Monthly Protection Monitoring Report – October 2015

Executive Summary

2874 incidents have been recorded in October 2015. The number has increased by 1% compared to September 2015, when 2845 incidents were reported.

The territory Incidents per territory of has had the 387 highest LUBERO 468 number of MASISI 621 incidents in NYIRAGONGO 137 October 2015 RUTSHURU 799 WALIKALE 462

TOTAL 2874

Incidents per category of victim Incidents per alleged perpetrator

Nombre des cas par type d’incident The majority of

incidents in October 2015 were violations to the right of property and liberty


Province du Nord Kivu

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Province du Nord Kivu

I. Protection context by territory

MASISI Following the assassination of a Mayi-Mayi FDC/Guide member by a colleague on 2 Octobre, a tension between Hunde from Kyangitsi and those from Ngoyi was observed. This situation led to looting of the property of the population of Kalungu by the Mayi-Mayi and the displacement of around 110 families from the villages of Ngoyi, Kyangitsi and Kalungu. On 4 October 2015, a FARDC member shot an ANR agent located in Murambi in the localté of Busuhe, groupement of Karuba, who died in a field. Following this incident, the local PNC office was burned down and 9 shops were looted by the civilian population. On 12 October 2015, a strong tension between the Tembo and hutu communities was observed in Muhanga in the localité of Kashukano. The ambush carried out by an armed individual (Hutu) against a Tembo woman who was victim of injuries and attempted rape, caused tension between the two communities living in this part of the territory. The alleged perpetrator was arrested by the PNC and the situation is now relatively calm due to the intervention of local chiefs. On 16 October 2015, FARDC positions in Kinyumba (5km North of Nyabiondo) and in Libwo were attacked by APCLS and FDLR members. These clashes led to the massive population displacement of the population that had just returned to Kinyumba, Kishee, Kinyaongo, Lwibo, Katiri, Majengo, Butemule and Bikuche towards Nyabiondo, Buboa and the forest. On 24 October 2015, an incursion of armed individuals took place in Rubangabanga in the localité of Mufunzi, groupement of Karuba. The criminals killed 2 civilians, seriously injured 3 other civilians and looted 3 homes. Investigations by the PNC are being carried out in order to arrest the alleged perpetrators.

WALIKALE Throughout October in Walikale clashes between Mayi-Mayi Gudon jointly with APCLS and Mayi-Mayi- Cheka in the villages of Kabingu/Mutongo, groupement d’Ihana, were reported, as well as clashes between Mayi-Mayi Gudon and Mayi-Mayi Cheka in Kaseru village, localité of Robe, following illegal tax collection operations in this area. A double incursion by Raia Mutomboki in Kichanga village, localité of Ibiro and in Nyamilinge village, localité of Bani amasi, groupement o Bakano, were also reported. 3 people were kidnapped and the homes were looted by the assailants. Attacks against a number of motorcycles by Mayi-Mayi Gudon at the Kalonge/Muberya hill, on the Kibua – Ishunga road constitutes a worrying situation. The return of around 613 fammilies to the Waloa Uroba groupement was reported. The return of certain families to Kashebere and Ntoto was motivated by a relatively calm situation observed in these groupements. We have registered the displacement of 744 households from the Kashebere area in groupement of Luberike and Robe, groupement of Ihana towards Luberike village and Ihana village. The clashes between APCLS/Janvier and FARDC in the Kashebere area and the conflicts between the Mayi-Mayi Cheka and Mayi-Mayi Gudon in the Robe area have led to a wave of displaced families in the groupements of Luberike and Ihana.

RUTSHURU On 6 October 2015, a jeep belonging to missionaries from Nyamilima was attacked by alleged FDLR in the area of Katwiguru on the Kiwaja-Ishasha road. As a consequence of this attack, one civilian was killed and two others seriously injured by bullet wounds. On 10 October 2015, 11 homes were looted by alleged FDLR in Butaka village in the localité of Mugwata in the groupement of Rugari. During this incident, many shots were fired to scare the population. Following the repeated looting, pendular displacement was observed every evening. On the same date, a minibus coming from to on the Kiwanja- road was attacked. 3 people were killed, among which 2 died immediately and another one was taken to Kaina hospital but did not resist. 7 other people suffered bullet wounds. On 11 October 2015, the escape of around 30 inmates from the central prison in Rutshuru Centre was reported. During this incident, police officers responsible for the prison fired many shots while trying to stop the escape, without success. As a result, one of the former inmates 3 | UNHCR Protection Monitoring No r t h K i v u – Oct. M onthly Report


