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!a fcl 11 *i; " ' ; - ' ~ 1 ' - ° "*^ sspii^is^lf i i i i i I'. ; . '¦ i- . , - - - '1 J&:.<: • -.. - .' ; .!-- :l - v l^ * ^ aft I for: 1899 are' jounced jty, tho eatire/ffl ||-, : :' ' ¦(: "T:U "-1!-/ - 'rr«B[t- Wy ¦ f§ .\^\W &^(K>^i¦; ; : W'WmW^^y l(- ','- : Fress to be the Swmmum) 'JB.bn.um of \m £ J-: i Ii."» £' ¦- <' : 'i.^;.K ;^ AT ¦ " Cycling luxury. Ererjj- cjiclist should reid I * r '^- " r - "> !!k-^: handsomely illc-itfaie'l' BtioWlet,— '^ ^ ^^ our " All r> ^ri' ^T- ! n^ 1 i. iT ; • ;..; '[i^-r->'.v^/y^vlia About Dunlop ' Tjnies for 1899,7 which ! ; : " is sent gralis ilul pctit 'free on application. •> i l i 'h: : : :i. = j> DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO.. Ltd., 1 s The Hiiffg ; i • * ' ' ' ' .;• i—Wi- 5SM3Si(WT« ^^ Coten'.'y : 84/ Westlsnd'Ebw, - rrHiir - iBl¦ . <>F iftiiiurft - ¦ Alma "Street, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ : : . ¦ : ¦ - . ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ '' ' ' " ¦I " ¦ Eablln. . - ; : ¦:: '\/ : ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ l :\ i Ji K! i: !. : . i f-M - ' MM '« •l iT w H J- f-, . :-V . Tik ' -- !- --| •Vr : ~ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' * ¦ ' ; ; ¦ ¦:¦ '¦».!' ., . - i| , ' :i'(' " • ' * • ; 'ij^ : . i ; , : .}. :. , ..;•} .. I \ :ii . . \ M\";l . . - v ;«M ' : "Yfolio ilo " - -vA ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ HOo M ¦ ¦ MAE©H ifMAtL " ¦ ' ¦ *K3SDli¥, U ¦ ' ¦ i! ' * . i\- ' . i ilk . i .: I .- '(:.: : . " • ¦- !: . ! i ;. : -:; : JRISH CJIJI^ ; .gERYICE ¦ ¦; ¦ - ' ' ¦;. -•; ' ' ' ' -!. - H ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' ¦ jguiLDiNG : ^OCTETY.^ I ' ¦ \ .

¦ ¦ ¦ - - "" ¦ ' * :¦ ;¦ - : Established 1854. , Incorporated 1874. " ¦A*- . \ ..-:¦! . ii . : ' ' LOANS GBANTED OK THE;MOSTiFAVOR- :;:iav vi. : ; j " AND: | ; '! . i ABLE TERMS TO ENABLE PEBSONB-TO ¦ PAY ; : BUILD OE PDECHASE HO.TJSE.1 S OBTO. ¦ : s : : - ! - . ' -ii ' ' t: ' •< ' •? i i f.:- OFF MQBTGAGES THfcBEON.; ' -" ! ¦ •il. :: !• i 1 .I dono eaceedfl - The BaBinesa already v .

51,500,000 ¦ ¦ ' i\; ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ , : J . . ; Legal Expenses Fixed wid Lloderiito. ! ; ; j ¦ ' -' ¦ DepositB received at tho follonlrig rotes ol interest, ! i ' -| !¦ • • ¦ : " ; : :• ; : i ;. .; , vj lij ;; ¦ " ¦ ¦¦ ¦ T ' ! freo of Xnoome Tax :— . . ] • ' ¦ '¦- - C; , ii At Call ... .- 2 pej Qont, per(Anntta :. .. loiOnoYear... : 3 . „ ,i v : . . ForTno Yoara ' 3J;, ' ;) -, ,,;. >! , .', ,-, : ' ; ¦ : j ( ¦ ' QLUB E JP , ,. iLk •! : *&»P ¦ J . addrcra ' '' ' rSppMIT'i^' infotnlatVo:! ' W. and every ' ¦ ¦ :ii%$i;^ ' • For ProBpeotnB ¦ ^f - i* I ' : i ' . 'ji -IDOAM0 ii . E0AM8 I < ) ! ^ tUtA v ALFRED H. 1U1ECEB . Secr^terj ' tfim^*^ ¦?:L: : it»te^ TRE oKiGi]j fAL. ^ - 1 ' orelin3-Street, pl^R^Mp; BRA Hi):1f £5 ]Westm¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^ -DEm^ ; ! . - Dnblin. ' ' J : ; ;;' 'imOTOIIlBRi^^f lOE:' Wrfcrford Steamship Company.. ¦ ¦ !- ¦ ' : : . 'o• ^ssS3- - iip-¦ g^E»LiCi !q- " -V;' ;5 ;rtj ' V ¦ '^.4i S#f THE GOUTY £ EHB¦ UM1TIC ¦ /.]. I ¦ ' : • " ¦ '¦ '¦ ' K- ^ IH .f' ¦!-• ¦;" ¦' •!* -:•- ; :: ' ' . (LESnTEUJ. - ' ! . • • • ; ; '": fiiyal Saltser, : Potaaa,: ^itind t7Qt9roi '[Lsmoaado, &c i ' 1NXEHDED¦ OEDEB 07 SHhISQ~?£42CB¦ . IC3 W^Y ' : • STEAMEEai' ' , ' " ' :' oi^tag .MJIERIGAB *- LINE. - PUNBEODT. EEQINALD, COlUJBAQH, T.VRA, K?#,GIT 'AFiaj(i(>a : ;» . -Bii ! • - I. . 1 MENAPUi CEEADEN, ! &o. ' ¦ '" : ¦ ' ' ' '¦ ' ¦: UNITED STATES | MAIL STEAMERS. " ' TKTOTI0E. — The Vfatwfora . . • ¦:.. .. , Whichlis established now for several years a ! i , ^ •V\- . . ¦¦ ' "L_ "K 1 ' I .. . .; <-—^5r \ J-^l StoamBhip CompMy(Liinitsd' ^ I ' -iJF-iF «?VViv<: rocolvo GoodiaadLWo St^l fo* ^Ip. ; SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE ttt^ ^-—iccnt oa tio conlltioai ladatloaed la' : 12,^0'COKOBLLiSTEEET, WATERFORD, hotels, j ;^:| -p^ at ' 1 YOKE j ¦ ^T gaiUng Liflto , to., to Iw h^ their SOUTHAMPTON ;T0 NEW ¦I - ' ' ¦ Offices. ' . ' : . |- jon o Noon. - : MAKES Cash Advarifces frdtii ^5 upwards approved pereoiial security, with ut IMPERIAL HOTEL. i SATURDAYS at WA.TEirOED A 1IO BEI8T0L . " ' - , 't>:|g>o for Second Cabin n:on.wiiiiirQRD 10 EMBTOL. rioir BHISTOI TO irATtntonc. publicity, to Fanners, : ShbpkeipararProf&sibnal Men,;Government"Ofiidaio, uvd ^i^ji_,;J: ? HigbcJt Clasa of accommodation Friday, liar. 3... 4 p.m W^d'sdiy, Ibr. l.Ji 7 39 p.ffl otn l ' ' LOTTDE OAOKVILLE.STBEEp, DUI Lli;.:/ PasEDDgers. i ¦ ' ¦ ' Tuoifliy, - ' ; ! er8,|in aiiy . part of Ireland oa the most re^onable terms. ! Inteuding -Borrowero ^ and Steerage «„.- ' „ 7... a p.m Bitatdny, „ 4..J 9^il p.a ' ' Steerage Faro at lowest rates. . Outttt Iree. Frldiy, - : „ 10...13 nooa Tliursdiy! „ 9;.i 8. . n.ni y^iring a Lean will find-it to their advantage to 'apply to this Bo>zk, where all bnsinesJ (C-;— 'stis Gn::ri!rc;W)2iaiizai::: ^5A OCes Is hfc Taesiay, .„ H... 3 p.m SRlurdiv .l , 11..; 6 i p.m ' J3 t ' 't •|., ;| - *-y¦!-PM»«.« °ofi methe LcndotendonT MarWts Friday, ¦„ 17... i p.m WcdsctSi^, J5..V 7.S0 p.m rausacted with the utmost cecrecyy ariB whero every facility Iia givoa to Castbiii'era/ : THo uoa{"

¦ '11 ii^1*W-»MiM..O4l*toi5t*> »iii«MM»*& i;;iH^RT^rTr^7ip. .U!. 'f IjJ /: i-' ; -' j j- :/:• , :

y M^mk&mmmm i; ft m v- KfTKviV ri -. lHj-l-" .;^1 . . < 'k^h^v ' i i S *

¦ tv '• "" '" '¦' :i ; •i 'V l " ' ";: •"is tt llti t l;, ;, 1 i the Eledjorfl i)f the BaUlnai ' ' ; ¦ i: -h ;! : Diyliibnr -v: : • , ' LAlilBB ASb'tJitWtBliB Nt -: : pa Address, ;j_ ; Btiog »«l»ot«d M » C*nlid»U, »t B Doety, Wattf ford." IJJSB and rapttMntatl" pnbl 0 Meeting, 00 a9tb w bald at OalUrib»nB' on J* 7 ' v* rapreaast: Bal lnmkiU DirUloa M County If CooneUlo'r, ! >«« ,*>:«§•* n>J»" '?? *» .- V' iiiiYEiifia' iiNiiST l. .A. 0 u /Hr :iH-r i 'li . 1 .. . . i I -«« »lta»dy " : . .. . toBltion: i Aa Sy ! prf»dpl« ¦ I : ¦ -i ' ¦ ¦; ; '- pnblioly declared, ii li neadlum ¦:¦ ¦ "I: = -::^ : T known aid . . to repeat then»h»r» 1 tod havlnk *'4ho»nail knoWledga otXhe winlaof til o)isMi In the Dinalon; ihonld yon do ma tUe honour o( v oleoting tto, I shall «p»ro no Batia In pro- It I'ii. > .i.tb ^r ¦ mbHOR Bar btWnesj that thall Jead to you : #: '~ : ; :¦ ' ¦ j f - : ;|N . - ""';• . : "'| ;t, ' : ,: hi | ';\p • ' '.. ' ; id VelUare. ¦ REWIRING a" I! yonre Wthfally, " I' JOHN M MEADB. Li COTJHTY COUNCIL. lectors of tho DivioionD

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ E'= . ^: j ii lf. I ; li LLD ¦ ¦ ' ' • ¦ ; ^ Du tt'.amsiL Irroci ua iurn« : • !i -iU :• ' I? ADIE3 AlfD GENTLEUEN , ew Baitings- Hew Troas«rini jto^pMes , j ; j ¦; ¦ ' ika rep^j S&l itMii orloi^ ©aiiy li ©las M if Bwges. ] ¦ ; . At tbo rf qupit e{ acrnod mnoy TO ECI-J Hsw I boff to'offer|iayielf at a Cicdidnto for thi New Tv7esds9., Naw Coattage; rtprcicatatloa of the etmo dlr.;ricu ca thi !§M«miig ®opastia©nt ! County Conacll. I«ovely Selection of '' ' ' t;. : A i • I hivo olwajs baca o Eotao Eolcr, Tvsttdt. ¦ Uovlnj tbat the future piMpcrllyo! ItohtJ Thf titv Irish HotMtptm \ \ C3D only be secured to the Irlth peoplo by • ¦ ¦ ¦ Craotlog them I pgialntlra lodopcDdonc. , - ¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ - otra CUTTBE . ¦: : ¦ - - :¦ . - K .:. . - ! .j i - . lahaU allow no opportnnitt tb pa>w with- | '/- Is the Best la Wattiford. cat pteuiin^ I or a Citbnlio University fat Ireland. - Jaeticelo our Fintncail Eclatloai nlth Eajlaod, add any nther m'eaauro t»od- ' • - inp to tstve our couotty. HEARNE & ;GO. -HEARHE& CO.;- I am oot attuflwl with the I/»bourpm' ¦ '¦ " Acts, Toe rnaehinary la tab costly C3'i ¦+• nv;: :.: •- :.. .• ;i ^r! . ^; udlco«, ond l »ti»lldo nil In by power to . ; . ; 0P obtain IroiL lihe GoTernmeatjn greet fc: iSW £tl:D tba L»bourera' Cottages obioh cill gits tM ' Uboorer ;a coofcttabb hsao «lthon! cadno picssnrb on tdo KitepsycTi:. I coulder kbe .tJrjity of tho Irish Party NMM. . 8PMIW& c! noraaouot Importance | re ebonn snCcieot Intcrw! Ithbt l ha^ la tta weliare of the County toi culealito oa year vote and laflcenco for nhlch I appeal y: \th csafldecc J. '

, Ltdiei end Gcntlonco, M ^^;$:WS^^M ; Year obedient Ctii-srt, v m ¦ r ' ' ! , - C. J. CUERAU Eclllnnaclr, Dansorvaa, 1th Fetru::y, 'CO. 1 2o tho Ucotora of tho Eathino¦ ylcn ; District. I . ¦ ¦ :¦' ¦ g . . , ' Eilaeqc;ni|j, Daaocra E. uuiyb^yiiuwuyWn j'^uys 61.llB;SPllI SS0W 3 T* ADIE3 AND GTSMTLEUCN, ' To tho Elccjtora of tho Dtmlatt " ; Bclnn eslectf d a» a Candiaato nt a : AJJ.D.G. £ CO., Lro.y : " : ' : larrjo aod fcprcscHlJtlTO prMio ncoticj, Division. .; ; - . . - - r : 'lee©. ! bold pt B»lljn«aoyatra(jh Creaacry oa " Cathplio Young Mea'o Bocicty, ^K!"ZNc.S2slaIi2POISL32) Febrcsry ICtb, to reptcioDt ' EitbDoybn Y ADIES AUD GEKTLE0E1T, Wsterford, DUtilo' t eo District Coancilbr, I beg to ; Ju : j for tho posltto'a, bavlaj a : ' I bs? to o"cr cysslf ai a Csadl3ato offer ojeelf 1 i i tLorotjh knov7lcdp,o of the Iwaati ol ell : fc? tbo Daakltt DIvlsloa oMbo Coaoty ! cltsoea in *V P I)l8tiier. BbotJd yoa do DO Canccil end tbo Kilcnlllhcca Dlitrios StfPJTIttOK'B too bc'aoor «.t elctUo,'; mo I eb«ll tparij 20 : Cousc'l. Tbacalyproralscalbavato taska .HiaHI pains In promoting any bmlcpy tbat c'anll , cro that I TJIII strive to eat In too fatnta hs ; ifei? BaWas oti ¦fflanM©§o 1 I THE ANNUAL ; ¦: ' ' " : h-d to yoar benefit, acd nclft're. I havadocolntfcapM t. 8bonldyca ho;car rf6 ;& ££> %ay, no tilth year coGcrajes I will io every thlajj ' ; Wdifendfeip. I. . . , i . Ycaw Wt&fa»7, ¦OO'NOBHT : - :¦ ¦ L ' ¦¦- ; ! la oy por-cr ta fotctrd (be i (ntere:ti e/ Will be bald la tba above p I ! ; «—, . 1 WILLUU CUtilillTAlI. ¦! ' HsU ca FBIDIT ETSBS r\ f\ /7 n , yoar District. ; DOIS, 17th last., coarcesolBjj ' . 1 an, yoat obidieat tavsnt, at 8 p.c l So tho Electors of the Encelanahon ¦ G. H. BLobuTIELD. : ¦ ' ' ZcTA Cbosa PrograoiBe ba« b«a astiaasd - : ¦ : ' ' ' I ' o^E^e. £3 : ! I " - • ' ' Divicion- the occ*»|on, iododlos soveral NaUooarPart Eoars v Co tho Dl:ctcro of tzio ZTUisTry Electoral wbiib wlll ba nderad by a Fell CfceJr. •ffat©rpte^ S)r £aSio8 \ Ladies' Watoxpcof; Capgg T ADIE3 AMD OEIIXLEUr.T, \ i - i , SlTiilOO. : I-IiHmoi Oostames,. Uriderolofching, '.Having bseo eeleotcdl ct a C5sth3 ADincaioir BIXPSIIOII ' cf EJccton held at Donblll, |I fc:3 to tC;* 7T AD1E3 AND GENTLEUEIJ, Wa%pfdofei™iS^ Ladies WatoxpoofGl^Q ^. nyself BJ aCandi<5sie for tbe Kcccinsbca _LLJ ; : : : ; JOSEPH KNOX, \-. . , j Uivldon of tbe Co.iDtj Cbancll. < I bf jr to offf r oysctf as a Caadjdit& ' 203 EKS ' flress.ESa" : t^IS ¦' fer tba mcBABD PHBLAH, r ' ' G&n *^: • ¦ 3bonld you do DO tbs . honcar to elect no ¦ tortbopofl'iinol Dictriet Conaslllor °oafe : . ! • • - iV' tnfornurd tbo iot^rcou 0! tboTO Dl»Uion. tly visits tad cLsiea for ! #irico&. /Spsoial) i I nill endcavenr ; i v ^ tbo FUtepajcra In every le^ltlaata nay- ' cappnrt era set forth la a elrcalir letter to ::r i !l ':< Geats' Paddook Ooats I coofldently esk tbo liibcarcrj r.cd tho Elsetara , ead I trtat that they easy ba '' "• " ' 1 M00rgjpfiii ; r::hctE3a cf tha I)i3trict fo^tbclr sopjsrt, • foacd T7crthy ot yooropprov»l. ' ] ; CjJCrlng tbata tbet their canhe eball clu.ip ' ' Feltbfally yoors, Waterproof DriyiDgApoao OilHOf : BE EXCELLIB Cid la 00' tt'waccn advccstj.| i V. KUinrS. Jusr. !lU=3:c::2ot7 IIca:3, MANUIES-aad SEBDE : I DC, ladlfa and flentlsrcs, ¦ 1 Yoar filthfol ccrv-^, 37th IToVimery, IC3D. Lsggiags and : Watsrjbruof : i ; THOliA3 T.IU JQPUX LCSAa GOVEagrnnns : Aor, icoo Wafcwqnfe for Servants \ BCOTB J Ohisaelnne. Feb. fS tb, 'C3. I I'esdliig Cfakei. ' . ' •Jo tho Elcotoro of tho Cormty ; KILBAEBX DIVISION. Issno Tfcsiofcy/i Hcdorcite Pricso, Reliable Goodo j ¦ ( . i Council- i ' j SpeoialfOalf J 'IT ' I ; BeaL LI8H0ED DIVICION. . iiJlADinS AUD GENTIiEUEH, ¦ ; ¦ . I tatend standing for dcptlea ca a ' CosaSy ' Yoa alt know cie. citsMlly tafea & pnctlwl latatat la tba : i , jros ¦^¦ ' !¦ """— . - -| ;«r; >-V' \ V : ElviEicii W tio . County C:^:clL i I oni bora end brought up in Liaac:o ; : cmisccwat ef yoor local t3tJfu, aad, If _ Tho C.::at fioa cn:.7C!datb c^rrra fcracca- ' c!:2t:d t will Co ell in ray power to tif »jtisrd A^calturai Assodatien'a ADIEG ' 1 yasi latite:ts ia crcry way. i ' : jr AND GEiniiEUClir, ! eidcrablo porlo3, my1 retar ded cbao jez tt e^o, i : ^ t^d hope to end doji amiiajt yoa. I ca, jcci cbtdfeat carvaBt, QVABAsiBSD I ¦ ¦¦ PATBI0K!\7. KEtI.Y. ..: , .:X7atoHogd -JGbimty lOoUzioil. \ ; Tbo CowCiy Ooarcll DM zln ot ! Darlne 0 IOCQ oQoi«l esreer la India, I I , KoocinanoD comprises cJ3fc& of'too tno.-t c::htod In orcams-iDjand nc^klofrotcboao ! V7tt:irotd, Jtn. 25tb, lG0O. 1 . One & AJF OF THE TRAllOBE AND Japorlaat ehctoral aivinoss of ol Local Self Gotcroment, tinilar la | Seeds &Mannrd TO ELECTOR^ ¦ thsKilnrc- ©@ ¦ : ' ¦ 1 s " : ! --: ir-.'-.rlSIiAHDI^AHS BZVE30I?. i tioccD Unl6a. r!; . . cc:satial tcipciln to that cow bclofj Ic- So tlio Electors of thb Silbairrj j : : ALSO. •! ¦; I ycatare lo colldtyonr voto aDdlDterc-; i OUi^O&C- a trodoosdhcre ; tha oxpcrle ;ca thai gaiacd 1 • Division, ' 1 i j ; .• nV-A9IEE< ; AHD^nn,EiIENJ : \\ £3 a ICidlitta fer the Oocsty Conncll. , a uonld prob»bly be ootfo l, cad I proa!:s ¦ favoof oLlfti I ad c=id I cllf c:J cult in thatiif cho:sa by yoa no sCozl S U JII ta JUADrES AliD GENTLEMEN, I ALPHA ; SEBABATOEa : ! j ¦ ¦ ¦ : : ' ¦ ' • ;,; '; - .; '. I' c±'. o Cond!52to I/or you—nod opcclally |tbo Caberaca Liberty,. Honesty scd Inipjrilallty sro tay j cslsntlocsly to falfll itub psblio flntlca «d ' j , Qoals Wanted I-0C31 Government A.ct, ilGOO. lab inters—trill fiedtbat I nlll forward tbdr natcb cords ; oa oc» fsdlcaUr snVJeof , c3 Tfcro imposed npsn me, aid, If yon canw Bt «li tinea and In OTflry nay to tbo booovcr, nhicb will eoootrj or Utcr eCcct ; hononr me , wltk yonr eoofideica, t trust rr E»OEB8 wUI ba ooaaid«fa4 «a W . bc:t ef my stUlty. : I nlsh to pta- ; IDOTMS! •SntZZOpZ iAUblisLAlIOKSAHB -DIVISION i- Cpanty Cococll', o my vleoe, that, for the brief period ytajrta&lnlrjS j I ba»a lon^ b9;n of pplolpa that the rest viz., I am In favour ot a cacpsaro calcalstcd to n:ot I ehall puma tha eaoa coans. ¦ * ¦ ; of tbelaboorere'cottiijegobpold |o (tolll'c'.o labDijrori beccolaQ , , : . . .TT.&Dia AND QEETLITJEiT, ; r . bs rednc-d. (1) i I en Ladles and Gentlemen i L=J that tbo altotacat of land I oTincrs o( thtlr dB) Ilicc>, and i Yoar faJthfnl Servant. z '¦ to c—h lor .asa^ 2s*s **' 'lntscoidaBca oith tb'o- nl:hc3 of c . loboaror ebobld bo idcreescd to ct Ic^t cno ' (2) to ««oo?e oM c^o pecaluca tbca 1 DUDLEY P. FOHTB50UE. Tba Opstraoor Bait daQw tba i ! ccrslo extent. ¦ ' t> cirf-j SM Ceab ostofti vny large ' nuistsr ot Eleotsrs I -oo o . , Provided tbtt cio idTickosti are ! Sanccrvills, Feb. 4th, 1899. ptad s»t froa his Yard, ia wch «iiiS8«« _' Ofl the otter twnd, 11 n«cd eisxcalj ' Ucposdont ohli£; C3 tbeitj oao ezotil ta atraoa tim» aa V**" "" Cs=di£3*3"for ;tho U^anly Coaoclllcrsblp, tell KIEEtnTY 00UKTY OOUHOIL r»yUrftaiW c=d fctc to tojldt your Yotcaod cappert. ¦ tbo ferment of tbo Dl^lslea thit tbdr cac'3 csdara cbt b:: ".:";d M c;ro ctarity caj ¦' to ¦ 13 ay CJBM • • cibsti yoa+a cood: cooa^U' e!edt ne# bo kho, «B(J (bat ay deslro CIUCM I cf tbo rale?. i nil C^Vdoicsroi yonr Interekts chill - -havo . ^pnld to;f To tho I3eotC3 of th© BlvMon of . ;¦• • ' ; dutios oy tcrm of 1CZ33 If elected. foKrri, 0hC7i3 this yecr b no b;r to oy eli~lblitj tha Port ' • oj t^;tttt<;at!on. . , . ; • < Piltown. ojRaa, wUremd (0 » ; ¦ tfea ¦' ¦ ; ¦ !' - ¦ I FatfcilsfCW . ...i .:'iu :. ; ; i I ' - , ¦ I I an a Notionalist (3 politic*, oc3 ooald C3 Oscdiisti!. ' min, Md otAe* M tb, oaJatfl^rSlcVj ¦ co-opsrato ta e?cry taoremcat.lb I bavo lbs bcaor to ba ""* Goal" - <- .::.- -\ ¦ '.'.• •- . ' . 'T '] favcat cl BESSEoaouan, TPiivrowa, 8aeb T«a^rs ami ta madta«&M por cbadlenttctvinU ; - ii C«tbol!j UolTorslty forlrolaod. ¦ ¦ ! ' - : Ltdua and Qcatlcccs, ' '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' : a^o : Co. Kllbnsy, lithf«btuary, ¦ 1SS3, ./¦ . ¦ ¦ , .. . ! < i Qot)Aa PEtmESGy. Hopicj.iLidlesend'QonUocaa, Mablo : Yonr obefiieat tsrYsat, . • . i tbat cj ilG el ^ssfto m iisadd IQ L. ei^dKataro ooy rccrfr* ycer - t© I ' :¦ ^ ¦ -¦ ; " ¦ ¦ cappeir, i i A.lw. B. POWER : By Order); ' • OF t3> , AD1EB AND GENTLEMEN, TO TEE EtECTGr^ THEjTRAMORE I , ,yootobad!5nte!?ryBDt Glcn«Iro, Atloy, Lliiaorc, Ffb. 23tb. ie?O. Harlss besn infarmod by «oma of my ' : i i JOHN \7ALSH Bp Ec^.^ :..:; •: . ,-, DISTRICT, ! I ¦ fefLQgcIj j at stels fsllaiT-ratepay »rs that I should ba aa aceep- Be Billyraacti, Boamabe3t • . * • fe ipfC SldS 11 CSS_AP« "2o tLb Illcstora cf t!io |Cocaty Couceil t;b!a Caadidala for a Baal on tha Ooosty ^ ^fe2 S? ^ : : ! Tbiircday, P«broary I6O1, 1C39. ! _ . . . . : Iluln-Stuet- Ita=^3. Elvlnica CJ CappcatUa cna EaUytaso. Council for tho PUtovm Dlvixloa, I renters WATEBTOEO UNIOiJ : : ' ; to coliclt yonr Vote and Iatamt ilJADna AND GEtlTLBUEH, ; : TO ??HE DtEOIDEa* oil; cay. c?xz$Md> . ; TTT ADH3 AM) GEHTLEUEN, • ^ Shanld yon do ma tha hoaeu ef alaeU ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ow How and At tho rcgueat of a lur^D narabar ot iM ^ i I 1 ' M Wda Wlkaad Waate 1 ' ' Oq iog tn« yonr Repmentative, I shall be ••«> Vc;or3,lhavo decided to coma fozoatd t3 a COUNTY COUIJCIIi DIVISION O3 DBOUAITA ' tio Invittt'oa of nanciocs R - prepares to elra fneb time a&d : ability aa I Mjwih* v Cr:r-;!33tJ ;~ tt3 DiiKiM Ccuaonidnrtjip. prccoaLitlto Electors of UJB abavo Dl?Ulon, cavs »t ray disposal ia foztheraaoa ot tbo lP^- P^fS eoa^t^ I bavo DCeb plejunre in coring raytsK QmwJUa*T U*«tW ea ttar Jtaal laatlsrl Ao d Taspya, needless to tay, l eballoti ; ia lntcre^s ol tha Ratepayers of tha Ootmtr < ta iW ¦ ' IjADtEa AND : . : a CindiCati?, C9orlno«] that toe pcsltloa vpr* i Voftbea»7«^mStKEW^I . cv«7 • o«a3lc^i -rot? j>j¦ pJnrt unnecessary GENTLEUEIf. CicanUy, and of yoar DWltton la ffirtf- : T ¦ 1 : ; - ' ' " ¦ ' [¦ , rcqmrcj cotn of tfaloiog arid czperissca ¦ • fcs.Uc3i " | i . : I bej to offer ay«If MO OtcdJdata ia '¦ . puUlooflil.e, C=JK. . ¦ - U clccica I rhall taia tho cist lotir^t . to roprccsot yea for tbo Cooijti Cc=ca ; tba moasjementol I on, your cfcsdiaai eervoai, Di»bl0D or Oromtaa; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I am in tavonr of Ketlocil Self GoTCro la J lio b&vo dona in too cat, sod (0 lav ; . ( j ;!¦ i . \ - C LaEiatua ta I ' tcfcto coa • ' DUHOANNON. i rh-^!1 tj^y/jbrf TBIS, CC4 v&ca tfcete Dy T)oOT pp eoiaeiof;tbe l«dlni qce5tlooo, , iceat, beUtViasisothiba less willutltfy th« Hi - • ,. .: • ..'- . ,'. t!r5deSjj-J7rj; i»t.:p? paeh ;pilaed fa it ¦oblcb tr» trorcldB^lpabllo tbop ht ot tbo ' icoplrutlodi of tbo Xctsb Pec^lo . ' - ¦ : . ¦ c • ' am In! fatoou of i Ostcolia ""'caii tojxj at thb pretent tiao. ; Hopin¦ g precsnt tlae :-r- • . • .[ j I Ucltcralty, To tho Eleotora of the filtown , lo rr;riyp*jT3w} votu Icflsracs, : ; I ora catteely In foTonr of cl'alaio" ; to deratop tba taJeot aed trilo tho ceuds a County Division, Wfttorford Indepckttdent ¦ ' ' -- £=3 ¦ t a i ' " . ' ,\,¦ r - l \:i zinii}n; :\'. < ' , .; : •; XTnlTcrtlty: for tha ; Catholics ef Irdi JuJ, : youag Itithmci>l tbat the? isay ttcona ¦ : - ¦ I nortbT ot tbelr ilotborland. — , Yotir bbcolont¦ ¦ Ccrv&ns, i . .' ! fcelipvlBff 03 I do, tbat car cot;;™ IMOO n AD1E3 AND GENTLEEI£N, i . • !. . HAURICE MUBPH7 I ccsraonaly.tbrcnsh Bnnjocro or onsyotiD'' . . 1 bullaie tbe lino » ilpa nhen toan ; oca refraWou froai ths edfaaticta cf S ¦' i tcaaatt ihouWrtceiuft le^isiaiivu cootiici- ; I Ta seddaf y«w sottrajtsf« tl« ¦TQ THD GLEGTOBS OF THE TBAMQES ; UDlwrtity;Edncatioatbrca;jbcsxcl£3:b=3 : \ : aHaa lo tb» ibafo of l'ixity of Tehate, «td poritloaof CetiBty Oooacfllor of tfis plltnra ; .' : liik;&) JttoraM tolcl companntlon for bmloiogd and lacrov!.- Coeety Dlvbios, te which! I belong, I; f! i . . , . . ;piSTB.ipT; t : ; ¦ : tat te^¦ W^, ' ¦ I ] I could ; oy teat to try xcil oV- "- r ¦ ¦ : ' ' "1 " " i taeota in tba c»w ot «»plring Leasts, piotalwW do tT«TTtfcl»tI caa, coMisMsrtly , • ¦ ¦ • - : - ; -|-ir - - " .. . ; • • . .^|?. : ii:f»|>.-Ci8af . - : ] ' ; jcsUco tolrcbcd ln ber Fbacdal - i . -—i r : . Ian also In favour of lbs applicatlca of «IU» Uu dtw ptrfomaactof tka eottsty wart,' 1 . , i, i -- : • • V-l'ftllya rco/i TraBorc.!' ¦ Ee¦ btlo-a . .; nlth Great Britfllo. ! j - . ¦ : , tba: V7otklo(jmoV» Dnelliiys Act to ih9 to keep dows taxatfaa, : j : . ' ; ' 1 .! i I floaldWtoreeUlbijftbeLtcdQc^Jloi IToto tha rj— ; ' ..; ' : Artls¦ in aed Laboarcr. I 10ACIi¦ a AND' GE3TtEUEW, : ' AtJdfe|f . : ' i lj belUVe ' I as>; Ia hvotr of Katbeal Wf-G«wra- ¦• • ., for erer, by B oejunro of comusltarj pnr- tU dlvUoa pf Contracts of ' . • ¦ nivlnj iOTrcJSStel yoa .fortbo psst Tcs : * : County KosdMJ as to bripg tseat, aad shall vote only fii a Natfomallst ; '¦ '• >¦ rd of V7»te'« ! chew, wlilab ,«aould do iatikj tt a to ' them oltbia for the ChairmamUpef Cotaiy Obtadl. • • YctwnotbfePect U*Boa tk? ' : ' , ¦ : tbo meant of tbij Libonrer dud Ootiltt i£* ^BaBta^-aa«»tipa3tV^^l *S -. tdi'XSf ii^i-' rttr' felisr JrccJ nr ecnrleai : oocer and cccafnplc?. j ' \ coa% * v t i 1 0boold ^0 dttett io oako tba : ' 'pctiag for tbeai | w bo tbej tiitttsetbcdol -I »W1 stecaaoolj CMMttV vlaiai ot ' * ' cc£^taq l^r9l.'0d]rerom«'nt Blu, I con- < ¦ lot ef ¦ i : tbo labourer brighter oad;iejproro ¦ . creitlog •mploymeal and et th« ume tlma ! tha wojIlBf ttesaa, aai stall *ada*vwtt to : eoleilJoBjIf fcsllew «htt I bate feltsfcjly ' hbeoa- kav« cwtnly work m parfcnnfd to |rrf i ; fiiilea »ad il woo d; ¦ > certs tba'KaimyeruidTrider. Also tbat * tk* !; lopport car ccsrew, : 1 i ' . ¦ rcfrsoDttd. tba ia'frt:t» of ill clanci ifi mjM • Cotipslsjiy ' ? 1 Bate of th* fciadlocoV «ajjtoyia«sa ¦ ¦jb i ' tQCo I' ll' . IovetMt Uboorers aa! aneV aa teaibla , : r '$ssti ti3U.; / Tp^a : : I oU|b» in.ft toroi/• tie oaiy aad tiae Matioo o| : I will to M4 a OsttoUo IMmmtmib. = (t::: ^!-! * ^-*oar»thfoVE4t»»ct , • •: :¦ ' • >. • '. . . I *ho tptw of creituUj 02. , : the ¦K\M?:. ;. ftM »m^: ; - , ¦ tcsdiaff tl)i pp«erj of U>« Qoocty Ccaa JUsod (jQOMroa, togetbn wt ib tlM rtsattiio. ,1- -Iwlif.'iit-^ <:W- Mil-i.B« il ¦rOT*-:^ i .v ?. ,v; . ; JOHIt QUAHK. *- , eUa j ' ¦ 1 : • • and I iboild trj by meat at tha Evicted Tfeoai&r, : dna, oa tkTauM Iml with thoMMam. crery Beast la oy "p t-ho aies&za c? J^lsaiorb caa Eraacsa To tho Electors ' ¦ ¦ ^ I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ot the Tramoro I »n (n tovJor of jpaojing o4 OU A»e • I^twtaU^MUw^Msaltyaaaalj,. j -A, -- i,r X- ' . ¦ ;¦ ...;-! 32iv isl4 5S. : ' ; :. ¦ ' ¦; i ¦ . ¦ ¦ I' •'• Sp. ;Hebtbig:of Tr^bre|Bivioion trial and tbe s«nsi«l; lotcteita U »1L [ : DiotlC t. Peai!oail(jtta »«a>rvi»J W,, i ; f v XrwtjBff tbsl Ldiiy bo ; ' 1 ' ' t { »U1 c 9 »y qtao«: to import tk« naff . «&4 t»rocred with 5 rIsBd», loJr«r«attol(MC«i4Mftto ^ , yoarconS^snce wpport mV 'to ' meal f«; { U« :N«f «» >yi«M«Ul , *bJsli - »-I eballBO"u ; ! f . : rewe«a»; 79a oa tl» Osasty IiADIE3 AND OENl'lEHEN •*• ¦ ; 1 io ey tttmott to DOTII. "^ ' 7:?^" j OeanoU, Bodif •Iteica , S» nol« «> wbWfe onroonatrj1» robbid mut - '^" '^^W^ ^'^I^^ 'V . . A ! ¦j yoQjlj t>UNDdra*ewMd rbjttMfflloiw ¦ . ¦ , > ¦ " ' ..; I re£8LD, faItbbiMy, . . . i ; . do eltUi tty power fw tt« bettersdvtacc- Mnulbj ' . t. . • .!¦ •¦' ..'c .Ml'- • ' ¦ ' tbo D33J&3 of DirtricJ CotmdHcr k nar . iPMliaaeM P»* »)w Bwal ry lo R*MearxaHeat*.O SJmb&SS r., „ . - »i ; ¦ ' ' * ¦:• • • iDroatni.Jftaaanr ^iMtb , "80. , , _ iBibt tb« . BCCrd. !. - > > r-:rV i .:. . ¦(. .: .;¦ ; I la pntttog w |gii i . ¦ ' - ot^otheJitlu5aUoi>«l)Pwjt«n)08 , «*Uw. aj$, U lonui X do BO» ' :coataoa torn? Ml ton; <*nwtw,e;RrognM(»ii ;.. . 1 » < pn»rai»nIhiye |Mincd - ! - ; - , T6 THE ¦ !¦ IBCIOJ* H ' nwUw baUortW : j »,.| poi)IU»lli. . " iBLSQIOE¦ S • OM Bolt 1 «aipal(o»y6 »1» cf ;- A il' ' : ¦ :¦ ¦ pe f 1 tte ¦ ,'V.; «oe»«crpiricacala lbe niir85ciDe3»£lo»»ll | . ;¦;:¦( THB k at»di tacm«d *• : ¦ - . aleSn, ud I JitT« tl«»]Sla4 tbainte»iU ^ doria8 myselfto Mto taab iwra my¦ tatoesi lappott • •• • , ;««ps : : , . bi'Mt,;; j - j i . • :• : , County Counoil Pivision of Tcllot7 tha by ye»r» and do ' : ¦ fcod rtUnUoo. • :. . .: ¦ i- ¦ . ! ; : ii - >?»*fer]: * ¦ . ;, ¦ j ¦¦", . of tbr srqtejajirtBt Usd Of UM BIIUOU Eofflknd Jlia axlneteil m , my bm (0 look • ' •• ';' ' CP : eftar voar iaterwt ta tmy jliemsiD, " . . [6b©9lafiT»ycnr plrssaro to e!(xt , froa «i (or JOM of owr »»Hot>. ponJbl* mtotat, i I*idl»s and GenMafiin, ,..: . I &» ph»t I c«B towtuds i ffl*»hl»i'tat '' ¦- ^ ' : Uve ratetajcr« lo yOordlriilo«I beg tocffer ! ¦ tM «o «nU-Homo '"' euliiTiibsriitn «• possibleon tbe ratre. ¦• ' ¦ : ¦ ' .. IM* BlfSotat¦ Dlvtte*. 'j "^ " ' ¦ Balet. • il l J , " •Xo tha Slaotors ¦*¦ v ¦ ' /H oyit)f •» i» caodfd»t« ft« tb« oQea . To the pieotoxs.of Fiddown i of ti* tnawz * niatrkrt •¦;? - Towtakiuy, Mi ' -! -i, L-,,.^,,,,, Lii ^KUAM GALLWEy. ef I tbi b«ooot nyitriwda to : jj . j Cosaty Cqaoe)II«i.fpr tb» Coaoty.CooBell i U»f b« tbo XlgnntyDlylBion. ! ; r first (a tea LlimortBotnl ot OainJl«»( or ' : j DirJlioo of T.l|o»,; wbigJ, «5bT^X» tbo/, I thUfk »ll IraU AN1> i Btactowl W?WOM «rKU»«i*fme* fa pd, to iprppoM that tba ' LAPIES AND GENIMMEK, ' r ADi^j (rtmsMau- : Ew', l*km«rt»houldIwjo vittn of tbelr own / > 1 oU»r nm«lf M : KUiretrrmoy Wot,! TeHo« >Bd C&Utt, ! % udtdkU to ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ booM tn tbs MD« lla«l!;u tbB I'uoen , jeptutot jptw dirtiH.«tb« .tlodiolL • • , 1 Aijta iMMat etf tt* olirnrwatatiT.• ] :^r^ .; . rlabirf/a^wIWVyoM Totl^lBfloeoos., I " _ f MqnlM lbel¦ ¦ t¦ Uroj*andei- tt».'AibbjnrEo us Hontt Baler, tod Oontfdu ihM " «l«^»Ibvtt«Wtortiyw ! f"i??!Si*S:! ; Il7«l«t4aI wJll bfci corns i eonu '¦ - :• f ': ^^B^iHo eENnBMEffl/ ; . : tritblaitbtl oomeim of .tb«Cooit»CmiBoll. At^ItUh H.tJoa^liit I forwMd, taUa& fac UalWnUy BdoonUoaahonM ba -yaa do, 1 i*a«tUim^v (Baringm.J.wiU i ;o^^f -> ij ;-;;^ Mnji thx »« jt^pwpjk #rt o»p>bi '¦< • ;OM 1 !¦ ¦; j . ^ wtthbnt ,£urtiilityj;' jt; f»Tenr;M re«rd« ;.' bf u4 «• a : lmm*dt«telyMtlifl«d. \ i ; »y. MB^Jriaa^etr^ApiSititwia. . ' : : ' ' c4ia«^Mttr p laWiU«<«s Act«{ Jrfr iMlttoBjn 01 pyt, ^; ¦ ¦ - :. ;;'.< jffc. . Hj,L| bieo! h,t«Vb.»«i s>x « «•£ ;"[ I . politle«.«r>*jJ«loo .{. - , .;/, ;i.f ' - ." jv : '.. . . 'j;, »adth«dtaJag; tht ¦• : f ^ yaanll hm b««n fopx iAw .Oaudko. : • :. »i.w»bto }JB«*efol »Wti«yt*r<|UiiDi*- ; HsTiog rtiMtd imtmB yotilof WD6 28 4> towM^l^I*b6arert ;' : ; -:. * -v1s, tadH b»J»|»bdr»jpif»e4 fi*th«JI : ! i yw*, J[ >iie ukea'« prtoti*»I Ist vt nii&kawttmtetit tomU I «a ud ,:.vi-. i; poriu«ioiDWrfotcw5.' ! MmdMip eakH i of in« uWiH Bc*rd« . ^ tbitnm. • Bwdwl* i* iDC (ti to !¦ >n«F?«»l pwlMUlpltiUdii-! »]wy> * aa* OMtran , oI««F*bWi FlSJwf «1*5^0*5: ¦ ¦ r "':[! U«dWtoU rttina it ol tbb ooontry I I am MuM I " .. ^ •¦Mi AaaU toe Uwt: i«xwiH» i. it»|t pwioij to w* am<*-«]r. 'ii (tosa£io Uj« .;; wjMf u i ( 1 p^/Onii&bMt »DdiI:lw*« ! tte^UUrMl Uat Hreodom «• b>,« 4, ur Mm rt all to MW^04| M C«M« itriro gTTryi'fg!^""f". »«^wa.i fW!»«p U •;! tar tpih«Ufc«t trbidii r»k>d ¦ iraS : cu n»n». , i »M *^-r«Bh it T t^Iti tl^.i ' ? !' ' ' ¦H f fe ^?™Sf2#cw f I. ' -! ' ' ¦ - " ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ r i ' A:, dimtm*r4n&te»8-f f- ^' • -¦ .';:;¦» ..-.«-.;. i iat;; , ! , • ^ . - -¦ ¦ k-i ¦• :;¦ --JdT ?^Tllj«*ri rf i]ut »to, roor wfriUwrtlr. : ¦•: ¦¦ ^ 1 - u :¦ ;;¦¦ ' . •[ ¦ ¦i ¦J- - j i ¦,uSXn i(fc d'QOWUN. i , ljp: ¦•«flW|y.J«otefc! ;t- ^ Vf ! «to»l F4t;W»«iow,]f»i« i| JW9. j ^ : ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦•!¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦' '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ *i - ¦ . . : .-i* ' . ' -r ¦ ¦ . - :¦ ' : - . ¦ . -\ 1 ¦ . . .1 . * .: - .. it - . i . ( J ' , J 1 ,- ! . . " ¦ ' ' ' • : : ¦ ¦ . . . . 1 i 1 ! : . : • •! : i! ^ 'i 'i I ! !.^-i ;i-l!.i! l m > i 'Wwm : " ; :¦ ¦ - : • : >y : :- -if :¦ ;¦ . liimni ' ¦ ; ¦ ' ' »* ¦ K ¦; % ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦!:.• : ' ' ' ::'^ ^ ¦ w£p ' • '*' "• ,t " -f't .?;: '?- '' I : '' / ffcuA-* U^^u^- '^-^-^, ii - ;,;f jj ij-jftn?iir«rMwiiftti mil' '*"! ;ir ;: ;i ; r ;; took bat •O. ' v !A -- t- '}; ,Vl - !f fiaVlBisKntlta; Bud I it ¦itU'DO*don»J ; He ¦ • ' r' ¦' • , ' the ¦ ' •¦ 'Tw«» pertoo poaseM , ¦ |- gb, 'tw»» «s,=fnil raaiyl Kttai*; •¦;. _.; Board-, »W«tk tVern . " doetMhi* 'j ¦! f.^ . • V » ^J ¦v . ^ * ¦; '- ' : 1 ' -- ; ] . ; Dbirtsloa dog onr b*rp> ;v.t^j{; - v -'- : ..vj!> ^<. ¦ :— •*¦ '' • . ol »th« ' fowB cCWrk^l».tlrUeTeji . ; : ; r, . .; We loaff b»To beo».;ttn<5 «11 are «1»T«S Tb9 fqno; )»in(r eon4jr» ,i»yta B*!Opted1 h> hboBBd to«Brfyi>at " : :: ' ¦ x • !at 'SM fok't aatlffledwlt a bl»»4vi la^bes . MiicHAEL -: tAVij JAGH. ' ['' . NnmMrsWBaVoi no ald ^e orMei . ; 'BftWo.^robn:-&einerlnftop; p>V-4lB ' • ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ' y ' ' ¦ :BY ' ; ;¦)' - '¦!¦ ' '¦ V ' . ' - M '!.V.I\rA«' - 'Uy - 'l^;:i .¦' . . ¦¦ ¦\< ' . i ' _Agiinrt ^he fo» o« h»t«4-to hl j tit half, ibe aVipply o'f ffbife tre^d Upd-alltbdb?o«o. ]• flg ; ' i Su4 #o &»i>«H wt»tignn(i «it— 'I ¦' • . '• • V:B(n««a—Tboaag, .?lyo6, Sig b^trtet,' ut/Oil; JfartWr '4tt.taa.lSii.' t^fil iWi B KaleA^ttot; 5 ; " ' ¦ ! ^or: God andJ ' perMb^Tj '!'' . ! i .. -j ; ;:- ; - i.^. • ' : • , . !tHe byn-W* anthbrW find o_r S< on'rftlrio* ia»ra^ ' '"" ¦ ' " Erln »iake mile. ' ' U ' '1 *v 1 SisLpieata ioiert In THt' Evikiiro"$k *totjtbli • • ' • - *¦ ' ¦ ¦ \ . " ¦¦n ' II III ii I ' I llfa REV|fi|: ¦¦ •¦¦:;;:- :¦ ; •: • , ij^ lWW* l!:AWR£NC|' ;v-¦ :¦; I . et^ia W^W'tor lisn'b« forwarded to h» 'Lord tlaateftkat and^Bat ; : DR. . .! „ EooS -rWalter BRld*id, * nj iwii it Bd ' 1 e»eniagV -Dtb 'iettknf; ' Wbitliwanl^inBetleai^ .i': f ^" " ' "'" . •^ ' ' • ' oopy bo ftl»» po«^do,B Jldi:lh« Town Ball.!. .;: ; - -".. '!' - I If ceos ehon!d com* tcrott Ih8 deap P^rJoiwrti pBrlb,, ;, V ; , . j : ( ,, ? ¦ ¦ ¦ Boxing OhaUqnge^ I will matob Mlek Momy,©! -. •T-O.f ini f. .i-- :> r. .Tih.-tj »; i.!-i' . « ijf (..• • ¦: ' v ' ' :l" < •j; , :|, f i ., y , »wdMiinqnQx«i i, • •; : . - •V;.;v- . Poet-laureate to tlie = Irish : ' ThstrErin,8»xon Joe» o'orpower, MriiT^-JoBn Itybe, ak"a8i pn out. :; . . . WBtM/ord, ta box iW»te«fo;dfl.t7« |0 lb.| now Ujcn will • ¦ ; ¦ < , o> Ud (n I . Thbs^who quarrel ; creep, ]'FLOtai-Aoarew.Fd«Bri, Bt26i p«t«B6V. • ' " ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ ¦ for £5,aside. ¦ AneaH«BC»«« thropsb j,h)a j»po? ' -Brigad^ . /; , . tba fpllbwing :— 1 . ;. . ;• . >: ; • , . • . . , ;, ;- :;; : ;; v ' ! And cano tha nudnWtji ^hii hour ..lnbi)4f A ?»D OiTE? MtAijr-Divld. Konntally^tt - ' ] ' 11 a nJU oblige,. ;• , ,; .^ ; ;. .; ;..i ,. I . . . ; , j , : -Ero' 13s 6d f 0rtb8 fo^in«apdf s7«j 8d!for ^b 8 !aH»r.' , ,. That Ju via* of tb lmportatce of the .Sio noe and . tJa too lite) »veflvrti».» fifcK : t , j B»a «dditioual membert bo addeoV T 0 i . hk LtiT -Oommlt^e , ' . : WHlch wiU y.6n^t*ul« fifr%iVUIg tthrett). and for ihatp arpoee l-glve notlo» that I will !¦¦!" " - : • :; t ?..:JH t8; ..' ' ¦ i . . Oat watrlori orr.JnagoBj— ',- ' ,"• • .« * .\ ' to th» . J ^p^?v . ' - - N ' ' : ' V ^1 niov» tie roaciisionof any bya-Iaw cr resolution . v{\ ^ pxiir in,; : /: !! •. : / " Per-6«4 ^3'Erij»y «ijsji «ln«ij < odntrary." . • . i ¦ iraW'Illkfi-)fiE8r3KrS j / ^ . ' BUST-HOUSE ME i ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ :: Tb^ JpluiB^Q^avJ)l^p^qa>y-., ife:}.ss ii,v- before he sent a bullet The names engseil )d by tie mover/ were—Meeflrs( . ! ; . : 8o mote a Loadon man just ¦ ' : f-: ' | - Be thb jonrsolo contantJqa DQirf | - , ¦: :.' ' ' 1 ' ' Eurley, CarraD, Kiri ao, Tfcjomai!Phel aa,;and H. L ,.t . •la , an article.'jentitled '; " The^pys , of Old ' - crashing through his head, j: \' . ' ; UaPOBTANT PAffiUAJIBNTABT JAoTity^. • : ! Wip fur onr conitrjr will do t^c^t t ' •; • • ' Wardi . ,| j | : ~ ¦ : ' : : ' : ¦ ; Oapt- EdwardjPidd. Fourth On tb» third floor of an ordinary lodging-house in ' • " * • ? 'i ' " 7 *' Eriij. ^writteirby . . Aid «Q tho brave st home butSw, !•¦ ¦- ' ; ; with 'After dbonntoa 'BB amendment BI moved by Mr : i i ' " ¦ ¦¦ London, the police . /ound .'ho body of. A (odjiet * : ' ' ' tice; to call 'fin3|tb6 foliosying, rialistic ' : Ac J lek nok Erin'»c«u»6 b« loiti .| : , and by Mf^James Power, that the : Mr P U4oDerraott, MP^bas piten . tio ¦ U. &.'AtH»leij^T . ¦ . .A bollet in ibis head. Ne)f5D locoAdtd " ¦ ' ' a revolver by bis ride and - attention on tba civil B ibs voto and 'carried ty nne «nd appekSMh bis &mpatoning y, : ' Jbbn«towo,"di> Kilkenny, dlsponiary- committee 1 ' ' "¦ - THE fibmoHHoogfiU rdciH," »o4 pr»jWall~ ! ..- ' . .i.- ¦ . ¦: • .. ... i-j" ¦¦.!¦ oliimsjorlty. ] .. . from iollowing!— -! dlipntf Bright'* disease.;,! I .would, uy. to at^gg aga^nd ' ' 7 ' AND STMLET:SHOWS! ! at;;MahaS3a3, and; we. were pushed ' ' ' 'me to do «o. while lam ; .".Tf.at » Th08trbflo(aBiltt«6 be apry>lntea Oonai«lin|r ;*e tbsr woold b»ve to ' tr*vel ttxteea miles ; to , th» their \7or£s ;-jIn 1863 Dr Reynolflsiremoyod^to Oswego, .work, but it is imposrihle for ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' of tbo three; names attleoteci by lha Clnanco. utd Lav neareist dUpedsaiy .. ¦- . • . • ' ¦¦ : -:- : 1 : r6trcaiing tracju. While ick : and : wlthcut the'sli bttat hop'e of gettinfe tatter. forwarilTon theif. : , in | which city he conUnued ]to reside for the p e Oomailtteeondronflother*,: , j • . "¦!'•>:: ¦•- . ' . ; , . two of ' ¦!