I)I'I,H I'I-ItANSI'OR'I' COITPOII,ATION (GOVT. OF N.C.r'. OF DELHT) TItr\FFIC DEP'tT. SCINDIA HOUSE NEW DriLH r- I l0 001 Tcl Nos. 01123752769-75, Fax 0l1237527(15

No. TR/5(lLep. Day)/\ l2O2Ol 4 / I Datecl: - 22.01 .2020



Viiay Chorvl<- Ila.jpath- Irrclia Gate- R/A Plincess Placc - Tilak Marg- Bahadur Shah Zaf'ar Marg- Dclhi Gate- Netnii Subhash Marg - .


Vehicular tratflc or1 the above loute rvill stand diverted liom 09:004.M. as per instructions ol'tralfrc police enclosed ANNEXURE A.

TIre Offlcers rvill report lbr cluty fi'our 08:30 hrs. at the points as indicatecl in thc encloscd ANNExUIIE ll, l'lie Ollicers sliall report their presencc to CCI{ and r.r,ill be at their respective point till thc signirl lirr clcarance and restoratiorl of the services is sir en by the.l-ratlic l'}o lice.

The deploymerlt ol'the recovery vans as showu in ANNEXUItE C shall be elrsLrre(l by Dy.CCM(M). FIQ.

All I{Ms r,r,ill reuiain nlobile to supervise the trrrangement in their respectile I{c_tion.


CC: The Deputl, Cournrissioncr of Policc Trallic (NDR) , Asholi Lanc, Nclv Dclhi Ibr lin,our of his liind inlbrnration plcirse. CC: CGNI(O) For liind inlbrmation. CC: OSD to iVID, MI) Scctt. For liintl inlbrnt:rtion. CC: l)y.CGVl(Tlal'lic) CC: l)1'.CtiM(Opn.) ANN EXUITE.A

Sub: CIltCLiI-:\TION PLAN I,'OIi I)TC SIiRVICES FOI{ IIEPUI}LIC l)AY FtrLl- DRESS REI]EAI].SAL ()N TI.IT]I{SDAY TIIE 23I{I).IAN. 2O2() AS PEIT TINIIi, ItI,]STITICTIONS OF DELHI TIIAF'FIC POLICE l. DIVDItSION I'OINT: I'UNCllSHlilil- MAI{C - SHANTI PATH a) lluscs corlir.rq fronr Slranti Path reaching'fecn Murti South Avenue u,ill telnrinate at 'fhyagra.j Marg. Retr-rrr.r Jounrey r,r,oulcl be via Kushak Road. Teen Mr-uti. Iloute No. 680 etc. b) 'l'lrc scrviccs o1'route No. 604" 620 alier leaching Pr:nchshcel tVlalg rviil run via Punchsheel Malg. Sinron Boulival Marg. Llppel l{iclge l{oad. Shankar Roacl rouncl about Park Street. Manclir Marg. PunchltLrian Roacl. Connaught Circle & lirrthcr on their original ro Lrte/destirration irr both the clirections. Return .lournev via Bhaeat S insh Mars. ['eshva l{r.lad

2. l)lVEllslON I'OINT: VINAY MARG- SAMRAT HOTIL 'fhe a) services ol'route No. (r10. 6l0A etc alier reaching l)unchsheel Marg u,ill ruu r'ia Punchsheel lvlarg. Sirron Bor-rlival Marg. Upper Ridge Road. Slranlial Roacl t'otincl about Park Street. Manclir Marg. Pr:nchliuian Roacl & lirrther on their original rotrte/dcstinatior.r tr) fhe service ol'routc No. 781 u,ill operale the above via as nrention in tlre serial no.2 (a) upto Shankal l{oacl ll/About & lirthcr take l)ark Street round at-rout" Nlirndir Marg. Punchltuinn l{oacl" Connaught Circlc & l'urther on their original roulc/dest ination irl both thc directions. Return.lournev via Bhagat Singh Malg. Pcshva Road

