Throughout the course of this campaign, I have had the privilege to observe, from a front row seat, a primary field widely felt to be among the strongest democratic fields we have had. And the privilege to get to know a group of candidates who are not only talented and capable public servants, but are also genuinely good and likable people.

Even in this exceptional field, one candidate stood out for his strength, his ability to think on his feet, and his ready connection with Wisconsinites from all walks of life. That candidate is Matt Flynn.

Matt Flynn has strong roots in . His father taught at the University of Wisconsin-. His wife Mary grew up in Monroe, Wisconsin. Matt attended law school at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and returned home to practice law in Milwaukee.

Matt Flynn is a proven leader. During his tenure as chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, the party retired its debt, elected a Democratic Governor, and Democrats took majorities in both houses of the State Legislature.

Most importantly, Matt Flynn's story is the American story. He went to school on scholarships, working in the kitchen of the dining hall to help pay his way. After college he joined the Navy, serving our nation to contain the power of Soviet totalitarianism and protect our freedom. These are the experiences that shaped him, and prepared him for a successful career in law and a track record of proven leadership in public life. And it's these experiences that have prepared him to be a Governor who will be committed to expanding American opportunity. A Governor who will bring our state together and achieve results for the people of Wisconsin.

For these reasons, I'm proud to endorse Matt Flynn for .

To learn more about Matt and to get involved in his campaign, please visit his website at