* ' : ; !I would rather We 1 ' hotr gtad 1 shall'be when I am ^ ridingihrongh their abandoned campa, remainder of his Ufe. -; • • I' ;: " v ' ¦ ; ; JTr^» nsinea moved t6.be added,^er^.those o( tbe deadj Let the bury fry] body.": .:•! ' ! i! ¦<:•.. !' t equally green" . cfty SfaTOr, Aid Ryan. Mr 'Jamesthe K BOX, and Mr Flthn. iPoath of Captain! Henry Jocob* us, bott.youngaters. and about " iHis creative and intellectual pawers .remednftl ' Wha' ' in out boasted.civitot/on.l . l ' ji t a commeriury A iroood pr6p6eal s Wayc^,,pr,l4tokeiy. ia: 'Lcipa^Pejl^-Ladiial D/eab' GnardB, Lolas'- Baj9, Pmnp»,' (ra* came iirfoss a most cupons figure,! an old man 1 almost to \the lakt 1 and he^coiitri- {A rtoor wretch suffering,.from Jwhat he 'Wpjpoied tj *t .^b^t . JU was xrith very in4op6V,th it pe nnimpaired , , ' Mr Fisher, and Mr E IrtjAn •botild, be appeadod. : - , ' .deep jrsjrat,. hair,, aftd a patiiilrchal, al:. ' be' in' incurable iditeite, < snails out His IJickeririfc life learned from Bristol .ye^Undayi ol tho d£»th of. cj.th lone, white ! bat«d: rjany literary articlei t6 tha local • end ' .Finally It wai'deildcd by! B vp(e of 18 to I1} to , ' ! Impair ' 1 viia 'a 1 puioi 1 UDOD'WQOW acaa siuu i^'w« out gopd.old j Won4 CBptairi. I«opb; fpriflerly,. 2,fud-Gaaiaii:.-:od4Jtiard.:*:i!lap3, | Trooser Clips, Pump .Clips, i^gU^to&mprbeatd^ Ha msdpesaa Catholic papers. Saveral olj hij best;poetical uai'er* to pppolnfcd tho latter. ffeaty J -tfa iife ¦¦-mere-di ¦ : Waae-^or deed—for f d ho&t >;>¦ ¦ .' ¦ '' ' : ¦ Aaster ol the "Tlr^terii" Bad: lattery, hie! offlear, ot ¦ It 1 in , f ¦ cnpt > which JooVed b if- ha* 'in | I; TAOAIIOrtSy . 1 ' ' iti ^ltacqact coa , effprts, those later years.* : appeared, in jtlje jthe , idea that his ; disease" \wis incurable % Simply the Watorford Steamship, Oompaay'a fjna ;,vessel i-' i!"',' "' ' .rOirtrQutfiStit;r!,,.¦ ' ' ' Laiiitt Baatota,. Cycle Stsmd3, a fat; llpck&h 1 and " ' ; 'Tbo foUowlofnllotriofr;u atoxet»>d In the riame of the Mayor t— i ::. . . Saddiss, Tool JBag»t ' .- j ¦ Kjgoi .fefsitlue, tben decided; tob=j greon, CeUio ^oaifily. It is much i to ba 're^retWd from a generally acceptedold-time theory, nhlch is ¦ '• Lara." The deoewed eopolat ' " ' ' ' • ; ' ¦ ' • ' ¦ '¦ " ' , -¦ .^"In'In vlviawcfawcf thd botfAot that thb old CorrortOoa ooMod tailor • v?aa very \"\ i " - ¦ ..; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • . ! 'rab. . ' He;nqdnn'a. dirfrfl thiit hhipbemslave not bi^en collected innd byj' to ezist,, aad that.all;oonmittoo j and. offloari—asvo wnongrt nla shipmate a and| , • ¦ .. l : could Investigation has; exploded.!' Many diseases may he veil liked by the company trnddr-wtoai'lioTiUb sm :• . .. : .:C?:rid!y-prqpatcd-for:tlio 'National Shorr. Typo\nitsnj &c,, tc. 'srondowd fonn.T_ ' Sttch a! cpllectiqnj, , -5i ¦ - ¦ ¦' ¦ • .;•¦>. ¦ . , . !'. 1 , . . {considered incurable, but thai does not make them so. n faithful OTifiiote. ¦ \ abouthjinSth-eTnore wera.extlnBDlsho j by. the Local Gororoment (Ireland) carvont for tba lwtforty-yoan • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' bS'Tlje mrire xre t&oiighy pubficatiori by jibe author, would • M ' I I ^Jf ¦ . . :- ... . prepared for ;, . ,..i I.. . ' II.I..III. i n What tre thought imposEiblc ten yean ago, is ( f&ot nja.'-Jhueeccna-t ' ¦ - ^ * to bfi A«t 'lB33, 1 be t 3 Clerk' Jn at tho time ot his demlca he . - * ¦ oqllthT Town s ottjotion to . ' ¦ 5 ; « : , _ .. .. agreed ^ suspicions h6 8eem|d, and we . finally cp^atUuri& Valuable Motion. |o imbdern'Irish fcasily' accomplished, to-day.!r. .'Jfhis. js not tai age of tte iaot that tha fillbaio^ •vAftanolss MiooldU deolated oldest o£3car in' ' tbe compact's fcerviftS;I-Ho,laft fos ¦ ' ¦• ¦ ' : thig!k-tou6t'bo,a kbit of iebd i Sip Van liferafare. -;; • ' ' ; '• " ¦j ' -y ' '' ; : '. • !' ' impossibilities.' Daring the bast few years scientists in;tho next'Agenda Paper of'thoCoandl—Tha d{&o6 ot firiotol as usual on. tbe Lata/s piecopt trip and.ptaj haxe . 's ' disease is cnrable P«rk /Bapsrsr, Ha Soiool Altesdonea Comnltt^s, too; tp rejt - ; Winkle,/#&P hai Tfaked up to find his frienda . .;But a stiil more attraptlyefbpokjconld ; be diicovered] that ^. Bifgnt ppparently In gqod health ,,w}3Ba .reUrtoj} .eS Zalu^in Lamps f:. ; L' ' 1 throutja 'jtVarncr'8 8»fe Ouri/and eimply bscatisa the CoanfylnfirwirjriEepreseotativos.": . ; , . •; night. OA Wednoedsy when ho Vrcac?Jlsdno answer) : : . gouo ! i&M« iii3;.fpe3 in poscessipn, ; and was mc,de:iip:from his personal; remitilsccnces, ex- , ' We fek boor* wtitch.' via' .not , rttiti ol thia fact, ihefkiUio i .iMr.iHeaine trail appointed ooiblmonsly as P«rk vras returned to. the stowjrd, and bis jrboxn being, mabWth*. best of his way Sooth; tending as, they did over. . threJ-tju&Hars of a himself. ; Not 'so .jrith..otheis^_ Cures are being RBnge? for Dno entered the sad foot was realized thatUII9 wad Od 1! ' ' ypai; on:ihe!motion of Aid Hurley, hi:- ' : • -: 10s prnudi of our acuteneES,' and only; regretted century, fcr sixty years! off\jrhich ' he-actively Baily recorded, after all other means had failed. eeooDdcd by . M» Ciirrani arid warmly enpn'orted by eztinot, and subsequent ez&mtcatlon showed that hoi Premier [Cycles at ^0 : man in the ' '¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ • him get such a jfuartpf us, jcpn^titutional or I The death of that poor, j mijjjuided tba Hi h SberiSi Ij i ' . : . - . , . had died from failnra of tho faotrt'a cojion r Tha tbat <7G had let participated in every effort, . Mthaut it* ^ ' ' to arrest him, or.at M ^ ' London Iodging«hous3( will opt have been : Ttm qaootion- as tothe Sobool Attan3ano» Comralf- deccaud is broihcr-in-lav? of Llc^od'Caltsaan.tha ctical j object weir . ¦ * the •¦¦ ¦ • thpt it irad frripra revolutionary, having for it is : ¦ • ¦ . - ' ¦ ;: M lesson, this terrible disease ? -. .-. ^ J ' cions. A! day or two 1 ,if it teaches yoa thii te« was deferred, tho Mayor having proniaed tojobtaln Q uay, Watorford. \ rcta to satisfy our suspi fare of his native land ; and had formed | the tnrab'e, land tbatthe remedy—Warner's Safe Cure- the opinion of : ¦ tho Looal¦ ¦ ¦ Qovernm«nt Bcarfl on the after we met otir old rebel riding along with personal acquaintance of most of the , men who tan be found everywhere. I ' •ubjoct. ' i i :; : ¦ j ' chatting most amicably, * several : ,;V . ' NlfiBT UBSTIN08. '. ' General 'Meagher, were prominently concerned in; the lAldornan ! was Dr Larry Reynolds of ' Hqrlsy propdjed the following: - aud found: that it . , movements, from the strug-gle forj Oatbplic . " L bo0 to |, 0 sotida that ot tho o»xt POSflSOB-, gSAJSOJT* ' : :- WATEEFOBD COEPOEASIQIJ 0 raonthly tlra'Bj&yiSurii. familiarly. and fondly :known as BiancipatJon downward?! " i :j -. : ' }" \": rr:iJOtlDf;pf , tbo Tqwn ConqoiH I abalU Irt'.the iaterroto performance : TXTESDAY o( tbe now . " 01d!"Larry,"-a poat of no mean , :. . :My;last ; selection from his poetry exhibits tbqmberaiwho find H difilonlt to »tt«na Henrietta Street Irish lore, houest as a mUctloBS oonvenba ot tha preoeut bonr'f , move that H^«^m>r« steeped to the eyes in the deep' Christian feeling vhich constituted 1 ' ' ' ; ' intnro mootioga otiall bb oonvanod for eomo convenient ^ •: i;:A. vLONG',, ! . > / 1 ] • ~ ¦ looking-glass, yith the heart of a child and the this strongest characteristico | his moral nature, . y CC^NCLA¥E. boar in the ovoniriir/ | • ' I ' • ¦ i-Aftsr ofavmastiff—a Celtic Diogenes. an'd the most lasting. It wr.s wrlttan whe.T be wctrtaliiJng i tho. fcotlnrj of thoCoancUAid £rtfwV ' The monthly meeting of tha above-named body n> Hurloy withdrew his dotlon : ¦ 'o war was' over' Dr '.Reynolds, re^ w&3 irt-hia : : : : ' # ¦ • ¦ • When th 76th year . bold in the Cocsdl Cbtabor -of ths City Hall, tbo ; w^ -- ., -- -IHFEOSrpTJB tIJBEASSS |. : Quc - -Qia L;o- : II0 T7; B O.Y.Q.I: ;• profession in the f ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ L ¦ , _ . .i " practice of his ; an mpvod, pursuania of moHoB— ¦: ' ' ' " ¦ ' ' ' ' Eumed the Right Worshipful EaurjrjoeC;Strange, Etq,' Mayor of ¦ Vm • " 'n avezsioz*Fiihsa;- - :• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' , \ . . i • : . : ' York and Brooklyn, id both ¦ members present #cre " Tbat o return of all nollosa uador lbs NoUflcstlon _ citieV6f Wen Hymn : to "fclib Blecce'd Virgin- ths dtV, presiding. Tho other D2iosc53 Aot, TBc' 1 nor; TO ^xj -Op. .ara . Jadjca } ijroa.*b ' ti» CEUTATJE especiall —Aldwraen—WilGia (TD iGcC, J\P, City High alr ed within tbo past tarco fctoatha JJAKC-.SnELI:. niI-2V i qwx frienda, bj. ' •• l which places ho ibad many y *ont into the! ' -- I . J. ; ' ' : ; eherKTtU lej Bailll9 V/ a v7ard(JP | John Ec-r=;, Saoftary Committoo, and that the - ! ¦ I >^7. .'r ysa ^naw -li te caai. ci iba-b^Bcterhl . returned doldjers," [Strictly tem- ' ' y r oomnHtcs r-pert.to.tho, (bntoll whatneina tb57 ts76 !;. • OUR PRIZE- HEDAL . amdng the j - [ I " :BT D£U ; L/REVJ| OLDS. : IUchatdl, He3riie,''J Pj ' iilchkerX Hrirley, tfd-a J 1 ; i»Mr |t la «H Q ' in tho enjoyment of 'ot fesllnirwilh .Bamy.j . . jgft lVneacbicsBJel .tica B C31TTAUCOTCL2 (aclcct-'d end tcstc3 fcjffrre cs* ; ^oa pst perate in his habit?, > Bresn, ILaurcnos A Ryan, J P, -=sd George.Nolan. Aid Hurley ecconded the ' " : ' j ¦ notion, nhisb patsad. . . *¦ i ; 'iajothcr by. exuert? '} yea k'rioV '4«d3a ''taA. floriqheakhi reft'men;of hfa oge ledahappier, When fadoj t*uj day far in Uw J7c:t, cad orcalnc a Councillors—fllieb'id ICirt-, ;a, Jcin -'IUggina, ^ Philip I- i' ' '" hOOmiTBBEH O ' 'j I [. ;; Et»d-ho* joni ialo^bu ircsi air;f«- r»;«Jita; 'U ¦ ' ¦: , M : this time. Hto residence Y/as .. j »htdcm» fall/ j j ! GrimeuJ Michael ,Wy«», Harry D Ffahelr Maurice Aid Erecu co»«d tbs follow'ioff Joiportot rcaolotloa B , .oonstrur.tioaia by ooa tt tbe DEGTCydjEryiawrs. life than he did at ' : ' " : H? hesith endtjiritsj nra ianrovrf City f-r <^a*« ' Thcra¦ tomzi a fcsliri and bolv rcrt, npbn tbs hearts of QQinlai, Jtmcs Tonni;, Or George Iris Mecttesy, J Pi ?««&;"«» »'oond*d by Ut Uiooaol Klrwan— ^brapztsd iVon : ' !; ' f in. Brooklyn, bnt iquch of his, time was'^pen) ' ; r { ' • " -. " ¦: '- . ( oat h Work, . : ' of tho dsyjyon know lib the raoaato! HcC&EDT ; ( .:] I iJl ; .i U:^ . .r fr; , ' 7 ; . .V Atexanila Helaon. J P,' City Deputy Iioutcnant ; j ; * .t appoint a tnfcsti- ; ! . i pEUTAtlTJ; CYCLE ia L 1 - "in Netf 'Yorit'-. "To thetn it tnt3 : whon fco Is:unavoidably • ; ( a joy for.pus. tp 'a ' cmSnAterieWs Ob, thon ths Christian's thoujht« aicead, the darkcalnj jUenry L Ward, George A CUmpett, Miohael Cathin, absent,, and that eaoh . j : ¦ . ¦ ¦ Hourjb Gooliq, ' ' iBEOWir, BD 8HIPT0N ; yon know thrt «jtsrj cobotitnto shall , be : ' ' ftyb csd flniih it nobility ittslf, thbj' was a pleasure to see pis jovial . face, and hoar j. '• . ootld nbo«e, "-. ! • , ' ' i " ; Jamei Knox, James A Power, Captain Tbo» Toole, st Ubarty to ettond and acton ; • ' : ' - \% ITi ralsar' ' ¦ committoja, and do all bthermatters : , ; ; , ;¦; , ; iVMp . - .Aysja, tbreo or tour- ycara lies, ' waea ether bikes era I .' God savo t"o thc3,-tb«:ainocr'a pitying friend, ! Dr John J (ySnUiyan, John Curran, Wm'P Kiely.'W bfo b« of a mlnl itoter lal iriE^at o'pitly cViat if . '• ' ' bis hearty ^an d hdmelyValntatibi, ' nr 1 *ho Haicr would empowarad do ' mhirlcd Lato tbelr component psrts, Sff«t Mnry; Qacen of iovo l j ;. " Bishop! Henry Grainger, Thomas ^Fitzgerald, Thomos frJ ^. ? , , ' .1 i. . ' . i , ,. > , JXiinufr.ctnred at our Moncrd ond Ccc'.bvrca tba CEifTAJJE ! which always heraldedjhis entrance - ,. hlfacjILn . , f \.. . .. |v . , . : : nil hero !" Phelanj ¦ H EtztiU David ' ' ' ESW hero i^ith it.- After, Andrew Farrellr : WiUiao , I After » proloCTOi and Jntarettinf? dieoniialon It nta !; ; Iroh'Wbrltsi'ntat CbrlrV . ! |Uia, A. *^65a (Hipraljti) plac :a ths .CIjilTAUE> do yet ncrth tho pries ci scao rf then . and' Iraipht^irlrisl^taosp gat in lo:S, ciid when tho csoi liacDobald, JohnlFlynn and -John: J Kogers. rnrriod by the Ilayer'fjcantiaotota ttspoll if ' ' " Whcs¦ e»oalrg ia tta id | rosiitcrlnj in tho very Qretj rant. Other lady Cjolfcta cJlI j Why, therefore, c«rab!s yoa tare to psy a-fow a kindlyYridn g'to^ every^ member of the • ''¦• ¦¦ - - ; ' t Tber'« ' were aloo in attendance—Mr 0 J Feely j ' • iohlgh. . I . ! Spcjbl Patterns for all Di3ttict3. i ' ' ¦ bblllbgo catrs. : : . - . \ family, old and young, it was /his cuotom to A!ad God tsnds forth tho twinkling ho:t ofctar3 that Town pIork,M;r P Kept/BorQngh Treasurer, Mr _ On tho mojiqdi ofjiAldiEtrirloy, oeconded by . Mr 1 Ircosa ci T2iltcri tea!J hivj no otti . ' . GelmM ' ¦ reclro-coaifort-3bly on, the loungei ^r rocking-. | gca thj eky, 1 - ' " • - -. - ;¦ il 'J PIbcioing, BnryeyqY»D* Kodnedy.Oonsnl^infi; , the following- resolution was adopted :— : £$Z SOB Oqott'o, sriaBfhctisiiJ .. * 7" Tb»t a epcoi l ¦' ¦ ¦ : a, ,ne|wj clay pipe, Oh I connttcis "ea thecj Qi 'cz of li£; it in Cist blca Jc:? Sanitary Offiiier, lirJ'aiaF Eaox, Corporation p fostroctlon .to all tbo officials, with- To bo bed of tha Pxicc.'pcl Trzdcr;. i ! AGENT WATEKFOBD >- • j - chaired solac6;himc6ljfwith : out exooptloD , that thoy aro when required no to do -to ' ' | oboyej i ' ' ' ¦ lavr Adtizer, and Mr Patrick Hitrgino. and the v' .ex waB .uarm)Vr"fa; a drin!i ef : . attend ths EcotlnB" Qf tbo Tnvostlgatloa Conmlttoo, , {if aa^b Oar prajen that rico befcro thy oig'ut, foar honro, and Ordoro for the prcoent Scr.aoa now colidted buttermilk." t With those simple I Tbo I met'tiog lastedby for nearly . cjTpalnfcd by rosolntion cf tbo Coaneil, dated 7th fo^ —" fresh Sncot Uorj, Qaeea «f Lovo I . ; v*.ao crjnract^n£cd trjany.opri^btly.paBoascJ, ifBbroary Iwt and to '¦¦ COBMM a PMMGF 'TMMEAGM ' , :prodoco for tho purpo;oo of tho me POTS ' ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ . , OVENS, PLOUGH, end dl 1 luxuries tho good -old- , ooul- 'felt' supremely .:¦ .:¦<¦ !¦ ' cppQitto3alltooh» : |- \^.:r. .. , lint there nas rjot thrangbdat the least display ,do3ucsnt8cad papsra, which rzay ¦ ¦ ' Wi required ' 1 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' happy, and nover 'failed'to makeI all present When tilted by the Fofhor'o tido, cz!Z3t;Ulo\li- jnitlon" ;*• Gwatflobihern hod Western Eeilney,'! ; the first or them who Removed to the city of ronlly.»ndlb!iJ. -•¦'• ' •• '": ' - *" ' ' " ' cna v Fiihjna^d nod- Bccalsro R-iiloayo Z by and i| 'ErecWd uiidier Board 6f Worlso jjor otKen7iG8 ^cd JJanufcctured "Waterford, wherehe, for Beveralyearo followed I Ths Toon Clerk tbon bojan oil over njaln, ond Harboari!," r>nd of opplyln^ tho raid Cs&noil of ; ¦ qnlai bjjinj rcslcred by tho lco'doat, tho nihnto rrorti [ ' tho business of ' a woolen draper, but-even- ¦ ;i trjo BpronsbPaad and Borough . Ket«o. end other ; Eololy on thfi pKmiacs. H fjonathiocch. i [ • i¦ ' : ' " : "' " " ' tndly retired . ¦tvi)h-a-ccmp3tenc7,|and settled . : rite?, rcnta ccirovcauii of tbe Corporation, nndor ; i Tbe jXJoyor «ria' that before . tbo mlnotfo ncro ttij control of tBe Conncll towards aefrayinq; tho do.;b . oc.&.cbaiforlab!o. farm ncir Dunmord patsrfoid ! Union—¦Krednecci.G^. . v rJzood [bo nished to' call attention to tba fact that cxts, eharueff ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ yj pod 'expeaoes attendiW cnoh :¦ • - •¦ .;• , - East : : . . . • . Alderman BreenVJoame not not rotorned ua mem- cppciltlon. . ..; . J . ' *^; 1 . hi* Abtbpny Cadojac", Chairman of the Board, LlbfOrt CommlttM/nasoo't embmepd ia From some papers entitled "LiphRciniofa- ber.of iho presided, and there were alto present—Tho B OD. tho reaord. : Ho lftho 'Uayor) nas et • tho ' Bieo conce's," pnblinhed : by the venerable histaran 13 City ' PJ F Fortetcno, D L ; Capt I,^V Wyto, J P ; Library Committee meeting tbd prbyiono nlgbf nnd iFoIioe; ¦ ¦ Court 4 Limerick Reporter,'' ' i. 'i ' - Maurice liinciiatiV iri thc " dipt Bloomfiold, ' J P ', 'LlontentDt carew. J P;Dr he' riiiBlratber . sariirlBed' tp^od tbat ^ho 'j oar.oUker 1 »»«•••¦*• take the following extracts relative to the G; I Mackc'sy, J P ; J B A Bo'upqn«t, J P ) ilescira bod not received] "any lnBlrnotloaa froa tbo Town ;. , I SATBEDAT. i 1 , !j '- .v^ij| " i ' J Flynn, K. Morrisscr, £1 tldddook, J QQQCD, J Oloik tuci Vionld tovo bjoa iB tbo dutt'aa to Ltr ; : (Bofcro'Hr. W. JJ Smith, J.P.) . ' ^.in^^ii. i Anvil Reynolds family :: ,. ' ¦ j I' , ; 'Datfpby.'T Oaboolly. ' j . ] ¦• . Bree'n efi 'jpt'fot what hd' . oin in a ijoticpaptr ! Apting-SerKei'bt Oopnell iwra the complalosnS in v.liiiHi4|tf.^hi(!i_ JIH .'iiy M M " Reynolds, of Kilkenny, was another of tho j ¦ ¦ ¦ : ; ' " ' two ' * fJr John llftokey. . c!orl: of tbo TJoroo, llr Wo - reports |u ' : '•• • ' • 'i'"' ') . ' ' ) DummoBseb, one b/plnrt Jsoics K«nt ooi ttc old editors who should not ba forgotten. Ho Kc'dy. Uojter 'of the House, and Me Kennedy, Too Town ClorU cild thtJ tbe. alnutss chould be bfhet annJnsJ o pen JBBBS<3 Poacsen for bsing collty ; «• ' was, j I bslisve, proprietor of tho| Leinnter Auiotnnt, Cleik, were za tuoal lunttondnncc ppsotjd .tt till Council eb'fl6, Afdermon Btec' i oonld of stolons acd ladeconi bcaavionrda tbe ctrcots of " '¦ ' tuo \c\lj. ca Soiidayilti:^1 iTbo Jonrbal," the predecessor of the Kilkenny ¦ i TH< lain coOTttacx. bb outu'crleed to'slt. It noslcrcinlofitoicbincalt et proswutor depc:ed ¦ ¦! ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ tbit Amongst otbe'r alsccadaet one of the : • -¦ defeadintt : Jonrnnl, and one of a gifted end feaxned family, [rbetc were «e»ea tender< icct|tpd fo? tbfs.jeirl; tboltai neetioSaj . . . [¦ ' cooticct, T3hioh comlctg of a daily supply to tbo llr Wypa—Chanso ohdt ?;... ¦ ! . . • •' W>B| found bleblnr; .lit 0. door. ,-Ho i did oat tblnti :; j ono of whom, hlfi b|rothar, wa3 parbh priest of worjtbopee milk, Docegca wia ai bid as the othor mno, apdnit wbotn EE4i : of 150 gallona ot cotr lit John Aiaerranrj - . : Tontj Cl- c"^A*inLi T^Iffl np* ccccptcd. ..AHeiraa'D BrcinMld. tbbOoraraiticg.q! wjorren.. -- K : '• : ' ' ; tSroo caies ; Tho defendant In osoh ; . . ! reooived from DrShoohon ' ' ti| is chcrgod with drnnkenncis, tnd bo¦ fined ocs lo : and published irt threa large "Syo.' Tolumes—a . theBlohop ol thoDioocso |Tbo mftiter wta alloWed to drdp. ¦;- •¦- •• ¦ • the Looal GovernmentBoard, or irJfcrBfoirBcdt!io:othars; .! . _ . : : have given dlrcotions ! ¦; ;¦• ' a3 : cbifr work which is very hjghljr esteemed, and which nitS$ OPpH C0yHCH.WJC3, . , : ,TUE9DAT ¥©y ! fo)t the propsrotion of . o eealpd order oppolnttog, tbo /¦; '" ' j I Tbe Mayor (aid tbat at tbe last meeting a dlrcct- Mr Eichard Hewn'?, JP, pro3lde3.in !thij j PHSKIEEES, jE3tE13I3K^T,!., .: - ;: ... . to thls'hbur""folche3 a large price wherever it Roy , c5art Father Bono i, Adm St John's, as Chaplain to ' Bt a dlspnssd ' ' ¦ ' ' * • ,¦ ioa aat givon to ' the Town Clerk requirip; him to of (ooriftije^, ; !• . . : . ' . . . , ,i ' 1 Zr intole^ d eoatrictorij ondortb t3qard.,of Works fdrthe'Erectida of tbdr is met at book-sales. : • the vroikhoase in Baoac¦ uion to Father Browne, now ScfRtaut Lt>d" 1'l ' :, , ' TO GIVE PS A TRIAL . ; PjP of Dnnhll). ¦ . \ I ¦ ¦ | . ! pbblbb ooticoo' os-to the lloliationi of ilnca regatd- ily tb\iiinonea James ynn, Iciiearc r, \ " Reynolds had effcther brother, Paul, who Conneilloro obo bid lolled to bomply wKa (he for being drank on the publloetreet |A oomraonication ^703 rcid from Ii B pointing intf ¦ , and bo wuEand ¦ ' resided in Wnterford. •• ' <^ 5- or a weok. .. . i , : . i . . .. 1 and : • : Hia-son Lawrence (o. oat that : it appeared from the abati&ctJ of rates oetTffc'nlatinir theirattendince afccrVtvctidn. r CMFBpTE©- -AlIi-IiaON HiAY BAK^S was well known .Tho Towri Clerk explained tha'Uhcso t&lnris cbnld A; woman .named! Hannah Bjroo was aummooed With Doabb Purlins and Wrougbt-Iroa Wisd Stays. luvry) Reynold^ as,tho trans- oollCotedana lodged to the 18th. tit the enm of £2419 ' ' ' not bo riicbod thtdtigh all (a a'hurry, . opd fast .ho b» Artio(» 8crgqirii Hecnrty and eent togtnl fcr a PItOYE lator j of " Perseup." He began hb extraT ttieo...rem&lbed. uncoUocted of whiob £973. £904, wjek FOR YOUBSBIP ! £541 and £523 were dao in The diotrlots lot colleotors rrus eoiair to bring before tue Torin Council or tbo nltboui tho option of a fine, tbern beioe already Ovor 200 of thr.zo Erected k3t Qeison ; ordinary career an a surgeon- He wrote for !.tBallyqainn end Baflylnakyfor tho earn ¦ CilUlary cassrK : ' ! . 1 ¦ . :. i -; - YGAns.- = rclcrrod to by tbe- Uay'or. :ilo strongly edb'crcd to . : : ' PAH? IV of £9 and added that ho bad performed tto ncco And cc!iiiow!cdgcii liy flicacia ila C3 tiiy V7oi!t en tha Ballyg.ninn coitago.'.'Rhloh rncaat tcs opinion that :Un4cr tto illation no bye-Ian BOO iuadf. j oojld t3 ogriad to or ! ' tho major portion of tbo contnvat,, Ercrbtt, botrarer, THE ; BEET VALUE. U: TEC C0UK5BV our various ^onverfeations tie Tba Uoyor—Tio Xoool Govctptnent Board zija .y ^^jBj ffBy la , Doctor bat hzi not succeeded Jp nulling good the chimney of iWEB ¦ ' : ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' , " " . ¦ " seldom wfcrjcd to bis career in Englcnd. His thoBaUylnaky coUigo. Ho vp;a onthoworknouEo there au- , , . . \ ' premi6i;3 that day. nwaltin'g art jntorviov7 -with tno ¦ '. Tone CUtk—I Boa't core nhat-tho Loc»l G OVCTC - i [vacKidizm y. KEwiowN GCBOOTL j -^ Chardsm hzd niatnrsd into full-blbwn rdpublic- ; CD" Cno Ponad of thb Tca T7ill fjo c3 f2r a board and ho V7antcd to bo paid for the eottago ho tacnt Board ei'ya ; I liooi» what tbo law «ay«. i A o^pltal cjjtii bctocoa itSe above Ictca wa'a coa- ¦ . clriilcd on Citardsy 1 . : • ' ' . . i oninn in tho 5Tear of ReroIutioiB. And, as has mads good. Tho sntn wduld boi£3 or thsre- : 'l'he'£Iajor laid, lb»t be did cot tblttk that . eaa ovpnlnj, end reunited p fcjtavrjj— Tvo; Pound3 of mpzi Tcts, en ¦ ¦ * ' ¦ ¦ • : ; . .. . I: " rsvolations never go backward;* nsitber did abpnta, . ! . I. : | . the «-sy to apeak flbat tbo Local Go7trac:at Igoohcnbia^..,. j...:.....^,.....,'....,;....: 5 ccsb ' ' Netttoirn BohoollJ „.... 1 ¦ Uo bivo a Ec;55aft--cs Elc: I The contractor camo bofote tbo board and , ! : • . pxi ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Bqord ¦ ' : . ¦ his indiridual opinion of their efficucy—EO far in " : :¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦: . : j 1 reply to Cant Wyes, caid ha had more than half tbo TUBO Clerk—I don't think they too tho rejolu- The tailor team played a splendid game. but . c-ciBC^aa as Irish politics were concerned.!: j ¦ ' we : ( work completed. ! ; ' • ' ' ¦! tioa ooder nblob'yon expect me to issue tbb cotloe- lectet to sir -tbal one of their nnraber (Odell) wa8 Thoicforo lt costi oalylo . 6d; per 1b. i It was on the subject of Irish pationol liter- - ¦ ' ¦ ' i On , concent ing to proceed nith tho jrcmainder pi Tbo Hayor—I Ibink I told yuU that I: hod com- b*» rf-: i Ii \ . . \. . ature that ho most loved to converse. A D with ths work, i the board ordered : payment of £5 on oooicated oitb the Local Goveromeot Board. .. BOCKENHAU Vr. KILKEKKY (UlXEb). J ¦ tho tjreat pajority of his compatriots, Thomta ccconnUo Evczett : : Tonp'Cleit—-Of couraojea did,bat oboi I-aa I '! : AT KlLKEHirr, TDESBIT 7Ttt . liAr.eB. ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ " i . A EZCTJBD. ! I tbeOooscil lo'ooderitondia : : - . .! JAU0. • . , Davis xiaSf - 'p ar excellence, bh ideal of an Irish trylc.7 -to gct tbat tbo i The cboic rojultcd in B draw, neither etdatcorinrj. . : 1 . 1 1 Tho Clerk Intiroatod that there wta a rofnnd of Local Government Board have cot icca tbo rc:?lu- ; w^a very ' patriot, ' poet and statesman. 'As a great I?l»y even; and neither team could claim on 21b. JcrEcspfccnycnd Appb ••• ; - £6 18i 2d of nnozponded balanco of- tbo obeqno tlon. Thar«aUI;wljb'ipe!)nVpy. , cdvsatsgc. Dorloi tbefint balf Bookeaham bad do- G^d- educator of . ; his people in tho i principles of Iodgc4 to pay arbitration oipontpa In tho mattar of Tbo'Mayor—D4 yon mean to. convej tbht I did cidcdlv tha bt:> bf ft| bntaltcrchsogiogends 8lb.!« „ „. „ ;.». , ' - ' ' Eilkeany 1 0^d< nationclity,--<5haple3 QaviD Dnfly stood :text in tho lomoro watorwoilm. 'Ikoy had to Iodjo tha cot put tbe nbols foots before tbo Local GovcJBOcat wera dangerous soveral times Tbe gronnd, wit rough ¦ ¦ : ¦ • ' ' ¦ " ' ¦ ' ' " 2lb.., ,, lUscd Frait • ,.. : ... M ¦ ' ' ; ; • ¦;¦ ¦ • : ! ' 5£d. rrjsas ' enm of £60. , • Board. ! / , . . : : - ' ' ' .; ' ; ;; : ] . ,. [. . r . ' bad accurate- pa»slrij "was idlBoult. ¦ his'estimation. | , -• ; ^ \ ; f The followioa ¦ ¦ ' ' Chairman—What cro yon going to dlo with thin ? Mr F«ely—I don't want to ooovoy¦ asythlDjot placed for Bockenbara :•-Forwards—^Mb» 31b. „ .„ • ••« , . ... ¦•». 7fO< ^ Among the Irioh ¦ ¦' Bldewav!¦ j reyplntionists in America, ! lir Qoono—I eapposc thu Tromoro . ¦; i • ";¦ " • • ;. . %J ftfj L-— TTT. M Mil. L~_ ' xFt-yf O. J. • mmr P* *.' ' ^ " : ; people nlll tho ntd. . t . i.. - . , i, u uw|{uttj , «v- p iu«vvcrsuu, . oiaonvon, ultss riOSCa 2lb. ; ^'. MermaJcao,.. . , «." . . «. ,: , /B43 John 0'Mahbny 5tood .without comparison in h3vetbVt8BefltorU(l»oijhterJ. p ' - ;- '-' llr JU&oDonald saflgestod that tho Jaiattcr enonlq bo ,i i . ¦ . Qarrawav.^' HrJf-tjolii-IJbs Maloolrwon, B A ¦ MB lestunation, aa en able , organizer . and Tbe.Clerk iald tta- iSt.i ; D«lfthaDt7,rcat collector deferred abia to nlve >b« Town Clork an opportunity Gihbon, ilia A E Graves. Btdtl—J ! '• : Kots—AU-other ' Jtmn ' et equally: I' ' , Cbogreve, A E ¦ ¦ 1 ' • ;-.{ ' gpseat cf prc«»ntl03 tho ibjoilawa and lot ¦ them | oll bs. dto- ' RITAIN f . . ' bed ¦ S BEST BiCYC ' ' .made no lod ilccc bip njjolataeat ¦ " " labjHpdji v/orker, 3cd, jibovo alf, a3;.o: sslf- 03 tho • - ¦ ''¦ ¦¦ ¦:''<¦ • graves. ;0c*3-j-Af Ityrris.:, 'Alter the match tba teso ;: ¦>«» ; Mffl.!"',;; !: • ' | , " • ¦•< ¦ ¦ :¦: C33s«d loe»thcs :- ;• - . . !•; ¦) " yV.V/ ' ,. j Otb November. I j ' .. . wes bosplteblyieatirtajnca B thaPBlacs by Bbhop >cacri£cing patriot. He always spobo of him ' ¦ Tha Uayor-i-Cartalnly oot 't tha dlreolloas glvoa to '¦ * ¦ ¦¦the ' 1 ¦ *' . i Capt Bloomflela—Wb»t 5ocd 09 cet ? " i of 9>fory,-»* jC|ro]tlcr|, :. ; ;;. : , .j .' , ,; 8d.:&7*^« p«.tliil STANDAR S r- "TEN CKJlNBjtS.^ i- " •":*- ' tba T ie«lation eppsara '¦ "' " ' j - ^ ¦¦ * ! ¦with deep feeling-^and whenJit,.rcferred to ¦! j . , ; ¦• ¦ ? ' ^" " ¦ ¦ 3 . Tho Clark—10 percent. . ' , ¦ "f"' ' ..:. - :¦ PIfiOUIT9:BATB». , any reason whatever ot hpldlsg soother raoetjos.. . .. ;V. |. H ' • i¦niica, &t.), AU gdv pcr llT I: j:i: . ' ri-portcd—fl Tlio «Igaa ,to | ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; Mead Idle* t-COVKNTRY terms of • ' contjjmpt.or loathing, for he looked i The Uestor I ectit the i»«n on tt}».l«t JAlderma' Barley, aft«r! fortber diecnts|qn,. 'Dio- oaltyj itfte ;Pembroko- :• ' ! ' - ' ¦ ¦; : • Agiat forjfokTfordj -ttjj flqRl! "•?¦¦«: I Hill to ' A If (Frtsh wcolfly). I Price ] kt Free on Am>llcatlon. b'LlfRY ' worst" ; (not to Convont remove to tbe HoijitU a. poied'thal tha notio«» decided npon at the' . laat 0d. upon tho ; 6f them as hypocritical liars, nomao oameJ Mary Wahb. Tob woman iEEATtlENr Off iTHri flBIpTyaECKBD.OBBi? • died qcl'c Qeptlnf bd poitprVontaids tbb Towo Hull, and a oopy PRUJT LOAVES,; ,8^, & cacb iind tha rest as ignorant dppca/ r . \ ,j ,,,: tnddenly after her . udml'sioq. ! I cocnmanlcated alto kbiit to tbo Local ffovornmpnt. Bpird' j slid that - I •{* , M 8^ on ' ' 1 . ; .} ;, .{ . *—_.'! . - | - ' : i . Muvellotis.iV.alne.) - 1 ;• ; ..| •, ;!1':J Ai' JnallknA hA ' aifeln¦'- rrlvtntA tha TOrrii nidrLr tA «&rr*¦ 1 / ; I «IjB .t:.. - >*; Mi . "Vfiih tongue and pen tH latform and nitb I tbe Coroocr, and ttera «u ao inoocsl btld ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ p p ¦ > '¦ ' ' ¦> ¦ '¦ ¦ '• .'(• • ' • ' I Mr YTbltfl, Llova'f enb-»gent at Kftacre, tas ^ bnt thi*resolution. " I • *!' - I -re- tho press/- he labored . persis land un- ibe verdict being—'deat h from becrt disease.' I eolvoi ibo following Jotto r i D reftrenoe to ;tbb ' BI0H PRUTT OAfiBi «5d;, 6d & 83- per lb. iii tently ! Mr Jamea Powerlaid that , be wai quite In the dark storioa ; ; ( tent tbe van on tbe 6lb ioct to) Patrlck-gtrcct to h - ' ¦ : eirculnted regstdlpfth* treatmoat of the crew of Via ' : " ; (Any " .r - wCffinedly for the Fenian causej bs represented •¦to the imtgt BtlMte." ¦• ' ! "¦ '>• ' '•! '• "' ' ; : ;qaaitifir:cnt)! ; ; ^ iBEJ^AR LEi MURDER IK LON . . JjeiMMbBw' i jnbvo to hospital a moo nttoell Jeremltb Foley. Pembroke by the ptpple «f Eilmpre 1 , 1, ¦ ' D^' Ni• ¦ , ¦' ' . ¦¦;• -¦ ¦' llyor that b9.!bsd tho CMrcjnaadOBCJ. ' ' i " • . by ilia 'fcundei- bf-trie brganiiationijfbut oil Tbii men Biod immediately ttiet Mag takeo out of The 0*14 . "D.ir Bit—I tattat ipolo,|i« farnotrepljiniere;tal» BWEETa (East: ilakcin. . Mixtawa,' i Mints,. ,1 " ' ! ! I : ' with the Local Government: Board in his pfflco, down ; ' : hi? efforta. wero dircir,ed legaips^ the common tb'o.van at tbo van at tbo woitbonsr, Toore <*u to trbolo; batioffonly rtoe »eWar ; lo«at pBMr l»,t (reslosi In ' !¦•! ' Bttetoi - por lb.' '- !• " ¦! ^ft.!l ¦»! to on { *talrg,i.and it-f tbo Ut^dljiK Ebn . Tbe Town Clerk- Wld that h» wbald WatnUlq Are jr ol a Pemnrefci «¦ publUbed -' i . I -rii'a Clerk . Mfjltbtrtbis mail rppearca ro»dlrffOf,th» , re»olntionw4s oornot it Jt 'wav'oos . * iti nTnK Waxro&o • ,, „ W IMI ,,. . • ; idel^olliw ^Ieti^the 'winter, of lB66j ki be cot PfiOPti of lbs Mtt nit.J: w^deif jnjr doty tow SOAP (Best WecMng), ;»e|d. & ptr lwr ' ' ^ M dty ex- jf home ; tbere was no one to itkp him ioto bp'ocp. picwdon, ;( : ,:. ';.'rifj,^r;jj .ib. j; A t^BWkads tanrde fu «rtmltt«' • pocceeawt :¦:,¦ -i .! ¦ ¦]¦ thine Bnder an Act. ttwt iffonld not ooo* into fonm jMATOEES, ' .' • t^ dotty fyxie, the ra d ! ! .! • psiak 'mnt. nattftertUefct; '' ' - ./ . .. ' ¦ 1 Ths Clerk tald that Dr Conocll i.-L- i- 'T- .j -- ,-r^VTl. . anwenieJ BWrmeiMa J too " ¦ ¦ ib« pmdcwa ;'cafl: ¦'' ' -Eato-Walt si .-:- \ j bad wrifUa -tb :pnploMowoe ind eaW #a> , JB J wad, <*«nnly, : : ;:: : ' • ¦ ¦ ' ' c?-¦ &¦c$' Esido' ¦ WB» «ha Water wottlr ' : • ¦>r-k • ¦ ^"¦ ' • ' ttt +ii it «f tb. \ > "! : • . ' larfefc • • A,' jm • ¦ : ¦ (he followa i-^" gt^^'Mabf ' !r ; ¦ • Misl«r tt I tad to B»Te ty f i waUpn- | v ¦ ¦ ¦ -—— I : JohD SI D- OT. U - I'l-¦¦;:¦ ? -!'¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ i > ; : . . fldtbiji • .t*0 hi* Bind ti« mattof/n««,T«rx ' . ! . ,- . . . . i .l . i .: i . icltir reooTsd' to tbo CountyI68rc4 »rT (ex orgeat "AA*' " US •fiapU| dlff«t?ao» of^iolw oo. ft pplnl of pro- ' opVrition'iBd btd «fl> llm» to ttk tbb Bdard foru Wanha4 »rl»Bn bitwett the ' K»yo»«id,tb» Town ort»Brd > Tbtta U now tbiw Cl<, both of iboaj Uwyer» )B1, *itntUUtptm ?Jo (OBssiBf r«e to tear* " ¦ ¦'"" I " ' ' crdtf. . .faek* tintdjatitWb« «r* , «n4 «bea two Uj^boiU«' etiw f^BUwWaBUa^srelritoroft—a,— / Br Dsl REraoijD i. ¦: ; . ¦;¦ ¦: p»tdifo>at 10s » 'week. ;'Toe mjin. il »o>qnlU «tll ¦$fc,-tnirt on IdieMtMdJaiL»;(a«' pctotdid not tor . ^ 1 AM B mfikgha MkedlWasrtoa^u.wMB oMe ftUek altfht Hfc t9t iffS »0d *t*lu»W o<>»7- W. llndly »» fOEiltS " FW**f »y *beW*ide»»«.*t » pk »^ ¦ f»7SrB*w- ; ' ¦ : ' ' ' him] with toe tod copiW«rei , I ¦ t idp MJW' VM I-, -Clilidiaiit Etia hhtiwiilMa, . ? . it expealent¦ to USTB ¦ gs«Dta«o «af ,»Bitii f»l« B0»t». Twteti Jfe raeiitioB o ; j [ ' To rJefiSe wtlflw tb ge^fli4 ! i Bt^riCP^ I- ' ¦ " ¦ i!-;• '• ' }. ; hhn^mpT^ - '!. . i : i ¦u .' '•i - , j- :;"Pu from the fittrc*tniiwr«l rtriffl bear.) ¦f Tku (i..afm.ble to the OoHBeil ftiiat , ¦' i >ty Atakcty—It «a» mrgeat lo h>re heated~ hlra i:; .Is ia jonrtosrt Jiad.aMwayflei*' . ,- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ •t OMaS-l ¦: ¦ • - V- . ..: < -:.: • . •,...... t yi .!- ): | iT. Tte «wreiUB« tJi»k«iT»wali£ef ; . .! ¦ l ; . :8hMti* BIGGE8T 8HILLING8W0R ' .Apdas»|h» to«oo» bioUier»*w . : c . U vt Inmttaof tbii wotkbonip. aad'tbo ¦j|i:ii» . 4*fft If * ' ' ^ 1 - . -Atibeiw/tt FttodotniTOWifWJslrt. Sf^ 1 .4 i-.N.M 4«4 iayofl UU ytta^aodldly tkal l d6not think be wooW 'VJilii' ' : - •'•• .*; I' - .- 'i' .- --v a»fflno'' ' t*t»^tt • ittoBg P l .i ,U tip0- to aid Mtelui *i?f t^'m JAltt AoUj ^a^ bewsta¦ Wo t4»*wt|F«5. WoifcM tUt the! (ttflanWi, «ifl I- |M* »rot. f ixxp T di£>r*oo», ofr oj lotoo tb* iUycJr and TPWX LOOiL BHAHO IXS ^!Ma»JrfiB08*i,4i;c40ttj. J|^rtoki, Ct.r/. ldo o6itUpK'tt lvWar! to tik^BnirilJ U dUjkoUa -bj'Wi»ToWnOotridl/Bod waot'» qn»4i(oT K; '¦iff!? 1 » talttfoi; %•* MOM « .' ^ rt ^ ^ Bad ] >»inl A» Ak HpiUy B»M. »h«y kai . tk4( Lav. ¦ml atot, , . 1 ! ^w|l iiP af,. an4 l r^ wfifiaitUy, , h, wiJ® if ' :**¦> * ^B « «** l«Mi| flf. niwiaA.' ^ 'KM) tf UWliA*:5Utt««f tk, JcK-jui'S I \mmmi mm ill ¦ilillfe Ililiiii ;?v I;'liii iiilll li ii m * K .i4 Wm : *ii v-:-^::- . i' . I,/.,, ; : i .a ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦* t"» ** ¦ ¦ •¦-¦- ' i-^ !¦ -¦' -¦'*¦ ¦ ¦*¦ ¦ ; 'FT; - '' ;-f • 'I V jTfisWV};, vvTj , -¦ '?"'¦:' ' ¦' ' ir-i.T.n) 18 ¦i • ;; i -'' , " *&.{ . • '' |V! '! i: >1^-l-S.r ?' r '!| :! t- a ; pm-v ¦* i ;'J .;4.v. S J6).Vi1;A» ir'': iSlSli in ?H ] ; | Nrti ii otttu iliiitrili "HI Mkaof^oate wBfolrJrjarul wlilli : ¦ d A i ' The ' jutjr. ;r bti left hltr, bo Publio Meeting in KUmaothomae- -County j Grand j . to tbatdifflealtleaoo gb^ti reatOTtd :¦ !!¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ | ! .' . . :•;¦:¦ -i' . - ¦:{ , i n » i l » ¦i' i-. i^'l- j '• 6r»bt Kaltioo to teVe td'MU<( day'a M 8Tenlig NevtV Wri- Uanindt^ete:la«pp..