Province du Nord Kivu

was killed and 3 others seriously injured. The security forces are trying to find the runaway inmates. On 13 October 2015, a 13-year-old girl was killed and a 14-year-old girl was seriously injured by armed individuals in their shop in Murama village in the groupement of Kisigari. The alleged perpetrators have dispersed in the forest. On 21 October 2015 a minibus coming from Goma to Butembo was attacked by armed individuals in the area of Busendo on the Kiwanja-Kanyabayonga road. During this incident, 2 civilians were killed, 1 seriously injured and 6 others kidnapped and taken to an unknown destination. On 25 October 2015, a 60-year-old civilian was beheaded by armed individuals in Bukuta villagein the localité of Gisiza in the groupement of Kisigari. This incident happened while the victim was walking back from the fields. Following this situation, the alleged actors dispersed in the forest. 16 families constituted of 22 men and 58 women coming from Buramba went to Uganda through the official border crossing of Munyaga, fearing the consequences of conflicts between FARDC and FDLR that are reported to the West of where they live.

NYIRAGONGO On 9 October 2015, in the evening, a civilian was killed and 3 houses were looted by armed individuals during their incursion in the localité of Kingarame, in the groupement of Kibumba. On 10 October 2015, 3 returnee civilians were killed by individuals armed with bladed weapons in the localité of Mutaho, in the groupement of Kibati. The presence of FARDC members is insufficient and PNC is absent from this area. On 11 October 2015, a dead body was found by the population of Kibaya village in the localité of Kanyanja in the groupement of Buhumba. According to primary sources, this victim was also killed by individuals with bladed weapons. On 17 October 2015, two trucks on their way from Kiwanja to Goma were attacked by armed bandits in Buhama village, on the Kiwanja-Goma road, in the groupement of Buvira. During the night from the 21 to 22 October 2015, a person was killed and two others seriously injured by an armed bandit in their home in Kibiza II village, in the groupement of Mudja. Additionally, a power struggle was reported between the family that is in power in the chefferie of Bukumu and another family that claims to be the legitimate actors. On 25 October 2015, members and supporters of both sides started a fight. During this incident, 4 people were hurt by ANR agents. This situation risks deteriorating into strong tensions for the populations of this groupement.

BENI A number of incursions by armed individuals were reported in Beni city throughout October. The population accuses FARDC and PNC members to be responsible for these incidents during their nocturnal patrols in different neighborhoods. Killings, theft, extortions and other violations and abuses were perpetrated by unidentified armed individuals against certain residents of Beni city. Additionally, cases of attacks and ambushes multiplied on the Beni-Eringeti road. A number of incidents were perpetrated by alleged ADF during these ambushes. Many alleged ADF positions were identified in . This situation worries the civilian population, especially those living in the affected areas. Given these preoccupations, provincial authorities have foreseen mechanisms to strengthen the security measures. It is in this context that FARDC units were redeployed from Ituri to Beni territory. Nonetheless, it is important to notice a crisis of trust between the authorities, both civilian and military, and the population of Beni territory. Actually, a number of goods looted between 18 and 19 October in were found in the houses belonging to certain FARDC members or with their dependents. This situation worries the residents of Oicha city that request the strengthening of the security measures in and around the city. On 5 and 10 October, clashes were reported between FARDC and alleged ADF in Abialose and Bilimani, villages located respectively 4 and 15 kilometers to the Southeast of Eringeti. The civilians living on the Oicha-Erigeti axis cannot access their fields, especially to the East of National Road number 4. A food crisis is thus predictable in this area. On 12 Octobre, a minibus was attacked by armed men, allegedly ADF, in Linzo-Sisene, in the localité of the same name, and a civilian was killed. On 26 October, alleged ADF launched simultaneous attacks against 3 FARDC positions in Makembi, Nadui and Jericho, located to the East of Eringeti, on Northeastern Beni 4 | UNHCR Protection Monitoring No r t h K i v u – Oct. M onthly Report


Province du Nord Kivu

territory. On 27 October, the clashes intensified, including the reinforcement that came from Ituri and the blue helmets from the FIB. The conflicts affected the entire zone between Eringeti – Kainama – Kokola – Mutara –Bilimani - Nadui. The residents of Oicha city have heard the detonation of heavy weapons coming from the combat zones.

