fail to meet the strict limitations positions in the Reagan administration. Lehman times needs “ the bureaucratic equivalent p o rtio n , Connecticut. embarrassment to the insurance To achieve that $134 billion programs, although only about expected to return to join in the fight to The high court said Wednesday a 1981 on agent commissions and sales a llo w e d In spite of Insurance Commis­ industry.” became secretary of the Navy in 1981 at the age of figure, however, lawmakers half as much as Reagan wanted. of a cattle prod” to move on safety issues. oust Noriega, the country’ s de facto leader federal law imposing food stamp limits on rewards. 39. zoned re No obligation sioner Peter Gillies’ objections agreed to use economic forecasts It would also grant major in­ In an unusual condemnation of an and head of its 15,000-strong Defense strikers’ families does not violate any Joseph Belth, professor of To push an insura nee policy that and the fact that the policy would Contemporaries Richard Perle and James P. made by the administration. Had creases in spending for educa­ agency by the Cabinet officer who oversees Forces. constitutional rights. A re a insurance at Indiana University, violates our state regulations can sive.s coi not meet state regulations, there voiced similar views. “ This kind Wade Jr. became assistant secretaries of defense. the legislators used the more tion, the homeless, battling drugs only be dbne for one reason. That According to Lehman, Sattler had the stuff to do pessimistic projections from h o u r b e f are a few people pushing for this of insurance is purchased irra­ and research and testing for to invite union reason is big dollars for the the same. their own Congressional Budget w a rn e d legislation that would benefit only AIDS. tionally like flightinsuranceoutof company and its agents, not for e m p lo y e the American Family Life Insu­ But Sattler also had some stuff that his friends Office, there would be $35 billion a vending machine at anairport." consumers. Notoneconsumerhas more in red ink, triggering The legislators ignored Rea­ 29 STORES THROUGHOUT CONNECTICUT fe w m in If non-unionized employees of Manchester rance Co. of Georgia and the didn’t know about — a mission to spy for the What you need is medical asked for this bill. Not one citizen Soviets. spending slashes that are consi­ gan’s proposals to end federal Ju.st b Memorial Hospital want to be represented in insurance agents who represent expense insurance that covers assistance to Amtrak, the pas­ lobby group appeared to support Lehman broke the story during a lunch with dered particularly untidy in an w o rk e d i collective bargaining by the United Food and you regardless of what disease senger railroad, and to some LOW, LOW FSUCES! th e a re a it. This bill should be killed. It’s journalists Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen election year. Commercial Workers Union or by any other Specific-illness insurance poli­ you have," Belth said. development programs, and his and check ont theae PHBB oenrlcesl p e o p le g bad legislation. while still secretary of the Navy. Palmar is one of , Shortly after the Dow Jones cies were banned in Connecticut Commissioner Gillies, in tes­ effort to dramatically slash aid to b la s t. union or unions, they have that right. the country’s leading experts on naval affairs arid " Industrial Average plunged 508 FREE MOUNTING! by the 1976 Legislature because timony against the bill, said that mass transit programs. ” I nev If they prefer not be represented by a union Rep. Edith Prague has been a consultant to the Pentagon. Allen was points on Oct. 19, administration 0* FR E E STATIC BAUNCINGI policies to cover one type of illness the American Family Insurance officials and congressional lead­ Most federal agencies would be i;j T h e w or unions, they have that right as well. 8th Assembly District senior book editor at National Geographic were found to be a poor invest­ Co. haspaidalossratioin 1986of33 ers held four weeks of closed-door given a bit less money than they O' FREE ROTATION! tC IA L ! lim e s be Columbia magazine. The authors relate I^ehman’s surprising ' In no way is the hospital administration ment of the consumer’s dollars. percent. bargaining aimed at slashing the would need to keep up with ro a d , ga' story in their soon-to-be-released book, S ' FREE '.'.srCHANGEOVER! FREE FRONT-END obligated to invite a union in, however. Protecting the consumer should The loss ratio represents that federal deficit. inflation. \ ALIGNMENT th e h ill, "Merchants of Treason.” If the employees are to be unionized it be the No. 1 priority of any portion of the premiums returned S' FREE FLAT REPAIR! W ITH TH! PURCHASI Ot a s tifle d “ He was like one of us,’’ Lehman said of Sattler. f O U R N ( W T im S an d r o d 2 should be by the formal, well-established Legislature. to policy holders in the form of Combined effprt E v a ty I I I * sold by Town Fair is bached by our famous 2 I remember the horror stories “ He could have been anything by now. An assfatanti i G uaranteed LOWEST PRICE Policy "IRON-CLAD NO HASSLE " CuaranlMi WITH th e n .sell union-election process. Before that happens benefits. In Connecticut, Medi­ ^PLUS! Fwviy lira sold at TOW MPAIR TIRE is guaranlaad lot d t l e c l s PURCHASE answers a need secretary of defense — or maybe state. • Panel clears measure 'W hen you're ready lor itres. don't sacrifice the quality in workmanship or m starials for as long as you own lha lira ragaidlats of yaart in sarvica or OF 2 NEW A lth o ii about the elderly who had six and t care supplement policies sold on perfom iance and guarantee you need. Town Fair Tires, whom the employees would do well to evaluate their “ I am convinced that there are others like him,” i milaaga racaivad it a datact in workm anship 01 m altnals davalop talurn it to TOWN FAIR Wa TIRES $10^ p re p a ra ' seven individual insurance poli­ an invitational basis are required you can trust, has a store near you ~ there you'll find just the will tapati il at no charga or rtplaca tl VOU PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE USED' positions under the job evaluation which has To the Editor: Lehman told the authors. “ Right here in this . T right tire at GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES We have selecled tires GUARANTEED Bgainst m in u te s cies in addition to Medicare. While 'Don't compromise. Town Fair Tires' eipenence costs to have at least a 65 percent loss glass, sharp metal, deep holes and all roadI i h a i* just been approved by the hospital’s board of building (the Pentagon). I am convinced that there to protect shipwrecks n o m o re NO m u s t b( working as a medical social ards. and it's FREEI PURCHASE ratio. This means that 65 percent *” lf you Imd a lower price advertised m Connecticut withm 30 e x p lo s iv trustees. Regarding your March 17 arti­ are moles high in the United States government.’ NECESSARY ■ m CANS worker and writing a newspaper of all premiums paid toa company days of purchase on the same merchandise bring us the cle on the Haitian Lenten Project: Sattler’s career took him to a teaching job in New advertisement and we will beat the price ” US TO MU OTNtR TIMS OUURS! m u s t b e' column, I found that many of the WASHINGTON (AP) - Propo­ Senate approval again, and they .MICNUIN • 600DVIAR • fIRiSTONI • RUNLOF • MMRAi • will be returned to the policy We are very proud of the 113 St. Zealand, a research fellowship in West Germany w h ic h II 4 senior citizens I worked with nents of a bill to preserve historic were afraid the measure would ri.f. 600DRKN • ARMSTRONG • UNIROTAl • VOROIIAIM 4 holders as benefits. A 75 percent Bridget School students who are and a job with the Atlantic Institute of Foreign ' m i Riaay e*eFe feiiieai bread tkes s te m m ir bought these policies out of fear. shipwrecks say they see victory die there as it has in past years. loss ratio must be attained if the aiding the medical mission in Affairs in Paris, before he came to Washington as a XA4 ALL-SEASON RAOIAL W.W. sa id . in sight for the first time in their This is the first time the Senate iss4oni$ *ar Me/rsRi« HIGHWAY PM UlTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES They were paying out a fortune in policy is sold on a groupbasis. The Haiti. What the article neglected io a /r$ a ii ■ MeADV POM THe MOAD! T h e el foreign policy analyst for the Atlantic Council of ( decade-long battle as a House has approved a shipwreck bill. in/rmii> is /ri« is 1ST Quality Economy a n n a S a B S dollars from meager incomes for 33 percent illustrates how little m < 7 IA tS 1ST O u s litf Economy IT RateadWbNa LaMars d e to n a te to mention is that 300 public school the United States. 'The council is a respected ■■ committee rejected GOP objec­ "D on’t kill this bill by making it DOUBLE BELTED Oullina W hiia Laiiara 7II/7MI4 •#! m/9MR14 policies that they would never get 155/S0ni3 ALL-SEASON m /ro M i9 m 4 0 t A 14 m illis e c t goes back to the consumer from m / 909A 1l children who attend St. Bridget foreign-policy organization specializing in North tions and sent the Senate-passed perfect.” Bennett urged. “I’m 1 6 S /6 0 R 1 3 o«wt>i# Bi i»d n«ci<*i w w 7 3 l/$ 0 n i4 u 7 « 9 ;S 0 A 1 I • T l 709/90S f n 9 •7 6 enough benefits from to make the cancer policy. L L T S m i r n XHRUIUW.W, 1 7 5 /8 0 R I3 ISS/aOR13 c o n tro l f religious education classes are measure to the floor for final i9 S 'a o h i3 •s e Atlantic Treaty Organization Issues. It works afraid it’s going to be a better irs/eonia *si 1 Jii i 1 8 5 /6 0 R 1 3 ZtSrtSORir OHAND SFtHtT them worthwhile. Senate Bill 350 would open the i9 9 /a o n i3 ro n ik iiWS tkil p-6 “ T h e also involved in this project. closely with Capitol Hill, the Pentagon and the approval. corpse.” 165/a0fll3 *71 2s 1 9 S /7 S R 1 4 i i 9/ 7& n u • 4 3 7iS'Ssr« ISS/SOHR 185/ 75RI 4 •71 I *S J ] 2 0 S /7 5 R 1 4 tes'/snu tss/aoHRi* tBas HRX d ire c tio r The word “ canoeA’ presents a gates to other single-illness poli­ ’The House Mrchant Marine and 70 9' 75RI 4 tSI/SOHRtS *433 Atada hy Famaas AMa These children have been donat­ National Security Council. Shumway. pointing to vocal 2 1 5 /7 5 R 1 4 719/ 79R 14 70I/S0HAI3 tste 70S/SOHRII *133 SLAOKWALLS double fear. First Is the fear of the 2 0 S /7 5 R t5 70 9' 75h l 9 Kiii|^yhyui 3 0 8 /6 0 H R 1 3 . . * • 7 C o rb it cies once again. By overturning ing items each week for thepoorof Fisheries Committee passed the opposition from sport diving 37See •94 709' 79f l l 9 m .6 0 H R 1 4 . should be seen as such. Because of He never had access to classified secrets, but 315 7SR14 179 80R 13 •99 719 79R 19 7 IS/SOVRIS 165 I0A13 IIS aofnj *97 ?7s r9hi9 l a s io f ln 70S/9SVRI4 2 26.60H R 14 u s u a lly I costs is necessary, these single­ policy. states authority over certain improved.” he said. 305'7SR1S 199 79N14 *94 739 79R19 as •99 ? 79' 79R 19 72S/90VRIS these children’scombined efforts, rubbing shoulders with those who did gave him 17S8(W13 189 7SRI4 ' e o l 739 79R 19 m .6 0 H R 1 6 . In cas illness policies are not the answer. Connecticut has the best downed vessels in state waters, Bennett retorted that “ if you 165 60R13 21S7SR15 •UM ITOMO 20S.60HR1I . a great need is being answered. access to valuable intelligence. t 1I$'75R14 235 75R1S ISSraOHRI] le g a l cor preventing salvage operators ^95'75R1« 23S'75R15 ZZt SDVRtB 70S/90HRI) According to Howard Winkle- consumer-oriented regulations in don’t pass this bill, there won’t be BWBfIBVeTy ISS.SSHRtA tSS/SOMRU In the mid-1970s, Sattler cam e to Lehman looking -: from destroying historic tSS'SSNMtS 70$rSOHR14isir90»«Ri4 h ire s soi voss, associate professor of insu­ the country and it should keep any shipwrecks to dive on.” Rep. BIAS TIRES STEEL ■ELtEO''^!/ 71S/«eHR14 OUTLMf WHITI lETTlN Bob LaRochelle for a job. Lehman was then deputy director of the , „ A78i13 *311076114 *44 I l k SOHRM 1H7706I914...... * * t o f th e b li remains. Claudine Schneider. R-R.I., who RADIAL WHITEWALLS ■ Sk'S OHRIA 739/aeHRI4 rance at the Wharton School of them. While the few advocates of E76il4 *3S G76i15 *44 IDS M M lM k 7$s;aeMRi4 •< 2297706411 ... • t a t Carol Wengertsman Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Sattler BATTERT 4 ; itt/seHRis 2ll/«e6R14 ..«•§ th e ta p e Economics, “ if you have good this bill point to other states in The cpmmittee had put aside its said she is a recreational diver, F76i14 * 4 2 | h 76i 15 * 4 S |15S.'60R13 205'75R14 TOy/SCHRIS 2M/906f91f . ...M ia Coordinators of Religious told Lehman that he had also consulted their L 76i15 * 4 7 lt6S 60R l3 medical insurance, you don’t need agreed, joining Democrats in rbe 21S'75R14 VGROMUIM ' QOODYBAM MiMtf9i?r which this kind of policy issold, we Education, St. Bridget Church mutual friend, James Wade, then a deputy own version to approve the liv e Il7 5 60R13 205 7SR1S “AVI" VITIA defeating the Shumway amend­ Gad' |1 I5 60R13 315 75R15 NI*NiFGIMANCI Senate-passed bill drafted by Sen. 276/60VRt6..,stgg 176/70HR1J.. .*•# assistant secretary of defense, but Wade didn’t ment 25-14. f i l l ' 115 75R14 225'75R1S 226/60VR16. .*17 f 226/i0VRt6 .. .*tS4 Bill Bradley. D-N.J. 1I6/70HR13.. .*74 « NMION 195 7SR14 235 7SRI5 2 2 S /M V R I6 .*t4 t 24S/MVRt6 .. .*a 4S have a job for him. ’ Bennett said later that he WlOl 1I5/70HR14.. .*77 Stu M 246/S0VR19 .. .*3 M 269/60VR16 .. .*tS 4 “ We all knew each other,” Lehman recalled. Democrats led by Rep. Charles expected easy passage on the eoN iH f c o m n I 7JI "W e hung around together. We drank beer E. Bennett. D-Fla.. said they ' - 0U44 ■* BIAS PLY AU.-BBASON House floor. The Reagan admin­ STEEL BELT RADIAL TIEMPO ALL-SEASON POLYESTER W.W. Bv Jim L Some new thoughts on an old addiction Compix • SORl } . j y European Deaign agreed with an amendment pro­ RAOIAL W.W. •99 77i7$iM >48 together. I thought I knew Jim quite well.” istration supports the measure. io M i iiw t iM >$r m r s it } >49 m /e o M i3 . 2 o a /7 iiii4 ____rre The Asso 166/MR13 *n ^ 'IS, 7n/79«t4 M l l99/e0RI3 . 2ea/7inti..,. *et There is something about statistics that makes Lehman had a job for Sattler — one with access ■< posed by Rep. Norman D. Shum- The committee agreed to place • 49 ”. la s / M R is m __^79»r$tU >41 7H7$|I4 MS I79/90R13. 219/791911------*ea 1 M /7 W t4 ...... *•§ < r 719 71111 M4 1M/90nt3. 2 2 9 /7 9 R 1 9 ------* # 7 are good that they never will. way, R-Calif.. mandating that in a report that accompanies the 1M/76R14 *ae 199/79M14. WASHI the mind reel. But when I read that .smoking caused to nuclear secrets. But before Sattler signed on, an ’’ OcrnttticsndlwP®^^ states make shipwrecks accessi­ MICHrLIN IMRORT9 3067761914 m e m b e r I 320 000 deaths in 1984,1 nodded. My father was one Yet only 47 percent of school districts in a recent East German defector tipped the FBI to his bill language stating that it is the >gMR<* m 906776R16 •M irgiR i* a* ble to divers. ■M IEMW1* rrs Jl6/76Rt9.. Major Brand TRUCK Tires y e a r p ays of those people, dying of lung cancer at age 67 Two survey indicated that they had banned smoking espionage activities and the FBI cam e to Lehman. ' “ intent of Congress for states to RR >SSWM m r r s’6 TR1S *79 b o a t 23ar76Rt6 XCA says a November article in Listen magazine But Bennett and others noted make shipwrecks accessible to M » » w a u i its in co rr years later, my mother died of emphysema — Northern They wanted Lehman to convince his friends to be t r a i l e r aaORTf CAR 9T S I I »ii?9smi$ »i4a 9 lt> that an amended bill would need a t LT 80 R A D IA IS AhRIVA > |2)i e x c is e ta> another death due to cigarettes. Admittedly, enforcing a “ no smoking” policy is a double agent. ''' divers. t i r e s CiD SlCE^I ATX STEEL BELTED W.W. WPOoodrIeti o v e r $615 Sadly, both smoked right up to the end Perspective difficult. New York State banned smoking In May The surprised Lehman gave it his best shot. :|j< 16S/S0R13.. 7HI141I 'ifsl )u*o*iS»ii 'iia AU. TtM93M T/A * 570i6 •34^ 1 8 S /7 0 R 1 4 1*4411 'tsa I re p o rte d i Of course, smoking doesn’t appear on death 1987, but students report it is common in Sattler didn’t deny he was a spy. He told Lehman i S30i1J CONTIMINTAL LOW PRICIOTjUCK TWIG ■ IL*!?'* '*•• 1 Michael J. McManus J 1 6 5 /6 S R 1 4 bathrooms. YOKOHAMA ‘ E S i f W iM >29 T h e shi certificates or in obituaries. That is unfortunate. that his East German controllers had pushed him 1 9 5 /7 5 R 1 4 r»>v MlfsMUl ret Vote kills Trident sub, 1 9 5 /7 5 R 1 5 u p b y tho ’• * >aa 700 19 R K A M A ta n 9 Some school officials say they are more 780 19 2Mf7sa«4 aa disease, for example. But a Harvard .study of He said he was an Ideological defector, not in it for ' Milkonik M2 fieai.k 2l | ' 7i a i 4 I W A L L S t1 l/7 fn i9 .. lin o ie R il >102 i r i a i i ' \ZZ 22i 7» a ii fa m ilie s military veterans reveals that people who smoke a soft enforcement policy on smoking overlooks the the money. (In seven years he had been paid about * ••**"*■• HWT9R14 .. 2>4 r s a t i i | funds Aegis destroyers a 0 9 /7 3 R 1 9 th a n $8,6i fact that tobacco is a 'gateway' drug and often $15,000.) I iHmGVAi;:i;;ssi3 a iS /7 9 R 1 & O tU M u m n t pack a day “ may be more than four times as likely 3 2 9 /r 5 R 1 9 J— V I C O T R A C ric h e s t, a 2 9 ft/rS W 4 9 3/ RVT RWk- ai9i/TiKiS| tiaeMiAi siiteae9ia RAfSCD WHITE LCTTtR leads to the use of harder drugs,” says the “ I’ll have to disappear now.” Sattler told M D H S m il I SOH’ I i]«i7w ati >iW 779/79A19 *40e -209/79314 *00 toget Alzheimer’s disea.se than non-smokers” • M l TDi r i a i i ‘ a t C itiz e n s I American Council on Alcohol Problems. Lehman, and he walked out. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Under the subcommittee plan, ) lil0 • i » 719 r i a i i 'a * Many local governments are passing laws to to different categories, including preschoolers.’ 4 V M I. V -122 m / W M l 't s h a p p e n s I A study of Greenwich, Conn., schools found that He later made a brief visit to the Soviet embassy stage for congressional warfare the government would order five JZii* V)BiS 1)2 prohibit smoking in public buildings, and .some Not only is smokeless tobacco addictive and a YOKOHAMA MONSTER TRAIL CLIMBIR ALL TERRAIN a p p lie d a t has been set by a House subcom­ TOUHNOW A S I a m a r w w ^ private firms are doing so as well, A new federal student cigarette smokers are 10 times as likely to ipM exico to ask for help, and then he came back to Aegis warships in 1989. The r a d i a l w h i t e w a l l ^ 779 /9 A I9 ' I I I )I|1 I9 0 A 1 9 >1 iikrinik *a4 20& r in is *74 Wrengler RADIAL in c o m e . cause of premature death due to mouth cancers, Mi490Rt9 >122 ])«I7 90A19 >1 73S r iR ii >aa is i ] l i 10 50K 19 THE NAME Whilewolle mittee’s vote to kill funding for administration had requested )irl0 90«l9 *1)3 7ril90AiA *1 Li2)s ISC *ioa law will soon ban smoking on flights of two hours or smoke marijuana as non-smokers. Washington and checked in with the FBI. Since his 1l5rlORl3 tftO • 1 3 4 *** fl5/60Rl4 *td 20S/76R1S . •42 A In 23 s but users are likely to go on to cigarettes. the Trident submarine in the 1989 175/7SR14 I 6S/IORI3 *46 t66f7SRl4 *671 - - - less. Rep. MikeSynar, D-Okla.,says “ We have a three. The two extra destroyers 165/75R14 .7 4 OS9A N D R R I X 89VT isiT-GoodHch espionage activities to that point had been minor, *47 e v e n w o r Radecki urges that smokeless tobacco products budget and use the $1.4 billion would be deployed in Japan under 205'75R15 .7 1 SU'IiaSAM f/A MUO TERAAih 'lil/'KSii .‘Ji •••'"wlSil This is commendable, but whv isn’t public policy thousand people a day dying from smoking — more the FBI simply forced him to register as a foreign 205'75R14 I7 S ))|I7 90KI9 *142 )9i13 90ei9 *21 a v e ra g e . be banned. Certainly, the .soliciting of tiny children savings to build two more Aegis ))*i790ei$9 •170 )9*179iW19 >219 l> a i2 14RI4 I . focusing on youth? than from alcohol, accidents and drug overdose agent. U.S. control, protecting Japanese 215'7SR15 k s i ^159J all 9031) SEASON .37 RADIAL 7I9/79MI4 W.W. — ftETBEADS *30 ”*= *'*='**'» D a k o ta an should be outlawed, with heavy fines. destroyers. security interests while keeping 225 75R16 *95 MAO a t r a c v o a u E 17S^30ni) *33 229/79AI4 combined. It is the largest single preventative 199 79K t« 19M0K1) ------709 79AI4 Ootd Stripe Tiro 111 rSKtl 7*|r79A15 s e v e n tiir The tobacco firms are doing so, in increasingly Sattler has dropped out of sight. Lehman heard i |9 79314 I79'90h1) 709/79A19 »»2 In fact, three-fourths of states have laws that V, The House Armed Services the Aegis technology under ’L -«.™ •' ...... 709 70K14 •420 I?*"* *** 229/7MH9 *444 4 J 179 a o n i) 19S 90K1) 719f79A19 209 79K19 •lie *37 7)97Ml& e a rn in g s i ghoulish ways. cause of death. We spend $4 billion of federal funds that he went back to East Germany, but another I ® 709 79RI 9 729/7SAI9 •02 prohibit selling tobacco to minors. Illinois’ law goes 'seapower subcommittee voted in wraps. 709 $ 9AI 9 •T2 719 99A19 M4t in Medicare and Medicaid, and had $23 billion of f. u n i t , - > # -I w WECTORALLSUSOM 319 79A19 * ■ as do the In rural Alaska, the U.S. Centers for Disease back to 1899. Many require that a sign be posted story had him marrying the daughter of a Latin ^osed session Tuesday for the Lt. Cmdr. Chris Baumann, a -TT Fm CAHARO IMMDTAD . TRARS extra insurance costs because of smoking-related RADIAL WHITEWALLS A la b a m a Control found that 17 percent of 5-year-old girls that indicates a prohibition of sales to minors. American military official and settling in her funding switched, conceived by Pentagon spokesman, said Con­ TIRES RROWlta TOVO - lass’ 1I5'70R 14 1 205/75R15 six times . used smokeless tobacco — snuff, usually illnesses.” country. 1S5/60R13 215/7W15 H/OHaCA7tMM4WLt However, according to Surgeon General C. the panel’s chairman. Rep. Cha­ gress is “ very leery” about 205/70R14 _ , lom^ Itit OmnOutUlf YOKOHAMA 1I5/SOR13 225'7W15 RA>k*d Wrxi* 16S/75R14 aAitfoewnum a RAWAI a*>4IS»MTI I T W H E d L g t T h e stu( Copenhagen ’ or "Skoal.” They had used it for an His target is cigarette advertising which he says rles E. Bennptt. D-Fla. 1IS/70R13 “ a 719 90H R I) . .*1 Everett Koop, 60 percent of .smokers began at the selling the warships to Japan 17S40R13 1/9 /O R I). 70 719 rOMM >01 749 9 0 H R I4 ...... «139 119 / 9R I) A ll . s a le s ta x e average of l.Syears! is "clearly directed toward children” for a good 199/ORI) *99 7)9 70au *7t I9 9 9 0 H R I4 ...... *112 age of 13 or younger. It is easy for them to buy. Word of the vote came Wednes­ because of revelations last year IM rORl). 779 rOR14 .M l 71990A1}. M4 739 roei9 -'72 319 9 0 H R I4 ...... • l ie I 99MR 1) 749 90A14 >100 c h ie fly th reason; '"They lose 1.5 njillion smokers a year who ELaErfS»K*M.TEWALL8 7)9 90HRI4 . . 'l i e "A survey of Arkan.sas kindergarten children day from Rep. Sam Gejdenson. that a Japanese company, To­ 709 roei4. •IT741M«19 *7* 709 /O R D 719 rO R ll . t l ■SSI/Willie Therefore, a group called Doctors Ought to Care STCCL 719 70 R U . *ee 739 roei9 *79 749 90HR14 .'1 189/0R1I 779 'OA19 .*te Perlormenca fg 1 tobacco. Il found that percent used smokeless tobacco and have to be replaced: 350,000 to death, and rest D-Conn., who vowed to fight It and shiba Corp., sold submarine 19S /eO H 74 9 90RI4. >77 799 ro«l9 .‘92 7)9 90HRI4 . . .'1 m r o R i * ' 7)9 'OR19 >103 21 (DOC) has begun working in many communities to 7)9 90HRI9 ...... ‘ l i e 7O9 / 0RI4 ' WHEEUlfl ■ T h e I because they quit. ” le s / iO H 13 ‘ A Y 1I a20 9 (/ 7S«ia - . ••• I 2 72 59 /7/ 79 H * & 'Y e 379 70N U *72 7r9 90«l9 >09 749 40H M I9...... • l ie 36 percent plan to use if in the future,” says a fBaiirliPstrr Hrrali> predicted Trident funding would technology secrets to the Soviets. I 919/76R14 235/75H15»ea A$kA ik AteufOurPllAbout Oui pressure retailers to enforce the law. Ten doctors 1 7 S /6 0 R 1 3 \ 225/75R14 ORAMO RRtX RAtSeO WHI7K LSTTgR low. LewPncoi fo u r-m e m i “ Tobacco firms don't hesitate to give free be restored. But Bennett prom­ But Baumann said the Pentagon ; ie9/9oni3 rniORl) ««• , TOiroMU , 221'rsa<4 2i*«W22 mrSRU. . *82 2*4 rOMIl in g in c o m samples at rock and roll concerts — but not at Founded In 1881 ised to defend the change when has confidence in the Japanese I99/0RI4. . MS I 2>9«Sni4 ... >0* ■ 7»/Oai9. 21*48*19. Mental Health and Behavioral Medicine Update.” 14-yar-old, and drove them from store to store, 78 ’ • •esau S^^ p e rc e n t o f Iti l )uisiana, a fifth of -to 9-year-olds use it _an Frank Sinatra concerts,” he said. "They claim PENNY M .SIEFFEFT...... Publlthar the full committee looks at the government. • UAMinii 4 8 percent of whom sold cigarettes to them. OEOnOE T CI^PPELL . • O R II H M - n an d ex cis e their ads are to get people to switch brands, but ...... Edllof fiscal 1989 budget next week. "Japan has held many of our p ic u u s ts • a U M 'I P M M 800 percent jum p in the last five years. IS3TOW N FAIR TIRE CENTERS ,,„T C