|nt«4 , The ;pobl5p mating I-Inl'ICiltrWiboBJ" /VATEBFOBD V. TIPPERAJRiT Ambrose W B rower, Gloocairn Abboy. j LlaBofeJ of 'It From, the !ofaoUI' wtaroi Jot i|he Halted >"W | 1 Sonday,: wbloh bid forlit»!m»i«t pbjeo^tbV ooc Witeriord JTekm- r?n1 bstdr. !.1 ¦ ' ¦ O?nnfy;S!gVBh?Tjm) «h i,it entered the Oountj Opurt-hooiej Kltajdsm fqr the j»ar »ncled Deo«rpb«rS J, J338,,U ;^ ¦; ¦ 'il8 de«irlbcdby»leafllr^^C(a! ^nd |»i|i«fed k i Gntnd Jury. TbU: <4 thdr Urt ¦ (Tel'^r r^ (riaarattOQof ^"tbe Impolrunt-in] d pMwiioie cu«i- three-quitier!b »ck«, ktBo6«, McM»bon, ! ; . . . • B^tJy appeart th»t ithe duty >p»U oa «bl«lry: TcMhedk iatimt, Thi Prlza* QdM'peflUo^*Ooi ipoa iM keyub- ' »»«rtjoir jfar.Bswa b islaen, bnt thejtyll b»;o»Mea" to* hi|ibnd 23rd, ! 1 forWe laotion cfimftud btnlneei «»W : ' ' '¦ iP*pW )i «|»»* the' In- ' '!¦ daly WM t>br[»i»)l»»»a£i», i2OO.009; ihUi th*. k«ff ^ . I ' . , dU*ppbintS»*in extreme, i R Y- MOMtii A i Noriii¦ :•{ lorvuisf ^T«eh Uthies.' >Tfa» following gsnUeawa . HJWWPK Vf .' laffi-^ iiioTe. .;¦ :;. «w*a ^if beinu tu»t | W 1 •aijptlon »mbnnW to 8KTGO.O0O g»lloif,M foa»ir ^ jyC^^iUyj ^si . ,. # V . . obleml •uec«i% wbiob. tbo : ' ' .M T Daivie^ *bwln>te«i-«aai»tire awon»-^-. - .i-.- ;.: . u.;. .. . .!. - :¦ the prpmabsr* ' Palmer, J kdsford, ; Ths Hoa " Dudley iff FartwenBrD Jj. Stusraawi W W^::*ltt.'85^.0p0 jplloaiiji|j. l897.:.0r thl» R.U,^Balliaameel«-tye«, »iie< ej^fu V gW ini untiringly wmved !to make* U> the ' : - ' ¦ i ^ffatr tornea out to Medlycott OJHirriw rv'C-HMi » iffl *idgway. , i; (Foienua); . , i : • i ¦!. '. " i fqdr*a«« In ijoantity EngUnd tceocrata (or 1,000,000 kayo to beon oneilnj;;;' ;. ;:;-•¦; ':.. . .; .: bo—!tb ipesk the trithf*; . Sir KliJhwd J Masir»Te gal looe )ind Scotland for 8lr».ng«]y : ooniplcte ftost, d-void Tipperary I Abbey reMti—Follj back, 0 W ' , Bart,'DL. Tonrlo ; . ! 1^1,000 Kalloae. • 'J.'wl-Th»oVi ' (dr/ya'an W- Sunoily's , irodeedln'giv olJfortoality »nd fall of : Slt WiUfaim F»nl, But,'' D Ii.'B«II}glui : :: _;/; entogh. there wt»V decline io. Ireland of 112,000 • oopfrtfon. Tni* oiay bei ob' iiomewhkt Smyth ;. thres-qtiarKr backs; DJi Stokes, W (¦ You' did DOI, h«*e»er «Mta to flaith report ,' ' i 5 :; • ¦ a«iil«rei1 ai j Coact Edm-and deU Posr, Q L, Qnrteen la Poet j '' g« lobs,- poWibly qwlng '; a; difbonpglng sntlron- f .OTer-drawp, bat -fir iw vetiaeatiqa one O Stoles, BW] Jgej-'G iR 'Britler ; half. Captain H«nrj Chiirlos'Vilaera Dromanuj ^o Ki^d—Thank* for haDtlDg.BoUa «h ieh-(ire ;reU' . fi^4 Goo . Blnart. D In mettt.: ;Tbo total DOsfenniption id 1838 WM 8,010,000 !5p!i . .f tp ', rjHJond tdb oitonljista'nostbrtt. tbe| backs ' 1 forwards, B H i N£tholii5PQwor Q'8hoa, D L, Oirdtntnorria; : • ) ¦ •¦ • ¦ ' ' »ll over the! country] with &$¦ f hiUxl I itereat ,' We B^» , K En^or,'J M Olsrke ; , j ;» loo« .- ; :!: . > ¦ ,\ j. . ;..: •, . , F « O'Donnell ' ' ^Wi V&hlMwgSlojd, D I* Str^p iallj Cattle; | \ were gTtd to »e« you]hail such ¦ gooj day s «port|ftfter ! *r!°''. | ,iO 0, WHi cpmpi-'llfd td oiill Cullioan (cap't), ' ) "l{ ¦gtudtJert/ 'il B ISlado, ; 1)5) very. eantiAus; pplloj hw been ,wifinea- for; ; "¦ ' ' ot- '' i . Hrary'Pbllip QhtSzaUj, D L, Sajterbridge ; ' i i * tbo BwiboroarhrnieBft' -'. - -—• '-i • otA-r an J.endeavour to roitore boiirdroofl T B George; iR Uarri!sori, R- ' deorge. O B ;; William Perdval HamelU D t, MvorHiU .; ' ' : | ".opBiderablD tima past and inveStorg havo ftllowed arid lnterrapringly di>pp«ed lodivi lualrt to P. . jt 1 F.lectoV;6appoH' >itnr-\V«'01uiAk y' ; • , • : " ' I pney to aorfomolato rather than employ, it In i< qujetod*.'! Vhe Bathcringj : was ! no-, Hew«>n,;F' M• YValkef. ' ' ¦ ' iangorbde ' , and tho result ij attcmiqa.W the ,,which. ihkU I stei prompt o^tsinly ' 1 ¦ i:i?ioVr.i,i J U«Jter. J P. Cjonaah t "' . .: i I or doabtlul entbtprlsea ;.m ^twr nWc TIMI' , ¦>,' ' 1 1 ' ' ¦i'- 'l¦ ¦'¦ ¦¦ >¦¦" - - 'I >¦ lsr^e-^BnwII wonlil'lo like itr-ro ¦«:d-inbrf ' ! : HALf - | \- Ohar'ci Nomp<-rano • Hall; a pompafaiivL'lyJdi- Tipparary Abbey I^C l T.^^ Dnbljol-ThaBkltorui to (oTllat on kbiijli we minntive " ' i K Ofoher QQID, eUnakill | i . . . . '- [The proEpcotniaaof thojthree following new bntor- ^ wa» Impoj.ilile for r n-iessVonn. »».i* !«JIJI- to aff.tr. d;it" , J , BalliBafanok ; ' I" I Tna . r uel i rante ' . ; : ; Irriog in the lease of the ^heatro. share capital M.PfrX°V« l , 8 . 'li . !¦"¦ ' 10 men, ai T Mah6ny;atid S Thompson J»mea V O'Brioo, 3 P, Agliih House, Coppoqnin ;! ' ^' . ^ . nelt, o.ij ; M''»srs Patrick Power, Qraigaoowlf j B J fixed ' ' ' ! Cupt&in 0 H Bloomfleld. J P, Newpark ; • ' ' of tho Company ^ I* ftt ^£170,000. In addition T.F—Some (light exctuioa w« consider d . peceisairy, :Flttvaha", MIohoM Byrbe, LaarsncO Powof.'iCurr failed to put in an appearance. '. . ; Tho High SnerlB thanked th : : the grand jar; ior tbtii fjro will be created £120|000Font per Cent Dobon- J.O-j-Trencndou» Jcdonds oa our ip; :« cotnpclled ricreen j Patrijk Klemey. John IDer»*v, P*tr/qb .. . LIST Oi' FIXTOBES. i • ' ! nlteodanco and cold tbtt;|they woald bs re-»wor» ' to rot dorrrjyour cnlcmtjlo ccbmuoioatf ips qpniidsr- NnBent, Nesrtown ; Wm Shimahno; Wa Pcjtrer, ' and beforo iodfo of issiso ot Hj o'clpolc «n J7jiday forfbe ! a* ' ' ' ' ' ' March 14th : v. Kilkooby (County ol tlw frcjhold.. The Btosant ie^nb ii ijSO.OOO ' i '¦ ¦- " ' i : ? ' Iransaauon of fi(c&l and other baiinfeea, ' j '.! ' ^ ^ ablv. ir. .- . Porleigb • John onllinane., KeWtbwn ; P bnlli- pity); in Kilbennj. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ !'¦ Proferonoo and 60,000 Ordinaryshares at par, j , : j: v ¦ l .I-. .- < . SJKBT cr ID eoffjrr roirarot. - • i ' Ktliaacthomai yot. ri-Yei', a deliberate¦jstlsmpi' WM nane, Kilroaithomss • David ! (Jrl^eaoa , Dcyid ' ¦/¦ ¦ ¦ ; - ' ihcSocreturr r ad ihe ItiUowrar :—'!»' us unn3 Jury 0? SVw Xtnerican ^vipmatte TVaaWny JUaehaiie ! , March ~: i ! v. Tipporary^Abboy, in Tip. ! jj : l 'jAmitii .Is fcrm' Jiiileti boycott the Ijidep'nadent Pr«« ift Ihc Ipttrciw, P.owtt, Billyboy ; Pitriok Kirnan and a yPatet- 1 f p| ; tbe'Coantr of WaUrford, nuroblod it 8prinj Anltet, IBM; Cattpony, , ed with a oapltcj ot f ' Easter Mbn. ; G,?.O., I)n Twy Mrlonii Companies ^noorporatcd nbder laws -State 'BDd true of jour dliUlct tolcroto >uchiahabby tiictici., ' Power odtlrpciicdthe cssbmbly, and in the oonrto ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ' sitare. - nrs of Kblncrow Point li «Up|^In» tlowlj torntda ollNevi-Yoik. : / :i - . Ii . ' -Themas Farrcllj 'Dirronojwood-—Ynur letter ii aw ol ] ihii» remaTlte gold bb wea a oandidatefor the ; tbe rirer, bat I czpsct wUi dt>y wtatlir it Rill come, tq : [ ¦ t f' a][mpcrinIJdrrah}7ooi C<>r?S?ip tipb, Umite&— .'aToidably:held over ujtjlitci raorRnt'i 'Kv'jiinf. Ne"*." 0Jdnty connoil, and pvoccoitii 'o reviu^'hfa <5tfu rent. Two sllpi ocoarrod here pretlomlj. lfothlnj aa t.? Tlaia formed for tbo rrarpo:o j ' <:doae st ensont, bat 1 omkeedoi tha rsidw.y cafe.' Ki Company is ol vzorbing i • L, ; Tbomastown-iiV7o cro gh'd-yoa ilkeptbe aotiona whilst ho held tbe rjositton of Oittifmn,b Prcs^qtmCB'Sc islona were hold for th*Bu onj.al Qlaju, ¦tthd dovalorjlto a Oxown grant cr licanea to remove " Evening Newa." .It . is novr very popular In your of tho Board of QaardiaDH. 'He allodoa to tbe j holry aa no Ilaglitrat o attesdedl Honoror, I am id^lrnoled tiribor over ; about 51,001) Bores of Jarrah' forest l .bj tbo Local (iorernmont Bo&za. that yon e&a do*l with: ail: town and dlatrtot. . 3D fact nil over tho Co Kilkenny case of the- woraon who ocenpitd a l»bonrcri iCot-, i ncccojtrj. sittiate at ^alndalop, WeBtorn Australia, twethor ¦¦ ¦• ¦ matters . All Maintenance Cootracla expiring at. ' ' ;it h golc? stroDij. i ' . - , . . ' ,' . '¦ . : .. ;{ \ -. tajfo in- the union tsotoe people waatfJ to havo ITS TBIJE GEElTfESS lies in the UheicdM this or the coming Sammer Kihizcaha io been re-let until: with flva doroa of frgoboljl landj plant,-bnlutosi s ber evlotod Sj tember 3"th next in aeoordanee with the Treniitor? 1 Jnqniror. KUmcadori—Ton r.ri> not! in fault. A pro- eomu sitno ago, and he justified bio &o| and the tramway about fiitcfln and a half mile? ; cotion in ProTisions (KB 1) Otder Is CoonclL The >)of in; of Balli-; in [length ; also 3,200 ftotea ot virgin Jarrob,foroo ; posal nan mado to toM for th» reprejontttlno ,' bnt jcf connection with tbo matter by Baying duality of mateiial used ;. Toilo rliao w>» %lm4M oompletod, but, the contractor did ¦ oonrs«, < Sir O'SaUfraq wonld not Bjrea to fooh a tbio woman hed rent pnid rrben it rc£3 oour>'ut and the TJurivilled and other rights ; ' with o eaw-miil and tlmbor-ynrd ¦ ' ¦ ' UMOHAL »ot form lil- drain eccordlar to specification or directions ' 1 ¦ i ' ¦ ¦ ¦! - : . ' i -|. ¦ ' ' 'oojG'sUoa \ i . . ' to dbpoDteCJ ber eoDEsqatuUy the new work nts ilippcd again. I, therefore, altpato at Bunbury, the pdnoipal port ot the coath- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ j . Mr FlnvahaD followed and ; , ¦ • , -= ==-) 1 wiU aakto hare tho snontyr -preie ted, and a freab pro- ! em'd Conotructipn. : : Hechanical weitem district adjoming tbe main Una to rorth. | ; , tbat tho whole National programme would icantmcnt .mido for it Ihero ara no new works which ire- capital have his support ; m ' qnlre IJMCIU montloa from me. : Tour Solicitor thened me The is £175.000 In sharoajof £1 caob, o! Silinoothomas XTniott-j -iVESDAv.: f'll C3 tbe oaate d tho ' three BlUi promoted t by tha National Telephone Company',' which £50,000 has been guaranteed!and 60,000 are labourers. Tno main qarotio n vrith them, ha which'propota to clis thorn certain poire ¦ orer ro&oj.' I appropriated . ' ' , ^ i 'I . . , added WE , iCHALLEMGE THE I W0ELI)| for working capital. [ : ! , ¦ of ; ; ¦ wan plenty: of employment) which trim, ¦ j ! ^CyeHiig LOQK 1 thint yon eboald conildsr tham care nlly. I hire the . .Hr .B Plavnhon prciided. and Jthov wor alfo i . ' ' •' '¦ self had lononr.tOi I • ! : A tip having reached mo rg Amalgonatod Tyre TK endeavowed to provide lor them, lit ' ! ' ' ¦ 1 preEent—Hr Jobri i Wnlsue antl llr D» 1 _ . j . W.E, I/£ST3AX0B flOTTir. 8hire3—quoted at tho vory of 8|—I nrotp Gleasori apoL' . -o FOE OfJE o- [ low price Qle33on. , Dr J JjiWaloho, tho Medt Offio>r e io favont of hb o^n candida- j Manufacturers to| excel us on thess points. JV '• ' THD PBINTnlQ WOCK. ' ' to cno of tho leading gentlemen in the oyolo trade q*l ture and tooj c3tab]iobment . ! : 'f , B branch in tbeir ¦ ¦ of the '; Hon3\ end lit P UorWwey,] i i ! tboro no Q pre:entaaent trom Mr C P Bedmoiid, asking his opinion, and received tho following reply ; Afaiiton' midnt cf tbe United Land' _ olork, wero u nnaal in attendonoo. o olcrk op-I Labour League. WATEBEOBD NEWS, for £405 to compeasato him (oi —71 am another' unfortunate holder of Amalgama- jT^ Mr John Kiersey, Mr L . Power ' c-biTSHcuous m BOW ted, , (Mr Hnnt) was absent, (b&vIrjR- ((one to Dun- ^and t do JTHE mom of Higii, nork dona in coaceotioo cltb tbe PatlloacnUirj Ghucs but. I, have not heard Anything of tho la atoresoii coribo alao cdtfrc^aud tbo meetlor; ' ¦ Votcro' List ond tbo Looal Government. Act. rumour to wbieb, yon refer, and, therefore, am not garvan ' to motq ^rrangomento! connection ¦ ¦ ' ¦ |. the; Utter referinjj to the friotionv botvrota = . ©rado . Sl&clidnes is thei ; ¦ , ¦' •Mr Bodmond attbnded in' a position to advise you. Personally, I can hardly nith the forthcoming cleotlon?. Tbo 'Slotcr | • . . -• . and ezplaloed tbe Baton ' himself.and an eminent Watorford j cf tho work done. 'As to the cbarges be bad tnailf aoalany hopo for tho ooncam, althonsh of ooufsa it ib pu leavo 0T7I33. to illness, wblpb we earn^-atly tftsntlemaa. taccitnlncd ' is noKjible that-the Dnnlopinflnonoe 'may boexertod 1 5je 'briei dtt!rnti . ' ii< '; pr^coing iovltatiODp from Sunday'o doaonotra J588B ilayo, £1,123 ; Monagliao, J21. J. Blirjo, con totakn otoot. , „.: . . ' ' ' ¦ ¦ from nearly every rider. ' The opposition to the ¦ . , , ,| >¦: i tlonl i . . : i . ¦ • " ' i 4S38 ;- ¦lipparary, ; ^1,038; i Tjcoae, ii ,941 ; amalgamation cohemo baa A specialticitinfl' Uaa lisia uunlmoned for nest ¦\y«»toq Did It app^ited tbsS tho; bad tot WcDtem'RtJfoay ttsota. : -Tbe ordlnartcsaraibiro of the prooiDtero of the meotlri .-xdyooateo qf THQU8AND8 SOLD IN IRELAND ALONE, 'd to.27 and the 8J per cent preference!;!* droppiDS'to bXlQ-i '&i tta nts ;cAljo5tbro for t70rl¦ ¦ { d(>0e ttndcr ^— B^tM : tiork exwcattd at a reasonable figdrc, ac be moved ¦ ¦¦ - : Unity as 'Dillonit*!!: unier^tond thit word—&o ! ¦ ¦ the old figure of th^ &£btra.ion'Aoi »b '9S- . ' •O - - : ' ' '. ConsigamentS' already sent jto South Africa. December'Edition tbis i&o-ptKsntnebt ba pa;:sd . ... • •: about SO or 05. . Shareholders In, ¦ raamber of : tho indcpsndHnt Prces atteaded ! 'of - the Corapiny bin hardly ba. expected-to bo jubilant Oar reporter attended an aon8lsrjd,«nppli>>(3 R . " >Tao motion nas nDonimonsly agreed to, end ! (in faot an attoinpt 10 boyaott them wnpmadf) ! ., Cape times chronicles :—i. i " Jury ovoz this deTolopmont, end rro moot hops tba^ the fall report of tbe procecdlnGO. bat ia cots^qoonce o o o o o o o 3~3 OO .; Joaoooo c! i Sir Redmond thanked tho¦ Grand¦. end uith- Still we o«n vnnnb by " ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' failure for too ab:olato pooarnoy A Viotory aa omifjrant [ Wezford-iiiaQ monritetl on a dtaw • i • . ; ' I tojot ths omalgaraction pscod nlll greatly of exceptional . idns trec:arc—-^be ai»'zea now : PIBEOli " !¦ ' ' ' ; ¦: of th« nbnve rfisunii. ' ! ;• ;. BX-OFIICIO bonofit Wcierford.. , :: | . *»¦*» beiDjj oain Woterford—rrehavfl fonndit impoa- - . • COtJUCIMOEl .. ; . ' FREE ON i! The Foreman rose and said that he desired to (all Great Soathorn and Weatorn stoolayill hold thoir «ibla to . puWkb obythlnu longer ' than tbo above FOB PACnCTTLAEn '99 ^CATALOGUES APPLICATION. (o own whatevET happens. ' The ordinary Is in strong ¦ ' ' ¦ i . HOB8E , 0\7irBE3 i attention' the fact that it became necessary;at this cnriailactit. ... !: . . ! ! . . ' '¦ meedDg to telcct torce meabers who wottld be tx- demand, and the preferred stock* and £ebentnrco Will use BALL'S Vftorlno" Horco llcaiolau are eomd of tho wbea needed with mooh tdventc^a. Cpunty flooaciiloni. } It would be easy to do co either ¦ ¦ ¦ most de:slrable¦ ¦ !nvestmont9¦ in tho Tho " Vctcrlsa i - : -, : - . - - SJSSEil by the ' Urand Jary to appoint a Comraittte to con- moriet, - ; . j; i CLONEiiiL MOTJilS Ho~3Wcrra Pond-ro," " Aeoaita CoD({h.Powdwfl ' PIIEOE'8 Cycle Of now companies Antl-Ourblno (» valaible blleteri Worfes, We%£oM, sider tbe matter tRe difficulty was whether the pofftis that have .lotsly, app£vrccl , Votorlop Hcoli pc iina u» JX ULI-UEJ-Xij &.i\ui ' , Bomum and Bailey's was oonsidercd to be a groat Lotion (for o»ery out). Hone OmrJition Vtwioto, AGEHTAOEI W :-:— And 59 RUE-DE-FLANDEE, PARIS. : . of the Grand Jury garvited and whether if they ap~ At thi,'t;j bjctja" painted a Committee their action might not tnm out oatoh and it nan msny times over sabsoribed, bnt of the Corporation orfcinij ont Velcnne Horm Bills (oft laod rrpoa), V'.t'MBo ¦ when the letters of allotment were reaeived everyone of a question as tojr/orb' for the ilnemployea, the OoaliOR L .tlon (lot tco-nt Bn«tHng»)i :tl So iU Gr ¦JttlLHUWS tit, be a dead letter. He pointed-ont, however, that Town Cl:rk V'ttTlco mm oli^r Grand Janes hod appointed Committees to make became a celler and tbs Bhares th&tl had boon at a said it |was estimated that tbe cairyiDj; Bltok Ptsie Bli«tet"(»cry reliabli'), and tbaVeuriDO J • substantial premlom, tumbled down|almoct to par, Oat cf a csv/erage •tchcjne and tba malntcnanc;oi Oo'lo Droocb, etc., GD iQ) Jioli^j JL: U? these*selections, i ¦; !; •' v/oila in etc. All of tba nbovu v«lunbl» I O to and they are now amonjpt the very; ordinary rook connection I with it would represonl aa in " VytiTlne" 'omcdltH ; nro cold at tho V7»tcrfo?d ' |: ^r K Usaher begged Remark thatit-\7as quije r. . J ¦ Crcaw of ' OfuAECE i of tbe"inarket, j ; ' i ! ; \: lOd. or ls.iin the £. xho orifl W febeme Droa Mall, 62, Qa«y, ccd hove eiood a te:t ot ratay llth, 1C30 ¦ ' evident trom the 113th section that thVintcnQon of ¦ was tor i' £9,000, pas CO, aud did ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ the Act was to provide machinery tor the clcctiia of . Oyolca are ctill, 3a tbo damps, nnd tbo advent of but ' thit made in ycaro. ; r , : i. Barronatrand^ Streati Waterford. . , . . cot inoluds tbaOU Brtd Boadl and nd. ' spring, which ought to have pat com^ lite into them se. Oolvill* *- ¦ thtee Couocillora ftom amongtt the members c(t!ie ¦ . mi ' ... .. hM lad fio oHcst -whitovsri : ' ;.- . < . ¦:>:' . % : > :/ Fwh, which bad bt'srl lately takra H,nto the borotiflri. Grand Jury. Otbcrwiss thete would be notue io ' ! appointing a Committee at all. The fact that the AC> Tboro lo every j cljjn that traoieai will continno .^On 8atnrday Usntlofintrai UnSsy,' d.B., D.li, Statutory ITotico to Oroditora enabled them to ' appoint a Committee would have actlva for tbo ca? ccaoant, aUbounh predictions accompanied by Arnold ¦ Power, Esq., bub-Sheriff , " pointed all thecShw nay.': : \\ ;; : ' entered the Crown clock In the CFoodi of Mary Anno UoConrt, lato of Lfnteril MP {lower to act even alter the foucuions of tho Qnna Court, Clonmel, at elevica o' , street, I D the City of Wourford, Bplnatcr 8£3eul&tion fa otlll , rcstrloted, buti then Is ctrlll ¦ whcn. tts crend , the coactviWM tailed pvet . Dsces::! Jury had been discharged. If, however, there was an> ' pa=i?o«*ssn. f =d : ..• ¦:.¦:>¦: ¦ D;'^d thla 23rd daj ol February, 1G99. : Dlsiaaca aboak 2 nl)«s. 8 ttane!d, Cst Fc? Term:, apply to ; _ . come forward u a political paniua, aa F hold sucb 7{bs; 4 jcarj old, 103t 71b i 6 y.»rB ' ¦ OPEHIirG 01? THE OITY COlHIICSIOri ' DAiJIEI, DTJNFOCD, cld, lias: 6 jcarj . ; i Hc:4 Office—9, COLLEGE GEEEN, DUBLIN, f ' ¦; ... , corddcratioas are a* ijjreat impediracnb to rood i old and ejed, list 10lb». Katraocs, St. !P< B3ltlcJ— Hungarian, , Colicitor¦ for tbo Dald Eieontora, i a0M ef ri ¦ ' morning ot eleven o'clock punctually tbe I Local Government ax they are foreign to the objects ;M ! /fOn 1§ •'•'""iirr, 1C3, t» lei or to any of tho Company's jBranchea or Ageocie3. . . ' ' ¦ ' .¦ Ihls Tho nominations 'for County , Olotrlct j/' ¦ . O'Ooaooll Otrcot, V7atc:ford rTMeb»Ba£ ry. - lfr.A3,-to - esrry 7lba' cit ro ; . Right Hoo Peter CBrleo, Lord Chief Jtutlco ol £nd tbrwhkh Councillon are appoint: L . : j: cf .lVo Eic;7, Oonncllloro dloclcca tbat In almoct' every dlvlilon At a ' cpecial meeting of tha Fethard Ulba; cf Thre* or aorej. : 211bt. Albrfcc—•—AH .i' (r.-f 7a::rford :--J. J. MUBPflT, ;¦ ¦ > . " ¦ ' Ireknd, entered tha City Court accompanied b; Trade ond 1 cjid:zj horcu and fillies Ascr. W. &L. RaSrray Traaians. . ; hero will boa contest and In many a trianrrnlar I-abour Leisoe, tlr T Byrne, T.O., President, In tho Ono Eloment i Ploano ! ¦ ¦ Bllot7:d Vlbs ; SAMUEL 0.1 ALLINGHAM ¦ tha Klgbt Worohlpfoi the Ilayor ot \Valtzlord ,.L duel will bo fought. : !' ! : ¦ '¦ ' Sobr., 21, Q'Ccn¦s dktrcct, Esq, cod Wllllon Goff Dsvla Gofl chrir, tbe following resolution nas proposed by Mr J SECOKD lUOE AT 1.S0, ; ' * <; ¦ ¦ ¦ OlStrftDge. , Tbe Dangdrvan Gnerdknaobtained a bloodless troke, teconded EaEcrcra from Orarel, P*lo» {a tho Ciek, Dro;sT, VTlsl : .. : . . . - 0. P. REDMOND, " 'Weterford NOTTS." : , __ '.. . by.tlr John Kyan. and patlcd «D4 Watsr CorapliUnta, . DaDj:r?ao Plate cf liffiM. Sscocd H-rrss ' ' K»q. City High ehirlff. i victory. NoD the elfsbtcst abolorr of opposition Dluuci ef Kldta/a, Bladdcf, , 2 COTO. . . FP»EDBBICS..BtrrL33Il, Ooart Ho«s.; ' • : , .. ananimoialy—" Resolved; That vc, the roerobersof Urinarj Orgtioa, Btono, nolatla. 'nbsncttija, ID<3 Ooot, A Hnrdlj Hasa. DUtancokboat Xwo-snd-4-ia / ci'-3, . . .. pCho GrauiJ Jory[ vrcro oworn oa follovro :-»Al(t BA ' will Had » pojrfUro * l-alced. They were prepared lea a contest U the Fothard Itaie and L'.bour League, having nro In Holdrpjd'r s Qraiel HJls. TrjU. Entraaa Fco, 7i Ci. Wriihta tacm tt Trc!Jrtu* Pi- » L U. Kyan (forom&n}, VV H Karrell, Aldcrra^j U forced, but tho peoplo vrero eparedi tbe trouble aiaiU box, an4 « not aat:aflo4 Tdiir mone/ »ll» be rctnrnoit Wicoci cf Hist rtaato 3 ' ' " ' Alexander Nelson , heard \7lth regret that; polzon U ' bdlng Uud for the Price la. l|d.J of all Chooltrj cirrjr 7lbs rxtra, I ' ; J Horley, , D L ; H Grainger ml tbe ratepayers tho ozpancs ' of (contesting a (iKtraclion hoiindu , cad Post Frc> JS Stsaipi, . BBBNAED Hi 0*1111^Y, Bfenagsj; ezfMayor ; JomealKnox, H A Kelly, J A Toblu; of £lr Burlis , cofldemn the from. Holrojri't Ueilcil Mall , Clwhbeatos, lorij. Don't THIRD RAOC fiT 3 O'CLOCK. " position, tho edminbtrattca of ffhqcj cffclra aroa action o! thjpenon ci b» pot on. I! joa cannot get f bia ' Xfm H Fennesay, W J Smith, Aid J J Brccb, b persons Ulunjj part -In inch a , rrrto et csca to tha Kllre^Jta. Hat. of 8 aoJ». credit not only to the Coanty of V^ctorford, but cowardlfj act ; and wo pledpe onrt;lves by j every proprlolorajid »l»l will b« teal next tojl. > ^ Wod! HorU t „-; A Mahony, J Hearns, i etcpheneon, Aid JE.c' oiru j unraia J12C3, UUtaaca, ono-»nrtsi-baJf bll- ri- j to tbe provlnco. Iho Board ot Guardian*bat to legitimate n?mj iaoar power to csciit Mi Barke to ttoocj Us. «J. T/olghU was * " flearne, W P Kelly, John Unrran. M QolnlnD, : as Tfidtra PJato V/n- its credit this day nearly ono thotioand pounds put an ni to ibis norl; once cad for all ; that copies ¦ ' ¦ ' A Fcrrell, J Konncally. and Aid E : , THC na cf Dao-nrtao PlaU to tarry Ulba wtre;, Eyan, Popar. j t'nd when Its liabilities havo bcon dlecbarged on of this re:olutfon b: cent to the ftade and Labour i The oatiJ havlaz jbsco admtnlotorcdtotbe Joy, tha appointed day" tbera yrtil csnoldcroblo Leaguej : CpUrtTH EA0E AT itO. High Sheriff row and said—My Lord Chltl " bs 4' of ClonnuL Cosbcl, Thurlcj, and ICilleaaule j %ho to ba to , oilanco to band over to tho now; body. Tho forthelr co-operation in the matter." | Copnlttes Plits of 10 eo[T8. BecosJ I flm.vcry ^ilcaicd oblo oanoanct : [ BuWiia ite® pritb ide.i A flat Urn, 1 w». J&iteO, Guardians and tho Olflcora of tha Uplon ere to be ncs. Dl«tpnc3, tcr4 pll:3, conantd ,io Uc!oa cf to Joa ctat tbero bnocriminal btulneu toongagti copgratuiotca The CXoiimd Dkpoasiry ComralttM had cccrrd to Dan»er.ao EU traao» tfjd5 bo{, . v/ef bt, upon tnio eatlsiactory ctato oi exist lihe all other insUtutiohs of iis kind fradors Plate.' > ia C tics M yonr cttoJtlon st! this Acstzea, sod practlcallj iihlDgs. Any chango from! the prcpent etato.of fa Ireland. NEXT AUOTIO1M ^orjjjto owncrt p^jtiijea will ts no wort to ba done with regard to Tha lest!, monthly meeting of thU committci) trcj'held ¦ ' ! clxooatha protio^i dayof IBO ;3, ; Xhfere affairs would not bo for! the bcpeflc of tbo . • IU , : ' j | thkt. I hoppsa, jay Lord, to: have tho honor ol on Friday in the TotAi Hall, Alderman Monbsey^ * institution. ; . ' ; i | j ' ¦; :• '. ,{/ • .' ;' ' - ' ¦ FJFTH EACE lAT 4 O'CLOOC. being the first Sheriff appointed asdor the nevv j chairman, presiding. Al:o present—Ven 'Catiiam 0 ODi Prucaia-Ct., Dublin Great surprlea yres felt at tbo cilcslon ot a Warren ' ! A Oon::hticn nac3 ef^i'f,r biats'a Hcrr-.j at tio Urbin and Coanty (CoancllB Act, and I sincerely aomtnatlon i for -i tbo ModolllQO , Archdeacon ci Lbmoro j Mr (2iarlc3 0 L Citch . Ii dlvlplon of Ffennell, ;Very Bev Dein ileDoanell, Q. - Thursday, jCjticT irclshtj, 0ai«a.l-«>haIf ett:3C3li» AH-Aldormon Councillors and their Families are invited to hops thLt tho total|ob:Cac9 o£ crime In the city at the DaDRirvaa ¦ TJhloD. . A now election must P.B.,\V, Jllarch iGtL 1899, ' , try tho this owtes may provo o Uoppy omen ol the : i . AT 13 O'CLOCK. ! sne^ tatro placo f or tliat dlvlBlon, j Ok 'Vlciz zzday. Aiorclnjj tho | Uyht Hen cesstal working ot that Act, and of the proper ait . Tta Urban! District Corxcll have eome very tho Lord Obiof Juatios oat m tbo Cro,iyii Court by, tho largely Increased conatltneocy of the (mpactAQt , COKDEnOlTS. ; ' - '.mattcro under ¦ dtcsnssion . at and diopocid ot Eono'.travrjrcDc ucsin \yblob, tho Eatrlca o'c:s lltb U«ob. Enlty Porai ocd fall T 11M , Orasi . Haddocks, Bloaters ands Hippars pcr7Ci3 estreated to tbera. , I am Tory plcirjd^ ;lsat ¦mcattnji. ^Ir: O'Cohnor lobfred— That Oorporotjoa p3rt':a!aroco opplfcstco ¦ fos 'lord, la complianeo with tbo tlmeJ . " bad aa! Jntcrcit. In tbo first c^co ¦¦ to; Horch, olth JocUtj'j colon • sittted. tliprclew, my Parliamentary representatives bs requested to Mr J Jomeaon tho ' '¦ ' bc?oored cnotom to prczsst you with a p^lr of nc~z traverMj innd" tha ', : GANLT, G0IJ8 i CO., ¦ : EatiicJ arntlair latj will oot oo Bct»rftir.td, Breakfast -I In take otepa for tho application ot thj> Allotmcnta qaeotlon ot issuo nei &3 to tho jvalaD of ono Jocieja to rido la tho calcar* apiciisd wWto r^oves (aoppretscd cpplawo court), ' , . Acc1ioc::rj aEd et tico of Glancj of the Eosliah L G Act to Ireland, where- otatato coro of lnod Disjoining tho tnaanre depot Cittlo O»lc3nioa , "try, tad ehoold tho BU«ard»d'cfda ttH tUs ral. His Lordship then wld—Mr Hlijh bncrlrl; by Inbonrers conld obtalp tbrca, , •• ¦ ¦' hts b«oa i.frlosisd, GrocsTj aad \ [ ccrea of land." oloae to thri tprrni BU - Ucbor'« Qmy, Pablin. it wia ba ovtijtH wiiblnoa to Aldermta Hyao, end Gentlemen ot the City ot The resolution was' tjeonded . . rrhioh tho Corporation ara - fine tnoi owBOf 1 »0T., or ; ' by-MrjPower , eap- qainn^ oobpakorilyJ ilr AbboC thi.atbiltutot. if ao tortJ Ci) ilidla •!,», to SQfEM EIMWm GO., . . Provision Merdxante WctcrfordGrand Jury, I cccapt tbo preicntatlot ported by the Chairman and passed unanimously. Giiaos/lljr Ma o'tojethor. ; i I ' V7hlci ta besatcado to ca wltfi very c«ai- rlbr^rtant m&Sp-by awafued'iia/ 1U3, to; llr Jo.nx-^D/add, tbo gury liidera .f fcoje: i disoniatlcj bjfer« * An •C5^G^^oa:"t7t3 tbo jlQ- . ' : COuIiTY ; V7AXI!f52?onD, : ¦ccalc3 oftsr 'taB rtaebJna tho 125 Q , VVATERFORDJ ' pleiiuro Indeed. When lest I bod (he honour ol increocsd tbo ¦ cnrn to <2S5. His lo;o:hln oucrded ' ! . flnlaii cf tt rcca t?IJl , UAY and I, QUEEN 8TBEET, TEAMORE. - . oabitanta of Abboyoldo to [abate a Innfcanco at ' ¦¦[¦ • ¦ ¦ • v- ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ b»libls ta ba • • ¦ ¦i' -' ¦ • • . l' . ' .. GieqaaliQed • prealdlnj la tha -Orovnx Court of tbo Ci£? ol; Strand bide North. . They: £12 ooot3l ' \ ' .prjgsestM that portion i» to 1 (lf llc OB« l» B.da la vVpt«rlord I V7t3 preiootcd with white glovw olco. of the' Gibbon's, beqneot should be applied towards ; la ; tb6 ccsond ccsd tho qtuatioa t7<^ tbo I Pttpith? tk< Hoa,, »> d ao wPiltiE-.taa The ciroB -pleaalnj; ceremony has tcon nou re-j c^=d wfthin «»«n olaatci fioa ailing In tbe angle at Mr Qifffna'a corner, i Six or valuo of a faced rent!of £200 chorgeab o on tho np earitn. \ mapaol,o1;b/ • d«?otlt jf oa3 , 0T. pmtJam cl tha crlmalc^acondition ancient Conncil which conl4 k? converted Into a Fcrlr. chased by,.Ur. .B ZJolcamipn £orl(£3.!!0P, end : ' which olil bo fo.f.ltea shoald '.end . . TO BD LU V, ] \ i tht fit ^ards 459.& that city ; I tojo tnot tha acebnt city oij rhlo matter was roforrcd to Ur Qesty, EaRlncer. which thj Corporation ore now acqairlorjcom- iho objection u ft,iol»n, otWitlotu. | . T Wptsrfprd , nhlsti i It has been my privilege; '. Vet ccsb tlno a shall to tsmi opos, Xh9 6tmcrd» t^o riaht eja 9 1 A'. wd eccldent occurred on tb« Clonmul Rood p'ulborfly. '. llr AbbdtS ol!ot7cd £2,610, odd a good d? j rcB^tva to «f enter, ta GA3 DITGniE FOE BALE, to!visit W frcicntly ID D Judicial capicltj on, Saturday ; monloQ. A '¦ * fleb-Joulter" from cbaopo tcs projranno, poatpooe thflnestlnj BAEEIINSTONS ¦ ' deal of ojfdoDca having bean rjono into'on both Portion of tho l^add Qobwtrtoxm oi;o ajt e» . ', or olhcr- i cuy Icia ' ctutotn I Ha fbinLcu; - it* oloar, at d. OnngarVan named John HoC&rtby was comtas Dfty seta otoowarj to then. Their eocisioa H.P. NEWEST TlTPB OTTO «A8 | EN- lta jnutt ', . His Lordship Mntsdcod to a fckniftbtfa in> . Ocartlnlcj 123a. lr. C3j, Btatut'o Ue^:a». . ; horco t5 tho cottlog doofl s> oa th» andantandfci tj- fright and upset tbo. cat.' Tbo bores, It appears, that ha Is T/ilh witcr veutl tad all Its cccsjuuy appliances. expressed ~ -that it, that rrbot f in ocssxt 'i bero priiiunnent tho man Kennedy, yhojl on tbe : ' ' tt b« ooidod b» thesa rato, *ad nest not t bopo.; I am Tory optiofstlo tena brpfeen and be sustainedother Injurieswhich j ; : This Enjlajlb la firsLcUn order bat wl3 b>5 mi.Bion BCQ ¦¦ ¦ ; ¦ as irecarda tie totore ondor th» coo Act. 1 tare In thcaeslVcs tyojjld have proved fatal. The pollca fjould do to. ooto tbat tbe sittinKo i j -C-o'157"10- - THU DUNQAEVAN : BASS BAUD Bold cheap, u :owner i> rillmj to make room for £lj lellotr countrycoD, ond IlhaTSla myfceiitiho log the inquest but; a win t7t» K??lV(d from tbo DOstDODCd OTTinn to tho illnr--i nt a me nber of OHOBTHAIID—tabobr cl ycaro reduced tJ | Full psilicBlijrj C3a bs bid Iroa hoy? to fcllcitvasly eiprcMc4 by! your H'ffb Sdorifl— coroner lastractlng tham to get tbo bo4y coaolntd tbo Court. : ;\ ; ! ; O' ra'onthp, Qovcrntrijnt lidqoalion Dspsrtccot : a hoj» ia- whlcri I oa sara foo, seatleoca, rrilj : ' ' P.. lltrn OEU. by tbo Iocs) nJcdlcal msn. ond hovo the romalos Too Grand Jory bora aacpted b approval. Wilto for frco p:o:putai, . ' ) " iArUciyltc. GentldmeD, taora 13 ca bill to c° :bc!or* resolution 0M1 Sslf™ Xnstitatd. r hacdej o?cr to tbo! relatives of the deccisod for ftpRO^n^nj B-, committco /of . tto pholo : body, GLoirt-Doft^nit GuouTaino Aaoo., , BEST & LASE LOtfQES^ voai botiftbsrfl is any qata'Jon: crloioj oatcf yoa ¦ /pilVIIj ' ¦ Gcrrlca' IcaUtu f ' ' e, Bl ' ' ¦ " " latoraoont. Ibis coarcs vr&s'adopted and the ro- ' : , RntblaiJd-sqQare •- ' ¦ i; -¦ •¦ • ;: : 0 Itcppoa Beai _ . . . . h. J ! fltci'daUcj I ohsll bo rery hsppy to fluids yea D (cavo a /memtcro tofo^m' , j : , I a qaorutp)|to! meet on ' ¦ ¦ 1 : i ^ i •; ;; -. ji - • : . i -tJCJOll *' XteG- VZitir A. tbreo Grabd Juroro to carvo aa Bulllfon, 8rD:olution 'l)h ' ¦ ' ¦ t%y | and 8 tueo«pe( pro loot Novetaber _ WALES ii ^{oa IJr Jort!co'&bdrow» catered ttuoo time of It Utcly lot tbs henin >ol.the Ear Ur .oo . 9^notion9fW«JoxOean9 Prioo ojt Thrc»* , i • . | . \ . ettotna* T^e a Tonner, J.P.; «ud e4iondcd b tloa. Detl lri«h lesalt tftcb txaaiaatioo. Oni 7TUDi.T,ltUiCn 17th, 5E», Cicutloa TToiJtiwDl conii Bt U'o'eiMk thU morning,ohea tfco cosirijiloa Hickey, who eo ably fills tbe Chair of Ce\t(e at y Oapti iVilliera ' 08 ' Uavnoath. Dr Rf^lrevhslnnrftC onntr Weterford Morton, D.L.~« a'hIs',.'bsfDjj tho Iact| mctling pi WANTED Too Ociati Hordaorkioir £Ici ts record doring 1E03 is tht flbest in tba kingdom, and oa» by U* WjA Dobb;n,' Estj, Deputy; clwi a*IriQC3. Caltu-y VUioti] n folloirt t— ' I . ' Specially bpc?^ man e'e cs> olf very, proad of the cquelcblos tha uOdlb-Kldlns Qriad Jury under tb4 bid re- ond CoaolMioo nUen. includeIct ftod 2nd l»Uh p|u«a, Jnot, Sad (OITWDO ; ' Vroa : i At Vtru to t'rro. Sdwted DrluJkB, .If On Sunday l*«t » »«r7 iooooulnlJOflot lojn»» held jary. JO HtrriaiS .San DabllD, inpsrfsot order, Wi en ; lsi ¦:. :[ "\- ' ., : vo< V cfiiwnTcri^ at fiioptilla io-rapport cf Mr b&va! norforacd tho. resDeatlva. dutloa of ^ ^ ,l pUcff Fcmala Iiaare»i , H SSSSff •?&¦*;¦> • «• «! ;¦ . . '' . ^tAM^ ilit.m'r.. poaviskst bo nootd aUh tbcato take nji thots EiJraonJO'dbei 'i oandl- thoir tevcral -ofilcos. h' ,bt» eoM ¦> fcusslri. Apply, XT;H,\V. this p»por. 1 pUo« tTotttd Klnrdocs, ^ it su datare/or tno tfoontj Ooondl, when th4 ths BevJ ,Tdrou({ trj^ir- exertions ¦TOTJXL &nt trial, AMhtsdt Sarv«; on ol Ttx«*, Ala. R««j thaW^l-oscspy-tas^iae..^Ih»'con»Uba!8ry. fejanj our duties have been | materially ll Hr. Pooell, who porhed Jn t£e Cyol» &^>k-J. ; „ • IB , H V i UoGanrj, P P, pr«ld»d. !Th0 B«rObBirmtts'(sM^h«t- sotenod,and cor CI»U Utrvaou'jOotaaBi to Ibt ¦ with two for tbo ¦ V;r . trade io iJnhllnv oomopaleate wltb llr, ClnmalAtomtitn ¦*{¦ - ;;• ¦ • ' ' tio»r« eiatW ipeeUl dies reported vith regard t» th» Od.oll leoaot* tko»r PIOQDI would b« tho county irorlt'eEcjeatly oamsd citiii''- ¦ > < lMa«a ot 21st :: :: 1% - : : . '.! /. • ;;. - {;¦/ ';+¦ t M,T!i'V". siiv.iS. Mi :.? ' -" year. Tbera Wai nbtbing i E»aDk, 17, Oarpow-sUeal,, off North and 28th lMb «t p»n»c«ll«)rlyUt att*.- & * j ::: eorriap oDdingperiod WJftj^ ^ Dublin, «ad ta will beATtometBle^tohltad ronuje. eUHM alw»ys)tMe«i»> ri » ¦!: ; < HMUUM^I • • «' ' la their monJ »J tb* tirmt -yf iWtW ! vision*, (nd foe trttUd, 47 : 'oandidates were ral ct Exoit* *od f?«o«nd Wrisjoo KMOjrirtrWI. gSKTS : | 1 . ::): = = •' Bkaoif*'¦¦- eoaqty WM oPt In • paaiUae&orderlyi •tate, aw ooold aflord to porflha**,!Howner, tbtt «s« • ma*t»c of thA WILL tbs Boy who calUd at Bolv«dm. -* ¦ conld w«U •otinly for Uitosclvn. ; Tt8 ' $avl nominated st tbo offli^ Sob-Sheriff, Mr Civil 6«rvie»IcMa«fsFBahlfBi sj -r aayuwAo: la c«nveylag QHffle). I (Messrs 1 • on Tneniiy, fc= -fl M wim dprca ths^pi >tut M»I« hippy G&t&lgr)titU tbst tjtw vonld'bafoi&e diQasIty ebos) Itjbnt ho F«b 58, kiadly call »gtlau epon at ponible* nS tti no doubt tbat with lltp>.,troabl4 ii conldbe Saanel Derlce, Kilemqoe, Uahir j P $ M»nnlng, ¦;;- cf thiBfi cDnfel loruiBnUnoe. ! ;i " .', , i ; com* : .;; . ;<%*]WTB, i : j u{l*faciorily trrMjoJ. Al is tola jthea thdr ^Uatufc; ohd 4Uohael Boott, GWrtnshoe, |aro rS- WAWTfiD—Botrdcwor delict*chllijr o In» tMmJMM^^^i r ccmfartahU, woU.ktpJ boss | LEI eatloeii that £a* wai to (Bat* arnonmtntt to b* tniBed'nr»0K5o«d,.;i (fc nVe«ta Uka pS*ea| in »h» . b> tat ««, ABo LXriZLT 1 -Tf.ir 10VT 8V\ DM Qurtea ' ;'. 6tpCk EzJohangti ;Ciiattez% - > etofpT Wosojratel- As Hi O'Son coaa over oth r ' CflABGBS Wl - n w h»f 'ttf wicf tttgibga-aBa ' " - ¦ ' • • : 2br ^0arrlok-on>8ali 'l .essn fiiohsrd B WBOUJ, iBT;f7. Sttlto; «iu Leftv ui hip Y«d, ATSOST£R > ' : foraiWJaifl . .. :-• :! . , •;. ; • !.;!'! >' , "¦< TO !^ i; ; ! ' ! AB^ iclFFER' |TO ,oafti: .,BSADB£\8i ^ J.P., V Balidlni! 6tona aid old Bitekf fw . ' : -wr ' ! ' i'-i" '; I • . ' - - : • ' OMtlwtrooW C»J r|ok, nod Joseph E»n«»« ¦ ¦ fill* t3r - 7 ; ! ..;; • i . . - . . : /mi III » ;. ;I | ; .^ ! , ¦ • .:• :¦ ¦ " • > ¦ ¦ ¦ .- > • ¦ j ; John-itrwl. r . . . . . • :..l - : • ' , ta «CCTcrio.s•ay ' oot i masa ;cty be i-jPor th« tweWa jx»t-Uw auataSanrtlp* fa LioT Xt tb«Clt> dnirw Gra1 ^rj>taj; :; Clonmel Jt?' u •ntutttion M B^fnuldi o»B ve er»i«fll«M will r r^orooBb, iU io tho EA«D »nd la the ; |Sl. l n coomstL BIBI .n.^vT^**- -' •, stitwS« £no ko.]r» W MsU oW ltil»tlJ. ;rf0 ¦Vfe W|rd>.-«ia(«eah iijdidatet nWuuM)89od nAccoan».; i)pji;l( . F,P, iJnn ? ^ W«ei^p»jrtoU8tutcwrinf^ rnutlOTi btoV ¦wosWwk irtrS i* (Infllo4 i rig'j>U» : ! JTMU atlO thi»V p^tiCVd took i ,.l ,- /: ' . . . ^. ;;.: -,!i.. -, ,;. - !] . . . ; - - ' ' . , : - ') "5«S Abedf ipo nftUMb la f tiemflndep«odeat*anlc<). T Udy) Wp i$t$8*i , ©rJt^3->i;jriK6v>ef» ^•• |. -\}_ I' .; . , ToTWj^ Qt M^IMICI,, :¦; *ai baektllttls ta HbBpMt; $xA f»% U**tf **-,?}'P ^h, ^- . . ** tix **w>.6»tii* t* amii oi UM »D»V« ofler ehoaia wtJiJrtitpoa .l& 'nonjisjtsof «-t:» ]'¦ ' - ¦ •> •< ! ;¦ '»:>.' i MIM« PowsB! fWbrtil'ftdn QUrfcTffltn, ^id* tWr. Wf. j» tf ot}eii *x<*,m * I 'I ' I THE) bav>' Id M*ai4iil I Uio > O«*«raasat irn «bt tbei»%w*« ftn&pddraci *o««M *fl4raiiteoof -R«vJ«Ur CtMr, «h«b lbt^»le'« aid X0»ti»4'itnBt to 111 .•; Oa»b«d»al Bq,o»f»' Sofeool«u»a»v Skoffcttip. whatUw T pleae*for ¦ ¦ tholeUtut U**j they «B t^JB buokabci cf . a fcOBflrtd MKiUo*m« tf ib» I*Uwrio baHng obtalojd ihir« mwe oo«ifo»j»bl#, »»d too ^m«w«*tt<««** Prif* » gooKhbtday snilieailao. . JtfiW want (Bp>ol»Jxtto\^i$, thiW, torooer mttdt to B a •• ll^'icafl ^lrl ir4ftff '*'JI y« < 1 ; j j'woAii n&JVWAT, , TSAPfic L: • ;;• ;;, ratiOf.L : Tenaa nxHvnU, • . - .w»w 7*-if .W» M«i»t«d tath iftik, cue w^j.-f¦ U tiuw eUeie^ him U* 'pijB) ««*di«n ^ DOBB Ct EBK waat^dVaaft ^Ook Ud ^twjj]!*«*¦« k xorbed | »jl adribcsd - prlc«». Uta Uijnni» • I. . .. . We»t«niiMBaU- IrtJao4 | T «fl<». LE - tat toA food ' fur tbat division, and iberafoMu ?u perfwtly« b«ord ! ' ¦ .; ,- ¦ ff : r tMoMte,^ Bui* . Mtto }xpm *4. Golflpew e»« >«•«>'om«»««tdoll ibne Ia»t f«» for ajny t '^t .' twain* ipSS for to»B to - »aytk«tb»«SBW liArtjM # «trjB«e¦¦ r j (. - . : V- . u.; «»n«< tysi ¦;i, i epwj.< ,| ,ft|,hfe) •c*k>, >nd W<« »U»*^<4 <>>lt( feel! [lottA.amdproloageaoletri.] i ; ; " • -- - ,' r - flSflHjMnoMl UtM*MrMbyl. \ 'J\ ; ttr^ooSlf UW M wrorjt OUB ,:. - \^ ^ 1^^^, : 0,0 ' • ¦; : *. ' al^jMrtlM hfW. 'oi;ji»OBaa>" lo.'in; ipert;^of Hr *7» !«. ^ ¦ ,i iM»w •i nnt hi •« doaM tb»t tin tttdt ff twj «ter.eUl^p^aKoS*It. rut smWbkrtjTrt etHtti»S took *bitTUa»i)jl tt hit tinti Ma In feUoMolai 'TotsX****"^1*"*1* 87W • ,f worU>«rid»|MpotaVtioDlu rUtliten»,»*|Mith«n vriMWajtt• ^fi ¦ iviMk iui tw» ,mA fog b«yte^N^» foainbS ' ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ' '¦ U - J '¦ •- ¦ ' ' ¦ ' P ¦ ¦ • , Sr^cWei5^ xSS^«w tuibto. to• oteUMsI^M«3 ^O^W iSjr «wll*rtto*#m mm . OLAEKB'S 841 Pfll auaftif i batalMtuh<1 Si ' gggj^T -il *vW'-^wiwW