DIVEIT.SION POINl' ALI I{IIINDO CHOWK a) Buses cor.r.rir.rg fion.r Sri Aurbinclo Marg ancl bor-urd ibr Conuaught Circus/N.D.RJy. Stalion Gate No-2 & Minkr Iloacl lermiual shall take Sal'darjr-rng Road Kanral Ata Tr-rrk Malq" l'unchshccl Marg. Sinron Boulivar Marg. Upper l{icige Road" Shan]iat Road rouncl about. Park Stleet. Manclir M:rrg. I'unch l(uairr l{oad. Connaught Circlc & lirrthcl on theil oliginal loute,/clestination. 400. 433. 460. 505. 615. 500. 520 ctc. b) Spl. tlip ol route no. lJt) allcr leaching fl'om Sri Aurbinclo Marg u,ill tal

e.) []uses comirrg fionr Sr. Aurbindo N4arg bor:nd lbr . ISBT. Olct Delhi Iiailu,ay Station wili be cliverted on Locihi Road. tlten Mathr-u.a Road. Blrairou ll.oad. Ring Roaci. I1O. IG Irrclore Stadiunt tal

'f he br:ses of route no. i35 & 624A ,,r,ill be operated upto I'l-O tlyover as mentioned in the serial no-3(c) & firthel to take slip road (l.G.l. Stadir.rm) torvards Vikas Marg & I'r-rrther on botl.r the directions.

-fhc -l-r-rrli c) services ol-route No. 725 r.vill run via Safdar Jung Road. Kar.nal Ata Marg" Pancl.rsheel Marg. Sinton Bor,rlivar Marg. Upper Ridge Roacl and then on its usual routc ir.r both the clilections.

{. DIVIIIISION I'OINT: NIAX 1VIULLEII MAIIC _ RA.IISH PILOT MAII,G i NIAHAITISHI RANIAN VIAII.G _ S. BHAII.TI MARG a) All br,rses conring liom Bhisam Pitamah Marg / Lodhi Colonl' 18 Block via Max Mullar Marg bourrcl tbr Gale,t.lanpatlr shall ploceec{ on Rajesh Pilot Marg. Auran-[zeb Ilozrcl. I(anral Ata Turl< Marg Punchsheel Marg. Simon Boulivar Marg. Uppel Ridge Iload. Shanl

Lr) Roule No. 1404.450. will rur.r via Bhisam Pitanrah N4arg / Maharisl.ri Raman Marg boulrci fbr: /.lanpatlr shall proceed or.r S. Bharti Marg. Aurangzelr Road. -fr-rrl< l(anral Ata Marg Punchsheel Marg. Sinrorr Boulival Mtrrg. Upper llidge Aurbindo Roacl- Sharrlial Iloaci louncl about Parl< Stleet Mandir Mat'g. Putrcl.rkr.rian Road ancl lirrther will terminate xt Minto Road (T). / N.D. Rl1'. Station Gate No-2

c) The service o1' route No 580 u,ill lun r ia Blrisaurllitnnrah Marg. Vlaharishi Ranrarr Malg. S. Bharti Marg. Ra.jesh I'ilot I\4at'g. Auraugzeb Road" Tughlak Road & terminate at I(. Kanrrai Marg ancl Return.journev to Ra ja.ji Marg -fhe d) sen,ice ol'Route No. 623. 623A & 623B reaching at Maharishi Ramar.r Malg lvill be cliverted on S. Bharti Malg. Matlrura Road. Bhailon ro:rd. Rittg Road. ITO llyover, slip road (lGl StadiLul) . Vikas Nzlarg & Iirrther ou its usual route on both the clirectiot'ts.


