The mission of the National Institute of Public Health Sweden is to promote health and to prevent illness and harm. Its mandate includes the synthesis and dissemination of research findings. This report is a survey of the harmful effects – mental as well as physical – which can arise as a consequence of cannabis use. The author, Jan Ramström, is a psychiatrist with several years’ experience of specialised drug-abuse services. A long-time Head of Clinic in the field of general psychiatry, he has been affiliated with the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare for nine years in the capacity of Scientific Adviser on issues of psychiatry Adverse Health and substance abuse. His previous publications include other reports as well as several textbooks in the field of substance abuse, psychiatry and youth development. Consequences of The report is intended for health-care organisations, information officers such as drugs advisers and drug counsellors, and others Cannabis Use in need of knowledge-based information on the consequences of A Survey of Scientific Studies Published up to and cannabis use. including the Autumn of 2003 Jan Ramström national institute of public health – sweden National Institute of Public Health Fax +46 8 449 88 11 Rapport R 2004:46 Distribution E-mail
[email protected] ISSN 1651-8624 SE-120 88 Stockholm Internet ISBN 91-7257-314-7 Adverse Health Consequences of Cannabis Use A Survey of Scientific Studies Published up to and including the Autumn of 2003 Jan Ramström national institute of public health – sweden © national institute of public health – sweden r 2004:46 issn: 1651-8624 isbn: 91-7257-314-7 cover photo by: sjöberg, printing: sandvikens tryckeri, sandviken 2004 Table of Contents Foreword ____________________________________________________________ 5 Introduction __________________________________________________________ 7 Part One – General Remarks ____________________________________________ 11 1.