wmm mmm&$m$w$mm it.V !a fcl 11 *i; " ' ; - ' ~ 1 ' - ° "*^ sspii^is^lf i i i i i I'. ; . '¦ i- . , - - - '1 J&:.<: • -.. - .' ; .!-- :l - v l^ * ^ aft I for: 1899 are' jounced jty, tho eatire/ffl ||-, : :' ' ¦(: "T:U "-1!-/ - 'rr«B[t- Wy ¦ f§ .\^\W &^(K>^i¦; ; : W'WmW^^y l(- ','- : Fress to be the Swmmum) 'JB.bn.um of \m £ J-: i Ii."» £' ¦- <' : 'i.^;.K ;^ AT ¦ " Cycling luxury. Ererjj- cjiclist should reid I * r '^- " r - "> !!k-^: handsomely illc-itfaie'l' BtioWlet,— '^ ^ ^^ our " All r> ^ri' ^T- ! n^ 1 i. iT ; • ;..; '[i^-r->'.v^/y^vlia About Dunlop ' Tjnies for 1899,7 which ! ; : " is sent gralis ilul pctit 'free on application. •> i l i 'h: : : :i. = j> DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO.. Ltd., 1 s The Hiiffg ; i • * ' ' ' ' .;• i—Wi- 5SM3Si(WT« ^^ Coten'.'y : 84/ Westlsnd'Ebw, - rrHiir - iBl¦ . <>F iftiiiurft - ¦ Alma "Street, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ : : . ¦ : ¦ - . ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ '' ' ' " ¦I " ¦ Eablln. - ; : ¦:: '\/ : ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ l :\ i Ji K! i: !. : . i f-M - ' MM '« •l iT w H J- f-, . :-V . Tik ' -- !- --| •Vr : ~ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ' * ¦ ' ; ; ¦ ¦:¦ '¦».!' ., . - i| , ' :i'(' " • ' * • ; 'ij^ : . i ; , : .}. :. , ..;•} .. I \ :ii . \ M\";l . - v ;«M ' : "Yfolio ilo " - -vA ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ HOo M ¦ ¦ MAE©H ifMAtL " ¦ ' ¦ *K3SDli¥, U ¦ ' ¦ i! ' * . i\- ' . i ilk . i .: I .- '(:.: : . " • ¦- !: . ! i ;. : -:; : JRISH CJIJI^ ; .gERYICE ¦ ¦; ¦ - ' ' ¦;. -•; ' ' ' ' -!. - H ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' ¦ jguiLDiNG : ^OCTETY.^ I ' ¦ \ . ¦ ¦ ¦ - - "" ¦ ' * :¦ ;¦ - : Established 1854. , Incorporated 1874. " ¦A*- . \ ..-:¦! . ii . : ' ' LOANS GBANTED OK THE;MOSTiFAVOR- :;:iav vi. : ; j " AND: | ; '! . i ABLE TERMS TO ENABLE PEBSONB-TO ¦ PAY ; : BUILD OE PDECHASE HO.TJSE.1 S OBTO. ¦ : s : : - ! - . ' -ii ' ' t: ' •< ' •? i i f.:- OFF MQBTGAGES THfcBEON.; ' -" ! ¦ •il. :: !• i 1 .I dono eaceedfl - The BaBinesa already v . 51,500,000 ¦ ¦ ' i\; ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ , : J . ; Legal Expenses Fixed wid Lloderiito. ! ; ; j ¦ ' -' ¦ DepositB received at tho follonlrig rotes ol interest, ! i ' -| !¦ • • ¦ : " ; : :• ; : i ;. .; , vj lij ;; ¦ " ¦ ¦¦ ¦ T ' ! freo of Xnoome Tax :— . ] • ' ¦ '¦- - C; , ii At Call ... .