a) Buses con.tit.rg fion BIl l /on l-ala Laipat llai Marg bottud lbr Old Delhj. ISBT- Red Fort reaching at Zoo. rvill be clivelted lionr Bhairon Marg. I{ing t{oacl. t'l-O Fl1'ovcr' IGI Sracliunr tal

a) Buses corling on Mathura lloacl / Lallrat Ngl bouncl lbr Nizamuddir.r. IU1,, Stn./ ISB'f /Red l-olt u,ill bc clivertecl ar Ashrarr Chorvk to Ring l{oad. lSl3T" I{ing Road. IfO. IGI Stadiun take Ner.v I{ing Roacl Parallel on yantuna River ancl u,ill be terntinated at Mori (late. Ror-rte No. 402. 403. 405. 405A. 4l l. 419" 423. 425. 42t) etc. I{eturn.ioumev via Iling [{oad take LJ-turn at Bodh Vihar Loop. b) Buses conring li'orl Mathurir l{oad bound lbr Dr. Zakir Ilr"rssain Marg and bevond slrall run via P.S. Nizanruddin, L/'f l-odhi Road. Aurbir.rdo Marg. Safdar.jr-Lng Marg, Put'tchsheel Marg, Upper Ridge Road, Shankar Road/Dayal Chowk. 408. 490,4 i0. U94. 97011. 970C in both tl.re clilctions.

7. DIVEITSION POINT: PITAGATI NIADAIN IIHAIIION NIAILG rtoAD-PR.AGAT| MATDAN DTC (T) a) 13uses conrir.rg fiont NH-22[ Nizantuclclin Bridge bouncl lbr Corltaught Place / Ner.r, Delhi ltly. Station shall take Mathura Roacl. S. Bharti N4arg. Southencl [{oad" Aurangzeb -l'r-rrk Road. I(amal Atta Marg. I)unchsheel Marg, Sin.ron Boulivar Nzlarg. Upper Riclge Roacl, Shankar Road rouucl about Park Street Mandil Malg, Pru'rcl.rkr-rian Roacl Cor.urar-rght P lacc ancl l'urther. i44. 3 55 etc. 8. DIVERSION POINl': ITO I.P. FLYOVEIT VIKAS lvlARC a) All buscs couring l'r'ont Vikas lVlars Gccta Coion,v- Pr-rsta I-axn.ri '"l " Roacl. Nagar -l'll Point nrean fil'Central Sectt. /Ciortrraught Clircus r,vill be divertecl tiont Vikas lvlarg I.P l'11, over torvards Delhi Sectt. RetrLlu via trour under Vikas Marg ancl ,,i,ill ten'niuate at VELOI)IiOMEROAD 39. 39A. 85. 85Ext. 307. 3072\. 309. 310. 313. 317. i40. i49. 378. 390. 391. 919A. GL-22 etc. In return.journel,. the buses rvill run t,ia East Velodronte Road. Rinq Road and Vikas N4arg. tr) Buses coming ionr Vilias Mzrrg bouncl tbr rvill run via Vikas Marg shall take Ring lloacl. I.P. llQ. Bhailon lioad" Mathura Road. Necla Cumbarrd. Lodhi lloaci ancl firrther in botl.r the directions 335. 336. 374. 375. 623A. 6238. 624. 624A etc. I{eturn.journcv t,ia ITO Flvover'. IGI Stadiunr. SIip Roacl. & Vikas Marg. c) Buscs comir.ri-t fl'our Vilias Marg bound tbr ISBT/ Mori Cate/ Old Delhi Railrvav Station. Recl lort shall bc divcltcd llont Vil