1-7 Cease-fire iHaiirlipslrr Herald Section 2, Page 9 Ian y begins effort SPORTS Thursday, March 24, 1988

In to end war lid SAPOA, Nicaragua (AP) — Pro-government n newspaper^today announced the 6(Mlay cease-fire Spiders out to ensnare top-ranked Owls to between the Sandinistas and Contra rebels with banner headlines but said the accord was only a Bv Barry Wllner “ We’re loose.'We feel we have beginning in efforts to end six years of war. The Associated Press eVerythint^ to gain and nothing to The government and Contra rebels on Wednesday the night agreed to the cease-fire to negotiate an end to The Spiders have had their fun Southeast list their war and signed a nine-point accord that Now they get Number One. promises the rebels a role in Nicaragua’s political If Richmond’s Spiders hope to Neither Louisville nor Villan- at process. continue weaving their magical ova are living in the past. Nor are “ Cease-Fire! Peace Explodes?” read the eight- web in the NCAA Tournament’s they overwhelmed by their column headline in El Nuevo Diario. Barricada, the East Regional, they’ll have to present. official paper of the leftist Sandinistas, said: "The ensnare the top-ranked Temple The Cardinals, winners of the First Step Toward Peace.” Owls tonight at East Rutherford, NCAA crown two years ago, face The agreement was the first concrete step toward N.J. The unranked Spiders al­ an Oklahoma team that has ending the conflict that has killed more than 40,000 ready have stung defending looked nearly unstoppable. The ly people. champion Indiana and Georgia Sooners have scored more than State-run Radio Voice of Nicaragua in broadcast­ Tech. 24-10. 100 points 19 times this year and ing the cease-fire softened its tones and referred to “ Our goal at the beginning of On Friday night, in the Midwest have lost just once in their last 19 T the rebels as "the Contras,” instead of “ the the season was to get to the at Pontiac, Mich., it’s Vanderbilt, C()ntests. The Big Eight cham­ He mercenaries.” NCAAs,” Richmond Coach Dick 20-10 vs. Kansas, 23-11, followed p io n s routed Tennessee- M El Nuevo Diario, in an editorial, offered a Tarrant said. “ Once we got that, by No. 3 Purdue, 29-3, vs. No. 20 Chattanooga and Auburn last sombering note. we decided to make Hartford our week. in Raglnild Plnto/Minchcftar Harald Kansas State, 22-8. The West, at "Is the mercenary directorate really disposed to Final Four.” Seattle, has No. 7 North Carolina. “ We know we’re not the favor­ fulfill the Sapoa agreements?” the editorial said. KNOCK ON WOOD — Laura Knapp and grade students. This house is part of a Richmond, 26-6, surprised the 26-6, vs. No. 10 Michigan, 26-7, and ites, but that’s good.” Louisville leli Coach Denny Crum said. “ A lot of ar “ And if they are, are they capable of maintaing Diane Poulin mount a bluebird houseon regional effort to bring bluebirds back to Hoosiers and Yellow Jackets at No. 2 Arizona, 33-2, vs. No. 17 their positions while facing a negative reaction from Hartford. Conn. Iowa, 24-9. times you play better when you’re a tree in the woods behind Keeney Connecticut, where they once were the underdog. Divid Kool/MinchMter Herald the president of the United States?” “ After Hartford, we had a team East A The cease-fire is to begin April 1, with negotiators Street School, where both are sixth- numerous. Story on page 8. meeting, reassessed our goals “ We still think we have a A GETTING READY — Jud Corbit of R.J. meeting again April 6 in Managua to work out a and said, ‘Let’s beat the No. 1 Duke, the ACC champion, must chance. We’re playing well and Walker Inc., an explosives company in permanent truce. In the interim, a truce that took team in the country.’ Our goals shut down the Rams’ sensational we’ve got a lot of confidence right effect Monday is to remain in force. will end tomorrow at midnight if backOourt of Tom Garrick and now. Obviously one confident North Branford, prepares an electrical Carlton Owens, both averaging Daniel Ortega, president of the leftist Sandinista Project is for the birds we can beat the No. 1 team.” team loses every game. So we’ve cap to detonate explosives buried in the better than 20 points a game. government, unexpectedly traveled to this small Eliminating Temple, which has got a 50-50 shot.” They combined with forward ground at the Bolton Notch Quarry. village on the Costa Rican border for the signing, Students at Keeney Street and 'Verplanck Environmental Protection. won 17 straight games and is 31-1, The Metro Conference cham­ which followed three days of talks. schools have been working with Juan Sanchez of Bluebirds were once common throughout might be too tall an order for the Kenny Green to subdue Syracuse. pion Cardinals have won 11 of He called the plan "a great challenge for all the Manchester’s Center for Environmental Connecticut, but the population has declined over Spiders. They don’t match up in The big man in the defensive their last 12 games. Blasts move Nicaraguans” and called on the United States "to Education, in a program designed to bring the past several years, Sanchez said. Environ­ : size or quickness. assignment for Duke will be 'Villanova. the 1985 champion, support this effort and get ready to normalize its bluebirds back to Connecticut. mentalists believe that one of the prime factors “The big difference is in 6-foot-6 forward Billy King. is the only Southeast survivor ‘‘He’s a great defensive that didn’t win its conference and relations with Nicaragua.” Students spent time this winter building for the decline has been the increased urbaniza­ personnel.” Tarrant said, men­ player.” said Owens, who runs is the only one of six Big East “ I think, I hope and I believe that we have made a nesting boxes, and are now hanging them in tion. When areas are developed, the result is tioning Temple freshman guard tons of rock the Rams’ run-and-gun offense. invitees to the NCAA that is still start, a firm start to end this war that is killing ... likely bluebird habitats, such as the border strips often the lack of suitable nesting cavities. Mark Macon, who led the Owls “ It doesn’t concern me who he around. Continued from page 1 sons of the same country, sorts of the same where open fields end and forests begin, Sanchez Students will check their boxes twice a month with a 20.7 scoring average, mothers,” said Contra leader■^olfo Calero. said. to determine what type of bird has built nests forward Tim Perry (14.7). Mike plays. We’re still going to play our Villanova faces Southeastern game.” portion. But the ZBA ruled that quarrying is not Alfredo Cesar, another leader of the U.S.- insidem Sanchez said. The more common house Vreeswyk (16.9) and point guard Conference regular-season and This is part of a program sponsored by the allowed in the remaining acreage which is supported rebels, said the nine points in the sparrows and wrens are likely to be interested in Howie Evans. “ Their No. 1 guard Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski tournament champion Kentucky, wildlife bureau of the state Department of which ousted Southern Univer­ zoned residential. agreement "are not solely an opportunity to achieve the nesting boxes, along with the bluebirds. (Macon) is as big as our power is hoping Duke does the same sity and Maryland. Area residents were warned by the explo­ peace and agreement, but the only opportunity.” forward. We haven’t played thing against Rhode Island of the Atlantic 10, meaning the Blue “ Kentucky is a' great basket­ sives company today about the blast about an The agreement was made "among Nicaraguans, anybody, with the exception'of Devils play good defense and play ball team.” Villanova Coach hour before it occurred. Signs on Interstate 384 full of good will and confidence in the future,” said North Carolina, with the size, as a unit. Rollie Massimino said. “ But I warned motorists about it and several Walker Cesar, who was among Contra and Sandinista power and speed of Temple, and Disputes could cloud summit “ We can’t let Owens or Garrick don’t think our kids are in awe.” employees stopped traffic on streets nearby a leaders crowded on a makeshift dais. you know what they (Temple) did have career games, or let Green If this matchup of Wildcats few minutes before the warning whistle. Neither the State Department nor the White to North Carolina.” AP photo Continued from page l States would not concur in an take off,” said Krzyzewski, comes down to experience, watch Just before the explosion. Corbit. who has House had any immediate comment on the and the Middle East wasn’t Temple beat the Tar Heels 83-66 LOW PASS — Richmond’s Rodney Rice Spider teammates will take on No. worked with explosives about 13 years, cleared agreement to end the war unless brighter. at Chapel Hill. The Owls were whose team beat Boston Univer­ out for Villanova’s Mark agreement, which calls for the estimated 10,000 summit. Reagan and Gorbachev passes the baii as he falls on Anthony the area of people. He said he recommends that the Soviets also suspended mil­ Shultz said the Soviets wanted knocked off the branch only once sity and Southern Methodist in Plansky. The only remaining 1-ranked Temple tonight in an East rebels to move into specified zones in Nicaragua have plenty of issues to discuss at people gel "as far away as possible” from any itary aid to the Marxist govern­ U.S. military aid to an unspeci­ this season, in a one-point loss at the opening rounds of the tourna­ player from the title team, Sherrod, left, of Georgia Tech in their Regional semifinal at the Meadowlands during the first 15 days of April. their fourth meeting. blast. ment in Kabul. fied number of Central American Nevada-Las Vegas, Richmond ment. “ We have to try not to do Plansky has been instrumental in East Regionai game iast Sunday at the in East Rutherford, N.J. Duke and Rhode But the report Shultz gave at a " I never trust a shot.” he said The main purpose of the U.S. governments halted as a condi­ lost by 11 points to North Carolina anything different. We have to Villanova’s postseason surge. Hartford Civic Center. Rice and his Island meet in the other semifyal. The warning whistle sounded about eight news conference of his talks with demand is to make it easier for an tion for them to stop supplying earlier this season. play our style.” Shevardnadze was generally limes before Corbit. standing down on Notch ‘Interesting things’ estimated 5 million refugees to Nicaragua forks war with Contra "The peoplel havebeenaround Rhode Island comes into the Midwest bleak. It suggested the two record for points in a season. road, gave a signal to an employee at the top of return home. Had Moscow ac­ rebels. are smart enough to know t ^ game on an emotional high after either, with 7-foot center Will throw that all out when It’s an Purdue is considered a heavy Purdue has a balanced attack the hill. A few seconds later, the earth emitted leaders might not have much to cepted, the United States would “ It did not seem something we team made it to the S w eeJ^.” victories over Missouri and Syra­ Perdue. NCAA Tournament game — so in Martin murder celebrate. favorite to emerge from the that features Troy Lewis. Todd a stifled belch, and about 100 square feel of dirt have stopped supplying Stinger could pursue,” Shultz said. Vreeswyk said of RicRmond. cuse, the latter seeded third in the much riding on it now for both Silverdome. The Boilermakers Mitchell and Everett Stephens. West and rock at the top of the quarry bubbled up. Shultz seemed taken with a missiles and other weapons to the On the Middle East, he said “ They are good enough and we East. Duke is the second seed teams.” Continued from page 1 routed Kansas State 101-72 in Kansas is a one-Manning gang. Another set of Wildcats, the 2 2 promise by the foreign minister then .settled quickly. resistance. Shevardnadze envisioned an ac­ are not looking past Richmond.” behind Temple. Rhode Island is In fact, for the fourteamsatthe Etecember. Kansas and Vander­ All-American forward Danny Arizona brand, also has a re­ Although the blast itself lakes milliseconds, to consider changes in the way the The moratorium would be in tive role for Moscow in Arab- The other game at the Byrne the No. 11 seed, Richmond No, 13. Klngdome. is an investigative tool that is not foolproof. "The bilt. the other teams in Pontiac, Manning almost singlehandedly match of a regular-season game. preparation can take between 40 and 4.5 Soviets deal with religious obser­ effect during the Soviet troop Israeli negotiations. Arena tonight has Duke. 26-6, The East Regional champion­ police work is the thing that’s going to solve it,” he were also-rans in their respective lifted the Jayhawks past Murray Arizona beat Iowa 66-59 at Iowa minutes. Corbit said. Before the blast, trees vances and with visa applica­ withdrawal and for three months Shultz said that would get in the against another giant-killer, ship game will be played Satur­ “ It’s a pretty nasty-looking said. conferences. State and also was overpowering City on Dec. 12. must be cleared from the area, and the tions. Emigration of ethnic Ger­ afterward. way of talks between the two Rhode Island. 28-6. The fifth- day afternoon, with the winner four teams,” Olson said. “ We’d He could not provide statistics on how successful Purdue Coach Gene Keady against Xavier. Ohio in the first Lute Olson, who used to coach explosives, made of nitroglycerine-based gel. mans and Armenians is up, Shultz “ They didn’t feel they could sides. "The Soviet concept is ranked Blue Devils beat Boston heading for the Final Four at go through a junior high division profiles have been in terms of arrests. noted. discounts the earlier victory over round. He has 49 points in two the Hawkeyes, also dismisses the must be buried and covered with "stemming.” agree to that,” Shultz said. sharply different from ours,” University and Southern Metho­ Kansas City. Mo. if It meant getting to Kansas City. f Frederick R. Merrill was questioned shortly after K-State, his alma mater, games. earlier meeting. which looks like small brown .stones Tht^ But he said Jewish emigration And yet, he said, “ those condi­ Shultz said. dist while Rhode Island knocked “ The pressure is on Duke,” We’re not proud: we’ll take It any the Martin murder in connection with that crime, “ I don’t think playing them The Jayhawks face a Vander­ “ I’m sure they look at it like stemming locks the pow'der in the hole. f>rRit had reached a plateau. Besides, tions are needed for us to be able And in the Persian Gulf, Shultz off Missouri and Syracuse, the Rhode Island Coach Tom Pend­ way they could get us there.” but police have ruled him out as a suspect. Merrill, Shultz said of the promised earlier will have an effect at all,” bilt squad that needed a pair of they have a revenge motive, and 4 said. to sign as a guarantor” of an offered only hope that Javier latter the losing finalist last year. ers said. “ If they lose to us. it’s North Carolina and Michigan who was charged four days after Martin’s death in Keady said. “ Kansas State cer­ 3-poinf field goals from Barry we would look at It that we beat The electrical caps on the dynamite don’t reforms, "what we are interested international agreement to end Perez de Cuellar, the U.N. Also tonight, in the Southeast tough. I ’m sure Jim Boeheim has breezed into the Sweet 16, the connection with a sexual assault in South Windsor, in is delivery.” tainly is completely different. Goheen to force overtime against them on their home court,” Olson detonate all at once. There are delays of the conflict. Secretary-General, would be able Regional at Birmingham. Ala., to wear a mask up in Syracuse Wolverines beating Florida 108-85 escaped in August from Somers state prison and They’re very talented in all Pittsburgh. The Commodores said. “ We’d have to have the and the Tar Heels routing Loyola- milliseconds between each cap that give more When he turned to regional At the Soviet embassy, mean­ to persuade Iran and Iraq to end No. 6 Kentucky. 27-5, plays beoau.se he certainly wasn’t sup­ remains at large. areas.” then roared past the Big East confidence that we could beat control over the direction of the blast disputes, the clouds turned while, Shevardnadze was taking their 7‘A-year war. Villantova. 2.3-12, and No. 4 Okla­ posed to lose to Rhode Island of Marymount 123-97. It is the eighth Manchester Police Capt. Joseph H. Brooks said darker. The Wildcats are led by Mitch regular-season champs. them on a neutral court. straight year North Carolina has “The delaying gives it relief, so it has a stiff stand. For eight months, the United homa, 32-3. takes on Louisville. the Atlantic 10. Tuesday that police had sought the psychological Richmond, who set a school Vandy is no .slouch Inside, “ But I really think you can direction.” Corbit said. Gorbachev is committed to end The aid is required by a Soviet States has sought to persuade the gotten this far in the tournament. profile because their own investigation was the Red Army’s occupation of treaty with the Kabul govern­ Soviets to support an interna­ Corbit said today’s blast wasn’t as strong as "stalemated.” others he’s done because the quarry owners. Afghanistan after more than ment. “ Those are legitimate tional arms embargo against Martin’s body was pulled from her apartment by American Heritage Slone Inc.. wanted the rock eight years of bloody strife with supplies, and we are not going to Iran, which refuses to accept a firefighters from the Eighth Utilities District, who in larger pieces. The quarry manager, who U.S.-backed rebels. rescind that treaty,” he said. cease-fire. But Shevardnadze evi­ put out a fire on a sofa. Policebelieve the fire was set Rattanakoun gets chance of a lifetime Bifd puts on did not want his name used, said the company But Shultz said the United The picture in Central America dently did not give in. to cover up the crime. usually blasts once or twice a year. They have refused to reveal further details about By Jim Tierney In case of any problems with the blast or the investigation. Manchester Herald legal complaints from area residents, the state Martin had lived at Mayfair Gardens, an classic outing hires someone to take seismographic readings Judge rules ‘no tiger in home’ apartment building for senior citizens, since it Soccer players wishing to of the blast and videotape it. Heritage will keep opened in 1970. She had been a member of the NEW HAVEN (AP) - A allowed in private homes. Sandy augment their skills in this Bv Ed Golden the tape, but it is available to the state. in Texas. Manchester Senior Citizens’ Center. federal court judge today ruled Smith, a court clerk, said today. country at any level and are The Associated Press NBA roundup that a Darien couple will not be The couple asked Cabranes to afforded the chance to tour and Dominick and Sandi Pinto had BOSTON — Members of the allowed to keep a partially blind, issue an injunction prohibiting compete in Europe would see it — see page 10 claimed that their constitutional the state from interfering with as an opportunity of a lifetime. Bolshoi Ballet and Kirov Opera epileptic Siberian tiger in their were watching, so Larry Bird put Study: Poor pay more taxes home. rights were violated in 1986 when their bringing their animal back the state forced them to remove Manchester High sophomore on a virtuoso performance. U.S. District Judge Jose A. and keeping it at their home. ran past the Bullets, especially In the tiger from their home. Karen Rattanakoun, a member Bird tossed in his second the fourth quarter, when Boston Bv Jim Luther fifth. averaging $66,912, paid 2.5 — paid 1.1 percent of their Cabranes noted in his 29-page The Pintos claim that the tiger, of the school’s highly successful 3-poin'ter of the fourth quarter to outscored Washington 30-16. The Associated Press percent, incomes for sales and excise written decision that judges have The state had demanded the who has been ill since birth, girls’ soccer team, has gained help the Celtics take control of the Kevin McHale, who had 20 ■ The top-earning 5 percent, taxes. ruled in other cases that tigers couple move the tiger out of cannot survive in the wild, at a this invaluable opportunity to game, 91-82, with 3:13 to play and WASHINGTON - A four- points, seven rebounds and seven averaging $187,316, paid 1.6 Citizens for Tax Justice is a are considered potentially dan­ Connecticut in July 1986. The zoo or In a park-type setting travel abroad and play forTeam Boston went on to defeat the member family earning $31,000 a assists, said offense In the third percent. Washington-based research or­ gerous and so should not be tiger was sent to a private facility because of its medical problems. America, a select team com­ Washington Bullets 104-89 in NBA year pays three times as much of quarter helped Boston regain the ■ Four-member families aver­ ganization that is financed by prised of girls from New Eng­ action Wednesday night. its income in state sales and lead, “ and In the fourth period, aging $612,122 a year — the organized labor and several land in the 18-and-under age excise taxes as does one making Bird wound up with 37 points, 14 our defense ignited our offense,” richest 0.7 percent of Americans liberal social groups. bracket. rebounds and 8 assists, giving the over $612,000, a private study With the Celtics holding an 86-78 Soviet performers, in Boston as reported today. lead after Bird’s first 3-polnter, “ I’m really 'happy.” the 16- part of a Russian-American festi­ The share of earnings soaked An opportunity to share with year-old Rattanakoun said. “ I Bullets coach Wes Unseld called val, something to remember time out with 5:50 to play. up by those taxes is almost five really want to travel to Europe when they return home. “ I thought the game was over times as large for the poorest those who need you ... and I also want to play soccer. 9 9 “ When Larry’s hot, they are on my 3-polnter that gave us an families — those making less During the summer I really HEAUHaSOURCE very hard to slow down,” said 8-point lead,” said Bird. “ But than $8,600 — as it is for the don’t do much for the fall John Williams, who led Washing­ they came back.” richest, according to a report by (season). I think it will really ton with 27 points. “ Once he gets Washington moved to within Citizens for Tax Justice. This Piease give help me a lot in my upcoming ______AT MANCHESTER going he opens the game up for four, 86-82, on baskets by Steve happens because the taxes are season.” m m MEMORIAL HOSPITAL the others.” Clolter and Williams, wrapped applied at a flat rate regardless of generousiy! An All-State selection thispast Bird didn’t really get going around a Williams steal. income. season, Rattanakoun led the until the second half. His 14 points But the Celtics scored the next In 23 states, the disparity is Indians in goals with 15 from her COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION SERIES in the third quarter helped the seven points to lead 93-82 with even worse than the national right wing position. She quali­ Celtics overcome Washington’s 2; 42 to play, and the Bullets could average. The poor in South fied for this select team of 20 PRESENTS 51-48 halftime lead. only manage seven points the rest Dakota and Mississippi pay about girls through tryouts held at Ftaglnild Ptnto/ManchMtar H tn id He scored 10 of those points of the way, seven times as much of their "BODY CONTOURING PLASTIC SURGERY Oakwood Farms in Glastonbury during an 18-8 run that put the “ We knew they had the players earnings in sales and excise taxes and was one of nine Connecticut BOUND FOR EUROPE — Manchester through early August. It's an expensive Celtics ahead 66-59 and forced a who could pick it up a notch at as do the rich: in Tennessee, FOR THE 80’S" girls chosen. Rattanakoun will High School’s Karen Rattanakoun ( 2 ) venture and Rattanakoun will need Bullets time out with 6:25 to play. that point,” said Unseld. whose Alabama and Louisiana, almost depart Manchester July 4 and RCHBISHOP’S Williams gave the Bullets. team lost for the fourth consecu­ six times as much. Gary RussoUUo, M.D. has been named to Team America which some help in defraying the cost. return August 2 and will play 28-38, their final lead, 71-70, by tive time to fall a half game The study focused on general ANNUAL O a approximately 20 games during will tour Europe the month of July Plastic Surgeon completing a three-point play behind Philadelphia and a full sales taxes and on excise taxes, that month in places such as with 1:.50 remaining. game back of New York in the chiefly those on gasoline and APPEAL CJO Paris, Amsterdam and Sweden. TUESDAY, MARCH 29 Bird put the Celtics, 47-20, race for a playoff spot, tobacco. It concluded that: “ It’s a nice opportunity for ipg, Rattanakoun scored three strikers during her junior and tanakoun’s way is that she apd ahead to stay. 72-71, 12 seconds "We weren’t shooting well, but ■ The poorest 20 percent of 6 p.m. her.” Manchester girls’ soccer goals. She scored a total of eight senior years in Connecticut.” the other players selected have later. we were getting good shots. four-member families, averag­ coach Joe Erardi said of the goals her freshman season for A native of Laos, Rattana­ to pay their own way which wilt Moses Malone scored 10 of his That’s been our problem all ing income of $8,581, paid 5.4 All programs In this Series are free and open to the public 4-foot-ll, 108-pound speedster. the Indians. koun is excited about the trip cost nearly $3,000 for the month. 18 points in the second quarter to year.” he said. percent of their earnings in sales "She’s a tremendous achiever. “ You don’t usually find a and knows her game will “ He (Erardi) has helped me a help the Bullets take a three-point Celtics coach K.C. Jones said and excise taxes iast year. H. LOUISE RUDDELL AUDITORIUM She’s a great kid.” natural goal scorer,” Erardi improve after playing against great deal.” she said of her halftime lead. the game "couldn’t get over soon ■ The second one-fifth, averag­ Erardi knew he had some­ said. “ She does that better than the Europeans. ” I can work fund-raising efforts. “ When Washington isahead it’s enough for me.” ing $20,535, paid 3.9 percent. MANCHESTER BSEMORIAL HOSPITAL thing special when Rattanakoun any one we’ve ever had in our with anybody on the field.” Anyone wishing to lend finan­ a tough game because they slow it “ But Larry’s having his best ■ The third, averaging $31,497, played her first varsity game at program. It’s something you Rattanakoun said. “ It will help cial support, donations can be down and stop you from running, year,” Jones said. “ Just look at paid 3.3 percent. 71 Haynes Street 134 FARMINGTON AVENUE HARTFORD. CT 06105 Manchester while still a ninth don’t teach. She’s very quick me skillwise because they’re made to” Karen Rattanakoun. and our defense was very lax.” his shooting, rebounds and as­ ■ The fourth, averaging grader dt filing Junior High and very intelligent. She’ll prob­ really quick.” Team America, 536 Birch Moun­ Bird said. sists. When we’ve called his $44,910, paid 2.9 percent. Manchester, Cormectlcut School. In that auspicious out- ably be one of the premier One obstacle standing in Rat- tain Road. Manchester.” But in the second half, the number, he’s been there. He’s the ■ The highest-earning one- r Celtics picked up the tempo, and edge.” JS— MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuraday. March 14, 1988