LUBERO Throughout October a number of murder cases by armed bandits was reported, as well as kidnappings for ransom. Additionally, the situation was characterized by fighting between FDLR FOCA and NDC Cheka, what led to a number of population movements. On 2 October 2015, FDLR launched a generalized attack against all the NDC Cheka positions in the groupement of Lughenge. The latter has been displaced from all of their positions, among them: Majengo, Kaghumo, Mihira, Mbuhi et Musigha in the aforementioned groupement. The population was displaced towards the Southeastern part of the territory. Movement by NDC Cheka was observed around Pitakongo and led to daily pendular movement by the population. The fighting on the 14 and 20 October have also led to population movement, and a wave of displaced people has arrived in Mayeba and Katanga villages starting on 21 October 2015. Additionally, on 8 October 2015, a strong presence of FARDC members and guards from Virunga National Park was reported in Katsivwe and Kazaroho in the groupement of Musingi where over 400 families are staying with host families. Around 22 homes were burned down in Katsivwe village in the same groupement. On 9 October 2015, a case of popular justice that led to the death of a man accused of witchcraft was reported in Butembo city, commune , Ruenda neighborhood, cellule Kitakondwa, what led to the arrest of 20 people. On 11 October 2015, 8 people were kidnapped by NDC Cheka in Majengo village in the groupement of Lughenge. Since 18 October 2015 in the evening, the villages of Kanyandahi, Kazaroho and Katsivwe in the groupement of Musindi were occupied by well-armed alleged Mayi-Mayi after FARDC left to Kirumba the previous day. On 21 October 2015, 5 Mayi-Mayi members carried out an incursion inside resident’s homes in Vutaho.

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PROTECTION MONITORING PMS Province du Nord Kivu III. Analysis of the context

III. 1 Table of incidents per territory

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Physical Arbitrary Forced Forced Illegal Tax Theft/ Injuries/ Sexual Forced Denial of Psychological Other Kidnapping Extorsion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes assault Total arrest recruitment labour Collection Looting Maiming assault marriage resources violence incidents (SGBV) BENI 63 16 1 8 104 2 16 93 22 21 10 15 2 - - - 5 9 387 GOMA 3 - - 8 - - 1 15 14 - 3 2 - - - - 3 5 54 LUBERO 61 31 - 38 90 11 51 105 60 6 - 4 2 - - - - 9 468 MASISI 92 6 1 31 114 53 11 104 105 6 22 17 12 - 11 5 12 19 621 NYIRAGONGO 14 - - 10 23 8 - 10 13 1 2 - - 1 - - - 1 83 RUTSHURU 102 5 1 127 266 88 1 119 49 8 2 12 7 - 3 - - 9 799 WALIKALE 62 3 2 67 102 98 5 77 27 1 4 4 - - 2 2 - 6 462

TOTAL 397 61 5 289 699 260 85 523 290 43 43 54 23 1 16 7 20 58 2874


 The number of protection incidents has increased by 1% compared to September 2015 when 2,845 incidents were collected.  An increase of 4,9% can be observed in the number of incidents reported in Beni compared to September 2015, when 369 incidents were reported. Likewise in Lubero the number of incidents has increased, by 26,8%. However, in Rutshuru the number of incidents has decreased by 13% compared to the previous month.  The number of intentional burning of property has increased significantly, by 129%, compared to September 2015, when 37 cases of fire were collected. The increase has taken place especially in Lubero and Beni territories.  In Beni territory, the same number of homicides was reported during September and October 2015, a very high number of 21 cases each month.  The number of cases of theft and looting has increased by 14% compared to September 2015.

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III.2 Table of incidents per alleged perpetrator

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Illegal Forced Physical Forced Arbitrary Forced Tax Theft/ Injuries/ Sexual Denial of Psychological Other Kidnapping recruit Extorsion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes assault marriag Total arrest labour Collec Looting Maiming assault resources violence incidents ment (SGBV) e tion

FARDC 131 1 1 145 279 141 19 50 60 2 13 5 4 1 - - 1 14 867 FDLR 14 1 1 47 59 5 - 68 15 2 - 2 2 - - - 1 5 222 ADF/Nalu - 4 - - 1 - 10 18 3 16 ------52 Nyatura 6 3 - 9 48 10 - 5 13 - 6 2 - - 1 - - 1 104 Mayi-Mayi 11 22 3 76 106 46 35 46 49 4 8 3 3 - - - - 8 420 Autres Groupes. A - - - - - 4 - - 1 - - 1 ------6 PNC 189 - - 9 55 1 5 11 14 - 8 2 - - - - - 2 296 Autres AT. CIV 45 - - - 50 49 - 1 13 - 5 - 1 - - - - 4 168 Pop civile 1 1 - 2 11 2 6 15 58 1 3 31 9 - 15 7 8 21 191 Autres - 29 - 1 90 2 10 309 64 18 - 8 4 - - - 10 3 548