- 2 pej Qont, per(Anntta :. .. loiOnoYear... : 3 . „ ,i v : . ForTno Yoara ' 3J;, ' ;) -, ,,;. >! , .', ,-, : ' ; ¦ : j ( ¦ ' QLUB E JP , ,. iLk •! : *&»P ¦ J . addrcra ' '' ' rSppMIT'i^' infotnlatVo:! ' W. and every ' ¦ ¦ :ii%$i;^ ' • For ProBpeotnB ¦ ^f - i* I ' : i ' . 'ji -IDOAM0 ii . E0AM8 I < ) ! ^ tUtA v ALFRED H. 1U1ECEB . Secr^terj ' tfim^*^ ¦?:L: : it»te^ TRE oKiGi]j fAL. ^ - 1 ' orelin3-Street, pl^R^Mp; BRA Hi):1f £5 ]Westm¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^ -DEm^ ; ! . - Dnblin. ' ' J : ; ;;' 'imOTOIIlBRi^^f lOE:' Wrfcrford Steamship Company.. ¦ ¦ !- ¦ ' : : . 'o• ^ssS3- - iip-¦ g^E»LiCi !q- " -V ;' ;5 ;rtj ' V ¦ '^.4i S#f THE GOUTY £ EHB¦ UM1TIC ¦ /.]. I ¦ ' : • " ¦ '¦ '¦ ' K- ^ IH .f' ¦!-• ¦;" ¦' •!* -:•- ; :: ' ' . (LESnTEUJ. - ' ! . • • • ; ; '": fiiyal Saltser, : Potaaa,: ^itind t7Qt9roi '[Lsmoaado, &c i ' 1NXEHDED¦ OEDEB 07 SHhISQ~?£42CB¦ . IC3 W^Y ' : • STEAMEEai' ' , ' " ' :' oi^tag .MJIERIGAB *- LINE. - PUNBEODT. EEQINALD, COlUJBAQH, T.VRA, K?#,GIT 'AFiaj(i(>a : ;» . -Bii ! • - I. 1 MENAPUi CEEADEN, ! &o. ' ¦ '" : ¦ ' ' ' '¦ ' ¦: UNITED STATES | MAIL STEAMERS. " ' TKTOTI0E. — The Vfatwfora . • ¦:.. .. , Whichlis established now for several years a ! i , ^ •V\- . ¦¦ ' "L_ "K 1 ' I .. .; <-—^5r \ J-^l StoamBhip CompMy(Liinitsd' ^ I ' -iJF-iF «?VViv<: rocolvo GoodiaadLWo St^l fo* ^Ip. ; SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE ttt^ ^-—iccnt oa tio conlltioai ladatloaed la' : 12,^0'COKOBLLiSTEEET, WATERFORD, hotels, j ;^:| -p^ at ' 1 YOKE j ¦ ^T gaiUng Liflto , to., to Iw h^ their SOUTHAMPTON ;T0 NEW ¦I - ' ' ¦ Offices. ' . ' : . |- jon o Noon. - : MAKES Cash Advarifces frdtii ^5 upwards approved pereoiial security, with ut IMPERIAL HOTEL. i SATURDAYS at WA.TEirOED A 1IO BEI8T0L . " ' - , 't>:|g>o for Second Cabin n:on.wiiiiirQRD 10 EMBTOL. rioir BHISTOI TO irATtntonc. publicity, to Fanners, : ShbpkeipararProf&sibnal Men,;Government"Ofiidaio, uvd ^i^ji_,;J: ? HigbcJt Clasa of accommodation Friday, liar. 3... 4 p.m W^d'sdiy, Ibr. l.Ji 7 39 p.ffl otn l ' ' LOTTDE OAOKVILLE.STBEEp, DUI Lli;.:/ PasEDDgers. i ¦ ' ¦ ' Tuoifliy, - ' ; ! er8,|in aiiy . part of Ireland oa the most re^onable terms. ! Inteuding -Borrowero ^ and Steerage «„.- ' „ 7... a p.m Bitatdny, „ 4..J 9^il p.a ' ' Steerage Faro at lowest rates. Outttt Iree. Frldiy, - : „ 10...13 nooa Tliursdiy! „ 9;.i 8. n.ni y^iring a Lean will find-it to their advantage to 'apply to this Bo>zk, where all bnsinesJ (C-;— 'stis Gn::ri!rc;W)2iaiizai::: ^5A OCes Is hfc Taesiay, .„ H... 3 p.m SRlurdiv .l , 11..; 6 i p.m ' J3 t ' 't •|., ;| - *-y¦!-PM»«.