> s ¦ ¦ ( > !> ! ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' * '' ¦ ¦ i- :.: - .. .:•::: i

¦ "¦ ¦¦ ¦" ¦¦ : ' 1 - ¦ .:.(¦ ' •' . ' :. . . . , • ..f - -I- •5i;"W IVi- Vf <•:( ¦ . vl-'. . 'J mmmmmm, . i: ; miff ^. :¦¦ •¦ ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' " j - *¦ ¦:lt ; S23P333»I5H5SHC5S ^SSSSSSSfSSBESSSSSBSSSSSSBBBm ^;- ; _ iil i^iMa^kiEi ': glynn, BaUjmaomtgB^ •" , i to«i^Kl ,if»iBj r ' " ' ' ' m^^mS i smma i : Pt'oMtadby Mtf Joiin-PowW. K»^ltw»^ J»qBiiwpii. -!" - ' < U!r.D.Wrinon j'iob cwi^, Mrvf.BiirrirJgton; h«i B9llymainh«gn» ; rtoonded bil Thooja*: Uaeally, doj O'Gormto Msin-ttreet, p. ODwyer. aiidrjDiBfeict Propnsed Mr- W«!t4r ,U*mor» COrb»n>-Patric c , treas^ Mr. J.¦ Lotbla 1; ton leo., if a% i'xpeisci of Anniasl pros«iflUo»« «d»»no>d fcy the fli@ |CJoiiBtj: ^y OoUeadar. claibnugqteeD'j LUmore.; Gtorije P«wer, WuV-strtet, dpi ;.Michael !'!¦;' • ' • rXie cyoUnK olqb' cMoalobi |Corp|f*t4o^t4h4bjnk«oeooai»oald.)D9( b«»o tococded by, Mr Eomond O'DdnaeU, BbbertwllUsg. 1 - . Ma es"s ¦ ''':--i ¦f ! Tho firsttantlemanwho wrote offering DooMy, Kllnjujtrriga ,• John Doooey, Deefpark; John afWr ell tbo orrangetoentt whloh under the olrcum- . to bot £10 ' ¦ ' ' ' : ! ' ' : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ Uai ybtoh he deems, to rbe Jrr«oovef»blfl,*nd ff tb* that Mr P W Kelly will head tho poll for ths Kilbatrj Htnnliwa, BtJdiis(contest) • . . ' ¦: '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ •tances cannot fftll ,to b« perfeot. i . : . ' |; ,; ' • ' ;¦ ' ' ' ooinmllUeare MtUflod. • presentmtat «hoaU b* taada Sft'warsgpijsift'si's Division: of the County Coundil] and whose wager: : Moc«llop—^JTxeW*Qoitli . Corrogan* ; Launac* ': :'. - At'ivtU be eeen by^advettisement for snoh » nnu »jjj bs msds op by «o«t*llrr<- J ' ¦ ¦* '"' ' «wU,d was accepteda couple of days' ataoa,; liaa writtafa i F/ran, ^IncBjBleamy (no con wt). . '] ¦ . TUtt nrooc- ' Messrs; B. O'Leaty k Co. have been mvtnible »rre«r», noktoereiyu ettlauWSUB wblea ¦ ¦ V«o 0 ¦ ¦ ¦ :t ¦ ' ' ' ] WBITWOSTB. «ppolri{edagents firtWscelebrmted ¦ : " fifty labourer*, P ^^ ,., ;^ „„„ for ca followa :— ' • ; ' j :| • •:?»¦ — . ''. ifodfUiso-LJohn MGraUi ' BoherawiUin;; Patriok B»y exwedor bs by.tbaa tb4 *n*u sbett. Tb« :cj; ^ ^B;w]:,! tf « |- ,;: ; , ,;; , : ;v; . . :¦:, : ¦¦ ¦ -' - ¦ r , 9o|l«otor !^&t y : . 41. j • - -: . : i i - ' < Maroht3rd, "99. i: Sheeb»p, B»wn»v|n. ejBe (nbfemtert). ! , .; ' machine. ForycaraI rodeaKadfo- hu been overpaid £1 lfls 8d for ponndAf« oa IDf ¦: | | r found it a mo«t amonnt lodged Sammer ; this, should b« order jto nmk<=> aitera<;i i ' "! «# ***nere "DBAE, Sin—I see by the jEvBNprai News that TelloV—John jWalih, Waat-street,. Tallow;^J»me » Wbitworth bioyolo .and always ¦ ¦ *4- Asslse* pna to rutet their laige flittd inisreasing . . iroXbffri^i-i | ¦* '¦ : ' :¦' ' ' > ] ¦ ¦ ' ' d»dnefed from his next accotmt. - ' ¦ ray offer to; back Mr Kelly has bcanj aoqapted, so iWlllouthby, Ch«pil-«trtet, jdo; jpha ChwfSj Foot, , reliable i¦ aount,'|-,? i . . ; , " ; : ' : : 'MrrTv Beasley, wpresenUtlw of n V T&s Town Clerk holds » fc*Uno» In h*nus of X15 • harewith ; eaoloss cheque for .£10. 1 should think West Lodge; TalUw tcbatait). Bs! 8d i ij - .: ' .' -4' : '- ' 1 ' frac cLtvitLASD. 'tbatj flnrt-ola«»monnt{beOleToland, for.expeas«s ot Weights aad tfeuores Act, c- . : qraXr 7«^j af»^::.: : i : "! ' . 'l , | there are tniny.of Mr Kelly's 8rfpport«t» will "gb»n ;¦:¦ -: . •blob j shoul d bs lodged In btok to oredIC of Ko 2 to - ^ -,^ . at tbo price. • ' : iwas In Watorford thootherday. He A dj^lso effec t a clearance for ^ " Tb&nkiiig you forxb kindly acting ca. ¦ qooust, and oheoues should: ba drawn: oa •«&» as ¦ their Spring Drapery PurcKaiaB stakeholder.rr ronw truly. - ,i -; ., ; I Uxed up the cjenoywith Mr. Cordner, H«nrietta-st., rpoolr*9\- . , . ' , ¦ I i ¦: ' - ¦ •: P/ ; '.' - .' ; {^cHng , K&ibjiig* splendid ' :' - ' , - i ; . . areitaow offeriiig ; j ' and .. \iht> has how «om9 maobinea on his Ilists. : their entire ¦ ¦¦ valuabfo fitock ¦ ¦ i : ; " Name and address not for publication,'' ¦ \ At BpriDff Awlios, 1883, a relentI»o ww sdopled ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ; ¦ of• ¦ • ^ f '*' .. ' writeswith •¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; . ¦: " ' ¦ ' ¦(• ' ' ¦]¦¦¦;• • : : ! :[We now! hold the £20, "aDdlshall hand it to tho [A apeol«lcorrespondent to p»y.the Town Clerk 460 psr , «onum for trsottijtlrg .- !. v - . 'J i / . .. . , 'j . • ' '¦ ' ' ¦ ' : OiTtJBDAT'c rcferenoa ,to tbs Hockey Matoh on me tsseal basintss ol tbs Council, »ud £90 per aobam wjraer oirA'3ril.7ih.—ED. EM.] ; i - -! !. - 'I- - : : -FIXTUB3B. ' : : : im p j j ; ; ; : HATCH. ' Satxlrday between, Booisnbaraand lor tbe; nnpantloa of P*r)IWa«ottry Toters' Ustf. vyeeds, ¦ ' ¦ . - 1 • . •;. - iNe, «Tjtown Soboo}—Tpnthe Sohpol With refereieeto ths former payment, I wish to dr«w, . Ssrgbs, fieidy-made Olqtldi^ : • ! A SECOND WAGE& MADE; llaroh 1 ¦¦ . . •; . . ' i . and It would appear tbat !ths £60 referred to ; r «^ poEri oolar3n . . .i , .| . . - . ¦ ¦ •|. ititoboldor to the extont of £i0 peodlo^.tbe result ,j . ".' ' ¦^¦ . . i | ¦ At a Suinous , Sacrifice. i¦ ¦ • ¦¦ i ¦ L i ¦ to tea by Mrs. Graves , lo notalsgaJ obarge 00 this 1 ! i . i i . ¦ ¦ ' " ¦ • ¦ ¦ .fond. Tbei Town Clsrk ' i - ¦¦ ¦ , . M ot tho mueb-diBcuKod election, i ; '. . ' - .: • • j; ! . j Sports promotars would- consult ' - •¦ !' . ." '. ¦: :¦! ,i " ' ' ¦ ' ; < ¦ ' ' ' : . . ; • . .•Wo : shall folly report the ITockoy bss already !! ¦: , -I- ' ¦ received X60 : ., I i ¦ ' , bnt so further . . : . : ¦ ¦ pn4*nlaent : . • I (¦ . Hr W»lffi^ j ^^^^^^^^^ — f , j IICPOISTAHT ! tfielr own. interests 'to remember bis' ¦ ¦! : inULAND v. Cbathplooehlp contest, Ireland 'V. [ot! enliry should be mtds nntil the nitter bis , AN OFFEE TO \BET' £2b pii ire;.;KEit,y. HOTica . that th,o etaadard entry forms . nnoiAKD. Boeljsnd' In to-aorrow's ; Evening ' been spcnislly brongbt under tho notioa of tbs jadse ¦ '¦ ' ¦'!" 1 ' ¦ : ¦ ¦:: . recognked'by : tho Irish iCyolIets . ¦ . : ¦ Hewi. . . . • i "• • ' • ' - ': ' at noxtjaesUas, tb» preieotmsnU for the 'JS60 »lrr»dy forward to address the meeimg, ._ ;. ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ raid ¦ " be «• pw- : Association, tho Gaello AthleUo AssoolatJon, and tho . ! . . . . '•. ' Played in Oarrlel: ycsierday.on .thp harlog been duly Sated, tt would nt/t be proper M whelsn nrJtertrt end siia,t*« Fcur nomination papers vcrr hxcd:d In «3 bEhalf of Irish .AraatouriAtbJotlo Aesociatdon, can bo had at for me (o nuke any surcharge. As to psyracat; fir l«t 10 1 of |Mr P W |Keily. His propoeor3:and e'eoondbrs ' ' EJOKDHKAU V. litbletio ; ground. Af(or o- very par^ sundry P"^ ' S , THU N«tf8 offlc& ' jBy sending direct to ha they will ' J ; Bocfc' carao tho preparation of Parllamealary Voter*' .JiiU, I but bimscH »na°^% tho3e>hoCt tuongbt cere—ChadeajGolgey, ]not, Duambi*; Patrick Walsh OABBio¦ C plcaEant matoh eflhnm pepooao that tba preiontment will ba upponed by ot 8llevenje, " bo saved tho tvony;of preparingof tb o3O forms. Oar '¦: off.' »finnera by 0 (?o3l(i ' ¦ ' ® On Tuesday, alocd sport vrrota la follow.—" I am ¦ TED QCTEBAL , Cooncll Irish Cyclists' Association - ' ' " CotJETBUiT OnOKSB," L M% HiiOAB iTM^;W4TlEE6EB : ooDBCrL. wfll be held i to-morrow (Saturday) prepared to deposit JE20 with 'you in favourofme Kell y'* ' : candidature cJ c^aiast Kcacnoy. Pleiio let know ! , ih Dublin. The agenda is a most if they will hick him." No d..nbt!" they " vrill let us formldablo dooumont, Itlnolndca a proposal, that" a Ifaterlord Spring Assizes 6EEA5 aPOaTIlTG- DS2LL , ae veryjjeU reoe.^ know within the next d&y or to 'wifKh thoravltof profesional racing' class bo establislied, that & one ooiiPErrpioiT. 1 t& Eockott "W- the County Grand Jury selection ie Known,' ' Mile Professional Championship be hold, and tbat CIOOH ASD BHABS ProfcMlonalBbo regbtered." I do not think either of City end County Piocal Buoineso. ¦ ^aiCB'LISi:^ " I- . M5 for Foiu' WinnorJ. ls i^-suof these proposals will bo adopted. Ur. Wbeolor Is to. \ THIS "' '!"' b£ endeavowTto plesse every person . move—" Xbe refusal: or withdrawal of a Registration ¦" ' Wcdncoday ' an adjourned ; cpscjal , ; air« pflxoBsi RATHMOYLAN AND TRAM0RE 1 9a iSC.5 ~ IN CASH PRIZES i-. && J ' '¦ ' Certificate shall bs held to be equivalent to suspension ' :¦ ! : ! CONTESTS. ! \ ' . ' meatinj; of the members of the Waterford .Town : lltJ *rs^. . *«. under I.O.K. rales." : Tho reason for this motion doc? Oodncil, aotiug 'tb«ircapacity 00 Grand Jurora Oa fte anaciia Oonpoa flu In tko Kotcssj ou think vrtll wla " «, ' .!- *£&*>» **** Tor the District ConnoiU, the oonleits In Eath- in , AMERIO AH HAIR DVL! ¦ B Bar " tbingWaanot net strike me. A cyclist who has not a racing certi- for thu foooaation of flccal bnsincao was ; beld in BAtTHTANT CJAKEa MlfCOtliatUBn HAHDIOIP. Throo shades—Blond ' MMSJ-YOII hsarf masj a moylan and Tnimore : appoar to attraot the gr«ate>t GUAHD ITATIOUAL. LIVERPOOL OrBlHO CUP. i , Bfotra ard ^ ¦ ; went in fleet the r»tca here 2a Sin interest. Tbo four candidates nominated for the first- ficate cannot, as a; matter of faot, compete. Mr. tbo Coatjcil Chamber ot tbe Town H»H , tender , Bhoi_ 23. 6d.. ¦ B& ¦ : : 'ir trno. Whoa I opl , pf tbo Ulster Ceotro, hao como ten notices ITo.l-Dsttlira :? SUku, Linealo, Uuoh IJth-KOKDiT. • .. 43.qa., ftad . . . IEISH! = ba je.«nd I thorn down co th.t tbay «o ,-U named diviaiosuinolndii Hon D P Fortoaou? and Ur P Molllliin the nrc8id«Boy of the MajoT Ei ht Worship- n0 S-lli^fnsblro ; ' . CJ. 61 ' r ' " . , EA1L3. S t*k w tbosun standing In his name. Altogether the meeting ia ,tbo g ¦ Hiadlcsp, Uttob Sc> - SOrJDAY. ;. \\ ; j>CI Ca5C, DnbllD, TTloilos 6 ¦ 6d thlaTyoarr Those «o Iftota EB pWtf W &ilf, Ton i candidates have been nominated for fal Laurence : ' '¦[ ' 3-S«od Ifitiontl, LiTerptoi ulnlB iJtb-BIttDAT. '" ¦ W«fcrd Ordlssry « JSJ My piedeeejior « » certain to b3 interesting, and I hope to bo them. 0. Strange. . . . , ' I.oII" (J-Cprirj t/f-'i */ til the Leading Halrdmt:K.\ Great fleutli Ka !. ; a. iT A no* (oheora.) . the Tramore Division, tho list ioolddtng Oirberry, Cup, Liverpool, Ilaca Uth-OATlJiiDAT. ; -. ... ^ ISSJ 1 notbiog (hew, hear and cries of dis- the Donkey , atentlenan ' named McGntb, l ' , Ut. j MoMillan will move|—"No . The followinfj membors wore In atteadonds:— guardian done u. of my Klci? and . I i PE1ZE U OKEY. ¦ fent.) But I l am not goinn to abnss anyono whoiia preanoca Bt tbo Station in Summer time qnlt3 : BDLRS 'O? delegate shall baat llbarty to opcai AJaermeQ-L A Ryan, J.P. Rlobard Fovrer, > ¦ "¦ ; tlidland : . ; .„ i_ believe 1" 1 candi- ' JPJ ITylw Baillie. Biobard Hearne,'J.)?i IIJ ¦ , - i " oppoi.nU? hii « Tramoro li' DsaiTtz. oltSner tban onco on any motion or ¦ ; ¦¦ Wetufcra f . i 1 ., '8' I.-¦ : a - - ¦ ¦: . jBlpad eai LlucrUi . ? Btttliig o ohano.. , , BroTmiopd¦ Blijok,2a, psi fcoSMc¦ , t man-wery good lriihoian dates wo tnbo it aro—lloasra W Gallney, J P ; John '. ; enbject under diaensjion unless by Hurley,xxuittfy, . Ju Jo BreeD,jsreez); ,V7,vv Qvx Dxi Go£?.\3uut CiwI »,iHlJHcb| JU ' ' ¦ ¦ i tt ^ ¦! ¦"Posii38,''8d.: (a{ ra; ' •- 'i _ ! Avoio-GiwUs a good ParnoUit*. 1! Quann, ITaorio^ Mnrpby; Charles ' Spinko, Thomta special permission of tho Obaimutn, except in the Ciso Sherjlt ^7. "V7ar4. .- .:|. ¦ ; ' '^¦ '¦ ¦ -, -. .f HKOELLAHEOrm talking politlOJDOW . i±. uowtjiy. Beiciaout. EirV^r, . nhwa. Pftc-?4 tna ecalsd licafrom : Gamaccj-e Ordira. ; ; ¦ Mr Eockott-;! am not Kilcoyne, John! Hally, Henry RJDOO U, and our of the mover whotehall have the riebt to reply." r ' QUCS oba:rratloa 'y, ..M ¦ . C35 (oheers ood laughter.) , Cdnnoillorc—W.p ,Keily, J[ame3 jA. . V , V03W . . : : ' ' : ^ nn A Toiee-ThankB be to God sportiog friend, {Edmor.d Alexander Waleh. To spot ' . „ m ivoa too poor a or_aDcc.o.lt7ttj(!. the t»o formidable' Surely the roles of dobatc regolstb suob matters. A Haoirico Qnirtlan, Uiotael Kirnan, H D, Fisbor, Mr Bockett~I have B wlbnersi with ench a list of Qhairman never' tolerates tho antics of: : Of oonrea I can't do miraolo, but I can dp m» best to etarters, nonid be no easy task.: ¦ : good tbose T Phelan, T Fitzgerald;-H L Ward, Mieba,el Roia Erest • - ladies and gwtlc- xiho pnrsua Jack ia the Box antias. | LAD!£a( cpMomdu' ,., ,M . ^, m please every person, and I e.n eay Hi M J ; Unrphy banded !n : tea nominatSoa Wy jo, J.)IID Hi ino, DKvid UaoDonald, Bdttiond C' ZCz&Xitlriiia,Clean jfl, ^! that is totfie l«dioa and gentlemen of the- ' . ; I . , A inotion vrill bo brought forwtrd ^c pu^iKo3r*a aeo, to pspera signed bj; the f. l'owinj meat influential electors u of rill Phel)tn, Anaraw Farrell, James Young, Henry " t£5 to tie n bc3t 6* * , U no en> cqcssoJj (q Donkitt division , ibat Tow never dono notniog representing all classes snd cecdi:—John Allinghim ODETIPICIATD tbU; In tho pro^rammo race mvtj tho ~'four Winners-^=> 5- U ara , Grainv r, A Nolcon, o.ib.L., Dr QI Uodlioj', J.P, ¦ ia ens lln^-^gS¦ S '« thr^a offend nobody !(theere.)i Ij.pitea are gciug . : umisona. meetings tbo number of his certiS- : ¦ ¦ ' \71nnore tu ono Una. . ¦ , ¦• '¦ ; M us sllfce juqiof, P W Budd. H E Benner. Kalran Brieo, Rev Jama—Mr J J FeolyP Totvn Qlerk j llr „ iS10for tno\7inaer»ln oaq ll-: . . ¦ , ! snilod , ind let »s t Philip Morriesey, of each competitor." I This will give Base Secretaries > -i TvEEs' -^a v» ¦>---• "Who•¦ —- nill pKy.it ? Feclj , David Helly, J P ffanrahin, > cmx> e< naallI tTOTriaE^s laosa llrc-^ Ddalap.-Defurca diviUiKllio^ioWUn olllWill cost*JWJ»« £35*«uv or £40. ¦_„ '/)« -L_»_., %\ 1 extra tronblp without, I bold any corresponding Flealinor, Borough Surveyo* ; llr Eon«J Bo'pnjjh e ' ^* ff . ,,, „. . jy. oJ oonrc3,(lnosnter.; PatricJt Murphy, Kev J Mnhor, C 0, Fenor ; Joieph ,; ^o f - Mr Jer Cahill—Tho ratepayiro, benefit. At present handloappsra under covers palna Treajraror ; llr Ilnoii |LH7 Adviior ; District ¦ ' " ,1 Eights «, .„ ,w , 10/3 Mr Eookett—Lot any cian come before wd lay that O'Brjjo, Patrick O'Brien, Old Waterford Head ; Jcs ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' CONDITIOIIE). ' ,;.. " une, for ' snd Finaltic?aro forbidden to handicap oompstitora Inapietor Smith, &o. ' . \ \ : ; -; ¦ IhMO »iied th i atei. That would sot be 8l Power, William Eiordan, Patrick ; Boche, Patriok \ (») m Cpnponsnnrt reach joarra : ; • 1 ' <^» ¦ who do not hold the Decenary permit. That, to my j - A0TLOU OOVEENOBO., , ; : Ciiioif. iO Barton h t3, ' , ' UAIRDhESSER, '• ' : SSS" ; - - gj I was always fightlii ff the oansa of my ™J' ?='- Torpey, John Lyons. i a W'i. <>» S»to*s - and cylnaiabadma^. ; ,!| -' ¦ . : EOAlfflJ the conditionof the roads end otato ' r;i™^Orf<^tXcSagcr f S£-* ¦3> Our information is authentic ' ¦ tbe Corporation to tbo jLnnntio . Aoylnm Board. ^ .-f^0"11 ;r A°i u wiu eovtr M-Coajsrs. bat « 0:aoci> ...z. ...r «« notabad maD. jl ; : of tho weather MO ¦ • published daily, ' ¦ ro . | ¦;• ' : Avcloo—Oh.yon •¦!• • rmmorB centlf- ¦ - ' - • • .I -:::- •;;; Wo bed a call I torn como ( . . Me Fecly : . ,: I Another voice—Bat you mlsat bo bolter (cheero To'cater for the oyoltdt Is now one of tho datkj however bad informed fata that tbo men wbo are nilllng to hy G to 4 on MxM 3 Uurpby of tbo presdnt'KOvemoro were to bold ofiloo until:'tho ' for tho Copnty Counolllor- journalist. I When I first began to!TentUato onr nccra- .; THEFJ3 ARE . II0T7 , , : nBV3nAL ^tlr EoeUett—I admit that my frlend»,'bnt I don't ngainDt Mr T Fennessy , nqw I Jonnty Oocnoib Were oppofmedJ ] I ' ¦ >bi Ao aocODtaooa of this wager tbroagb the 8ltlc3nnddcire3 notthreopapaiainEn(5land, Scotland ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ are very mneh whethor I *>Ul be modfl a District p,| o? Ireland—joxcopt thj) ordinary oycllna pre^—•had lit,Nelcon, D.L, caid tbat tie bud received hlo ' - ' nil! Jearo it to the people of columnn cf Tnn EvEHiua NBWB will be attanded to. a Thbb»Cnlmio ciitta;i>, S?5fr-J"if .i i OBt .tk0 ConP*^ t!ja yonr n;=} ;¦ 0 eoople of UnnhitJ cay 1 am not a fit pqreoa to ro- ELAnDDMDQD v. between the •Varrity boyo end tho the Oonnty Oounoilo (>nd odrtolvea ct 1 the proper ? dt:ll"1i1 lhi3 «a»/ «t«Pj:5rr~!a; Do nc5 SeE^MQr "Oal' ©2G: J ?MS5 ApT-DalUt«deelU9c|81 p«r tatKl in the ¦ '¦ ' ¦ : ¦ SniL» is ^Wtho oimes '* JaAi^L—£ Ira, . . ^eient them Dl¦aWot Council, then I nlli bid We have jnst re"ivcd. th3 following*-, ¦ •¦ . • SCtascKD. Bupportcra of KIn«jcsnd continues to timo. i .. . I . ' ! tnd rc-jrej li tltcrtrrjil i 1 ¦ i ¦ " '•' : bo rowed frith vigor. The ¦ ¦ ¦ FLOUXS—82di>¦ tale. '' ' ; ttsa ^ uocd byf—¦ : • : ;¦ ' Sifi-I will lay £20 to £10 that Mir llartitt llurphy dabs at pocaairruBntB. : ' ¦] ¦ i A voioo-^" Tbani Gea and oheera. i 100 votes more than Mr Foancsiy. Binycnd; ci • prc:cnt ore tho " Ncptnno," Ois \ ¦ ¦ •: Eeto \ > The Oouncil thoa proceeded to ooncldirtbo prw»t- : . i J. &s. PBEh&N. Mr Eookett—I will bid them good-bye find a& them ¦ Wh:n the bet is accepted I will go to your offico acd " Pcmbro!i9(' tbo " Dolphin," nnd tho" Commcrclay tfAE£J (ehcoro ond crlOs of " no, ¦ ¦ ¦ ot ot tho contd . No 10 wcstoiB J Power, eollc3«crol tha city 1IAJIDICAP UATIOUAU DBIUHQ COP to wta better mhatliaa no JYours ¦ \ " . , CJ oulnp;to the ctmD^a qnarters XJniverdty Orand icry octa, ' ¦ ¦ mj connootlon with tho pay in!the £20. , \ belna poondsje f ccs. | I. a 3 . « ' • ' : ^' • J so"); end I will loslffo¦ j Beat Clab ts ChapclGodtha flrci named aro now In Ur U'Donald cildtBat foUowina thousntlprccsdoat : Hi t^ i'^ii^iW-jP C^ ^ , PSIOH0 0U&BSNT. division (never.) j , I i • _ iLiL!i;£LiL;'ilj iDi'.\a • I ; go . 1 hero. That' • Wtbiordi llarc'a lClh- ro::=:don , oj tho old rowirjj, etctton, It is no5 yet ha we aid COTO that ficais V? 11 ffarroll. l X7 B Ward, i ,__ laun 1 OM [ ggg - : z Avoioe-rQivel B3B Eooa Pcmollilo s U Kt -wan, A Tarrsll, and Q Clampett :; no rant (clears.) ¦ ]i . certain wbero tbo Kg,flxtnro will bo this year, ca tha A , bo appolated i' ¦" '' i • ' T7ffiliT ,r:r bail.of 'Mlbs. », -d. ». 4 - y Bbat ¦ u » 0 inalttso to extnpls lnto tho matwr aad fc:j bid . : ; s/tfo V; AJIT ¦ V6" ' - ITfclU • j . CJ «U « Blcjc:nd Olaba end tha TuMty wo still at ':' f« 13 0 M/ tho woaid ¦ hopsd mcotlnff tUo^ - cald ho ¦ ¦ - Mr J CabUl ' ¦ ' - . , . •;• • . . ...oi D0a2£AT7. - i — cod ]. . : ¦ no 0 iabt that thsy , ;. . c 09 it » j ; , : would do eo vary cattiallji and c ,...»...»...„„.., , .- , iy• to procaod. Ho was only | i ; A .lc^jahc^Ja. . M<#-iit | ' ' •¦;. Ur Bootelt ¦ ¦ pre:ait , thoir report whoa th» nootinn rj-scwnblad ¦ — . EilppSaj <• 0 0 C) 0 U 0 V * ¦ i .; . , ; . At . ;be meotlnjj of tho.Wttsrford »¦ ¦ ¦ i ' A voioe—.PoorPamol). : \ ! " on Ti day. ' i | - - . . C4BLCT. S«Tb9ri. cf tSUbs. : i . / ' went on to n&y that rcbib ho wft3 tt ADYICE 'io VOTEHO. . : ; THcrooro Boat Club lart wcols Ur. 0. |. • ~ Orlndtej i. } 0 U Ur Eoctelt \7. Aldl Brcon easccstbd thtsS tho nano of Aid HnrJoy Alter "'tJieii: :' AdverassmeDfe • (J/» • (rnardlao, God knows be worked for tholtnterocjoi It is dcBnttaly cettlcd the* oaly two candidates c^a DLO0E3J ; lloa^oy, tho bard-uoridnj Captain ¦ ~ IMUtj . . hi » 03 0 »¦ yW 0 ¦ ' , ebonld ba added. ' ' \, i I t ...~... ill' z"im'' .'"ii""iri 0AK,Ewb«mreJ U2b*. ; 7 . the division, an|l the fithor of the yonng Imao who be elected to ut in the District Connoll at Pohlaw. i ' ; I commented Etron;jlyon tho circum- ~ • kneTrltbat well. : 'Ho did not Electors should bear in mind thejofora that they cj UrjKiJly cucpcr(«il.tbis point and ovcnbaUy Itiroo C J.. „„ _£_ „_ . ; ET "H2 ' — Eiuft . ¦ i. o « tati vtaaohs ogoioat him etanca that thoro ore Tory fev? junior rowlntt rocahcra tarccil that tbo oontfccics nentlonad chcald bo ap- -• Cli. '. ]. o 0 4 0/^ 00 there thonJd be a oontot In this district, only vote for eno or: two csndldct;;—not for thrcs or J MM : cee why . In tho Club. |. Last jcar a number of Juniorsw cra oat pciaUd with tbo addlUoa of Councillor!) iUacDoawd ^ M ,...,,. ; ¦ ! instead of letting two good meo go into thoDiStriot less ihoa three aa 'originally stated. Sf more thsa two ond Keily. . ¦¦ . . - . ¦ : - . . 1 . ' : " - tt-Bnp«T2a4j. ;. O 0 _ »Al 0 • 0 i and honestly by roTTiBs in tho early | days of tho ecsion, bat they ¦ , 1 : »' VdnULY IiLi\7C/. •> ricti . . I n 0 Conncll to do tbelr dnty ftarlctaly cro voted for the.paper is spoiled. At prejpnt, thcra c „ „„ _ j . si 0 / ¦ 0 0 0 did not do- BO ! then their graduallyton away, and In tbo end it was not an easy I Tnn pujHTrno OO:ITBAOT < — tris. . . j f) 0 »r *o tie ratetayere, ond If they ¦ ¦ ¦ csa four candidates in the field, Thfl tollowina C time (hear, ¦ laolodlnjone bdy, matter to get crews for all the events. Coanidcrlnj appeared ia the eohadnlo of epplici. M ....M ' ¦ ; Bjacea conld be! token by others next •¦ ' ' ' U0nS I—'iO John LatinOn. tnr Knl f.rnAr'a '^nnliAnl fir 1 v ' or bid fooling ]' tlb podtlon tha W.EC. hold in ths rowing world this ' ' 03 ¦ • Uiiiii. u-jCwt,' ..is /:»»•» 6 0 heir.) Thore ehonld bo no flghtiDS ; : UIS8:E CUETTB,! : : . . txceutlng, for jovoa ye»w, li ,„; . ' ;. "!- ;^- Ballonr was drjiHos thij ' b, indeed, irirange. Tbi metropolitansh avo hnndrcoj nil prtntlne rennlrcd by tbq ^ —••~~~ - ... ^M.». i ¦ M i oror thia eleoUon. When who Is about to nuke a very plucky fl^ht, and tho will, Town[olerk, colbotor of Preaeatmont ttsfe and oloika "" - : '¦ : Act, or flCttlixr ti done! tor him. to c2lcctfKjnLyet thoy aro not abb to ccove the most 11 „_ . . ? ¦ ¦ local Government if I mbtabo not. give a eurprbato corns when the votes of tni drown snd Pciea, also tfi9 ___ aD7Di5ii?G imt'ya," going >o cot a the pribting «1 """"*" -¦-""••" i - ' - - ' • ¦ : which was all tho some, bo know be was are reckoned. She ma!ia en dcollcdt repreKsbid'm. prkid' events. In Wnterford tha plots b oxtrcmaly Ecawjr of Votoro, requlreji ..l . - .: . . "^ : the Irish people Sgbllnjj amopffCt ihonj- of by tha clore of tbo: PcMe, 12 '¦; THIfl¦ , ¦ DAY0, E^BSSWS. jood mtriy of Ub> Qurtis prof~::3 to dltrc^trd| poliiloj, and if limits. ; ctill¦ dnoa 1£S4 va havo cwopt tho Irkh < nd 0 lot ths Boronnh. Expires et' Gnrjua lOB T7EO DDCinn TO IIAVD • • '' - ' miimmfy ' end w»» promiilnj hitnBelf, no donbt, a good ' ¦ i ,? "S ? ¦ • t ; lelve'i elected promises to look liter th» Internets ot the poor, wctita. . |; AtsMa, KOI. X'^t^ aJ ; not W exessa ^3120 ¦assoMt, is „...... ,.,„ .,„„ • booh at the elector*. Bnt ft 67 should disappoint llr ¦ ¦' ¦ 1¦ • ths wa'Ter eupply, cinltiry cxr^ijcsrct,j &o. . It may The tot annualcentral meatln3 oJ £,w. I 1 i 1 , I . 1 vizfalies:? Ez zsytz i Cua Bslfonr ond hlo countrymen o! their laugh, and oarry ! ¦ r^c:l ¦ be mentioned that the : water eupply! cf Pcrt!aw at ' cancnicscT tbo League will bo bold in tbo Com- In oonneotloa with this the Town clorS xsai a Ulte* IIAUU...... J.,.; Zi{L7c!;t!i;:n:^3| terf:a . ' : . | :• . ' f • ( ' • . ' out these appointments is the Diotriot Ooonollala a 1 fron llr ; John i . kd , ardanatiosalspiri'- ' : ' :|; present la«unply ccandslous, az> cmnll pump ontddo ti^AQUB. : mlttco Boom, Town Hail, on St. Icanabi askinu far an lnottaeo in; tho ; Fw Cjsa .„ .« „. „, • S7 , 0 friendly . ' : earn originally oJloncdln 4DDEi:o3... ..,..; M ! kimu—Balloiu won't lansl at na hereafter (load tho town beinj tho entiro extent of rupply for about . Patrick's Day, at 1 p'olooi p.m. ooossqacnos cf the lnorC3t:d . gw Ciswib- . ~ : . « • CT 0 • ! : nonbir or oamsa: thot had t» be printed Bymjwa cf Fc*Etogt ¦ ;« , ,.. «, JatwhUi.) : : i . I ! 1,500 people. Mbs Curtis baa canvassed vigorocjly Clubs not already affiliated, and :who are cnzlbus to rtSfS CJ C::! I::31=3 cl ^ £7 0 ' join, ebonld comnunicatawith Ur. IX. E. Walli , the aduitloa of lady.-roisra to tha elootorati i 1 rrota£"&SS £5ftS3. " ^ ' ¦ 2r Eooiilt—I only have to [fay in cooolution that durinj tho weii. end nrj recoved evajohora mthtio It Hon Tbp l ojppllcatloa not -¦¦: ; ¦ • - . • OAIT, OIT PAYDB1TT OF ' - " . of. tho dirWoo of Danlutt loleot ma I Crcatsii Hndneii tnd " ' Bee, Waterford, at ^nco.. nrj. bccn decided to _ uarmly soppoitod Aid Power, - , C¦ TOSEl^EC OvVX.SO^T . . . j if tfl electors . good wkhes. i llr H ID Kieher, and Aid Ward. Ur J H U-<3intb; on . : : 4\f Unrisa IJcad, ' " ( . * i TWS»1 T t'fli k. ¦¦¦ >^ 't ^A^S» «Wfc ¦ pill dn iny honisrt endeavour to corvo tb tli • intsrest, UR extend tbo : Lcajua co os to lnclaflo all tho olubj—' tue sirtndioB order : .: ...... •!- . L*rUtC3, I.: ^:, C.\7. ^^uaaa> : ¦ ¦ ' otherwise at th» end of my 'year of (ll J 8HANAHAH, COOEFfai HOUSE. - ' boiriff impended, vras pernitiod to 1 , " SUITES. end If they] tbbk It ls ei t sportsaaa that Mr ShMShan ' whether in tbo Coanly Watorfotd or not—th=i day nddrewtao mcoUnj in support of llr iinnea' oppH- e3i"jj 1st then get jrome Qthor iaao j wto ! wli pleasa .hr? iithcita ta-ineUaed-td joto." jTho greatly, s '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦•¦'' • bKn birt known tJ toe poolle Tnviag ao , cabltloa for Incrcaccd Intsrati catioal whloh hu caid wa/ doo to tbo Influx of l»8y oiijjmW.) • tim tstiat (.ippSmiie.) , " !" 1/ . exhibited in tho crie-et contests last 1 «. • «. w 0 (S 0 The Ctalrman then asked those prccont ircre publio honours. Indeeditis witbia m]> knowledge tbat . year was tho dcotoitJ ^coder tbo oaw Bill and tbe coatvouoatly in- ' J» 6*» •» ¦ ' 150 0 10) 0 who best B1GH of {he sneceja ¦ ¦ ¦ . AT r.Tr . OP TUBSD.O^ICE 'T . , -/ ~ ~ ha refold pejintrcoy yciia EJO.; He is another ot tbo Lcc to ths Irish \ . „ ,-_ WOT iOEOM. ' aay d(Cnm6tiiics3, It i] perfectly cats to predict that cociiTTEOAED . clobj aro afHUakid to tbo Ind:pen« dlyidond due to tho sbdrebolders, op to tbo SOth Jaoo, Brigads. Tho romolning ohaptew wo poblloh ri . i j Mr SbiuilBn will top tie poll. Acottepspabi caadi. •ppolnesi naier Budoocdliy l^as Tna . ! BAZAAR . , : r» ». ... 0 5 Of I : ¦ • . - .. - . :. . Donsarvan,:. Tallow, Waterford, BallyduXf, Fono, the Ait tad 8ect(oa stated' in tho mamin. boiaff tha Nc;78po challoontinuo Tcnrpsbsi tca • . . Tizrs were Joad ctita of " yea" arid come "inoiJ " ditais : . tho¦ sjBkctehcs, tahfca then ^^ « -. 1* 0 W 0 : tbeio KnockaBoro,' :iBalllnve|l3, and Ballytrnokla. I Tiio iOtb iujitlmont ; »mouot, jq773 Ss 10d.. ; ; I In thejfollovrfnjcrdcr . ' ' ' Meeralij . .,, .,. ; „ llr Csbill—Aie yon prepared to etand by - I ME JAUE8 DOILtl, ! The (ffierk . In repl .; " 0. A l&cd M ®(B . .' IS 0 13 0 tvo cm (Meurs Eockett.and Kcncullj)in tbs polling championship medals which cost flvo guineasa ro now y t&a oseober, said tbnt thls tico <£ ,' P4'?*1* ... .. S3 0 (9 ' 0 a veturan who i hw been wellho tried hu ind, found trci. on viasr ftt * ' 1^ months tha city will (rot too relief 1-WILLIAU O A iTAN TYEC-UK POWCR, tia TO BB HELD KT THE EOTOI7DA >• booth, boilnd tho eoree' acf tfiareoy , where there ere Ttron^h ounrMna and rdo been! a ccm&tcnt it. Mwlojr *, Quay. A! convention onder obUinad froa tea l | . , DUBLIN QSAlir. - ' tho] auploss of the ' Xreisczy. ¦ ' ' ! ilrkh ccmidlan, 6 native of KUmaothocij, ¦ no iateilaptrs to lnterfejo with yon. (SeTcrai voices Kctionalist. end tons years c.30 vras P h 6 for this Acioolatlon olll bo held at Capt. ' 1 ' j Vi&'.t , tb« Pairoctse eJ ti» I,cra Mayor, j • - -fit no, ite art.) Or \i thoy do interferejtrith yon, Ootran'» Hotel, Dun^arran, on Friday,Zl crob 2?th. »f ,'„ 1 T5n conax-iipubB OBOUNDS. i —WILLIAU VIMCEHT WALLACE, tbo wodd. nA? dtaislos. His great ago is tho only eppsf cot Objection ¦ Ur U I irioaifl[r apUedrfar ,850 for kcoblnj ia W- jfanoaa CempaMr ©^ let, lodo, aad lbUonita - Sergeant ifcoKam&ra nil! coon take him by the oollar ; ' " . "' jait ioe tat » y ' 1 , torn Ia y?ttirlord City. aayi. QfcSlca BsSej » - m 13 0 ll a csd briog |bim btforo his boltciii (applsueo and to £lr Doyle. He b coatiderably over eighty, end in In a! latter to hand from B, J. ear toe coart-iioats crounao as far cs me this ot rjo-thudica ma,; dad its diQcalt to keep E10TCL2 FCta. Uccrcdy that enthnciastlo ; tbe Citt nca Itabla toi CIEOJ i • 8-J0HII H08AIT, tha great Bcdptor, 0 ntitiva ol Th' patlci' » B10 Uun^loi.) \Now let tab chit authority have tnca czi polo TolloV7. ' ! ; p .nlll ba cV InVist-XJ&ioa Prinrfsil, w^ w^u „. fron. «otaide tihtrict* oomiog ' here to interfere with Or relKtr to bricj his ideas op-todoto. Ho has ] ;| player aeks—" Why do yoa not start Uewro- Neleoa cad fi Ponor coved end cccocita .: 18 tf 18; ' that tno onount ba pajicd, i 4-CEAULES nj. We tare heads Javrl cnoc jh to do onr. business in Instituted D vijorons canvca tad b cxtranibly Dkcly to Bloydo Polo In Wotorford t You trill find it aa \ J. KEAU, tharcnom-cdTncrlka, a <0J0D rt7ILL BB QIVEIT IH THEEB PRIZES Cssea¦ ilsra Wfcsst „. : „, . la 0 U 0 this division the oiaol any besybodiea or to eccoad oa Ui6 PolL The foarth csadlcbta Is excellent C&S3 caco tt;3 cia cccailozaed to it," . BovetaJ objsctloas wero icleod tothocaoant, but tho petfvo of V/ot:ilcrd^ : . wtthob' ¦ ¦ cct Boroutfa Suneyor . : ; . eofollosra : .: ! ' ' ' ' • ;¦ , mma HEAT. Diddlers frcma distance, and U they bad *> seme el : j UB U HIOKETi ' ! ; • I havo 03 donciyonarojrisht, B. J.. bnt, unfortunately, ospUJJsd that ha owed £40 tot ' J noney potDally dtta f jt irortl already doao aad tt»t all C-BO BBRT liOYLE¦ , ths cmlnczli PMcranbO', ot PIRST Trhiti n»» right cad pcoptr thoy would hC9p;totbea- who ii a UJCO employer ot labour b tte dlrtricV bo I haven't the time othcrwlcs I would only bo . ! - PBIZE-<3i00 to t6a holder e! flnt E<;* B9Cf JWn{i [pc» Ib i s too;pled ho cot 4t |&« n.Kiics was haldaf cf tl>e ftjSstSRi PotkWSsMoaJft^r LI 1 ^^J• "5 -0S ? bnt still . it will b« diHeolt for him to eecqraa.pUca la fercat nlattcs;; 'j . , eua ttto brtogo tdovni t6 t7as «a(o enonnn foi tbo end Wtltof, nattvs cf Wottitord. ! eicosd wiBBtejt nnobsr, a cjlssild Plaao ct - 0 7 8 aai aa -mil c»U tlat bottle tho oU ol pcsUaoptuion. • ¦ : it do a end then when men catao; in fron outside dUtriots U> tt? Cpuncil. The 1 candidates most liicjy to to? tha • ,. ' ; At «j mcstlnj hold ot Currcn's p"seLt ; triQo over it, but tot no donbt Ja a fcn yoira 0-TEbMA8 ; Obqa i let £10 .will b^ «it6s. yoa net cam ¦ ¦: • ¦» ¦ there ' EOTILLEBOBEBTB, tba Wtt-rf¦ sriJ »e »«»J?««'« fries*Tv d KO ' poll : OHADDOIJ , Hci3} would nave tj bs a now bridc» builr. i . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ;. tbo Pt.eoyoa.c3D ban lb« SsfSS ?' ? 