DIRECTORY. ] NORTHUMBERLAND. PON'fELAND. 373 MILBOURNE, a township and hamlet, 4 miles west-by Callerton, Capheaton, Cheeseburn Grange, Coldcoats, north-west, is the property of the daughters of the late Mrs. Coxlodge, Dalton, Darras Hall, East Denton, West Denton, Elliott-Bates, who are ladies of the manor. The church of Dinnington, North Dissington, SouthDissingtun, Eachwick, the Holy Saviour, erected in 1868, as a chapel-of-ease to Fawdon, Fenwick, Gallow Hill, North Gosforth, South Ponteland, by the late Miss Jane Ann Bates, is a building of Gosforth, Harlow Hill, Harnham, Hawkwell, East stone, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, sout.h Heddon, West Heddon, Heddon-on-the-Wall, Heugh, porch and a western tower containing a clock; it will seat Higham Dykes, Horton Grange, Houghton & Closehouse, 120 persons. MiIbourne hall is the residence of John L. Ingoe, Kearsley, Kenton, Kirkheaton, Kirkley, Mason, Gracie esq. The area is J,240 acres; rateable value, £1,268 ; East MatIen, West Matfen, Milbourne, Milbourne Grange, the population in 1891 was 71. Nesbit, Newbiggin, Newburn, Newburn Hall, Newham, LETrERS from Newcastle, via Higham Dykes. Ogle, Oustom, Ponteland, Prestwick, Riplington, Rud~ MILBOURNE GRANGE township is 3! miles north-west, the chester, Ryall, East Shaftoe, West Shaftoe, Shilvingt,m, property of Lord Decies, who is lord of the manor. The Shortfiat, Stannington, Sugley, Throckley, Trewick. area is 615 acres; rateable value, £561; the population in TwizeIl, Waldridge, Walbottle, Whallon, Whitchester. 1891 was 21. East & West Whalton, Woolsington The population of the union in 1891 was 24,316; area, COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOB CASTLE WARD WEST PETTY 91,318 acres; rateable value, £180,288 SESSIONAL DIVISION.
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