« °ofi methe LcndotendonT MarWts Friday, ¦„ 17... i p.m WcdsctSi^, J5..V 7.S0 p.m rausacted with the utmost cecrecyy ariB whero every facility Iia givoa to Castbiii'era/ : THo uoa{"<KnlraHn;tIio Oily. ' , porchpdicheswoedi for cash Qad Defies Competition. SERVICE. „ ; ' ; ' LIVERPOOL-PHILADELPHIA Xacciiy, ;., 31... 2 p.m Katnrday, : ,, fl8..; B.30 p.m N° legitimate ' application-- ever^reftmed. i - ; TlRI Lju SAhPIZ^.^ID.-lIOTE Ettry WEDNESDAY. FriSav. ,, 2i..l2 noon Tlinrodij; „ 23...' v.SiB.m j j rU» j, I "*— ~ EE3ULTa Tuesday, „ 25..: *30 (f <OITPLETELYremodelled and re-furaiahod TO , PHILADELPHIA , 18... 1 p.m Si.Umlay. - p.m . .. Tli8 above Bauk ha8 nOiBranch Office and has no connection !with other institutions, LIVERPOOL Friday, ¦ : „ ?l... 3 p.o Wcdncsdt^,,,^ Si).'..'6.S0 gts j r . ^ , , *O Uc-rnlfloant triics' Coffo>Boon, Dlnlcj-Boon Celling »t Queenstown every Thomday, . ' 8JJ ¦wM c'h- 'doid ' ^d-rootfw ej^JcratD. ¦Pi>i1«dfl ! i •••> . Saturday, Apl. 1.^ p.in . are gl l&slhesB nndofvaVious trading litf cc , thoujh ;undpt the:ono uionag3mca^ Cixl¦I¦nn -Eoonirjllll C^j Pa?5PDK<rs aDd Goode are laoded at pbla ex On eatly Iloraln? Sailing, Cabins ot tin \jtcioier« will p3]ii(P!;oprioto<. l& ^ ' ' .¦ • OH/3L3EfMWI,¦ of tbo Pouusyivoniri Eallrcttd, 'wbioh ba opon to reooUo PacseBgera trriTing by tbo llight WeOl We do notfjeek from borrowers a written: Etaljmcnt of their <u?airfi,-.wliich. is de napded : . i ) j < -i j.; '. ii ~i' -7- jj , p \_f. on the WbBtf ; ; ¦ . f ' f all places trams.; ; . f - .( • . |, . ¦ ' HOTfl hoe the Shorteat and uioslDitCCt Eonte to Arorago Boa P(i£3jgo 14 to 15 Hours. ; .- :¦ by so.cnllad wealthy capilalista before they tlute their,tcL'uif!. .In:d!ealingi/ith a.lecittrnt'fa V iEN^- ¦ ¦'¦¦ ¦•• ¦-¦ > SOE^TH in tbo Western -Siatoi. —-¦-"¦ --- -F»r.r.»-<H\bln, Binglo, 15s. [ do. Kii-rle-^Chliarta (and Ser- office .it is: unnecesaary-jto disclose your private , affuirs before tarms are clearly stated. ^HE ^j !| s Co,, vant s To!Hnif • ¦ ^ Apply to Bicbatdsoc , Sponce £ Southampton ^ra, iritt Families) IOs.; 3o Eotaro (p.7atlable foi 51, NORTH OUEAT GEOBGE 'B BTEJSUlY. " - <fr & ei f iirU.