Grants and Acquisitions Ann-Christe Young

Harvard University has received a $939,000, two-year grant from the National Acquisitions Endowment for the (NEH) to support the preservation of its collections in A collection of Edward R. Murrow's the . The grant w ill enable letters have been added to the E. R. Murrow the university library to microfilm 8,000 primaiy source materials held at W ashington deteriorating volumes published between 1800 State University (WSU). Murrow is recognized and 1950, building on an NEH-funded project as W S U ’s m o st fa m o u s g rad u ate . As a p io n e e r begun at Harvard in 1997. The project involves newcaster for CBS, he is most remembered several of Harvard’s collections, including for his “This is London” reports during W orld those in the Arnold Arboretum and the Gray War II. The new collection consists of 28 Herbarium; the Countway Library o fM edicine; letters and 2 telegrams from Murrow to the John G. W olbach Libraiy and the Harvard Hermine Duthie Decker, written between College Observatory; Tozzer Library; and September 15,1930, and May 13,1932. Decker Widener Library, the university’s 5 million was teaching speech in Syracuse, New York, volume flagship library. at the time Murrow was president of the National Student Federation in New York Claremont Col leges received an $8,000 City. Aletha Carlton, daughter of the late LSTA Retrospective Conversion grant from Decker, donated these letters stating that the California State Library to convert three they reveal “an intimate relationship between special collections containing Californiana. the two without expressly mentioning any The libraries will use OCLC Retrospective details” and that they reveal a great deal Conversion Service to convert approximately about Murrow’s intensive life, work, and 1,700 shelflist cards to electronic format, personal views about love, marriage, and providing access through the libraries’ Web- G o d . based catalog Blais, CSULink, and OCLC’s WorldCat. They will promote use of the A rare 1473 edition of St. Augustine's De material by m ounting exhibits and conducting Civitate Dei (City of God) has been donated classes. to Marquette University (MU) by alumni couple Frank and Rose Mary Matusinec. The University of Pennsylvania's (UP) Written by Augustine in the 5th century, C ity Biomedical Library received two gifts totalling o fG o d is considered one o f the most significant $132,000. Universal Health Services Inc. gave pieces of Christian literature. This second $50,000 in honor of Martin Meyerson, edition was printed in Latin by Gutenberg president emeritus of UP and supporter of the successor Peter Schoeffer and includes a library, to mark his retirement from the separately printed commentary by the Oxford company’s Board and to support the Dominicans Nicolas Trevet and Thomas acquisition of print and electronic resources Waleys. It is not known how many copies for medical collections. The Howard Hughes exist today, but the extensive rubrication, Medical Institute (HHM I) gave $82,000 in the illuminated capitals, and book numbers on latest of several important donations made to each page, distinguish MU’s copy from others recognize the library’s role in furthering known to exist. Pages may be viewed at research carried out by HHMI investigators. http://w w w .m Like earlier gifts from the Hughes Foundation, information/news/city_of_god_image_ including $75,000 in 1997 and $63,000 in page.html. ■ 1996, the money will support the purchase of Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & Acquisitions, electronic information resources, physical C&RL News, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; renovations, and computing equipment. e-mail: [email protected].

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