Prototype Theory and Emotion Semantic Change Aotao Xu ([email protected]) Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

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Prototype Theory and Emotion Semantic Change Aotao Xu (A26xu@Cs.Toronto.Edu) Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Prototype theory and emotion semantic change Aotao Xu ([email protected]) Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Jennifer Stellar ([email protected]) Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Yang Xu ([email protected]) Department of Computer Science, Cognitive Science Program, University of Toronto Abstract provided evidence for this prototype view using a variety An elaborate repertoire of emotions is one feature that dis- of stimuli ranging from emotion words (Storm & Storm, tinguishes humans from animals. Language offers a critical 1987), videos (Cowen & Keltner, 2017), and facial expres- form of emotion expression. However, it is unclear whether sions (Russell & Bullock, 1986; Ekman, 1992). Prototype the meaning of an emotion word remains stable, and what fac- tors may underlie changes in emotion meaning. We hypothe- theory provides a synchronic account of the mental represen- size that emotion word meanings have changed over time and tation of emotion terms, but how this view extends or relates that the prototypicality of an emotion term drives this change to the diachronic development of emotion words is an open beyond general factors such as word frequency. We develop a vector-space representation of emotion and show that this problem that forms the basis of our inquiry. model replicates empirical findings on prototypicality judg- ments and basic categories of emotion. We provide evidence Theories of semantic change that more prototypical emotion words have undergone less change in meaning than peripheral emotion words over the past Our work also draws on an independent line of research in century, and that this trend holds within each family of emo- historical semantic change. Two generalizations made in tion. Our work extends synchronic theories of emotion to its this area appear most relevant. One generalization concerns diachronic development and offers a computational character- ization of emotion semantics in natural language use. meaning change in semantic fields or groups of words that Keywords: emotion; semantic field; semantic change; proto- are closely related in meaning. This line of work has shown type theory; word vector that words within the same semantic field tend to undergo parallel change in meaning, attested in synaesthetic adjec- Introduction tives (Williams, 1976), animal words (Lehrer, 1985), and Emotion plays a central role in cognition and evolu- near-synonyms (Xu & Kemp, 2015). This view suggests uni- tion (Darwin, 1872). Unique to humans, natural language directionality in meaning change of a semantic field, but it enables us to communicate emotions through words such as does not explain how different words (within the same field) joy and anger beyond non-verbal means (Johnson-Laird & might change meaning at differential rates. Oatley, 1992; Jackson et al., 2019). For example, the word The other generalization is more directly related to pro- awe used to express “a feeling of fear or dread”, but it now totype theory, also known as diachronic prototype seman- expresses “a feeling of reverential respect, mixed with won- tics (Geeraerts, 1997). This view postulates that more proto- der or fear”. 1 Here we present a computational approach typical referents of a word tend to stay prototypical, and such to characterize meaning of emotion words and identify what senses of a word are more likely to persist over time than pe- principles may underlie historical meaning change in the se- ripheral senses. Our work is aimed at extending this theory mantic field of emotion. to the level of semantic field: we explore whether prototype theory would predict rates of meaning change across emotion Prototype theory of emotion words (as opposed to within each emotion word). The starting point of our inquiry is inspired by the rich psy- chological literature on emotion. We focus on prototype the- Our hypothesis and approach ory which postulates that 1) emotion words exhibit graded We hypothesize that emotion words considered more proto- membership, with certain words of emotion judged to be typical should tend to be more stable in meaning than periph- more prototypical than other words (Shaver, Schwartz, Kir- eral emotion words. We ground the notion of prototypicality son, & O’connor, 1987; Rosch, 1975), and 2) the field of in empirical work on human judgments of representativeness emotion is derived and structured from a small set of ba- of emotion words (Shaver et al., 1987; Storm & Storm, 1987; sic categories or families (Shaver et al., 1987; Johnson- Russell & Bullock, 1986). In these studies, a word’s proto- 2 Laird & Oatley, 1992). Empirical work on emotion has typicality is typically rated by participants in terms of how 1Entry “awe, n.1” retrieved from Oxford English Dictionary good that word is perceived as an emotion word. We pos- (2019) at on January 11, 2020. tulate that words considered to be more prototypical such as 2Although there is no consensus on which emotions constitute the basic categories, we focus on “love”, “joy”, “anger”, “sadness”, and “fear” drawn from Shaver et al. (1987). 