SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 2012 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.00 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Enjoy Spring Break without One more day to get leaving Columbia County. property taxes paid. 3A 7A After funeral, acts of heroism rial service for Sgt. Ruben Howard many.” overcorrected, causing the truck to On leaving services for Sgt. Ruben Thomas, Thomas III. While driving west on Interstate spin and overturn multiple times. Jackson County corrections officers render Sgt. Thomas of Lake City was 10, the officers came upon an acci- Both Richardson and Pinto were killed March 18 when he was dent just as the dust was settling. ejected before the truck came to a critical aid to Lake City man in I-10 crash. attacked by an inmate at Columbia Jacob Shane Richardson, 19, of rest on its roof. They were not wear- Correctional Institution. More than Lake City was driving east with his ing seat belts, according to police. help save the life of another Lake By LAURA HAMPSON 2,400 people, including law enforce- girlfriend, Rachel McKenzie Pinto, “It looked horrible,” Dolan said. City man.
[email protected] ment officers from across the coun- 18, of Jacksonville. “We had to stop.” Lt. Georgiana Hand, Sgt. try, attended the funeral. For unknown reasons Several officers and motorists Six correctional officers from Terrence Speights, George Rogers, The ride back to Jackson County Richardson’s 1997 Toyota pickup went to help Pinto. On the other Jackson County loaded into a van Sheila Blount, Jan Holland and was a somber time, said Dolan, a exited the road onto the left shoulder side on the truck, Dolan and Sgt.