A Briefing on the San Joaquin River Restoration Program

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A Briefing on the San Joaquin River Restoration Program A Briefing on the San Joaquin River Restoration Program by Gary Pitzer, Water Education Foundation 2 Editor’s Note: This special publication was produced by the Water Education Foundation to provide the public with information on a major river restoration project underway in California – the San Joaquin River Restoration Program. The 2009 federal legislation authorizing this comprehensive program followed a 2006 settlement in a two-decade court fight over providing water downstream of Friant Dam to support a salmon fishery. The San Joaquin River settlement established two primary goals: restoring robust, self- sustaining populations of salmon and other fish below Friant Dam and minimizing the water supply impacts to farmers. In 2009 the first restoration flows were released from Friant Dam down the San Joaquin River and in 2010 the river was reconnected to the Merced River. But restoration of this much-changed river must go beyond adding water – reshaping the San Joaquin is a substantial undertaking, involving significant structural changes. And federal officials and others involved in the program are striving to restore the river with as little adverse impact on local farms as possible – not an easy task. Bringing back the historic Chinook salmon fishery also is a complex task and will require the use of a fish hatchery in the early part of this program until a naturally producing population can take hold. It is – and will continue to be – a fascinating program and we will continue to follow it in the years ahead through our publications, videos and other programs. We hope this online publication can help you understand the basics behind the restoration process. For more in-depth information, please visit the San Joaquin River Restoration Program website, www.restoresjr.net. – Rita Schmidt Sudman, Executive Director, Water Education Foundation Editor: Sue McClurg Writer: Gary Pitzer Editorial Assistance: Robin Douglas Photo Credits: Kathy Bishop California Department of Water Resources California Farm Bureau Federation The mission of the Water Robin Douglas Friant Water Users Authority Education Foundation, Sue McClurg Rod Meade, San Joaquin River Restoration Program an impartial, nonprofit Fish Reproduction Graphic: Courtesy of Bureau of Reclamation Publication Design: Graphic Communications organization, is to create © Copyright 2011 Water Education Foundation a better understanding of 717 K Street, Suite 317 water resources and foster Sacramento, CA 95814 public understanding and Phone: (916) 444-6240 resolution of water resource Fax: (916) 448-7699 issues through facilitation, www.watereducation.org education and outreach. www.aquafornia.com 3 Introduction Once home to the nation’s an estimated cost approaching $1 largest spring-run Chinook salmon billion – began in earnest. population, the San Joaquin River But water alone won’t do the job was dammed in 1942 and most of of restoring the altered river. its water was diverted north and “The first major projects that south to farms and cities on the we have to complete have to do east side of the San Joaquin Valley. with channel capacity,” said Jason The region became one of the most Phillips, former manager of the res- productive agricultural regions toration program for Reclamation’s in the world but the river’s flow Mid-Pacific Region. “We have essentially ended 30 miles down- sections of the river that have been stream of Friant Dam – drying encroached by farming, that have The San Joaquin River up most of a 60-mile stretch of not conveyed water except during river and effectively cutting off high flood events, that need to be settlement established the salmon from their historic rehabilitated, that need levees con- two primary goals: spawning grounds. structed and set back, that need the In 1988, environmentalists filed channel to be improved or cleared, restoring robust, suit to require some water to be and we have structures in the river self-sustaining released downstream to restore a that need to either be bypassed or salmon run. After nearly 20 years rehabilitated so that they can pass populations of salmon of litigation, a settlement was flows and salmon.” and other fish below announced between a coalition of The San Joaquin River settle- environmental and fishing groups, ment established two primary Friant Dam and including the Natural Resources goals: restoring robust, self- minimizing the water Defense Council (NRDC), the sustaining populations of salmon federal Bureau of Reclamation and other fish below Friant Dam supply impacts to (Reclamation) and the Friant Water and minimizing the water supply farmers Users Authority (FWUA), a joint- impacts to farmers. After so many powers authority consisting of 29 years in which most of the water water districts, to restore the river. went to agriculture, the restora- Congressional implementation of tion agreement will establish a new the settlement, including planning, basis