Congressional Record-House House Of
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9852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE. 21 WASHINGTON The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Kenneth K. King, Addy, gentleman from South Carolina? Hannah L. Parker, Alderwood Manor. There was no objection .. Ernest H. McComb, Everson. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE ON RULES John H. McAfee, Ilwaco. Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Mary Mallory, Mansfield. that the Rules Committee may have until midnight tonight Arthur A. Barnes, Pasco. to file several reports from that committee. Bertha H. Welsh, Prescott. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Jessie A. Knight, Shelton. gentleman.from New York?. · Richard H. Lee, Wilsoncreek. There was no objection. SCHUYLER MERRITT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. TREADWAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to extend my remarks in the RECORD at this point and FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1935 include therein a citation given to our colleague from Con The House met at 12 o'c)ock noon. necticut, SCHUYLER MERRITT, on receiving the degree o!.. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., LL. D. from Yale University at its two hundred and thirty offered the following prayer: fourth commencement at New Haven on June 19. [Ap- Father in Heaven, we thank Thee that there is no cry so plauie.1 · faint, no cause so weak, and no man so humble as to be The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the beyond divine sympathy. We rejoice that all distinctions gentleman from Massachusetts? are swept away. O welcome those who wish for Thee and. There was no objection. live with those who long for Thee. Bless us with the more The citation referred to follows: abundant life which is to heal wounds, lead others to hidden SCHUYLER MERRITT, LL. D. truth, open new realms of thought and new vistas of hope. Professor NETTLETON. Dean of the Connecticut Congressional delegation; hardy, and well-nigh perennial. Representative at Subdue in us any arrogant motives of self-interest and fits Washington of the Fourth Connecticut District; even more firmly of temper-they disturb and even defeat our usefulness; seated in the constant atrection of a constituency which gladly they so often dull the. finer instincts and crush the more transgresses party law and local limits. Born in New York City; but, after a single experimental year, withdrawing to Connecticut, compassionate feelings. ·Let the .streams tha~ flow from the he made Stamford his immediate home and Yale his future col- fountains of heavenly grace flood our lives and fructify our lege, graduating in the class of '73, and taking his law degree minds. In our Savior's name. Amen. from Columbia. For 50 years and more he ha.S followed, as he has set, the highest standards of professional and public service, The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and mating knowledge with integrity, and manhood with modesty. approved. At home, administrator of civic charities, schools, and libraries; within the State, member of the convention which il)lportantly MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE revised the constitution, and chair:rµan for 10 years of the Con A message from the Senate, by Mr. Home, its enrolling necticut Board of Education; in Congress, valued member of the clerk, announced that the Senate disagrees to the amend Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee; ever an active agent of the common weal, fulfilled in the honors of half a century, ments of the House to the bill CS. 1958) entitled "An act to but pressing forward with unclouded vision and unfaltering diminish the causes of labor disputes burdening or obstruct energy. It was written of an elder lawgiver who led the · people ing interstate and foreign comm~rce, to create a National out of the wilderness that, though he long outlived a century, "yet was not his eye dim, nor his natural force abated." May Labor Relations Board, and for other purposes", requests a this be the law and the prophets. Quod bonum., felix, faustum., conference with the House on the disagreeing votes of the fortunatumque sit. two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. WALSH, Mr. MURPHY, President ANGELL. Sturdy son of a sturdy stock, you have long Mr. MURRAY, Mr. BORAH, ~nd Mr. L4 FOLLETTE to be the con and faithfully represented in the Halls of Congress the finest. qualities of your native State. Shrewd wisdom, integrity, indus ferees on the part of the Senate. try, unfiinching honor, and the spirit of fair play-these have CALL OF THE HOUSE ever characterized your varied forms of public service and have justly won for you the admiration of friend and foe alike. Your Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order alma mater, proud of your distinguished record, confers upon you that there is no quorum present. her highest honor, the degree of doctor of laws, admitting you The SPEAKER. Evidently there is no quorum present. to all its rights and privileges. Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of CHARLES A. LINDBERGH the House. Mr. LUDLOW. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to A call of the House was ordered. extend my remarks briefly in the RECORD. The Clerk called the roll, and the following Members The SPEAKER. Without objection it is so ordered. failed to answer to their names: There was no objection. [Roll No. 100] Mr. LUDLOW. Mr. Speaker, a few moments ago I read Andresen Dickstein Marshall Shannon in an afternoon newspaper that Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, in. Bacon Dorsey Mitchell, Ill. Sisson Bankhead Doutrich Murdock Smith, Conn. his unobtrusive way, is achieving great results in a new field Brooks Fish Oliver Smith, Va.. of service with which his name has not heretofore been asso Brown. Mich. Gassaway Palmisano Sweeney ciated. It seems that this modest, unassuming pioneer of. Buckley, N. Y. Gi1Iord Patman Tobey Bulwinkle Hartley Patton Tolan the air is pushing forward toward new frontiers, this time Cannon, Wis. Hennings Perkins Underwood in the field of scientific research, which recalls to my mind Casey Kopplemann Pettengill Whelchel Cell er Lam.neck Peyser White a flood of memories of one of the most extraordinary char.. Chapman Larrabee Polk Whittington acters of American history. Cochran Lea, Calif. Richards Wolcott Eight years ago this month, on his return from his epochal Connery Lewis, Md. Rogers, N. H. Wood Cooper. Ohio McClellan Russell :flight to Paris, it was my duty and responsibility, as presi Dear McGroarty Seger dent of the National Press Club, to introduce him at the The SPEAKER. Three hundred and seventy-one Mem Washington Auditorium to what I believe was the largest bers have answered to their names. a quorum. audience ever assembled under one roof at the Nation's Capi Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I move to dis tal. By unanimous consent of the House, I am going to pense with further proceedings under the call. insert in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the speech I made on The motion ·was agreed to. that occasion. It was as follows: Mr. Chairman, ladies, and gentlemen, not for ages has the imag SESSION OF COMMITTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS ination of man been stirred as It was 3 weeks ago when Charles Mr. McSWAIN. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Commit A. Lindbergh, fired by the intrepid spirit of the Western World, tee on Military Affairs, I ask unanimous consent that that launched forth in his airplane alone, provisioned with four sand wiches and a bottle of water, a pioneer of the trackless seas. As committee may sit today during the session of the House . America's shores receded in the distance he faced a vast wildernesa after half-past 2. · ot treacherous ocean. 1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9853 As 1! roiled by the ·very boldness of this Columbus of the air CLARENCE HERBERT PELTIER this winged Mercury, speeding like a thunderbolt of Jove--nature sent her tempestuous elements athwart his path, and while he Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous battled with the storm and sleet millions upon millions of his consent that the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged fellow beings sent up prayers for his safety to the throne of God. from further consideration of the bill CH. R. 669) for the re The 33 hours and 30 minutes from New York to Paris was a period of tragic suspense, when the whole world poured forth in a lief of Clarence Herbert Peltier and that the bill be referred myriad of mystic ways its admiration for the incomparable aviator to the Committee on Naval Affairs. and its love for the mother who had brought forth such a boy. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the To him mountains of peril were as nothing. His faith was gentleman from Texas? buoyant and his hopes were high. Courage was his woof and fiber, and it is not difficult to imagine that stern fate, surprised by this There was no objection. peremptory challenge of her inexorable decrees, lifted her beetled PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE brows and was touched by the very sublimity of his heroism, ·for she gave him a sporting chance. Mr. McLAUGHLIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con And when he reached the other shores he arose to another test sent to address the House for 3 minutes. of character as greatly as when he battled with time and the The SPEAKER. The Chair hopes the gentleman will with elements. Amid all of the adulations of kings and parliaments he remained draw that request. The Chair will not recognize Members a modest, unassuming American, an honor to his home country, an to make speeches until after the Committee on Appropriations ambassador of good will, doing more to foster amity between na has concluded its business.