73«ldifl cith ui will eoourso them and Itah then srfl : JJrII J 6h»n«haa end Mr J Doy/e, whhi lite of all meiabora¦ of thtrje- Pointer. . ' Cueija?, |; ^ (t ¦ Tbo lleycr—Is tuo to ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ firrt. i snd tbem (rive them odoso of ooanoattsso cad Curtis cloju tjp f tf third phes j tndc^l U qoiifl likely : novc23 F.o, Dtacd ta olsot oQcera for, tha coaulbntioa¦ -tho¦¦ ¦tsno fioa tlao J Iba cl ¦¦• •'¦ conDty»8tbaeit .j- • ; . . A Bosora of tho TBIED PBUSa ^3f>, hoI««V tb« third wjw II ... « B 0 a v a lo&m oi tbt* oholc^ocooU I bavo btcn Cf^aio3 «t» may : e;oore boc5C>ej iha U corJ popnlir uith oll ' ; . , ' . ensninjjycar. Tbofollot7ln" /f I | Lives cl thc:3 Oalobritics fxaa i ' ' ' " ' jnoro ro h Onrveydr n>ldnot tho pea of one eo Rlltcd ao Ribald* number so: Irloh J»ao»ioa C»r will br about (applause.) . ¦: . ;; • • - - i ! pirtlo end cresda. : ' ! : ' !: unanimously elsoted—pf FraberjPresIdeatjP.CnrKin, » •i°A % °5 ; Bad furthar JopWaa thoGtcaS Irbh-Aotricaa ;¦ « now cima forward aod proposed Ur to Ald* jQrctn h»«!d.taut tondora BOM laaea by Uia \Vrlt2r, MICHAEL OAVANAQH, wiU fca of cltca, 5r . Ctwqo» fofm; 7o« as* aet Mr WbeTjn ; yics-Prcddcdt} S. Cnf ran. Captain j G. Coman, Vlce- coart-hbun cta- , 8'J«naiiog ^at |^v : ;-=i David Keotally end 13r Mkhael Dusphy u the re- TBB couury couffqi^. ; comnltteo for the larjer expeaditorw, ! pacslng intorcsS to rcadcro ct TUB ITCTTI CM—lbeniwrltafor the Cbeqnc. ^ ' : Si S8 ! : Captaln j P. I^iGratb, Hon. Seo. i W, llcahan, Trcca. uniocoouoo 01 preieutativej of the district. , I j The ConEly Connclllophip p Vaitzlioi tu a priclicil Aid Poo», ; icwndcd by Mrfllsjts, Acanta in. cvtry district TEERB WILL BB ^UNDRfebS OY Ooomjttca—J. Power, is. Dunford,|W. StoUca. ths Coiaril pa:: ;s ¦ ' , ¦ ¦ \- ¦ ¦ cboulQ o&U us their -¦ OIHEB Thla oas seconded by llr J Coliun \\ wali over for M T If ltbA«n,QUa Hoou, who la ei=ttd» 1 ¦ . '¦¦ ; ; £eo.| . ' Orders far cddillca;! I' ,PBIZB3ltl ' • . - j Lob»U>r eiob ! . .„ j « f rt tit Jcr OahiU in »poiooml(Jetco ^olntrrroptlons. . Thc» who want to tako their I ¦ : ¦ cnppllca nlthoat dolsy. : ¦ o^ ; ingly well qualiued for the position,—Coll. ¦ onAOT) i ' ' Tan oipr u nouicv, I • i ' ptBs cr ' iM i te « Oao member LI the o'.owd who had besn vary lajoa- i « ' BETTEB MAN."! . ' . , chances for onr Grand National The folloolns i . fioJT3.~Eiid jpurBiosABaAidreatitiic SMi%S? »*t «w«*l« t * ¦ TflB : DATiouiL Friso of precaatpcatof olio cano up fo^ cawlder- > ; ciooa dnrlog th» inectinffi said-^' Ob, ths faraoia I ejection 03 8und>y tlr Klcrcny £16 and T7bo resjds In bc- ation— the Governor^ Header ot Th$ lri*H M$aryf S»-8»vloo» s DOBIOI- At Kllmcotbonp :i KJI3& . : nljjhtcd districts when Jp i/a« Waterford Cpooty cb4 cai Pdo; j, Dubliri, :- S.|- . " We baio fa a hotf, and oo'Il h«op yod in It (lassbtcr.) onnooDced ijiaf fa's bed decided to rciirs Io favor o( thoEcer.ina City lttfircisry, lor th8 ba HI eact6»I »lB«: 6Ix .P«ay BUIBM. - S BlSJ And at last we'il bury :ye in o hold end gci allyoar i ' :. Ifcai b not at present cold (bo . eatabllfbrnont, jqprorcaer.t, ao^ tend you Tickat wblcb osy Sh^ : - Hx Tbooas Bclll'tuj for the KUac:ilea Divblon of eanca tupportjand maiDtajLaci ot * sjln'lot WSi.-i - :i ¦ ¦ land" (cheers aod laushtor.) ; l i . ot tho lnadcatiats railwayfacilities) bid iaDtnary. , Amoopt, i HGV/ Chocolates/ yoa /UK , or soipo • ' » • • -i l IS: • ! ; I CoaatyCjijcdl .Ut QolUveo ho 'eaJd, uuVtho ehoald tend their other of tbo a»ny nloabls vtm» . COAL? .: ' . Tho oolion.pwposed by llr Whebn trpj' put afi^ tho . . ¦ , balfpencies for oopica to-morrotr' ' j Ol**:iijfft;. i» it. ,j ; ;-g«fa'-«yi - .- , yri -^ ' : Tbo opporto'* Ur &ro copye.td to bo top ¦ ¦ tbe btnelix I?cocy Doaca Crcsn?, -.: p; ef j . bavo npmlDct^J Morpby, KUfflalies, f dat sawyers, .! of thoio who rcqoij-cd p«mp| «c i- ¦•- . . rsa:e» co(Je» i-»- ' -p - . ' g wby-W raotat Btr&bld* ¦ , ¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ - '¦ ¦ ¦ ; casa'bu oretiad all UM CO M »£o«Mh»doing* of tb» ' -.: >, .. j ¦•• - . ¦J'tjej tO'PeBiBcy iafl Bscl. 1 ' ; , i . ;- .jiiBSiOBB. ;¦ ¦ • ^ Mob tf l&fy » «>• mtogfhi ¦£¦ > -: :'i: :- > >;¦ !: f r :!. .j7. •: makaa' vaatour. ThM «att«m»n'« day bu TOT , " ;¦! ;: . <- - ' ' 1 . - . lrt ol • 8rd «J Oanfiidatuw. ErrorsIs r«-p»«H6l»| ,w »*mnot otn hayt ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ • ' Carran d . - !; Hr-€liErleiJ 3- " ¦ ¦ - ¦ : : Tbs fotbwiflg cotnlastl havo bin ' Mariy oomo tonnesd,} H« got renaenoB jb .) ' I . : - . :«.« : ' « 4" ' on* KKlfcd fcf ' ' and I d « ths dedUoa ct asril DistrictOouodl lortin thi ihoail eay, ha'hej. :?•» WS^l/ *&tmg JaSiSt nDu WflierforiJ 9 01 . i' ' 'jD3E!nHiJ:AT ti,. U it$ ioojhotor'i smstttit.; U tu, oMt:«oo!d!l | dtp fl ft V : ENTHUlkETIO OOLMa^r ears Ufiloa. Etch iliiiknte lllretarn itirorepreetn v- 4o» {4b«ddU ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' h&*A In feooapUlof$ ta «f»$*rt[¦ 0* „& "I . ' ?•»«• .. '¦' ' " ' ftil'M, with ta» excapttoaof Iismonj Vipia Wttrlsi Qurtoll^Cross 801 ' ' :' . •*• ! I Bb ,;. .- i. «lS tb» *am sbM ||itrooU«atotV t^te^ieSt ; OiH - ' which rtttiras fear, tui tat whith flVt »btaiastlon» KDmsatooaw ' j, 943, ! fl IQ ' 0 0 MB WALSH CAJ^fO BEffBB. iufe beta reeerrtd,jto hoosotonow tol*t&iame of nyinr if. «BSU.-:* titU cmltsti will b* o«hl fa 7 £n tW» anJk^Y. x^^fcffl^^wwJTtth ^ cot worth U^ c«uxU» »h«tt#6f mstur b»(or#, bot nolhlpi •M/Jcnt Wrtr«aeiy It : ¦ - ; " : : u£ ot [it* 17 difbta* a ¦ ¦It*¦ n tfdntd Ubli wffl aotprlMba . DdogUfH|:- --it / '»»V r 1 • ' ; - - ' ¦ j ¦• -¦¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ i' ¦ ¦ - BOHI list i Baim.r 4M3S »b«* U>« «%toi; m§» B A0W'(«f '"' . -I . >" >\ • • j : I • ' :;.f--- . % , ' •'•!• • !' . ! .Ataart-elthnriaaUo mQtojJW^eiaJljCo^a ;;¦ ." - tlM n>) flf ^bj w»m»6j Cumuli i - - • „ 10» . .! !- . "i !- . • '< Hut 4a Biiljdnfl—/« Brtekrtt, Gdrha Thopiu t ! . . , ;i. In eommoa frtthjetery cyoUrtiiho dlrtott$ , (biiPda« , fowirt . * Hund»y •«» pra«onu> 01 ^>W5jKS22 t tfettet,r i£ \M- ^ gfjljdttffj JtjaW'Fogi/wneert). • I 1 ' (¦ ,T ' tbU .u s!o»»7ta * *i g **>*,•*•• »»• ¦!¦ ¦ ' » of, *«7 <• 84 sijlas(a 1 ¦¦¦ . H'«UI «I UOT wsufl» v " .BaJJyluine—WiflUnj : ;- !i ;. - ' wWi Town Clotk rsUma WJ '¦¦»; • r - -i ¦> :• J . i • U(UW¥>VilHO « ' B. -^H ,; tamer, BbaSIn fai coaUikS' - . -;-ii l de^rrf^SKJ^ hloio' the * ts ^TB^l ;' :>-M ' .o , . :-¦• : : ' ¦ : : ' , :: . - ¦ !¦¦ :¦ ¦ '' ¦I lespfct jof i«sjt wsmal t«l« •oss> not due by UJ* "• Sfe ^ ' -l: ; ! Ij • . HsByta—J«bnC GorBaa, Upper BajFrU t Pntii.V loss of hJ* rosfiotsij notbtt.^iti£iF **i!llg!>»tae& ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ Jat.Ciinin collector, M tat Tow+'-C pk4b»««b::« •«« * ¦ ¦ ' ¦"' !tj addrtMod the ateUoff ftt lenrtlt; «ad hit dtod »$ ter «*Jdebce «% « •• ¦; ¦ ¦ !¦ --; ¦•v in V/ekioTdl¦ mTZ?bm **t> « ** « !-w-- |J !! - < i!- i ***iB£w*^ s3ooW»sS^'MiWrt).v. : rH4°»«, ¦ '¦ ' . . i ]~7i- Begattiw nfi*tetoa&Wutotili;rtfi53Si£ foroirt 1 rnrnt* Mt*f«M » <>:. Qw lotoJJ^W^ i ^ii Q^- Mllactoi ii itsi«a«»,':ib» exttafj fSS tL**^0M*r«WM ro«BtQma |j?Kf^J»MMiy «*lr««^ii is^oUr^Pifta»»r«MitM» . —»*•_. rig¦•, f r-Wta VT. ,w¦' t'M pwiiOiMpniwyMslr MMBtd ubr niH psnNati i w»nitann*i ttiarxi lto<£ v' nii liiwi ,ha*gjt,Qutlb4\H *iv A wuite Bmk aJ AMA ni. ¦^***- |i ¦ mmmS ^*mm:t *»d $££&+*«P«P • -¦ «bit4oBToiif? r£ tlMi»lob«fHU^19^lfaisiH«it« (jErSm^jgg £* IS ^ ¦ -^ «SS WfMdlloffrn'da nsMSso' Ut MI^S in' fatss «E"'^«a»fc' w»TJ>. * l tattfsuDj^tbiidai M££?W TrUui^F^ • ™!' !*f. ; ¦ ; ¦ i'f ;" ¦jii!L; f- - ' *m 'ifcfl lliiaii ' £^i._. V - - Mi il W^Wr **&* 'U|!iyAWtiMf»tJ ? 1 i S5LBf#nflfSff , HjE^S P * i B Sl iiili ii mwmil SSBimwwwmw mww', ¦ ¦¦ IHBBt liliIiili ii Ilil llJaii [ ;iia ; I llii ¦ ft . ;i ¦ ¦ r 1¦ i f'» i - i -" . * - 1 *- • Jt'' • ^ *fc.1l».i:..v*. _ )5.'-*r~iSi

¦ ^^¦"gT. ' . .^ jJJ " l ¦ ¦ Fn 1 1 1 1 r r I i 1 ; v^. . *i • ». *' < w 1 j 7 !<¦ ¦ ! Tr fa'ni * 1 1 >i if i^ T^r i iii^ri . > . . j » * OBSi 'j"y i Wt tryyn'yT ff8rT icwffi]^ypj ]jr ¦ ^^^ ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' "¦ " •' ' ¦- ' ' ¦: " ¦ ' ~ The ta . V^lUr- '.l' -'i. -¦ •¦:.' ¦ -| •:.-.¦ " '• .^-t^.r-i 'Mi : ;• : ' - .;•» ¦: . "\: : WateTfoMJCorporation and |tfl '' -f ¦• ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; -. ¦ ' ' w ¦ ' : ¦ ' " ' J • ¦ ' ' " : : ¦ • v, .vtiir v «I" iT'-"'i *•' if ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' : ' ¦(¦ ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ : ¦¦ ¦ " i - . .. . r:i ., ;i ( . . ! • . . ; , ji ; : j ! i !¦ : : ¦ . ¦ . :;' . • i. i

: A BREEZE W L ' '-! TUfnrli/ift$.\ ' ,A-vnifil/tT ./.i .H (v- I DISCUSSION. ; j - ^A ¦!i PerfectPeiiecf MIM Averlageverage:mMeww i Mwm&'f ' c ¦ " " " ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ .;¦ !¦ •!¦ ' • • ' • ¦! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ r 'l- : - ¦ ¦ ' AfTaosdny's ID igtlDg of tbei"W»tetfoid Coipotaj- : . . ! ,!: • • j . {¦ . - l- - ~ ¦y: j , ' -\^A- i tion—tho May,yj\ 3-c3iatflg—a ' question aro63 as to, ¦ -»M ' *1 I- • ' L ¦ T ¦ ¦ I yby Aid Brofcb'^ Bape Wyeturnoa ojf jfia; *\ . - - 11 ' l 1 r ' i. i t \ - ." 4* • .**' * v . ' V I '. - 1 . - . - ' . i 11 . * ¦» '. il p i i j i Pii iiiispii^ | Town ClergSiE>tnGBiW j>f tWtf Free LlbraryCcimj: ' , mittee¦ Instead of that of Aid Nolan as directed. I : ¦ . . •:. : l :\ ]• • .: .;|- ..> •¦ :• .•TbeUJtodi; n.'jOl.J.llil^: -p. 1 .. . ..j. ! .: I).!.- lu I ^iA f befjjjBhed-tbBt1 tharo,H smother ( WJ j airectlaoHo OiaTji'ntJleifk tJifte that officialnbtf- ¦ ¦ ¦ : : ¦s ' | floa'lon be cent to thoLibiariln to tBetffe'it lifttf ^- - - j b h- . '¦•/si | Aid Bretn WBB elf'oted to the Csmtfiftda oil the life* ^ Library instead a! AM Nolan. , ; . ._' t ;• : M^Dtfri&Sfa J)oratetfflT'.riJMse aid sii3ttat wne'n' this Committee was bnn^ rt jflrat £or_'fu'ed; ioclodo thd Mayot^iidiM»Jlii4 uayft^JtfS' lAt;U^^Bof 1 m all Hate Qx^iory, [ added and there flier* ploteH Corporal! in represent- ¦\ : j)fj kii is ! iRtog^ (with joard Sizes), &&' ' |' , moated Soo^ Jewelloryj ; ; ;Watohek piooks, . r ative!", whioh be I chimed to . lie i a breach of ;tbe dnderctindintr orl<»inMlv.rn.;or.raMGt >. .. - ..L P. ^i^S^Mil^lII

' ' ¦ ' " ¦ • . ¦ jProe Libraries <£ot they wore entitled to appoint , . li i ¦ i/l., :! Ui i ' ill . -.>..:• 0. : II • o|oot as a Free Library Committee ' • '¦ ^ !.» : : 1 1 ../^.a. < r > ¦ : ¦ ¦ i ' ; ". .. - \ • '¦¦ ¦ i¦ : ' : - [. , ^ ... . [ > -: .. lAnnjifiBH- ( - J,.P I he dlttifot elcotoral c ifldoni of Btllybiek, KDni*' ,'within certain Htnitp. Under tbe'newiifranggciiSijt :r;< ;:f:{! -t.<: r Patriot.JSUb .»Torj, 01Mbocre . . ¦ M ,;- ¦ ko*, and B*tbro«, wl|l vato la Anbarf toirn court- I that limit, had not; bsen exceeded. ¦ ; fforlong, J P, D'LoogbUne. . .>• . j _ ' BALLTtcunr , UloworfcUl— hoaie. Thotiilln. the dUtrioJ eUotoril dlhhlost off !. Mr MaoDoaald jineisled tbst sddlnjT'ttrp ..; „.. i " Yields a maximum !pfoportion of . !; v u C K ¦ ttaatnotc)*nSIoris 3raytb ¦ - James AlcGreth,,Monnt iBlvcrs. < ¦ •: ¦ :¦ :;• • ••' - r. National' 890001. ! Tha>6 in R*Uy«nne, JWttlttQOor., ! UJtrf X'^rnr .^id r /./ Jwar-t' 0 , ". foe.it wlljufy 0 «¦ '¦ -. :-.,.i..«,^^r---- - ! - " ¦ ¦ ^c . y- ¦ > >W.v.r ¦\: . Wv 1 ": CutfliiiiOBn—Jy .O'Bsloa, : As;H«b—Elcotcd. Old Bon, dirrlubyrne.'and B«rroo«townj will rots In per^)D,'/ndi ' ' ¦ ¦ Union) will TOt»ia clonrootis»i)bool boow ' r rifae.oi.li . . .. . ; , . : ;:..: . - - : ¦• t .:' .bib-a y:tf$ s2VBi!a!ftCrt7ty cT$\>e '6!&'Si. i li*Cpi- | ¦ : , Tfntorn cponty oieo^»t»l , dlTl»i9nrr-Thai'olar. 1liil,i>i/fn/'^aiwbara aStf.ojr sa; ; ¦ '¦¦¦' Eieheitown, Oldboorti c»rn»»b Qte^ i feTOE^i^i 'i- Stfa« rt ,|Droma6a. - • • T ^ own b:dy and lrp^eootstlve oillzebaif they cboBB £? cS^tr fe ^i wlll foto In Terrsratb ' N*tlPn»l Sohool. Tbooo In to ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ . j DtrH 1: ' _ i»in 11 11 1. J 11 }i . - ,| i ...... ' DanVaain, Ioob, KIllQik , , anrt Tlatotn, will Toto ln " ¦ so--»ithin ceitalo limits, ' 1 '¦ ¦ ' ¦ as ha eaid befoio. ¦• ¦ ¦; ¦ ' ¦• <3o ' . ' ¦»¦ : |- . -I.. ... -I !¦ • .¦ • - - fr-i : .-: •:¦» ¦; . . . iEdmbnd- IiIriOstthf, 'Haty-ctrcet j. (jqd :JQtrc« 1? , , < . I Mr MocDonald said be most question tho Mayor's . Bt BMIyOnllane Nationali lSobooi. jlljab, MalnVatrcet.: -. ; ¦ ' ¦' ' Boat: oobaty eltcioral dl»l»lon—Tba elcotora 3&o* Sew «i»a Second Hand few Ssift- DtBtenjaDtw^wqnjiLtejipHefflKrcttrla-.-caJitiij- ¦ New T^iTlHTr fATTWft Q ' &»'«• - dpi et: j KiL^umt*-.Wm' Ecicuoy, Gtiosdlon | Hon D la Now Boos dlitrloc e octoral diTfs'oa will rota ia t.10 ¦SfWL'lMi. VV?;Vj£««»W» Cart Bope», noa^BefDi, 'C6}r Tan», and ManlUa Blcdsr TwlE!) tbat EKpro. pas , a,^ood difjMudflD oijfjiji); .Ti cirrf^rinqn ¦ — ^^ . iForteiaap, . Suomorvlllo . ; P JV. Kelly, oonrthoaeo, Now Bo il. Tbn election lot gnardiaas I ', , ¦ . ¦¦ :¦¦ AT LOWEST PJJICE8. 1 Btttcr^itiK oioeimg^ia HeWiSthe'll 'ayor'sbfflc*, ' ' ' ' ¦ ! . jWatcrford";^-::-.. i- l .{¦ : < - • ' . :' ; "i' ¦ '• '¦ ¦ »nd eoanty , oOTinoiUo r | for Nen Ron crbaa district VVttteTproofCart T?n"tron and Mocbtoe Coven of every dwcriptlon. Sample* aed PricesFree en AcplifSlica and then and theto^Q c'greemeEti nu ,ootorcd Uto > , Norr. Bosi, tid tho . . ' KiLJiAOTHOitAS—-Ed FlflhaTon, Etlsssranfro ; P I will , be held in tbo Tbolesl . 1 LABOE LOT OP NEW AND SECOND-HAND SACKS FOB SALE. . : ' ' ' for ten corporate abd tcttcitix&nVre'pteWn'tative., He National School J Boslcrcon. ¦ • | ¦ torj :Eower^ KeaKonn ;kad'iWrn iATrlcryGraisibcdaeon. rtas filmjst that a.record oE.lbat a^reomibf : ! j . p. KELLY & CO., Waterproof Cover Mamrfacturcri3 ' ' " ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' KiLiisADEn*-TtoBBa SdlllvaB, Cirrlckenarc—• : : BETUBl'ING OFPICEEg. : ; , would bo fonnd on tba mihctc^i'Ji.nd appealed to !tbe - ! ¦ ¦ ' '' " ' ' ::; j iii timm -V:, ., . i . . ; 12lefitad. I- . — ¦ -t ¦ '. . - . .. , 9 t lO, PlLIi LANfi, DUBLIN. ' : ' - yoi7n OJerk Ijo.Bay whethor ho wnscorreot or nqH'' ' i| mi \ 4 .LV.; .. Fetbard •Ooaniy Dl rifioa— -1 ohn oariralns, Shell- l . i : ; ¦• ' Lwio; ' KiLKOUiU—EdU ocoah EillycMarbjry—-Eltctfd j Th3.1TA< j& Clerf 6aid that fta far ao his rooolJeoVriff T^krjliouer449].i!; LtsifOEE—Patrick O'Gormao, MaJo-otrcet; A W farmer. '. • ' i • ' • ¦ cqaal:pncnbei;flf representative oitlZBDaCad'tictoufiM ' ' ' ' Tintorn Concty Dlvliloa—jamei AhCirco, Gu;:jr- ESTABLISHED ! JANOAEY 1ST, 18U • i . " ' ' : : : v| : 'PoooriBqabp, Qleneairo Abboy. , : . ,. . . of the Cooperation: ...... ^ ' "- ' !; . , ano', farner ; Lo.nioncsMurphy, Billyie:oacs, Futacr |ji.-iti' lloprxuao—Jnoci Walflb, Iilslicuh j Charlca J : ¦ ¦ I Thq;tlayor—There waa.no agreement. ;;- and thophei por.; | . . I • • . Cntrtnl, Ba.UinamopB.. : - . ! Mr ilaoDonfl!d-Witb.. aU:dl^:rc3picita jrti, tlir ' : ...¦——¦¦¦ ¦ •¦' ' ' r 1 ' (¦• 1 i PoaTiA,^—TFliha voq, Glea Hon3B ; ,W Ualdon- . :-.Trflp Mayor, tbera was obolr ,'). , , , >. , ,. ; • j tpstinfj Establiahment Rons Lane 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ' mrw?o iPrdprietir 'faf'tiboiWeil^-lpabWu , , lbojlold • ! " • ' |' ¦" !' . " . , ! Aid Breen—I thihrtha lejr!iirloer-yon.iay,jtb I ton, Bpr . . , .9 I ! j BiTBOonjiAp—Ed Dol» Poerj Oortcotr- ; Uc»bca3 bettor oil tbis stibjeot. litbero ia 'ab inore about iL-.^^ 'i ^ui^.i.fStW foi^.i- J .-'..V. r iij V ~ i y jt ' ¦Q .^ -ft- i Wolsb b i-Wolter Wttlib, BallyoeTln. te Kill elect fifteen members of the ' EGS to announce that he has decided in Opj smxns c, Branch in. the , KbockoauCos Corporptiou-tp' ¦ EiiiGTOtni-iliabaclWucjflcld, Crobtlly ;. Junc3 " " " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ tbe Fr.<{B Library Committoo, ahi e^e Uajro^tril] (ij JEEED - /'>\ TEADE UAE : j STAiJD ' ' ! in this City, and mtii thk object Hdy ¦ -. ' ' jotj p ; I . . i-U^fb^UL-iJifJ. A. Cartby, Olwit nod J ij A ^ ; ^here^e .ea.rtb."_We. soon, got him bolted. by Potor IJcCibf, etoonded by Patrick Torpy; tho folloolog KcnlleocD rotarcal aooppc:^ to (FreebootcrB), ; Hanna (Royal Artillery), howetcY 1 . : | and he mthVoff tpv^rds Owning, therji it -^BA-N DIVISIONS .(^.ATERPORD) Tbomcs Kilcoyto.Dooerailo Lod(?f,'Tr«i)ora.j prcr ¦rjr'io'l BI gaardlj.oB for the next throo yearo for don (DiBtillery), li'A llen (Liafiela;.] ' ' " ^7he3lea\ack to GlenBower, negotiated the wood, and po:cd by Tbbj Fflpnciiiyi 'ecbcded by |JHLbdgo. Ooogurvan and -Abboysiio: DU|aloa»; or No. . 1 end ' rin E«tnrnln(j Odoer for the Eeferce—Mr Sa .obiCc BaSOK | a«psiThprn$3. Brennan'ei farmiat Tccpleoiam, 04 Jiond»y Ur J J Fbely, Wn OtllQey,.RoslQald, Cauioh.Bold , Tramore ; No. 2 , DWIiions of. , Danr»eryan Unlba i—Jsccei | 0 A'T TMDc ruBK : * «™ , leaving *h\villaGe oa the left. -Pressed ycrf-tard proposed by Jai Silly, secoa^odlby Tboo F^nneaoj, Va. «M. I : Hayes, Thomas Power, Miohafl Power, Eimond Tbo llaloh TTS3 Tory clo;:lyy coatt;tcoatt;t:d^i for the t^ WATEEPOBD WINE HT0EE& i now Majtcraey&rd made another effort to galuj' the Honry Sitinoltjilsrltcts '.rool , Trara'ard;. propocad ; ' ^ : : ¦ ' WAHD. ; O'Sbta so$ Tborooa Flynn,- (qr Dungarvon, first biuf, no ccoro rcaalting. After changing tndj ' - " : ' ' ! frieadly^heltei of Gl'enboweV, where ¦ eVsritvallj. ' CENTRE by DsnfQl.Walabjeeoppdcd byi jobq.^delop. - - • • T^f jT^ESH S^r - 'V ; ' tje l v-MJ;Eaw»ra lWdo Droposod by I TbA'oandidaioi v/era Dominated by Very Be? V Irobnd' pbyed np t?oll r>nrl Beared h bird-cirncd ; lost him oftcrAyery good, bunt, the bounds hiJidg r OIGrady, j <4°»y S llanrlcn Morphy, tlain itcopt, ,Troo3oro;piopo:ed Mr ti 0 Stranso, 'tloyor ; ! c:aoaa«a 'by Ur Bobert A tandjr, 0 8. A, and Ret: T a Praidcrcast, acd iletory. , - "I. ' ' :¦ ¦ ' ; gone verj> faatftom draw to finish. -We tried-¦dlen- ' ¦ by Jobn Qaano, recoadod ty PitjicU Meigb»a- ¦ ; -Solly. < i : i ! ileconded by: limtn jjamci Danno, U D C, icd ' ! : ' ' i I inAl Gconi:Sc Painting. PapOThanging. &e bower a5ain and |W another fox which took: jUpost Eclmund Aleztndor Wofsb, Tho Clab, Ttncnore J ¦ ; ' - . M* Honry Loftaa Vl'irifV !aiaiiii-\) ^ic» }Sr,scrr JamehiV/holan.U DCJ • :IEELAND.;.J...'. ;._....;.. l noil ; thn same line .ef ctunlry as ihe otbff, and T7aa;al«0 O' • ' ••• "¦ «¦•—' '¦- V . proposed by Patk-Ecaebe, oecondsdby Tooa DucgiD. tho Jobn WaUh find 1 ctad teonnded by Mr IS JJriob. j • t wjr ¦¦• AbbeyoldoiWard Ur - ' - ASHBT Ton »«nt ^ »_ ' i f i. l, W_' i_ _. t> J » I . . ! ._ Y_ L^' I Fo^ ;.-; ., ii — — Oto. H . TP F»Intia», P«M»b»niIn^,; gija ; able to get to gronnW the cOTertfrom which tf ouu uaurj, nkicon , utv^iujcu vuuu ^WALlSS..'...... j..: i. . htf*as Mi Da»ii Hyland, Xdall Laos ; propoaed by Mr b^V'u TppmaBVeato nero also elected unopposed, lhcy -fl- Writing. ,5^, eXeOQted la Sapper Srylt tcp started.O Altogether tlis oas avery good-day's sport; Johrj OsrrolL Hall3y »o:ondod T)y:John qaaDD, !| ... . — — A.J. WlWDsa w ;I \,> E«nt.eilly, and Reofcnded b? Mr > ooro roomlnatod by Bos H J LoocrgQD, 0 C, end , ;.'„ B « E«Moo»bI(. Prices, ko toMICHiEL BLXmJ and wzi much; enjojecriy those who had tbe cbod B Ward proposad by Mr iWm J Qrcon ond TbomssCarberjr, Peter street, .Tra^bio; proposed " ' — — j. j. KTAIT. jobn-itr-et '' ; /iilr-W , , . esoonded py John GriDo, U D C. . Pyoiii tne Harblo; City Square, W»t«rford, whe« pdlstlsff es3 : forlnne to be out \ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , • ; ; by J B- Davlaoo, ssoooded by NtcbcltaO'Connor. r t ' -csco dc Maidock , 1 Btmgaiyan Union. g , Mt David HjUod proposed by tlti Bridget Ponbr, ; follonlDcnoroinatlpna cere received ca jtlcn- tbo vocalbtio and inEtrn'nental departments trill . Qmccdleu Wast proposed by JameaFlyon.ceconded ; Tbei Mrs Blco IEELAND - 1 BarrunBtroid-itreot ; eecpndod i.by .^Iri JJajy J, : ' ; Da3«arvan to called, ^nto rcqn jition- .ia aapervbing, 1 Service ¦ TAIifi ;C2CtoNIl. - i'liiCE. i -: ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ b/ ljdmond WaLlb.: !' : dny by Ur Join A Ddnw, Clork of . : ¦ Appointments- m j Hoaije. Trinity t»to. «•' ¦< • ' ¦• •• -' •' = t '- ;lyJli .. ' ' - -• ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ tbb arranRcmentu, ,which' oro tending, ro.lar, to> mcotioiiGr uuu uaturai . . : • •' 1 , * " William Kearney, Gracediea ^Veqtj; propoaed by 0olon :—; . : . . •: .: . • > i ¦| Mr Henry L W»rd. propoasd hf Mr QD Piabot, v:ard3 tt big incced. , ! ' '•' - ' \ ••• •• : LonDoir, Satorday. : .'- J°amC3 Msddock, iiecoDdcd by Jacaej Flyoo.. AnbuoBn DrviEioji-fUanrlcs Flynn, James | HUNDBED8 0* YuiacUr fisscitly. Btl&iu ttiid ioonndc^hjO JC.er.Ti fZsZf 77>^ Tt^Qz-j. lira IBsqlscLt hp como forward ta a candlda'.o j la IrdamJ phenomenal interest waj takwr 'in ' thil WOODSTOWN—William CbnrlciCoR^lan'Dromlco, French, Wm Dower. ! . : 1 £25 to £S00. ABM—iltlo, 14 . i Ut Vin'VVird'prouoili bj H D Fiihc/, cJcoodcd by . for tholDlstriot Cocncll tf>a TeatksL I tirozglo'to-tfiy blciasB ot tie prcrsnce ln tho fie'4 "of . Paisaije Ea:t projioscd j Eqbrt . Oorcorc'o, BAJLlTiliOiEl—Tbonii3 McCarthy,' Jobn Power, , end appeals for cappcit tr -by Kr McOut!.:. ¦;.. , .. . ^ | tho electors o{' ' ' tho Haddington rjarrieri, Dublin, aVilnbrrhioh) ¦¦ ' .)\\ cccondcd by Robsrt Power... , ".!• . ,' ,' ¦,- Patrick Power, iJiobacd MoonKy, IV BonriRt-a. St. Caclooa Word { ' J I^ia^ ¦ Mf George A. Gftafpoft/ErofMEdl oy tlfEiebard | 1 tibo was a cauflidatD fo; tbo j a,y, .sactceded in jetting together " thb beBt 'diit-ncj : John tloCirtby,:Otb»doa ; pfopM0d by Martin . BoniDoon—Klobolw Bo?cs!ord, Daniel Dun'ord lit U h Cotter} M fJL'^.' ciilU f'J Uit b ;iMl»'WP £a«n{»o-w, , not had a-try for jnch honours >inc3.tiia palmy dsj« of ¦ VT^^ • •; -.; • • Tb'omes Power* Calla^baoo; proposed Edmond ; CAJJMOH— Ea QainlJO, Elobara J Ueshtr, Illoboba ' ¦ mort ttoron2a.prep»naoB, o»Uy tad lr/ pofVlbr A* .. Jlrj John Catiiae'Ji^VeUovr^^ Eead, propa:cd" b lit ¦ contract iroca , th(j Luastto Asjlnra ha . *!?# co*. ' ' " T ; theElyiian , Hornera,;wbini Jack Ifnlleo, tho tiBtacrs: y Pboliio, ecconded byT'Pb^rt ;Pptrcr. [. ' ::.... v . A .. MorriEoey, James LyDOb , Jobn Gceapy. ¦ ' CS U Series, B*altK »ad ProlmloJM,^Sli- item ; ' SohnlCarraatecondcl b Mr Thonuu Barlie cllsibld. for. election. . I . . 1 ¦ rgCffgoMrq AS t2)0 y^^Tfg^wAa^ 12^ M'Guhi, Afchci EiBg»,. GayBOt,. Wiltea Knotty , y . . CiEBjaLHA—Miobncl Cnlllato, Biobord Tobb. ¦ ¦ FIBftT f tfl . , Tt3ro tiXQb M*.Jamcs ;;Sts!to=, C0M1UUH—Stcpbca Poaer, Pitrick llcCirtby, ! . • EXCI8E, M«y, 1897 :-Mearf P»lmar fSrsra ' ^ "' '!' ' " ' ' 1 Aousn—Patrick Irlob, Acllcih. South proposed ¦ nlll bs pat iqto hai)d» Immediately. . : : extremely hea»y jhat thoi'UVi aly'trained y P JTLeo. . ;; i •;¦{<•• " ' i i p-ffcucttH. - : " 1 . ; ' •' : I ' ' IEISI Pu.cs), KarsMgh, Ansittang. 'BX4* E«Sbtt. 't' by Patriot; Wobb, ccoondtd by Elcboid Wolos. Tha death haa . been recently anaoanced ef Mr < (our pnpulaf diatftacej.got tad ly l«lt tficr th^dist&ncs, ff lltjPhili p Giicp^r. projjoiod by Sir Thorn ai Eoylin, CotrtiADAouu^-Joha Hialiey, Pattiok TbbSn— I CLEEK8HIP8 (8«ooBd Dirlibn), Decaoito, fcaj beeri|cd:/eredi ' ' pmdet * N " Patrjcl: WskbJ Aslinh t proyoicd tjjf-Pitrick Uor- ' ¦ ' ' • ¦ ¦ ' ¦" ' Miohacl Pnrcall, dde t f.on of tho ldto Ur Thotaas j j Nowmctten looked tar'inoro rosy, ond ciooaded bj Mr J/vffi-J^ ,!Uorj f.a-¦ e. . , , ¦ ' El«l!ed. ! . . 3H0I0D VARrETY Off BWECTS 1638 .-—Mean Lessen (Fusx Isux PLACS), BWTB, 1 n» »lth6ugb I '' " ' i *! ' - pby, oecocded; by}j6briHc aly, | ' |,j : • . i. . . I T Porcoll , of Kilkenny city. A Requiem llosl v;a3 ¦ , believe thtre « not a _m»o oh« tr!_hi.t ,,, \ . ? cow*..map. .£' :.; •:• V DtjoUiRA.—Ed P L cG:atb , Jumci Halhbta, J V ALWAYS IN OXOCK.: Bo2»od, EBMrwa. i : ¦ . : ¦ ! I- • . better than 'UulfeD. ' ' ' .ir U» MiohacI Kirwan; Mall LIDO ' : proposed by Aid ; James Farrejlj. ffirmbioo 8Datb:; propound by ! celebrated id tho i .tithedi'al. Baltimore, oa tha lClh . tbe team it ttronger, and younger ¦ u O'Brien, J p. i ' yftrB, ond BcoondPCjby p^JORaRnrnoy. ) J[ ..,' Potriclt W»(s ,' Btcanded by Thopoj ^»«ooi;b. In Fcnraary tor tho repose of his eonl ! ASSISTANT CLEBK8, March, 1897. Te* ; oil round , the project wt« taienMn-b.iodsearlier , apd : DBOMOCC—Mloboel Beaton, W Q'Donovin, Ed ¦ j; Mi Hurry D; Eiahqr, proposed^by Patrick n eqcond papor Mr 'F«iroH nnn p' Ulcbael ' ' . i *FiBST . fuoss Md tbs «ppolBtmeata ofi«!9d.. ' tbe *y8lcm ef trcjoinj imp.rarej'tinder. the GE W K^O! »5 Mr ropqied i f ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ *U \ Walcl/mflbc'3l-:ittoaVj'aildc;; ' sorid9d ' by^ '] Helyl , . . i . . AV Giynor. tbe ctptain of t,bo HoddingtonJ, nho rained Ur Uiohecl Qaiop, eeoondedlhy Rlcbjrd Brincabi . , Tlipie ttuy Oapsuics rtlicve LAND. COMMISSION CLERKSHIPS Mtrci, ! PheUn, 15, MleU sl-street. ... ¦: (:[ ". :; : DcnaiRYAU (Rural)—Danld Wbelan, Ot:tI:j J ,. , o deal ot knowledge from his former , virit. • ¦ 'J ; !•- ' BAILIHCU CA—EitpoDd CurraD, Bjlllncrc* i pfo- Kidney and EltdJer • trouble 5ioA33r£tB:— '. 1697—Mewri UtngtD, lit ; Htrly.Sod ; rood, SrrJ. i '• Miorice Qainlan, ;VTcts»Ucr,- .taci Gleorprrposcd b Corran.J P, Philip.Biirccford. promptl AB | 'Jlie race .nus njb^ltle of iants at the teomi iacludfd f. y •poied by Jobn 'Filtgotatd, toiondeJ by Richard y. They ere inferior to KOSB StawtJ- Oar C*odld»t«tooi ALL g W R Ward, eccondid by-ThitJa pcGrttb,' Step!ica MODELtioO—Wo nomination, Cop.iiba, Culwbs TfftRD Uio the pieVpf EBgltndtihe homop'.ptro'iiwera, amtiideali ~ \ereker. j : I : I cure In a&UAI , . Bppointm«Dt .• . - ' ¦' ' ' " '¦' ' ¦ "¦• M ODHT 8TUA3T—Jftmea V/olsh (Ed),- liicharl d'^d fortjr-elc^t hours «»n>t <»«. I of form will see by the falloxin ?;liil6f ttreet. , ,K. , - ' A "\- •\x • " • • I. " • Qeorgo Blgby (JoniorJ, B^llidorca!jpropqojd by Uie s-.uie rti>ciK» without competitors !— t- M^ W Wstd/prDpbied by.Mr Patrick O'Brieo, Pat'iclt Foldy. . ~ FEMALE TELEQBAPH LEAENBES, O.PX)- I Bl-.ckhrsth H^J Bilicr,.? BjlIirt, ,H Sallj A D .Hrinley, Patrl -ih IrUb, itbonded by George Blgby (lenr). Inconvenience. E»ch ' Capsule j The Manor ] tccondefl b M r,j:iell 1 , BUJOVILIX Manrloo Byio, Jobn Haytr, J)cd«u btacs the name • Uldy.' 6old U^l FUI lfa Efl liPlJJirSlft U»y,^97—UtaCoiiDoUy, lit ; Mfaw H»llslt, 26l. J ! I Colvur , t, C.Qr.o^, Q Hoarr , t Jsip, HO JohneoaJ R / y r P J ? 8 Manor St. . William Brcncao, .Billlocrea ; prppdae' by 'ob o d' ¦ ¦ Frfn'oh, John O'Sulliyeo, 'I'bomas Hirty. ' ;. by nil Chemist , or posi ftec 3$, Cet BctalU iMam«ront otbor ««09fiH«, Bulc (! i A Iiooeb), VV Hi'ai«ntilnr,T 0 Mill*, E F. Kleholai.'F : i Mr , H':J/. Vf zri;. ptdp ¦' ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * nBllillRffttl'MriEJot a^i ' *t ¦ " Wa^b. | -'Tborais Hioicy, ' ¦ Wi'lUo P.'.ivcr, H#8 ftota WILCOX VCO., ^^Bti lUilfllla. H y» Ei»miBttlono, Boy CopyUli, Sorter* , .; Mr H D Fisher put In a secoid paper in which be aiBilHANr. . G.P.O, <3o!»- i Foc«' Sj !.' Prya«, -EB3ioliff, Q, N SmritfOa. iW G1 EdojDiidCjrrno, B»llliorfa ; proponed by Taonoo : ¦ 83,Uorllmcr Si..Londen,\V. ! SuffieW-GB We»i Vcraj iomin»tcdJ)f MrPatriok'WiM*tnd ttcocdc2 by ' Joha Utrron. i ; /«iflnraBff%'Pk HlfRR^ cest* Biawny ClerltUp*. &e, M'QUIBE'S COL- , S V:lTl Jpnb»', '• 1 !• • • TOWEB,' WAEOi.¦ .; • . y ccoirididby Tboon wil»h. •; T '' ' ' Edward HurpLj, Jobn Purcoll. idH lvElU JblalAE il 'J'teoi. »od fxceptlorud rrtnlta. A oopjof"Tba i 1 I , ; /. ilo tbn 0 ti KiUn:n6i«r,| J I' Lottott; G Usrlfiv 3 Martin, A A13 W k Ward, J P, 'pronosed bj Mt D»? id C» Dty, UdNIlTT—MIcU I Doophy, UilUan proposodby Toe letorot ncro'Ei'di tebjent Deputy ¦ KMcntaartoa Gnidi; pwtpwtfc... »cd uwiownUIa j B NosffPnby. /\ Sax. JJ A 8Daokm.i/', W Tujlor, eeonflded by Mr l)»nl« JJnnle' Watcr-rtMor, , ' ' 1i KOTKflT CnsienM EVEmarHT COUPtftiaT.couwiiaT '.'', ¦ aV .. Pttet f tp rlB . xetooded bj tlaitlp Jllf na. i ..| . Eeturnhrj OQcii t'* dcoitloo 03 tn validity cf p;pcr» y^^ «nt-p««tttj{Jdllbenne-itTeot ¦ . 1 *nd G»»rett Collins, Dookitt, proponed by tliohnfl ¦ 13 biwt prowtcTby ' j Furr.wj't ! Hj-lWidi ej}—E Brooke, E.C>o\Ci ;ljr. JoEJjpU; Flbn dsd t^JCSdod by¦ •¦ Ur «• for 6w«nty IsforrJstioa ud «4ric«ta ttad«U trw. i ?rop>BO'l bf , ¦ ' Daltqa, ecQundcd by J«mi-» BBJD CB. J \ * Cndmnc;/ Fazickcrlj, , J Hotter,- ami o CrConnor QhoslO!TD. I. II . • . > J i •- :.'¦;:¦¦ .iFor :sre M^olton A fiayne*. ¦ ,:J .. JI . -WUliao EoaliotU^UIUjcn, propap'cd by jororaloh COUNTY COUNCIL lf!F\NTS T HODR UOD, MiHeary.^YEJosPi V7UIeiwr i»ad J ' Di George hie llackeay, J B laj^.ticp THE KILKENNY I ' . ¦ ¦ , IIB: C»bl|l, seoondoliby Patriei Gtaco. ;.: -- - : . - , ! fViiHr. i/. I , < ' ¦ : .. .. •• • i :• '.••• • 'prop >eed by Mr QWge D Crokerjacd t:£}Sd:d by Mr • > IWVAUDS i < " 1 ' *-¦-¦- •¦¦" • ' • ' > iDmld , KcDcrjlly, 8njart B, Csitl9 1 prpnondd by El ^ ISESofthe Ifinthljy , Q ; - LOHGS. l ¦¦ ! fl—0 Bcuhclt. G T BIsiood. J DaCfero Johc B Pinfior, TB8 'WaV- " 'If ' ¦ FUtli IilSr! 01? KOUIHATIONS. vS> ¦ l r M'GUIEE': ¦ S - , ™ ; ; CouBol'jr. letondia by PatrioU V'Qv\ e. , .„¦ ' > ¦ .,. , . ..COLLEGE- * ;" • ! E FIinl , ! ' j • v 1 ' . i TBT IT fflK - ' t \V R Gilr3o,.?.J;Gr«JO ,va His?b'o». JI Jajaes iToanif, Paloto1 ay l»bpc^a U/ James ¦ , PiBHOOi—Patrlok Foohln, Dcarp irlt 'proposcd by. BallyrajRot—tlccsra Bre^oa ond Shortill. ! H«rri',«CKiciij J B yqcc:r,8 'QP , E»»4s CK»iIdcjJ.b' dojiri¦Woirct)<;' ID' 'b t: 33n3 pajicr . 1 ¦ ! MWBB 1 Pearof . Pcrolwl , ¦ y afl, 'WlebiMl . KtUy,- ekeoddodbj Vr'.|yoryJ-"T' . ^- 'I . Cillaa—Ursrp Butler, Grcjory, Potter, Powsr. QKS and COLDS. ' *' w ! E Pratt. T.'H Kobi D . FD BindsU ; £H3Kid- Ur YOCDK ITS propQtcd by M« Qoorgn1 \/bU«> Pok- : ^^pp ? »"D * , Jobn 8bc»hr# Fnrnoae, ptoaotoi by \7a lTory, GiJtlccomcr— tlczni.Kenny, Prior, i Wecfcfcri ! ' LI r ^* i foirn. F,,H 8yntb C V/okert,.W Ward, ,nnd JB berylt eeeondt^ byiJi tUtttP^B^rty. I - I : , , ,; 5©S Of INFLUENZA, * ? s , ¦ .'eaconded by UioliMl Heilly .i - . • ; ¦ ' ' ¦ - ' . . : Dpukltt—Ucira BboaC:ld, Llonia. ; j Yontg.., . l ,.. .. . ; i Mt Mlehfijf CMW oe^' propcVoilW .nrWIbyIllsm 11 , ¦ • XIMJ BACOB — iflohpleB ¦ ! : Haddiagtoa l ' 'Boad' , 07fc!ir, Ballyjithc.on, FUdoBn—Ilcttrs UorrU end VYckb. R E C T H (Pabl p)—F Cartit ,,J I? p»no!»V EndAce, Tntbort OW i.^ndjielouttsj r rropoMd by lllohsjl : irJMtsagay* so to«p s_jf ; A ctE s ' r ' ¦ U'JJoaald¦ , ¦ esionded by Janes 1; Fre:bford-,Ue:OT Hod Ke Hartin Qnene, :J p Hoyc». C flilJ, JFJoiao.JX} Ctepiea - Dtitfr.'i JphrSilotto. ' In » leooai'. tiipcjr ba ZI'Donftld. • ¦ ; : • ' \ ¦ ¦ j- ' ¦; ' • ^ : ^cM, oshsa, : Hurpby, f ' ' ; ; . ; ¦¦ ¦¦¦ QuickC, ,W pien3, apd .I O H»'». , ,.; . ^ ; wa»fproposedn:by JebbiKlBg.'! Hooht'j-^.^ot^bid " ;j)a>t!B Dtrmody, Bdlfsooaey Wmt - calf,; and Wali i . . . • . HiebB»te pa rrac!on> ¦¦: , propbaoii by ¦ ¦ ¦ .H-VJJIss', 0 F Clprel y, H E»»iit,TH eecoid«d b?,l^r ;tr^ek;^illy;, ( | CJltiEpad.:•: , Jamoj. U'D OD »I I4, e»oopdeVfSTer, G Wefoon ,.end •¦?' l 1 III, :""! •: !¦: )•' '¦' " !'l • • " l ::i : "' ¦ ' ¦ ,/ a Wood AE Woollcr. j j I Unllins; sscoaded hy PaincU \Valsbi> ¦ ' ¦ Orobndo, . , '! „ ' . , • . . . , . llaricfcej(»r H—E;Barlorr, B BennltOB, C Btrcaford; C'bUPljBID t itST; ¦ OF [NOMINAtlONS ; Fonrjccsy, s IC ILCOLOUB.-IPatrick Grant,' Corraghmore prcv Kilkenny (Urbcn)—Hc:tra GriEn|Ton » i J Barlow.MEj Cooper, TH Clarke, V7 H Donrv 'J ; Ilnrpby. Bmicbuloli. ' , ; - 5UMPTION ' pbsed by Michafll lJoJcn;ijcoadsd ky . ¦ The ¦ RUSSIAN ¦ ,. GriQtlis Joba.Dano»an. ¦'¦ ' ; , GiOnbaifjbV iHHarrieorj, ¦ p E Harrington, !etja. . . , :. . ' Kbookiopbor—MestM Gormaa ood 8tap I Our reporter cUfed it tne ncuidrbom of ILi WtUr- I r^^^^^- A Htyti, T nnrriaon, W HTarnor, II Maryland, / 2ijd paper — Proposed by Simon Donn i eeconded by oad Knox. \ ¦' ferii '. Workbooss-on1 Wednesday robmlbg O M , . ,i- ,-- ¦ Listerlln—Mcjars Doo'»y t ¦ Powell, Hl^oylef ,.^ Torrio,- .H > .Welliajtoa 1 fcd4 a -^uen Mr Michael N I . .!. , • i . i/ .;, , . • * intnoitfoi - ¦ *•- ' ' ' " ¦ tte 1 : MolLol—Mmars Cosiliford lad SnifCi*. tiT7P17Hi A T W A T7TI V Wood. ¦[- ,' . i.: .;..;. - . . : John KielS^f Clft' in fnlfiliSient 6J h!< promise !Willlam Cfeexf DlMMfl " [: .,, 1 , f, . Forrutell(RBt!iinurQ;,proti(;5ed, by;iIichs£l Piltonn—iiorcl Dancannoa, Cr Ut-no tad Ur lildETEiiH&ilir iiiilliili BlllUEyf, Unull * : ¦ : j i • j ?<)!jtse!ii!B H-J C Brewer, 1 Bcrton, A J CaUh- of tbfl prc»idii' tveaing and 'Avilh chtrhcli Utic Nolan j tecorided by Pat tick Grw'.O ¦ . ¦ ... ; . • : ¦ ••I Utt to ,^»wSu .. ¦ 21 'Entry. . . . 1 - ¦ ¦ • • ¦ wrnyyuMu wtlirmUuwU^a^i aja pcV, H 1} Caoke, e H Cubbano, 0 P Ootllnj, D cheejfnlnesi handed to him Ihi following lUt of tbe 'Willum Formlall Ballyrerneent ' ¦ ¦ . ~~ =i±: _--^!' • ted«» iQiiH»^»^^i u «iM i5g;*%[ propocsd by : Pdllrono—Ilr Pbelsn. . i - " • : I ' ¦ I Donogfcce/ H CTibEfin , W G^'tDn . iJ? P H«tfe»/.O- tomloiticrasreceived for the DUtHct ConncQi. .Patriek Mther j dccondcl by MichEellWbeian. ! Tl-omsitown-rtltrarB AylTjard, Warphy, , Cyan [ 0 1 i {7 ff' ' . . . • , . 3 BAL8AMI0 Bli«IR b iold S^Sl^STpSjSSSrS ^^iS*"* Ioam«r/; .Uiiaion'.VH Mott, T A.,.E3l»., HO: >' BALutiKix&HPpnrics ,Phelio»BillycQinerU.fi• : ' Kxi.LiciJLLin»KH—AntlioDy I Btot/ord, \7iUn^ord, Hort , lioaijhtaD, Cavacach , "An ixscllcnt Fai, qdntnblj , ! *^vi ; Smith, V Sl«.leV ,W. r Oadogan, fTcjra'h d Patent Medicine Vfmden, to ^*^ t«Sra»w^«3»R€tSiSjU^^« tfTcmblffi9o" ,,W •\7iili! '>3»,'a posei br.t;4r»3fl\Eb«ii«ei:6riieai>y.SiS3ck \ .'jj]>. :ii^dge. Newrathfp' ' cJ&pttii i 0 tt,o nz.it) cf Man t:.i , i White, ohdEGIWoOldridite. - ..'"' - i - ' roposcd by Martin Barton; tecocded »/B, «/e, ti/-, «dMA. • - > i ¦ ' . Michael ' Flycn, B«UyCTprj,etmore ; propoi. J b? •by ShilipJValsbi , . •' I" j | , . . . " M2s^?saS^S£S ^^ i!? ! Kalford H- J] Aitewortb, S 'i lhW , E Bto»n,;J' > ¦ ' , JCWl* pi 'MM. * John Flyna • tecohdetf-by-Joha Carroll. - - vobn Fltmniri bank OAccxoE-on-cgm nouti¦ ¦¦ iAsiorjo " g, Ferry j propp:cd . i Corlon, 3 J'aocV. E Harloy, P H«rrfon» I AHiltOD , by Nicholas t 11 i . 