, -MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. March 24. 1988 - li Islanders in first place Cardinals must adjust to stay in NL East chase By Ken Rappoport within one point of the fourth- By Jlm Oonaohy The Associated Press NHL Ronndiip place New York Rangers in the The Associated Press McDowell to return to his 1986 decided to replace the middle homers and 66 stolen bases. scramble for the Patrick Div­ form. Randy Myers takes over infield with Luis Rivera at From the cleanup spot, how­ While the Montreal Canadiens ision’s final playoff spot. for Jesse Orosco as the No. 1 shortstop and Johnny Paredes at are making all the noise in the Jack Clark is in Yankee pih- ever, Sid Bream had only 65 RBI. and final playoff spot in the Brown’s first goal, his 22nd of strif^s. the Mets are favored to left-handed reliever. Myers second. Tom Foley will backup The middle infield has Jose NHL's Adams Division, the New the season, was his 12th on the throws very hard but has bouts on for both. York Islanders have quietly Smythe Division. win the East, and the Expos and Lind at second and either Felix power play, breaking the team Pirates are moving up on the wildness. Hubile Brooks moves to right Fermin, A1 Pedrique. or Rafael moved into first place in the Canadiens 4, Nordiques 1 rookie record set by Lemieux in outside. The Mets led the league in with All-Star Tim Raines in left Patrick. Belliard at shortstop. Bobby Shayne Corson and Gilles Thi- 1984-85. hitting (.268) and runs scored and Mitch Webster in center, Out of first place since Jan. 7. ®"o*her pennant race Bonilla, possibly the No. 4 hitter baudeau scored goals in the first Brown’s first goal qlso was for Whitey Herzog. (823) and that could improve if the Islanders finally completed St. Louis Cardinals this year, is at third. seven minutes and Brian Hay­ Pittsburgh’s 100th power-play Keith Hernandez and Gary Car­ their long climb back Wednesday The Cardinals and Manager To stay in the race, the Phil. Phillies ward provided solid goaltending score, a team record. The Pen­ ter rebound from subpar seasons. night with a 6-2 victory over the Herzog took advantage of the Cardinals need big seasons from as the Canadiens extended their guins are the third team in N H L The Mets have the potential to It’s hard to hide poor starting Mets decimated pitching staff their starting rotation of John Los Angeles Kings. The Islanders unbeaten string. history to get 100 power play run away with the East, but they pitching and the Phillies couldn’t moved into first by a point over and mangled morale in 1987 to Tudor, Danny Cox, Joe Magrane. The Canadiens completed their goals. The Rangers and Winnipeg are also showing signs oDefelf- in 1987. the Washington Capitals, who lost Win the National League East for Jose DeLeon and Greg Mathews. eight meetings against the Nor­ Jets also reached that level tills me third time this decade. And, destructing. ' Although the rotation of Shane 7-1 to the Pittsburgh Penguins. Tudor suffered a broken leg last Rawley, Kevin Gross, Don Car­ diques by winning six straight, season. St. Louis won despite several key Darryl Strawberry, who led the “ We’re excited about being Along with his goal in the third team with 39 homersand 104RBI. April, but came back and finished man, and Bruce Ruffin were the after losing to Quebec in the first injuries of their own. 10-2 in 16 games. back in first place," Islander two games. period, Lemieux also had two revived some of the turmoil of only starting four in the N L who defenseman Denis Potvin said. Now, they must overcome the Like the Expos, the Cards have While Montreal Jumped into a assists to raise his league-leading last year by criticizing team­ each threw for 200 innings in 1987, "W e’re more cohesive now'. No loss of Clark. who signed as a free lots of talent in the bullpen with one-point lead over the idle point total to 150, 16 more than mates and Manager Davey John­ they were only a combined 50 .52, one is lazy. The defensemen are agent with the New York Todd Worrell (33 saves) and Ken ■ Calgary Flames in the overall Edmonton’s Wayne Gretzky. Yankees. son in the April issue of ESqtrire Steve Bedrosian, who played a looking up and seeing the for­ Dayley. Herzog may also add standings, the Nordiques used up Pittsburgh goaltender Steve magazine. part in45ofthePhils’80victories, wards working to get free for the The Cardinals scored 5.2 runs rookie Cris Carpenter to the pen. the game in hand they held over Guenette came within 31 seconds How the Mets react to adver­ has struggled in spring training, puck.” per game with Clark in the lineup. The Cardinals have lost Clark, because of injuries. Hartford. The Nordiques trail the of his second shutout in three 3.6 runs without him. sity. each other, and outside The Canadiens. meanwhile, but still have the speed and Whalers by one point in the games before Greg Adams agitation may be more important The Phillies are strong at tlie continued to roll with a 4-1 victory But Herzog will adjust — he defense of Ozzic Smith (ss), top of the batting order with Milt struggle for the fourth and final scored. ^ usually does. to the outcome of the race than over the Quebec Nordiques that the Cardinals’ speed or Expos’ Te rry Pendleton (3b) and Willie Thompson, Juan Samuel, Von M playoff spot in the Adams " I think we might surprise McGee and Vince Coleman in the extended their current unbeaten Division. Stare 5, Blackhawks 4 bullpen. Hayes and Mike Schmidt. They streak to 15 (13-0-2) games. some people. I hate to lose Jack outfield. have added outfielder Phil Brad­ "Th e y’re the best defensive- In other N H L action. It was (C lark ). just like everybody else Montreal Expos The key on offcn.se will be ley (14.homers.67RBI) inatrade minded team I ’ve played against Moe Mantha’s second goal of Minnesota 5, Chicago 4. does, but I think we can be better improved production from that sent Glenn Wilson to Seattle this year, and certainly the most the game broke a tie late in the The Expos were 28-14 in one-run Bryan Trottier scored two pitching-wise to make up for a lot catcher Tony Pena (.214) and and outfielder Mike Young (16 disciplined in the league defen­ second period as Minnesota beat games last season and 12-1 in goals to lead the Islanders. ot it. I'don’t think that we would outfielder-first baseman Jim I.in- homers) from Baltimore. sively," Quebec center Peter Chicago. extra inning games thanks to the Trottier opened the scoring with a hit like we did last year even if deman (.208). Stastny said of the Canadiens. Mantha’s 45-foot slapshot on best bullpen in baseball. Chicago Cubs power-play goal at 5:31 in the first Jack was here.” Herzog said. A Hayward, meanwhile, con­ the power play broke a 3-3 tie at AP photo That wasn’t suppose to happen. The Cubs had M VP Andre For a power source, the Cardi­ A period. His second goal and 29th Pittsburgh Pirates tinued his domination of the 15:47 of the second period before Prior to last season. Montreal Dawson, and Rick Sutcliffe led of the season came at 8:35 of the nals signed free agent Bob MAKING PEACE — Mets’ Manager Davey Johnson, Nordiques. He has a 13-3 career Wally Schreiber’s short-handed Horner. traded relief ace Jeff Reardon to The Pirates have pitching, the N L with 18 victories, yet second period and gave the goal early in the final period right, chats with right fielder Darryl Strawberry in the record over the Canadiens’ pro­ Horner, who played in Japan Minnesota for starter Neal Hea­ defense, hitting and speed. Chicago still finished last, win­ Islanders a 4-1 lead. nailed it down for the North Stars. AP photo dugout during a break in an exhibition game. The pair, vincial rival. last season, will play first and the ton. Reardon had combined for 76 Power? No. but four out of five ning 76 games. The Islanders ended a five- The North Stars’ victory, only COVERS UP — Quebec goalie Mario saves in 1985 and ’86, game with the Canadiens In Montreal. Cards need him to stay healthy. friendly combatants, need each other if New York is to makes this team dangerous. Just l,ee Smith, who played a part in game road trip with three consec­ Penguins 7, Capitals 1 Manager Buck Rodgers look a their third in the last 15 contests Gosselin falls to the Ice to make a save in The Canadiens won, 4-1. "Potentially, we’ve got a regain the NL East Division pennant. ask the Mets. 40 wins with 36 saves and four utive victories after lo.sing to page from Herzog’s book, and pul Rob Brown scored two goals (3-9-3), boosted them into a the first period of Wednesday night’s chance to be a very good ball The Pirates won 27 of their last victories, was traded to Boston Detroit and tying Washington. together a bullpen by committee: and N H L scoring leader Mario fourth-place tie with idle Toronto club.” Herzog said. “ But we may beat. But they also have shown 38 games including three of six for pitchers A1 Nipper and Calvin The defeat left the Kings still Mets. Tim Burke. Bob McClure, Andy from New York down the stretch. Lemieux notched his 61st as for the final playoff spot in the remained six points behind Qiicago’s Denis Savard be­ have to approach it a little cracks in the bullpen and defense Schiraldi. needing one victory or a loss by 300 goals when he hit No. 300 with McGaffigan, Jeff Parretl and Rookie Mike Dunne, who didn’t Pittsburgh beat Washington. Norris Division. ’The loss was the second-place St. Louis in the came only the third player in the different than we did last year. at second and third. They also New ManagerDon Zimmer will Vancouver to clinch the fourth his 43rd of the season during a New York Mets Randy St, Claire. pitch in the majors until June, The victorv moved Pittsburgh third in a row for Chicago which Norris. club’s 62-year history to record We may have to win more low-run have a potentially explosive probably have lots of different three-goal second-period rally. The rotation of Dwight Gooden. The starters were .shaky at the finished 13-6 with a 3.03 ERA. He ball games.” atmosphere in the clubhouse. rotations as the year progres.se,s. Ron Darling. Bob Ojeda, Sid beginning of last season, but heads a .staff of Doug Drabek. To stay on top. Herzog made Montreal, Pittsburgh and Phi­ Jim Frey is the new general Fernandez and Rick Aguilera is Dennis Martinez and Pascual Brian Fisher and Bob Walk iinproving the starting rotation ladelphia all can score runs, and manager and he says the Cubs healthy and will make the Mets Perez were signed and combined General Manager Syd Thrift his primary goal and he says the the Expos have put together one have loads of talent in the minors. Golden State Coach Karl resigns hard to beat if if stays that way. for an 18-4 record. strenghtened the bullpen with the First baseman Mark Grace is Cards accomplished that with the of the better pitching staffs in The Mets finished three games The Expos are strong at the additions of Jim Gott (13 saves) acquisition of Jose DeLeon from baseball. The Chicago Cubs have pushing I.«on Durham at first and behind the Cardinals last season corners with Andres Galarraga and Jeff Robinson (2.85, 14 By Bill Barnard the Chicago White Sox for re­ woeful pitching but can a Iso score the catcher of the future is Damon Sonics 118, Blazers 108 Cavs 105, Nets 96 and the difference was tt\e New at first and Tim Wallach (26 saves). Hard-throwing John Smi­ The Associated Press liever Rick Horton and outfielder runs. Berryhill. NBA Roundup Dale Ellis scored 35 poirlts and Cleveland snapped a five-game York bullpen. homers, 123 RBI) at third. ley could be a reliever or spot Lance Johnson. The five teams chasing the The Mets lost six times in 1987 With little left to do in the Xavier McDaniel added 31 as losing streak, rallying from a Montreal made 147 errors in starter. Predicted order: 1) Mets. 2) The Mets have thebest talent in Mets have another thing in after taking the lead into the ninth season aside from testing their Seattle handed Portland its first 17-polnt deficit by outscoring New 1987. a figure only exceeded by Outfielders Andy Van Slyke Expos. 3) Cardinals. 4) Pirates. the division and will be hard to common. They like beating the inning. New York needs Roger young players, the Golden State loss by more than a point since Jersey 34-15 in the fourth quarter. the Dodgers. So Rodgers has and Barry Bonds combined for 46 5) Phillies. 6) Cubs. Gregory said being the head Feb. 19. Dell Curry came off the bench Warriors received a dividend by coach felt strange before and doing just that. Ellis hit seven of 10 shots in the to score 10 of his 22 points during a after the game, but not during it. second half and McDaniel seven 21-2 fourth-quarter rally by the Golden State Coach (Jeorge “ At the time we’re playing, it nearly Annual fishing show was superb Karl resigned Wednesday, a few of nine for the SuperSonics as the Cavaliers that turned an 88-75 Sports In Brief goes out of your mind,” he said of Trail Blazers suffered only their hours before the Warriors de­ deficit into a 96-90 lead. March is the his appointment. "Running the second loss in 13 games. Tyers of Bristol was doing a feated Sacramento 126-118 with Curry hit three consecutive SIvavec new assistant at M CC month of fish­ game is the easy part. It feels Clyde Drexler led Portland over for booming business in fly tying acting head coach Ed Gregory baskets to ignite the Cleveland ing and outdoor kind of strange now.” with 26 points, while Jerome Kevin Sivavec, 30, a native of Pittsburgh has joined the materials, and fly tying tools. It’s : running the team. charge, and his jump shot put the shows. Two always great to see them at the Kersey added 25 and Kevin Manchester Country Club as an assistant golf professional, General Manager Don Nelson, The Warriors are only 17-48 this Cavaliers ahead 89-88 with 4:56 weeks ago I Joe’s show. Duckworth 24 for Portland. left. Ralph DeNicolo, head professional, has announced. It’s an . who has been offered the head season with the victory, but swimmers wrote about my There were also quite a few — so coaching job, and Gregory de­ Mullin did not applaud Karl’s Sivavec previously worked at Shipyard and Wexford Golf sojourn at the World ORLANDO, Fla (AP) — The Clubs on Hilton Head Island, S.C., and for the past year worked at outfitters from Maine and Can­ r both cided that young players such as resignation. Bulls 118, 76ere 102 Antique 2 2 Nuggets 118, pilppere 108 ada at their best with some very long four-year wait for the next Joe Garman reserves Steve Harris and Dave “ I think George Karl helped us the Pittsburgh Field Club. He is a 1980 graduate of West Virginia Anglers show. C h ic a ^ snapped a six-game Denver hande^Xos Angeles its Olympics is nearly over. andlJ.S. University with a degree in business management. nice exhibits. Seeing some of the i at the Feitl would get considerable a lot.” Mullin said. “ He made a Last week I road losing streak as Michael 26th loss in 29 games as Alex sprint star Matt Biondi is enjoy­ same exibitors year after year. Is playing time. Harris scored 21 decision, though, and I wish him spent four days Jordan scored 33 of his 49 points in English scored 14 of his 26 points ing swimming more than ever, like renewing old friendships. points and Feitl a career-high 20 success in the future. in Hartford at ooking the second half and Sam Vincent in the third quarter and Jay “ The best thing I ’ve got going UConn indoor soccer this weekend One of these years. I ’m going to to go with Chris Mullin’s 29 for the the Civic Center manning a booth "W e’d had 22 points and 12 assists Vincent finished with 24. for me is that every morning I ’m he mine. take up Matt and Ellen Libby’s Warriors, who snapped a five- “ We’ve played hard all year, against Philadelphia. STORRS — The 18th annual UConn/Metropolitan Life Indoor at the Connecticut Marine Trades The show had a great variety of invitation, and go to Libby Pond Ivislon The Nuggets, who have beaten ready to get up.” Biondi said Socer Ciassic will take place Saturday and Sunday at Guyer Gym game losing streak. and thbt’s not going to change.” Philadelphia trailed only 108- Annual Fishing Show. boat exhibits. From canoes up to Camps in northern Maine, It’s 8 City. AP photo the Clippers five straight times, Wednesday after winning the an,d the UConn Field House. "Our objective is to play the Sacramento’s Jerry Reynolds, 102 on a layup by Charles Barkley Right at this point I ’m pooped. cabin cruisers, boat fanciers isolated and the fishing is sup­ It any extended a two-point lead to 96-88 100-meter freestyle at the U S. Action begins Saturday at 8 a.m. with a 32-team field with piay RAISING SIGHTS - Philadelphia’s Cliff Robinson, left, young kids, decide who can play who replaced Bill Russell as with 3:01 remaining, but the 76ers It was four days until 10 p.m. and could enjoy them.selves checking posed to be super. e." with 8:17 left in the game on Swimming Indoor National continuing untii 10:15 p.m. The 16 winners of Saturday’s round 4 4 puts his shot over Chicago’s Dave Corzine during and who can’t.” Gregory said. coach of the Kings, 19-47, on didn’t score again. A three-point if it wasn’t for the help I received the wares and exhibitors pres­ And last but not least, the big ;higan consecutive baskets by Blair Championships. “ I enjoy what "The veterans won’t be getting so robin play wlli begin play Sunday at 8:15 a.m., capped by the from good buddies Stanley fun is helping people coming to 6, the Wednesday night’s game in Philadelphia. The Bulls won, March 7, said the contribution of play by Charles Oakley, who had Rasmussen, English and T.R . I’m doing and I feel good about ented. Fishing boats for fresh and many minutes. We know what championship game at the Field House at 5:15 p.m. “ Stash” Gidel, Brad Stevens. 108-85 the Golden State bench was the 19 rebounds, started a 10-0 run in Dunn. Los Angeles got no closer it.” saltwater, with the proper gear our booth with questions on 118-112. they can do.” key to the victory. Sophomore Brian Miione, a Manchester High Schooi graduate, Father Jack Moskus. my wife casting, rods, (each year I ’ve oyola- the last 2:39. than 112-106 the rest of the way. Biondi, the world record-holder mounted brought a lot of interest. wiii be a member of UConn’s “ White” team. Joyce, and son Scott, I would have seen more rods that were found in eighth in the event, broke away from the Especially the bass boats. There’s no admission charge. ended up a walking zombie. attics, garages, or belonged to na has pack in the 100 freestyle to win in The bass fishermen from the However, I really enjoyed the grandfathers, uncles and dads) iment. 49.37 Seconds. Tom Jager, the Bassmasters to the average TAC says Budd cannot run here show because of the people that weekend bass fanatic must have and flies. ' Colorado State’s Boyd lucky to have good shooting bunch world record-holder in the 50- one gets to meet. had a ball. Besides the bass boats, Sending some people home with meter freestyle, and Swedish IN D IA N A P O LIS — The Athletics Congress says it wlli not Bv The Associated Press sas State, 21-13, Friday night, second shots in reaching the Not just the exhibitors, but there were all kinds of bass the word that their cane rod is "A t the end of the game Boston College is at Middle expect Rhon Johnson, the team’s Olympian Per Johansson tied for with the winner advancing to the 20-victory level for only the allow runner Zola Budd, a native of South Africa, to compete in John Q, Public who will stop and fishing vendors displaying rods, valuable happens very infre­ tonight.” Grant said Tuesday Tennessee State. worst free throw shooter, to make second in 50.57 seconds. Luckily for Colorado State’s semifinals in New York. second time. The Rams trailed the United States pending a ruling on her eligibility. visit, pass the time of day, and reels, lures, fi.sh findersandother quently. But when it does, I get a night. “ The kids told me, ’Hey, 20 The semifinals are next ’Tues­ a foul shot with time expired and Olympic gold medalist Mary T. The TAC says it is acting on a directive from the Interntional Boyd Grant, his players are " It ’s the first time I ever got 53-52 with 4:53 to go. then surged throw all kinds of questions at an high tech material that has come great feeling of satisfaction games coach.’ It was their way of day at Madison Square Garden, the score tied. Meagher continued her domina­ better shooters than he was. carried off the floor at Colorado ahead for good. Amateur Athletic Federation. exhibitor. into play the.se past 15 years for knowing I’ve helped someone out. saying I was going to get a n ’A ’ for with the finals set for the next Virginia Commonwealth tion of the women’s 200-meter South Africa was suspended from international competition by Grant was carried off the court State,” said Grant, analumnusof Then they carried Grant off the the season.” There were not too many booths the seekers of large and smal- All in all it was a great show. We night. ousted defending champion butterfly by winning the event for the lA A F in 1976 because of its racial policy of apartheid, and any on the shoulders of those players the school. ” I wasn’t a good court, and he lost his glasses. By with fly fishing equipment. Be­ Imouth bass. made some new friends, sold The season also continues F ri­ Arkansas State, 21-13, sur­ Southern Mississippi in the se­ the 36th time in 38 races. after the Rams beat Houston '71-61 enough player. Whenever I had the time they were retrieved from athletes competing against South Africans are subject to lA A F cause of this. Bill Cairns, whohpd The fly fishing tools have not some merchandise, but more day night for New Mexico, which prised even its coach by winning cond round. Connecticut, like Meagher was timed in 2 min­ in the second round of the the last-second shot. I never discipline. the booth right next to me. and changed as much over the years, importantly, thoroughly enjoyed the floor. Grant had slipped off hosts Ohio State; and Connecti­ at Stanford in the second round. Boston College, has come out of utes, 10.75 seconds, edging Mi­ National Invitation ’Tournament. made it.” myself seemed to pull most of the the update is most noticeable in ourselves. the broad shoulders of his cut. which is home to Virginia Nelson Catalina had so little faith the Big East to score two chelle Griglione by .28 seconds. The Rams, 20-12, will playArkan- CSU didn’t need any iast- pi ayers. fly fishing afficianados. rods. Although there are still Commonwealth. On Satu^ay, in his Indians that he didn’t impressive N IT victories. Tyson’s co-manager Jacobs dies Meagher is trying to become Cairns, who hales from Man­ quite, a few of us who like to fish Joe Carman, a Manchester only the third American NEW YO R K — Jim m y Jacobs, a handball great, boxing chester, Vt., is quite famous as a with cane, or bamboo, the big resident for many years, is a Sweet Seasons swimmer to make three U S. historian and a central figure in heavyweight champion Mike fly fishing authority, and a superb emphasis today is on graphite. recognized authority on the sub­ Olympic teams. Eleanor Holm ally in Tyson’s career, died Wednesday at Mount Sinai Hospital. He was caster. He is the author of a And although I hate to admit it. ject of bamboo fly rods, and the did it first in 1928, ’32 and ’36 and sport of fly fishing. Joston 58. couple of books on the sport and graphite and its improvements, 9. Jill Sterkel swam on the 1976, ’80 The cause of death was pneumonia, but he "suffered from was instrumental in starting the thanks to the aerospace industry ad 20 and ’84 teams. lymphocytic leukemia for nine years,” said Bill Cayton, who very first fly fishing schools in the is a more powerful, and lighter — Jubilant New York Mets shared the spirit of ’86 Two meet records were set on co-managed Tyson with Jacobs and also was Jacobs' business country. in-hand tool than anything else in seven VK7. ______. ______R the second day of the five-day partner. ‘ third NOTE: Baseball’s current de­ shutout, a home run, a stolen Bill and I go back 25 years, and use today. It (graphite) has its meet. GO lin the fending champion, the Minnesota base, or two doubles and a since the pre-1920 period. was still the best catcher in the there is a good deal of needle place fishing for salmon, and In the men’s 200-meter but­ erlod, ’Twins, had the worst regular- sacrifice fly. Good teams have Claimed Mets coach Bill Robin-, National League. going back and forth. He, at me larger fish, especially saltwater terfly, Melvin Stewart, a high Dan Fouts to announce retirement ;nse," season winning percentage (.525) more ways than one to win.” son: "The strongest thing about In a quieter way, first baseman allowing as how I fish with species. However, when it comes Rhode Island school senior at Mercersburg, 186-78 of any team ever to win the World It started in April in St. Louis this team is the absence of Keith Hernandez (13, 83, .310) SAN DIEGO — Chargers quarterback Dan Fouts, who has set “ grass” (bamboo) rods, and me to trout fishing, cane still is tops in weakness.” Pa., Academy, easily defeated ilnter, Series. "Sweet Seasons: Base­ when the Mets, already in first also made his presence felt seven N F L passing records during a 15-year career, is expected back at him for fishing with my estimation. Denmark’s ^ n n y Nielson and B E A T C!alled ball’s Top Teams Since 1920," by place to stay, swept the defending New York led the National throughout the league. Hernan­ to announce his retirement. “ plastic” (graphite) rods. How­ There were quite a fewgraphite League in batting (.263). slugging 1984 Olympian Pablo Morales. Howard Siner (Pharos Books), N L champions in a four-game dez tied for the N L lead in on-base Team officials declined to elaborate on a statement released ever, the needling stops when we fly rods shown at the show, as well (.401), on-base percentage (.339), His time of 1:57.89 set a meet Duke 9 profiles the leading cluhs of the series. New York ended the percentage (.413) in 1986 and led Wednesday that said Fouts, 36, called the news conference for both cast together at the casting as some of the newer reels. But 9 runs (783), hits (l,46f2), total the N L in walks (94). record and was .14 seconds off the home-run era. This excerpt cov­ month with 11 straight victories, today at his home "to make an announcement about his future pool, checking out various when it comes to flies, the Frank SpIteckL URI ‘SO’ bases (2,229), runs batted in (730) American record, ers one of the best of recent years its longest winning streak of the D arryl Strawberry, the Mets’ plans.” “ sticks” both graphite and bam­ patterns are still tied in the same and walks (631). They were third Jeff Kubiak. the Pan American — the 1986 New York Mets season. In May. the Mets won 24-year-old right fielder, col­ boo. I respect his judgment, and old way, all by hand. S&M Fly in home runs (148). Games gold medalist in the vithin (108-54, .667). ’This is the third of a another seven in a row; then lected more All-Star votes than On the mound, tiie Mets also led 200-meter breaststroke, set a Steve periodic series to appear in the another six. any other major leaguer in 1986. apped Herald. the N L in earned run average He went on to have a flnel year meet record in his event in (3.11). They were second in Strawberry hit 27 homers, 2:15.78. SAVE $3.00 A CASE OR 20C A QUART DISCOUNT IS OUR MIDDLE NAME "When they had the N L East Bv Howard Siner strikeouts (1,083), complete B next seemingly sewed up by Memorial knocked in 93 runs and batted Newspaper Enterprise Associ­ games (27) and total runs allowed .259. WITH PENNZOIL MAIL-IN RERATES! : with Day.” reported Sports Illus­ MANCHESTER DISCOUNT LIQUORS 8 (578); and third in hits (1,304), could ation trated, "comparisons with the In October, the Mets ran out of REBATED PRODUCTS walks (509), shutouts (II) and 1032 Tolland Tpke., Manchester, CT 649-4750 e rest Rejoicing constantly with higl Yankees of the ’20s, ’30s and ’50s teams to beat. They defeated Z-7 30/Z-7 40...... 