Developing a large scale FrameNet for Italian: the IFrameNet experience Roberto Basili° Silvia Brambilla§ Danilo Croce° Fabio Tamburini§ ° § Dept. of Enterprise Engineering Dept. of Classic Philology and Italian Studies University of Rome Tor Vergata University of Bologna {basili,croce}
[email protected],
[email protected] ian Portuguese, German, Spanish, Japanese, Swe- Abstract dish and Korean. All these projects are based on the idea that English. This paper presents work in pro- most of the Frames are the same among languages gress for the development of IFrameNet, a and that, thanks to this, it is possible to adopt large-scale, computationally oriented, lexi- Berkeley’s Frames and FEs and their relations, cal resource based on Fillmore’s frame se- with few changes, once all the language-specific mantics for Italian. For the development of information has been cut away (Tonelli et al. 2009, IFrameNet linguistic analysis, corpus- Tonelli 2010). processing and machine learning techniques With regard to Italian, over the past ten years are combined in order to support the semi- several research projects have been carried out at automatic development and annotation of different universities and Research Centres. In par- the resource. ticular, the ILC-CNR in Pisa (e.g. Lenci et al. 2008; Johnson and Lenci 2011), FBK in Trento (e.g. Italiano. Questo articolo presenta un work Tonelli et al. 2009, Tonelli 2010) and the Universi- in progress per lo sviluppo di IFrameNet, ty of Rome, Tor Vergata (e.g. Pennacchiotti et al. una risorsa lessicale ad ampia copertura, 2008, Basili et al.