in Easter in England n pr otect them otect Designed and produced by cellcreative 01942 681648 01942 cellcreative by produced and Designed needs your help if we ar we if help your needs to to e ed in England No 2206468 Register 2206468 No England in ed Register ed Charity No 254937 254937 No Charity ed Butterfly Conservation Conservation Butterfly Photographs by Paul Pugh and Bernard Watts. Bernard and Pugh Paul by Photographs Text edited by Sharon Hearle. Sharon by edited Text Awards for All, Heritage Lottery Fund Fund Lottery Heritage All, for Awards Produced by Butterfly Conservation with support from from support with Conservation Butterfly by Produced c 1 4 9 0 F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 6 Telephone: 0870 774 4309 Email:
[email protected] Email: 4309 774 0870 Telephone: in eastern england eastern in Manor Y Manor ar East Lulworth W Lulworth East d ar eham Dorset BH20 5QP BH20 Dorset eham Head Office Head silver-studded blues silver-studded conserving Silver-studded Blues in Eastern England Silver-studded Blue underside The Silver-studded Blue is a typical butterfly of lowland heath fluttering and shimmering over purple heather and yellow gorse through the hottest days of high summer. The Silver-studded Blue is a special and fascinating species known to have a close relationship with ants at all stages of its lifecycle. The size of colonies is very variable and ranges from less than 100 to several 1000 adults but most colonies are small.