904 qt. saves (46). Houston, four games to two, to RENTAL 5W-30/10W-30...... _ Conveniently Located In Heartland Plaza fives and curtain calls, the New began.” Virtually the only thing ordi­ '^11 ayers York Mets dominated in 1986 like The Mets, jubilant over their win the National League pennant, 10W-30 Turbo...... IJ M ^1 oh at nary about the ’86 Mets was their and Boston, four games to three, no team ever had during the early surge, responded eagerly to NIA photo 10W-40 / 20W-50...... Site TABLE______WINES EASTER WINE SALE vhose fielding. to win the World Series. The two Nvm * 9*’ BLUSH WINES home-run era. They ran away to the give ’em-hell encouragement CELEBRATION — The Now York Mets, led by Gary CARS isecu- The four young Mets starters victory without Hall of Fame- of their manager. "Wedon’twant Game 6 shodowns were historic: Avla(I.SL) ...... *1.99 V A L B O N u. Cam. C«ll«n(1.6L)...... ‘3.49 game Carter, arms raised, celebrate after they defeated the had combined record of 66-23. OurPrlM<).n-tnMMte OurfrtMM.&.it.MSabm type performances by any of their to just win.” Johnson had vowed New York won them both on OTHER PRODUCTS ON SALE a full Boston Red Sox in Game 7 to capture the 1986'World Righthanders Dwight Gooden Daily Ford ATF / Dexron A TF...... *1” players. in spring training, "we want to dramatic late-inning rallies. $199 yjSMJ.'ssi. ■»•«» 8 n the Series. (17-6. 2.84 ER A) and Ron Darling Along the way. the rest of the dominate.” " I ’ve never played against a Weekly Long Life 30...... *1“ (15-6, 2.81) were joined by lefties ...... U .O S ^ ...... M.U National League witnessed the All the All-Star brak, the Mets team like the Mete,” said Hous­ Long Life 15-40...... * 1 " I. but Foes grumbled more and more crs) ^ 11 Bob Ojeda (18-5, 2.57) and Sid ton’s Billy Hatcher. “They keep r-.. Monthly Ou.mo.4.49-<1.MS.bM. Mor«t«l Wh. Zlntand.1 ....*4.49 unique and ostentatious rout first (59-14) were on topby 13games — Power Steering Fluid...... shots, that the cake-walking, brawling team. In 1986, it wasn’t "Damn Fernandez (16-6, 3.52). coming at you — I mean from all with awe, then anger and. finally the biggest mid-season N L edge lngl«n<^k^)^..^.....^..^.^.*4.99 Ql*n Ellcn Wh. Zlnfimtal (rw)..*4.49 n all New Yorkers were acting arro­ Yankees! ” It was “ Damn Mets! ” The stars of the bullpen were directions.” Rates SO-1 Premium Outboard certain respect. Pennz-Cool Two Cycle...... H** since the start of division play in gant. Insensitive and unprofes­ On Sept. 17, the Mets clinched righthander Roger McDowell, 26, "Most of the players have had 1969. When it was over. New York 8 Wnft Coupon 8.b..ti.nio,K,...... *5.99 ...... ’*'** ; said sional on the field. But the Mets the N L East title at home in Shea and lefty Jesse Orosco, 29. They had nothing left to prove. The 646-0128 CouM>vv««MM Ch. Souvtrain m good years, but not a lot of great “ The way it turned out. it Chardonnay...... *0.99 B»rlt*o»f Wh. ZIntindal rso *4.99 •soon defied N L critics by winning all Stadium before 47,823 customers. combined for 43 saves and 22 wins Mete won as front-runners during years.” admitted New York looked like we were worrying Almaden (a.)— ...... - 6,49 Qroth Sauvignon Blanc *7.49 ShutlarHoma la ao summer. The 4-2 victory against Chicago — thus playing key roles in 65 of the season; they came from PEI manager Davey Johnson about about nothing.” said Wally Back- best The bear-hugging, hand­ marked the earliest finish ever of the team’s 108 victories. ^^librMChssPmtectim Black Tower (i.a.)...... *7.99 Mondavi Johan Raleallng....*8.99 Wh. ZInfandii (tio) ...... the '86 Mets (108-54, .667). man. the Mets’ scrappy No. 2 behind during the post-season. ok at slapping and cap-tipping con­ a race In the division. When the Thirty-two year-old Gary Car­ LYNCH Bolla ( . U...... *7.99 Starling Sauvignon Blanc. .. *9.99 S.batilani Wh. zinfandtl (i.«u .*5.99 "The way to dominate is not to hitter. “ But it wasn’t that easy. And they gained their World 1 1 d as- tinued. And so did out-of-town regular season ended. New York ter (24 HRs. 105RBIS, .255) had a Series crown on their 116th LtatiRf A Rental rely on one aspect of the game." We didn’t have to worry, but i his resentment of the Madison led No. 2 Philadelphia by 21>A lot to do with the fact that six Met victory of 1986. 345 Center Street said Johnson. ’ ’We could win a iot nobody rolled over and played ipAP AUTO PARTS • 649-3528 ’sthe Avenue hype (books, rock videos. games. It was the biggest winning pitchers won in double figures. • S alt Ends S-SO-SD • Not RMpontlM# for Typographical Errors of ways. We could win on a dead for us.” Vowed Davey Johnson: "’This Manchester ! 307 E. Center St. • Manchester B IP ^ ! TV commercials, magazine cov- margin in major-league baseball Desphite throwing problems, he is as good as it gets.” MMiaa ■ ■ ■ aa ■ ■ aamM rj rM irerM H MANCHESTER H ERAIJ), *niurgdajfjJMariph^a4^^jaM ill 988 — 11 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. March 24, 1988 — 18 Soviets enjoy great day at skating championships 01 By Salvatore Zanca FOCUS______Calgary. One of those involved in that winners also performed side-by- free-skating performance. Wat­ Boitano was in position to move The Associated Press The teviet Union picked up its 1969 sweep contributed to the side triple toe loops. / son fen twice and die couple had up in today’s short' program, ases. S8th world title when Elena Soviet victory on Wednesday. ‘They won first-place votes from an awkward 39-second gap while wiiich counts for20percentof die pot, how- B U D A P E S T, Hungary — It was Valova and Oleg Vaslliev upset lyes RBI. Tam ara Moskvina, second in seven of the nine Judges.;enough waiting, to qptch up with the total score. School figures make a great day for the Soviets in the teammates Ekaterina Gordeeva has Jose the pairs with Alexei Mishin in to move them from their second- music. * •' up 30 percent and the free-skating World Champion­ and , the Olympic 1969, is the coach for Valova and place standing after the short Soviets skaters held the lead in portion counts SO percent. Understanding various food allegeries her Felix ships with a record-equaling and two-time world champions. or Rafael Vasiliev, who regained the world program. two other evepts, men’s singles In the short program, the men Bv the Editors ______PEOPLE victory, a sweep of medals in one The SSth title tied the Soviets By the Editors I. Bobby title they had won in 1983 and 1965. and ice dancing. are required to do seven basic If you consult a physician who is event and leads in two others. with the United States for most of Consumer Reports who contend that food allergies can be 0. 4 hitter Their tiiumph was the 21st for a Larisa Selezneva and Oleg Alexander Fadeev led the free-skating moves. board-certified as an allergist (one Stars speechless East Germany’s Katarina Witt, titles won in world competition. treated with extracts or “ neutraliz­ Soviet pair in 24 years, a feat that Makarov completed the Soviet men’s event after the compulsory The ice dancers finish their Consumer who has passed the examination the Olympic champion, and Debi The Soviet Union did it in about Do certain foods disagree with you? ing” doses of the offending food to Moskvina doesn’t find sweep. Gillian Wachsman of flgures, with two surprises be­ event tonight with Soviets in the administered by the American Board LOS ANGELES Thomas of the United States half the time it took the United Join the crowd. In a random sample of protect against allergic reactions. astonishing. Riverside, Conn., and Todd Wag­ hind him. Poland’s Grzegorz top two places. Reports of Allergy and Immunology), you — “ Moonlighting” r starting looked to break that domination States, which has been competing 8,300 American adults, 43 percent said Beware. There is no scientific evi­ goner of Schaumburg, III., moved Filipowski moved from fourth to Natalia Bestemianova and An­ may receive skin tests using food stars Cybill She­ s couldn't with the beginning of the school in the world championships for they have some type of "adverse dence that proves that food extracts ^Gordeeva, who like her partner up one spot to fourth with a sharp, second after the first figure while drei Bukin took the high marics extracts. A negative test means that pherd and Bruce figures in the women’s event over 60 years. reaction” to foods, a reaction often are an effectivpifreatment. , .i , , was troubled by a cold, fell on a clean performance. defending world champion Brian for the original set pattern dance may be able to eat moderate amounts you’re highly unlikely to be allergic. A Willis were left of Shane today. The pairs competition resulted ascribed to be a food allergy. Many of these' physicians are throw triple salchow. Valova and Jill Watson of Bloomington, Orser of Canada was a disap­ and were in solid command to add of a problem food with little (discom­ positive test doesn’t mean you are; it speechless by the Don Car- Brian Boitano of the United in a Soviet medal sweep, the first Pop-medicine publications have Vasiliev performed that move Ind., and Peter Oppegaid of pointing fifth. another title to their collection. fort. But those with a severe food means you might be. Confirmation otolaryngologists — ear, nose and 2'A-week scriptw­ were the States, meanwhile, is well-placed in a world championship event spread the word that food allergies throat speciali.sts — who call them­ and all the others cleanly in a Knoxville, Tenn., who won the * Tm not pleased with being in They have won the last three intollerance or any form of food requires either a well-documented riters’ strike, but e NL who to add a world title tq the gold since the Soviets swept the pairs are a major public-health problem routine performed to music from Olympic bronze medal, dropped fifth but I am glad I am in a world dtles and the Olympic gold allergy must avoid the offending food history of allergic reations to a food or selves otolaryngic allergists. Other filled a five-minute ^sin 1987. medal he won in the Olympics at in 1969. causing myriad physical and psycho- physicians go by the appellation " T h e Last Reading." The to sixth with a sub-standard position to win,” Orser said. medal. at all times. controlled oral “ challenge” with the gap in their latest ned 50-52. l()gical symptoms. Actually, food The main culprits in true food suspect food under the supervision of clinical ecologist. Neither type, how­ allergies are uncommon. Only about 5 script by rocking played a allergies are cow’s milk protein, egg a physician. ever, is certijiqd by the American victories, percent of children and less than 2 Board of Allergy and Immunology. to the tune of whites, variouis kinds of nuts and, “ Wooly Bully.” training, percent of adults have true food especially, seafood. If you’re allergic And many receive their allergy If you do have a food allergy, the Miss Shepherd ■ ) allergies, in which a food provokes an to any of them, you might experience training by attending brief courses or allergist will tell you there is only one and Willis kicked ng at the SCOREBOARD immune response. one or a combination of several effective treatment; Avoid the food. reading books. with Mill What people believe are food and sang along as symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diar­ Shots, a trained allergist will tell you, If you’re seeking help for allergies, uel. Von allergies are often food intolerances. Curtis Armstrong, rhea. rashes, itching or difficulty are totally useless as a therapy for visit a board-certified allergist who idt. They Ahd the distinction is important. breathing. On rare occasions, even who plays novice Cinadlei»4,Nordlques1 VHVIflplwffl0flia un rare occasions, even food allergies. hashas received received specialized specialized ti training in hil Brad- NIT plcturg People with a mild food intollerance detective Bert Vi­ At PenliiM, Mich. fatal reactionsins can occuroccur. Yet you may encounter physicians treating such problems.problems in a trade Hockey Sunday, March 27 ola, danced about 1 8 0 -1 Basketball 10 Seattle PIRST ROUND Purdue-Kansas State winner vs. 2 1 1— 4 SPORTSCARD Vanderbllt-Kantas winner, TB A Cybll Shepard in a pharaoh’s oung (16 Rrst Period— 1, NIontreal, Corson 11 Wedneedev, M ordi M (ftrudlond, Lolor), 4:46. 2, Montreal, Ohio St. 86, O d Dominion 73 outfit, mouthing e. NHLstindingi , Thundov, Morcli 17 Thlboudeou 3 (Momesso, Robinson), 6:17.3, NBA standings WEST REGIONAL the words to the 1965 song by Sam the Sham & ftiebec, Goulet 43 (A.Stastny, Brown), Georgia O , Georglo Southern 48 Abby’s advice to pregnant the Pharaohs. 9:54 (pp). Penalties— Quebec bench, ^nnectlcut 62, West Virginia 57, O T WALKS CONPeRKNCe Evansville 66, Utah 55 At Bolt Lake etty ^ Andre A Patrick Division served by Fortier (too many men on Ice), EASTERN CONFERENCE Ihuriftay, March 17 The script for Tuesday night’s ABC-TV show Louisiana Tech 66, Arkansa^LIttte Rock Dr. Gott ?liffe led W L T Pis OP OA 1:37; Robinson, Mon (Interference), 8:54; Atlantic Divifleii M North Carolina 83, North Toxos State 65 was written before the Writers Guild of N Y Islanders Corkner, Que (roughing), 9:54; (kiulet, W L Pel. OB Calltamla 119, Wyoming 115 ries, yel 36 29 10 82 2W 249 Que (roughing), 9:54; Chellos, Mon Boston College 73, Siena 65 Peter Gott, M.D. America struck March 7. But when it was Washington 37 31 7 81 263 228 V-Bo stop 47 » .701 Houston 69, Fordhom 61 Michigan 63, Boise Stole X girl has 19-year-old payoff ast, win- P h llo w ^ la (roughing), 9:54; Momesso, Mon (rough­ New York 29 37 .439 17Vi Florida 6Z SI. John's at filmed last week, the producers discovereVi it 36 31 7 79 267 273 ing), 12:49; Brown, Que (cross-checking), New Mexico M, Pepperdine 75 N Y Rangers 33 33 8 74 275 264 Philadelphia 29 8 .433 18 Oregon 81, Santo Clara 65 At Los Angelos fell about five minutes short. So the cast P ltts ^ g h 17:45; Eogles, Que (hlghsflcklng), 19:13. Washington 28 8 .424 18W Xlday, March 18 32 33 9 73 295 292 Second Period— 4, Montreol, Lemleux 29 n id a v, McNXh 18 dearDEAR I mymy four four sisters sisters and and his his one si.ster a part in New Jersey 32 36 5 69 258 283 New Jersey 18 49 .269 » Cleveland State X , Illinois State 83, O T Arizona X , Cornell X improvised. (Smith, Walter), 10:37. Penaltles-^rson, ' Central Division Seton Hall X , Toxas-EI Paso 64 ABBY: Nine-Nine I ______to be bridesmaids in our wedding. and four Adams DIvislen Aton (sloshing), 1:11; Guerard, Que (hold­ Middle Tennessee State 85, Tennessee “ Remember on the Ozzle and Harriet y-Montreal 43 30 12 98 278 230 x-Defrolt 45 8 .692 _ K Iowa U)Z Florida Stole X teen years ago My dearest friend will be my D Boston y-Boston 41 28 6 88 284 237 ing), 11:42; MePhee, Mon (hooking), Atlanta 40 8 .615 5 Neyado^os Vegas 54, Southwest Mis­ show?” Willis told the audience. “ See, 14:06; Glllls, Que (higivstickino), 16:05; Virginia Commonwealth 81, Marshall X souri State X I wrote to you id Calvin Buftolo 35 30 9 79 266 282 Chicago 8 a .576 7Vi Arkansas State 70, Northeast LoulslonoX maid of honor. All haveaccepleci, sometimes their show would be short and then Hartford 31 36 7 69 226 253 Lalor, Mon (high-sticking), 16:05. Milwaukee 37 a .569 8 Second Round for help. 1 was Third Period— 5, Montreal, Naslund 24 Dear Abby I now find myself in a terribly Quebec 32 38 4 68 257 277 Indiana 32 8 .48 13V/> Keith Hernandez AtSeotno in October of 1968, You advised DEAR ABBY: My oldest son is pictures of some of the gowns I LOSANGELES Vfets. 2) L.A. Clippers 13 52 .200 Sunday, March V ' DEAR READER: Eczema is a type of dermatitis Wednesday’s Oames lalanders B. Kings 2 a w QUARTERFINALS me to tell my family and talk to preparing for his bar milzvah. have in mind for the wedding — Singer Dean Pirates. Montreal A Quebec 1 xPolnt______goals—ooc G.Henderson, Wingate. although the ovarian follicles begin add a title his name if he likes, says Burke’s ends, and Joey Chorlos, running back. 175-463, Kathy Gavin 173503, Karen Seattle vs.SanDle«K>atYuma,Ariz.,9p.m ism (excessive facial and body hair) who is an excellent communicator signals of your sexual response, such (unsportsmanlike conduct), 5:46; Monson, Feuledout— Robinson. Rebounds— Schumaker 173454, Karen Tracey 482, At SeuHi Bend, bid. the process of maturing eggs, these Peerage. * Chi, mlnor-misconduct (unsportsmonllnke HOCKEY C h l c ^ 69 (O aklw 19), Philadelphia 60 is one of the most common symptoms and who will take the time to explain as signs of arousal and nearness of I N ^o y LooMt Kathy BerzenskI 480, Beth Haak 452. Thundpy, March 17 Friday’s _____ conduct), 5:46; Yawnev, Chi (hoidlng), (B o r k w 13). Assists— (Silcogo 27 (Vin­ Purdue 94, Polrlelgh DIefcInson 79 Onclnnatl vs. Philadelphia at dear- of polycystic ovarian disease of are rarely released — hence the this complex disease, its often lengthy orgasm. If a new partner is involved, “ Mr. Forbes can apply to the Scottish Court 6:44; accorelll, Min, double minor NEW YORK RANGERS^ecolled cent 12),Phllodel^la24(Cheeks14).Total water, Ra., 1:8 p.m. Dove Rchette, defenseman, from New Memphis State 7S, Baylor to PCOD, effective control of your PCOD fertility problems, which often send and confusing treatment, and the the process may take longer since no of Chivalry in Edinburgh fora coat of arms, (charging, roughing), 9:26; Rouse, Min, fouls— Chicago 27, Philadelphia 30. A— Cunima Auto Body Kansas Stale 66, La Salle S3 Minnesota vs. New York Mets at Port St pome misconduct, 9:36; Nylund, Chi, mo- Hoven of fhe American Hockey. Leogue. should also control problems of hair PCOD women to their physicians. danger signals associated with the two people are exactly alike in terms which I think he is going to do,” Harold COLLKOK 13401. DePoul 13, Wichita Stale 62 Lude, Ra., 1:8 p.m. 8 for-gome misconduct (fighting), 9:26; Rich Cabral 401, Chris Hansen 1704X, At Uncebi, NsB. H ^ o n vs. Montreal at West Palm The hormonal levels of PCOD disease and the various treatments. of sexual response, preferred activi­ Brooks-Baker, publishing director of the growth in the future. However, you Lawrton, Min (holding), 10:32, VIncelctte, FORT LEWIS COLLEGE— Homed Jim Joe Tollsono 157-400, Frank Calvo 160, Beach, Ra., 1 :8 p.m. Cross men's basketball coach. women do not fluctuate in the cyclic ties and ability to communicate British blueblo^s’ guide, said Wednesday. Chi (Interference), 14:35; MacLellan, Min Bill McKinney 161-163-452, Emile Roux Pittsburgh NR Eoiiem Michigan X St.Loulsvs.PlttsburehatBradenton,Ra., will have to bleach or remove existing (hookine), 16:15; Hobscheld, Min (rough- 150, Mike Lxippen 160151-441, Paul vanderblll X , Utah Stole 77 I !CB p.fn. unwanted hair (hair that grew before monthly pattern. The problem seems DEAR DR. REINISCH: Can a man sexual needs. “ The title is connected to land in Ing), 17:28; B.Murroy, Chi (roughing), Nagle 197-473, Anton M ayer 421,\Joe Murray Stole n . North Carolina State 7S ^ taMtonvs. KansasCItyatHalnesCIty, Ra., to result when the pituitary gland and 17:28; Musll, Min. mlnor-malor (shtshlng, Radio, TV (}oodfleld IX, Jim Evans 405, Tony PCOD treatment) by shaving, wax­ who has not had an orgasm for seven . Don’t hesitate to seek help if you Aberdeenshire and Mr. Forbes can call ig), 17:45; Presley, Chi, mlnor-malor Marinelll 193156492, La rry Novella 152, Kansas 85, Xavier, Ohio X ^Toronto vs. Texas at Port Charlotte, ing, use of a depilatory orelectrolysls. hypothalamus receive inappropriate years regain the ability to have them? have difficulty regaining orgasmic himself Malcom Forbes of Barnes — which I Roy Je rry I X , Pete Woltvna 151-159-425, K mg, ffghtlng), 17:45. Flaw 1:39 p.m. Other symptoms of PCOD (also signals about existing hormone lev­ capability. Call the nearest medical think would be the more elegant — or Forbes Third..... Period— 8, , Minnesota____ ,,! SchrelberS Adolph Kuszal 157-414. At leuih Bend, bid. Detrotfw. Chicago White SoxotSarasota, VoDeybaD High team single: Acadia Restaurant els. The woman is steadily exposed to DEAR READER: It partly depends school or large hospital and ask how to (HaiwciMtdI.S:!! (sh).9,Chicago,Gratiam TODAY 0 V i VeW 05 lilOT«ia I t Flo./ 1:39 p.m. > called Steln-Leventral Syndrome) of Bamis-Forbes or Baron Forbes of Barnes,” II (Presley, Yawnev), f:U (po). 4 p.m. — Golf: Players Champion­ 493; ^Igh teamI triple: tr ip le :------R3G------Auto------1309; Purdue NO; Mernphls State 73 Atinrtg vs. Los Angeles ot Vero Beach, include obesity, trouble getting preg­ high levels of some hormones, such as upon why the man was not having make an appointment with the staff Brooks-Baker said. PenoHv AtocLellon, Min, malor (hleh- ship, ESPN high Individual triple: Frank Colyo519; Kansas State 66. DePoul X Ra., 1:8 p.m. androgens (which are known to orgasms for those seven years If the member most experienced at assess­ tflchme), 5:00. 7:15 p.m. — N C A A : Duke vs. Rhode high Individual single: Rick Johnson At Uncebi, NsB. C h l c ^ Cube vs. Mllwaukeeat Chandler, nant and irregular menstruation after ” I do not intend to use the title,” The Shots on goal— Minnesota 13-KM— 27. Islond, WPOP i n ; high overage: Tony Marinelll Sr. AA^m m ^ AA Ariz., 3 p.m. stimulate facial hair growth), and lack of orgasms was due to a specific ing male sexual problems. Rac Voilayball wiaOTwd ffavrai 9 0 having normal puberty occur at the Aberdeen Press and Journal quoted Forbes as Chicago «-ll4 ^ . 7:30 p.m. — Whalers af Red Wings, 140 63. Vanderbilt 80, Pittsburgh 74, Clevriand vs. Oakland at Phoenix, never produce enough of some other problem that still exists (forexample, Power-play Opportunities— MInnesoto American Division — Pino Express Channel 18, WTIC Standings: Acadia Restaurant 216, Ariz., 3 p.m. expected time. Women with PCOD saying. “ My father was bom there (in Kansas 61, M w T a y N m X hormones, such as FSH (which a disease such as diabetes or a lo t5; Chicago2of5. def. Insurers 15-11,15-10, 15-7. 8 p.m. — N C A A : Vlllanova vs. McNamara 19-11, East Hartford Seattle vs. Son Dlegoot Yuma, Ariz.,3pjn. • often cannot predict when they will Aberdeenshire) in 1880.1 thought It would be doolies— MInnesoto, Seoupre (26 shotv National Division — North Enders Konfucky, Changel 3 Nursery 1312, R BG Auto 17-13, Bobcats AtPenNn&MMk menstruate (some go several months chemically signals release of eggs psychological aversion to sex), he 22 soves). Chicago. Pong (27-22). def. A B A . Tool A Ole 15-10, 15-11, 15-9; 8:30 p.m. — Knicks af Rockets, 1315, O .N .E . 1313, Purdy Corporation IbSdny, March X San Frandsco vs. California at Palm from the ovaries.) may need expert help at diagnosing great to have the title back in the Forbes A — 17,211 North Enders def. ABA Tool A Ole Chonnel 9 1616, Anton's 1616, Heritage Bolt 1616, Purdue, 293, vs. Kansas State, 268, Springs, Calif., 4 pm . between periods) or how long men­ family where it originated.” ReSsree— Don Kohorskl. Linesmen— Boh 7-15,15-9,11-15,15-2. North EndW s won 10 p.m. — NCAA: Oklahoma vs. Mack 3 12-11, Ouboldo Electric 11-19, TBA Balffmore vs New York Yankees at . strual flow will last. Occasionally, Accurate diagnosis of PCOD in­ and treating the underlying problem Hodam, Oon Schochte. Louisville, Chonnel 3, WPOP Village Stylist 10X. Fort Lxwderdale, Flo., | :8 pm . the town playoffs. Vanderbilt 23W vs. Kansas Z311, TB A they have heavy menstrual flow. volves blood tests to determine the before his ability to be orgasmic in the H — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. March 24, 1988

