Many Aspects of German
Pohlsander Old Lutherans_Steinwehr.qxd 12/23/2011 11:44 AM Page 59 Old lutherans frOm Prussia tO america any aspects of German- 1, 1539, did he take communion in American culture and both kinds, and his church ordi - Mhistory cannot be appre - nance of 1540 retained many tra - ciated or understood without trac - ditional liturgical embellish - ing their beginnings back to past ments. 3 The vast majority of peo - times and to Ger many itself. Thus ple in Brandenburg were Lu - the present discussion will span therans, but there was also a nearly five centuries and take the Calvinist presence. Differences, in reader from Brandenburg/Prussia both belief and observance, bet - to Buffalo and Missouri. Political ween Luther ans and Calvinists history, history of religion, and find expression even today in the biography conspire to tell a interior of Lutheran and Calvinist remarkable story of conflicts, (Reformed) churches respectively. struggles, successes, and failures. On Christmas Day of 1613 The Background the Elector John Sigismund took communion according to the The Protestant Reformation, be - Calvinist rite, signifying his con - gin ning with Luther’s posting of version to the Calvinist faith, and the Ninety-five Theses in 1517 in so doing creating a division and his famous stand at the Diet of between the bulk of the population Worms in 1521, did not follow the in the Electorate, who were same course in all the German Lutheran, and the ruling dynasty. 4 lands. It was introduced in the A few months later, in 1614, he Mar graviate of Brandenburg ra - defended his move in a document ther late and only gradually by the known as the Confessio Sigis - Elector Joachim II Hektor (r.
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