10. DIVEIi.SION I'C)lNT: I.S.B.T. CFIOWK a) lluses conring liont lrast /Nolth Delhi r,ia Shanr Nath Marg ancl bottnd lbr llccl Ftlrt. .laura Mas.jid. Old Delhi Railu,ay Statiorr sl.rall take Ring Road Via N'letcaull' I lorrse & Shall terr.ninate at ISUI.26. 10i. 107" 112. 113. 171" 185. 188.227A.248.255,258. 258SPL. 261, 901. etc. Return.journcv via Slranr Nath Marg Lluses coming fl'om Traus-Ynmutta Area via IStIT Brige borrnd tbr Old t)elhi Rail\\'a-"- Station. Red l- ort shall tcrnrinale at Moli (iate .205. 2li. 2'16 etc. b) AlIlPOltl- EXI'ltESS-4,7291] & 729 cot.uitrq Via Gttrgtron I{oacl u'ill reach [)hartla I(r:nr.r turcl talie LJpper Riclgc lLoad Shankar Iioad Manclir Nlalg llarri .lhansi l{oad - []or-rlivar Roacl ancl ISB'l / Mori Gate in both the directitttrs. lt. l)IVEIISION I)OIN'I': I{OUND ABOUT KAMLA MARKFI'T/ PANCHKUIYAN ITOAI) / CONNAUGH-T CIt{CLE, a) Buses comir.rg fl'om West/ North Dclhi sicle bour.rd lbr Pahar Gani. A.inlere Gate/ l larrs- Yarruna-Areas wor:lcl tet'minate at rottud abor"rt PS Kantla Market. l9B. 39. 753. tli8- 91 8. 949. 949A. 9zl9Ext. t)54 erc. b) 'l'lre buses conting f'r'onr Punch KLrain load botrncl lbr Connaaught Circle u'ill terttlinatc at Shivaii Stad ilrnr. rolrte no-s. 85. 85lixtra. I1i. 810" 857. f171.943.963.957.966.9(16 lrxtra. 990 & 990A ctc. c) Buses ol Ilouic No 19. l9A. l(16. 181. l8lA etc. comiug lronl l(arol Bagh. I)ahar Gani. Shiela Cinet.na bound lor Corrrraught Place u'ill tert.nitlatc at Shivzrii Stadiunl. 'l'hc d) br-rses o1' Spl. 'lrip o1' Route No. 6l0B alier reacl.tittg at Pt. Pant lvlarg u'ill take l'urther via ll'om l'alliatola I{oad. RML round abottt. IVlother Taresa Marg" feen Mtrrti- Shati Path. Panclrshcel Marg. and litrthet'ot.t its original roLrte. 'l'rip e) The br:ses o1' Spl. o1' I{or.rtc No. I 6(r alicl reachirtg at N. t).P.O. arlcl take lirrther via -laresa h-om I)1. I)an1 Marg. RlvlL rouncl about. Mother Malg" Teen IVIr-rrti- Shati Path. I)anchsheel Vlarg. Saldariung l{oacl- Loclhi Iload and llrther on its original ror-rte. 12. DIVE,IISION POINT: SAI{DAIi l'Al-EL MAITG-SIMON IIOULIV'\R NL\I{C / DHAULA I(LIAN a) Buses corrirrg fiom Dhaula I{uan- Sardar Patel Marg rurrrring r,ia Central Sectt /Clor.rnaught Circus bouud lirr East Delhi sicle r.r,ill luu vizr Simor.r Boulivar N,Iurg. L-ipper Iliclge lloacl. Shanl

Lr) The brrses of loutc No. 120.740 and 740Ext u,ill be diveltccl to Ring l{oacl l'r'onr l)haula l(uan to ruu via lvloti Bagh" Shanti l)atlr. Putrcltshccl Marg. Kanral Atta TLrrk Marg. Ar-rrangzeb Iloacl. South-llncl Iloacl. S. Bharti Marg. Vlathtl'a I{oacl. Bhairon Malg. Ring Iloacl. Viltas Mals and thau orr thcir usual route in lroth the clirections. c) Buses conrinq fi'orn -Sardar Patel Marg lrotrnd ibr Nelv Delhi l{aih,vay Stalior.r Gate No.-1 rvill ruu via Sinon Boulivar Marg Upper Ilidge Road. Shankar Road rouncl aboul Park Street. Mauclir lvlarg. Punchkuian Roacl. Connaught Circus l{1..-75. I{l--77. RL-77A. Itl.-7711. RI--77ext. RL-79 etc.

l -1. l)IVIiRSION POINT: ll/A SHANKAII llD-UPPEll lllDCE ROAD. a) l3r-rses con.rir.rg tl'our Shanl

I .1. l)lVEl{SION I'OINT: - PAI{l( STI{Elil' NilANl)lR VIAITG 'l'-POIN.

:l) Buses conring tionr bouud lirr East Delhi /.lheel/ Inc{ia Gate u,ill tenninate at l(end.'ferntinal. :l10. 980 & 9llll etc.