18 — IS

ACROSS 3 By and by Answer to Previous Puzzle 4 Oozing 'Probe’ character 'a whacko’ 1 Clock part 5 Toweled By Jerry Buck S Undarstands 6 Charged ■cience-fiction writer Isaac Asimov and Southern family. KIrstie Alley played (» l.) particles The Associated Press Michael Wagner, former story editor of "Hill sister In both installments. 9 CIO partner 7 Ship's longboat Street Blues.” Asimov came up with the 12 Cooked 8 Abate LOS ANGELES (AP) — Parker Stevenson STEVENSON GREW UP in New York City,! JJ L characters and concept and Wagner wrote sufficiently 9 First man , smiles at the suggestion that his character on where he started doing commercials a ^ | 13 Make muddy 10 Independent M A o N "a ! the pilot. the new ABC series "Probe" appears to be a "I’ve never met Isaac,” said Stevenson. movies when'he was about 14. His first movie 14 Actresa Joanne 11 Craving R E R u N cross between Sherlock Holmes and Tom was “A Separate Peace.” He was also in the 19 Anglo-Saxon let­ “But I’d love to have him come on the show as E R O 8 e J Swift. cult film "Lifeguard” with Sam ElHott. .ES 15 Celebes ox ter my mentor and throw me a few words of D O T E ng 16 Woman's name 21 Paddle Austin James is an eccentric scientist who wisdom if I start to run amok. Isaac lives in “The Hardy Boys’ got me established," be! e- 17 Roman bronze 23 Affected D R uses his remarkable mental skills to fight New York and won't fly." said. “I learned about directing, studios,^, :e 18 N ew York ball manner A O K A crime. His knowledge has made him networks. It was a paid education. Then came' club 24 Indian tribe F R 1 E Z fabulously wealthy, but he prefers to avoid the hangover, which has to do with being, 20 Luminous 25 Eugene "PROBE” APPEARS on ABC at 8 p.m. EST REANUT8 by Chert— M . B c h u li h e R E N D E the think tank he founded and live in an old Thursdays, where it’s up against NBC’s "The typecast and inexperienced. I feel I’ve had heavenly body O'Naili's warehouse he calls the "batcave.” tw- o L D E s Cosby Show” and "A Different World.” several shots at an acting career. I feel lucky; 22 Annex daughter "I think of him more as Sherlock Holmes because usually you have only one chance in I YES,SII^,MR.PRimciPAL..l'M lut 23 Alias (abbr.) Fortunately for Stevenson, it’s not up against SEPARATION OF CHURCH ANP 26 Puts to work and Elmer Fudd,” said Stevenson, "since this business.” ; THE ONE WHO BR0U6HT BUT IF THAT KIP WITH THE nute 24 Cold symptom 27 Caroiled 39 910, Roman 45 Stocking NBC’s "Cheers,” which stars his wife, IGrstie STATE? NO, I'V E N EVER there is a fumbling aspect to his personality. And, the answer to that lingering question; ROCKET LAUNCHER PUSHES est 27 W estsm 28 Water from sky 41 Theater mishap Alley. HER “PRAYING POLL" FOR HEARP OF SEPARATION OF I think it noeds the Heimlich maneuver.' mountains I’m playing a whacko. He's clever, but is, yes, he and Jameson Parker of CBS’ • M E ASAIN.I'LL s e p a r a t e ng 29 Assist passageway 46 Regarding (2 This is the first series for Stevenson since he “SHOW ANP TELL".. SEE? CHURCH ANP STATE... 31 Qot up 30 Puts whacko. That’s what made me anxious to go “Simon & Simon" are frequently mistaken i HIS HEAP FROM HIS NECK.' 42 Impolite ones wds.) did a^alf-season on CBS’ "Falcon Crest” in 32 Mild expletive 32 Est formaily 47 Ireland back and do another series. I don’t see myself foreach other. "We get each other’s mail," h e ! ------C 1M«byNEA. mr 33 Honest _ 35 Makes larger 43 Think nothing th6T3^85 season. Before that he was in "The 48 Talk back to getting bored doing this. said. "I got an invitation for an expense-paid ; THE QRIZZWELL8 by Bill Schorr rd 34 Single thing 36 Gods Hardy Boys" in 1977-79. (si.) “I was a bad guy on 'Falcon Crest,’ which trip to Florida to attend the premiere of one of' ed 35 Noises 38 Bonnet e.'g. 44 Remain 51 Actress Hagan "HE SLEEPS naked in an isolation tank. his movies. The funny thing is Jameson and I • 36 Food regimen was fun," he said. "You don’t want to do the t^fUNPHEIT.. as 1 2 3 3 7 Laundering Actually, it’s a tool cabinet. He drinks same kind of character all the time. The last did a commercial together in New York years : 'n g . ‘ martinis and eats blocks of frozen peas. He’s ago. Now we laugh about all the mixup.^’ 1 y ce 39 Currency units 12 few years I’ve been doing different kinds of 40 Tavern different than ’MacGyver’ or The Knight roles. It’s helped me rediscover why I went □ □ □ 3-20. V i- beverage 15 Rider.’ You always know that Sherlock into this business in the first place. lUt 41 ___ my Holmes can figure it out. In some episodes USA TODAY — A dally television show "I think the intention was to bring me in and based on the newspaper USA Today is being brother's 18 you’re never really sure if Austin James will kill me off. I did more episodes than I thought HAQAR THE HORRIBLE by DIk Browne g k ee perr get it.” prepared for a Sept. 12 debut. Steve* 42 _ Rica I would, but they still ended up burying me in Friedman, president of GTG East, said the > IF YOtl WANT TO LOSE WEIlS-HT 4 5 After fifties Austin James In “Probe” is sort of a a graveyard.” H o t Y o U fs one-man brain trust. He solves crimes by four anchors for the syndicated show would I you SMOUUP OMEW EVEI2Y S L O S H t 4 9 Back 24 25 28 In recent times he’s also played an amoral be introduced on a "flying press conference” ; how 50 Wine casks being receptive to data that other people MOUTHFUL lO TIME5 newspaper reporter in the CBS movie to six cities in April. The Front Page anchor ; \ r - 52 Freshwater por­ 31 miss. Ashley Crow plays naive and inexpe­ "Betrayal of Trust" and in episodes of poise rienced Mickey Castle, his Dr. Watson. will be announced later, but anchors already ’ 34 “Alfred Hitchcock Presents" and "The chosen are Bill Macatee for Sports, Robin i 53 Across (pref.) “Her point of view becomes valuable to Hitchhiker.” 54 And others (2 Young for Life and Kenneth Walker fori CAPTAIN EASY by Crooks $ Casale 37 him,” Stevenson said. “And she’s fascinated Last year he was in the second part of the wds.) enough by what he does to stick around and Money. “This is my dream team," said ; 55 is human ABC miniseries "North and South.” He THE LA$T THING W wE 5 H4 LL JS put up with the grief.” Friedman. "People who will take television < NO BLOOD SHOULD WE ARE 56>Pigpen played Bill Hazzard from the Northern w e w a n t t o p o T Si o v b ^ c Om B . 5PILL TO FREE ^ . . W6 S hA l L into the '90s. Folks who have been bom and > IS STARTS WAR. i t . h e r e in t h e 57 Herb The one-hour series was created by famed family, who married Genie Francis from the t h e s e F O U R ./ ^ ^ O vERCO M e — 43 raised as part of the television generation.” 6 P IR IT OF s o m e p a v i len 58 Watches , NONVIOLENT o v e r c o m e ! PROTEST. DOWN 49

53 TV Tonight lere 1 1944 invasion THE PHANTOM by Lae Falk • By Barry date (comp, n 58 wd.) N0.JU5T0LfT/ COLONEL,. I PON'T THINK 'ouR^ire73oili^7Q4pn5^ 5:00PM [DIS] Zftitigo Diamond offs: Regional Semifinal Teams to be an­ 2 Inner Hebrides J (O) Mystery); Inspector Morse (CC) A 3® Movie WHOeVEf? HIT THAT P&rTH'a HEAP /& A , TIRES,, ANP 6ET THEM TO THE LAKE island Capar A blind 12-year-old is determined nounced. (2 hrs.) (Live) series of deaths follows the discovery of a H IT H A ffP 'J to prove his mother's innocence when (S ) Police Story BIRTH4MRK. .9 0 THE FIVE TRUCKS CAN MOVE/ MOVIE: 'Shaker Run' Two American church warden's corpse with a knife pro­ she's pegged as a prime suspect in the CB I THINK,,, y stunt car drivers are hired by a research truding from the body. (60 min.) (3 ) Alfrad Hitchcock Presents theft of the world's largest diamortd. (60 scientist to deliver a deedly virus to CIA min.) ® Honeymooners ® Newlywed Game agents (or safe keeping. Cliff Robertson. [CN N ] Nswanight [HBO] MOVIE: 'Back to ttie Future' Leif Garrett, Lisa Harrow. 1985. g® Noticiero Unhrition (C C ) A time machine transports a teenager [ESPN ] Tennis: Intsmatkmal Playars g® Probe (C C ) Austin must prove the (S® National Geographic on Assignment back to the period when his parents were CB ARLO AND JANI8 by Jimmy Johnson SS innocence of an ape accused of murder. A human-powered aircraft; Raymond Dart, Champlonahip Women’s ssmifinsit, from CELEBRITY CIPHER in high school. Michael J. Fox. Christopher (60 min.) an Australian anatomist who challenged Key Biscayne.'Fla. (90 min.) (H) C«l«bHty Cipher cryptogreim are created from quotations by famous people, past and present Lloyd. Lea Thompson. 1985. Rated PG. (In the theories of man’s origin; tho start of tha [U SA ] Dragnet IV- Each letter In the cipher stands for another. Today’s duo: W equals L Stereo) CB Evening Magazine Director Louis six-month lobster season in New England. SO WHAT'5 SO SHOCKING^ lUKoneofm'i Malle; a group's expedition to the North [M AX] MOVIE; 'Seven Brides for (60 min.) 1 2 :0 5 A M [HBO] MOVIE: 'Exordet Pole. II: The Heretic' A priest and a psycholo­ ' E WAZZWF PALBFCAZJ AP Seven Brothers' Seven young frontiers­ [C N N ] Headline News men are determined to add feminine atten­ 9® 200 Years of American Music gist try to help young Regan overcome the '’'Ph anto m f is t uKe b a ttl e - ' 10 :3 0 P M 9® Headline News bizarre visions and nightmares that have Axe "„OLPJUN6Le SFNfHS. T 7 , so E RELOFCTXP ZQALO, ELR E tion to their lives by stealing seven brides. d® Wild, Wild West Howard Keel, Jane Powell. 1954. Rated G. IN N News plagued her since she wee demonically d® Cosby Show (CC) Money is ap­ possessed. Linda Blair, Richard Burton, (in Stereo) ® Odd Couple h OCFEZ RFEW TH AZ AP parently no object as Theo and his pals Louise Fletcher. 1977. Rated R. BLONDIE by Daan Young • Stan Drake [T IV IC ] M O VIE: 'A Patcti of Blue' A atlempt to impress their dates tor the sen­ (g®'7Vmerica Asuntos: Los ninos de la ind 12:1 5 A M [M AX] cinemax Saasiont young Negro businessman befriends an ior prom. (In Stereo) guerre de Centroamerica; F. Bujones. 18-year-old blind girl. Sidney Poitier, Shel­ (60 min.) (In Stereo) r. EGPTWXZFWJ HEZEW.' — Undersea World of Jacques Cous­ ley Winters, Elizabeth Hertman. 1965. gZ) Upstairs. Downstairs teau 12 :3 0 A M CB WKRP in Cincinnati lit [D IS ] Animals In Action A look at the T P B E C K A W R F 6:00PM CD Ct) ®) g® Nevys MOVIE: 'Requiem for e Heavy­ techniques used by hunting animals. CB Divorce Court w eight' A boxer who almost reaches the PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Whatever success I've had is due to a lot of dD Throe'* Company (B Carol Burnett and Friends top is forced to quit after a match that [ESPN] Bodybuilding: IFBB Night of instinct and a little luck." — Clint Eastwood. m Magnum, P.l. in spells the end. Anthony Quinn, Jackie Champions Ninth annual from Now York, 3® Wsitdy and Me (60 min.) (Taped) ed- 05 Webster Gleason, Mickey Rooney. 1962. ® (3) Late Night With David Latter- ( H Kojak g® Quinceanara [M A X ] MOVIE; 'Twist & Shout' As the man (In Stereo) •s- music of the Beatles invades their country d® A-Taa m This Old House (CC) ® Twilight Zona ALLEY OOP by Dave Graua 2 e n - dZ) in 1963, two Danish teen-agers cope with ® New s (Live) ® More Real Paopla (iJ MOVIE: 'Topper Takse A Trip' Tho their first love and problems at home. WHAT HAPPENED OOP STOMPED d® Doctor W ho Part 4. ghost of Marion Kirby follows Cosmo To p ­ Adam Tonsberg, Lars SImonsen, Camilla g® Gene Scott TO YOU, PET? WHY ON MY FOOT per to the French Riviera, where his wife Soeberg. 1984. Rated R. (Dubbed) ed d® T.J. Hooker [U S A ] Edge of Night ARE YOU HOBBLING TO CURE MY a- has gone to seek a divorce. Constance LIKE THAT ? HEADACHE! ® iS Family Ties Bennett, Roland Young, Billie Burke. 1939 1 1 : 0 0 P M CB Koch on Call 1 2 :3 5 A M (B Entertainment Tonight nho i THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME S D Noticlas [CNN] PrimeNews CB CB @® g® Nows Interview: actor Sherman Hemsiey rt 3® IN N News ("Am en"). (In Stereo) by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee dZ) MacNell / Lahrer Newshour [DIS] Welt Disney Presents: Goofy W HAT A OU Y by Bill Hoast to Success Story Talent scouts discover (1® Untouchables 1 :0 0 A M CB AII in the Family Unscramble these four Jumbles, [CN N ] Showbiz Today Goofy and his humorous laugh. (60 min.) one letter to each square, to form [D IS ] M O VIE: 'U ttia Boy Lost' A four- 3® Leave It to Beaver C B High Rollate four ordinary words. year-old boy's mysterious disappesrence [ESPN] Swimsuit '87 (S ) New s (Live) C B Joe Franklin 4 in the Australian outback has the entire na­ [M AX] MOVIE: 'A Star Is Bom' Love 3® Mysteryl; Inspector Morse (CC) The 3® Twilight Zona tion maintaining a media vigil. John Har­ clashes with careers in the high-powered NOT TOO DEWPI parishionerrs whom Morse questions (3® Matchmaker greaves. Lome Lesly. Nathan Dawes. music world as one star is born, and an­ about the deaths ell appear to be telling HAPPY WITH THE Ids. 1978. other falls. Barbra Streisand, Kris Kristof- less than the whole truth. (60 min.) 8 i) Alice A > [E S P N ] SpohiLook (60 min.) ferson, Gary Busey. 1976. Rated R. (In [C N N ] Inaide Polltict '88 (R) SCRIPT, MISS Stereo) (S IS o a p [U SA ] Cartoons [D IS ] M O V IE; 'M aty W hite' Pulluer HOUSTON, IT [U S A ] Riptide The detectives find them­ (S) M*A*S*H Prize-winning Journalist William White re­ NEEPS A LOT i’s TANBO 6:30PM CB Family Ties selves at odds with crime czar Michael g® PELICULA: 'Los Muchachos de counts his daughter's lifs. Kathleen BeHer, d ) g® ABC News (CC| Santana and his mob when the search for a Antes no Ueaben AreenicK)' Tres anci- Ed Flanders, Tim Matheson. 1977. OF REWRITE." THE BORN LOSER by Art Santom charter ship that blew up at sea. (60 min.) anos dispuestos a sacudir el yugo qua trata i r (0 ) Jeffersons (CC). de Imponerles la esposa de uno de ellos. [U S A ] Edge of Night WF'RE IN W F W 6T HOW lU HIP BAUW /,, d® d® N B C New s (CC). 8:30PM CB N B A Saeketball: N e w Narciso Menta, Mario Soffici, Mecha Ortiz. York Knicka at Houiton Rockets (2 hrs., 1 :0 5 A M CB Magnum, P.l. d® Nightly Business Report (5® Love Connection JOWIARJUr A LITTLg i9 30 min.) (Live) 1 :1 0 A M [TM C] MOVIE: 'Raiting Ari- ENTINY ® Bosom Buddies )U t (g ) (S ) Different W orld (C C ) Clair visits [C N N ] Monayline zona* (C C ) After discovering that they aPTIAA^/KIDOO^ W H A T TO g® Noticisro Univislon Denise et Hillman College; Whitley looks can't have children, a young couple de* ' / I ' PI IS [D IS ] Missing Adventures of Ozzle and □z &IVE YOUR WIFE d® Love Connection (or somebody with whom she can cele­ Harriet cides to borrow an Infant quint from a Q wealthy local family. NIcoIbs Cage. Holly A T 3 A M . brate her birthday. (In Stereo) [USA] Airwolf ON THE FA8TRACK by Bill Holbrook [C N N ] Inside Politics '88 Hunter, Trey Wilson. 1987. Rated P(3-13. AXALGY 8:35PM dZ) Frugal Gourmet 1 1 : 3 0 P M CB 3® To Be Anrtouncod. (In Stereo) 7:00PM ( D CB S News (CC) ^M6.TR6L.U$, l SOPfb^E^ NO, I MEAN \V9 HA)J(i ON. T)jeR6 Now arrange the circled letters to g® Hotel (C C) David Is of­ (d ) New s 9:00PM CB CB ® Nightline (CC). 1:1 S A M [M AX] MOVIE; 'Hot Child in form the surprise answer, as sug­ fered a job In San Diego and Megan learns. Wei^ friROUfirH , 1^ wAiir A coMPLgrea ’ W 6T 6 E 50ME7IIIN&-' □ □ z gested by the above cartoon 3® Honeymooners the CR y' A young woman it stalked by e CB §® Wheel of Fortune (CC). that she's pregnant; Peter gets Involved killer as she Inveitigatsa bar ilite r's mur­ WDpKlNCr oN m------e t STAFF AND 1 IN THe COMPAN43Im ® Cheers (CC) Blount Jr.; the Phillip Brunelle Ensemble; I Fii-f.ep o u r w e Includt youf nim*. •ddraaa ano tip coda and maba cRoc* pa|taa<« lo Ntwapaparbooka dZ) Nightly Business Report 1:50AM [HBO] MOVIE;'The Housa- d® Upstairs, Downstairs actress Kim Hunter. (90 min.) (In Stereo) ®® Family Ties kospar' Unaware of her mental inttabillty, ’ W /? o N (5 51 P E . [CN N ] Monsylina g® Tel Como Somos [ESPN ] SporteCanter a New England family hires a timid Engllth- woman aa their domestic servant. Rhs T U R N I M [ESPN] SportsCenter [C N N ] Larry King Live [TM C] MOVIE: 'Nightmare on Elm Street 3; Dream Warriors' A group of in­ Tushingham, Rots Patty, Jackie Bur­ [D IS] MOVIE: The Kid from Lett Field’ TBSTS I HOPP THAT PoSSN'T [HBO] MOVIE: '84 Charing Cross stitutionalized teen-agers unite to rid them­ roughs. 1986. Rated R. Road' (CC) Based on the 20-year transa­ A boy's father secretly helps him manage MEIPE-V selves of the evil Influence of cNId- 2 :0 0 A M CB l Love Lucy tlantic relationship between New York wri­ and turn around a losing big league bell Bridge COUNT A<5AIW^T MB- club. Dan Dailey, Anne Bancroft, Lloyd murderer Freddy Knjsger. Heather ter Helene Hanff and the owner of an an­ Langenkamp, Patricia Arquene. Robert En- CB Home Shopping Overnight Service d . Bridges. 1953. (3 hrs.) Astrograph tique book store in London. Anne glund. 1987. Rated R. (In Stereo) Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins, Judi Dench. [ESPN] Gymnastic: International 3® Celebration of Caring 1987. Rated PG Mixed k Palis From Allentown. Pa. (90 11 :35P M [HBO] Tanner '88; For spade. Willy was able to take only his • ~ T h A y e j S-Z4 Real Part 1 (C C) Presidential hopeful Jack [E S P N ] Sports Look yours sometimes has trouble keeping [N IAX] Cinemax Seesiont: Roy Orbison min.) (Taped) Too dazzled Tanner (Michael Murphy) continues on the [U S A ] Search for Tomorrow top cards in the red suits before giving 9 secrets. Today, It's best not to discuss 6 Friends -- A Black and White Night [HBO] MOVIE: 'Apocalypse Now' A comedy campaign trail - receiving death up the last two tricks to the opposition. sn with this person something you want Orbison performs such classics as "Only special agent journeys Into Vietnam with 2 :0 5 A M CB Newt (R) NORTH 3-Z4-88 to see the way ^ u r the Lonely, " "Oh, Pretty Woman" and orders to find and kill s renegade American threats and being pursued by "character Poor Willy was afflicted by a little kept confidential. cops". Part 2 of 2. ♦ Q 5 WINTHROP by Dick Cavalll "Blue Bayou " with the help of Jackson colonel. Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, 2 : 3 0 A M C B m o v i e ; 'Th# stunt Man' table blindness, a malady that causes ^ r t h d a y VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) Today, when VA97 By Janies Jacoby Browne, Elvis Costello, Bruce Springsteen, Rooert Duvall. 1979. Hated R. (In Stereo) 1 2 : 0 0 A M CB News A fughiva finds himself at the mercy of on bridge players to sometimes miss ob­ conversing with friends, it's best to eccentric director when he teket re n m on ♦ 8 6 Tom Waits and Jennifer Warnse. (60 min.) [TM C ] MOVIE: 'The Great Gateby' A vious plays. When dummy’s queen of I i-BAPNEDTO keep to yourself a bit of gossip you CB HR Squad a movie set as a stunt man. Peter O'loola, ♦AJ8764 (In Stereo) handsome tycoon, now married to a mem­ Because veterans of rubber bridge A AAAG-IC March 25,1988 heard about a mutual pal. The rumor CB Entertainment Tonight Interview: ac­ Steve Reilsback, Barbara Hershey. 1980. spades holds the first trick, declarer 0 0 [TM C J MOVIE: 'Badge of tho Assassin' ber of Long island society, seeks to recep- W E S T ' EAST are accustomed to doing everything In the year ahead, you will make several has yet to be substantiated. tor Sherman Hemsiey ("Am en"). (In 3® Twilight Zone ' risks nothing if he simply takes a heart TRICK TODAY. Based on a true story, the killers of two turs his lost love. Robert Radford, Mia Far­ Stereo) 4 A J 10 8 7 3 ♦ 9 2 they can to make or break a contract, Important changes in your basic life­ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You are pres­ row, Bruce Dam. 1974. Rated PG. finesse to his jack. If West wins, he New York City police officers are pursued [C N N ] Sports Latsnight T 5 4 3 2 T Q 10 8 6 they look with contempt on duplicate, style. Your adjustments will benefit oth­ ently In a good achievement cycle, but It in a coast-to-coast manhunt. Jamas 3® Star Trek cannot effectively attack spades, [U S A ] MOVIE; 'Little Gloria...Hapappy at [ESPN ] SporteCanter ♦ Q 3 ♦ J 10 4 2 where overtricks are meaningful. But ers as well as yourself. may require a second effort to attain Woods, Yaphet Kotto, Alex Rocco. 1985. The true story of the notorious 1934 3® Love Your Skin since South holds the king protected. [U S A ] MOVIE: 'Santa Fa Trail’ ♦ 2 410 5 3 in duplicate bridge overtricks do ARIES (March 21-April 19) It some- [USA] Airwolf And when Elast holds the heart queen, your goal. Don't give up If things don't child-custody case of 10-year-old heiress count, and one tried-and-true method thirtg Important requires your attention go right the first time. Gloria Vanderbilt. Bette Davis. Angela SOUTH declarer has 12 tricks. He can cash the today, try to get to it as promptly as 7:30PM CB PM Magazine A report on Lansbury, Christopher Plummer. 1982. of milking extra tricks is to run a tong an SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) There are the Academy Awards; a group's exp^l- 4K64 heart king and then run that long club possible Instead of wasting time on Part 2 of 2. 2nd Annual suit and hope the opponents discard I indications that valuable information tion to the North Pole. TK J suit plus the ace of hearts to see if matters that are not as essential. Major foolishly. can be acquired today from a least ex­ CS Current Affair 9:10PM SZlMyateiyl : Rumpolaoftha ♦ AK975 someone can be cajoled into throwing changes are ahead for Aries In the com­ pected source. Make It a point to do Ballay (C C ) Leo McKam returns as author 4KQ9 CB d® Jeopardyl (CC). Hartford Lions Club Willy Nilly was declarer in today’s away his diamond guard. irt ing year. Send for your Astro-Graph more listening than talking. John Mortimef's barrister Horace Rumpde In six new cases beginning with a man ac­ Vulnerable: Both three no-trump contract. After win­ predictions today. Mall $1 to Astro- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Ooc. 21) If you CB d® Bamsy Millar James Jacoby’s books “Jacoby on Graph, c/o this newspaper, P.O. Box 9® INN Newt cused of attempting to murder his busi­ Dealer: West ning West's lead of the spade jack with Bridge’’ and “Jacoby on Card Games’ make a purchase today where the mer­ ness partner. (80 min.) dummy’s queen, Willy couldn’t wait to 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. Be chandise will be delivered at a future NHL Hockey: Hartford Whalara at (written with his father, the late Os­ 3® West North East South sure to state your zodiac sign. Detroit Rad W ings (2 hrs., 30 min.) (Live) 9:30PM (S) ® Days and NIghta of run that long club suit. His first two U.8. ACRES by Jim Davit date, be sure to get In writing the ANTIQUE SHOW 1 ♦ wald Jacoby) are now available at TAUR US (April 20-May 20) You’ll have Molly Dodd Season Pram lere Nine is the Pass Pass Pass discards were the seven and nine of di­ agreed-on terms and price. d® M 'A 'S 'H Pass 3 NT bookstores. Both are published by the answers you'll need to resolve your victim of a burglary; Molly has s job inter­ 2 4 3 * amonds, then finally a low spade. As SOMETHING'S CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) It could d® Newlywod Gams view at e Greenwich V ills ^ bookstore. (In Pass Pharos Books. problems today, but If your methods Sat., MAR. 2610 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pass Pass you might imagine. East did not throw .NOT RIGHT HERE 1 prove unwise If you make an agreement ^ NHL Hockey: Winnipeg Jett at Boa- Stereo) PATTIE are too wishy-washy, you may not be two diamonds away, nor did he discard hastily today just because you don't ton Bruint (2 hrs., 30 min.) Opening lead: ♦ J rattle very effective. 10:00PM (B NCAA Basketball Ploy- Sun., MAR. 2710 a.m. to 5 p.m. two hearts. Instead he let go one card The parrot is the only bird that / want to haggle. Slow down and do ev­ g® Hollywood Squares offs Continuad (2 hrs.) OEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Continue lo erything properly. from each red suit, and then his other yawns. dZ) World of Survival Trinity College monitor your financial affairs with pru­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 19) Left to (B (8) News d® Thrse's Company dence. Things are starting to look up. your own devices, you'll perform com­ C B ® Buck Jam as (C C ) Buck treats an FIELD HOUSE but there are still possibilities lor petently today, but If you let others peek [CN N ] Crottfire Injured death-row Inmate, but a politician Is eager for the men's releaes to keep his slippage. over your shoulder, you may not. [E S P N ] 1985 N C A A Final Four Villan- Hartford, Connecticut CAN CER (June 21-July 22) An Interfer­ axscution date. (60 min.) (Postponed from PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) An ac­ ova, Georgetown, St. John’s and Mem­ an aadler data) ing third party may try to create doubts quaintance who frequently takes credit phis State compete In the NCAA Village CHARM Promotions 1-84 EXIT 47 Westbound In your mind today pertaining to an ar­ Basketball Championship. 3® Wholma Wrap Up for Ideas that he/she has not authored P.O. Box 333 PEOPLE VVHO know ‘ Bronx Zoo (C C ) Sorias return. Dan­ rangement you’ve worked out with an­ might try to pull a little plagiarism on [D IS] Moueatarpleca Thea­ (8) (S) 1-84 EXIT 48 E:a8tbound 7:35PM zig sparks controversy by stopping wel­ Msnchsiter. C T 06040 know there's a certain magic 1 1 1 V W W ■ ■ other. Make your own decisions. you today. D o n ’t let this person ter LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) A close friend of fare check* to families of truant*. (60 min.) (203) 640-7560 ADIVIISSION *2.50 — »2.(X) with Ad about Classified Advertising. I '9>6 liowgd Faqiufe eyndcaM <■« succeed. 8:00PM (B NCAA BatkMball Play­ (In Starso) 643-2711 I 1 8 - I It — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, March 24, 1988 188 — 15 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. March 24, 1988 — 17