TOTAL 397 61 5 289 699 260 85 523 290 43 43 54 23 1 16 7 20 58 2874


 The number of incidents that have been allegedly perpetrated by FARDC has decreased significantly by 15% compared to September 2015, when 1,019 cases were reported. FARDC members are reported to have perpetrated half of the cases of forced labour, especially during their movements from one place to another.  The number of incidents perpetrated by FDLR has increased by 4% in October 2015 compared to September 2015, when 213 cases were reported.  The number of incidents perpetrated by the Mayi-Mayi has increased by 13,8%, including a very high number of cases of intentional burning down of property.  The number of incidents perpetrated by the ADF/Nalu has increased significantly. In August 2015 they were responsible for 4 of the cases reported, while in September this number increased to 29 cases, and in October 2015, 52 cases. A progressive increase of the cases perpetrated by ADF/Nalu can be observed, including a high number of homicides.  In October 2015, the majority of cases of rape were perpetrated by the civilian population.

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PROTECTION MONITORING PMS Province du Nord Kivu III.3 Table of incidents per category of victim/survivor

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Illegal Forced Physical Forced Arbitrary Forced Tax Theft/ Injuries/ Sexual Denial of Psychological Other Kidnapping recruit Extorsion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes assault marriag Total arrest labour Collec Looting Maiming assault resources violence incidents ment (SGBV) e tion

Résidents 279 32 3 164 517 166 19 334 164 26 31 39 20 1 9 1 10 27 1842 IDP 46 6 1 52 54 22 34 70 87 5 7 7 2 - 2 1 6 17 419 IDP retournés 60 23 1 70 104 71 32 115 39 12 5 8 1 - 5 5 4 13 568 Rapatriés spontanés 12 - - 3 24 1 - 4 ------1 45 Refugiés ------0

TOTAL 397 61 5 289 699 260 85 523 290 43 43 54 23 1 16 7 20 58 2874


 In October 2015 residents amounted to 64% of victims, constituting a decrease compared to September 2015, when residents were the victims in 68,4% of cases.  Comparatively to the previous month, an increase of 13,5% was observed in the number of cases where the victims are IDPs. In September 369 cases had IDPs as victims.  The number of violations perpetrated against returnee IDPs has also increased by 13,4% compared to the previous month. In September 2015, returnee IDPs were the victims in 501 cases of violations.  The number of violations perpetrated against the spontaneously repatriated population has increased significantly, from 28 cases in September 2015 to 45 cases in October 2015.

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PROTECTION MONITORING PMS Province du Nord Kivu III.4 Table of incidents disaggregating gender and age

VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO PROPERTY SEXUAL VIOLENCE OTHER PHYSICAL INTEGRITY Physical Arbitrary Forced Forced Illegal Tax Theft/ Injuries/ Sexual Forced Denial of Psychological Other Kidnapping Extorsion Fire Homicides Torture Rapes assault Total arrest recruitment labour Collection Looting Maiming assault marriage resources violence incidents (SGBV) Women 0-4 ------1 - - 4 ------5 5-11 - 1 ------1 - - 4 ------6 12-17 - 2 - 1 10 5 - 3 3 - 1 24 6 - 6 - 1 2 64 18-59 23 13 - 10 152 68 11 98 50 5 7 21 12 1 10 6 8 12 507 60+ 3 - - - - 1 - 3 - 1 1 3 - - - 1 - 13

Subtotal 26 16 0 11 162 74 11 104 55 6 8 54 21 1 16 6 10 14 595 Men 0-4 ------1 ------1 5-11 - 5 - - - 1 - 3 6 ------1 15 12-17 19 2 3 8 7 2 1 - 8 2 5 ------57 18-59 336 38 2 268 520 181 71 404 212 34 30 - 2 - - 1 8 43 2150 60+ 16 - - 2 10 2 2 12 8 1 ------2 - 55 Subtotal 371 45 5 278 537 186 74 419 235 37 35 0 2 0 0 1 10 44 2278 397 61 5 289 699 260 85 523 290 43 43 54 23 1 16 7 20 2873 Total

Comments  In relation to child protection, the Protection Monitoring System has reported 5 homicides, a decrease in comparison with the previous month. 10 cases of kidnapping and 3 of forced recruitment of minors have also been reported in October 2015. Additionally, 32 cases of rape of minors and 13 cases of other sexual violence were reported. Children were the victims in 5,14% of cases reported in October 2015, a slight decrease in comparison with September 2015, when children were the victims of 6% of cases.  In relation to women protection, they have been the victim of 20,7% of incidents and constitute 99,5% of survivors of sexual violence reported in October 2015.

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