1 ;- , ., ' • 3 Hcdglfinsor,| J lT-lliM-J -A DBDBCAHOOH.—Willianv- flC3pby,c /Qjrtlf'iwb ; iPirle ; etcbaded by Cha» J Hill.: , H , . SIR CHAS. A. CAUEKON, M.D. , • ! ¦ (grom { M'Louililin B.H. ' . . ' YtyBtt.ihh^t«-Vlina(L) i rjorr lk- , w Hrrb;f6g/,nErB-?a h . ?i iisua^ 1 propo!i5d.,-bji 5>ct2nl-.JPor7Cr;i.<:tco7ided b/ licrtia i Uichaelj U»btr, Ballyiobia Fenybaalt ; prcpojed . e oolc ' - ' " ' " ' ; ;. URBAN. I Souch , A B Ty'aoe, £ tTrmsou, G P Walkor, ; and E Shanahan. ^ ; ; , , , . • .. : !.. ., - ...... ,. . by Micholu Paris.; teconded byfcharlei J Hill. • ' ¦ Tba Tonn Clork rcocW'd the folloning conlnaUonj Watorsnc, . ]- . : : i ' ThOisas^Power;Dr onjcinttoii ; prbportd by, 'willhiri Geoffrey BerbeftBlcoxEeld i ' ' .Noq'lP.i.ik, E^houl- fi>r Carrtclc-on-Salr end Cirrldibc? Urban Ulalrlctj '•tlZAVp a ronD cwUini f iiiti ini .'Irchfioldjaj-i; Bird, 0 A L.Curkitt,-C iPitic', i IJapjiby j cebbnded by.Williara Ualton. ' .. .: lit.ecQ Propotei by Joao N| Wbkte ' ¦ ' : ^ : i , teio .del ty, on Uoodiy :— > t . ::• • .. " ' : 0 N E DiiSXU f eotiiT C Gnlllwr, 'A H JJeacnem; 0 FinuhtGa^Ptuic&\CoScr' 0em6'smif xbioUi Wm Por el Sad Pijrcr—P«f o ei by ' , bsm farmini ctnitlluinlt ktort th3 H2ff r ' lkL' ^: KErr-Ji [liiTmni nl >ti«l , iStp^TUuiXi^", ' " ff"rf Kicbolif , G A Note, 0 Poal», ' ; A 0 Aqdcr/oa .' CiBBics-OK-StrfB (i coaneUlott)~ll es3ia Qrabb, E^ PtnU, V CaodelU, by Wm VValilr; «ecoH«a by.TbpmS* MdrAy. ; r ..! ¦ticonded bj Gdnard Poncr. 3rd Mloh»ol Qa>rke,ThomM EyoVclt Utarice B Bound, WE, Bioliw, JVH ' Toll Papor—PIOLO ei 0 H Ifcare. , arsra&a \sf th) 4«rt purelj f&r tni- . - ¦ .yr, I .JLTdHer/A' - ' Thooai Ueade an^John Ueide, vtie disqualiilcJ, by Jobo Glr fain» ie.'oadcd b Hoctiplt, Joupb Thompson, John SfcCormuk, Patriot: 1 wigger, -BIW '; W«ik'[.0[i'WiLterbooroe< • , y Bibbard H Kellr, J P ¦ ¦ 1 ¦' lef)d ,'l O ctout fci tit. it lhal \rhia\lt It pro- Woo.briot. - 1 'i-¦• ••'•3 ¦'¦: ' . ' T' their seconder 'Patrick M»b;r, | biting entered bij ,. .KILLAIIT— Jntnci Filtbj, Smitbito»n UoGMh, Thooitis McGrath, and Martin WaUh . ,. . • r ,, ( ., i ; proposed: ' : • South I»nioa : l s 'resideocc t» Paiiblcgfe,rpfMit he lived in Coolbocsnb: By Mmbiel Raid io,' seconded by Bobert, ' OAJtBIosoto (2 connoillori)—Meosri Bofcort Wtlob, ; ! pared t\ nrim$ ' to th) diristiosj . : lf-V\7'r«ie>, H8' BrifoilcIunK f n. ' Wilab. 2nd and John Carletopbor. I C -wt, Wj»Ht C-yj«lru fi '• , -lBLii«DS«iaA—iwbert '' Phklan,"' tilandkuoai paper—Proposed 6 Bar J'ibjtfS Canoa W*>tir Potter, . ; / E»fWoo, PP, ; OK OIB coonir EtsoronAi, glrtir nth etch tin, It l msken ' 1 Jill«!. E Ga»lis , ydoo, Laaacri' proposed'by \7ef(ei DtUhunljjjuconded by Jtaci' teoonded by Sttphen Carroll: i ' : CAEW -OH-S DJVIOICK * Ct^Hi T' B t^wforS, T —Udssro J E Grpbb oad B U Eeeh»o, J.P. ¦ | ¦ ; O.G JiOwi/.jDiWiJoiled1!,. WD.8idJ«r, -" 1 PiHFEC l \ f dOD f or IHFANT3. " ' ' ' tA K BSinderi,¦ ' ' : Philip Ay I wstd, H Jleea j;p rdpoo^T b/'^or Cocoa ¦ i E Titlcj-.^XiUn/and S.Xrnweo.. t?;i; '>¦ •:' ' >^Da»id Hally, • litotimseri' j«)sed by Ptirlck - : ' ' ' ' ' ¦ 1 .'. j p/p RifiiO', PP, iBSonded by JohniHosly, 2nd papci— f ' : : ' ¦ nUBALii , , . ; ¦ -. ' V L : ! llRi . ADA S, BALLI^, . . I TV lu.ult'inbujntc.o.tina.ojeit cidnrt.riich Ib ¦ 'fower ; seconded by Patrick Senny. .; . . ' on . propojoI by Jobfa D*ltop, «ocg Di|ed bjUattlnPiolao.. ~-ThB loHowlqg nomination* for BaroI '• ; j titna .for kor »M (v ^poitf,f(€diti)Q S3t ^f((ii»ndt:la. !/.;Kiii(iBjtr.~^atrl.ctr W' K^ny, ' KtnWimB«60«i'; .Diitrlati nor»¦ <. • - Y :- EJitrtiie/VBABY." ¦j it ifl ct' ' - iKir^iAOKBVooBs-Tr.omMCestelfo e, BobinstooD reoolfcd by ths Clerk cl tto Ofllon 1— . ;¦ . »7T orirUh'EWningJLtt1 yiraV »¦¦Th« f pllorfing propostfd-by' Jimc» ' lidioney,; • leicndecl by Jtlichael ' i 1 'ro tl.eolub •^ - - - -- ••¦ . :. : ¦ r : Qpcted by Kiceetd Pbelaj, aaooBdei by Patrick OiinmcK-OM-auitt (Bqra))—Tbo« in8o«tDn;tJiehael ' ' ' " ¦ ¦¦ '; ' ; I we plaalnjf, XhaaahiV-V-r1 ; '¦' ' . " ' - V 1 '" " ' : ' ¦ ' fr * ¦ ¦ 1 • ¦ • • ¦ : 'T 7 //i or?i«t»l. , |.. . ..f i;. :;; • . ., . ' W«'l, »ndThc)m»« Beckett. . , , iji'^ .,! - ' fatjicK Poyci, -Tonergare.^..proposed ;M' Wm h ] \\ iHmno 'Jfll ' letoVjSB/toU- Jia ,,, .' .; I f ¦ Rlobard Fi'ilieiald; Aylvs(di(o»D: propoicl by CABBicrBEO I (Baral)— William tUrj, ' JiJmond Hurley',J KConflediPy Wichal Sha^sbani : . |, »..,;,.,. s . |i a—HaddiDBto.q H:-rl)POfila > 9, '1U TS 12. Qiea;e 19.' . Martin Hynes, bonded by WHH»m'W»l»b.: Waish, \VUU»b¦ Joy, Thora»» Wall , fta d', ' James ,j Best and Cheapest ¦ ¦¦ : " ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ : ¦ ; ¦.cmtrf 2ii'ne'13rttitil' " ! :;J£ni ,J5A.- P,a«ilcff|Wjtls6,.^Uflmore :K»it j pioi , and. iXaoa¦ u ¦• - Du^moiALpust l3B.V r P»triok Irl«r Ojrr gtlowy ; ipropMcd ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ralt 38jill>ncec,4».tl45 fliarl<3» U*l8«jr, jiirif, Nffflpb!H»ll, Dd^boify.irc-' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' T JOPP rpwer, ivarrigeiorwy ^p^pDoeodiby Michael O'O^llaibBD; : ' : ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ t- ~ > i , 5-E»>ojcT3eiigfe«>»-Ea-tl.tt ,?,.,.Maitla.O. i)*8i«B;*eol)nd»*t>i'' ,Jii bo H»»'»y.; v " ', : - ji i I " '-oioKIS, 'pilMd by Jato l Irlib.leecooded by Mlohiel HefferDM,. 1 . _• ,;, :::' 1 i| OnDla f8T*»o"rbtir'j9V J'»neJi6l j. tottl 14J. : i i EiLW>TBBi,Jf-NlcbP,loi .a* , f. Ba«arjrt«TD, fiLSB—Ulahael Terry. William , He.roe, ll»ttbi»i tetii s?* -' PotLBOtrc4riBb'> POUrd, iI^dUriDoy Wal»b. Ppw«r M«nrlo« cpnoolly. I 1 6-M»nrhea: ¦ptupo«rajb )f«f» -, M'lij'o>»;«t<»»38d by ^tot»« . ; •, prcV uiobteliOBrryrr*( i oa y ,:flna . pured by Bimpibd 8mTtb, e Feirbion—TbomM Brown, WUlUm ' Mo¦loihy , L» j : -V81, Haift'SS/itf ortWid^'BercBirord ;fe)W18i3*- !W tooidsd,by Jobn Walib.i > ¦ ¦ < ¦ ' D Hiohvl wjsh, .Jttt2i'B(*ko«. • •' -[ mi M«rtfi O»BB ?»• •: bmaM.»ti l>olw» ii,5Ba)JD«1J BlQbard ;PWla , K itoracalo i piopowd by Peter '; n '¦ <¦'• ¦ •¦ : ¦! ¦ ~ _ BHtnuut, .'J O'D^ JC SJI \\ 'J-Polltionwc^S?. : i • > • ! ' ji ooni£qriqtioS'; bU t*aa; itt-'pfpeir/pj:en thg Phcl«D, leoindM b Iboniai KVIly.!: ;r , ' Ktt*iAD«~J B A U , ! - if / I >i ;, ! : . 0-8. London Ki, ?;?.;¦: /jy . , /\ '}-\V< ; . '¦]) • -V !' .1 ; ' jPoETH*BbDr.i,T—EdwardPt s«Un,' D '•mw Mngiw. wa iUobai HtetaT- . ^ ' ' Mo9n»ce , prc- ^ Thotaftj , Kiwiicc»iyp*--Mlen»el 'RJ pldab. Il^yibonew), p^edby Tbo» K«fff, «cooded by JH?b)LFlUB»Ulsk< i;U0Tfl»fc-W W»Wb, MiDrAWi J. Pi . ! Powtr» Jehn 8h**bMJtsd GeoBrty Power. ,, , propoied braw n!J*H'*H ttOWfi i tV:Tho»,Nel«o. jBtebd W«IibJ Loff.oy j jropojed by John UnopbT, ' E«tlc«««l pfoDojoi by M : POSTLAW—Jlmia Doil*.M J . Shaiubutf B«beos» && Thdm»» j?rifli;U li.*jhby« r.' ponjed by Patrick Qolon. |. .|" • OortiM 1 ' : . " \j >3 . 1 iaflB ^ HiaVty, : iS P*^1 1 ' .Md MiibMl P.t iok P^trVViiioooW * ^ ^ : ^ , | , : B*TBPATBIC»—M«rk PuroeIl, Qorte«n ; ptopotedi - BAtaaoBio.fS"ji«!H«7 B>8»Wy, MitbiWiHb, Jfoffrey ! 1 ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ¦ '¦ '¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ , K.ro«/, KH^rn.r>a'?^^r..*/JW/AW b) J ODQ itcoodod b ;: I" " ' ' "' , ¦ FitzjM^Ick, f:P«ik lianloD.by . »ad• MJehaelPoirir. . Mlaba-1 Hoaieti, Kllojarryilj^opoted Bow--tf6BB-Pof»eK 7obanEUBl«y. T • KtiUtg, B KJHW»D*» -KleboU; Klebyj AoibertJIL propoied Bor ; ¦ ¦ ! W1TU Jim el BreBBisl'tedoDiIed ! lfonU. »adMlcta»ltWy.> •; : i ' ;• ¦ • J !' -' '¦'' •- WODND3; tbot -dlMtfrgb or otierVlie by TWtt»i «ffi«,'l«*Srd>dty Jto»» Nc»r(i ft f * by JjiJmpjBd Donott>« «a. ., 1 ; J Andre* Trlih. Ra sibtlob [ .Tbomn NOU IJ Jfita(i»l8D by MIOB !»I - :::¦ ; • ¦ ¦. ^ i C»htll , , .1 . ; ' . . . ., 1. , ;j..i , - .. that «]i«n»Xftf!l>r.^ij,.ji!ar..an(!«r oik r Kl'bv, locotided J«a«« Noril i; jby BrroqaD, locontled by Edmood Ooe p«to, . : . ' . ¦ j tbo 4irt«m>a b/ A' f.pr cposfd Hn^owit-^m Hennob^ryimd JaShie, UP, i p»rt it I<-»«i «Ds -If " r ' -* W>Ul*a e^nid, «3U'>»o,j ThooM su»ii»-JjnBet CciWlo#; ¦ !n,pi^W9a?. «o,.oodeTtaii ikio IJ !Bo* Btfn *fielog9 ; pre-- ¦ : : ¦ "' ¦ ¦ : ¦•¦ ' Hol »o, ¦ 1 [OO OO&Utl.l .!. . - - '• • . ' : . - |: jpo ,lB^;p^:Jtot)lB9ei.j>a,the..foaitarMW »eeoo4«d by NV>lio;»«.Kl5bi'! , t. rA+ii ,jr r, p..tnaerlp({. b "^'^ Wn WiIibl riecDi)d«4 ])y ;Wt!lfau^.E|«]ref| - • '. . ;•; ' .. ; i [so .V' aill aeitb 1 Boouo! uAM-'-ttoiaii :BJia md «ha ' WtK*.' i^V^ - ' krM«» i * ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' .. . rd«aMt yoa,. ]Fwb«M|^9r7 r« ««rol|iatitii. f^! ! ' ^ ^^^"' Johb. HojDiKJ.Bailykll-bjyI prppond by John Bont«it7 , T .; - . • : ;¦¦{ . w;:tb« tfme)F WtiTerrr, Cat.ialjsjri.pToptKVrTlioaiM¦ W)»I «h, • ¦ ¦ 1 i . iJcJneB . ortOK^U>«a itb ,tho .qfclw, !»3« ,i*r4«l Bawpfi. G & S« .>bicb the akin! msyM- ' lfJiafi4'C4l fi/»hfc' : . .V . . Dwkn ' • - iroaH ; dinJAIontsditic^iere , ;P»«riacjcfciTOi5(kj pTJDxnsil.By JaaW*Murphy, ; ljcbn Moore, tfllid ; pWBo itd'i ij < Jobn' Kooxi- Gorm«n. ll5rtM jr ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ WoorAjji-—MUlwl B»«l»l 3etl»r|r.o ' .^Hc4jrjHMpltala ' . ••eona^d b X^oSiMqtPit '. •> < • .•! ':.' . .): :¦;.¦' . - . - . Kaox. . ' , '¦ 3»o»¦ ' asd¦ ;tire »tttpdW )«od-k«4-be«J(cl r. ' t^eojded bj Atldf iw : j; : , . ¦ , - .¦; ; - , • • - . : !,• ¦ f. j ¦' . •¦ : AirD'.,to)d l ycor !^:M»«rT .-Powtr, Ck*lit ^ Ainieit.j .;. I . , : .. r :; «Jrj(iet ,fin4i im, »topo««a bj;SI»ai>OB TtUpMoarjM—j»ai«i. ;P»t Rl»|tr»ld ¦ q»k»n, t, > " . • _ i W»U1> »s4 .-'(rfvi^d;tb »abraiVtilMIIttlt«U»f ^«r;t, fir .ootid«dbyJ£itMBrian ; ;-. . • > . . i, ¦' ¦¦ ¦' ¦ ' ; >|; f ;¦ ' ' ' ' [nO C0l,t^t.] .: }.: ,. • ¦ ' ¦ . :•.:. h : ' l'i"l i ¦ ;•;. ^aw iare jou.1-1-doi ^i -'p h»»» Mt il«jH I i &Atu*0*u;it-W&Um, ..Cumin *. &Jtm»«oaW :'[•/ COlJTTY COT^Bs. ; | . «' > . irAtiAHABOHT^-jofln¦ ll?«rpel|J Md W -Moto Cop :;.;%¦ ' 1 ' ' ¦ jSOBWiU , . . . I. , ', .'. v -i^Jv^.lv ,. ::¦ : PartSl^rdetArgk ;ir) - '.I". " " ^¦ ' •'JMtati v ' ¦ :' ' bA^JWrrf. KSTtl^V eid Joha;JO«(,« WbiU&lymi;. r,' pf^pd,*ffc. /oha ' /: !: . : bi'jUi& tk^vt§Uj.. i !ToBBMs4iio^ o^6o^i, p4! ;^i) ^i^ t», ¦: tTbt tin of B' imiDKUeii*l^^lo^ t t>taided to tbe Prew l **\ lLPa4 rV^mi^w4n««i'tii MotMtka by Frtit fiuf *T«nl^^ tr.iiMMD,, &to hiii^^Ml^t ' ¦ ~*V 1ta i: : •ho^ot oe&mt Wttt&kltW ^ J !¦ . *"f I) ' -|liii '*ii V S |*r i i ' ! :fcMitf^Wb*^ r»8iCrt&ia , «T»'«rtort; rtlMjwUb. tip grutet Vt UtU wti Sot b«b»T«d f« Bropc»edpyT» 3bg*«««»«ly^4 MftMMrsal obliriBf ns«BB * to tttii tb4«tadW « ft «a trMirj lfKb3t;frw tb| of^ohf of J »b«l ' ¦ i{ } - - " -;' ?vi " » «ai»««M»9lHcl»H. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ :.^:j k >¦•' v ' ¦ ¦ ' • >¦ {r^Wif^iiu ^v^ ..!•.«..;, ; .: i, >;l- > . -i -I i-' "- . .-I it ; . . ::. rnr ^i '¦ - - ¦ % ^ ; •:i.., '., !^ J .j. .i»',.Mrv| . 'fi .;..: - ^ ^-ij , \ . r- m. ' ' : - ' ¦ ' ' ' v;;£-' -mm-¦ '• -:¦ "¦ "' * ¦ ' * ¦ ¦ > ' !' :f : ! : UENBKAL ¦ ¦¦ 1 1 ¦ ¦ ' - • ¦> ' ' : ¦ • ' ; r:rffiSii . ...:... . .: . ';j.. 'i ,ili ' . - . i - - • .. . ; i .: i' i f ..;4;^: . -.u.; . . liW pll ^ |p ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦:¦ ' ¦ ' s . • : THE . MALL '- •W4 T-EEF0ED; . ; .; - . -iii; . i ¦:¦ - BOBK, ': ¦ : - ^^ : ,| , . ( , . . .;. : ; , . mfialtinritgnexen ^ dnringl thetf'mli^j 8fmat• »vtrv. Uoni 35^tSikMiaMwS§m wwm¥i Notice to! Earp&rs. ' BLooitniLD—Onthe 2nd Marcb, at Newport, Oo I noon with a volubility »nii redundancy bf th mght TJnrooeryea Fotnitorp, Localocal andDiflti Gossip ¦ ¦ Anotion of Hoaiebold andDistrict ' , Kflkanb '^e ' ' ' ' " ' ' y, »ho wi/e of G H BloomSeld, Esq, of a too l attd lingnage the Bke of |»hioh was v«r4w«l. : ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ' '; .i „ Dlolng enoV, Drawing Boom $diUs, :S1debc«rd!, , .: . - : ' : - r-¥. ! v : ' ¦;. . . '' Onr Prices to-day tor Pipes oroia under i ¦ Jiardhrerer:- heard before lwthe historic¦•' COMOII J- ^ Cablneti,. Mirror*, ' • ¦ ¦.!¦ ¦ ¦]; ¦:• " ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ '"•¦ ¦ ! Bookcase, Lofty | Colmney' :- ; 0I^D . - : -i • " ¦ ' ' teti h i ; lbs. o. Q. lto. : ; / : ' ' ' ' • jWtr, : ty uu Btioicj; .tindldaw for ChamVer wkere the lctur » of two of the grlatstt ' . . d.Q. . |. " Harm^ium wltb : 10 bjo'psj yttdln; and Cwe ; ; p Kational¦ Moat atid Huret ?ari 11' 0 ¦ . LANDLOBD j ;i>romana Di»iuion of tha Coanty Iruh , orators looked* dow 1 upon th^ '¦ amlnated ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ 0. 87/- For Sixes \ ... under : 15 Brussels arjd Tapeatry Oajrpeta 'Axmidicter MABTJB—On Itfis »th March, 1899, »ti Woodviaw, ; :. ;- ! . . Keetin g. . • . I :: ¦ . 1 ; AND TCHAITT his Una. tronp-we i'hOniM . Francis etraagaa^^ti pflfcUrt anrBj^Twfelat L 87/- For Erlmo Sizoablo, • , , ' ! Bqoatej ; j Brass Bed- Portw ', Co WaVerford, of bronchitta. Mary, widow of . Council, ii oppr«*«iiiy . mean Brigadier to rtfcc^ 0 to 1 2 14 Bedroom Appointment* , i ; : '- ; ' ; A« wo hav« ' Meagher ana Dabiel 0 the Liberator] ; inf i «pon him ,w»y ' i from 10 to 19 eta. 1 1 i stwds ; 'ltifi HarnMBj Jamea Martin,'FB 0 8 I, fa her ggtd year. . . |. lord, i Col. StuirtJ 'Oo^nell, , MAIDIIS HDiDti-Spoofc (A 1 > an* b* wu'^Bfio imht :; . ! ¦ • ¦ Beddicff;Kitchfli) Seqais iroquontly oai the' Tolerant N&tionaliBta v ' ¦' ^lubtlnfalO, i a 37/- For Prime Stout, 1: . Twd Ladies' Bloyolea fitted with Dunlop TyirM, ' " ' ported /i . : ' ! The htalth of the city U noi yet ,lox (0 HBgao) 3 j Oturry Heart (G WfWamwn), ' UW. ^ 2 Io to 1 : 8 6 ; • ;. ;;; - * til look confldBntly W the snccawof Cel, Stuart, . Hli t^Mahlni . aAlriMiMr rVwMia> ;«.bi»^1^4i ' I ; from l3 to l4Bta.il i (purobancd lift year) &d.; !- i : ; ; i; i ; . . i riUlRAIfTBED . .. : MaAgLia as would be desired. Measles still ; lliO rtn-PHndd, jO.id, HUL Sbiir >r^ land Overweight, I ; ' - ¦ vho, we hold,<4 ona of the best meriiinthe oounty ; with fear, 1 3. 35/. For ¦: „,. mo BE BOLD BY UNEE8EBVED ATTOTION, PAtAUTiW. progresiei steadily ,>ej lowaoiaev Bet IP«-*4 to ! agrt 'Cbetfj Bf»rtr from 14 to 15 Bts. 1 8 1 to 1 S 14 -«. 1 M i on THUE8DAY, 18th ! MAB0H , '09, St- 12 ¦ ¦ i : Sport/it*I'Priu doj|1O t? l .telo ^lOO blrthpUoe i of Brigadier- turnsfrom the Registrar-General we find that five tiers. Won by ¦ . olook, st oor Salerooms, The Moll, !Wtterford. | . | i Ix la¦ ngtb* ; t»o l«OK th* fcetweea ¦ • ; 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦ •¦ ' Hi * Lca^Up-Web, Jfr Ceiobets yoo»r»» teBtr 6. 83/- For Unfinished i • ...... j lirge' i'COMitiHS | Gbsral Xhomu FrBhcisMeasheri deaths from meuW were registered in the Week soad and third. • ', ¦)• -M ) ¦ \ . j j qu«ot'ty of useful ^HodsehoIdjParnltute I * _ [ !tlm« :prMlUlng tofora me according to ' |j ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ ' t •; ' . - HOTEL.' I gwhieh WM for ovar half aoentdry ending March 4th. and rumour says that many yet 8ITBB«T 8ttui a ' aodI ii»VBaJw»y»!ofca Id. Farmers who wish to eell to ua teiBOTcd/for convenienceot 8iile. ' , . 1 Hufiut*—Old Gfrl (W lUUej)' that joo were wayt po»««ned ¦ - :: •- ¦ - ¦' "n"-~' ¦ ¦ • ¦ OtEEDAGH, DTJNliOBE EAST Qranrilla no avail unfortunately lrd. . ;-y. - . : clr.cc38 Nos. 1 and 2. Pleaea read the notice- care- j ,, FBIDAY, MABOH 10,; 1899. tnder the management of tha Hotel : The present epidemic is Wther'cf theijnilliietiiUribated Company, b whorf. we nnderttandi it ii to be ton jwimlniataringa very novere lesson in direction. NATI0HAI, HCJ^ SMiPttCHlBl Q1 ¦ tohlmbyhitlofdjSp.: i faUy and act accordingly. | ; ; " .; ' WATBBFQRD. •; • j y tbi* BB Boy«l Hlt Lordtbi|>ukeditoaaet6aM of thafcutielta, -> , ! on modern linos aiid in &coorddnoo with tho reqaire- Influenza,thoug h leas freqnent. is steadily pnraaing tfr 3fer<5o.oii), I; P4*ofcrok«r (Jit-~ Gordon), 2 ; ¦ i Couotel banded up ae»eml copies «< ittw - Htm," ! Tho Bacon ' Curers' Association have supplied, EXECUTOKS' ; : tuents of the travelling pubKo. VVe regret that iU objeotlonabu course at present . . . , | : [ash (Mr Dtvles), t. Alio r.o-lTitoo.Tlis-fll, J i SALE . \ ¦ : fcnd Mr Batt«r«bydrey«tt«ntiontowberith«i«fcn--; and ore supplying, the Bonn bcab Baited for j before the old etrncture wds put into the^uinda of : i At Toesday'i meeting of tie Iflettan. Tawin Btto, W«Inat, TJphinUi, iBird'o! Of Soperlor Household Fnrnlture, iiCblppeb^^le mM ED1T10H light, Farmers and Cnrera, viz. :—those! of the Large Dresden, ths trchitcot andl builder it was not photographed : CoHPoaAfloN , Waterfqrd: Corporation AJd«r-. Orphan El C«itlebe»d, Dairy L»si, Bold havb largely dig. j Mirrors and Tables, Worceator, Royal for , tho take of the old historio msmories which olgbt. Eyeglu«i Tbe NOre, Eoo», Pilln|d'Anioar, Whtto Yorkshire breed. Md ' j Sevres Coatport China, Mojolica Ware, ¦ KIOHT HXhTlRQa man Hu ley preseated his motion bad sot 'yet *eea .diicawgedtaid—I bate great ex. map's, etc., ohdwlng where and by whom and aro associated with iti • : i : ¦ ht dieet- iloaleViIj'too,P«narli1 «od Keno. BelUnK-*to;i fa» matt ^ trlbuted MB, Watetford . far the holding of nig ^«y» thojk t»n.t««Beii (laBgbtBr)i I ' boars aro kept. I ' ) : i Indian Cabinet, Bate Venetian GI ¦ ¦ , responsible len Boytl, 6 to I Upbantc, 100 to U liat%100 to ; Mf, ^ onoh. is I Cut Glass ; about E00 Vclumpo of Books in MB'S • : . c This well-known ilrm 61 Iron and ^ngs but as he explained hi was entirely B»ttm% laULisUets ppgo .tb»5t8»rwhich Iho BEST 'avaUablo food: for pl^s potatoes RODEBT BCOTT Hardware ore solicit- for the proposal and had not any /com- Walant, Bird {of Flight. Byaglais, tod Pawn- lBIt 8IW I BaeHsh nod French ; Bookcaie j: Magnificent SHE OF THE OLD GEAwB Merchant* •okor * ' *** "* **> e ; and bilk. Barley meal is carhops j the very best, ¦ AHD ConpAny. monlcatlca 'with other municipal , 100 to- 7i Caitlebead and K»aa\ ;LO0to6 io ; Brilliant TODO Cottago Piano by Erord ; Ormolu I ¦ JUEY . ; ing through our columns orders ; mnmbors of tha me^chfJttl ? but If Indian meal la used 16 ohonid be thoroughly J •; . . !- tot ths eooaon j oat- opening. body On the subjeot. He pointed out, however;that ritoD, 20 to 1 otben. Woo br ilx lengths j« bad j Mr Cooper Said t2^.wWMr * *°° i Cloos sod Emplro CatuHeotloki ; Brobssts ; iitd. (Tpbanteaiwaa 8tras»WM«»der ' cooked by bolllns. ! ! Farmers v/ould do Well to poruio their ndvertLso ho merely desired to obtain tho feeling of, the foortb; Triton flftb, jWalout |cross-examinaUon .by him . he (piotecatptVaaid' j Turkoy Oarpsts : Old Sheffield Plate ; Ltmps ; TO-DAY one of- tbo old institutions in Ireland of !¦ - 1 ' ' ¦ ¦ ' xth, ba very WORST foods pbrhops are, turnip}, . ; " I. ' . ¦:¦ 'id aod H jtgtut next. Nothing cbe couptettd Tho Two Datob Paintings on ; Hanoi hy P Wag, faant. h - ! j . . Council oa the subject, Which was one, his ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ wouldnot have, (ttoed,t>to<»edingiilikaiK 'fr'ttit had and ; brewery or dl^MIlory gralno ; : an administrailvo i character has practically ' opinion—and i« ooar«a. j : • , | T . 'sot atstUed bis mangolds, I 1689 : Water Colour Draafass: Toll-boy :Lat£O day or two I' .; ! The introduction of Ur. Honburr'a we agree witn him—which will have profeaaonalcharacters; \ i. I every pig fed on thcia that are 'killed in our ' ceasorj^ to' exist' ond^b a will hare ' to be tattled later on in tha manner indicatedis his MAisBit SjLtiRo Grewticruai— Ooldoasher r Hlt Lordthlp-.W«U ! Telessop?, by Caroy, London ; Appolotmonts of . ' Tan | Telephone Bill on Monday has iwner), now, Mr Cooper,I hire beta pramlou will be ascertained to bo!" unfinished" bscome but as a memory—a reminisconco of 1 motion whiah read :—" That in tho interests of tha 1; Bra Catohu (Dollery)S ; Tfa* Slanp lookatf over tome of tto»artlcl« I Dining and Drawing Booms, Halt StaJrcosoand : TEIXPEOKE. given; general: catifoction, ui it 1 WiUlamwa) 8; , «3 t thinktf you wbon cloven into sides! In our hanging houzs. . about ao 1 : now msmbsni who uoditdifffealt to attend meetings BettIoS-6 to 4 •«•« B«« C«iohcr. "id a few words on btiilfofyotttclittt. aadrrt . < ! LandiDgf. Bcdroons (4) &e., &o, • !clac3 legislation, a thing to ba spoken . U folt overywhero I that tho I j . «^«»*• 1 \ convened at meetings to A Goldwatbor, 6 to ZTbe Slomp. [Woo by him b> lay that be will not BE SOLD BT AUClfON, od TUESDAY, of Engh'sh Enlo in Ito- tdephono is not worked mainly in ;tho tho present (hours, fatnro ' do tbi* thlag any morewe TO," omongst the anomalies shall bo convened tor somo convenient hour in the gbt Uogtbi; • bad third. • might end the matter. That NOTICE 2let MAKCH, and folio* log day| at 12 o'clock, interests of tho oommnnlty. and reforms' oro uidly BrviEsiDB b nrtsc nestica and I i IMPORTANT i land. IWe rofor to the County Grand Jury : ovenlcjj." ' ; . i : HnBDtn-Dosiy guem (Tsylor) 1; amwroa wlU aee TOM way tn adopnt, . i ¦- > tt CLEEDAGH. Danaoro Ecit.jbirditeatlonaor the Deeded. Tho maia proruiona of tha Bill ' ore— ¦ j j sbbarn (WilllttiiBaa) ¦ 1 \7o hava almost continuously in our weekly "nrrU tho catlr<» vrhich ia now . lost to futurity os a factor for : ' ¦ As wo ha'vo already pointed ont 2 ; Oloon f Btomu)fl . Alto Mr Cooper jald he Wit jnra he would e X J 4sbburo. jWoa by .Connsel then; complained that if his client was not D"comti«ci Glaw, Oblna and F|ate, Pointlngi ond the place thereof shall inow it no tslephono systdm throrighout the Tares Kincaotns, ro loBgtbs, iim« dlnUnca ditidirg second sid tt lrd. entitled to quantity of tho clezalflcatlou called UNFINISHED apply (o • ' I ' bo rather glad at present, while poblic feeling ;is cimraeoi upon tfit Ixf of ip and Corpontba • : • ; • ! I For detailed particulars more, i Individually, the Oounty Watorford fcogujning with Loidon. 2>That[ power shall CoOMJin EiEerbtcnAss—Doad Lovel (Mr G S in a city liio stlU continuc3ororjf;lirgo indeed. ! THOMAS WALSH 6 EON, AuotioocprD, to, given to tho Pc3tmnBter-Genoral to gront: Iiconcc3 rather warm as to matters municipal, thB flight W«tejford wUere. ne«t wu very scarce, Unfinished," pljjo ore deccrlbsd In our : Grana! Jarora ' were men of ability, and the meetings have not or rather that a»ls«) IJ The ;Tramp (W Dollcrj) 2 : Faithful his occupation *oujd ,pe eo'ne... • These " . ! . Tbo i5Iall, Wttt2rturd. to;monicipalitlsa ;w»h a popnlatioa over 60.000J to been agreed to, 1 assle '«i- . . i' printed circulars ^ thin, lU-abapcd, codrco-lecrced , —-— r---; - i - 1 — - . — majority of them had a conEcientious itho propoDer thereo heard tho opinion of (Xsylor) 3i Al«ojau«-Lotaoter. Batting— HU Lordthip eaid tha criticitni of a or Ret up telephone Systems of their oWn, and to f having to 4 on De«d j public body : thick-skinned^ Dott-fatted pigs, tbityCnrongb, i : CITY OF WATJJEFOBD. desire to dischafgo the functions for which ' ItheCo'nncil decided with his customary good tact p«T«), » to 2 tgit Pslfhfol LMW , »o one thine bat when that kind ofcrirfdisjbecomes , : badly jtea or both, aro un- enablo them, where. $hq adjoining districts agree, to to 1 The Tramp, 10 to 1 Ltvaoler. V?oo by four personal it it all balng badly.bred or , | carry tha system into snrronnding ercos." i It does to withdraw tho motion. I . : tne other way. , I am afraid Mr fitted to mato Into best quality' full branded they were blenially. colled together by ogtba ; a ItDgth between i>cond aod third, Cooper; judging from jwhat I hate ' ¦ Sscotttora' fiJcJo. . cot. ceom nrotrcblo that the developinent will, reach : . It {Area no nlcisaro to state that read your ajde meat tcsca, .IT: - • i the County High Sheriff. Men like the lato A Succn:27Ui< Miss hine Caalfield j has be very hardened, and must have gone throughthe hear that ¦Waterfowl for ' many a iday;' still thero ' in, ground Josep mill for a Farmoro will parhapa bo surprised to Sir Riobert Foul Bart, tho Hoh Dndley ¦ ' WATEP.FOBD paEscd jaost successfully a L01IDOH BEETIl couple years at least (laughter). ! . j our purchases j No. 22 BROAli.8TREET ; for hopo. ' • ¦[! . . ' . ' i ! i Mr about one-fourth to one-third of ¦ , Fortescue, D.L., Cupthin Villioro Btuart, of LADVv proUminoLry examination of the Cooper then glve an undertaking not (o maio " Unfinished," ond the bacon (Comer of Bro^d Strcci-tud AruiidEl -Liis.) 1 ia meaauro is ; bated ! on the iTna XiKooLiti i personal br professional attack turn out to bs. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . Koyal University of Cambridge. upon (Sir. Slangs in, ¦ i . : Dromana, Mr I Nicholoa Power Q'Shea, oi Post Office (Ean TttKiij, Haroh 21. nilj.) future but manufactured from them must ba cold at very I j 1 CoiiPETmoif. ainmptioa that the Shs is —Oca he reserved to hit client Che right toexctcio Loses; Count de la Poer Captain VV ¦ daughter of Mr Pnu! Oaulfield, Glen House, 9 to i; seas CUpstono ¦ loir prices ; say about 10/- porewt. average under C* Bent of Shop and Dwelling Honsc, £30 ; Gardenmorris, , yce, is logally and raorallylentitled to and is a boarder of the ' , I hit privilege »» a pab'ic Journalist. • :. . '¦ . : : irod. ' Reat of L rgo Store Telephone Ursaline Convent, St Marys 10 to t „ Htwflnch ' I Hit that made from finished pigs. | 80 years onexp and hit Richard Ussher, of Cappagb, only to entarinto compatit on with tho National, Waterford. Tho success of !Mis3 Jocephine CauIQcid Lordship-—And I hopei Mr Strsnge and Mr UNFINISHED pigs to adjoining, <32l ; Lens, £9 years onerplrcd. Company. Instead of working on the system of Hto 1 „ Uoifortn ' O'MahoDjr «U1 be Tho proportion of j mentiouateu—wero meniwho most obly tioisted is all tha more gratifying las eha Is under < tho 14 ti t ,, Bridojrona | fiood Wend in the fatare (Uoghier) FH7ISHED in Denmark Is very much lea indeed enkcrips:oaij favoured by tho Telephono Company, ' c^o Cei Uin psoplei had been very »uch abated in the deliberations of ; the Grand, Jury, and ctlpnlatcd by tho¦ examining authorities. i lGto 1! „ KnlibttftisThUtlo ' ' by >ew» ttija in Ireland, and the reasons are that much Important to Tobacconists, jsrocero. and othera t&3 Poat Offlca \7iil adopt tho Swte method, by '- 20 to 1| „ Eookuood pipai u}d nothinf Jiippenea t? them after til, YTc and feeding. who toiled conscientiously in the interests of The Borough Treasurer j liru rrill jutt 'drop ~ QC73 euro Is taken there in breeding trhich, cf tor paying a small subscription—likely to Trrnn RnaT wrftton 20 tj 1 „ Princti BarcJdba [ the veil now and the Mayor ranit ccaie again Canada has come to tho front in [desiroas of Extensive Baldness Premksa* : ; isystom under vrhich amount to cboat HZ por annum in tha coco of Lon- to ou persons responsible bact to the Bench (Izaghtn), Then j the ratepayers. The CnAUGm. to tho Corporation for the i 25 to 1 „ UlsanC:ratood , Thb esded Ihs ctse< thtji matter ; Canadian bacon la of excellent ; ' ilon—a Ic3 for evejry telephonic rcessapro will ba pay- S3 to 1 „ PiCtljint : j : To be told by Poblle Aucttoar ; these gcntlomon hayo bsen worldn^j however, ment titha rent charge, and quality, being mado from the bast bred and bsit charged, as in tho caso of telegrams. In Watcrford of' 40 to 1 „ Ltdj TotticJ .; ; j Oa i THDHSDAT, £3rd ilAROH, 1C99, ; was" a very defective one ; it \7oa feudal, tho replies received co 'fct aro by no means an Klokefj by a Horso. fciplso. ii _ : I thd chargo forj . thq tui of tho telcpho&3 ia £7 pci THB yt TtoziAU | 1 if thai Irish farmers do not wobo up, At 13 p'cloolt on ths Premised, b dtaictiora of tbs unpopular, and at times a Eslfish and an ¦ : ; ; indication that the tithd rcnt-pavoro cro going to In fact, ^ y ' tnnum. : . I , •;: . no J7rl3«y, Uarth 2-i.— About 4 ciloncsdooO ysrd3 This evening, while a man nameJ this industry wlll leave tho country, will go like I Kxecators' of th3 late Mr Nioholca Walton. arrogant system which was bound; sooner oi bury themzelves in tho matter of cavment if! thsv 23 to l cjatXebto James This wo etatoJKrioualy and Ihe announcement ia mado that par at all, Amongst thacs liable—or all-ccdto bo 25 to I' ,, BbcrlOHntlon Murphy wd3 riding a horso from the Dangar- othora have gone. THE INTEBE8T IN THE GOOD-WILL OF later to totter to destruction under tho weight A McLAi'cnoi.7 the Qaeon hno appoiatsd Mr. liablo—is His : : dolitorcitoly. . : , I . I Grsco. tho Dako of D^ronshiro, 40t-> \ ,, B»r»o(t) Tan , Btstion .t,p,. tbe SGIford- Boat the animal j . :THE EXTENSIVE CONCJBBN8, . of modern public opinion, as concreted in Mr. SiiiarACTion. William Vincent Walltco to ono whou agent in Lismoro kvfaca point blank to pav "We wont suitable pigs from 10 to 14 stones ¦: reared and tErow,.bltD, and kicked him severely properly bred, and fed on proper Known 6J No. 22, Broad-ol, with Lerge Store, ad- Gorald Balfour'a Irish Local Government BilL : ! of tho vacant nominations now in tho demand mado by tho'Borough Treasurer, and if ; dead weight, Cbandlory ; her rift to tbo Oharterhonso Poor Brotherhood. GEdEGE in tbo-hcad, infliciiDg a 'nnmb;r of lacerated and which we stylo FINISHED. UN- I joining, in nhicb tbs Tobaoco and Now that we have bidden faropoll to the the Council go to law! with the lluko we aro BEOOKD, i food,' Bosinea ma carried on for over half a oeatary, Mr Wallaca ia.tho con of tho comp03or bf " Mari« 33, SOOTH wountTi?' FINISHED plgsare NOT wonted, Ithey can only convinced that ha will fight; tha case step by step |KING 8TKEET, DUE.LU7, . Dr Roritedy, who cttended the in- floor npicions Sbop, fitted with Grand Jury i systcm nnd nil tho pomps ond tana" ond •' Lnrline," whoso biography ,we shall ba manufactarediinto bacon at a dead loss, they i It containson ground ^ up to the very footstool of tbu Lord Chancellor in Executes Comrnusions (Starting Price Only). jured man, is of opinion that he vrill bo , him- Counters, Sets of Drawers, Screons,, Largo Qlt:3 vanities of that encient regime, a fow general publioh from the gifted pen of Sir. iCaranagh in n tbo gilded Chambsr Howovor, : bring discredit to this country, and, help to drive ¦ ¦ ¦ tho matter may (IHIBn SEASON.) ; ee!f cgain in. a wcoii. . ¦ • Windows. !' ' . ' remarks may; not" be out of place rogarding law weeks. The Author of " Maritana." was born safoly bo left in the hands of Mr John F Knox, tho the! trodo away to the foreign producer. I ! Limits : I?ace» kinder COO iov»., 15 to 1, raicei value that " finished pigs should ; Tho Dwelling Honce, over the; Sbop, mtl c^j^pts what it really waa. We are indobtod to Messrs in thio city. Hia son, as we pointed out in these Corporation Law Advisor, who mado a longthoncd Ifc is . manifest; . , DiniDg and Drawing /SOO sovu. £0 toll, races 1,000 tors.25 to I , Treble higher prleo' than " unfinished" Hall door entreace, contains colamns, lud fallen on evil days, and it is at least atatomsnt on this question at Tuesday's Corpor- Election !of County Cpuncillorc command a Pentries,' Kitcaca' tnth 'keaso,' McSvreeney'o and Muldoon'o " Guide" to tho ' ilfcnts, 40 to I, Double Events Z5 to 1, Dnki of Yoik But tho ; jqnaliCy can only ba correctly Kooms, 6 Bed Rooms, . . 