Common anti-stroke surgery researchers say. An enlarged prostate makes urination difficult MARKET REPORT A SCIENCE by constricting the urinary tract, and the BUSINESS ActMlyovtuh«ptti30trx)inQ()8Y« With Chapter 11 ending, experimental procedure widens the narrowed HJ has serious compiication rate portion by inflating a balloon, said Flavio jGroller board rejects bid sale & HEALTH Castaneda of the University of Minnesota. 1.100- amu Test results show complete or significant ~ ^roller Inc., the target of an Texaco faces new batties offic BOSTON (AP) reaultlng in permanent damage. resolution of the urination problem in about SO unsolldted takeover attempt by a French [iiiiiii| iiiii III — A common op­ Cure, menstrual cycle linked WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) - nesday affirmed Texaco’s plan to risk everything on the chance Ta Carotid Endarterectomy Surgery In the surgery, doctors open the percent of patients with the most common type .’publisher’ has rejected that bid but now must 1,000- pron eration intended DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - A woman’s After four years of tortuous emerge from bankruptcy protec­ that the U.S. Supreme Court arteries and clean out plaque that of enlargement, he said. •sort through other offers to determine the best mi litigation, Texdco Inc. has won the to prevent stroke partially obstructs them. chance of being cured by breast cancer surgery The half-hour procedure is done with only a one, analysts say. li tion, which hinges on a $3 billion would overrule the Judgment. Wed causes death or An incision is made permission to emerge from the cash settlement with Pennzoil. The reorganization approved in Pie patienTs neck “You ought to have the opera­ may depend on the point in her menstruai cycie local anesthetic and without an overnight stay in On W^nesday, Wall Street indicated it thinks bankruptcy protection forced by Having agreed to pay Pennzoil by Schwartzberg was negotiated Co serious stroke in near Pie caroM at which her surgery is performed, a study of the hospital, he said. Grolier Inc. is worth more than the $4is million mon 10 percent of the arteries tfiat supply tion if it is truly indicated for you its losing a multibillionKlolIar that amount in cash to drop its by committees representing Tex­ and if you have a surgeon with a mice suggests. Standard surgery requires general anesthesia offered by Hachette SA. legal battle with Pennzoil Co. $10.3 billion Judgment, White aco’s creditors, its shareholders, agre elderly patients blood to brain. The study reieased today said researchers or a spinal injection that numbs the lower part of Milv who undergo it, a for complications that is "The rejection of a $21 (per share) bid when 1400- Texaco’s troubles, however, Plains-based Texaco is gearing and Pennzoil. verJIfgood.” said Dr. David H. doubied the breast cancer cure rate in mice by the body, and a hospital stay of several days. .the stock was at $26 was no great shock,” said are far from over. As the nation’s up for a reorganization involving Ellis study published The plan takes effect and to fii AREA OF Solomon, one of the Rand re­ removing the tumor at the right time in the ‘Jane Gilday, managing director of McKinley third-Iargest oil company, it is sales of $3 billion in assets. today concludes. SUnOERY Pennzoil will be paid on April 7, the I The study, searchers. “Our guess is that if mouse menstruai cycie. Allsopp Inc. in New York. “Grolier made it clear seen as vulnerable to a takeover Texaco's troubles began in ^IIEIMAI. “Within a few years we may know if this is there are other bidders and they’re committed IF BTWTf MTWTFMTWTF MTWTF MTWTFM1W by investors who hope to reap big November 1985, when a Houston but much bitterness remains, as Cl based on a large ARTCIW those two prescriptions were Nature may rule longevity ___ H H W > 14 11 ■ 4 K true in human beings,” said Wiiliam Hrushesky F«tn«fy profits by selling off its assets. Jury made the unprecedented well as some sticky issues raised star! survey of the op­ followed, there would indeed be a to maximizing shareholder value.” agai lot less operations done.” of the University of Minnesota. BOSTON — Whether people die young or have Grolier Inc. said its board of directors has Such raiders may have allies $10.3 billion award to Pennzoil during bankruptcy negotiations. eration called ca­ AP graphic Com IjliW rotid endartec- Yh#fetudy reviewed the records The goai wouid be to define Just what creates normal lifespans appears to be ruled more by unanimously rejected as inadequate the among legions of shareholders after deciding Texaco improp­ All interested parties favored O .The arteries any such advantage in peopie, and to use drugs their genes than their upbringing, a study toddy that analysts say were disen­ erly had interfered with Pen- Co. tomy, also found of 1^882 randomly selected Medi­ unsolicited takeover offer from Hachette. endorsement of the reorganiza­ He ^ are damped, to simuiate it during surgery, he said. concludes. Danbury-based Grolier is a publisher of chanted with Texaco manage­ nzoil’s acquisition of part of Getty tion, but there remained objec­ that two-thirds of the plaque is care patients who had the surgery ment even before it became Oil Co. so that Texaco itself could mini the operations removed arid CXTCIMAL in three different parts of the “We could do that in any woman, whether she The research, conducted in Denmark, Was encyclopedias, reference and educational books tions to provisions to grant AinCAV entangled in the legal morass that buy Getty. Or were Judged to be the interior is country. A panel of experts was pre-or post-menopausai,” Hrushesky toid based on a followup of infants who were and children’s books, and owns a film Personal income up 0.9% immunity to all parties involved the flushed with science writers at an American Cancer Society separated from their parents at birth. processing firm. prompted its April 12 bankruptcy ’Texaco filed for Chapter 11 in the original Texaco-Getty- unnecessary or saline solution. Judged that one-third of the WASHINGTON — Americans’ personal filing. bankruptcy protection to avoid of questionable opbi'ations were Justified, seminar. If the biologic parents died at an early age, Pennzoil matter. Breast cancer wiil appear in 135,000 American there was an increased chance that their incomes rose a healthy 0.9 percent in February, Texaco management has posting what it said would be a value. another third were questionable, the best showing in four months, while consumer vowed to resist any attempt to ruinous $11 billion bond while On Tuesday, a small group of T h e r e - COMMON- while the rest were clearly women this year and kill 42,000, the society children would die during their first five Boesky reports to prison CAROTID spending climbed at the most rapid pace since dismember the company but appealing that verdict. It was the dissident shareholders settled 16 searchers con­ unnecessary. estimates. decades, as well. But there was no such link with many industry analysts expect at largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. lawsuits against Texaco, saying cluded that the ARTERY the deaths of adoptive parents. NEW YORK — Ivan F. Boesky, who made December, the government reported today. In most cases, the Rand re­ The Commerce Department also said least one full-scale takeover history. they would support the reorgani­ operation is sub- Treatment shows promise “We conclude that premature death in adults millions by trading stocks on inside information, attempt. By last December, after a zation plan in the belief that searchers considered the opera­ has a strong genetic background — especially has begun serving his three-year sentence at a consuiner spending, powered by a pickup in auto s t a n t i a 11 y U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge string of losses in Texas courts, company would be in far worse HON( overused. tion appropriate only if patients NEW YORK — An experimental treatment for death due to infections and vascular causes,” minimum-security prison camp where Jobs pay sales, advanced 0.7 percent in February, a Howard Schwartzberg on Wed­ Texaco chose to settle rather than condition if it were not approved. suffered warning symptoms, had enlarged prostate glands shows promise as an wrote Dr. Thorkild I.A. Sorensen and colleagues a maximum $17.60 a week. marked improvement from the 0.1 percent Japane! In areas where 2 The artery is thing fr significant clogging of the carotid outpatient alternative to surgery that from Hvidovre University Hospital in Boesky, 51, reported Wednesday to the January increase. A the complication closed, the arteries and were in good enough ships at The rise in personal incomes followed a A hospitalizes about 400,000 American men a year. Copenhaaen. 700-inmate federal prison camp at Lompoc, rate is as high as damps health to withstand the surgery. has sps the average removed and .Calif., the prison said. modest 0.3 percent January increase and was Realty franchise first of four those pc found in the sur­ blood flow IS The camp, ISO miles northwest of Los Angeles, the best showing since a 1.9 percent increase in restoied In the survey, more than 3 October. prope'rt vey, the surgery percent of the patients died as a is on about 44,000 acres of heavily forested land Realtor Barbara B. Weinberg The agency has five pages of Connecticut offices, and in 1987, ing timi should never be result of their surgery, while ACUPUNCTURE FOR HEALTH and contains a dairy, slaughterhouse and With incomes rising faster than spending, was to officially open a new listings in the current edition of had 2,134 listings. 1,889 sales and But rr done "because furniture factory. Inmates sleep in a former AmeriBans’ savings rate climbed as well, rising agency, RE/MAX East of the the East of the River magazine, a total listing and sales volume of latest ii AP gripMc more than 6 percent suffered CALDWELL "A Caring Wholiitic Health Center" River, at 297 E. Center St. today the risks would strokes during or immediately army barracks. to 5.2 percent of after-tax income last month, the she said. more than $863,000. say the almost certainly outweigh the The number of the operations STEPHEN GREENBERG, Dipl. AC. (N.CCA.) “He could be in the slaughterhouse, he could highest level since October. and plans to open franchises in Weinberg said she is "very The franchise allows agents to is a hoc after the operations. Solomon Hartford. Vernon and South benefits,” said the Rand Corp. grew from 85,000 in 1982 to 107,000 said that when the operation is OIL INC. National Board Certified Acupuncturist be in the landscape crew, he could be working in The big gain in incomes reflected in part pleased” with the results of the keep too percent of their commis­ confidei doctors in their study published in the dairy operation. He will be required to work healthy increases in employment which Windsor in the future. new franchise. sions and share office expenses, Mayo in 1985. However, in 1986 it studied at big medical centers, ■ Pain of all types Weinberg and her husband. RE/MAX International Inc. is rent and other costs so each the New England Journal of dropped to 83,000, apparently as a the combined death and stroke ■ gynecological Problems a full-time assignment,” said Warden Richard occurred during February. The unemployment posed si Medicine. 79.9 Rison. rate dropped to 5.7 percent last month, an Stan, bought the RE/MAX fran­ an international real-estate fran­ agent, in effect, owns a piece of the saje result of growing criticism of the rate is usually under 3 percent. ■ Asthma, Allergiea, Sinusilia per gal. C. O. D. 8'/i-yearlow. chise in August. She changed the chise headquartered in Denver, Ihe business, Weinberg said. ral or | They recommended that the surgery. ■ Stop Smoking name of the company, formerly Colo., that has more than 1,248 ”It is a wonderful opportunity procedure be limited to hospitals "It's my hope that with the Other studies have shown that anyone if people have small strokes that called B/W Realty Inc., in Janu­ offices and 17.935 :igcnts nation­ for professional agents to be in has no | and doctors that have low compli­ publicity, it may be that people 649-8841 I Only Sterilized DlepoaableJVeedlleiiMlJeed^j ary and moved from herofficesat wide. In 1987, RE/MAX reaped business for themselves, but not cation rates. cause momentary dizziness, brief Meet Subl^et to Chango Honda settles bias case or woul are asking for second opinions,” * 543 N. Main St., Manchester 647-8789 GM recalls Corvettes, vans 164 E. O nter St. to the refur­ $34.8 billion in-^alcs. It is the by themselves,” Weinberg said. “If you look for very hard- said Dr. Mark- Dyken of Indiana blindness or other passing symp­ WASHINGTON — Some 370 blacks and least ha toms, they face a 10 percent bished office Feb. 12. second largest real estate com­ At today’s opening, local Fasl’s nosed proof of the operation, it's University, who wds one of the women who were rejected for Jobs at Honda of DETROIT — General Motors Corp. is Since August. Ihe Weinbergs pany in the United States and bankers, town officials, a repr) hard to show that what we are first to question the wide use of annual risk of major strokes. If America Manufacturing Inc. will be receiving ilar sta they have narrowed carotid ar­ recalling about 4,900 1988 Chevrolet Corvettes to have also placed a binder for a Canada for gross volume and senlative from Manchester consin a doing is the right thing,” said Dr. the operation. checks from the company averaging $16,200 to fix defective wheel welds that could cause the franchise in Hartford, and will number of transactions, accord­ munity College and a represm a- John Skillman, a vascular sur­ The surgery is performed on teries but no warning signs, their settle a discrimination complaint. affect t annual stroke risk is about 3 wheel center to separate from the rim during purchase a franchise with a ing to David Liniger, RE/MAX tive from the Greater geon at Boston's Beth Israel the carotid arteries in an effort to Roger Lambert, a spokesman for the braking or cornering. partner in Vernon and have a founder and chairman of the Manchester Chamber of Com­ Hospital. "There are a lot of percent. prevent strokes. These arteries automaker, stressed that all the workers The automaker said Wednesday it is also right of first refusal for the South board. merce were to speak on the role of indications, as this paper sug­ run up both sides of the neck. If Despite the findings, however, involved had been hired over the past few years Windsor franchise. The firm has more, than 40 small business in the community. gests, that a lot of people are recalling about 460 1987 GMC and Chevrolet Weinberg said she hopes to they become plugged, the flow of experts said that some patients and that the $6 million settlement had not been full-size vans to correct fuel tank filler pipes that being operated on who don't need blood to the head is interrupted, probably benefit from the prompted by anyone suing the company for open the Vernon franchise in fall the surgery at all " could cause fuel to leak during refueling or 1988 and the Hartford office in and some of the brain may die. operation. alleged discrimination. turning. “The matters in this agreement were not spring 1989. ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. SALE No accidents or injuries have been linked to Since buying the franchise, the raised by any individual at Honda of America either problem, GM said. Vehicle owners are Robert J.$mllh, Inc. A Newapaper in Education Program Manufacturing,” Lambert said Wednesday in a Weinbergs have attended train­ Sponsored by EVERYTHING being notified of the recall by dealers, who will ing classes at corporate head­ gi INSURANSM fTHS INSURANSMITHS SINCE Influenza T h e Q u iz telephone interview from company headquar­ correct the problems at no charge, the company quarters in Denver, and a broker- The Manchester Herald ON SALE!! ters in Marysville, Ohio. “They were raised by said. owner conference in San 1914 Now thru March 31st the EEOC. No one went to the EEOC.’’ The Corvettes, all equipped with 17-inch Francisco. 2 (10 poInlB tor ooch qoottlon ontworod corroclly) Nevertheless, Honda and the EEOC reached 2 outbreak woridscope wheels, may be missing a weld on sonfe wheels, They have also been recruiting Save 25%-40% On Calculators! agreement in a settlement-signed by the GM said. The condition could result in partial agents Weinberg said her staff commission Tuesday and announced by both loss of steering control and a sudden change in has increased from four to five 649-5241 parties Wednesday. vehicle direction, the automaker said, part-time agents to 12 full-time 65 E. Center Street hits state Save 20%-30% On Cash Registers! agents, all with a more than $3 Manchester, CT. million sales volume. NEW HAVEN (AP) - A Save 20% On Typewriters and late-sea.son infipenzn outhioak that has been -'racing thi-ough 25% on all Paper & Ribbon Supplies! 4 Connecticut ha.s killed at lea.st BENADRYL 4 VIDAL CORTAID . 1 o-i. seven people and sent do-/,ens of SERVING BUSINESS WITH: BRAND NAMES CARRIED: SINUTAB Decongestant victims to hospital emergency Typewriters ■ Word Processors ■ Calculators NOSE A ll Typos Tab or Cap. Borxidry] BENADRYL Cream or S O 0 7 rooms, medical authorities say. Victor ■ Swintec ■ Olivelli ■ Paymaster SASSOON Cash .Registers ■ Check Writers • Computer Letter ■ Teknika ■ TA Adler/Royal • Citizen 24's 2 4 's Decongestant €■ : VIDAl > Oint. Jm Others hit with three strains of BETTER AftssnoN, Shampoo the virus have suffered weeklong Quality Printers ■ Ribbons & Ink Rollers • Sanyo E llx e r vmm ' Nasal Spray sftssnnv or Rinse bouts of coughing, aches, fever, 39 Purnell Piece DiCiJFlU—8FY 4 02. sore throats and nausea, accord­ ALLSTATE HOURS: (B«hlnd MartoWt Dapt. Stora) 1 0 2 . Benadryl A ll Types ing to some physicians, who say BUSINESS MQn.-Fri. 9-5 Meuchetter 8 02. the aggressive influenza is more 1 In Ihe past few days, unpaid workers in Panama have been MACHINES severe thaU the run-of-the-mill Sal. 9:30-4 643"€156 common viruses that usually striking against Ihe government led by General Manuel Noriega. cause colds but no fever. That government recently (CHO O SE O N E : cut wages in half, “We're clearly seeing in­ deferred payment indefinitely) after Ihe U.S. began applying fluenza. as opposed to'w hat pressure on Panama’s banks. people call the flu. and colds.” KAOPECTATE KAOPECTATE FIRST 2 During his recent visit here, Matchwords OGILVIE FIRST said Dr. Albert C. VVeihl. assist­ (2 points for tach corract match) T/UIPU ant medical director of Yale-New Yitzhak Shamir continued to Liquid Tablets Home Perm RESPONSE oppose Ihe idea of an inter­ 1- honor a-hul RESPONSE Haven Hospital’s I. emergency 12 oz. ___ I 2 ’s K it Pregnancy Tampons services. national conference on Ihe Ovulation Kit All Types Two of the strains are the more Middle East, something his main 2- hoodlum b-inn Kit vicious Influenza A. while the political rival, ..t.., accepts. $ 4 6 7 K it 4 0 ’s 3- hoslelc-integrity GOOD FRIENDS MAKE GREAT NEIGHBORS K it third is the weaker Influenza B. 3 After a week of student protests, Kaope^!; Dr. Barbara Roach, attending Callaudel University named its 4- hoveld-uproar internist and rheumatologist at first (C H O O S E O N E : deaf, blind) In addition to * 21” the Hospital of St Raphael said president in Ihe school’s 124- 5-hubbub e-thug influenza usually peaks in Con­ year history providing you with a choice of necticut between December and Peopiewaich/sportiioht 1 meal daily, additional meal available, regular February, 4 Crim e in 1987 remained stable for Ihe third straight year. H ow ­ (5 polnia for vach correct answvr) STAYTRIM ”It’s a little late this year. housekeeping, 24-hour security, fire protection system, OLD We’re not clear why.” she said. ever, evperls say crime will in­ I The so-called "Rat Pack" — consisting OLD Diet Gum crease in Ihe nest decade as Ihe of entertainers Frank Sinatra, Sammy maintenance o f residence and grounds, laundry rooms, EX DIGEL Weihl described the outbreak unMinuMmi GAS-X number of Americans aged Davis |r., and (C H O O S E O N E : ferry All Flavors Tabs as an epidemic and said the professionally staffed beauty and barber shop, chauffeured SPICE I ^ S X Extra AOVANODFORMliU intensity has become readily (C H O O S E O N E : 14 to 24, 24 to lewis. Dean Martin) — recently reunited Stick SPICE 2 0 'a All Flavors 30) increases. for a tour of major U.S. cities. Strength 90's apparent over the past three local transportation, daily activities and social events, well- Deodorant Spray LAX weeks. 5 Former presidential aide Robert The big winner at Ihe recent "People’s T a b s IB ’s 59 lighted parking, full-service central dining room, lobby reception All Typos 3 OZ. 9 “Normally you don't .see in­ McFarlane recently pleaded Choice Awards" was who was 4 8 ’s 9 fluenza in the emergency room, guilty to (C H O O S E O N E: mis­ voted favorite male TV performer, area, library with fireplace, private dining room with fireplace, 3.75 02. $ 2 1 7 but we're seeing about 15 to 20 demeanor charges of withhold­ favorite male entertainer, and all-time patients a day. It has not dropped ing information from, felony favorite TV star. card and game room, gift and sundries shoppe, lounge area with off significantly yet,” Weihl said. charges of lying to) Congress When the pairings for Ihe N C A A college fireplace, members pantry fw special events, physical fitness Although the state does not about Ihe Iran-contra deal. basketball tournament were announced facilities, arts and crafts studio, landscaped courtyard with track the number of influenza last week, Ihe lop four seeds were ONE-A-DAY FLINTSTONES deaths each year for selected Purdue, Arizona, Temple and (CHOOSE dining terrace, centrally located elevators ADVANCE TYLENOL cities, the Centers for Disease Newsname O N E : Syracuse, Oklahoma). Vitamins MENNEN Max. Str. Sinus GAVISCON Control in Atlanta does. (IS points It you can Idontlly this and garden areas with walking paths.... Within All Typos Tab or Caplet person In the news) Last week, with less than four days to go, Pregnancy According to the CDC for the 60’s — ^ 100's Speed Stick Tabs sentimental favorite foe Redinglon was ...the Arbors will be a community where 24's week ending March 12, 46 people Anti'PerepIrant lOO'a leading the Idilarod, a famous (CHO O SE Kit died in New Haven and three of I recently marked my good friends will make great neighbors. All Types $ 9 4 9 those deaths was attributed to third year as Ihe O N E : sled dog, cross country ski) race HEYDAY Gavtsom $519 ^ Soviet Union’s lop in Alaska. speed 2.25 02. vtadJftttfti influenza leading to pneumonia, s tic h ■'AU*UJ Matthew Cartter epidemiology leader. W ho am I 5 Argentina’s Cabriela Sabalini defeated program coordinator for the state and what Is my most No. 1-ranked Steffi Graf in Ihe finals of $0 ^ Department of Health Services, Important lillel Ihe Virginia Slims of Florida recently. rntCAiaUIAtEXmASONMMwrfo *0*^)0 I1 said Wednesday TRUE O R FALSE: It was Ihe first time _____ *O0 JDDL In Hartford. 59 people died, one Sabalini has ever beaten Graf. person died from influenza and YOUR SCORE: (1 to 100 potnls — TOP SCORE: ARBORS Avallablo at participating NED 01 to so DOInta - EzcallanL 71 to 10 points - Pood. 01-70 aolnli - Pair. .vniop l««K)K pneumonia: and in Bridgeport, 60 Please send more information VALUE PLUS STORES! people died, three from influenza 403 West Center Street SYNEPHRINE Not all Homs available at all stores. BASIS and pneumonia. Figure.s for other Manchester, Connecticut 06040-4738 Have a counselor call me EUCERIN 12 H r. S p ra y weeks were not available ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ Not responsible for typographical errors. Soap Cream Buy 1 Got 1 FREE Wednesday. inill-S !8op pa|«-P !F««>H»l>IO B A S S a I A ll Typos Name 16 02. .5 02. “Every year, people say it’s -C !Xqso3 |||g-z !u||jrFV uraQ-l :iH3ITlli0d$/H31VM31l PL-P fI'Ap-c AHB-OO Phone - MAItCH 24-27, 1000 Manchester strains tsarag uouijqs-jr !X|a||U||apui luauiXrd pajja|ap-| :3d03SaiH 0M *r-n"-