^- ' -i »^AJUJU . , ; . ~ ¦ ¦ T'jo;iaon:'4a,! opUi ttnl {o'retnritroajoctoiit^ioolj,25a . Borrowers should bo , careful about ; giving a-Etatement ofj their private affairs to NOTE iiiDBE^,- : I r or Liverpool, or to -I J ' Deck iuisle, 7n. Ed, ; do Otildron i ¦ ¦ j ' '" Eqaatc), ! . r . -U. ;;i any 'fitrp, ua it may. lead to iujary|in theirbnsiuess. We c"k for no .writteu Btatumdiitirpb | : (Off Jlutland ATSEFOED—Harvpy & SOD, ll GiadGtOoe-at roat Loading Bortli—Uaaiboilauci liatin. Bristol. ; ¦ ' W ' " bo'" " : - : DBDLin. : „ • Weils t HoTohan, 87,'Qoay. -: W A TEE i 0 ED -AND L I V.li ii P 01 O h i our clisuie, but>u()riiit bur. terras immeiliately wo recoive an application, which will j ' ! n:o?x "WATTKyoBJ* - - * nou LrfKRPOoL. ., ' ;, . Ward Bros., 2. Bmonstrand-Strnet. "Wednesday, ; found a convenient and satisfactory niethod of transacting busi|nessl| \ ., - .-. :. .. ¦'¦ • Miir 1,., 4 p.m Wed'doj, Mor l.j.ia noon rTnniC flc!cot Private Hotel £3 oitmto o£/;BaMr.ad CAEBICE -ON-SOTK— Bichnrd Lindy- . Friday, „ ¦ 8... S p.m Frldny, ; » S,., 1.3U p.m 'K ' ' G P 0| TfomD, J 6nnday j, CH . 7-o,m ' JHoaday, „ ?..; 4.S) p.m i J. ..J. ; you are . seeking; a Loanj we nould nsk you, before finally concloding negotintionB JL Square, cloaa to Beckvlllrf SlrrOt . CLONIIEL— P Nusent, 75, Main-mcpr. I ' CcCoe,Oom'a3>rolal, - ' Wedncalsy „ 8... S p.ia - Wcd'dtj', ,,; »... 7 JO p.m I with another! offico, to coropuro jand ijtudy our terms, when you wiil fin4 that the facilities clo., C^btolDO spleaOul DraniDfr, lu iuMeoGOcj (Bvocw DOUQAD VAK~ J iCnlliittoi Tb6 Squoro. ;: : i'ridsy,-. ,( 10... .8 p.m 1'tiiay, j ,. 10.-.-9 ¦ B.m nn^ otc. - H^i ini Cold ¦ \ and ZPvutoiotob ca©coftc£38 1 ^ , ' '¦ - aro offering the pnblic ara the most liberal , ., ' Lfornlaij Boom, j-V/ttiiog fioom , CAPPOQUIN—W Jones Troy. Sl/Allen-sttaeti Sa^day, , ! „ 13... 7 a.m lloadayi „ IS.^U . a.m : whjch. ^lo ctraigh(jEori7ardii. Ireland. ' " ' pf/f ct. 1 7jr«t-<*bw --•»-- "¦•-" —-8 - Wcdn'day' 1 ' IS... 4 p.m • We l'daj; „ 15J13- noon I- ' ' ¦ Ci',bc, ' Ci^H' JrT Brao(ffl6l, Jt^ •' . •cnd---i4| --PA^aiOliMJTIlI53Trrrrrrrrj^^ . Q BAIOUK —Jobn Morpby, Groeef, „ ' ' ¦ : '¦ ' ¦: '-") ',; ^sootlicj. Friday ' 1 ,,.1J... 6 p.m .- :Frid»y, , ,, 17.^ 1 p.m(| ; ; , :¦#0R PROSPECTUS¦ AND ffRESS^ib^iN'tOKM -V^iAPP^ -! - , • - ., \' Ci£:U 3.'Uc'^ririUiilff. Sl'^rJA'i'.et, f CO"" PROVISIONS Nsw Eo»s—W Monto.; . Sunday,. : .' '.. ,, 19... 7 , »jn- . ilofldaj, „ 2 ._4.30 )¦ ¦ ' ¦ : Ar «, PATRICK 6TBEET. i .»' : ,. -;¦¦: , • .• - . J - . ' Ilanc soiV ' 1 i Tno^A5Towt;—M Wwtcro»n, Cburch-ptreor. , WedutsaBJ. , v C-2... 3 pro' Weddtj-, \, tl'.J,T p.m ' . ;. vi .[, ;. ii PbWEE, "" i T0UBI8TS TO IBELAl^D 1 - • ' ' ' j j WZXPOBB—W TimpBOD , Main-Btxeet. '• ' ' Friday, ,,'2»... 8 p.m Friday, ;' i, it..> 9 tt.ra <:ecUc:J Sunday ' : • ¦ „
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