for releases from Friant Dam environmental studies, and other and Millerton Reservoir. Prior to activities, were authorized in the the settlement, Friant Dam water San Joaquin River Restoration Act releases dried up about below the (Act), approved in 2009 (Public dam at Gravelly Ford until water Law 111-11.) was reintroduced to the riverbed at In October 2009, the first res- the Mendota Pool. toration flows were released from (Located 40 miles downstream Friant Dam down the San Joaquin of Friant Dam, Mendota Pool is River and in 2010 the river was where water is returned to the San reconnected to the Merced River Joaquin riverbed from a distant and, subsequently, the Sacramento- source – the Sacramento River. San Joaquin Delta. Past history was The Sacramento River water is no longer prologue and restora- delivered south from the Delta via tion of the San Joaquin River – at the 117-mile long Delta-Mendota 4 Canal to the pool, a historic diver- (CVP) is delivered. A bypass will sion point for irrigation water be built around the pool or the used by the Miller and Lux Corp. dam will be moved upstream to Here the Delta-Mendota Canal’s allow salmon to migrate. The lower remaining water is released to reaches of the river require substan- replace San Joaquin flows that tial upgrading to ensure adequate have been diverted by the Madera flood protection. and Friant-Kern canals. The water Flood capacity in this area is is then delivered to the historic a big concern, and Reclamation riparian diverters now known as the officials say improving the capacity “exchange contractors.”) of the stretch of the San Joaquin Initial studies indicated that River from Gravelly Ford to restoring the river would result in Mendota Dam needs $100 million the loss of 15 percent, on aver- to $300 million in improvements. age, of the water that had been “This is a significant investment in diverted to the Friant service area. flood capacity in the system and Officials hope that will be less as I don’t think that should be lost,” the program is fully implemented. Phillips said. “This is a very degrad- Supporters of the settlement believe ed flood control system. It doesn’t the amount of the river flow dedi- work very well.” cated for restoration is not a lot of Local flood control agencies water in the overall picture of the believe the system functions as San Joaquin Valley. According to it was intended but issues such Reclamation, approximately 42,000 as levee foundation seepage and acre-feet of the interim flows was channel capacity degradation recaptured and stored in San Luis from sediment buildup and heavy Reservoir in 2010 for recircula- vegetation encroachment need to tion back to the Friant contractors. be addressed. “These concerns are Some 260,000 acre-feet of water being exacerbated by the restora- was released. tion program for which the pro- Those additional flows in what gram needs to address, but has was once a dry river have the not yet done so,” said Reggie Hill, potential to effect farms alongside manager of the Lower San Joaquin the San Joaquin River. The irriga- Levee District. tion districts that serve these areas Thus far, water has been released are outside the FWUA and were not to the river for experimental and data subject to the litigation; nor were collection efforts. The major river they involved in the negotiations restoration efforts and full restora- that led to the restoration plan. tion flows are anticipated by 2013 Reshaping the San Joaquin is a with salmon introduced at that time. substantial undertaking, involving Riparian and aquatic restoration is significant structural changes. More targeted to be completed by 2016. than 10 miles of the existing river The agreement runs through 2026 channel will be widened leading up but may be extended indefinitely. to the Mendota Pool – where water Total cost for the implementation is from the Central Valley Project $720 million, provided by a measure 5 carried by Sens. Dianne Feinstein Vorster acknowledged “it will and Barbara Boxer as part of an take patience and letting the water omnibus public lands bill. flow,” but said that other areas such After so many years in which as Putah Creek, Butte Creek and most of the water went to agricul- Clear Creek have demonstrated fish ture, the restoration agreement will runs can be re-established and/or cause a new basis of releases from revitalized. Millerton Reservoir. For “third The preparation for salmon parties” the settlement and subse- will include barriers in the river at quent legislation include provisions Salt and Mud sloughs to prevent designed to address any third party migrating fish from mistakenly impacts. turning up those waterways to “I truly believe Third parties will not have to spawn and a new hatchery. involuntarily pay to implement the Jeff McLain, fishery biologist [the salmon] will terms of the settlement nor will with the National Marine Fisheries come back.” state and local agencies be obligated Service, said the goal of the restora- to undertake restoration activities.
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