730 ©2020 The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). love and anger should resist meaning change for their com- are controlled for. municative function of conveying canonical emotions, more so than peripheral emotion words such as zest and optimism Computational methodology (illustrated in Figure 1). Our proposal about prototypicality is We present a computational method to test our hypothesis necessarily confounded with factors such as word frequency using vector-space representations of meaning. We first de- (e.g., prototypical words tend to be frequently used), so we scribe a formulation of the prototypicality and family struc- take into account these confounding variables in the evalua- tures of emotion words in vector space. We then describe how tion of our hypothesis. we capture semantic change using word vectors, as well as to test theories about semantic change of emotion words. Synchronic semantics of emotion words We use word vectors trained on synchronic text data to model optimism graded prototypicalities and family structures of emotion words. Concretely, we formulate the modelling of these two anger properties as regression and classification, respectively, and we approach these tasks using simple methods that are inter- pretable from a prototype-theoretical perspective. prototype In the following, we use E to denote an empirically deter- B love mined set of emotion words and to denote an empirically determined set of labels for basic families. Prototypicality judgments of emotion words. We show mw(t, t + t) zest that vector-space representations can capture human judge- ments of emotion prototypicality pE . Concretely, we con- sider a regression task in which we use word vectors to in- duce prototypicality ratings, and we approach this task by constructing a prototype in vector space from a small set of Figure 1: An illustration of our hypothesis. The center rep- seed words. We construct this vector for the emotion category resents the prototype of the emotion semantic field. The blue vavg by using the average of word vectors of emotion words circle represents the boundary of the field. Each word is an with high empirical prototypicality ratings; here we use love, example of a member of the field. The proximity of each happiness, anger, sadness, and fear: word to the center corresponds to its perceived prototypical- 1 ity. The length of each arrow indicates the rate of seman- v = (v + v + v + v + v ) (1) avg 5 love happiness anger sadness f ear tic change, denoted by Dmw(t;t + dt), that word w undergoes over time. The direction of each arrow is for illustration only. To capture prototypicality or graded membership, we approx- imate the prototypicality rating of a word w by computing the Our approach builds on recent computational work in di- cosine similarity between its vector vw and vavg: achronic word embeddings (Mikolov, Sutskever, Chen, Cor- vw · vavg rado, & Dean, 2013; Hamilton, Leskovec, & Jurafsky, 2016). pˆE (w) = (2) kvwk2 kvavgk2 We capture meanings of emotion words using a vector-space representation trained on historical text corpora of natural lan- Essentially, following prototype theory, we obtainp ˆE by guage use. Although vector-space models of word mean- gauging how similar the prototype vavg is to a word in mean- ing have been used for inducing human emotion ratings on ing represented by vector space. dimensions such as valence and arousal (Buechel & Hahn, Categorization of emotion words. We also show that it is 2018) and analyzing emotion categories in documents (Calvo possible to capture human categorization of emotion words in & Mac Kim, 2013), to our knowledge there exists no work vector space. Concretely, we consider a classification task in that replicates psychological findings of emotion words with which we use word vectors to label emotion words with em- regard to their graded prototypicalities and family structures pirically derived emotion families. We approach this task by using large-scale natural semantic models. constructing a prototype within each category in vector space, Here we contribute a methodology for modelling emotion and use these seed words for classifying the remaining words semantics and show how word vectors derived from indepen- via nearest centroid (Tibshirani, Hastie, Narasimhan, & Chu, dent linguistic corpora can capture both
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