6 lccICEcholy fl atkfcction to hear that in his old ation meeting, and who ia jfnlly convercant with all Thli afternoon tha Grand Jazj ones. W.O ; held onder Lcosa from tbo Corporntioa'. of Wa- Local | Government Bill for much of what ho ia at lest laced beyond tho Teach of want. ' ¦ :. $takes, Ascot Stakes, City and Suburban^ Chester ballotedfor throe determined after the piga are dead, and on ! £30 p the ftcts. . I ' 1 meiabcrt of their body to represent tbem terford for 99 yeas, from ths 2oth Uarcb, 18S0, r.t tbi The Grcnd Jury is an Jootitution 1 Cup, Ccsarewitcb, Cambridgeshire, Derby.l Eclipse on tba examination wpen cloven Into sides ; it cannot ¦ followo :—"'. ! . . [lit. T.: Fenncay at (ha last Tho annonncsment mode by Mr 8 Stakes, Coanty Conoclls. Toe tcrattnyresulted u foliowa t— LOTT Bent of £80 per anDnm. ! !' : . I Ebor Handicap, Goodwood Sukcs, Grand bo correctly determined wbon the ;plgs ore alive. :of remote constitutional origin. Introduced ' Tnc THAIIOBD moment decided to contest this IITPOHTATIT Morris, M P, in onr advertiK- , Bit Vfm Fan], But, Hi fi J Utaher, sod C&ni L CT 1 Tho Hoaco hsahcen compUtoly renovatcdj and la now Rational Kemptoo Jubilee Stakes, JJrprpol Cups ¦ ¦ ¦ If any farmer] wishes to sell to us according to jiuto Ireland aftor, tbo Conquest, it gradually J^rviuoN. i division with Mr. M. J. Murphy, Aimonnc"niiHT ment columns should bo read by (Snmaitr and tg|omo), JJncoloshJrr Bocdicap, Una- Bonaparte Wyso. , . for quality, ond agrees to ready for immeduts ocenpatioa withbat oas penny every householder In the city. 1 our dead selection ! : ¦ ¦ : fathered to itnelf theextrcordinary combination ' . \ whoso candidaturohas been beforo Chester Oop, llanches'er November Handicab, Horth- accept our decision as to what plgohro " finished" outlay :.! On St Patriok's Night tha mein- - |Adjoining, is tho Large Store: in Arcndcl Laas, |of dutie3 which disaspear with tho present Act tho elcotors for a long time. No oho deserves bsttor dmberland Plate, fcftie Thoosxad Guineas, Oiki, Koyal ond ; what arej i" unfinished " after we , have , of Tromoro than Mr. Murphy, and bur only regret Tnn NATIOIIAL borsot tho Youne Men's Bocictv Hunt Cup. 8tewa»ds Cnp, St Leger LAKGB CATTLE BALE AT THAUOBfi. with four Lofta, in connpctionoi th the btnlnca, bav- inal Criminal jurisdiction , , and Two Thotmnd examined them iwhen cloven into .sides, wa will leaving | only its orig is that aach a worthy gentleman as Mr. Fennccay FESTIVAL will givo a concert at ; thefr Gnineaa, 40 to 1; ono-loorth the above UcHls 1, 2, 3, extra tor piga then ao- iug Gats En'rnucs ftoa Arundel Lano j, held under Messrs Xkoaza 'Walsh and Son annoaaeo in out pay htm 3/- por| owt. unimpaired. The fiscal i porcero of tho Grand Cn^nMtionably isJ Jconld have been in'dnced to spacious rooms in Parncll strcbt, i: eight renners, unless Favourite tUrtf odds ca, or edvertlsln^ columns thb bins very finished" of tho deifications Lease from ths Trustees of Bishop Foy, for a term of Tho projjrammo, wo bolicvo, will bs thoroughly a iopor Uuit certolned to ba " at the Lovr Best of Jury in- England practically ceased to exist engage in this contest.' As to wh&t tho result will r)Uce betting ii qcotcd. Telegraphic Addrcsi— auction-ca Monday,' iand nurubared in onr weekly 81 years, from 26th Llorch, 1897, ¦ appropriate 27th lost, ef ell tbs dairy ftcd called •' Prime " ' ' < ¦ ¦ tie thoro is no rciion to doabt. Mr. Murphy's , and «o havo no doubt crowds will Gtocoic," Dublin. , atoro c&ttle, horses, larm ; ! ' 1 £21 per onnum. :; i I . j nearly two conturi03 ago.' In thi3 country not thronp to tho Hall to hear tho music of old Ireland. ' implsffienbi mid protista circulars 1 and 2. in every SUCCOT may bo taken ta assured. ' For ths District RULES. : ¦ the property Df Ur now knou, classifications numbered . Tho Premises will bo found completes only were they not niadc fewer in the bp:3- of Tho cSargo for odmicaion will bo but sixpenca. I . . . ¦ FrMirl¦ cit Bndd¦, 8wt«4 Briar As fanners : Being a coiner booze, pith extensive storage Ootmcillorship Mr. iWrn. G&llwey, J.P., icracd his J No objection c3tfrioiocl trtlcss aade oa the day Parli .Tramoro ' •[¦ " •< . :• • ¦ ¦ , cnd nre rinderolEed and oversized pigs, respect. but were increased, Gtrength' eoed, ond Tbo City Grand Jury tWay 0, 3, 4/ at rere, ond iitnate in tbe very bifleat ithotoogblaro, it time, feddre:3 on Tuesday. Mr. Gallwoy always took a tho raoD is ruo. IA.II accounts settled by price In tba ond are required : baly to a very limited extent ; enactments of Parliament VlorrnJO eppointed tho Right Worshipful forms iba most dejtrabls and bpet boEincti conccrcnia consolidated by , grcit interestI In Tremors, and at tho Board of t Usnchoitcr Bpbrtloff Cbronfcla" ; typcijrepblo or * > i those numbered I, and 2, cover most of the pigs JucTicra, t. » tho city, affording to capitaliata ax < opportunity rarely coming down almost to our own time. The Ucardians invariably aided llr. M. J; Murphy and tho Mayor, Aid W It Ward, J IP, Ijolegrapbio error i exooptod. When oo rice is men- renalred by the Bacon Curer. ¦¦ ;¦ ¦!. ¦ end Aldtrm&n Nelcon, D L, las ; ! .. • i . , i Mr. John Qonnn ia carof ally guarding the interests , tbo money will bo Io«c3tcd on Tho fermor or feeder knows hovr his pics aro offered . modern Grand Jury system was ectabliched by Visiting tioned the Drlt raeo In COTJUTy GRAND. JTJEY, ¦Immediate posecslou cf ths entire Prerit:3 will ba bf t&3 dktrict; ' : Justice for tha county prteon for the nblch tho bores lane, tbs day whether they are properly ond honestly . ¦ an Act passed in 1836 which, indeed is the Hi r ! , I ibo oommlcsoa It re- ¦ bred; and ! . I : , , ¦ ¦ earning y ca r. - i cited. A walkover ' ' ¦ ' - ! , or not. If the pigs aro right, if they will handed to tbs Pnrchucr. ' ' It]tho man in the crowd goca for co>tc<>. bat If boreo trbiob bs< . .: ;. . ^HOiBSDAY. ' : fed For farther particulars spply to ; ! principal Act under which Irish counties bavo A mestioc was held to-day in tho talked over ruot sgcio tbe mma day, tbo o'ooer will otftnd tho real teat, via : dead selection in our A GOOD J auttht " a good Parnolllto" is ITY Tho Connty . DANIEL DUNFOBD, Solicitor, O'ConziU- hitherto been governed, and some of tho pro- for tho ¦C CotnioiL. Conntv Oourthonca ct which Aid ie invented uo t«cond ruce. Io tbe tventof a ?eol- Grand Jnry eat at half-past tea hanging hours, then tt is manifestly : to tho ' ¦ ; PAEUUIXITC. IBAUJ v/autcd Dankitt ' o'clock this morning ¦ ¦ Street Waterford : or to | j ^ _ Ryan nzdsubccquently the Mayor ng bain; postponcdi accooot ot and having dbposed otesmo feeder's interest to call the way wo propose, for , visions of which will Btill have to bo applied in ; district. Tho meeting held on prrcided oa frost or other uninteresting road . •¦ . - . : < ;THOMAB WAL8H fciSON, Atictioisara. , for tho purposs of receiving a report from ame, ttartlDg pfice coamliiloos alreadjj receive 1 uses, he 'getc tho Wghrat prica for tho• moat cuitablo the administration of the present Act. Tho Bunday, tt whiobi [Tnu NEWS was the;only papor tho committco A deputation of the ¦ ; I and Volujtton, Tbo IJell, Watcrford. ; appointed to invuticcto tho arrurs Jtaod good aotil B Sunday iiiterveDea. Doable tad ratcp»yer» ot the ibanrar article, i . ! . ' Grand:'Jury b Ealected by the Sheriff of the represented, was not of a partioularly impressive shoot of tho County Ceis Collectoto. ;Thorc wai> of Kllculllbecn, conatatlDg. 's interest to otrivo to 03 tha report elcowhero given plainly a Itoblo Krenu oi»cated for First FaToarlt^e..Wbao ot Capt Fatle, John 16 is DIEO ; to the farmer county for the tdmo being, the Sheriff himself character, very full attendance of membora, and Aid Hurioy Mnrphy; j Power, Qrlmch and John Coffey, produce thri kind of pigs wanted; and it is to SWEET BRIAE PABE, .TRAT.IOBE Indicates. i i . ' ! iwo bortes are qooted at toe aims price, tbe money * bdng appointed by tbe Lord Lieutenant. In submitted tho roport which, after consideration, fill be diflded »,| Ing tba transfer of that barony to;lriah produce, A U Aztbor Nealn-O of ' Trebles," If teio faonci TOO I D tho «anj» rsoo the from the count? to this that they will bring credit 1VJL of 185 Hctd o! Hig hly iCooditlpncd Btorc that he must piaco upon tio list tho name of Connoil—Mr. Hark Smyth for Bollyduff Uppor ; Olonboncr, aod Gecrgo Potrar, Wdterford to tho coanty Kilkenny. j competo with this Foreigner, ondj keep this in- Cattle, excellent dairy cows, thoroughbred boll, 20 1 iQoost iavtitcd pill b* returned ; If only osb rant tha ¦ esch barony tlr. Jamti Vi: O'jBrien, J.P., Aglish, for Claflh- Traccrc, wlso cretccd tba Chllkoo Pwa and reached Ingle event limitswill ba tatco. If caly The Foreman asked U any repre»enUtlonhad dustry in tho country at all. ptga, Vi farm bortcs, bnnter*. ponles.jand Jsnnata ; one person from holding freohol d tiro run, the bton made to that e2sct tnoro ; Mr. Thorcsa Sullivan for Kilmcadon ; Mr. Dcwcoa City la cafoty, era BOW proStably eoctjed lonble event limits will to ukea. FostsX Order* to boforotbe Local Govern- Wo havo endeavoured in tho I foregoing to about 80 tons oaton'Etran, SO tons rrheaton fura.tr, knds to tho value of £50, or Ic^s^old hndo ment Board, TTU Ed. Nngcnt, Ballytaacirbcry,for Kilroii&n. Thoy io tho Kloodvio DIOIDS lodostry. Hopefol newt xi crossed, tad cada payable to George Brobko. Com- or ¦¦ thb the¦ flrtt meve la tho oiplaln tbo class; of pigs wonted, viz. : tho:3 50 tons of Brat crop hay, lCOj tono of oassoldi to the value bf £100, above tho rent. After aro all good m':n tnd trno and will worthily help ' • cutter I • ! • •;. • ,-• • . • ; i dead weljrht, •• finished" J. V. "£3 rcx«»cd froa both Ecatltmca this wesk. ! nbiion Chiijej j Dosblca tad Trebles 10 per eeat. I welching 10 to \i stones 4 h.p. oprigbt steam engioe iand boUer, shaftings this rule is catiafied no qualificatiori whatover to ^ovorn tho coanty. Mr. O'Brien is, co far, Tho feature of tho : specchas Capt Paris, who acted u epokemsa : ot tbs properly b?e& ond fed ; and if it won't pay qucatity rther comrnhHonp 6 per ceat, ComaisalOot executed ptis, pblllea, nod bolliag, in perfeot order; tar«e tho only mombar of tho old jnry returned. OAPTAIH delivered to-day at tbo very ' t'orraga , depatatlOD, call tbis wu the first ttep taken by tisi fawner to produce thecs, ifcsrtalnly>^ill not tstp cf; tcclilinp, seomsjto bo necessary for tho othor grand loror Corragb, LeoparortoiieopardrtowDTrD sadsaa «11til twotwo-d»y^day rasetiDprasetiDgt of farm implcmento, cart?, dMyb. : ; Tho members of tho Ratepayers' WATKIUS. enjoynblo lucoheon civen by tho jnlrdn Irdtod. No totoanisicioaclcion executed for Mont Heot- tba ratepayers fa connectioa with' lie diaagu psj him to produce any other clacb. usP cyins an dairy utcacib, cot) of coobls iaad lirifj lo harneesi jurorsj The body hao BO continuous or cor- 1 executed for Unnt Meet- ordered by tbe Local for hca " BDJJ Burgec::a' AKoeiation City- High Sheriff, was the manly ings All Telcgrama most beat Gaveroment Boar ^ : •< til] round'ipr^co mixed quality been caddies, pbnton, doj cart, tc. by dircotiooa of porotoi existence. Onca dkeharced by ths . Tun U I and of .Ihe tender!* ctme or . ' ! DCTBICT i nominated^ nnmbor roprcscnt- tnd truly eloquent speech of Ccptain Watklns, uiDmeit name, end thcsi requiring rtplirs .most be Iba Foreman—Did yon hew that barony was doio to a fpnsat bxtont In tho paci, glvca no in- PBBDECIOI: Bttso, Esg, tjho i is rotirlD£j Iron , golop;to be transferred judge of assize, it CCOCCD to exist for any parpcie, thb body, and havo now Governor of Waterford GML Tho Captain fought pr«paid ; oa BO fcoacMcralloo will Ule^tcu teoelv» t ' esciive, no enciurogemont, to produce tho bast fcrniuiT, ¦ ¦ ' CotnJClL. . ative¦; s on tlr Jdnfi Hurpliy—IC 1 : and its reoponsibility CCOB33 with ifr. Tho ' .; a , Drcnondcratiripivpvuuviuwuiir^ ihiiiuuuuuuituonco csv& oa many a battle Cold ; he rocs from too ranks and attention onlcca\a> ecsdex's cssis cf acraaudcaa a he WM ft men report, ; orticlo, cad is an injuotics to tho feeder that doss. . Ur J N White said ho did not the remedy, and would ok Ox MONDAY, -27ft IIABOE, Pncentment Sensions, now obolichcd, wcro their noaiiucca h&vd bean returned unopposed. In is prcud of being a rolf-niado man ; and he also thonn ca urns, j I will Ia r.o cay be rctp6nslbJ»far • think thianutter We now propoid ; erron end delayt la meaages addressed vr&* nbderttood. - - ,, . i ; thota that raico| and feed their plfto proparly to i . ; At 11.S0 o'C!iCit, i called jin each barony previous to the ecsizej *ho city tbca elections troro viowed with bnt Glories in tho cohiovcrarotis in tction of Irishmen tele^spbio to , little intcrut as the paucity of tho nominations who, ho holds, aro tho beili soldiers in tho world. ma: ths tender in evciy czca bos to nm tha rUk cf Ospt BlooBo8eld-Id pn'ttblnk tba matter was ovdl thcacalvea of it. | i . I' ; AT SWEET BEIAB . PAElt. TEAIIOBE, and were composed of the local justicea and . clearly nndencooA ' a shown. Thsra will ba, no contects, Mbsra Ward This afternoon boforo tha County inch roijtiiw. In order to prevent blundersti (M I wry much doabt If ths calte; . Local Government Board understand it 60 cxcjlleut Dairy Cowf,cilviB(j «nd about to number of cea3 payers selected from a cort of end Clcmpott havq co arranged matters that they A I'AncWELL Grand Jury ond tho officials bi poosiblo tarns of modej ibonld alfrayt ( be writtsa them- - S3 Tco-year-old Dallooto otd Heifers ; ! ' cslrea (laogbter), This barony oriKnully->iaO ' § : panel of tha higheat payors of connty rates, tscuro their casts, ahd ot tha camo timo withdrav/' PlCTUcC. csparotcd, Mr Gcoriro Croker, to wor<5«. imtead of fi gures. Ia ths erent ef «nj dit- M©ar\T ©©lay m OM : ¦ years ago—was in the coanty Kilkennyabd it waa ¦; 30 Ycitlln^ Boliocbo aod¦ Hdifcra ; prepared by the Grond Jury ot tho previous all oppo3ition, , ! ' ' ' . ; . with a staff of taistants, attended puto ariiioj. tbs paUcr ia qcestioa thall ca ireferred to : ° h LiuiTft). ^ 15 Caivca ; , i : ! in fho grand jury room and hotographed all tha " Sporting Obicalcls, and ths decUioa of that then transferred to. tbe county Waterford. We ¦. assizek It was the duty of tbeeo sessions : In the County Kilkenny as well p . got the benefit of 1 Tborouchbrod 2 year old Boll ; j to precjnt. obtaining covoral vory good negatives, bapcr ehall ba final. No coraal:iioa will fci executed a tiur. of 2s 6d poor raw andcess TVttsrford, Uarob. 13tb, 169D. . Vcay : os;in our own connty tilings aro 1 tas of Kilkenny. ; 11 Horecs, 80 Piss, Farm IProaoci »nd loplc- first (jonflider presentment? for workfl, &c., 'i'ho Hon Dudley Fortcscuo, D L, wts tho centre tinlett tda araouL. of tics it to credit of ditat. We will have to attend tba ' ¦ ¦ : DlFFEiiUiixJ very different. We givo oka- assizes in Kilkenny! aod we corns under centa. j ' ! ' j „ which ; subcoquently camo for ratification or of tho groop as foreman. : the oat- this »uet!on ta Ur ' i i , whero a foil return of the nomin- door relief for the county Waterford. Let as ba :C2T Attention Is dlrcctoa to rejection before the Grand Jury at tho ensuing -which it will be gathered that many In connection ntth tbo dlQorcoco T- jG PATBESOir Y-fiiCHT FOR silE Bndd has long beon hnoon in'-, a careful acd cs- -ations from between tbo Locsl Gotcroroeot ! , taken ont of the coanty Waterford altogetheror aBsizei. Besides thia a County-at-krgo Prccent- ¦axolttnr; contents rnay bo anticipated. We have not A PPCAI» j LONDOlI AHD FLUBBING. pat as Into it. cannot' - breodor, fcceplog DOOO bat Sha boot ctooli Auditor tad tbo TOOD Clerk cflbo We ride two hofsea to- A SHALL y^OHT, loautli 'about|- CO ft; bean, porienccd sp;s3 or tima to : ciaJyca tho npnunotioas to-day, Eethar ¦ ¦ tadal»»y«:foedlog xiol\. • ment ; SessionB consider presentment?, tho city cs to raDumratloD, tl 0 question" at l:soo ncre daughter). ! ' ' ! . L 5 ft; Iron keel, lead ballast pneldo. Apply ! ' but wo hops to da so in bur next weakl issuo. Single, Double. Treble &&d Quadruple Events. Lin- JS Detailed partloolcrs can bo bad frota . expenses of which ore chargeable cgcinst the y tblr argued before tbo Lcrdchlrf Jastico to-d«y, Tbe Foreman euggeifted that a petition should AUBELL, BhipbrolorJ No 4 Quay, : :oln:hlra Handicap, Grand NationtI, Cltj ¦ to BIOHAED F THOMAS WALSH fc 8ONi Auolioncoro ' ; The ' addrc33 of Mr. James Me- for LIr Feel; asd tni SnV bo signed. , . : . • " ' ' ', '' . ¦ connty 03 a whole. Tho expencss of the oystcm Mr Straoeh, a»t of tt« WBterfordT/ato». . ! ; lUarlco Kciling, i JOHN IIURPHY, Anol ioacsrJ Watorford. . nnaUorcDiid ndvcrtkamcntB ore Otpi BlooafleJdaaktd oi day of January, 1883, era required.'on or before Ihe thousand, tbey tnay be treated no alneglipiblo C3[ji:trato. end of th* Cftesa OoonsUbrs. ilt ia tald, if U was la tatlr poww la particulars (in Toe businera of tho Grand meintaked ' cS ka i: exciptionaily low figuro. nearly half onblllon tho chair. ! i stx to be aitaahsd to as* partisobjdlvUfc a, 26th day of Apni, . 1809. to farohh tt3 quantity. Jury . cannot cccnro (DEFCmS TED L03D . CHISff JUGTIOB AT Mr MeOoy-X tilak claim or demAnd to Itbs ucdai^ud COUKIT OF KILKENNY. 'Ad>ertic:;-3 Id. the South of Ireland llr 0 P crobtjoo, of Crocjloy Btoa., tn e»a-irk»thetloeyps«» trritiog)of suob comprised, bosideo the public worbs of tho .better nsdiona fo • thoir annouacemsnts. Op«noh»w, Ilonobcjtcr Jo»t now tollritor for tin Very BCT William 8H«by. D D, and IJlTirEronnj, . U •S Uti WAT£E1?O2D BPIUNG -AD^IZEa) botb of St John's county, which included the making and repair I J • • i In THE EVBKIKO NEWS of S^tur- . . fltUna cp a, not; tjrpa clto eaa easlss tho Very Rov William 3 Wsti.DD. i HisMy Important Auction ' ; cf !ncon:a ponor for ttercra 37 6 H Hall , tt thcii Tula WM a cats la whloi th» deftatiast, who is per dc:ca ; i-Hoo H ihonld not bo eilicaUd. It will bo teaesbeied Uut lbs Appeal OojamltaloB. , ANli' HEEEBT mETBEB GIVEN, tives of the late John Shea (ttikbvthe full consent and infirmaries, industrial cchools Oi par dozca. BoWrlcoo, Lcdlis, Fcrju:;a 6 Co ths deftudmt tru ladiotsd for criminallibel aad the The foreman-At far at the Qrtad Jar»toei,!ll HdTICE 18 landlord) : to ' dispose county , coroners, well a* til thb Dporting and general nows of the : b more tlri cilcr tho did 26th day of April, 1C99, ths caid thnction of the of by Publio : j I . ' ' ' ¦ ¦ Ltd, Wetotferd. inrr broojbt ip a vorilct cf gviltr, bst ia» Jadfs— j sort of » eospauionato aort OR UM part M certain ; constabulary ' charges, tho convoyanco day. < . . . tba application of KUeaUihaen. .It doo»netafftot Eiccntcrstiill proceed to distribnta .the Asjeb cf ths Aaction on the lands, en THOB8DA Yj 16th UA K CH Mr Ju'Uoo tierjhj—oa jcouosol for the Ottad i*yT | ; 1899, at the hour of OUR o'clock, all that the lntezest of prisonoro, guarantcss to railways or lramway-3 i Tho aidrcscj of the two candiv Ur £ttAss»> boand. ths deftsdest la bit pvn reeof-; K* JCcCoj-ri does mot affect ths Oread *at/ta edd d:Ki;:d amonjet tbo parties entitled thereto, ' now M» of chich in the Valuable Grasa Farm, lately ia' the possession and Dome other Ieo3 important matters, down Tun i data for. thb .division aro niiancs to ba f f good bebavlenr tow&rd*tbe proae- ^ taving regard onh to tKs claims cod demands Lisuonn : 'bofore tho electors. This weak wo; eater. 16 vu cow alleged that lines that order was . ««|i»Wj»»-I ttlsk lt affects tte isaiastss. Collco cbsU bato Dem gives eg sioKziiii of the above-named dcceaisd conUioinE 77 acres, 8 to tho paymont of court criero cad tipstaffs. 1Ma Ba/o Me^apMo , A«, roods Statute Measure, or tberctibouU* ,being eqoivalent Division. * ' ' itcdvcdccommunicationBtptingi made the accuttd had orcioa tbo arranjtment¦ thaa tWngtbal woold bateaths area of UxtU« woe)d "Ditto" this 10th day of March. 1899; ' . : ¦ • J laerwso onr taxet , I: Besides presentments for works and expenses : that " Mr. Power's high parconcJ; : ontsred Into. ' ' 1 , think w« ouhti fattokWll«<^ to 43 acres Iriih Plantation^ Measore, 8ituats at ! ¦ ¦ i : Bolidtor £fe70. ; * , j DANIEL DUNF0ED, 1 i Mr Dattenby, 0 L, tsscvsd tot tha Major, and Mf wftMn UecU we»Mf»r Si post5s,r i : : for ths aid Bxtcntors, Tybroughney. and held under leao for SI yearo," ex- of thsjkind enumerated, tho Grand Jury had to character should!rot cavo hira frora critfolflm." Wo ' lUrk cooper [fcttrnc'.ed by Ur Henry Feely] apptared A rsaalntienbi tlMiata&djan. pre*etUatitcajoas •: : O'CoBncH^tteot, V/atorford. piring ou the 23lb September, 1002, from N A Power, conquer claims for malicious injury to proporty, aro certain Mr !Power never antldpatod that it| " for the deftn&adi. < ¦ -f i ¦ tba^ tTMtf er, aad eaUfee en thai/fcjLSiSt aLZS^I in Mr O'Gorman a ivory stronc (GPEOIAL T£Li:QBAL'B FBOU SHE PBESS • Esq., at tbe Annual Rent of £60, bang the abated rent and criminal injuries to coootablca or witneGscs, would. Ho has : VVBCQ too caia waa raentionoa tea uaypr, woo wa* ¦ cs faxed recently by eudonnnnt on IK;: , j opponent, who ic convincedthat ths electorswo oldj AE20CIATI0U). 1 order, WM nb.tqata.Uv < LOST ths old rent ousteibed in conseqaenco of their action in en tbs bench rcitt and addrettlcg bis Lo^dablp, said, adopted. . " . y7? f PLATE HA^D CAUBEA . con- ietsrved by the lease having |besn <3124. The Poor bring dfrcrcdl^ tfa'Chcnudrcs and their county by ' that he fret ehntaaoi to tba cut be weald be*;kit: QOAETEE ' ' ' msrxLiQnion. e* ¦ 12 Plate bolder a and bcarloQ t3 ivory Lao Valuation is £97. I makicg amonabie persons accused of crime. voting for an oiuti-Homa Ruler.; Mr O'Gorman: ETXonoN ; | Lordebi;'* poroUtioa to telire to the body of th* Fatrlck MoKaUy A taining •• ' > • wl W lot *x,oor> af njtb the nerd " TITO HO 1" on 1*. Flcdcr will i DESOBIPTIVE PABHCTOLAB8. Theis| funetioaS are the only ones of the Grand wu ono ot tha £si ', men ; in Irelandto propoca ' esnrt. . ] ' bin lot btiBg severelyU jind ** * *** I-t-1 ' ' nonia noBiroLii; jioiiiHAtioNO. Uls Loiishipsaid that th? Hayor's: caao w»» tadssalsMd:wtOtk^k* bV suitably reocrded on comrDunkaUns tollb I Tib ; Valuable Farm is dtnjite on the road leading Jury taken away which will not pass' to ono or tbiit tha laborers [should bo owners of their own j tisobsres U hi,daty M OoMlaUs ta (U , linsj C3 ;tho 'farmers cccjuiro pbctd first ia Her litjeity's Coramlwlon jindet whkti KaWlS " Photostcpbcr," ciro ol NEVTB Oflce. from Csrricli-on-Suit to Piltown, about tvro miles from hemes on ths S-tbo [Pi«3 Aesoebtiea Wire.] :¦ ! OcwteSaUrj,oa tbe 17* AagM, 18».h» other !of tha bodies created by tho now Act. ' «rail eoajtimud tad he w«a eollUed to ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ tt-W?!J tho forrjjcr town and one from ths latter. ;It is laid oat their farms under fbo Ashbonrna Act," 00 that ho LosDon, Friday. ths Court . Tn aer *. , . ; • - -'¦¦• .'»'.(• i . Tho • only chick upon the action of tho Grand Jadge' ht lundbyv irtneof | i jCO BE SBB in convenient and cdl.fcnced 6dds, and the land ia decs not coals forward oa 0 mushroom labour GlrEriapton Gordon (Liberal), and Clr Connath ¦it there oa bb (tot t rig . Mr Brett. B L, tastnetsd very btstiu the County ¦ '¦ ¦ : that Coinmitttai. Bat, &it Latdthip Mded that he . Vy Ifc; B'I«aWmsm fTHHE ABBEY HOUSE, F15BK5TBANK. with 3 ^he oflCilkenny—Tybroughney Jury in making prcsontmentof o waa tbe travorss advocate, , . ' . ! [ ' !• . ¦' Kc3p, Cart. (Coasorfativc), woro to-dsy ooaloatad the " ' BCOOCM OTJ woold atk evci the Mayor oi a pee* of tbe realm to JL : Acres of I^snd attcobed. Tbp booco contnlos •-and this Farm espedallybet og considered equal to befor^ going judge csaize. Under tbo ! • ; Acoordlhg to tho R«gittrar.' to costui Nona Norfolk Division to I to Mr Bcdrooas, the best portion of the Golden Vale. The raeaaow/og ; corses B»rd> (liberal), cSsvatoi ta tta /caioUl mate ois «t*t oa the beoch Wbfle a ekte io wbicb 0 Diawioij Hoomj Dinioc Boom and Nins new byBtem the traverso entirely jeenpea, as Tnn Dziw : Oonerol'a return. the death . roto. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦SSES , Stablisg, 4ei . in the lowland portion of this Cum has always fetched 1 , I}cco loccdicto to«rt3 pq can ba qitcn. th» highest price. and on more l^in occasionrealized , tho weak ended March i was ts, TbQ Creator court. Tberefae ' ¦ i lo-jsy (be essdcalon c! a tbrcs JCEM* toaolstion to withdraw and added»-U^>e the c*tedott no»coswt ;Wf.WmJKsnkB^a^«|^4Jt >j«S««s»tMifar ITor lnrtiiT FaHcuiariVpSily to-;, ,^ - - - . • ¦ the eatraoidioiiy 62Wocf £lipcr tcre. Thispait of with icgoxd to tho general county expenditure. hirth as 29°8 Mr 1J00O per annum of tha population. ot , ; th.9 holding U all tacfoag drained^ Tbeie b a oa tbo Mcditsrrsneaij 8t«t!oo, ! on it will bo row ptrfflage aad my pltator* to bav* AJ 0. ANDEEiiOK, ,:_ : .. : hly Malicious injury applications v/ill, cji the other Other towns (rr»r?5Utere«i«s apdatded:—Wexford; J ¦ : jsmbstantUl- slated; Dvellipg.Hotue, : with ornamental ' J8-0 Sir Dcsgl«* GoltOD , . tbo calcsat QicUary yoa tented betid (a». { - ' a tlrtot-oi-ionrr. 10 UJ co vM . ceauocsa jeetloD to raU of'Vlejpl cb»raet«r. Cfuatel tbtsl 4. M«bw ot^tpUovbaMuSats lkaviaW nonarior differenco in tho qualityol jtbe Whiskey. Ala . additional discretion by the judge on appeals to • ¦¦* ' bid to : lHsl. S. Ereryore apply to the Laud Courts Immediately to fix a fdr rent. ; i lT^e a cordial iwolcoao tho to oight yeare' penal sartitsdf. : : i tatmlttedthat \ privat*pnmcblloa had BO power to Ued by T, b.H. DpoU ¦ ' ' ' ' ' ¦ " ¦ ' cn§ Stout cs supp ! > - - * — • i • i J j i i - j lino at All rent, rates, and taxes : have been paid up to last empanel a jnry to try questions of fact " TlIE UnjTiin f)rat nombor of The United jTrwfc- Ths disabled Canard liner Pavels la tow' of [two enforcn the »tteidaao» of a dafendaBk wljo bad b*ett who tries DoolanS for anything in'the Uqwr ¦ Tho export gale day. ' • i ¦ i ' i i InisiiHAir." 1 maa, which has for : its sub-titta tags was tinted oS Hslyhxad thU raonlng, I rssklsg bound In teeogftiztaeBt by thtjoig*o f einlul.' Tha cnc3 reoognlea this snjerlpr dlflertoca . of 1 ¦:¦ 'i ! ¦ ¦ " Ale asi supplied T. b. H. Doolan Piifeta offers will be'received by the nnderdgned 8r,:3lfil v*lao I Inr^o dollfcry Irlcb Llcsa ! i fAONfttional Weekly Bevlaw. for Liverpool. ' .' DoderUkUg wl (eb appeartd 14 lbs crov i beok #a* ;j. .; 00WY-;'fj ^OWN nuSIKB^ ^oat So. 1 by. ' ' I' , * It Is a foar pftgo paper dightly traaller than THE ' ' £¦¦ ¦ • ¦ ii ' ' : ' -pict me-opr for invaUdai and up to date of 6alc. Immediate possession can bo given. Cactrfo Hnodkcrcfclefi (job), LidiM , else, 4i per Tbe rjoo-onioa plasterers In . Banderlaad have that lh»dabnds:» waa to comaop for jqd H MB| W(M •] - > ¦ ¦ '\?,.A"" *' . :- -}' -'!; ;,! • c« unmrpaBsableasa ' ¦ specialty of tbe birth- ¦ - n : a ndurbhiBg etfculant. Doolon'a Foe particular* and Conditionsof 8als apply to dozaajjQcntlsncni, D to 13» per COIJU j i-Hca., IlVEHnia NijwA. 1 i Tho CSnid VO& la lapport 'ot tho Onion ceo. jThe called upon to <• to. B* baa* not ¦«• K nlled «^| (; - '- °*T».*T»aLt»».'; - m ... .- others'Require nambsrof tbo paper ia » virulent attack upon tho - $imt$L K *¦ • only idhblo booso for oil round qnality JAtlES J SHEEi SoUdtor {or Vendor*, Os per dozen. Robtruoo, Ledllo, ITcrgcsoa £ Co, bricklayers' and Masons' labourers hara demacded for thb WM not * pnblit pwiimtioi by. fiw AttM&# , DrotM WMia4ifti(| tfff"tittilf istiW •«». 1$ tho ! ¦ ' ' Independent Newspaper Company and their teraot : ¦ j^Georffe'e 6tiMt Cirriii-oa-Snii; Ltd, t7fitafo:d. . : • . ¦ en Inctcasa ol id per hour. i I -j GeotrtJi bat by St LaottaaaOhttlm 8u«iga a Mi.iU teros to hocisekespeis ¦ • ' ¦ Spsciali ¦ ¦ • : ' ; : - ¦ 1 ¦ ¦ ! end Lady Iano, Walerfora. Otto . M ;^ ,' .. i ~a featuio which,might incline a goodmany to car lodlvidnaL ' . - I- ' r-':> '< ' • '. - , . • I IjUciael Ctreet, ¦ ' y^' < ' Mra)«d^|ot^^gl $t$i 'm^lSSSss ; J. P. KENNEDY, ; Auctioneer, 1 that tbs newest brbduelion cama into tha voM fjpiclsl vslao ( Iitrg* iielir«ry cf iilib Lfoen HU Lerdahijaakad il J&8tr»|«ha< tU preiti < 't«aMa^«vtn£aVteS5S: ¦ ; To-IIosrott |ct HuruS j-FapZi. r " spaxzims" Us, Mrs Gamp ,, - Tb»)ttj, WUboai^W Tf"f^is* iSltfieJk sks^M : yalaer,;Bou5e, ijand, end Coauaisdon alrcadv t>oi3C32aA'of Cambrle H»DlkoroblcU (Job). Ladles' «ii«. *i ft c*Wtk. d*tsM ijrt ¦»&]*«¦*(*«, T^? ^hG Hifjli i sheriff's ptioheon. ' might obssrvci $M polioy of the paper fa , thus ' ' Agent Corrlck-ion-lialr. ' doeon 1 Qantlenea'f, 0* to 12j par deseo ; i-Urna., Mrwpar• *s**)M«^b*>%w*U» }**ty M I W Hfcw Fawn Jttt 'tiiM iitn^iAJfem a^jSjti MAIDEN :JUVENILE¦ 'CHAJSER8 TO summed up In its introdncting article t— *, Lest ' ft jMtioaM Wy trfed^e *»T«»J fr mnwi •-« £t two o'clooi tho City High Socriff enter- ¦ ' Os p«r do^ed. Boberttos, Lodlle, Fer^atoa Co, A) MMwtsWtA 99i3w5ililaHl^a^^lCS^ua ffi Toiiy :¦ then roight doubt in any mind, we will uy «« eaai»^«KUM t i f tk '' -1 G>ad Tory, end 6 i : COMPETE. I t** Iitd, WateifoiJ. : .; j ' : a rttdfaaefrdlYoo««, *l . •* ef •** t,K*d tLa nembcra ol ths City O'COITIIELJrSTBEET^ATERFOHB that w» aospt tbs Nationalismand -» of Tta¦ as tha trno ^aUonalls^l Grattan's ery, ' Live M» Ba»«b3 aeUj EK^t . ««* bh laa«*»l m^^^.^l^ S^cJST i p r BOOB. . CUy High Bberiff wa/'E bavo oa Sale, over/ Balorday optil forther for tho National Hunt uvenile SteoplochaEO, tha Empire I* as Mantlet, Oap«», allllioery, Plotters, tod Feithwrsat ^ vv : Notlce-J- ; ; . : J Ireland—Perish the watchwori-of |ri«t4 WM Mil ¦« tajl»k|S»4ei i*w, a» I ebJ*M»73; a race confined to; four-year-olds i that have petriotlsm."-JAna that being oof wo say—«' Weli BobsrUoo. tddlle'*, Waterford. ! i PBE8H POBK, CUT TO; SUIT CUSTOaERS; ' ¦ cevor won a steeplecaaso, and providing he coma, LIttte fftraajor.r . : .! ;¦ : ; ; .; ; ¦ ; ' ¦: ' (s oi good over fences es : . . p Afl fwJllNeccnby annonnecmrat rB'i iitW>^ »t W» ara BOW lellieg :— ;f % ; hurdles, HriuiY Waterford & SoifCh-Eut of Ireland ,rv« ' j' if c ; BAKelly, V*.*oblo, Mot K should be near the mark. XHB LATB ALD cwrbere in dft colnmns the Y$A *UhL . Knoxi BARME3' lit qoalitj Bacon! s( 6d par Ib par flitch | Aeith,has takeri • Arohaaologlcal Sooiet7«| tS' *? Do¦ , do do, cnti>iecsi( 4idto 7i4 :— . 1 ! ITieldliie. who ^aa formany.yen* : inna»l genertl mtetlng f th» »bOTi 8ad«ty ¦ .:> ¦ ' ; psr Ib,'according tn quality, Tht ^ ' M arch Hurdle—Romanoff or Draoo. tbe senior Aldwnah of the Centra Warii Hi* »u held to tha CooncaCBunbcr,C1iTE«Uia(b«lfnii SASHES' 2nd quality Bacon, per BUcb 63 p«r ib Hampton:Hurdlo—Cassock' most respected clock tUs aneroooa. Moat Vi BhMjt,a torf Do; f s PrifloorBrcad-¦ dmalse ba*removed a and dsaerved tWce o' . .,. .do = . ; db, put jrfecw, 4d to 64 i ¦> '¦ ¦¦ ' of the Diocese presided, and berry. . : ; n . j; citirea, aid dnd»ho(was beld to the higheat«tteete BUhop &££ «*« *•« * and pnblic. life. The i sincere rew rd in prmnt-Mr W Borke, Bon Bee ; T BB^tt.iHoo BABSES'beit W»tcrfor^eMk»dH«o JJfl per 5 ;' Novicee!8teep lecbi«>r-Loncchalka or True in socW ' ' ' whi«h the latt • Kenttanan was 1 entertained wu Treaataer 1 B«v J MookWr, Bw P DwehyiB«t .-O»i l-i. . do . '. : . .. . '• . !d» B»cOB.6a to 7Ji ineeiiin re^lecijed tbemotlofrotMiJor M gbf tho 'Wat4- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ durtig the «oming 4ea«oaw«, > ThU >p«akt wtU for i; j CoEMBAta foird* Corporation Was one Ipf tij* jBff . JtJCS*v»' . . „: .-i *•{. J -' ^, , "•;¦: i jK'.vjk ; i . :—ll:A,*- (h. ' TJorlrtU«d Cottet^ hear ti «g, 1 ¦>-. ;V' .*.«?:, tntwttUn* «Mwg l ul^»booS ' , j : An^ni ¦. ,; i moat important and far rwnshing ¦:*»Jffii ft sk ¦'i\. . :i ' , (JmiMoiu'in j' danaeotlon' - wUb BH bMd«iJ»oe >M MraotattA to U» !f S ^&Mm M ft The ; Cumghmore »unidpalll!© thelUfOrraAet ^ 184% 'm&j tmsm : / Mo Hounds; :3SMj»;, *****'»:$ fff i^M p&Ti ff *ff §^^^i& 1 ¦M * J?^ i ^' ^i1 ; <*Wertor4 wi i^lf *n!» i'Sf«('BiWiU|i br»g M» lantou pKk. to^^Ckmttto-ijorrow*hea t »Wj(';^:l«»t^w *» i^licM-Kl f 4iiimiw&M\ ff l&mimw mi *p *Mfc j jlillrtM '• -*?—*Ml ait . UaJ j]IH|K H|HH| t?A Plin f a InasT | wchi :,y««iJ*j>;-1 IMWH ^ te«7 naUen' v«T' ¦ ^|he H>«ii|«D «4fl auMi&Co»ta^ '.U mhUn 1 ifjiH .o^iM#«? tioiottiHettj,_ I oJownpwf«r »'cfcflk,«4*WTK4 lWfi>m :8pshBs iws rf - ; 'M" ' ¦ t mmm m - ' ' : " ^mttmt^ ' : vf : ¦ : ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' : ' -l: 'l ¦ ¦[: " ¦ ¦[ ! ' ¦; .ii ii ^ t^ . . t > •! : mm m1 ¦ t4M;.r- •>' • •-j- . . ! f i! Te» "CJ«ri<»\ya»l-iblng;<« . - py-i.n ^^ ^ iW - • ¦I ' ¦¦] - : - ¦: <: • ¦ ¦ i;.r).n . . - . : |. v , ;. . . . 1-!-^ ;!:: . ¦ . . .! --.| -r ¦ , , . . , . ¦ " ' , - : : Majtion« ^:-,^^.:i; ,;; ,,. .:!- . . - • 1 ¦ - - i- - ¦ ¦ • ¦ ,, ¦ ¦ " ; ¦: aed fifd ft <**» timanov to phot thorn,; j . , i j r [« '*t ! M V i'>W;\i. ;>»*,> i^. '-v -| , . ' / <\'\< • < ' . . . . ¦ ¦i: ^ ¦ -JA .. . . . ' ( ;•;; • .]/ -3'Iftfc^f - ¦ ¦ - • ' ' ' ' - i' ; - - r ; ; - ¦<;; ; . ¦ ! •onoqnoo tW ], Mira CntUa-The taonir tbfbotter..-;!. : , A, 8pebial bf- " - ' :; ¦" , -¦ ' ¦'" ;-FS::&»rfr#n . .- I ¦ > ; ' ]; 1 ' ¦' : ; ^j ..^iG ' . • . . : . . • •i. . -^-.i ;; ' .v 'I" -; ¦ l^Thrthfirawyr-WUigoC ibe ' * p ^:. i- X] ¦ : : de«»l>».' ifb|o.^vto«fc.,- ifUce. " «a- . 8»t^td»yiii lai 1.^'is enoagbt^ri Jfutw^f 2«QtJiifc Afaja ; J. . . - ,*ht> L«o* «t tbe. o|dMt;anc| moat ostMmet) of: tar ¦(or them doe* Bot.wtowd 230»»rd«. . j ' • ' ' «O|0^ ente *f '{¦ The Olatk—Have .you.decided wber* yon will ])dt DepnUtlon/ wbfoh la'^o . -waH onvMr rndbury f ¦ jd»7' .- mbrp- tto ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ' s '¦ ¦¦it M^i. - - . ' i -n , i#:-ii'"-- j * r f ' < ' > > . r . ...• . ' . i -_..r.'t. .l.w _ 1 ,. • * 1 . ... \ - ' ji *i£Wtywt»i-- ..F<* .ri>0 iMfiiyeiur or ' » ; 8nd ' ^ 1 ' . - ^ . - . ¦ Bot th» lr«ci. :. - . . J • , .j\" ;. .- .. !.; ...... i - . L ,, .l • :;;. !: 2lff; Diapons»ry HonM. purely te>bnibaV" ' »})) ii: ^;!- • even- wheriitae. best medical scienc^ been and , until wiibii hiwoei beforo fcji ' M»6 0D4 WljIoU' tbey Hopi) of ifjvpkep in vaip, tjie: :he»hb bot^^i NotjaloriS will they ufford, orotjotlon.i b»trtbo '»p- appeal 'Jttf. f-'i""'¦ the pafients jaflticipated nothing for them but de»th.ih mmire&ted ' ' Jo. BobertBbij; of tba Boari bl .YrorH, ! 'friflnd^ death,;, • -j »tt*>y; lerlqa? rympj.om»««re pe»T»nea of tho pUoeirin brlminentelJHmp¦ toteaibjr i - ¦- ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦• • :•" lrelnnd ' " ' th«m.|:- -; • " ;:- : ¦ .,!' - • •;¦ - ;¦ ! . , jwbo Ja!'* 'railway inatt -ifid. »«s .orlttjae •, f»t«i, .reiulcNTat6KpF;fltod.by fad friend* i . . , iormerlv ' but bli frame •irosrtjieDfecbled was on«.VIe to bi^le [- MU» Cortl»—ThatJ» trno bblh'for protection and ll anfleer ifi'tlie Irish Qreat'Nhrth.rn :v : '¦ ¦' - 'H " ' ' ' ' ""—* 'I ' " ' . 1 ' ' T^- ^ ¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦ : ' . . ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ' " ' 1 ' ¦ f ., ¦ "] ¦: ;¦ - -;• - ¦!. : . V : ' :¦ . • < ', . Ei^-riFiN ¦ ¦ " gppe»(-aoce; • . •!¦. . "i !> . J , • - iiftS' I ¦ ' ¦ ; . . ; Esilwnyi.lt ia OppBtdired IH WlMMS !-i''f ,;; '• • . . - . . . . .vj I ¦ i ' ' • ' that tb» ^- ; ; j . {io PlfW , . ; ff : .•with tho ttticfc of illops nhltth praatntfd him; ao<£ .|jG5pvpra^ ' } { | ; ¦ 1 : W: \ MU$ J COtj»itb«»nelIofrV»ll ;tbat medical tklll tod BU<«Id f5 : Too Olerk aaked wt&t wer« thay Kolng to do abest meat will. not be ipfinenqcd . yy, tbli , i)ffl.;ial. |h« . tre«» ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦' h : ¦ caroconli do ho .piBjW pstforuUy »«ay,' fortified br , or vho was golpg ,to fie'!DQN " ¦ . «od i .• a ti>e r ;i*^toT r 1 SAYS. : J ¦ ' A thrliinc imJloftCB inlGlidttoBo etTeeL to shloh hd jMr p^Itbn ect;the. t:oe»,j. -I wOHld,.p9arly. rsoonl- " i- ' ;h - ¦^[ • ¦ ; : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ; ¦ ¦: . menA all «vc"rgtef 'Clialrmio^'And.T thibk 11 'winld do BO >arm if they. in Waterford, a copy 6f ft sprigh ' ' THOUSANDS OF -TE'STfMONIALSI -v- | | " ¦¦• ¦ tlr *nt tl!i llioBtra- pssatDt pub 10neot», and ihose MHoolatectwlth'itbeV loor^intor«i.or'td with Inoraltteei. '|'!':; .!— > : ted New York paper l evied ."