18 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, March 24, 1988

18 — 17 .MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. March 24, 1988 — It No deal yet on Compounce Some IRA withdrawals pIC, CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING 643-2711 HARTFORD (AP) — Negotiations of a possible Entertainment oroup Inc. of Milwaukee was sale of the 142-year-old Lake Compounce removed earlier this week when the federal despite what the IRS says m iTTIM E amusement park in Bristol may resume Friday, Economic Development Administration agreed Notices QUESTION: HELP WANTED HELP WANTED officials said. tentatively to guarantee part of the loan that ANSWER: You can take It out,, I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED I hELP WANTED Dr. Crane’s Answers Talks in Hartford involving a Wisconsin You have writ­ AS o condition precedent to chance would be issued by the bank to the new buyers, penalty-free, in periodic pay- COMPANION Wanted for promoter, his potential partner from Boston and ten twice that a the placement ot onv odver- CYTOLOGIST CT Court according to U.S. Rep. Nancy L. Johnson, ' ments, as explained in this^ tl»lnp In the Manchester He­ elderly parents. Duties t h e Catch of the day. DENTAL Assistant. Ex­ provision of the (ASCP). 20 hour posi­ lent, the Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. ended R-Conn. column’s previous item. Becausb’ rald, Advertiser hereby Include light house­ Every day. Red Lobs­ cellent full time oppor­ CLERK/TYPIST Tax Reform CT •Qj. In v e s t o r s ’ opreet to protect. Indemnify tion In our computer­ tunity In team oriented iproved Wednesday without sale of the park. EDA has “ approved in principle” a guarantee you are under age 59(A, the only, keeping and some ized Cvtology Depart­ ter. We're a leader In Enjoy working In a plaa- Connecticut Bank and Trust, which holds a Act of 1986 al- V ohd hold harmless the Mon- the nation's seafood Glastonbury group •ant, friendly, atmoa- [otiated of a little more than $5 million, Johnson said. way you can make a lump-sum,* chester Herald, Its officers cooking. 4 hours a day. ment. Very flexible mortgage on the park, did not reach and lows people iv G u id e Coll 568-5950 offer 4pm. Industry. That means practice. Salary and phera? Do you have good Quiz on Page 2. ng Tex- But Johnson said approval would be contingent penalty-free IRA withdrawiF and ensployees against any hours. Excellent benef­ benefits commensu­ agreement with Joseph Entertainment Group of with individual dhd all liability, loss or its and avallabtlltv of we can promise you typing and lalaphone 1. BBB (Bees, Judges. Chapters 14 & 16) lolders, on everyone else making good on their part of the William A. Doyle would be by becoming totally, DAYCARE needed 3 days more and deliver on It. rate with experience. skllla? ThI* opportunity It 2. Duck Milwaukees and a Massacusetts investor. Albert retirement ac­ expense, Including attor­ daycare. It Interested 633-3673. ______deal. EDA came upnwith an $8 million loan disabled. Disabled IR A partici­ neys' fees, orlsing from a week, afternoons. please contact: Rock­ And that makes us your availabla at this email 3. Spider (Arachnid with 8 legs) Ellis, in part because of disagreements over how counts and who claims ot unfair trode practi­ Coll 649-2798 after catch of the day tor guarantee for HERCO when it bought Lake pants have always been Allowed ville General Hospital, COUNTRY Carpenters HaiMord area oftlca. Ex- 4. 49 (But 20 are leached from the soil, causing ct and to finance $4.5 million in improvements slated for Compounce several yehrs ago. have not ces, Infringement of trade­ 12pm. excellent lob opportun­ looking to hire laborer to make penalty-free wRlidra-^ marks, trade names or pot- 31 Union Street, Rock- eallSItl benaflti, perman­ goiter, caries, cancer & maybe AIDS) ^pril 7. the park, officials said. reached, age vllle, CT. 872-0501. ities. Currently we with own transporta­ ent poaltlon. Idaal for ao- Dick Denoia, a spokesman at Connecticut wals before reaching 59>A. ents, violation of rights of have the following po­ 5. Mortician (Funeral director) CBT has been the principal negotiator since it 59»A or become disabled to take PART-TIme Saturdovs, tion. Dependability a maona ra-antaring the lins, as Bank and Trust, said Wednesday talks had IRS offices and IRA sponsors I really don’t understand your, privacy and Infringement of about 4V5 hours deliv­ NURSERY Landscaper sitions available; Wal­ started foreclosure proceedings in December money out of their IRAs without copyright and proprietory must. Call for Inter­ work force. Plaaaa call I raised continued but he had not been advised of an such -as banks certainly do. And gripe. \^en you made those ering bread and pastry. helper needed. Good ters/Waitresses, Day view. 649-0822 after 6 against the current majority owners of Lake paying the 10 percent penalty tax rights, unfolr competition starting pay. Please Mrs. Palmar at ations. agreement being reached. anyone can get hold of IRS $2,000 tax-deductible annual IR A ond libel ond slander, which Drivers license re- Food Preparation, p.m. ______— under certain circumstances. telephone 644-1966. Compounce. Hershey Entertainment & Resort If Joseph EntertaipWent acquires the majority Publication 590 “ Individual Re­ contribuitons, you knew — or; mov result from the publlco- qulred. Coll 646-0795. Night Kitchen, other RESTAURANT food 2 8 9 - 9 5 7 6 avored SPOT Person. Full or positions also availa­ Co. interests from HERCO, the company plans to You claim, to avoid the tax tirement Arrangements.” Just should have known — that with-;, tron of onv odvertlsment In NURSE or Medical As­ servers, banouet ganiza- Hershey has not made payments on an $18.3 penalty, withdrawals from IRAs the Manchester Herald by part time. 9-5pm. Com­ ble. We otter: full and servers, bartenders, /ANtED. Experienced open the park for business around Memorial Day call the IRS “ Forms” number drawals before age 59>A would be; odvertlser, Including adver­ sistant part time, 15-17 part time, flexible objec- million loan since October. before 89V4 must be made in pany paid benefits. See barbacks, cocktail Tree Cllmber- weekend and build an amphitheater next year. listed in your local phone book. subject to the penalty tax. That* tisements In onv free distri­ hours per week In spe­ Charlie at Good Sports, scheduling, great start­ grant One of the last apparent obstacles to the sale of periodic payments at least once a bution publications pub­ cialist, well run, plea- servers, doorperson, Foremon. Familiar HELP WANTED Bristol Mayor John J. Leone said that Joseph Page 11 of Pub. 590 lists part of the IR A rules hasn’t" 1017 Sullivan Avenue, ing salary, meal dis­ with all phases of HELP WANTED ivolved year over the life expectancy of lished bv the Manchester sont office. Will train. line cook, bus person, the 142-year-old amusement park to Joseph Entertainment is planning to add rides this year. “ distributions that are a part of a changed. South Windsor. counts, paid vacatlon- dishwasher, mainte­ spraying, pruning, tree -Getty- Herald. Penny Sleffert, Resume to: Beniamin FRAMERS Needed. Most the IRA participant or the joint series of substantially equal Publisher, EXPERIENCED Profes- /holidays, profit nance person. Apply removal, etc. Top DENTAL Receptionist. Adorno M .D ., 57 Union sharlng/savlngs plon, hove 2 years expe­ Full time, Vernon of­ M life expectancy of the participant slonal Painter-Good at: The Gallery, 141 wage plus benefits, sa­ payments over your life or your Street, Rockville, CT rience, have own tools and his or her beneficiary. You Brush Man. Immediate eligibility for group New London Turnpike, lary according to abil­ fice. Pleasant staff. Be­ roup of life expectancy or the lives of you QUESTION: I am 45 and wouIcC LOST 06066. health/dental Insu­ and transportation. nefits, experienced also say, once the withdrawals opening. Excellent sa- Glastonbury. ity and experience. 872- tied 16 and your beneficiary” as one of like to make periodic withdraw AND FOUND PERSONAL Care Attend­ rance. Hook up with 4513. Immediate position preferred but willing to have begun, they must continue ant for male ouadrl- lorv and benefits. saying the four types of IRA withdrawals wals from my IRA to avoid the KH* Apply to: The Mak the best. And find out available. 643-1720 train, mature, self- Hawaii joins Japan-bashers for at least five years or until the pleglc. Possible llve-ln. how good opportunity CHILD core workers SWIMMING pool in- Mark. motivated person. Call organi- taken before age 59'/4 on which no percent tax penalty. Based on m y ' LOST. Gray and Black ^ ------' '3-2659. 643-0805 from Noon- can be. Interviews con­ needed. Full- and part- stoMer. Must have two 525-3868 between 10-4. >f that IRA particpant becomes 59‘A, penalty tax is due. life expenctancy, I should with­ Keeshond around Bld- time positions availa­ years' experience with X-RAY Technician. Im ­ well Street area. 8pm. ducted 2-4pm dally at: Male/Femole.______worse whichever comes later. Your letter is one of dozens draw $M,000 a year, but I wish to UBORER ble. Good starting pay In-ground vinyl pools. mediate Medical Care HONOLULU (AP) — A wave of resort and industrial land. It has district. Answers to Frosty. Call MATURE Care Giver to Red Lobster, 922 Silver Center of Manchester PLUMBER. P-2 license •roved. I telephoned the local Internal questioning previous columns on withdraw only $24,000 annually. work with Infants and and benefits. Expe­ 742-7803. Evenings 742- Japanese purchases of every­ little chance of being considered Japanese investors have paid a 643-9180. Construction Lane, East Hartford, 9277.______has a full time opening reaulred. Great oppor­ Revenue Service twice, the se­ this subject. It seems that many Do regulations permit this? toddlers. 12:30-5:30. CT. Eouol Opportunity rience preferred but thing from farmland to member­ by the legislature because it was not necessary. Call 646- tor 0 registered X-Rov tunity and working A total of $99 million for property cond time speaking to a “ tax ABC Daycare, Inc. 647- Apply In Person. Employer. FULL-TIME receptlon- ships at prestigious country clubs submitted late in the session. IRS offices and IRA sponsors are 7 0 9 0 . ______Techniclon. Interested conditions In Manches­ along Kapiolani Boulevard since specialist,” and was informed 0788. 649-9228. Ist. Light typing. 9-5 applicants colt Sheri at ter area. 649-6726 days. has sparked a backlash among Fasi blames the Japanese for giving out bad information; 1986. there is no such provision in the ANSWER: No. The rules saj*»* Employment The Andrew TEACHER Long term CHILD CARE needed In Mondov-Frldov or port 721-7393, Mondov- 673-0653 evenings. those peeved at a resulting rise in ^ART Time occasional substitute for grades mv home for newborn. time 9-1 pm or 1-5 pm. skyrocketing property taxes re­ tax law. The IRA department of your annual periodic wlthdra-7 Frldov, 9-4. property taxes and tee-off wait­ Another Japanese investor help wanted. Position Aneeldl Co. 78.8 Math. CT. State Days and evenings. Ex­ Coll Linda at 646-1980 HARVEST Shop. Tlcke- sulting from rising home prices, my bank says it has no knowledge QUESTION: I began making re-opened. Applica­ tron Operator, jewelry n 1987, ing times. sparked protests last month over wals such as you are considering^ PART TIME 186 Bldwell Street Certificotlon In Math perienced and referen- between 9-1 pm. and for longer waits for tee-off of the provision. $2,000 annual IRA contributions tions will be accepted or eligibility for certifi­ ces. Colt 646-8115. assembly, general es and But many call the criticism the his plans to evict an elderly must be calculated by dividing^ HELP WANTED Manchester DENTAL Receptionist times at the Honolulu Country If the IRS and the bank in 1983. I am 46 and have never through Saturday cation reaulred. Aca­ for small busy prac­ shop kee'ping and soles. ume of latest in "Japan bashing," and couple from the agricultural land the value of your IRA as of th e« March 26. The Mall- X-RAY technician for Hours needed; Satur­ Club, where Japanese nationals statements to me are contestable, had any problems saving money. IF you are not afraid ot demic concentration In busy orthopedic proc- CLERICAL tice. 4 days per week. say the foreign-based investment they had leased for 10 years so he previous Dec. 31 by your life'’ INSURANCE. Expanding room, 341 East Center day 9:45-6pm. Thurs- pay $150,000 for memberships. where in the tax laws is the hard work and enloy Math and some knowl­ tlce In Storrsoreo. Full Automotive office help Duties Inlude: schedul­ ents to could build a golf course. Therefore, I liked the IRA for the expectancy. property and casualty Street, Manchester. edge of computers ore dovs unltl 8:30pm. Ad- is a boon and a sign of Japanese “ They just about own down­ agency looking tor part working outside, have time. Experience ne- needed. Experience ing, Insurance, record mmis- provision you mention? tax deduction. The new tax law And, WOW! IRS Publication desireable. Contact keeping. Experience dltlonal hours confidence in the U.S. economy. town,” Fasi said Wednesday. A Japanese real estate firm time Customer Service PART Time driver to driver's license and cessorv Excellent preferred but not ne­ available. Coll Jerrvor lenses, says I no longer can take a 590 lists the life expectancy of a drive disabled person Mr. Vene Harding, preferred. Salary ne­ Mayor Frank Fasi has pro­ He denies his proposal is racist. recently paid $21 million for Casa Representative. Expe­ own transportation, we storting salary and be­ cessary, will train. Ex­ Karen at 649-2908, 10- I each ANSWER; It’s authorized and deduction for IRA contributions, person 45 as 37.7 years. That to doctor's appoint­ Principal, Tolland nefits. Reply to; Box gotiable. Coll 646-5938 posed state legislation to prohibit "A ll I ’m trying to do is stop the rience preferred but are now hiring for cellent benefits and 5:30 dolly.______iece of Blanca Del Mar, the highest price spelled out in Internal Revenue because I am in my employer’s makes the value of your IRA ments and errands. $6 landscaping. Expe­ Middle School, 96 Old RR, c/o the Monches- the saj.e of residential, agricultu­ speculators from doing here what will train. Pleasant Post Road, Tolland, competitive ealary. Id. ever paid for a private home in Code Sections 72(t)(2)(iv) and retirement plan and my income is $1,508,000. working conditions. per hour. 646-77(6. rience helpful but not ter Herold.______LEAD Housekeeper. The ral or preservation property to they’ve already done in Japan," CT. 06084. 875-2564. Ap- Apply In person to Car­ rtunity the exclusive southern Oahu 72(t)(iv). A more detailed run- high. So I would like to withdraw Coll 649-0016 LIndo. DRIVERS Part time for necessary. Call 568-7427 PART Time or full time G. Fox Distribution anyone who Is not a U.S. citizen, which is price out the average vans and school buses. or 649-1110 between pllacatlon deadline dinal Buick, Inc., 81 BANKING Center In Sooth Wind­ > be in beachfront area of Waialae- through starts on Page 715 of the my IRA money and invest it RN-LPN. Immediate March 31st. Position to cook and dishwashers, has no plans to become a citizen buyer, Fasi said. Kahala. The average value of Good pay. We provide 6om-2pm.______days, nights and wee­ Adams St., Manches­ sor has an Immediate >ut not Joint Congressional Committee elsewhere. William A. Doyle, a syndicated Medical Care Center of begin April 7th. EOE. ter, ask for the office Clerk-Typist opening for a lead or would not live on the land at Earlier this week it was an­ homes there has risen between 30 Manchester has part training. AM-PM GROUP Home- Commun­ kends. Good pov. : said, on Taxation’s “General Expla- I do not feel it is right form e to columnist, welcomes written routes and field trips A-1 Appointment Secre­ housekeeper. Report­ least half the year. nounced that a Japanese real time openings for ity based agency serv­ Steady employment. manager. No phone Full time position local percent and 100 percent under the naiton of the Tax Reform Act of pay a 10 percent tax penalty questions, but he can provide available. 643-2373. tory. Entry level. Suc­ Howord Johnson’s, 394 calls please. ing to the operations Fasl’s proposal, based on sim­ estate firm paid a record $280 a latest city property assessments, nurses with recent ing adults with mental cessful financial available In our r e p r ^ 1986.” commonly called the because the government changed answers only through the column. retardation seeks full Tolland Turnpik stockroom and Inven­ selection in our parts cle- aat by ut. Hard work and • On the subject of Ford’s success, After suffering through an identity highway with a six-speed manual. Company o New Eng­ tory. Some listing ne­ partment. Come in soon. s S I B S Housewives, mothers with young children, CLASSIC FINE JEWELRY AUDIT Department. travel required. Make HOW DOES DILLON DO IT the Taurus has been a sales leader. crisis for the past several years (Is it land tradition of satis­ cessary. Monday- One from Borg-Warner Automotive students. Earn extra money with your own Household mover. Our ■40,000 to *80,000 com- But a performance leader it isn’t. an Eldorado or a Buick Riviera?), cer­ Manchester billing department faction has an Imme­ Friday, 7am to 4;30pm. may appear on 1991 cars, and one Benefits. Call 633-4681 a J umiMi That should change next year, when tain Cadillac models will be recaptur- part-time Job. Bring your children with you needs a good detail mlaalon. Call diate opening for a O FORD from German manufacturer ZF may |SS£Ln. and save on babysitting costs. 21 hours per Love jewelry? Like people? We offer pleasant person. We use typew­ Service Contract Coor­ ext. 360. Arbor Acres come in 1990, perhaps on a super- "800-826 4875 or dinator. This newly Form, Inc., Glaston­ high-performance Corvette. week, salary plus gas allowance. Supervise surroundings, competitive pay, 2 weeks paid riter and computer to bury. EOE. prepare Invoices. Full 800-826-4826 created position at our • Suzuki’s little four-wheel-drive our carrier boys and girls. If you like kids, want vacation, paid holidays and an incentive pro­ • or port time. Phone South Windsor Distri­ SUPERVISOR RN, Samurai is rapidly gaininv on Volks­ 301-315 Center Street a little independence and your own Income, gram. Sales experience a plus. We will train. 528-9551, attention Per­ WANTED. Full time en­ bution Center will be Monday-Friday 3pm to MA^O€STERHOND^ wagen Rabbit converti' s as the Manchester, Connecticut call 647-9946 or 647-9947. sonnel Manager forop- thusiastic art lover responsible tor the 11pm. Applications are must-have car for young beachy IillMattl.M Call for an interview; polntment or send re­ with excellent secret- coordination of all ser­ now being accepted for blondes and brunettes out west. Some PARTS DEPT. sume to: Hartford orlol skills, salesman­ vice contract sales this key position. For "THE PROFESSIONALS" insurance companies aren’t too wild Despatch Moving and ship and social abilities throughout the com­ Information please Martchettor 1 PART TIME 649-4537 pany. This Is a highly w e , about them, though; they think Samu­ Storage, Box 8271, East to oversee dolly work­ contact Mrs. Plante, from 10am-5pm OLD MAN WINTER HAVE VOU DOWN? rais roll over too easily. Horttord, CT 06108. ing of art gallery. Coll visible position that Crestfleld Convales- CUSTOMER SERVICE will reoulre you to cent Home. 643-5151. TIRED OF WORKING ON YOUR VEHICLE IN A COLD Nevertheless, it seems people will 646-4567 EOE. Helen Fuscus 29^9544. travel to all store loca­ IF you're not afraid ot go to — ah, outrageous is the word — We are looking for responsible service- tions to oversee partic­ GARAGE OR EVEN OUTSIDE? WE WILL lengths to obtain one. hard work and enloy guarantee 643-5135 minded individuals to handle customer in­ ipation on the service working outside, have CHANGE YOUR OIL & FILTER, CHECK AND quiries. The position requires enthusiasm, AUTOMOTIVE contract progrom. The d rive r’s license and Independent thinking, and organization. Good DARI-FARMS candidate we seek will own transportation. FLAT RATE SERVICE be expected to contrib­ TOP OFF ALL FLUID LEVELS, CHECK TIRE 'communication skills and a pleasant ICE CREAM Now hiring for londs- } . ute new ond creative coping. Experience car repairs! PRESSURE AND CLEAN GLASS AND ^telephone manner are essential. TECHNICIAN NEEDED FOR Has Immediate Openings Ideas to motivate sales helpful but not neces­ \i BUSY GM SHOP • CLASS II ROUTE DRIVER and generate Interest sary. Call 568-7427 or HEADLIGHTS... I 3:30-7:30 PM Monday-Friday In the service contract CHORCHES Excellent salary, liberal benefits. Join the • FREEZER SELECTORS (ut s, 2nd shift) 649-110 between 8am- 7:00 AM - 10:00AM Saturday program. A bility to •PHONE ORDER CLERKS 2pm.______YOU KNOW WHAT? tf Cardinal team I for a confidential Interview communicate with all OF MANCHESTER Please call Jeanne at 647-9046 call Wes Herrmann: • KEY PUNCH OPERATORS levels of management RELIABLE Babysitter fo rlite . essential. Prior retail for school vacation. for more Information. Apply In Person - 10-3. Good hourly rate. EVEN... 80 OAKLAND ST. experience helpful. It’s our free Lifetime Service Guarantee, and you won’t CARDINAL BUICK Apply In person to; G. For Interview call 643- find a better repair guarantee anywhere. Here’s how It DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM Fox Distribution Cen­ 2287 otter 6pm.______works. As long as you own a Ford, Mercury, Lincoln or INCLUDING CHRYSLER-DODGE I Moncheater • 649-4571 40 Tolland Stage Rd„ Tolland, CT ter, 301 Governor's HAIR Stylist wanted with PRIVATE PARTY or without following. Ford light truck. If we repair It, we gudrantee the covered ONLY Mon.-FrI., 8:30am-5:30pm / Sat. 9am-1pm Highway, South Wlnd- JL TAX sor 06074. EOE. No experience neces­ repair for as long as you own your vehicle. If the covered ONE OF 'THE ONLY CHRYSLER I Merchandise Ads Fold Medical, Profit Sharing and Pension Plon, EOE. OPERATORS needed. All sary. Good salary, paid part ever falls or wears out, we'll fix or replace It free. NOW THAT’S A DEAL! vacation and health OFFER GOOD THRU MARCH 31.1988 WITH THIS AD, shifts. Paid training. Free parts. Free labor. It covers thousands of repairs and Call anytime. 649-2133. plan available. Contact HONDA AUTOS ONLY. PRESENT COUPON UPON WRITE-UR DEALERS IN GREATER HART -1 lasts as long as you own your vehicle — no matter where JANITORIAc 646-7130. you bought your car or how old It Is. So whether you FO R D w i t h a p a r t s D E P A R T -I NMMMakers, Stadeirts, Retiree*, Prefeseiemls Retail Monaatment drive a “golden oldie" or a newer model, the next time It Working Supervisor Position The G. FOX Distribution Center needs repair, bring It to us and get the best repair guar­ Maintain the Quality, MENT OPEN S a t u r d a y s 9 a .m . I KAY-BEE TOY STORES antee anywhere — our free Lifetime Service Guarantee. First Shift In So. Windsor Is now accepting applications for One of the nation's fastest growing retail toy I to NOONII merchandise proceaeors, who will verify orders, chains Is seeking people who are ambitious, Ask US to tss a copy ot ths LIfatIms Ssrvics Quarantss. * Minimum 4 Lines — 7 Days ticket and hand merchandlae and Inaure that hard working and possess leadership quali­ with Genuine Hontia I ^ ts FOR ALL YOU DO IT YOURSELFER8 Excellent wage and noncontributory ties for training to manage one of our 670 I * Additional Lines 504 Per Line, Pdr Day ahipmenta to our atorea are correct. Schedule! stores. program of benefits, including availabla are; UFETIME GET 15% OFF * Classifications 71 thru 87 As on assistant manager you will be fully SERVICE I * Merchandise Under *250 pension and dental plans. 7:15 am to 3:45 pm 8 am to 3:45 pm trained In our store operations with an GUARANTEE 7:15 am to 12 Noon 8 am to 12 Noon * Ad must contain price! emphasis on merchandising and customer A L L P A R T S All replies held confidential. B am to 2 pm service. Promotion to a store manager Is then You may cancel anytime, but NO refunds WE FIX CARS FOR KEEPS. PURCHASED Apply in person between Sam and Spm, Monday based on your performance and ability. M a n o -e s t e r h o n d a due to this lew price... Apply In person or call (203) 643-1101. thru Friday. We offer a competitive starting rate, a We offer competitive starting wages (19K/yr) WITH THIS AD!! An Equal Opportunity Employar M/F , ganeroui Incentive bonus program that enables Incentive programs, profit sharing, health/ you to earn additional money and the beat em­ llfe/dlsablllty benefits, paid vocations as wsll hrinei 24 Adams Street ALUED PRINTINQ SERVICES. INC. as exceptional advancement opportunities. \SINCE\ Manchester ployee diecount program In the area. Apply at: Apply In person or send resume to: 1933 SALES 646-3515 CALL CLASSIFIED S7a MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST Exit 62 of 1-84 MANCHESTER, CT 08040 G. FOX Distribution Center SERVICE 646-3520 1-800-545-PART KAY-BEE TOY STORES DILLDn Parts Department 301 Qovernora Hwy., So. Windsor. CT 06074 TrI-CIty PlazQ/ Vtrnon, CT 06066 643-2711 NOW! the mark of printing excellence loa 319 MAIN ST. (Across Irom Armory). MANCHESTER, CT 643-2145 Open Saturdays 9 lo I PARTS 643-1606^ PARTS 6t9-3646 SERV ICE frt3-2.568 - * . ’ ■ ______• A InteeWnrv of M oM llt Cor*. / MM t A / P ICAR8 IFOR SALE

