The materials listed in this document are available for research at the University of Record Series Number Illinois Archives. For more information, email
[email protected] or search for the record series number. 15/35/51 Liberal Arts and Sciences Russian and East European Center Philip E. Mosely Collection, 1922-1972 Box Page Contents 1-2 Vita 3 Provenance 4 Subject Index 5-10 Name Index 11-23 Personal 1 24 College, trip to USSR and Eastern Europe, marriage to Ruth Bissell, World War II Memberships, Awards 2 25 Clippings, Photographs, Obituaries 3 25-26 General Correspondence, Chronological, 1951-70 4-7 26-34 Russian Institute Correspondence, alphabetical, 1963-70 7 34-36 Individual Correspondence 7-9 37-39 Curriculum vitae 1960-68, and recommendations, 1954, 1956-65 10 39 Government Service War Documentation Project 11 40-41 Eastern Industrial Security Board, 1954 12 41-43 Armed Forces 13 43-45 State Department 14 45 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 14 45 Chamber of Commerce 15 45 Council on Foreign Relations 15 45 Bilderberg Group 15 46 Dartmouth Conferences 16 46-47 U.S. - Soviet Exchange 17 47 Travel 17 47-48 Ford Foundation 18 48-49 Social Science Research Council 18 49 Rand Corporation 19 49-50 Rockefeller Foundation 20 50 East European Fund 21-23 50 Chekhov Publishing House 23 53 Chekhov Books 24-34 53-56 Communist Party of the Soviet Union Research Project 35-39 56-64 Invitations 39 64 Lectures 39-40 64-65 Course Materials 41 65 American Council of Learned Societies 42 65 European Institute 42-43 65-66 Columbia University 43 66 Articles and Reviews 43-44 66-68 Bibliography and Publications 45 69-84 15/35/51 2 Box Page Research General, Sack-Seligman, Romania, 46 84-85 Balkans Travel, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania, Yugoslavia, Zudrugas 47 85 Baker-Bliss, Miller 47 85 Photographs 48 85-86 Oversize photographs, awards, diplomas OS-5 24 and 87 OS-25 15/35/51 3 Vita: Philip E.