-The Worvie.w'' H^veyou acute, darting 1 1 , and i - U J ".y 'I 'tCairaof ;b.lic dopt'cd fclty. ! fio *ou for o»rf a "quarter : .VyitU ro. atJ ti> thd iJaitlng-of thu tr«»j areaarkirtts. this was accotnpanied by'o, letter from Mini"- . I ,aKjo ' Wonro !paJn '-a! pain almost like aro only sold ia a pink, , with tbo that; it would ,l«:diEoplt to finclcea package ' to do tho- Tory gla4 ta know ' ' ¦ '¦ ¦¦ of i o osatnry a ropojber of ttie'Manlolpal Coouoll, ' ' ttat this ¦•! talobteoi and . VersaUIo . ¦ ¦ ! work* ., ¦(. ¦¦¦ ¦[¦ '/ : ¦; - ' ' dri(lr.!lK' Vi6«t- .pftrH&n ofi; t]tt'Cenir6'W*>d>! ^Du riog biioonf dlan—Yoa knotr yon are al) named;.-ae tbat -JWia doing ad- ¦ ¦ - :• ¦ ¦ ¦ Etictioniolt^-tbe'Taton Ck)bbcil'h8 dltobargcd bit gentipmo a in tbo oottoty mirably In 1 the ' " t)f down the back of the • ; .Price: 23. :pd. .; •: tiuKaaoj yangnior^- . xoa gap i got OOTODO IO la>a tho Wcat^ ". "He 'desires ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ flo your ; ; 1 . .1 1 - - '• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' • ¦• • : - ' : ¦ ' » 1 1 liEp ' ¦' " ' sectioB duties to tbo-*ltiEeoa{tto at niiobtroalioly bat »t tb« ¦wort. . . . . ' •> ¦ to be J-einembered to ill tbo ¦trii^h? ! Does it extend to Bwitba .? . ;. boys ^nct Inti- : f ^ ¦Dnino tlmB Bith prac|le»I jadymelit nbleh'was pfa« I ThAClCTkBiVtd that tho iro»t6>wOuldB(T8 ths<3ei(red mates that ' very . soon' bo will Riva' us ail iieooant ¦ :m D?wiL 'LiAp ls^Wi\ 1 ¦' ' •¦ ¦ ¦» ' : the knee, and perhaps cfi . his -. etroBJ;-cbirabteriiitios.' . ' Tb'e'l&M Alderman helpJio the matter. •:! . : , :•• '(•¦r i > ' .. of Bcme : of tho strange adventures 'wWoh be' mot 1 Siir]diBS- ' 0Ma 'idT«^faf ! alI''k!'ada pf'centiiiiB Bpoti; Tho Master—I will hato onoogb toln o^Dneo 'lon with Blnfce his Brrirai'in the States'. 'W^ iotloo sometJnies to the ankle? ; «nd B I OCO ,tha«itttbliehcaent of tbe 'Tremhfe Bscos nl mi by- Mr. tl. Ji hla : was a familiar fltruro«t lolo paid man stop thore ,. < |: . - . i- ' .. . . . Kelly has contributed two Is-the JIuV^by : . special I artlolei-^ono ' c»i>ry mpo'loir,' Ho |wos ft brbthor-ln-lafr of Mr. "VM -Mr W ,W»lsS—If tto holog tiro Eot' mndo tho tteoi¦ antagonlsiio to " " expansion," from an Imperialists the palin tender to the .rrtlt be loet ' : ' ' '! i . , |. : ,' ; '¦ ¦ J. Brolthj J.P., both basioe matrieddaughlOrBof'thn : ^ . point of tlew, and thb other si trenohant oritloism - : ¦;::: ' - ' . ¦¦ : - ' *nd Mr Dalton, B O—If the trpaa are holed Oio/ won't bo of tbat ;tOUCh?i. - I. la(o Mr. Richard D.Iloo, ' VT^cbmtkcr JawO'lar. loit..; ' ' " I; : : ' ' ' low-class and essentially Yii- keo proddo- . - MS , V . : ' i IB. . - : Six Boxes: . 135. pd« f , . '¦ t^hlcd himne*ernl ' ' tlon—thej " Yellow Jbnrnal.'' it is-Sciatica : JI tbs Quay, Watorford . He Ua»tB Wo Cure it! : tlf Hoimo—Employ three! or fonrjmeo ti hol e for " wish |Mt Kdly ¦ • ¦ young cbiidren to beooil tbo Ioaa of a go «3 nnd tho lroo« and then ' every sneoess, and In that asplratiofci we aro euro Ineldo tho wrap'por aro Dr. Willlimb* . • ., : •• • CYCLE AGENT, , J ' ; - : there will bo no deluy. Yoa wilt b« ¦ : We ! Hav0 i [published | . . : . . . ;\ . _ . .; offiJOtioDate fatbor, tod JO'tbem so well -&a to tod ante to find mon in the early part of tbo woak bnt if no aro joined by hia^tnony old frlentta haio. i Pii'cctionB for Usd, oncloRinx tlio woodca ottior tt-lmivos of th« d*o>-aied gmtlppan we dcfiiia yoa wait longer soae difilaalt^ will probably be cx- spnie .dozens of [Cases otf hoi or tuho, ¦which is about two inches ¦ ¦ 'to>rprcc3 our gtoat aympatby la tbeir «ad boroavet .porlepco^. . ' • '"' i> . : : < IODC, nod about ius l&rga round u a ¦ ¦ ¦ ; psirsoirsj"'. cared : -of this Opnt. ¦ I .' ' ' : . i Ti,e Ckrk—tf yea get trcoi I In March ond don'C pot ' ' ' ' jiatol ' Weights land Ileasuret ' i halfpenny. ! • thom daWnimao y off they go I : A hrgt; party of iSergeams and Ailiing Sor< painful j disorder by Dr. :; ": TE3 FONEliAX.. : • : i An ordot WC3 Chon made to tho, oSqot't.h»t MrDtlton goante, trbose offloial ' proonrn S0() ti Coi nt Mr Fcnbpisy' carotM have alre ady beon : Witprns'-. PinEi Pins- for Pills cold I0030, or from p.las.' ! JUM , or In Ofiice and Higb. s in |Watcrford j ooo atamped.by tho Civil SBrvioc v ¦ in |At ten o'c'ock on Monday moroing, [that tho; a'O p'ruporly ' tttau'ttd: aad thej Mastjr to giio OocumiEsiiinVrs (nbt Pale! People. ; ; any otb'r way t^rn tho rpi'i«>>rcd XI ba for the repose of the sniil of the abova cstimiible by 1 hi Board of 1?rado) -with the universally pnoliage CH aliove. Wiring tho full name, geiitlemati , Whose deaibAviich occurred last Satuidaj, ' • • ; TltB PAELUMENTiBT LIST8. • ' understood, and, to 8umo minds, ibe "Dr. . William's" : Pinli PillB for Taio ' ' mngntHO we have already regretfdily atinoanctd, was celebrated Tbo ClorV unnonucod that ho waaji o tosei pt of HO leiter " P," have b?en ordered t'6"tne ' A LONDON BUILDER Peoplo," aro Not i Qcbnine, nnr i» their Barfonitrana(nre land In Iroland Jle>aid: t'.Tbo ^ymptomn ot. ¦ ¦ £ev V P"FJyDi>, -l? .. / ^a Uybricken and Rev IP Mr Torry, wbo" «aid—This Is tho.onl VVqterford. : : V/RAT.-IS ' y thing that ' to ' 1 i ih*i:n>iitism; mid ociati?^ doveloj'td a Dunpbv, Dciclona 'at thtfTlirone/;R?vs T F FurluDg, TOOold pacif y IreKnd.- I' «(>o Cipi Stnart : ¦ ' that , of ' I bTX-EDOOa '"HEiIlEip. 1. I I Oi-0 'Wals"he 'O OiD O'Connell, B D ; E Pren- I)romana, . I'fri^i.ifal . eivent, Atidiiiiy suflocinu Tvdii • CONSUMPTION? i &i . ia not a tadlindlotd »nd bo idsdtooitiuG tbia Wo make no ¦ ' C C ; M BarroniAdm, Sts :r ; ¦ • MBW apologjf 10 our rat"pay ioJ5 feadois fcr • Ci.-..'. ii tdoriV; . I Foiif ht .V'o btet tnedK-al deiga8t»00; P.Abearn, it. , . JJ093.BESOLUTION ;, , ourronoo la ur to : ' aalv.D, C O ; T. J Dowley,' Adm, St ' The foil nlog rnaolntjon from tne ftetv Bo8snn?«n tbo 01^-r t colpmsa tbe qumion of ;itri. -e :»rfj(ol ) .'- . Xii3 I I Reemed con- It is fceforo tie Publio .fou CO John s ; ,H , bo outdoor relief " Do you spit bleed ? Arb Patrick's WBnrJce, 0 C'do.' . . , ¦ was read nod adopted ^Ito > " Tbat L Q B >cqn<oiu and easily tired ? Are you ' ¦ : ¦ trained botpftal nnraca for ft period of two yeara , beadlog hot i i.v ', .-t 'on 'i-l t!,i< hrnte, when—I think it "W 1E7>T T "W O "^ A O C Tbe fiineral corte^envas veryilarge.and thoroughly 8**8 wesk wa3 a little over £$ more than jo ¦ ' Alwayo ia the .piik ci, to pryvid»"hoso 'ladioa Wlio. o/o at prqaont engaged In tbe corresponding, neetlast year W -' K ' in lHp—I +«wmo » victim , to sightly, feverish—e^peci => ; lepresentative tf aU ciassejin. thecominunity by whom 0,5 , sad tola With an ' pprol px hospitals and trOrUhoaso mtioa opporta- increaaj of only 61 persons for too uoven jinui-iiZ'^', M'I IIH left mud (jrosto safJnror condition. the late Mr Fielding jwas held in the highest esteem]. n.ty to farther qualify for the pnrpoaes of tho obn- day s, We ' ally at. night ? And do ' Edward and Janie v sbould like tbla matteri qquiroi into. ' |Tbo tlinn eVi-r, Iliu Hsiiitica boipfi nccfliitont-od The chief mourners were :—Masters (ompiatcd ord^f ; uiid thit oopfoa cf trite ' reaolatioal bo ' Kellovlnc ' ' ' ¦ Edward OfllctH ore not to blauiO for ihey are i onl _; ' , byjihyGicilxrinlii you have Iprofuse pefa 1PR0VED : mmt& Fielding (sons), John, Denis; Michael and forwarded to tue eetcral n&ioaa in Ireland. | yXultlHina 1 . ' '^a oi Bmitb, 3 P, and J Mr 'Britton—Thoro is a the orders f»i»eri thoih^ It is tue guardians r^/TiT^il' ¦ • n<«8. that for tbfl \KMlh!UY B r Fielding (NephewsJ, I filessrs W J oood doal of common tonro , nbo for ' ' ' ht spiration iri the night? Dillon aw)_ . Amongst others presint V7« in tbat. : . . ¦ ¦ ¦' ! . the Bhlre of a littlo oheap popularity, joome at inter- fr&Y/j*: tuning- olB. ¦ ¦ ¦\ {:\.^f .. yeurn I tua a ' * noticed—Uev W B OUonnell, Kev PUiinphy. . PBEE rnpu EPIDEUIO. i vsla to tri e floaid to (jet ua annuity, for a, penon or a These are signs. of CC^ ' {¦ ' \V' "* martyr. My pains liev T PFnrlodg. O p. Rev-M Walshe, 0 0 ; Rev Q Messrs Hiekojr, JDaltoD , and Power reported tlst family at tba expaono of tha r^topayerj, that aro ¦ "i « ' 1 ¦ '¦[ i" Vfcro cuch. . ti Consumption .: ; O'Connell, B D Kev M Banon, Adm, St John.s their roapeotSve diBtdota peiofree from opidomio. j really to blame ia 1 bio matter. A taut of £9 a neok -. V) • ¦ SfiMEEAL ;WATEEB 5 ^ Mr U titiilivan , Clonmel, tendered for the laying of : ' 'miSht bd coniJ o sir c^^on S Morris, HP ; F Kent ,' Bbiough Treasurer ; Vf P means all bu^ J847O » year, and yet- nb| near oc- \irw W to iv it ia regarded as incura 1 ; : - " - drainage pipes and crootloo of water tank bt Bathger- culonnl oalbbrsia ' pared porfon Eiely, T 0 j D Keogh. James Dnnphy, Jaaea ' : pt' eaonomio oloqaenoo nbea a X^'H-lUl ble : do notJet it become J ; maot Dlspoosary Honso ot >S|l8 7s fld. ¦: ';. doctcr or an I Walsh, BaUyiisteeni;. Capt Parie, l>enU Larkin, Approvod (abject to givintt ll-paid officer OBO U B for come alighted - ' ¦ , more iaformatlon at to (dltioaol ^t ^i'-Xl fnjro one»< boues. so in your case. Tybroughney^; itP;-Walsh.Moneybroe ; D Casey, F wiies tb« pork was likely to be oomple 'ed. . reajuuoiaiioii for arrvioei quito ontddotho Many : | " -Well , one j COPY OF ANALYSIS- , ,..P Hanlyy, E Fielding, Aid VV B W ard, ¦ ¦ -. . .. -A O81BTAK0B. ! ¦ . ne of bu dutv to me ttonrdi T WWmL I : ! li Uoyle . .. . [ ; • ¦ cases that yvere declared ' " ' • j:p;HJj Ward T U; Messrs BoDertsbh (Robertson John Prohan, who ts in ocargei of the milo Idiot trard . . '/ _1 ^~ . . j ; J^VJrcat i . ; City Laboratory, 17, G&stk Street, Dublia, - . . ^@3P^T agonlo., •'incurable ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦'' ' JLed'ie- i'ergusoa & Co), . tit Patkes. Dongarran j of tuo nofbtjouso. wrote complamictf tl.a: his raiiono 1 i /^ " by the bsst . . : . ' 28th Ma7,!l835. fjr Bomb' ^rT^kilhi; 'i :)Iv'wif< ' haviD? ' ipnatiu* Kelly, Knojcko;n ;: John and Joseph Tobin, rbonths. pa't were iniiuraMy tintll. It hut I Lord CouHown Advices. ^v: ' hospital authoritt2r; have "Ihave oxnnuncd specimens of Soda Water, Aerated "Lemopadc zni Gioea'" Me ; F Free- hbapiti) di->i and. e«6:y wcoi ho bad, ia ordot to bare MWI; i'ea.l accoiluiB of , Ut Kennedy. W H iH.enncssey, D Kenneally. preprjed by -M^CETB . JOHN KELLY & Sojf , Watarford. I find they era , 1 Bret., Hnnster and Leinltei a uofflcienof to add to itbypajlngont of bisowo pookot IHE BEVIViL OP THE UATrERlilG-RA.U. been Cured, by Dr. V/ilo quite .free froa tha man Wm &e^ J He aoked the gaarduns if they oonld inoreiaeibis Tho annual icotulliS impurities comotiracs : found ' ' Bank bl Q Wdg<)ay, ti> Courtenay, fameo Murpby, ¦ to General !taootlin(r of I the' Property ¦ jams ' io Mineral Waters, that they have ' been cerofcUy t dieu : ,:..n :' ¦ ¦ . •> :i: Dofonca ^esoslction rfaa hold In ¦' ' > ttlo5e iplei ' Pink Pills. from good materials J J i-fielan, Syluester.Pbelip. T Bunop ¦ Dublin on Thtuiday ' | MTO;; fen ; '^ prepared ,.and thit they are well charged with jQarbooic Acid Giu. . ' Jwnes Pcrwer, . toa Oloflt taid that JDrokan'a appolntmeat badinot weak. Lord i'arhaml : . • \M" ] tWGle J?.T -\«'nia for - me} PJ Lee,.'Jiainoro' ;aj-fc'eety,: Solr. J 0 Mara, VVm 1 pro3idod ia tba abachbo ot ¦ ' *V' ' ' ' jot btoa cmoiioDOd and in order to comply nifb'bl> Lord Ooiirtonn, tne iuatrman ¦ .««|Mri: i7UTl.o ' very Mu !: (Sisned), " CHARLES A;-CAMERON, . . Gsliwey, 'J'f' Nicboiaj low r, 3 K Curtis, Uf rqqueot naiico ahoald be Qivsn. The cecocary. notice . In b letter to tha " Ui ' V ' ' '¦ mooting Lord courtown.caid— ' ', I.W ilv3>>iVlayll.I - felf thai) A SUBURBAN STUDY I' : : Redmond, WITSBFOSD N BWB J Mr Bu'ke, National BIII tfien ffivon. ' . ¦; . i ' " Plucks ekpreaa my 1' " ; Professor cfOheialstry^Hygenc,' : . .. rejroc at my Inability] ¦ ' M 'V ii*-iil ili0pliu8waroon ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " Bank j-E AHeale.^ec, 0 IK ; T^^tzgerad, TO. j . '" . XHB BALJ-TEAW-T 8DPJ?Lte3,! ' ' ' . IP ba preGont. ! Tho «poooh<3 ^ : _ ".. Boyal;Ooilege of Burgeoai. ol UiUon, O'Brion, and othora i tU\r%Ftaoniovo; It.oU '' W Bishop. T 0 ; ilr Kenny, Solr ; J J? Hanxaban, The board next prooseded tooanaidorthbtandori'for 1 in oatabllahlng tho ' a' necond ana XL123 BcF CSZDOC, *, in AJfrca-rosd, Bnc.:- Parker, Aldjt A the ' balf' jearl 'soppliea , | and ' the ' followlnf; were United Irish' L^sue in tho Woct havej einoo tho {frr J ' > C P S ; P Rogers; Vli Sballoe, K /¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ LM- third hox:; and liurot Hillj is n' lively; -pluint', cood- ¦ acco&tod— ' • ' • ' / • ; i ' aro-wing up of tne report, Btrensthoned my \. V 1 ' ; Evan, J Knol/TC} H Grainger, : TC, ex-Maypr^ 1 bolidf in I ! V**!^ with tbe fonrti) looliinR lody nt tbentyiflvo. Shj c.;iil ! XJSS OUR BOTTLBD DRINKS ; NONE- ARE BETTEk Tea : Patrick Shanahaa, Carciok-on-Salr¦ , at Is lljd cno urgent nooocaity, o| mointauiing the D 'Jj Sed Harbour Board jDt jT T ;¦ • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Property J AUiashanvjoni, , • i . . : ' ¦!,¦ - bos~yhy Ij folt a uo\i mcn .l there i» no VI folt bsiiLd to writs tad toll d nj porlb. I ;; Dofonoe Aejociatlon itiotbotoogn •Wbite, Dt V White, 11 J ilarphy, J V I tl Klraan, otaf0 of oilioionny. luiji'ujstjpos sible; my iatiqa and rliett- B rosd¦ i Wm Qalvin, CarrleU-on-Snlr, at i\d per 41b ffo 010 thrcatsned tft:h o rotiim ol the old K^ TO ; Aid B Power, J P ; U iilahony junr ; Captain : ¦ ... methods matimn Tvereno more,'and I vrns ' loaf. . ' i .; : of tho Land League ind wa muni rdeet coi'abjq Toole, -TO ' BFJehelan, M Dorerenx, J F Knos, Beef : Fatriok Carroll Ca-riek, at Uioin with of more pbycioal Rotivity than for tbo ¦¦&¦ I , *}d par lb > Bpnp our old methods tor v/hlch ' 'toUi ' lA 'O Adviser to the Corporation j B MonitSevt, iocej 2d per lb, and octto n at 6Jd perlb. j wo aro prajjaiBd and wo paHt flfseonlvqara t ." ' " ' .' -@ !lJr p roly with coniidonco oil ourfriouda' support ' . sgWM , 'Mr Boberts, Bolter: Mioba;! Dal m carry- MmJLY E'UcSW, P Poner, K KeUy, y, Carriokbog. at lOd par lb. i ing them into cfloct ' , !¦ ¦ M B, builder and ; honta decorator, u ¦ OM ; ihea, hear). HsRuacj, J Carroll, E BoBer^ J P; L Strange, jun Egga > Thoro «e:e . two toodors recoivsd at 10d apd , great d. cal c( Btair nnd Ir^ldcr worU folltl . .:. : , (Estdblislied Ealf a, Century) • y, J Moloney.l'rainoM! 9d per do&. Cither price ITKS conaiderpd too doar. Wo mcy romarb Lord CoarUwn is fathor 6f tbo . , ' f Btainso cad Strange) P Uurpb Hon C'aptiin ; to tho lot of Mr. Chinncry. Binoa 'hio •! ' ; ¦t- Costellof, H -Wallace, \7m Beidy.- Uaiterof Worit- Milk : John Power and lira Prondergaot tondoTod at titopforii , who bi3 bacn pJopo3od loi euro bis unwonted agility and aotivity lit .. Wh,ol6:rlo Bottlerb, Win© and Whlaltoy Bonders, ; 7d eaob'pot gbl aad the cootraot w divided botbotn »bomastown' divieionl cijaioat ilr ! : Sinstmeiduw r.V7tn ¦ ¦ t4 J Kyan by tna ' 't3aM B O'ShsaJ P Kenny, 1 ¦ bia V!ork have oxoitod como comment, ;'J - it; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ .¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ tbeo. • < : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ; . ; : \k. ' Han SaorcUry of ihi & •¦ ' ';•' :¦ - •¦ ! " ' • ' Dofcnco Bran'oh dl Thomaa- - . .;. . . ' '£o; • •- " • 'W^.TiilR^OKJD. Quinn, 4c, j . . : : i : / Slim Milk i lira 17&11,. Coolnamaek, 1 Ond ono ot bis. men retnorlted, " 'Whyi ' tt 2J3 per a* ' town Federation, i'chncrs, tiajM naininj 1 ^0 0,' tttiBt )iavo be in takiug Dr. "Willlatdo . flofi-Bocor t :Patrlofc ohonohan , ot lSs Jdpcr oot.; ' ' f inh Pilb I."' 1 Ur.;(JhinncryWM able ta i VTaayas Soda,»Lanrflnae . Box, Carnok, at.8,3 6d per dwt. ; |.. r , ...... ;, . - . ; " ¦ toll his man tbat hfl had—to 6x0¦ bia ovm Union—Saturday Browq Soap : , lliobaol Ferrer, at Us pbrt:»—"hlD'lt oacatly/'.r •• ¦ Oarrio¦ k ?d por ont ¦ ¦ , , . ¦ -: ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ - - . ; . ;,. . . ¦ < ..i. , A . . , j...... Pepper i Bridget Pox, at 4Jd por lb. ! ! , ! Petiolnm Qil : Miotajl Power, at 7d per gal. ' THE 'il:3XT^QJl!^CK pi3PBNBABt;H0tJBIli. ' , ;' RUGBY j. FOR CfilLDREN.; CT V Clotbln& i Mr; O'Nflll: c< Clonmel, 'tendorod i for »cceptad. XIM all and <»«» ! There¦ ¦ so tender boss¦ ¦ ¦ ' : :::i TO BB Pii^w;D &RouNp IT; Carrlol received. ' . i _ : i . . i A question pfjten Q:.hrcTloU8 eco»pp from death." 8ho ^Er!a ¦ i ; : Internationlil eske<3 I ' Hardwiue i imsronae J7nir.. OliampiOaisiiip yrocij'odcd to d^ncfiba iow ebo hid l>c; n " ¦ Manella Wine t Bridget Ji'ox, at 17a 9d per doa. ¦}— ¦ is this — M iCan . Dr: "pnllcd down " to p ocre fr«ro» of •¦ldu iifW® Mlp:M¥¥ S©€>REliSo :i V IHE aflil? YEARLY SUPPLIES. ; . Port IVlne t ¦;. , I: ; " . Patrick Sbaaabno, *: Mi per do:, : ' I Williams and bouo. nntll everybody . Enid , " TijiiJ «» feA^JB V ccoires on: tlie Field, QJM&k&E ¦¦ : Porter i Pairiok 8bAnihan,-at la 7d per do;. ' Pinfc Pills ba ' Cricket but • BETOBTEB). - • ". V pirl hw ono foot in tho gruvo, If t¦ol ¦ SeoM« lir iMitxirs. i (Pfiorr Onu Whiakev : got ffoi, at 17s 10d COTLAND ¦ ¦!' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ B'ld par col . S ! v. • ¦ ¦ - : ¦¦ ¦ £~Z2S wiiks. given to children?"/ i , Wol" . ! • \t ^- . • I ; THE ¦'iiir ' -UcQfitb/C.birmiiii^of tbo - Boita, ¦i Tha Uard'tbea tdjourned. . ,. ; • ., 'Thdm^ , . . can. Guoh a caao as thatofiliss ltDBbrldcs'B meTtded-, and tbe.e »e-a aUo PrcD;li^UiM^otllfl MATCH AT EDINBURGH They ' Fox*; young yo 1 VWferWJiniV} ' . Long threatening eoaen Qtlcat. ond after thrca third of a pill : children Ukon rip and down fo London, to pnvi'p v . . . .! :-. FOB ALL ' FOR ACHES AN& PAINS RUB IK postponomenta becauti of tiDd cxpdnislTa Jlbapitalo, till (lio Imd ^frT , Cletlc ot tba (JnloD , cod Mr Daoni, Elltaan'o Por Rheumatism, Lumbago, tba fnjat , ituo Waleo over ten may take U*M °i Internutioncl team linoJ np ' a ha8f Llmosi : \»ilhc3 . at last to tie iLrnnl i) 1 SPOUTING HEQUlSif '. ' ii. o oc bt ibp houo*. «« 1" ""^A"03:..-.- ¦ Elllnan'o „ Sprcliu, i Bniljc5, Frc^b ujoioat Stotland at instead: to her pivo. The doctora (>.)io E# v9£[ '¦ < iavetlpi^h to-day. Tue nimble (a the pill. The pills can be cut ^ ;¦ Elltaan'a Cuts, v , fifteenth hnd jscca and coujoltad five) ill pute):'.r Tbo L.0 B iraoBmitted 'flncationU to bo anonareJ EHlaan'o ,, Soro Throat from Col(J outween the repreaAtativea ot tdc Look and tho ! Ian bo.rlds.j r with a knife and may be op. Miss Buabridge'i longs (tl.sy 11A) Ij lltrs Cody, of Portia*, who «r»a EIHmco'o „ Cold at the Cbftot, i'liiatle, no encouEtvr, O v7iDj; to the Qouia dio- wcje eeriomly affooted. J probationer nor.o of tb e dissolved in water if ne« \v»* C U utjt- cppoiPtfld to tbo position of Elllman'o ,, Neurplgia frora Cold, (jute, having takeo pluce siuco tfad meeting at in(t pom nri'l ) . Writa or cajl Uydnj tot eoaprshenrft* Citaioju» ofi290 P9O1, , i ^HBl ^S^ Rookett, Beirparki Carrlc^n-Salr, . < V (cnt put fiea »or»hero on rtctlpt ot » pooVcJid. ... ~ "SJgjfgfB^ ^Soiiu EHIman'B „ Corns v/hen Painful, couplo of trios to nil , : Of the f .ut-tect^proviono especially valuable; dry throat, b!ao<2-«pUtinf;, niplit K»ca4», . 1 . fornBtdcd o iWif clotb.OB ond bedding tok«n b.> EJIIman'o „ Cramp, £ tiff n&55, mutches played Scotland are qtddincas, and hcadacho, laagi.dr, thirst, ' f op ,U«t of tbe implement. bsvo lvjoa nine to CKIVJA Ot, Ltd.. cater llhoraHy all SPORTS mud BAMZS, hia W directed 03 flell aa a Elllman'o ,, Soreness of the Llmbp Wnlca'e four, oitb ono drann and general wtitans. Bbe v/ax wnt to ¦ ¦iS dotailfld «Qtt lonnd by biu a, Elllman's after frcme. Tbo ttama A CHILD'S LIFE SAVED AT !' ' • ' BAT3. i : TEUZttS tULOEErS, rtbcT mittor. Cycliat;, Football, noro uo lullono— • ; : . '¦ Dovoiiport fas a time, bnt ebe only c»tno j • Half-can*Hm»3r, fU»« ,. Mil ntnVMl. ' Elllman' v Rowing, . ' , Ai! e»n« „ , /,.. ill; m«a'i, (/ll , 7'J. o &c i ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' : BLACKHE A ; lacls worts. • ; | . . , - . 116. - . !;; Back • H T w depot id , ; IIJ Mfcmt (JouLkujlIwl tat, Horccs , rJosjo1 , Blrds^ S Gedgo (Feittc-Lofctio), to interview ll ro; ELanic5- S hnng on a thrcidj cams Mica "Guw " ' * . Cattlo G A VV jLauiond (Kel- . Conthurnt- Baclirul^'a AAl ay«d»U7»¦ d»ardiy, ever8106 THE ELLIMAN VETERINARY BOOIC oaths:, J \V biowoh.(B«yul baby, a ttoul, healtliy littlo prL . : , That boi was . tho prebttrtor of inoco. -t auna«*'> ' b€jn«il«n.miutM•. a Copy 6d. post tree, f ir the Label otaao:. T i!e(l3jn (Weal bt ' " Ah, but' you chouldhuVe eecn her thin " The f irii ttnti 'ili rtit gord." »he rn(A , ¦ ¦ , «. PolUctU. 6 or it-.- f ; , ' iSootlaiid), htJ^aokivtl ¦ ¦liU.1 ¦ "E ¦ oMwe." m«tch »1» JJ5 t«3 ordered tbtt.Jhs .cluttiiog, 6, , to cuud, o>c^ ,)'' irt. e.!J.t Qr 3C, 6drBottle, irjy.Boipflt o2 ilorriuBon (Uojal Hi i 1 tlmD 'lart . Tc^;," eald the mbthor : yott hpW6Vtr. ' "Etving proTcd tU(!;r value, • CHXC2Q2T OAOS« ¦ i . " ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ U rf h ticbool), oupiain oho ' - . / ::¦ . . ,< ¦ :¦ ¦ ' 'ELUAIAN^S'ROYAL EMBKOCATiON. ; \7 woolJ uoi as.x9 thon^hS oonld live a end. hnot?5ofl thai Caatvapiioti, ia ilio . . Tl»"AUEEj;Ui*!."friiitwo li»i:d.!-i..i...... , ML CJ loto^uieadtO. . . - .,.: ; Al'Iiwup tEdinbur^ |Acad, 1 IU ¦ ' !' ¦ - - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ h niluuLa, TipCTtrr,»iii milnpt....._. . •! •. . - . . . • •! .' aiTrFZED. . ' r. . . . ; . i ' ; No Horcza kept—Ask for, Doga—Blrda HO Smith day.:- Bno'WES thsm trisn ill vith lai nature of »hla33, U npj to tw oiirsd iul i> lMth(Ttotioin< HI. »« ^S:;-::::::^::^;::v;rtt ; ¦ (Wutooumns), G 0 Kerr (Durham), Ez. «a>lit7, B^x' : MBOtloned ta« pjytaent o( lOi .to tlie Section. I This Free. AWKionun flucnsa,,. '.follo~c3 by plenriay aad day, «he took the Pills resnlftrlv , following fa Tn»2X*rTU^o m tuo ' Pufcllctc'di by..'EUDncn^ I S . Co,, Scojti»h), pnonconiai • 8ho waited;up to a aachodo w. tho sent with them,. To sty tli ni ¦ ¦ ¦ Dllnifff ¦ H 0 Sievrn- HOJ-J. C3Xd3ST ifETt!. ; naid of the »otkboo>e. • . , . .. . ' Sfou^h. finsrlcnd. CNonhiirabe.ianD), Ay. J Tnompcon ana jno DDXOI C^» O ; a )Rti she mended withVcrvdcmaU l>at to ptit > nsternlty _ (Wtst u Stfotlan'd Q Wl!T H t£2e» tM «jid tiOrt«n.l !i'«.«CTi;l<'t» .,, ! FS,9-. 16'- : tao.e body alto taiqtiouei paym^ ent of la, a u id Oxford Uniri-rsi ty). rcsonrcoIdijtcTtnincd.totryDr.'WIlHiimi' long ttorji'io; jbriofj How, ufu.r i^s \,ia l(2n.» top sad bet&aj PeloMritu Jiro 8M« W».ii Too Flora :tbo «iue be: ;eb Pick Pills, and tbo very firm ' night aha monthv, olio astonished, the ruizhlonrc caspUu.r.., ,-•••• U/H ltrto, it- day «o JLho pcwutt emttojei ea hundteo ui til e by Inland cayeu obanfd :¦- iv ¦ ¦ bed a does fho'elcpt better thajj she had by \7alking oak slou*; bow eho KallUd Dp : ' : -;¦ mE^ ' ¦ are made. Oampujll w^nt out ' ' ^S^^ VOt\Aot%£i ! ' : " ; ' i i. ; i from tbo thlee- . :j . ' i!.CTCKSFp. ; •; j fsacjs - ' ' -for donq forvrcckp. Al tba cc3 of u fortnight to town ncd CiOio borne, givin.v frvtth IWaiMAjb. boTt' San. ^ljDta'i.^ | | i: ' T3IJ fflDDOVTM VATJSB.KAUPteLES. . . . , . quarieia .iin.nii.-bU ,.. niiilo.,G<4( e 'o4me back .^....t - :i- informed ' ;!: oho wnaobja to dt np, and at tho ond cr&i people unrpriua by stepping out of the Pawr Er»« ftrriled, lain. » H;ram'i, l. , AMP I Tho L.G^J *'of rtque.iiDtf 6f :? ¦ Ut Nejlson, t^uo tVcpi hull I7ut) 8iiup8on for no yoi^3 WgTS,, wmpW, troa , 9,'- " tbe ! : Mi2 - " O'FP", •¦!; ' ta T7oll aa over. BheNbas^ad rclapm train (maided;, bow ahe cot wrUlml ok 8n?ar <»>aitT»...... /' llt f uftfjiiarduo. ipl oiBdeli rdlntlon to ; v-H0IlE ' illabua ana DoualCBUn. Futtrarda ' Ei i , »,7*t£*« iuloiiit Qoupen end or.'aiUqont; einop. Tba pooplo of the months after tsttdns Jho.PiUn, a?l fnupd -i Posas», m 'a»l., bor«'»i. Tis "BZIXBES*' CEM(4.) TXKWIS SHOE. o tba »a' n.\pi. KJpecHns MiDplea of t7att.r aurw^y were enperreded by JJySeij u' 3ATTD1G GtOVZ3. ; ' ' report ; ¦ to our " u4 Toomion, ccigbDonrbbpd thoagbt eho coold not lui that from 9 fitonb (dated ticknta ' ' ^o nitb ! ' ' ' J H jttcld.'¦ Biany days, ¦ I! £y, " (Staj.Dea^capt), liook | V Hn«- ,. ,. ij The Baarddirtbttd E. Re4n3ond, M P. " oey. (CardiC), tea ptkM. Wo all thought cbo ccs tIU3Ba3tJriap'acwe hfta b?snftco3j?4t0 Du^t (tntiltr OUto I It! M. fl.j . XX0 GCABS3. : ' '! ¦ ¦ ¦ •'¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; ' ' bi' \V. Lla.tnjlly.ji!(l-l(7j - . : thiJ iioo Iilbetal Leader, nho :U cUlrcd ; e3,a ny- PUJonD. oeO/. pia), tbree.quartera bnob8;G H JMnHaOiuili ....'.... twjra>,«rsi»a'a.»«. •i ' ' JTEKHT AOAia-AraMCE.OBBTlriOAT3. j wsitsr/ Roblnd tbe pair IJ tbo folloolBj; Lloyd (Nrpport Latiliip „ i „ «.«; „ t/ll... OB and Old LeyaicDi),Bpi(5iin(Cardiff; i VJcitlog in lefofiinca tottjofltsinooof tbeaulicil ' - ' • ¦•; ' ; EEi . " ,half-btcko; ';• ' ' ! ' . -I' ,; . - .• ' ; % B^fa,;:pf; .^ V -{ V7 H Alexander (LI / »XA1*HEI1 TBOOBEas.iV f o^'er from bia dntica'tbB L.G.B dooirtd tooo ko tur mjoy pa), W Paiki-r(8iTaniioa) C«cul Job Una »11 da* i"... I...... b»t . , ; ¦ . ; . . •; LAUD . TiXATibjr. ' : . TOO LITTLE BLOOD. i :i * il ¦ :¦ ' ' ' ' Bonaea (Swu.rjaca;; | fy Brlca . eDt ta "I , : ¦ ¦' ¦! • ¦ ; ^«S^-Bai^:::r.::::::::r:/.r."tomiffi <»«»¦» ¦ ;; :;¦!• , ' . H0UC.. &0I-S..:: .. .- . : ¦ ; Too little blood I < That is what makes men, fend ! mi» &ctskL> *ta> jmiwai~ •amtiT'™* Eeaw »» (tiM gn^riog froo'tba eCecti-pi tbe mow Gwct -i ViQtovy A for Sriotland. - Booti or GM«* ;.„..., 1M. AnWoolp»n»«l...t..*^7 ' „, „, ._ goee, oua: ttai ne t?m DOI oa ngu 10 i . Vndern'ftth tbo iketob aro tha folioolnr;Hcca : iiiarj to:>V» Tha matph waj indcad'a fisccli cat) ' womep look pale, sallow, and languid. That. is what ¦ ¦¦¦" ¦ kna tha result j j ¦ ¦ ' ' ' Home'RuleitofT I -iThat italttrientdire : very romariablo, - Foe tho firot half tbo 'We lib tnon : ¦ . ?-.' . " ;: ' '^TboClUirk^-^WiatHlll Jouii.)—tiat !J/£U)&b?oiOp " ¦ hungry, j . I -:£jr*n «**if iOfcjCar»W» faid . «bO«t* ^wtriijj 'iftuiifc :' '.'^ ; ' ! d-1 -• ' pillf Ucdmond' tool with Ulonk. diiraay, hod all tbo Ijsct makes thciri drag, along, always tired, never t ' ¦ * ' ' ' ' '" ' * of tudlnlay tsiad tha foliowinrt va» ' f : . rrtTwr i i i ¦ i i - t ' * • ' i ! i,:. -» ! ¦ ' " ¦ * 1 '' • '' Oh, now tbe/it i« ibthe firr, 1 i . ,. : tbo . . -! ' ' !, ¦ ¦ :V.jUM?riiii«f,:"W»l*be-A« . long, n«: h> p pajloCo ¦ : ;! I. • gest their food, breathless and palpitating | in ¦ ¦ And now there'll be tba.deace to pay, HAW-irtmJ fc'aonn'jrt l.' . • ' unable to di il Ab-iitoS'i »i-ip8iu'» c}«fco wucb o» a'diflirenee.' , ' ¦ trbicb£ecjinecl , - • fi.11. EipEE, im, & SSSA. : : Tha IsfOilrlte dlsh ov . • Walea>....o.- .l.. j..,...:..;...j.-J;a -jp-olfc. "¦ so that it is a trouble | JOIifipi^BHMR, $& And tuppel for year* with TKII SIJ fsra at tho heart after slight exertion, '- V : ¦¦ bcotIuDa...., J,..,.',..,..,..,.....-,.. : • .. ¦ ' '-1^ - :-* 'i:wr ;¦¦; ; Can't now be bid. T« Fatn nnkiod ,. . ,l ; try. F b; : ¦ .Ths Hoai) te»m tbeo pltiyod np apjondidl to go upctairai, They are j. ¦* ¦ mi —¦ ^t |S .i^ «e m hv^ t Pi? ' Here's Hoae Eola ofl the Bill ot Fare I y, and obsa ii SViJiSi^-so i ^p*- : '' . ¦ ¦ •: ¦ • ¦ the nfcistlo eonndqi tbe? noro dcblsrcdi?TlotoM. taa / ,, ' ' ! 1 " " !!' • ¦ dbttors tell tij emj ! . j'-xir rt««t«ii| ooold ba ootOKooablo to eaptpt . - 4* Jt'ioot/Of s?Moi>, air," wltb cold . follonita bslns . | [ • "An&mc^ , . ' ! ¦ "• ' oii tO BSy;Ur:ff'b6>'B ii'>bstitoU.:. : ;; Polileneai tbtt oetr waiter stands, , • i . ;. Tno wit ecp3E~ ; |: . ; " ™ - - i T coaaiTTBi!. ' .Np ¦ ¦ arid that ia Greek for having : ^ SRFOI DJL 'W*f**^w»«»* . OVtblat* b6'« fll£«W "ince tost old ' 0coTtA .„/,„ , ;.,„, , ' ¦ pi pointj - : <^|,| 1 " petJOT nip Pilto*Dl)Jitfen»try OooB>tt^« the23i . Eitabllihcdbnt iness changed binds, \7ALEa;...^,.f.j...... '....j . ? Tba . iS. ;, : , too little ; blood." :. : Tbfif9' <7«ti8 prtBeoi~Bl Bo«r«, Oul Sioirr, : No lesjer Williata (blandly iiairki . ;. .. , " ' ! J^^NY iart. : | -LOfcS|6H8a . OTWABDB-^TO Alii PT^m^QHS « ¦ " jLotT eleo lrt;•< ^With defereoco b^Eednonil'f cbslr, . . Tbo rosnlt of- tbU roptob gltcs ivory grooBd for : ' . For V/illlaji «i«8 '«o longer work», bopo . tb»t Ireland i«ilC Win (be tri : , , like that ? Arc lqg ' ple cmwo, Cs oar iAre you toade hy pjjr.C«Kt« X5ao>oroa of ""p of «•»«« » '¦ • • Aed Hoa» RoJ«'«.<> 2tho Bmof Ptrc, EQilaat rcpr.'acptJitljres b»o'. Be6>l«Bd agi cDzldsd 1 Ukoo frofl/fow djBifent. ionrce. at F.ddown by tn^ «nd caly,bsTo, tp oTerootno , 1f7oU9, .'j \< . , . - • " . - . . yoar guras pale instead of ; i THEIB : OTO APPROVED deiJ by tl«n ^»» reotUttd i . jn WilH»m'» tloe. when be «nf Joba " , . : fitdiali ofleo«' Bna'jrortr»j to wait, ¦ ' ¦ v : do*r4!4bi 6nd coonJeiedbj tuoi eomaiuis i 1 . .;.. Upon tbjctrvairotf u»^J ;V . ; being Gcariet ?; Poll iiown'j : r- ¦;;!¦! ¦from the 'r(n»nentl " .; ' ; : !i ;;! : . { ibgrtber .ith ?b. e:ieport . of ilr A 11 Ba.dcD, I- a . «ome BuU wai.pe y." fln, ., ,; i ' ¦:; ¦ ¦ r j. '.. '. And RednieiW»J»ay» »ot a plate. • .; .; ¦ Hf your eyelid—i? th,e i Unieig of; ;!' - ' " . . ¦¦ ' , I .;: ' .;! ¦ | ' ' ¦ > : Coroner's Inqusatdi; . '. .f . M ' /I ;M| B^1ioV opipioainit g<«4 *if« U to t» r - • BBt:ptiw.9e»r , Hr ' 1 it blpdd-shotiii Oa IXco^sy ENjPower, CorcDct, bold an ioqalrs . borrted op tbeoW coecera:: i ; • ; la tbu JBcard Kaofl.af workbqaaa bio^ ¦It .the copocrolDg tbo is. where ^too! little - '! . r. < rgo Hntsj eiie> p, : dcitb of a afto.t oath* of B^liydufX Ppner wbA " < slier bis ( adoiiiiioqjt> tba norkliobM on Bpndiy. ; j .v , v . ! -Mtiij if' :. ¦ ¦ Uo» trbal , showa.i More^naEmicrpobpifti) i ij r: 'f- i ' ' "Tbosill 'aoiftf.tiUiM-bfi bOsoi'iesW I; ; ' »tu?Doon,. It traaipited from tbi irldeacai tbkltb* j/ - •>« W tlaW- :• !. ; ¦; dMesifld iom* tnonthi »go gold I hariii Oloomel 1 *' rir«t .«»h li «"••*«?? r and •» ^yo .been madi fltfongri h»PS?y> ; W W chtjeiful !' i- ;;'ia UotfrH csn't i« cot zi*i test. : 1 ttlr for tba lam of JS32^ tb»n q»'ma (o W«t«rford ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' So lelMo tntitvtijf'rttaiiio, -; I ' i ... ; . ' , nlitr« b»«ppMri to b»»ii beea drla^ldgore»f (rtaJy, «>i ' ' ' * ! ' '«¦ ¦ 'I : ¦ »»" • ' e\«tid| lb*'e!«ab«ra ' ¦ . ' ; :. / ,.- ' " . .T- . -> ¦, . • - . • • " i TfctMMl oii^ibly of. tie ' '' 'Wbat pr«|T«id«r it then .- !. At ell tteott tor loqe fliji pr«»ioui (o tJi udUatoo . ,, ¦ . ¦. . ; ^ ) iii teke 1 ;. ' ¦ ' ' ' ' «IC» «S»)0 ' to ths potkboaao—Hi ' meios ba^lBgT'bfootao : : ::. •:¦ • ¦ • | - ¦ ' v ' [ ' , "V Vntlt, io uswa « ' ! •; li ex* : r .! ;.-W.;.i:- i :; . .; V -j ¦;{ n • . \ - - - ,¦<¦'¦ " ' ' 't HcbJt Bxi« on tbe Bill of Ttrti ; ¦ oanited—ha «»s la tba utblt of «le«p|n^ bsll-wtys ; . TbMblkifHtt i <3i, W»/(er^ WW«b.i P Xbtts ; $t#J P aod ardbe*, and be W»« found inarstber bad eUt« ot • ! fpffij pi Ml«b«|l if. «?^'% TwoV P-Ii .&f Pp»or, Andrtir beiltb.ld one of tbe Utter oa Saaday jAtf. ttamo kind P ' ' ' ! ¦ ¦ ~T- ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : " : • - I i ¦ • ¦ • : ¦!;• • - • ¦ ¦~ pEoplO'took huntotpebouieof» MrtflillUao:«h5io . i I ; I , * .:-?^fa« Ow*(l*««:sb ieso .si»eoded -that JtmnQpvj 1 r/ ; ' ; ^rmtMs) b« tsMfor «ofkat tb« abed; Hit Under « doctor «tieided to lbii pbyiloil, tpd Pltber Burke, - : ' : : ' ¦ ¦¦ ol | : MrO S Hmd, N.tloMl B«nk, BailloieW, b«l to bli .pjil^oaj* eW»y 8» tbeb by ofder ;2p"i i :V: - :::r^'M . 1 "- " :• {0r bniWl«»'^* 'P »'»,'i* t.hob»ok-Jf«r 0 0, "•• of ¦ " --jV " - - OoWtoltU wM eoD»ld«re<' J, sgd 'be«o eppolatad m»ot«>r of tbe O»blr Brano?.' He Dr CatUr tettf to ft*jtiorjchonfp ¦ ¦ uT.MBirdliW.toth* boifhsj nhef« bo " ¦ ^ ?/i ¦¦ '' ' " Kw aWroW oflhfa UndM of *» aui 0OMid»r it filf, Uwn of the late Mr AP^H Heard, 01, BIO, who died very 1000 »iW b;li;»da>liifon.. H»t|og be^ri t\» . - r • i6r P^le P6opi6i-:ir pi ¦ ' • resided for maey ye.™ IB Waterforf, »pd gripdwo as sao) ¦ ¦ fact* •b^iro s»ftrd, tb« Qorbatif* jur/ found >. I - : ¦' : ¦ ¦• ; Xb«3r;»ta» rwieBlawwa ,tn»t of th»lat» Mt Eoitae» Btawelt, of CaclnialDC i|il«, «w tl of (&• 1 j., . : " K»?hi«W s W-tt*»Jpi ths^deatb do* i wllore ttejtrtj'i.ioUdpr thU li ¦ Ootk.tB*forttearing SJOB» of tba ltdlfiof BiJ'loi- beinj la accordtpM nitjj ' ' v ¦ " ¦: ' ¦ HH»»tv ^M?. »bVi rswmnumd, ttj» tbe +«*er • tb» Wvdioali tatiinODj, other . jneans.- .. They |j |re V the» fifiegt • M*S* a»tb« kl« prtteotid Ut» Beard «Hb font solid Hirer than 'byXariy :. .! ^bT«*»sUd «wK*( J UwjWb«tw« tt «s4 dlat,«, u % otrk ot tbeiir »ed regard. ' Tbe Bams day tlso Cotoott fow ,jBt ! " N^J» ¦ Wo »».*bs?drtlaaw '»« » • ^Iwdifcy fi«ld id Upper Ykllof;Boad di sirlct.1 ' . ¦>: I ¦ ;¦ ¦> ik« ' B«iy, O}s«rba>or«. i»se *|e«c»pl»?e*vrprli »:|te Mre tb* . Tbj« body , ,. ; ^Ijim?, •> «!(«/ te|f.» »'* f •»]•!>«>•. «? *H.«! H««rd In •bleb wai tbat of a ftil/ dsrt^e«4'UMk u wrsppM you -must|' gefc-tiM? jff ^ , bot tbat itiji for; ^r «*»rtlon» •»eMblog 1 awt pl( ; ¦ ' : ' ; eaJeoJ^ed lpprotsotetlfe welftf«oftb* poVs ud blua abd "bite ^aW *aaM |li*m; : Too - i P^raifcil.iaad' «l«tot» #«- rttfliftfd! *•! ioiad ctd d9#a Ibtj Drr ^ijliama tb^opaniontty MPW*llf> wily, flewrftA »tr ,. B>td 6#»id. bwH|BdlpatlBjf ' lldfp f that iuffocatioahtd;tttmlM frt)l\b«)I N pi tha.ebiW ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 - r ; ' MMnwH; ^fl^ l «. ^v« L MBMB I ' -5JBi like this, or it Ui ^ ^^ ^ ' Ia ftef, Pra D»M *\art W»Mib bsf oiadj : '¦ ' ' I - '• . ¦¦' . "- :¦ ¦ ¦ 1 * f i > ! : . . : ihsiHat:.^ 3 •J:iH i : ::V ' i " Birefnr fiamlnsltoa NI h)ii art *4ULna» -rPSS!3ES¥!f#l^: !- ; }buis9b wa» fh« «faj| of 4*M«> kad i ffrdlot ) ' , '¦ waf -I I :A :):.-^ :,irfc^3iff»p :;c*^; ^ JIT fti>oir«ees,i I - • /aisr«*a fC5cr4li^qf. : ;' ; : j " - • : ¦ ^ : :r; .v . ;;; .; . : ;i- i H ¦¦ - a.m i Li as htM ^-Jtara Rt4tb«bj'«. Offie in^oiSoB' ' • . . mtOKva^A VD ; ,$xwi kd. &:" ¦ r:< 1 ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ / AM :> - - '. . I- - 'A :¦ -/.-J ; nwiiii I y ' !;:i:J . W/;:y^0' tfj\ ii iB^a Bi m&