CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI - 600 025 Telephone : + 91-44-2235 7354/2235 7366 Dr.K.P. JAYA Fax : + 91-44-2220 1213 DIRECTOR Email :
[email protected] [email protected] Lr.No.CFR/ADMN/JUL/2021 Date: 07.07.2021 CIRCULAR ADMISSION TO Ph.D PROGRAMME JULY 2021 SESSION The online interview for admission to Ph.D. programme for July 2021 session is scheduled to be conducted tentatively from 19th July 2021. The date of the interview, the interview code number and the link for attending the interview will be sent to the candidates in due course of time. The list of eligible candidates for interview is given below. The candidates are advised to possess Laptop / PC with webcam and mike / Mobile Phone and uninterepted internet facility. The candidate need to present his/her credentials and research proposal through a powerpoint presentation (15 slides). The template of the presentation can be downloaded by clicking the link given below. The candidate has to prepare the PPT as per the template and upload the PDF version of the same in the CFR website by using their registered email-id and reference number. This facility is made available to the candidates from 12.07.2021 to 15.07.2021 The candidates are also advised to upload the proof of experience as single pdf file and the first page of published journal papers (only best two papers) as single pdf file while uploading the PPT. PPT Template for Ph.D. admission Guidelines to the Candidates Sd/- DIRECTOR (RESEARCH) List of shortlisted Ph.D.