1r) Buses coming flonr Shankar Ikraci bounci lbr Shiva.ii Staclium shall be diverted iVlanclir Marg. I)anchkuian Iloacl &'l'clminate at Shiva.ji Stadiunr. Nelv Dclhi [{ly. Stn. returu i,ia Ilhagat Singh Marrr. 910" 910A. 910. 96). 962B. 991 etc.

-l-hc c) sen,ice tll'route uo. 73 alier reaching at Shankar Road Rourrd Abor:l Sonre llil'r 'l-ernriuate at Shiva.ii Staclium to run via Park Street" lvlanciir Marg" I)unchliuain Road. Connar:ght P lace

'l-hose d) buscs r.r,hich arc cornirrg inrur Shankar loatl & terlninirl.e at Iiencl. Terminal. these buses u,ill lun through Palk Street. Talliatora Roacl. Gurudr,r,ara Rakab Ganj 962A. 970SPL. 8 10.944. etc. [{eturn via Church l{oad. North Avenr-re 15. DN4 ItllN-2, I{llN-i. CPD. DWS-2. DWS-8. IIND-2, TI(D. l(JD & VVD are re(tLreste.l 1o issr:e clirection to the clrivers deput on Destir.ration Services conting to Krisl.ri Bhawan. Shastri Bhau,ar.r. Shivzrii Stadium and Kench'iya 'felrninal ti'om any clirection. lhey nray fbllolv the instttction of Police OI'llcial / Ol'llcer and droppecl the passeugers at their nearest points. ilpossible (in case ol'r'estrictecl situatiou onlv).

16. All Lrnit oltrcers are directed to issLrc nccess:lrv instlLrctions to the crelr, of night servicc tlutl on 22-01-2020 that if tralllc police rrot allou,ed to operate the buses as ltel oliginal via irr Parade area. thc crew r'r,ill fbllorv the instnrctious giverr bl thc tralllc policc ancl Lrsed thc alternative parallel via as nrentioued in the Annexure'A'.

All RMs ale herebt, requested to issue necessary instrlrctiorls to tl.re coucernecl tlafflc supelvisory staff fbr clivertecl the buses l'ro;n the points as rrentioned in lhc abovc c ir-c u lar-.

All r-rnit ol'llcels arc hereby directed to issue proper instruction to the cnnccnrcd cre\\ ol-xl'lecte.l routes. to lirllou'clirections silcrr in thc abor,c circular. ANNEXT]RE-'B'


S.No. Point Officers Designation Mobile No. I Punchsheel Marg - Shanti Path T- Sh. Ramesh Singh D.M., HND.I 8744013149 Point Vinay Marg- Samral hotel Sh. Kanwaljit Singh D.M., RHND-2 8744073120 2. Aurbindo Chowk R/A (Lodhi Road T - Sh. Subhash Chander D.M., SNPD 87 44073162 Point) Near S.J. Madarsa - Tyag Raj Singh Marg Sh. Parveen Kumar D.M.,TKD 8',744073 t41 3. Maharishi Raman Marg - S.Bharti Sh. Prashant Kumar D.M., E\.I.{D 8'744073139 Marg T-Point / Max Muller Marg - Sh. Anoop Kr.Gupta D.M., RHND-1 8744073093 South End Road T-Point/Rajesh Pilot Marg- Aurangzeb Road 4. Lodhi Road (Neela Gumband) / Lodhi Sh. Avinash Kumar D,M.,WD 8744073096 Hotel Sh. Girdhar Singh D.M., KJD Rawat f. Ashram Chowk Under the Flyover Smt. Sunita Chauhan D.M., S.V.D. 8744073058