TWO Loveseote, 2 end CAMARO 1985 Iroc Z-28. tables, coffee table, 1 3600 miles. TPI engine. maple rocker with 2 Fully loaded. $18,000. removable uphol­ 569-7147 Monday- stered cushions, 1 up­ Thursdoy, evenings 5- MISCELLANEOUS holstered footstool, all 7pm. SERVICES In good condition. 649- BUICK Skylark Limited 9676. 1985. A/C, power steer­ R.J. Roofing. No lob too ODD lobs, Trucking ing, power brakes. Ste­ big or too tmoll. will Home repairs. You reo with cassette and work-7 dove, until lob name It, we do It. Free extras. Excellent con­ complete. 10% dis­ estimates. Insured. 643- dition. 646-6621. count for aenlor oltl- 0304. rene. Free estimotes. SHREDDER. Roto hoe. DODGE Dart 1975.2 door ^ e 649-W51 or Rich SPRING Cleanup. Lawn Used 6 times, like new. Swlngdr, slant 6,85,000 571-1814 evenings. mowing. Hedge trim Call 633-8935. miles. Needs work. $300 mlng. Related truck­ or best otter. 646-5358 after 1pm. All reel estate advertised In PRESTIGE RdORNG ing. Professional I^BOATS/MARINE the Manchester Herald Is EXCITING 7 room Gam­ PHIL'S UW N CARE 868 Him i Roofing of as types, Shlnglse, equipment. Insured. n o l f ------CHEVY Impola Station sublect to the Fair Housino brel Colonial In Bolton Spring etsanup, fertlltatlng, Ifflprovimtnti 6 Ripair flat rooting, root repelrt. References. Ray Hardy Wagon 1978.8 cylinder. Act of 1968, which makes It slated for completion Complelg, home care. All work gutrtiMta. 646-7973.______Running condition. llleoal to advertise onv pref­ planting, mowing. Weakly COLEMAN Canoe. 16 Best offer. 228-4018. In early April! 3 spa­ “No Job Too Smetl" Can YARD Cleaning. Garage erence, limitation or discrim­ cious bedrooms, 2.5 service available. and cellar cleaning, foot with extras. $325. ination based on race, color, Call for free aatimatas. Frai Eatlmataa 646-5828. OLDS Custom Cruiser religion, sex. or national baths, 1st' floor 742-7831 gutter cleaning, yard Wagon 1981. Auto­ origin, or an Intention to laundry, mudroom, 742-7476 ' ^ 648-1143 cleaning, painting and R n PETS AND matic, power steering moke any such preference, large kitchen with din­ decorating, all other and brakes, stereo, air, limitation or discrimination. ing area that over- HaRC0N3TRUCTI0N miscellaneous odd |BBJfSUPPLIES Get the Want Ad hobit... FARRANO REMODELING WaalWntW rooSiig a t aS lypaa. cruise. $1500. 643-9729. The Herald will not know­ loooks a beautiful read and use the little ads lobs. Call Charles 645- ingly accept any advertise­ Boom addMone. deeks, rooting, FREE GRAND PRIX LJ 1983 wooded rear yard. Ex­ In Classified regularly. elding, windows and guNere. eSTIMATES. 6345onytlme after 4:30. YOUNG Cats desperately ment which Is In violation of 10% Senior CHIxsn DIaoount. Loaded. 73,000, 1 the low. ceptional oak cabine­ 643-2711. Baokhoe and buSdonr aarvics WEDDING Photo­ need homes. Call be­ owner. Clean. $4800. SbuTHERN New Png’- try, choose your own avaHaMa. Call Bob Famnd, Jr. A ll Work Quaranlaad. graphy. Trouble find­ tween 5 and 8pm. 742- 647-9138 daytime. eptlonist. floor covering and co­ ing a photographer? 5678, 633-2164 or 659- ernon of- lond classifleld ads B00KKEEPIN6/ 8ut.04MI600 847 0289 GRAND Wagoneer 1986. reach nearly 800,000 lors. 2.3 ocres suitable We do emergency 3106. f staff. Be- for horses! $264,900. INCOME TAX Rat. 045-8840 bookingl Call 649-3642 White, excellent condl- erlenced homes In Connecticut GOOD home needed for 3 tlon. 34,000 miles. and Rhode Island. The Jackson & Jackson and ask about our In­ month old puppy. Call willing to Real Estate 647-8400.D KITCHEN 8 BATH troductory olftlll $14,900. 646-5422. re, selt- price for a basic 25 TAX ATTORNEY FLOORING Diane 547-5392 until word ad Is only $55 and ORIGINAL Owners relo­ ( tM M (ram mS) -Royal Wedding 4; 30. After 6pm 643- BEST OFFER. 1968 rson. Call REMODELING Photography. Rambler American. 'een 10-4. will appear In 43 news­ cating South after Will advise and prepare 0830. papers. For more In­ many happy years In From the smallest repair to Runs but better for this super "Fam ily" all tax returns. parts. 649-8241 formation call Classi­ the largest renovation, we PLdOR8ANDIN6 HANDYMAN I o t IMISCELLANEDUS 2 license fied, 643-2711 and ask home. Ansaldl built 7 • Floors like new Hama llnpravamant • Polnllna evenings. at oppor- WHITMAN will do e complete job. Start for detalls.D rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 les Downey Oriva., Apt. A to finish. Free estimates. • Bpeelellzing In older floors • Baaamantt nnlthad • Tlllns - IS il FDR SALE VW Rabbit 1982. Diesel, worklng A baths, 1st floor family Manohaalar. 688-1881 • Netural & stained floors LleM Carpantrv - OOP JOBS • excellent condition. Vlanches- GOVERNMENT Homes room with magnificent Heritage Kitclien & INSUKEO 1726 days, from $1 (U repair). • No waxing anymore FOR Sale. Snowblower, A/C, AM-FM, 40 mpg. 1 Delinquent tax prop­ brick fireplace. New BARRY SCANLON Tecumseh engine, owner. $2500 or best ngs. driveway and newer Bath Center John VerfaHIo • 0465760 offer. 649-9664. B. Tlcke- erty. Repossessions. roof. Very privote Come visit our ihowroom at; 6 4 6 -2 4 11 fraaaallmetaa Snowfllte, lOhp, 33" Call 805-687-6000 exten­ 1B2 W. Middle Tpke. cut, electric start. New MONTE Carlo 1983. Con­ ■, lewelrv 120X150 lot with above condition. 14 hours run­ vertible, white with general sion GH 9965. around pool, porch, YBO Manchester HAWKES TREE SERVICE HEATING/ ning. $1,150 or best blue top. Only 16K ind sales. ond patio. Martin Income Tax Buokal, truck 8 chippar. Stump MANCHESTER- Taste­ 649-5480 PLUMBIN6 ramoval. Fraa aatimataa. offer. 646-3189 onvtime. miles. Mint condition. J: Satur- fu lly decorated and School district! $8000 firm. 647-8997 . Thors- $239,900. Jackson & Spaolal eonaldaratlon for FOR Sale. As Is. 14 foot spacious Cape amid Prepared metal Bestos 2 stove days. 646-8160 .-■Y 0pm. Ad- O the tall Oaks of Red­ Jockson Real Estate THIS SPACE R.A. DAVIDSON aldarly and handicapptd. evenings. hours 647-8400.O pipe. Shennondoah wood Farms. 8 rooms, 3 by CPA PlumMne. Haallna, Pump Sanloa wood-coal stove and 10 CUTLASS Supreme I Jerrvor bedrooms, I'/j baths, CLASSY 7 room Raised 647-7553 •2908, to­ *50.40 Npw Inattllatlont, R tp ilrt, pieces of 3 foot pipe. Brougham 1 98 5. 15X25 first floor family Ranch on Grissom 164 East Center St. for 24 Insertions Drilna apanpd. Bathroom 8 649-1573. Loaded, 2 door with room, 27X28 rec room, Road In the Forest Hills KItchan RamodtIIng Manchester EASTERN WATERPR00FIN8 42” round maple table landau top. Excellent per. The new wall to wall, bullt- area. 3 bedrooms, 2 full Coll 643-2711 Stnrioo 1$ Our S u a /n a ti COMPANY condition with 29,000 Ins, 2 car garage, '/j baths, stunning new with extra leaf. 1 twin Tibutlon 647-9780 for details Bus Phona 742-8352 sptaAuzma m bed, new mattress. Ma­ miles. Asking $8500. th Wlnd- acre lot. Much more!., fully applianced Euro- • Wal Bataminta a Hatohwaya ple lazy Susan. 643-5451. 643-2799. imedlate $213,000 by owner. 643- ■—jjean kitchen, attic fan, • SumpPumpa • Poundatton Craoka a lead 7699. family room with fire­ ENROLLED AGENT r^PAINTINB/ PLUMBING a HEATING FMS eSTIMAtie place, economical gas 19 Y—r$ IRS CxptriGneG wnirreH ouARANTse Report- MANCHESTER. New list­ I 2 2 jPAFERtNO r ------Boilers, pumps, hot ENDROLLG CLYDE heat, 2 car garage, nice Tm Prtparallon f ContuMng / Tax B 7 5 4 I 8 4 8 eratlons ing. A 16X32 Inground Otmlfuw water tanks, new and ' 27% wMlh • 2M CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. position flat yard. Clean as a pool puts you In the whistle! $209,900. Jock- ixptrt In N«w G OM Tax Lavm NAME your own price. replacements. 12% w M lh • 2 fo r 2M ROUTE 83, VERNON es a ll . swim In this lovely Father & Son. pointing MUST ea atekaS ua at tha jsekeep- son 8, Jackson Real KIMERLEE D. O^EIU FREE ESTIMATES 84 Camarocp*. •7985 neighborhood. Our Estate 647-8400.n and papering, remo­ HaraM OHMa Manday thru malnte- sparkling Cape offers 3 646-6079 val. 872->337. 643-9049 / 228-9616 CONCRETE ThufeSaybalaee 11 s.m.enty. 84 Cantury LTD va •7395 ;es, res- bedrooms, I'/j baths, 84 Pontiac Trana Am •8995 floors. dining room, garage, VICTORIAN. Located on ••••eeeeeeeeee# 84 Pontiac Trana Am •8995 /ork re- large lot. $169,900. south end of Monches- INCOME TAX Stenciling J.N.T. HEATING 85 Spaotrum 4 dr •3995 I as the Century-21 Homeseek- S5 Olda Calla t dr. •7995 srsee a ' ter. Large 13 room PREPARATION Add life to ona of your & COOLING £C.s£W Jl.E.i;S. TAG /ers Realty. 623-5044. house with 1st floor Initallatlona, Raptira, Burnar, weva, addttlant S dackt. Jack 85 Chav. Astro Van •9695 st offer. 228-4018. IS Custom Cruiser agon 1981. A u to - otlc. power steering id brakes, stereo, air, ulse. $1500. 643-9729. ND PRIX U 1983 >aded. 73,000, 1 mer. Clean. $4800. 7-9138 daytime. NO Wagoneer 1986. hite, excellent condi­ gn. 34,000 miles. I, 900. 646-5422. T O F F E R . 1968 imbler American, ,V‘ <4 ins but better for arts. 649-8241 5 enings. Robbit 1982. Diesel, cellent condition. h r ~ r C,AA/\-FM,40mpg. 1 iner. $2500 or best 'er. 649-9664, ITE Carlo 1983. Con- rtlble, white with je top. Only 16K a ^ ^ les. Mint condition. )00 firm . 647-8997 ■ys. 646-8160 enings.______LASS Supreme ougham 1985. oded, 2 door with idau top. Excellent iditlon with 29,000 les. Asking $8500. CV' -2799. r p ' ■'id. - :l y d e V VROLET-BUICK, INC. JTE 83, VERNON ■■■ ' TiarocpA *7995 itury LTD vs '7395 lilac Trans Am *8995 lilac Trans Am *8995 fest Idrum 4 dr *3995 “•"IIS a Calls s dr. *7995 IV. Asiro Van *9695 ilury 4 dr. *5995 «lla rC 8 4dr. *5995 Ilury 4 dr. *9995 narocdd *10,795 sDaKaopd *11,295 a 'vj' r . irlca wagon *12,595 • - v> IV. Calabrily 4 dr. *8995 II. 6000 4 dr. *9995 Ilury 4 dr. *9995 172- 9111 .-I- -V/ . I CAMPERS/ ITRAILERS JWALL. 1982 Palo- 10 pop-up camper, cellent condition, jter, sink, stove, re- jerotor. Storm/s- en windows. Awn- . Sleeps 7. $3,000. 1827 or 643-0290.

c S s ” FOR SALE i m V*' - '■ -V T . - ',1- •. ; t '•■'•.i’f *.4. riME TO > '*>4“ V -l, • t f- -s IT NOVA! ■'*s With the emergence of Spring comes a V/ collection of warm weather styles to satisfy your personal 4:.., r'~- v-.'''. • ■ • . r / taste. Manchester Area businesses offer a VAILABLE variety of options, a selection of which CK Tens II Cpa., 4 Cyl, Auto. are inside. I. ra , Cruba. Tilt ilaraa. Raar Oatog :V *2894 See for yourself... I. 2 Dr., 4 Cyl., Aula loo. Radio ■D TRUCKS^ SAN <8385 Advartlslng Supplemant to the 4 Cyl., 8 8pd„ PholoB: David Kool Menoheeter Herald, March 24,1988 Rsaar Slap Bumpar Tokan Bl Lutz Muaaum and ME *7805 Manohaatar Chambar of Commaroa J LE*. 4 Cyl., Auto. PB, Btarao. Wood •Im I8E *7885 Pickup, 6 Cyl., 4 8pd, Btarao Caaa. Pickup

•5785 Pickup, 6 Cyl. Bid., R.Raarear Slap Bumpar

r Plakup, BHvarado . Aulo.C.TIItWhaal. >W $ Dr. U s , PS, PB iV SAVE landad Cab Pickup Auto, P8, PB, Dur^ g., Slap Bumpar. ? n j : • ; r


S A \ i<: 11^ IX) 5 0 ? ^ V

F r '

AFTER HOURS — Gary Rhone, of Regal Men’s Shop, is wearing mid­ weight soft tailored clothing by Yves Saint Laurent. The suit and many others men can wear “after hours" can be found on the racks of Regal Men’s Shop, STYLISH SUIT — Elaine Burnham, an employee of 903-905 Main St. Casual Lady at the Manchester Parkade, wears a belted two-piece knit suit in coral with a jewel neckline. The suit is right for any occasion. EVERYTHING in the store on SALE

10% - 20% - 30% - 50% or 100% Off the present ticketed prices during

PRINT DRESSES DRESSY BLOUSES S J ^ 9 9 CASUAL LADY’S By Perceptions, Dawn Joy By Kristen and Nicola and Michael Blair *32’’ DI PT. STORi; $42. D i n . STOKI $8«. SECRET SALE LINEN SKIRTS SJ^99 Stop In for details... CLAUDE $ 1 ^ 9 9 By Briggs and Claude LINEN BLAZERS DKPT.S10RK$J8. DU'T STOKI.W4. SAVE ON SILK BLOUSES $J^99 KNIT MAVEN 99 Bv Jonathan Martin • Career Dressing COTTON SWEATERS DI PT STORK $26. DI PT. STORK $28. 16 CHIEF CLOTHIER — • Sportswear Ray Huff, of Regal Men’s DRESSED UP DUO — This dashing duo add giamour to the Lutz Shop, shows how to • Coats Museum. Darcy Hinds is wearing a dark biue dress made by dress like a chief as he • and more! Grapevine Ltd. with lace trimmed coliar, beited and pleated skirt, stands near Indian and double breasted top. Sheila Spinelli is wearing a Jonathan replicas at the Lutz Martin printed, imported, 100 percent polyester dress with padded Museum. The suit is shouiders and beited slim-iine skirt. Both dresses are available at made of worsted wool Dress Barn, 384 W. Middle Turnpike. by H. Freeman and is FAMOUS FASHION LABELS ALWAYS 20%-50% OFF. available at Regal Men's Shop, 903-905 Main St. H. Freeman suits are .»*$IM*aiK>B)-Coit)«Coinw. (461 N e w s m a n .I » t a « J « U > - 1169BoilonCoitRa BltDopt Comet 340 No Main St «W.S#1Biof*tD-Rive

Now Showing Spring! The social season is here., and with it Jan Marie's Shape Up For Spring elegant spring collection of special occasion, sGR A N mother-of-the-bride, and prom fashions and /fi' Only accessories. 12 Month Membership Sizes 4-20. First 200 Members

^ ■ vtMaOsi t SMART DRESSING — lAA. . Alan Cashman, owner of J. CALL NOWI German Clothier, 887 Main St., and Gail Adams are dressed for a grand tour of the Lutz Museum. Alan is m. r - i SPRING SAUNTER — 646-3131 wearing a fully lined 100 Cathy Dyjak, of Rockville, percent silk sport coat, is wearing a new spring with natural shoulders. boutique linen suit by Giorgio Sant' > O L ^ > Gail is wearing a C t CALIFORNIA S ORIGINAL FOR WOMENS MEN Angelo, available at spring-weight Corbin suit 847 Main Street Harvey's, 1144 Tolland made of polyester and Turnpike. The suit, which linen Manchester is the color of bamboo, CrOLDlS GY M CTYM. AND AEROBIC FITNESS CENTER 649-5046 features the longer jacket in conjunction with Carriage House Hair Dengn^ J that is in fashion this 20 UTOPIA ROAD • MANCHESTER IS-- spring. . 1.? M

v/7 The New Image A Hair and Tanning Salon tor AAen & Women THANKS!! from The New Image For a Great

THE SPORTY LOOK — Kimberly Hatch, left, and Jean Selvers are 1st Y e a r proof to the point that casual can be pretty. Kimberly Is wearing sweat pants and sweat shirt by Gold’s Gym, 519 E. Middle Turnpike, while Jean Is wearing a sweatshirt by Gold’s with Spandex workout pants. 3 m - 564 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER, CT 06040 DEBONAIR DRESSER — Lee West, of Regal Men’s Shop, is snappily dressed in a double-breasted suit by ( 203) 643-5267 Yves Saint Laurent. The suit is available at Regal ' Men’s Shop, 903-905 Main St. Anne’S Place UNISEX HAIR AND TANNING SALON Regular Everyday Low Prices

Haircuts Perms ■ V.v-/ '17ZOTO S -1^

t * ^5 (length ^20

CUP AND SAVE Appointments Have Priority, 6 TANNING SESSIONS $2400 'ii'. Tues.-FrI. 10-9 PM / Sat. 'til 4:00 PM ANNE’S PLACE A complete unisex hair salon. Anne has over 10 years experience in styling and cosmetics. For Appointment Call 6 4 3 - 1 4 4 2

HAIR-RAISING FUN — Christine Anderson catches eyes outside the TWICE IS NICE Chamber of Commerce building on Hartford Road. Her hair is styled CORPORATE CLASS — by New Image Hair and Tanning Salon for men and women, Vintage Clothing and Accessories Fred Hunt, of Regal Men’s celebrating its first year in Manchester. New Image is located at 564 located in the Manchester Mall Shop, shows how clothes IN Center Street. can make a statement. He is wearing a blended suit THE TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE — Dressed In a 1920s white organdy by Hart, Schaffner, and MANCHESTER dress and carrying a turn-of-the century purse, Kimberly Glover Marx, available at Regal presents a fresh contrast to the modern sculpture outside the Lutz 811 MAIN 8T. Men’s Shop, 903-905 MALL Museum. Vintage clothing and accessories are available at Twice Is Main St. 643-1442 Downtown (Exit 3 of 1-384) Nice, In the Manchester Mall, 811 Main St. Friday, Ma

■MaaBesiLiAii— •;; •

By Andrev J k AAanchestf , » S s s i Alden Vic postmaster ' S W S fffB years, annc ■ ■ I i\r- - Monday he master in closer to hi George W employmer of the Un Service’s 1 office, will ter for 60 perm anen appointed. May, 48, Bloomfield, not expect in the post way. Victoria, H. Freeman change si Manchestc »k’ ,^i “T X growth of

- -^. .■ operation, of employe ■ Ha^ Schaffner & M^ facilities — at 479 Mair .,' : i l l . substation ( the Bucklai •a*'- .-„ — has incre Christian Dior “I think ; -,_ ^ _SK_ p - -?s “ strived to £ employee mony with serve,” Vic ■ Yves Saint Laurent Postal w< %Uk .., '* -MfiV, - morning ii room of th r l 'S office to ho #1 cake decor: service sea ,a -^fi-1 if had gifts fo May tol looked forv Palm Seacfi new job. ■ ^•.■ Pie

I? .m??*-- tP'ivS-P Just a few names in Regal's Mai

rn-is commitment to excellence By Nancy Co P v?i ■“' = in the brands weicarr^ ± V!-^' .,4..-, o Manchester I ig. - t ^ S r Excavation the $70 millior Come see whats^ new for Hills will begii ^ -r-a the mall dev adjacent devc spring.,, We’ilslrdw yoap^ agreement th m share of the t that we mean basinessi infrastructure attorney for tl ■*-- ' rr . said Thursday • Attorney Th( represents the ment Co. of Ch ' -^u ■Si*.-'« had been clear .i- 'jx • Homart was approval of thi ,fV r ‘_ i - .T ."A -' REGAL'S AND Ass( 'Your Qualify Mon s S A io p terrr ' n . '"tv-t' By Andrew Yi Manchester H 903 Main Street in Downtown Manchester Assessor J. • “■=■ >1 questioned Thi Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30 to 5:30 ■ Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:30 to 9:00 priateness of i town Board of I the town’s rev: ried out. Vincent mad during the fir three-member i pointed by k DiRosa Jr. to 1986 market val used to dete revaluation. Ar state Office of agement also i use of the 19861 The subcomi ministration ofi information on tion to determ