To: Highland South Planning Councillors Highland North Planning Councillors cc: Mr , Prime Minister Ms , First Minister of the Ms Eileen McLeod, Scottish Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ms , Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party Mr , Convenor of the Scottish Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee Mr , UK Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ms Liz Truss, UK Environment Secretary Mr Fergus Ewing, my MSP, also Scottish Minister for Energy Mr , my MP Mr David Coburn, my MEP Ms Caroline Flint, UK Shadow Secretary for Energy and Climate Change Mr Tom Greatrex, UK Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change Mr , Leader of the Party Ms Claudia Beamish, Scottish Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change Mr , Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats Mr , Scottish Lib Dem Spokesperson for Environment Mr , Co-convenor of the Scottish Green Party Mr Graham Stringer, MP Mr Owen Paterson, MP Mr Roger Helmer, MEP Viscount Ridley Ms Liz Macdonald, Nairn council leader Mr Will Evans, Cairn Duhie Action Group Ms Brenda Herrick, Caithness Windfarm Information Forum Mr John Graham, Windfarmaction Ms Susan Crosthwaite, European Platform Against Windfarms Against Spin The John Muir Trust The Taxpayers’ Alliance The Salvation Army Chamber of Commerce Ken McCorquodale, Highland Council Principal Planner Professor Richard Tol, Sussex University Chair of Economics of Climate Change Dr Peter Lee, Principal Lecturer in Ethics and Political Theory Professor Dieter Helm, Oxford Chair of Energy Policy The Scientific Alliance Mr Benny Peiser, Global Warming Policy Foundation Mr Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill Mr Euan Mearns, Energy Matters Mr Paul Homewood, Not A Lot Of People Know That Mr Anthony Watts, Watts Up With That Ms Donna MacAllister, Inverness Courier Mr David Rose, Mail on Sunday Mr Christopher Booker, Telegraph Mr Alistair Munro, The Scotsman

Dear Highland Planning Councillors, The Climate Change Act is Based on Junk Science My provocatively named paper The Climate Change Act is Based on Junk Science is the latest in my campaign to persuade you to reject the Highland South planning application for the Cairn Duhie wind farm. As you will see it has much wider significance than just Cairn Duhie, which is why I have also addressed it to your Highland North colleagues (64 of you in total). My paper contains no technical arguments on how useless wind power is as a source of national electricity supply. Instead it focuses solely on exposing the UN IPCC’s deliberate manipulation and misrepresentation of climate science. It challenges the entire basis on which the UK is planning to spend many hundreds of billions of pounds over coming decades on impossible climate change mitigation. It provides a synthesis of publicly available facts, carefully researched and referenced and presented in layman’s language to explain why the climate science presented to governments by the IPCC is not fit for purpose. I urge you to take the time to read it. The IPCC’s theory of global warming caused by man-made greenhouse gases is seriously flawed. Man-made global warming is a problem which only exists inside the IPCC’s failed computer climate models. The predictions of these models correlate extremely poorly with real world climate observations which show that, excluding observed natural warming effects and allowing for fiddled official temperature data, there has been no global warming to speak of since 1950, the year when man-made greenhouse gas global warming allegedly started to “take off” according to the IPCC. My paper presents undisputed publicly available evidence to substantiate this. For reasons which are difficult to fathom as they are never properly explained, our governments accept the biassed IPCC advice apparently without undertaking any due diligence on it from independent, unbiased sources and use this flawed IPCC advice as justification for their ruinous and futile climate and energy policies. These policies are driving the despoliation of our landscapes and seascapes with inefficient, expensive wind turbines and other so-called renewables, worsening fuel poverty particularly for the least well off and damaging the competitiveness of our industries and hence employment prospects, all for negligible, unmeasurable climate benefit. In November I sent an earlier version of this paper to the Westminster and Holyrood politicians copied on this email (apart from Jim Murphy and David Cameron). This updated version includes some additions and clarifications but the key difference from the original is a new postscript which reproduces and analyses the responses to that earlier version which I received from these politicians. If you read the postscript I hope you will agree that the politicians’ responses are totally inadequate and unacceptable, especially given that implementation of the UK Climate Change Act is costing at least £18 billion per year in these times of austerity. Not one of these politicians made any attempt to challenge any of my evidence. Their responses were mostly unsubstantiated assertions and meaningless, often false mantras and clichés, typical of the “fobbing off” I have received for years on all such political “climate change” correspondence. Despite my un-refuted evidence that the IPCC’s climate science advice is not fit for purpose, my efforts as a lone campaigner are getting nowhere against the politicians’ stone-walling. May I respectfully suggest that you collectively might be able to demand a better response from them? Maybe some of you feel that you have been put into an uncomfortable position, being expected to “rubber stamp” the government’s climate and energy policies by consenting wind farms which you personally think, as I do, are actually a very bad idea. It seems to me that our politicians are either deliberately taking us all for fools or have gullibly swallowed a seriously flawed theory which is leading us to disaster. Either way they are serving us very badly. You owe it to yourselves and your local electorate to demand that they explain themselves better. I respectfully suggest that you collectively ask them to provide credible explanation, which means without resorting to unsubstantiated assertions, clichés and appeals to the authority of the duplicitous UN IPCC, as to why we should continue down their chosen path of hopelessly ineffective full-speed ahead de-industrialising of the economy, at an estimated total cost of £1.3 trillion, justified by nothing more than the UN IPCC’s deliberate political misrepresentation of the science. If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me. Yours faithfully, Douglas S Brodie, Nairn PS: See this recent Energy Matters article and especially the 10:02 am expert comment beneath it from Leo Smith, who set up Gridwatch, for a simple explanation of why wind power is a “triple-whammy” disaster - but not for David Cameron’s father-in-law!