6. Bhairon Marg Mathura Road T-Point Sh. G.I( Sharma DM 8744073029 / S. Bharti Marg Mathura Road T-Point Sh. Vijay Kumar D.M.. GPD 8744073103 '1. Vikas Marg ITO towards Delhi Sectt. / Sh. Bal Raj Singh D.M., RJD-I 87 44073023 Velodrome Road Delhi Sectt. IG Sh. Pushpendra Singh D.M., HPD 87 44073143 Indore Stadium Ring Road 8. ISBT / Mori Gate Complex Sh. L.K.Singh D.M., WPD 8744073034 Sh, Abhishek Jain D.M., ND 8'7 44073076 9. Kamla Mkt. Police Stn. / N.D. Rly. Sh. Akash Malik D.M., KNJD 8744073088 Station Gate No-2 Sh. Santosh Kumar D.M., NRLD 87 4407327 5 10. Park Street - Mandir Marg T-Point - Ms, Kirti Bala DM, DWS-2 8744073121 Shanker Road T-Point Sh. Dinkar D.M., KPD 8744073 105 ll Dhaula Kuan NH-8 Near Police Stn./ Sh.Y.P. Khurana D.M., RHND-3 8744073068 Simon Bovilar Marg(S.P.Marg) 12. Connaught Circle / Shivaji Stadium Sh. Ajay Kumar Mgr.(Tr.), Sc. House 8144073077

13. lP Depot, CCR Sh. Anuj Kumar Sinha Dy. CGM(Tr.) Sc. House 8744073030

NOTE: The officers may also be deployed by the concemed RM Regions on the points which have been left in addition to above points as per requirement. ANNEXURE_'C'

Sub: - Positing of Tr. Sup. Stal'f on 23-01-2020 from 0800 Hrs.

I)oint No. of llY Regional StaIT Cheeking officc Punchshccl Mars - Shanti l'ath 2 South Checkir.rs Vinav Malg- Sant rat l-[otel 2 Sor-rth Checkins

A r-rrbiuclo Chorvl<-Satilalj uns'l'-Point )_ Sor-rth Clheck iu!r Tyag lLai Marg - I(.Kanrlaj Maru I South Checkinq Aurabindo Nlar.e-Lodhi Road T-Point 2 Sor-rth Checking Rajesh Pilot Marg - Aulanuzeb Roacl ') Sor rth Checlt inp N,lrLharishi Illrnan Marg S.llhar-ti iVlals I-l)oint 2 South Check ing Max l\'1r-rcller Marr.l South Lncl lloacl l South Checking \4athura Roacl llharion Mar{r'l -l)oint 2 East Clreckins

Asltt'rrttt L ltou L LlnLlcr ll\ o\ e l I East Checking Ncela Gunrarrcl on Mathura Road 7 East Chccking Vil

I.G. Indore Sladium Velodlr:m ltoad [)elhi 2 East Checking S ec tt. I-1'O Iting l{oacl Ncal IG StacliLrnr 2 East Checkin.q IS Bl- Sham Nath Mar!.I ) North Checkjng Mori Gate Cokhlev Road 2 Nolth Checkinc I'o lice Station Kanrla l\4kt. ) North Checking Parl< Stleet Roacl (Mauclil Mar'{t T- Point) ) West Check in-ll ') S lranliar l{oacl IloLrncl Abor-rt West Checkinq Sinion BorLlival Malg - Sardar Patel Mirrq West Checkins Dhar:la Iiutur NII-8 near Police Post 2 \\'cst Chccliiuq Corrn. C rcle Tou,ards Bara Khamba Road 2 West Checkins Conn. C rc le Towards I{.G. Marg Wesl Checkins Conn. Circle'l'or'r,ards Palliantent Street 2 West Checking

Note: - I{egional Mana-ecr''s r.nav also cleltlo-r e the ll'atIc SLrp. Stal'lon thc point r,vhere thc stall'has not been bool

Sub: - CCIt will station thc recuvery vnns irt the lbllon'ing points fronr 08:00 hrs to tirrtc recoverv ol anv ll/l) bus- S.No. POINT

I Kencl. Ternr ina I ) Mori Gatc To be deployed b1, J Pra.qati Maidan Dy.CCM (M),l-lQ 1 Sh iva ji Stacliunr under intinration CCR. ) A jnrcrc Gate 6 Mandi I Ior-rse